Main server team. Console Commands

14.10.2019 beauty
To add administrators to the server, you must use either the “File Manager” from the Server Control Panel:
1. Find the ops.txt file and edit it.
2. Enter our gaming nickname (from a new line), under which we play on the server.
3. Save the document and restart the server.

The second way to add an administrator is through the server console (from the Control Panel):
1. Go to the main page of the server control panel.
2. Open the console and enter the command:
op your_nickname
op test
3. Done, you have full administrator rights.

Useful plugins for administrators

PermissionsEX (PEX) is a plugin for Bukkit that allows you to easily differentiate the powers of players on the server. Has built-in Modifyworld add-ons, which makes it possible to define what players can and cannot change in game world, as well as ChatManager, with which you can divide the chat into local and global, colorize player nicknames and add prefixes and suffixes to them.

1. Download the plugin from the official website for our version of bukkit.
2. Place PermissionsEX.jar, Modifyworld.jar, ChatManager.jar in the plugins/ folder on the server.
3. Restart the server.

1. Using FTP access or a file manager, open the permissions.yml file at plugins/PermissionsEx. Edit using any text editor.
2. After opening we see:
groups: default: default: true permissions: - modifyworld.*
3. These lines mean the following:
groups:- indicates that groups and their rights will appear below.
default:- the name of the group, which includes all players who have just joined the server, if they are not registered in other groups. You can change this name to whatever you want.
default: true- a parameter that sets the group as the default group. That is, any player for whom other groups and/or exceptions are not defined will have all the rights of this group.
permissions:- everything that goes below is the “rights” themselves for the group; here you need to enter permissions from various plugins installed on your server. A value of null means that the group/player does not have any rights.
- modifyworld.*- the ability to “modify” the world.
4. An example of how this file can be edited:
groups: default: default: true permissions: - modifyworld.* Admins: default: false inheritance: - default permissions: - "*" users: 1GAMEuser: group: - Admins options: rank: "1" permissions:

Here we have added a new Admins group, as well as rights for an individual player 1GAMEuser:.
default: false- means that this group is not a default group.
inheritance:- a parameter with which you can set the inheritance of rights of a certain group, in in this case- this is the default group. This means that you do not have to once again register the rights of the default group for the Admins group.
Star ("*") means that the group/player has absolutely all rights to all plugins installed on the server.
users:- means that the rights of individual players come below.
1GAMEuser:- the name of the player for whom individual rights are configured.
group:Admins- indicates that the player is a member of the Admins group
rank:- player rank.

CommandBook is a plugin with additional commands that expands the administrator's capabilities.

1. Download the plugin from the official website.
2. Extract the files from the archive and place CommandBook.jar in the plugins/ folder on the server using .
3. Restart the server.

Plugin commands:


Team Arguments Description Rights in the premissions plugin
[-d] [:data]> Gives you the specified item (added to inventory, -d for drop). You can configure access rights for each object individually by setting up blacklist, whitelist and rights for each item.
  • commandbook.give
/give [-d] [:data]> Gives you or other players an item (added to inventory, -d for drop). You can configure access rights for each object individually by setting up blacklist, whitelist and rights for each item.
  • commandbook.give
  • commandbook.give.other (the ability to give items to others)
  • commandbook.give.infinite (for the ability to specify quantity -1)
  • commandbook.give.stacks (to increase the number beyond 64)
  • commandbook.give.stacks.unlimited (to increase the number above 5 stacks)
/more [-a] [-i] Replenishes the stack you are holding up to 64 items.
  • -a for everything you have in your inventory
  • -i to create unlimited stacks
  • commandbook.more
  • commandbook.more.infinite
/who/list List players online.
  • commandbook.who
/motd Show The Message Of The Day.
  • commandbook.motd
/intro Plays the intro.mid file of the server.
  • commandbook.intro
/midi Plays a MIDI file
  • commandbook.midi
/rules Shows rules
  • commandbook.rules
/kit Displays a list of sets available to the player
  • commandbook.kit.list
/kit Get the set.
  • commandbook.kit.kits. (eg commandbook.kit.kits.starter)
/setspawn place Sets the spawn point.
  • commandbook.setspawn
/time /time now Shows the current time.
  • commandbook.time.check
/time -l now Stop time.
  • commandbook.time
  • commandbook.time.lock
/spawnmob [-d] [-i] [-r] [-p] [ Create one or more mobs. The mob's name may be partially the same. If you enter an incorrect mob name, a list of valid names will be displayed.
  • -d mob will appear with 1 hp
  • -i the mob will appear burning
  • -r the mob will appear flying up into the air
  • -p creepers will appear charged.
  • commandbook.spawnmob
  • commandbook.spawnmob.many (spawn more than 10 mobs at a time)
  • commandbook.spawnmob. (permissions for each mob, for example, commandbook.spawnmob.PigZombie)
/weather <"stormy"|"sunny"> Change the weather. The duration is specified in seconds. The weather is set all over the world at once.
/thunder <"on"|"off"> Change the states of thunder and lightning. The duration is specified in seconds. There won't be thunder unless it's a thunderstorm.
/biome Shows the name of the biome in which the player is located.
  • commandbook.biome
  • commandbook.biome.other
/spawn Teleport to the spawn point.
  • commandbook.spawn
/teleport/tp Teleport to the specified point. You can teleport to the specified coordinates like this: /tp x,y,z
  • commandbook.teleport
  • commandbook.teleport.other (teleport others)
  • commandbook.locations.coords (teleport by coordinates)
/bring/tphere Teleport another player to you.
  • commandbook.teleport.other
/place /put Teleport another player to where you are looking.
  • commandbook.teleport.other
/return /ret Return to your previous location.
  • commandbook.return
/call Request someone to teleport.

/broadcast Broadcast a message to all players on the server.
  • commandbook.broadcast
/say Send a message.
  • commandbook.say
/me Send an "action" message.
/msg/message Send a message to the player (or to the console if "!" is used).
  • commandbook.msg
/reply /r Reply to the last message.
  • commandbook.msg
/mute Mute the specified player (disable the ability to write in chat).
  • commandbook.mute
/unmute Unmute the specified player.
  • commandbook.mute
/afk Sets you to AFK status, if another player uses /msg while you are away, they will be alerted to your status. /afk again takes you out of AFK status.
  • commandbook.away

Interaction with players
/whereami/getpos Determine your current location.
  • commandbook.whereami
  • commandbook.whereami.compass
/compass Determine the current direction.
  • commandbook.whereami.compass
/clear [-a] [-s] Clears your inventory or the inventory of another player on the server.
  • -a clear all slots (armor and belt too)
  • -s clear only one slot
  • commandbook.clear
  • commandbook.clear.other
/slap [-h|-v] [-d] [-s] Hit a player.
  • -h - hit hard, -v - hit very hard
  • -d - reduce health to 1 hp
  • commandbook.slap
  • commandbook.slap.other (to hit others)
/slay [-s] Kill a player.
  • -s - do this without sending a notification to the chat
  • commandbook.slay
  • commandbook.slay.other
/rocket [-h] [-s] Toss a player.
  • -h - throw up hard
  • -s - do this without sending a notification to the chat
  • commandbook.rocket
  • commandbook.rocket.other (rocket others)
/barrage [-s] Attack a player with a volley of arrows.
  • -s - do this without sending a notification to the chat
  • commandbook.barrage
  • commandbook.barrage.other (fire at others)
/firebarrage [-s] Attack the player with a barrage of fireballs.
  • -s - do this without sending a notification to the chat
  • commandbook.firebarrage
  • commandbook.firebarrage.other
/shock [-s] [-k] [-a] Strike a player with lightning.
  • -s - do this without sending a notification to the chat
  • -k - lower the player's health level to 0, and, as a result, kill him
  • -a - increases the radius of damage from a blow
  • commandbook.shock
  • commandbook.shock.other (to hit others)
/thor Give Thor's Hammer. LMB with a pickaxe in hand will strike a block with lightning at gunpoint. Accompanied by thunder and arson, be careful. You can shoot lightning into the sky, into the Void, and into anything at all.
  • commandbook.thor
/unthor Take Thor's Hammer.
  • commandbook.thor
  • commandbook.thor.other (give others the ability to use Thor's Hammer)
/gamemode Sets the player's game mode. Real time survival, creative and adventurous.
  • commandbook.gamemode
  • commandbook.gamemode.change
  • commandbook.gamemode.change.other
  • commandbook.gamemode.check
  • commandbook.gamemode.check.other
/heal [-s] Heals you or another player.
  • commandbook.heal
  • commandbook.heal.other

/kick [cause...] "Kicks" the player from the server.
  • commandbook.kick
/ban [-e] [reason...] Ban a player.
  • If you want to specify the exact player name, use -e - CommandBook will not try to find other player name matches on the server.
  • commandbook.bans.ban
/unban [cause...] Unban a player.
  • commandbook.bans.unban
/isbanned Check if the player is banned.
  • commandbook.bans.isbanned
/bans load Loads a list of bans from disk.
  • commandbook.bans.load
/bans save Saves the list of bans to disk.


xAuth is a plugin running Bukkit that creates server-side registration for users. Used on servers with offline mode (without checking a premium account).


1. Download the plugin from the official website.
2. Move it to the server plugins folder.
3. Set up Permissions.


  • Before registering/login, players cannot:
    • Write to chat, interact with mobs, drops, levers, etc.
    • Remove/install blocks.
    • Receive/deal damage.
  • Security Inventory.
  • Setting your messages and settings.
  • Request for a password after server restart.
  • Kick if the player does not enter after a certain time.
  • Permissions and assistance.
  • Kick or temporary ban of a player's IP address if the player makes many attempts to join

Tags: none

With the help of special commands, you can do anything in Minecraft - we have a complete list of these commands.

You can add any items to yourself, change weather or simply make yourself invulnerable. Some of the commands will only work in single player or only in multiplayer, so read their description carefully before entering them.

Commands are entered into the chat, so to start, press - T or / and then write.

Click to go:

Commands for solo play in Minecraft:

Commands for admin in Minecraft:

If you are a server administrator, then these commands will be very useful to you. With them you can do most actions necessary for the normal existence of your server.

clear<цель>[object number] [additional data]— Clears the specified player's inventory of all items or specific IDs.

debug — Starts debug mode or stops it.

defaultgamemode - Allows you to change the default mode for new players on the server.

difficulty<0|1|2|3> — Changes the difficulty of the game, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - difficult.

enchant<цель>[level] - Enchant an item in your hands to the level specified in the command.

gamemode [target]- Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventure, a or 2). For the command to work, the player must be online.

gamerule<правило>[meaning] - Allows you to change a few basic rules. The value must be true or false.


  • doFireTick - if false, stops the spread of fire.
  • doMobLoot - if false, mobs do not drop drops.
  • doMobSpawning - when false, prohibits mob spawning.
  • doTileDrops - if false, objects will not drop from destructible blocks.
  • keepInventory - if true, after death the player does not lose the contents of his inventory.
  • mobGriefing - if false, mobs cannot destroy blocks (creeper explosions do not spoil the landscape).
  • commandBlockOutput - if false, the command block does not output anything to the chat when commands are executed.

give<цель> <номер объекта>[quantity] [additional information]— Gives the player the item specified by .

help [page | team] ? [page | team] - Lists all available console commands.

publish— Opens access to the world via a local network.

say<сообщение> — Shows a pink message to all players.

spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z]— Allows you to set the spawn point for the player at the specified coordinates. If coordinates were not specified, the spawn point will be your current position.

time set<число|day|night> - Allows you to change the time of day. Time can be specified as a numeric value, where 0 is dawn, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset and 18000 is midnight.

time add<число> — Adds the specified amount of time to the current one.

toggledownfall- Allows you to enable or disable precipitation.

tp<цель1> <цель2>,tp<цель> — Makes it possible to teleport a player specified by name to another or to the entered coordinates.

weather<время> — Allows you to change the weather for a specific time specified in seconds.

xp<количество> <цель> — Gives the specified amount of experience to a specific player, from 0 to 5000. If L is entered after the number, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be lowered, for example -10L will reduce the player's level by 10.

ban<игрок>[cause]— Allows you to block a player’s access to the server by nickname.

ban-ip Allows you to block a player’s access to the server by IP address.

pardon<никнейм> — Allows you to unblock the specified player from accessing the server.

pardon-ip Removes the specified IP address from the blacklist.

banlist - Allows you to see a list of all players blocked on the server.

op<цель> — Gives the specified player operator privileges.

deop<цель> — Removes operator privileges from the player.

kick<цель>[reason] - Kicks the specified player from the server.

list— Displays a list of all players online.

save-all- Forces all changes to be saved on the server.

save-on Allows the server to make automatic saves.

save-off Prevents the server from performing automatic saving.

stop— Shuts down the server.

whitelist list— Displays a list of players in the whitelist.

whitelist <никнейм> — Adds or removes a player to the whitelist.

whitelist — Enables or disables the use of a whitelist on the server.

whitelist reload— Reloads the whitelist, that is, updates it in accordance with the white-list.txt file (can be used when white-list.txt is modified manually).

Commands for private territory in Minecraft

You will need these commands if you are going to secure an area or perform other related actions.

/region claim<имя региона> — Saves the selected area as a region with the specified name.

//hpos1— Sets the first point according to your current coordinates.

//hpos2— Sets a second point according to your current coordinates.

/region addowner<регион> <ник1> <ник2> — Adds the specified players to the owners of the region. Owners have the same capabilities as the region creator.

/region addmember<регион> <ник1> <ник2> — Adds the specified players to the members of the region. Participants have limited options.

/region removeowner<регион> <ник1> <ник2> — Remove the specified players from the region owners.

/region removemember<регион> <ник1> <ник2> Remove the specified players from the region's membership.

//expand<длина> <направление> — Expands the region in a given direction. For example: //expand 5 up - will expand the selection up 5 cubes. Acceptable directions: up, down, me.

//contract<длина> <направление> — Will reduce the region in a given direction. For example: //contract 5 up - will reduce the selection by 5 cubes from bottom to top. Acceptable directions: up, down, me.

/region flag<регион> <флаг> <значение> — You can set a flag for a region if you have sufficient access.

Possible flags:

  • pvp - is PvP allowed in the region?
  • use - is it permissible to use mechanisms, doors
  • chest-access - is it permissible to use chests?
  • l ava-flow - is lava spreading acceptable?
  • water-flow - is water spreading acceptable?
  • lighter - is it permissible to use a lighter?


  • allow - enabled
  • deny - disabled
  • none - the same flag as not in the private zone

Commands for the WorldEdit plugin

You will need these commands if the WorldEdit plugin is installed on the server and you have permission to use its commands. On an average server, for most players, these commands will not be available.

//pos1— Sets the block you are standing on as the first coordinate point.

//pos2— Sets the block you are standing on as the second coordinate point.

//hpos1— Sets the block you are looking at as the first coordinate point.

//hpos2— Sets the block you are looking at as the second coordinate point.

//wand— Gives you a wooden axe, by left-clicking on the block with this ax you will set the first point, and by right-clicking the second one.

//replace — replaces all selected blocks with those specified in the selected region. For example: //replace dirt glass - will replace all the dirt with glass in the selected area.

//overlay — Cover the region with the specified block. For example: //overlay grass - will cover the region with grass.

//set — Fill the empty area with the specified block. For example: //set 0 - Removes all blocks in the region (fills with air).

//move — Move blocks in the region by<количество>, V<направлении>and replace the remaining blocks with .

//walls - Creates walls from<материал>in the selected region.

//sel— Removes the current selection.

//sphere - Creates a sphere from , with radius . Raised can be yes or no, if yes, then the center of the sphere will move up by its radius.

//hsphere — Creates an empty sphere with the specified parameters.

//cyl - Creates a cylinder from , with radius and height .

//hcyl — Creates an empty cylinder with the specified parameters.

//forestgen - Creates a forest area x blocks, with type and density , density ranges from 0 to 100.

//undo— Cancels the specified number of your actions.

//redo— Restores the specified number of actions you canceled.

//sel — Allows you to select the shape of the selected region. cuboid - selects a parallelepiped. extend is the same as cuboid, but by setting the second point you extend the region without losing the selection from the already selected one. poly - selects only in the plane. cyl - cylinder. sphere - sphere. ellipsoid - ellipsoid (capsule).

//desel- Removes selection.

//contract — Reduce by the specified amount region in the selected direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), if a number is specified - then in the opposite direction.

//expand — Will increase the region by the specified number of blocks in the specified direction (north, east, south, west, up, down), if the reverse-amount number is specified, then in the opposite direction.

//inset [-hv] — Narrows the selected region in each direction.

//outset [-hv] — Expands the selected region in each direction.

//size— Shows the number of blocks in the selected region.

//regen— Regenerates the selected region.

//copy— Copies the contents of the region.

//cut— Cuts out the contents of the region.

//paste— Pastes the contents of the copied region.

//rotate — Rotates the contents of the copied region by the specified number of degrees .

//flip— Will reflect the region in the buffer in the direction of dir, or in the direction of your view.

//pumpkins— Creates a pumpkin field with the specified size.

//hpyramid— Creates an empty pyramid from a block, with size .

//pyramidCreates a pyramid from a block with size .

//drain — Remove the water at the specified distance from you .

//fixwater — Corrects the water level at a specified distance from you .

//fixlava — Corrects the level of lava at the specified distance from you .

//snow — Covers the area with snow at the specified distance from you .

//thaw Removes snow at a specified distance from you .

//butcher [-a]— Kills all hostile mobs at a specified distance from you . Using [-a] will also kill friendly mobs.

// - Gives you a super pickaxe for quickly destroying blocks.

Not a single server can function without these people. They are the Admins, the holders of any minecraft server. And like any activity, this one also has its tools. This minecraft admin commands. If you have your own minecraft server or want to open one of them, but don’t know these commands, it’s time to fill this gap. Just like in any other game, admin commands in minecraft allow you to effectively manage your server, both from the game and using the console.

Here I will give a list admin commands for minecraft, which can be used on an SMP or Bukkit server. All commands are entered in the server console, or directly into the game chat (in this case, the command must be preceded by a ‘/’ sign). The commands contain and [optional parameters].

List of commands for minecraft admin:

ban – blocks a player's access to the server.
ban-ip – blocks access for an IP address.
banlist – shows a list of blocked users; when used with the ips parameter, shows a list of blocked IP addresses.
deop – takes away the rights of the server operator (administrator).
gamemode – sets the game mode for the specified player (1 – survival, 0 – creative).
give [quantity] [additional parameter] – gives the player resources, an additional parameter allows you to set, for example, the color of the coat.
kick – disconnects the specified player from the server.
list – shows a list of connected players.
op – gives the user the rights of an operator (administrator) of the server.
pardon – unblocks a player.
pardon-ip – unblocks an IP address
save-all – forced saving of the world.
save-off – disables autosaving of the world.
save-on – enables auto-saving of the world.
say – sends a message (announcement).
stop – saves the world and stops the server.
time adds a number to the current time or sets it to a given value.
toggledownfall – stops precipitation.
tp – transports player 1 to player 2.
whitelist – enables or disables the whitelist on the server.
whitelist add – adds a player to the server whitelist.
whitelist remove – removes a player from the whitelist.
whitelist list – shows the white list of your server.
whitelist reload – reloads the whitelist from the whitelist.txt file.
xp – adds a specified number of experience spheres to the player (no more than 5000 for one team).

Commands are also available to ordinary players.

help or? – displays a list of available commands.
kill – kill yourself by dealing 1000 damage.
me – sends messages in IRC style, so you can write about yourself in the third person.
tell – sends a private message to the player.

As you can see admin commands in minecraft allow you to change many key game parameters. They can also be used to test various features of the server, and simplify the work of administrators several times. However, when using them, you should remember that by abusing commands and using them unnecessarily, you undermine interest in the game among ordinary players, which, of course, is unacceptable for any serious project. However admin commands for minecraft it is necessary to know at least in order to quickly respond to emerging problems and solve them as quickly as possible and unnoticed by the players.

Any Minecraft server administrator must know console commands; in order to competently manage the server, the commands are used to manage the server. In this article you will be presented with the basic commands of a pure Minecraft server; to use them you do not need to install third-party plugins and modifications.

Commands are entered through the console (chat) and it is called by pressing the "Enter" key. All server commands must begin with a / (slash). Commands that are surrounded by such brackets are required parameters, and [such] are optional parameters.

Basic Minecraft server commands:

/ban– bans a player on the server, according to his nickname, by removing the nickname from the white list and adding him to the blacklist. Banned players cannot play on the server under this nickname.

/pardon– the opposite command to ban. Unbans a player by removing his nickname from the blacklist.

/ban-ip– bans the player by IP address by blacklisting him. Players who have a blacklisted IP address cannot play on the server.

/pardon-ip– the opposite command to banning by IP. Removes an IP from the blacklist.

/banlist– displays a list of banned players by nickname. If you use the additional ips parameter, it will display a list of those banned by IP address.

/deop– deprives the player of administrator rights.

/op– the opposite command to deop. Grants the player administrator rights.

/gamemode[nickname] – changes the game mode for players. If the additional nickname parameter is specified, the team will change the game mode for this player. If the parameter is not specified, the mode of the person who entered this command will be changed. In order for the command to work correctly, the player whose mode is being changed must be on the server.

/defaultgamemode– changes the game mode of the world.

/give– gives the player an element with the specified ID in the specified quantity. (IDs of items and blocks)

/help– displays all available console commands on the screen.

/kick– kicks (disables) the selected player from the server.

/list– displays a list of all players on the server.

/me– a command that allows you to send chat messages from a third party.

/save-all– command making a full backup (saving) current state your server to your hard drive.

/save-off– disables the server’s ability to make backups.

/save-on– the opposite command to save-off allows the server to make backups.

/say- says the server. The message entered using this command is displayed in pink.

/stop– shuts down the server. Before shutting down, the server automatically makes a backup.

/time– sets the time on the server, or adds the time to the current one. /toggledownfall– changes the weather.

/tp– teleports the player with Nickname1 to the player with Nickname2.

/tp– teleports the player to the specified coordinates.

/whitelist– adds or removes a player from the whitelist.

/whitelist– displays a list of players on the whitelist on the screen.

/whitelist– enables/disables whitelist.

/whitelist reload– reloads the white list.

/xp nickname – gives the player with the given nickname the specified number of experience points xp.

/publish– opens access to the server via LAN.

The game from Swede Markus Persson, which managed to sell 4 million copies even at the beta stage, has already become a legend in the gaming industry. This is a whole art, which is now distributed for PS3, PC, Xbox-360 and Android. In this article, we will tell you about what Minecraft commands exist for players of all classes (regular users, admins, VIP, etc.), and also reveal their essence.

A short review

You can talk about Minecraft for ages, because this game is an endless source of all kinds of ideas and possibilities. Perhaps every person who is at least somewhat interested has heard about it. computer games. Graphically, the game is built on low-resolution textures, that is, the entire world consists entirely of blocks. Thanks to this, you won’t have to worry about the number of video cards and processor power in your system, because an “antediluvian” computer from the 1990s will do. But take my word for it: the game is too greedy for your time, because the first session can last 5-6 hours, but not because you can’t understand how to play it, but because it’s terribly exciting. The whole joke here is this: in this, let’s not be afraid of this word, huge world, no one will restrain you from any actions, and therefore the hero is free to do what he wants, where he wants and when he wants.

The whole gameplay boils down to the following: our hero is thrown into a randomly generated world, where he must survive, because in this world there is hunger, monsters that crawl out at night, and other dangers. But after some time, the second level appears, where creativity begins in its true form, because the number of different things a player can do is off the charts: you can build cities, farms, explore caves, engage in crafting and other equally exciting activities. There is no plot as such, because, as mentioned earlier, it all comes down to the usual survival of your hero and the constant generation of new ideas by the player himself, which he can implement with complete freedom. In general, Minecraft is a truly exciting game that is recommended for all players to try.

Teams in Minecraft

For Minecraft there is great amount different commands targeting different groups of people. They allow you to achieve certain capabilities, thanks to which the functionality of the game becomes a cut above. You can enter commands through the console or directly in the chat (English T). IN latest versions, by the way, in a chat with the / symbol already entered, you can press Tab, which will automatically show all the commands available to the player. So, what teams are there in Minecraft? We list them in the following list:

  • Singles commands. As the name suggests, they are designed for single player.
  • Commands for admins.
  • Commands for private.
  • Minecraft server commands, including separate lists of commands for VIP and Gold members, moderators and users (regular users).

Full list of commands for single

So, let's begin. The list is like this:

  • me - shows the message you entered, but from the 3rd person (for example, it could be: “Player 1 is building a house”);
  • tell<сообщение>,w<сообщение>- allows you to send a private message to another player (if you want to prevent any outside players from knowing the contents of the message, this command will come in handy);
  • kill - kills your hero (can be very useful if you suddenly get stuck in textures);
  • seed - by writing the command, you will find out the seed of the world where you are located.

This list is complete.

Commands for admins

Commands in Minecraft for admins look like this:

  • clear [object no.] [add. data] - this command allows you to clear the inventory of a specific player;
  • debug - starts or stops debugging mode;
  • defaultgamemode - changes the default mode for beginners;
  • difficulty - allows you to change the difficulty from 0 (the easiest) to 3 (the most difficult);
  • enchant [level] - in the Minecraft game, the enchant command enchants an item in your hands (you must specify the level);
  • gamemode [goal] - allows you to change modes: Adventure (adventure, a or 2), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Survival (survival, s or 0);
  • gamerule [value] - changes the basic rules;
  • give [quantity] [add. info] - allows you to give the player a certain number of necessary items;
  • say - converts the message color to pink;
  • spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z] - using this command you can set the spawn point for the player at the required coordinates;
  • time set - using the command you can change the time of day;
  • time add - the command will add more time to the existing one;
  • toggledownfall - enables/disables precipitation;
  • tp, tp - command intended for teleportation to the player or coordinates;
  • weather - allows you to change the weather;
  • xp - adds a certain amount of experience to a certain player;
  • publish - open access to the world via the local network;
  • ban [reason] - ban a player on Minecraft servers;
  • ban-ip - ban a player by his ip;
  • pardon - unblock a player after a ban;
  • pardon-ip - unblock by ip;
  • banlist - command allows you to show a complete list of banned players;
  • list - shows a list of players players who are online;
  • op - gives the player operator status;
  • deop - takes away the operator status from the player;
  • kick [reason] - kick a player from the Minecraft server;
  • save-all - allows you to save all changes on the server;
  • save-on - opportunity automatic saving on server;
  • save-off - disables automatic saving;
  • stop - allows you to shut down the server.

Teams in Minecraft for server players

First, here are the commands that users can use:

  • /help - help with commands;
  • /sethome - designates a specific location as home;
  • /home - allows you to move to the location assigned in the previous command;
  • /who or /list - will show you a list of players who are online;
  • /spawn - allows you to move to the spawn location;
  • /m - send a message to some player;
  • /r - reply to the last message;
  • /mail read - allows you to read all incoming letters;
  • /mail clear - clears the mailbox;
  • /pay - makes it possible to send a certain amount to the player.

Commands for VIPs who donated more than 50 rubles for further development of the server:

  • All commands available to users.
  • /hat - allows you to put a block in your hand on your head;
  • /colorme list - allows you to view the range of colors for your nickname;
  • /colorme<цвет>- changes the color of your nickname

Available commands for GOLD persons who have donated more than 150 rubles to the server:

  • all commands available to users and VIPs;
  • /mhome<имя>- allows you to create a teleport to the house with;
  • /msethome<имя>- allows you to set a house with a specific name<имя>;
  • /mdeletehome<имя>- allows you to delete a house with a name<имя>;
  • /mlisthomes - allows you to view the full list of houses.

Commands intended for private in Minecraft

  • /region claim - saves the selected region under the desired name;
  • //hpos1 - sets the first point with existing coordinates;
  • //hpos2 - sets the second point;
  • /region addowner - adds players to the list of region owners;
  • /region addmember - adds players to the list of region members;
  • /region removeowner - removes players from the list of owners;
  • /region removemember - removes members from the list;
  • //expand - expands the region in the required direction;
  • //contract - allows you to reduce the region in the required direction;
  • /region flag - allows you to set a flag.

Spawn commands

In the Minecraft game, the team of mobs, or rather their summons, looks like this:

  • /spawner.

In order to summon a specific mob, you need to enter its name (title) separated by a space: skeleton, spider, zombie, wolf, creeper and others. For example, /spawner wolf. This way you can summon mobs into the game, of which there are a huge number in Minecraft now.