Microsoft word table of contents.

13.03.2018 Computers

We can help you write the correct content for your thesis or term paper. Our specialists, based on the topic you choose, will select a content structure that will make it easier for you to write your paper.

And most importantly, such content will fully reveal the topic, which is the main requirement for content.

The entire process of work depends on how competently you write the content for your future coursework. When choosing a topic, you need to consider the availability of materials based on what you will write.

The topic you choose should be relevant today, have theoretical and practical implications.

Simultaneously with the preference of the topic, it is rational, without delay, to determine the main purposes and ideas that will be developed in the work, and begin to draw up a preliminary plan. At the initial stage, it represents an outline of the study, which can later change, acquiring more specific outlines.

Be sure to agree on the final version of the content with your manager. course work. All content questions must have a logical connection with each other, each previous stage (point) must determine the subsequent one and provide an answer to the established question, in other words, reveal the essence of the topic.

All requirements for the content of the course work have a strict sequence:

The plan should contain questions that fully cover the topic and concentrate on the work plan;

Questions are not allowed, the answers to which are contained to some extent or entirely in previous or subsequent paragraphs of the work;

You cannot introduce questions that detail a more general question without first introducing the content of the general question provided;

For example, here is a correctly written topic: Administrative punishment, the procedure for its imposition.

1. Concept and purposes of administrative punishment....................................5
1.1 The concept of administrative punishment...................................5
1.2 Purposes of administrative punishment...................................11
2. System and types of administrative penalties............................................15
2.1 System of administrative penalties............................................15
2.2 Types of administrative penalties............................................18
3. The procedure for imposing administrative penalties....................................25
3.1 Principles of imposing administrative penalties..................................25
3.2 Circumstances mitigating and aggravating administrative liability.28
3.3 Limitation periods for imposing administrative penalties and their repayment period.29

How to write content in Word (Microsoft Word)

Program Microsoft Word helps to automatically create the content (table of contents) of the coursework based on the headings of its sections and subsections. Let's proceed directly to how this can be done; for example, let's take any document that includes two sections and several subsections.

1.When starting the process of creating a table of contents, you first need to highlight the headings of sections and subsections using styles. Select the Home tab in the main menu, then on the ribbon in the Styles group, click on the icon in the red square located in the lower right corner as shown in the figure.

2 Initially, select each of the sections in turn (as in the figure) and select the list of available styles in the window that opens by the name of the selected style (for example, Heading 2). Next, these headings are assigned the style Heading 2. Then, in a similar way, we assign the style Heading 3 to all subheadings, etc.

3. Place the cursor at the place in the document where the table of contents is placed accordingly. Select the "Links" tab in the main menu, then on the ribbon, in the Table of Contents group, click on the Table of Contents item.

4 From the drop-down list with a list of table of content types, select, for example, “Auto-assembled table of contents 1”.

5 As a result, its table of contents, formed on the basis of sections and subsections, is inserted into a given place.

The video shows how to make automatic content (table of contents) in Word 2003, 2007, 2010, 2016

Microsoft Office Word is one of the most convenient tools for creating text documents, thanks to many options for automating what previously would have taken you a long time to enter and adjust manually. If you are creating a large file with a lot of text, then for more convenient orientation in it, the best solution would be to insert the content. So, you can always find out the page number of a particular block, chapter and subsection. But such documents may unexpectedly lose their formatting settings as a result of some system error, or transferring the document to another computer, or even changing the version of the Word program. You will learn how to correct and align the contents of a Word file in this article.

How to create smooth content in Word

  • If your file initially has uneven content or no content at all, then returning the formatting will not be difficult.
  • Go to the “Links” tab in the program header and select the “Table of Contents” window in the left corner.

  • You will see many content templates in Word document, but it’s better to select a detailed setting by clicking on the “Table of Contents…” line at the very bottom of this list.

  • In the window that appears, check the box next to the phrase “Show page numbers”, and for a neater look, select “Page numbers aligned to the right”.
  • Optionally, click on the “Placeholder” line to customize the characters that will be located between the chapter title and the page number. By default, the dots will be highlighted.
  • Click "OK" to complete.

  • Confirm your intention by selecting the “yes” box.

  • Now you see the newly compiled content of the text. If you don’t see any of the items, make sure that you set the header parameters on it correctly. If this is a new section, then you should select the “Heading 1” field, if it is a sub-item of any section, then “Heading 2” and so on.

Thus, you have created new content with an even list of pages. But it happens that your table of contents gets lost after transferring a file to another version of the program or due to an unsuccessful save. In this case, the next step will help you figure it out.

How to align content in Word - how to customize content

  • If your table of contents settings are messed up, follow a few simple steps to troubleshoot the problem.

  • Double-click the content area. It will automatically be fully selected.

  • Click on the table of contents header with the words “Update Table”.

  • In the window that appears, select “Update Entirely” and click “OK”.

  • The program will re-analyze the number of your headings, based on this you will receive a new, even content of the text.

How to align content in Word if one point is missing

  • To correct only one line in the content, select it with the left mouse button.

  • Right-click on the selected area and click on “Update Field”.

Now you know how to correct errors in Microsoft Office Word content and create a beautiful table of contents with page numbers.