I dreamed of a large bruise on my leg. Bruises on the face according to the dream book

03.08.2019 Technique

To find out how the dream book explains a bruise seen in a dream, you need to remember what part of the body it was on, who you saw it on, and many other details.

Only then will you receive a clear, truthful interpretation of your dream.

See it for yourself

Usually you dream of bruises on your body before doing a risky business. Experts explain this by saying that on a subconscious level you are afraid of failure and are preparing for punishment. But is it worth being such a pessimist? The dream book will tell you how to clear your thoughts of negativity and win a long-awaited victory.

If you dreamed of a bruise on your face, then this is a sign that you are worried about the outcome of a rather important meeting. You may have an interview or conversation with a superior. In order for this communication to bring a positive result for you, the dream book recommends behaving naturally and not pretending. They will definitely appreciate your sincerity and will meet you halfway.

Bruises on the legs mean that a business trip or other important trip is approaching. And for it to be successful, you need to be well prepared.

If you had a dream about a bruise on your leg, carefully study all the documents, clearly formulate your tasks, and do not forget to take all the necessary papers. If you manage to concentrate on business, the business trip will bring excellent results.

  • Black eye - you are too curious.
  • If you see it on your nose, remember that initiative is punishable.
  • On the cheek - to an unexpected, sudden turn of events.

Bruises on the arms dream of hard, but productive work. With the right distribution of effort, you can do even more than you expected. And the most important reward for you will be the finances that you will soon receive for your efforts.

On someone else

Why dream of a bruise if in a dream you found it on someone else? The dream book interprets such dreams as fear of the person you dreamed about. Perhaps you are afraid of looking stupid in front of this person or feel awkward in his company. But is it really necessary to be afraid?

If you dreamed that a friend had a black eye under his eye, then real world you are hesitant to admit something you have done to a loved one.

The dream book recommends not to waste time, but to talk frankly with a friend. After all, the longer you keep everything to yourself, the more unexpected his reaction will be.

Bruises on the enemy's face are confirmation that you are right. After such a dream, you can have no doubt about the correctness of your beliefs and boldly defend your point of view. But when the bruise in the dream was located on your enemy’s nose, this means that he will by any means prevent you from carrying out your plans.

  • Bruises on legs stranger- to vain efforts.
  • On the body - to false, absurd accusations.
  • On the hand - to meet an interesting but suspicious person.
  • On the buttock - to undeserved insult.
  • On the neck - to troubles, gossip, gossip behind your back.

Bruise in a dream on your leg loved one according to the dream book, it means that he is eager to meet you. And to see it on a friend’s hand means to help him.

If in a dream you notice a bruise on a friend’s body, then soon he will bring you important news. And the dream about bruises on the arms in the dream book is interpreted as a desire loved one participate in solving your problems.

Considering which part of the body (legs, face, body, arms or neck) you saw a bruise in a dream, you can determine what awaits you and how best to behave. And if you correctly determine what a bruise means in a dream, you can get a lot useful recommendations from the dream book.
Author: Vera Drobnaya

The dream book believes that bruises in dreams symbolize obstacles on the way to the goal.

Why else do you dream of bruises, the details of the dream will tell you.

What do bruises on the face and body mean?

The nature of the interpretation will become clear if you manage to remember on which part of the body the non-aesthetic mark was located. In this unusual way, according to interpreters, upcoming events make themselves known in advance. Sometimes a bruise seen in a dream can remind you of events that have already happened in the dreamer’s life, which have left a mark on his soul. In this case, this dream is a symbol of an unpleasant conversation imprinted in the memory and heart or, for example, a stormy scandal.

Sometimes bruises and other minor injuries to the skin act as a warning sign from our subconscious: you will soon receive news about your loved one. It could be about one of your relatives or friends, and perhaps about your significant other. However, the dream book does not specify whether the news will be good or bad. However, it will no doubt resonate in your mind. Interpreters warn: do not confuse why you dream of bruises on the body and face. These dreams, despite having much in common, have completely different interpretations.

A bruise located on any part of the face most often represents an urgent problem. But don’t be upset: you can change the situation for the better if you start acting in the right direction. The dream promises significant positive changes in the dreamer's life, but they will only come when the problem is finally resolved. Also, bruises on the face in some dream books reflect relationships with others. If a woman had such a dream, this speaks of an eccentric and complex character that ruins the life of both her and other people.

  • A bruise on the cheek means secret intentions that you will carry out no matter what;
  • A mark on the nose means interference in other people's affairs. Your help in the eyes of people may look like a disservice, and instead of gratitude, you risk getting punched in the nose - in a figurative sense, of course;
  • Bruises on the body - a tendency to waste. The consequences of unreasonable spending are already familiar to you, but try to refrain from impulsive spending;
  • A bruise on the chest is a harbinger of revaluation of values ​​in personal life;
  • Bruises on the legs are a warning to stay put. The planned trip will not end well.

If in a dream you saw a bruise on another person’s leg, then you should pay attention to the seemingly insignificant details of this vision. If you feel sympathy for the victim, it means that in real life you may become good friends with him.

Bruises on someone else

Most dream books interpret visions of this type as fear of someone who dreamed of bruises. It is likely that you are afraid of looking stupid in front of this person or feel awkward in his presence.

  • A black eye on a friend/girlfriend means you don’t dare admit something you’ve done to a loved one. Don't waste time and talk frankly with your friend;
  • Bruises on the face of an enemy or even an enemy in a dream are confirmation that you are right. Do not doubt for a minute the correctness of your judgments and confidently defend your point of view;
  • A bruise on a loved one’s leg is a symbol of his desire to meet you;
  • A bruise on a friend's body is important news that you will receive from this person.

Bruises on the arms seen on one of your loved ones in a dream represent his desire to take part in solving your problems, help with deeds or support with simple advice. Don't refuse help.

Bruises in a dream – Freud’s dream book

A young girl who dreams of a bruise on her neck can in reality hope for the appearance of a passionate and jealous lover. However, your loved ones will not appreciate his love impulses and, most likely, will express their dissatisfaction with their partner’s frivolous behavior. In a dream, bruises on the face and arms, according to Freud’s dream book, indicate that the girl’s whims are tired of her chosen one, so he is close to breaking off all relations with her. Lots of bruises on the body different sizes in a dream, a girl means that people use her promiscuity for their own selfish purposes. For a man, such a dream is a sign of fear that his wife will find out about his inappropriate actions and will not forgive him for his betrayal and frivolous behavior.

Often a dreamed bruise expresses difficulties on the way to what you want. What problems there will be depends on the location of such jewelry on the body. The dream book believes that spots on the face often promise temptation. Why the marks from sores and injuries seen in a dream are seen will be indicated by the details of the dream.

This is how upcoming incidents or reviews of situations that have already occurred that have not gone away without a trace remind us of themselves prematurely. Often they embody traces of mental trauma left at the end of an unpleasant conversation or noisy swearing with a loved one. Bruises on the body of a stranger may indicate a reliable attitude of the sleeping person towards him.

It happens that bruises and other minor injuries are a signal that you will soon receive news about a person important to you. This may concern both your loved one and an old friend. The dream book does not give specifics about whether the news will be favorable or not. One way or another, she will force you to answer.

According to Miller's dream book, a bruise on your own body or face predicts a real struggle with difficulties. Soon nothing will be easy to do; everything will have to be fought for. When you saw a mark from a blow on a stranger in a dream, in reality the person will bring you great trouble.

Markings on the face

The dream book can give an answer to why you dream of bruises on your face. Such a symbol often embodies a brewing difficulty. The dreamer can change the whole situation for the better if he tries hard. A dreamed plot prophesies major changes. They will begin after all pressing problems have been resolved.

The dream interpretation of a bruise in the facial area reflects relationships with strangers. For the dreamer, an adult, the symbol in question in a dream expresses madness and intransigence, which ruined the life not only of those around her, but also of her. Perhaps in reality she often gets it, albeit figuratively.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Bruise- for a reward, encouragement.

The importance of sleep increases- if the bruise was received in a fight (battle) to restore justice.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Bruise- to a new acquaintance.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Bruise- you will receive public humiliation.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Bruise like a black eye- to profit.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Bruise on the face- temptation; on the neck, hands- success in love; on the body- scandal.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Sunday to Monday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.