Flea remedy for domestic cats. Folk remedies for fleas. Where do fleas come from and why are they dangerous?

09.09.2018 Animals

It is probably difficult now to find a family where there is no cat, because without a cat the house is an orphan!

They give us a lot of trouble, tear up the wallpaper, wake us up at night, steal sausage from the table, but we still love them and We can’t imagine our life without our purring pets.

Red and black, white and striped, fluffy and smooth-haired, lazy homebodies and cats that walk on their own - they are all our favorites!

If you notice that your pet is showing signs of poisoning, you must act quickly, you must encourage your pet to vomit, this is an effective measure that helps eliminate the poison. Apply 5-10 ml of hydrogen peroxide orally or apply warm water with salt at intervals, but be careful not to induce vomiting, not recommended in cases of caustic substances such as cleaning products, bleach, soap. In these cases, gastric lavage by a veterinarian is recommended.

Another effective measure is to prevent the poison from being poisoned by the body, you need to apply activated charcoal mixed with water to your animal, the charcoal will bind to the poison and therefore it will not be absorbed, this measure is only effective if it given shortly after ingestion From the poison, the use of diuretics can help eliminate toxic substances that have already been absorbed by the body.

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The first signs of fleas

You can tell if a cat has fleas by its appearance.

If Murka or Vaska’s fur is thick, shiny in the sun, and fluffy, then the animal’s health is fine!

You should not treat your intoxicated animal yourself and do not leave it to the vet. If possible, take a package of the product ingested or suspected, if the veterinarian knows the toxic principle, your care will be faster.

You can also use charcoal, which we already have in pharmacies. In addition to chemicals, we must be careful about the ornamental plants we have at home, in pots, in the garden, many of them are called toxic plants. They have active ingredients that can cause severe toxicity if ingested or cause irritation if touched.

ATTENTION! Fleas on cats always appear in the warm season.

Where do these creatures most often live?

IMPORTANT! Even the owners, without knowing it, can spread fleas by bringing them into the house on shoes, clothes, as there may be flea eggs on lawns and sidewalks.

The main signs of the presence of fleas in cats and cats:

We must contain poisonous plants out of reach of children and animals. Determine what plants exist in your home and surroundings, guide children not to play with these plants, when cutting plants, do not leave their branches anywhere, do not leave them near animals.

Special care that should be taken with pets

Very active puppies and adults have a great curiosity about new objects in the environment in which they live and soon notice when there is a different pot in the house or a strange plant in the garden. It is not uncommon for an animal to lick, bite, chew and swallow something that has piqued its curiosity. Animals deprived of water may, for example, seek out recently washed or moistened plants and ingest parts of them. There are cases of dogs and cats left alone for long periods of time that end up distracting themselves from the plants and end up consuming them.

  • the animal begins to itch, strongly, frantically bite into the fur;
  • the pet becomes nervous, itchy skin appears, which deprives the animal of rest and sleep;
  • Dried blood or flea feces fall out of the cat's fur when brushed.;
  • On the skin of an animal, from strong scratching, wounds, crusts, itching are formed, hair falls out, and dermatitis appears.

Dangerous health effects

Microorganisms carried by fleas are the causative agents of the following dangerous diseases:

Always be aware of the “advice” your pets give and keep them by your side for a long time. Fleas are difficult to control and kill, so you should Special attention if you have a pet, as they usually fall on animals without realizing it.

If you don't know how to end this plague in your home, we leave you with some home remedies so that you can end fleas at home. As the first step to get rid of fleas at home, we recommend that you practice maximum hygiene. Pay special attention to cleaning corners and areas where dirt may accumulate. If you have pets, take good care of the area where they live, keeping all areas of the house clean and keeping their accessories and clothes very clean as fleas can stay here.

  • mycoplasmosis- defeat of various internal organs, purulent inflammation;
  • rickettsiosis- feverish state of the animal.

Flea control methods

  • comb the cat thoroughly;
  • to reduce itching give your pet the necessary medication(on the recommendation of a doctor);
  • change or wash cat litter;
  • disinfect the apartment or room where the animal lives.

ATTENTION! Cat fleas move into carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture and clothes, so disinfection of the apartment is necessary!

It is also important to consider how to prevent fleas. If you have a flea plague in your home, you can go to a specialist center. In addition, you will find enough products to stop fleas: sprays, detergents, soaps, etc. you just need to clean them by applying them and that way you will finish killing the fleas.

In addition, we offer a series of home tricks that you can use to kill fleas. First, use plants such as chamomile or lavender. Fleas are sensitive to your scent. Therefore, it is a good idea to decorate your garden or home with these plants, you will see how they will not appear.

Many pet owners are faced with the appearance of fleas on their cat's fur. This fact cannot please the owner, and he begins to search for a solution to the problem. And there are quite a lot of them on the market now - spray, shampoo, drops, tablets. Today we will tell you how pests get to cats, how to find out that they are there, and how to remove fleas from a cat using modern medications.

Another trick to stop fleas in your home is to make a mixture of boiling water, olive oil and a few drops of lavender oil. You can spray it on surfaces where fleas accumulate. You will see immediate effects and the fleas will disappear.

Another possibility is to attract fleas with a candle. The trick is to insert the candle into a container of water and detergent and darken the room. You will see fleas coming, but they will end up in the water and detergent. This good remedy to stop them.

If you have a flea plague, this is something that should be treated by a professional. Contact some center dedicated to fumigation, that way you can stop them. Dogs or cats with their daily walks can become infected with fleas and they can spread to different corners of our house.

Why do insects appear in a pet that is sometimes not even allowed out for a walk? They can be brought into the home by the owner on clothes and shoes. The risk of infection arises when a person pets a stray kitten on the street and then goes home to his pet. Sometimes a cat gets fleas after being bitten by rodents that live in the basement. Fleas on a domestic cat are a serious reason for an owner to think about how to help their pet.

Therefore, it is important that you double down on precautions with your pet and if you have fleas, remove them immediately. To get rid of fleas from your dog, it is important that you consult your veterinarian as this will help you choose the best product for your pup. If you have a dog and a cat, you should know that you can never give them the same anti-blocking products, in fact, if they do, they may get sick and even die. Cats have certain foods and dogs do.

In general, we tend to associate them more with dogs than cats. However, when considering the latter with animals with a memory and ability to recognize the way back home greater than their canine counterparts, it is not surprising that we have given cats the freedom to go for walks every now and then, which increases the likelihood of flea attacks. The first thing we need to do to get rid of our cat's fleas. It is most advisable to obtain a special shampoo for anti-parasitic cats. Likewise, we need lavender or citronella oil.

Video “Processing Errors”

From the video you will learn what not to do when treating pets for fleas.

How to recognize

By what signs can you really determine that a cat has fleas? A change in the animal's behavior can say a lot in this case. When a cat has fleas, he becomes restless, nervous, and often scratches his fur with his paws. It is not uncommon for a pet to try to remove annoying insects by biting them and pulling them out with their teeth. An attentive owner, having noticed changes in the furry's behavior, should check if there are tiny dots in the fur that are very similar to millet grains. After saturation, they actively jump.

In a small cup, apply the same amount of shampoo and oil, mix the ingredients and bathe your cat. If the cat is less than one year old, do not use oils. When you're done, dry it thoroughly and brush your hair with a fine-pointed comb specially designed for flea removal.

This type of comb is identical to the ones we use to remove lice, with metal tips and virtually no separation between them. You can place the peel of one of these citrus fruits in a pan of water, boil for a few seconds, remove from heat and let sit for an hour. Then put the mixture in a spray bottle to spray our feline with a homemade solution. But you have to be very careful because cats do not support this type of smell. This is a good home remedy for killing fleas.