Design of the title page according to GOST sample. Design of the title page of the course work according to GOST.

07.12.2018 Computers


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The first page of the document has its own unique design, which every student must adhere to. After all, the title page of the abstract is the face of all the work done and it creates the first impression (negative or positive) on the examiner. If the first page is formatted incorrectly, then the reviewer, without even reading the text, will send the document for revision.

The title page of the abstract is drawn up according to two main state standards:

  1. GOST 7.32-2001 – “Report on research work”. This applies to research work, which is an abstract. In this section, all the necessary requirements are well described and students must adhere to them when preparing the main page of the work. That is, what exactly should be on the title.
  2. GOST 2.105-95 - as a rule, they say ESKD, but the full document is called: “ one system design documentation". This state standard is valid not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. Here are the general requirements for any text documents. That is, the student will read what the title page format should be, how to write the name of the university, student and teacher information, etc.

Teachers at some universities are not guided by GOSTs, but create manuals that spell out the requirements for the entire essay, including the first page of the essay.

Still, according to GOSTs it is easier to prepare documents, since even if students did something incorrectly according to the manual, the teacher will not be able to object, since the student adhered to state standards.

Rules for the design of the title page

Despite the fact that university teachers create manuals with their own requirements, there are certain rules that must be followed in any case. Before you create title page abstract, you need to set the margin sizes: right - at least 1.5 cm, left - 3 cm, and top and bottom 2 cm, respectively.

However, it is better to learn these nuances at the department, since the teacher can change the requirements and deviate from state standards.

The title page of the main page of the document for each student should contain the following data:

  • Country name (not always);
  • full or abbreviated name of the department. The reviewer should be consulted about this;
  • name of the discipline;
  • topic of scientific work;
  • data of the student (the author who wrote the work). All data must be indicated in full, that is, full name, course or group number;
  • author's training form. A student can study full-time, part-time or evening;
  • reviewer data, that is, position (required) and full last name, first name, patronymic;
  • the city where the student studies;
  • year of document release.

You should also remember that the abstract must be numbered from the first page, but the page number is not indicated on the title page.

It is worth noting that not a single GOST regulates the font, that is, the type and size are not specified. As a rule, teachers themselves say which font to use, usually Times New Roman, font size 14. Therefore, before you start writing your work, you need to consult your reviewer, who will be accepting the work, about this.

Procedure for preparing the title page of an abstract

Don't know how to format the title page of an essay? If the teacher has not indicated his requirements, then the student can independently draw up the document according to GOST.

To begin with, you can conditionally divide the A4 sheet into 4 parts. These are the top, center, right and bottom, and in each of them adhere to certain requirements.

In the first upper part in capital letters in the center it is written: MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE RF. Capitalization and font must be taken into account. However, this must be discussed in advance with the teacher, since such writing is not specified in GOST, but many universities require this structure of the main page of the abstract. On the next line is written the name of the university and below the name of the department in quotation marks. We present an example for clarity:

The second part is located in the center of the A4 sheet. Here the word “ABSTRACT” is written only in capital letters, and after it the subject and topic of the scientific work is indicated. For example:

The third block should be aligned to the right, where the data of the students (group, full name) and the inspector (position and full name) are written. The position of the teacher must be indicated:

And the last, fourth block, although small, is no less important. It is placed at the very bottom of the page and must be centered. Here you can indicate the city in which the university is located and the year the scientific work was published. It is worth remembering: if the essay is due at the end of December, then you need to indicate the next year. The example shows that only the name of the city and the year are written. It is very important to note that the period is not placed anywhere.

Of course, title pages often differ from each other. It all depends on the specific university and its requirements. Some teachers ask that the design of the title page of the essay comply with all GOST standards, while others want to see work written exclusively according to the manual.

The title page of an essay is completed quickly and easily if the student knows all the necessary rules. Here the requirements are minimal, but it is very important to correctly indicate the details of not only the university or department, but also the teacher.

The article looked at how to correctly format the title page of an abstract in accordance with all GOST standards. When writing a paper, it is very important to consider the design of the first page. However, we should not forget that universities often deviate at least a little from GOST, so it is better to still consult with your reviewer and then start writing an essay.

Today, not only an institute or college student, but every schoolchild is faced with the need to complete an essay. Such research is a presentation of information from various sources on any topic. What should a performer pay attention to when writing such a work?

She's like anyone treatise, is written in accordance with the following rules:

  • a specific research structure;
  • correct design (according to GOST);
  • and many others.

All these issues will be covered in this review.

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Correct formatting of the abstract, like other requirements, is very important. Any good report consists of certain structural elements - title, content, introductory part and many others. It is very important that all these components are present in the study. This article will discuss the title of the essay and the questions that very often arise among students and schoolchildren when completing it:

  • What is a title card?
  • What exactly should be in the title?
  • How to format the title page of an essay?
  • What are the rules for designing a title page?
  • Where can I see a sample of the title page of an essay?

Let's look at these questions in more detail.

What is a title card?

The first page of any report is mandatory - it is impossible to imagine such work without a title. This structural element performs an informative function - anyone who reads the work, having seen the title page, should understand where and by whom the research was carried out, what its topic is, and who is the examiner.

What does the title page of an abstract look like? Any main page of a report consists of the following required fields:

  • The educational institution is located at the top.
  • The type of work and subject matter are in the center.
  • Author, reviewer and reviewer details are on the right.
  • Information about the city and year is below.

Let's consider the listed components in more detail.

Educational establishment. The full name of the school, college or institute must be provided here. If the research work is carried out at a university, then it is necessary to indicate the department where the teacher who issued the assignment works.

Type of work and subject - in in this case It is important to write that the research performed is an abstract and indicate the topic.

Author, reviewer and reviewer details

The performer's data is the last name, first name, patronymic, group and course (if the author is a student) or class (if the author is a schoolchild). Information about the inspector is the last name, first name, patronymic and position. When a work has a reviewer, his last name, first name, patronymic and position are written.

If everything is clear with the personalities of the performer and the reviewer, then with the candidacy of the reviewer everything is not so clear. Therefore, the questions arise: “Who is this?” and “When should it be indicated?”

A reviewer is a person who writes brief description report (review).

Typically only higher education institutions require this, so students do not need to list the reviewer in the title. A review of the work should be written by a teacher who is fairly well versed in the topic of the work, but has nothing to do with its implementation.

City and year - here you need to indicate the year the work was written and the city where the educational institution is located.

How should the title page of an abstract be formatted?

For the report, it is important that all its components are written in accordance with GOST. This is a document containing a list of certain rules by which any scientific work is prepared.

How to properly design a title card? Basic rules for performing work title according to GOST 2017:

  • How to print text? As with other study components, this section primarily uses 14-point Times New Roman. The exception is the type of research and topic - they can be written in size 18. In addition, when writing the first page of a report, you can only use black font color.
  • How to format an abstract and title – fields. All margins except the left one should be 2 centimeters. Left margin - 3 centimeters.
  • How to design a title page - alignment. Information about the performer, reviewer, and reviewer (if any) is aligned to the right. All other text is centered.
  • Numbering. Where should the title be made? The printed text must be done in Word. The created title does not need to be numbered.

When answering the question of how to make a title page, it is enough to highlight the topic and type of report; they are signed in capital letters. In addition, topics may be written in bold font. Below are options for downloading the example.

An example of the title page of an abstract

It’s no secret that it’s easier and faster to write a title page if you have it in front of your eyes. good example. But where can you get a good template? A sample title page can be found:

Alternatively, you can download the cover page online. To do this, in the search bar of your browser you need to type: “title page for the abstract sample” or “title page of the report according to GOST 2017 sample.” After this, you just need to download the form and fill it out. In addition, you can download the entire work - to do this, write in the search: “sample abstract”.

The design of the title page is a very important point when writing any work, be it a diploma, project or report. This article discussed the main points regarding how to correctly design a title page.

The design of the title page according to GOST is regulated by standard 2.105-95. It was adopted in 1995 and to this day is the main standard for how to design the title page of an essay and other works (coursework, dissertations, tests).

This GOST is valid in all CIS countries, including:

  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Ukraine
  • Kazakhstan

Download title page samples.

Margin size for title page:

  • left margin: 30 mm;
  • right margin: 10 mm;
  • top margin: 20 mm;
  • bottom margin: 20 mm.

What font should be on the title page.

The guest specifies font size 14 for all fields except the title and title of the work. Typically Times New Roman or another sans serif font.

All data except student information is centered.

Instructions - 6 steps for correct design of the title page in accordance with GOST.

Depending on whether you make a title page for a test, coursework, dissertation or essay, the completeness of the information will differ. But there are a number of mandatory data that are indicated for each job.

The title page heading contains the name of the ministry and educational institution.

Step 1. Ministry of Education

We indicate the Ministry of Education of your country (14 font, capital letters)

Step 2. Uni.

Next is the full name and form of ownership of the educational institution (14 font, capital letters)

Step 3. Department.

After this, indicate the department (14 font)

Step 4. Type of work.

After this, depending on the type of work, in capital letters (16 font, Bold):





Step 5. Theme of the work.

Full topic name, classic spelling, 16 font, bold, lowercase

Step 6. Details of the contractor and inspector

Details of the performer and inspector for various works are designed differently, but always have a font size of 14 and are written in lowercase. Here are some examples

○ Sample for thesis

○ Sample for coursework

○ Sample for test

○ Essay sample

Can the grade be reduced for incorrect title deeds?

The design of the title page is an important point on any subject and is part of the regulatory control.

If a teacher has accepted a work in which the title page is incorrectly formatted, he does not have the right to reduce the score for this, because in this case, the work has been reviewed and approved by a reviewer.

Which universities is it suitable for?

These rules are GOST. Therefore, they are universal and suitable for any university in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries.

If you fundamentally do not want to redo it when the teacher requires it, you can refer to GOST 2.105-95. which clearly states for whom and how it operates.

Is the design different for different items?

The sample title design does not depend on the subject. All its elements can remain the same and only the name of the item can change.

The exceptions are test papers, which for some subjects may require a title page for the notebook. This is a regular A4 sheet format folded in half. We have a separate material where you can download this sample or design it yourself.

Is the design different for specialties?

The specialty does not matter at all. All elements remain unchanged, except for the specialty, which needs to be changed for the current one.

Coursework? Some educational institutions may have their own individual requirements. However, work in accordance with GOST is mainly used. How to do it correctly? This issue and is the subject of the current article.

Information about the university

So, let's start designing the title page from the very top. The first block of information will be devoted to information about the educational institution where the student is studying. The first line is the same for all establishments:

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

This is followed by information about the university and its name. For example,

State educational institution higher professional education

Kimovsky State Technical University

Please note that the example information above is fictitious and you should include information specific to your institution on your cover page. If you are not sure that you know it, it is better to contact your teacher or dean. The faculty and department are indicated below.

Design of the title page of the course work of the top block: font (same for the entire course work) Times New Roman, size 8 (for the first two lines), 12 (for writing the name of the educational institution), 14 (for indicating the department and faculty), centered alignment.

Job title

In the center of the page, the title of the coursework is indicated in font 20. Please note that there is no period at the end of the sentence and no quotation marks are used. All letters in the name must be capitalized. It is not necessary to fit the sentence into one line.

Design of the title page of the course work. Student and teacher information

After the title of the course work, you need to indent two lines and indicate information about the student. For example:

Course work

3rd year student

Panteleeva I.K.(full name is indicated in the genitive case)

Scientific director

Doctor of Historical Sciences

Rybkina O. S.(full name in nominative case)

When writing this data, you must use 14th and set the alignment to the left. At the very end, on the penultimate line of the sheet, we indicate the city, and on the next - the year the course work was written and submitted. This is how the title page of a term paper should be designed.

  • Before creating a title page yourself, check with your teacher to see if your university has any special form.
  • Fill in only the information you know for sure. If you do not know the position of the teacher, then ask him or visit the website of the educational institution.
  • Please note that there are no periods at the end of sentences. The exception is initials.
  • Coursework objectives and goals should be written on the second sheet, on a separate form.
  • The margins from the bottom and top edges are 2 centimeters, on the left - 2.5 centimeters, on the right - 1.5 centimeters.