The strangest creatures discovered by man. The strangest creatures ever discovered by man

20.09.2019 Auto/Moto
2 of 31 A four-meter sea monster washed ashore in Mexico. A frightening-looking sea creature was found on Bonfil Beach in Acapulco.
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  • 4 of 31 And this mysterious humanoid monster was spotted swimming in the icy waters of Antarctica. The author in the commentary states that the creature resembles a monster from Japanese legends - Ninjen, which translates as “man”.
  • 5 out of 31 A strange fish with “arms and legs” was caught in Thailand.

  • 6 of 31 An unusual fish that appears to have limbs was caught in the river and has baffled local fishermen. was posted on the LiveLeak website, whose users are still wondering what kind of aquatic creature it could be.

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  • 9 of 31 A Japanese fisherman also encountered a giant squid off the coast. Sea of ​​Japan in Toyami Bay. The man wasn't even scared.

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  • 13 of 31 A fantastic jellyfish during a dive to 3,700 meters.

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  • 16 of 31 According to the user, the point where the “monster” was discovered is located near Antarctica. The enthusiast also found that the object could be up to 120 m in length. Moreover, the visible part of the unknown object is about 30 m in length.
  • 17 of 31 In the Caribbean, fishermen caught an "alien with a human nose." A strange fish with “legs, fingers and a nose similar to a human” was dubbed a mutant or “alien from a horror movie” by residents of the Caribbean island of Carriacou.

  • 18 of 31 Fisherman Hope McLawrence, who caught the monster with 50 years of experience, said that when he pulled the creature out of the water, it was “like looking into the eyes of a stranger.”

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  • 23 of 31 In April 1977, the whole world received a sensational message about the discovery of Japanese fishermen from the Tsuyo Maru trawler. While fishing for mackerel near New Zealand, the net brought back the half-decomposed corpse of an unknown animal. The condition of the find was deplorable.

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    There are objects and phenomena that only a couple of random witnesses know about. But there are also those who were lucky enough to see, find something inexplicable and declare it to the whole world.

    website I have collected for you several cases when an incredible find can be said to be unlucky rather than lucky. After all, not everyone has the courage to maintain composure when faced with such monsters.

    6. Alien from Thailand

    In 2010, photos appeared in the media taken three years earlier at the funeral ceremony of a strange animal in Thailand. Remains similar to a small minotaur were found near one of the villages. Seeing the resemblance to the man, local residents decided to bury him according to Buddhist custom.

    Experts believe the creature was a defective calf and not something supernatural.

    5. Chelyabinsk “Alien”

    Such crumbs were discovered in the pit of a house under construction in Chelyabinsk in 2007. They were dubbed local “outsiders.” It was assumed that these were horseshoe crabs that miraculously survived to this day, but in fact these “aliens” are none other than shield crabs. The crustacean species is over 200 million years old, and their size does not exceed 6–7 cm.

    4. Texas Chupacabra

    The creature, whose name means "goat bloodsucker", was first seen in the 1950s in Puerto Rico and was last seen in Texas. The Texas version of the Chupacabra had no fur and had bluish-gray skin. When the creature was found, a DNA test revealed that it was a wolf-coyote hybrid that had gone bald due to illness.

    3. Humanoid Atacama

    This small (about 15 cm) human mummy was found by Oscar Muñoz in the abandoned village of La Noria in the Atacama Desert in 2003. Skeletal development specialists later concluded that it was unlikely that the mummy was a human. All research participants are convinced of only one thing: that the Atacama dwarf is not a specially manufactured hoax.

    Incredible facts

    These photos of strange and sometimes creepy creatures have caused many people to shudder and wonder, "What the hell is this?"

    Images of them circulated all over the Internet, allowing many to come up with wild guesses about the creatures' origins.

    Read also:25 Scary Creatures Found in Nature

    Here are some of the most amazing creatures that have been discovered and who they really turned out to be.

    Strange creatures

    1. Montauk Monster

    The story began when an unknown creature washed ashore in the Montauk area of ​​New York in 2008. Local youth took photographs of the carcass and sold them to newspapers.

    Since the Montauk monster was discovered, other carcasses have been found in the same area. There were suggestions that it was a turtle without a shell, a dog, a large rodent, or a scientific experiment that was carried out at a government animal testing center.

    In fact:

    Experts concluded that the creature was the corpse of a raccoon, consistent with the shape of teeth and paws, but which was missing a front jaw. The strange appearance is explained by the fact that his body began to decompose.

    2. Louisiana Monster

    In December 2010, an unknown person's deer hunting camera captured something frightening.

    The photo shows a thin, clumsy, fast-moving and, apparently, nocturnal creature that seemed to want to swallow your soul.

    In fact:

    The mystery of this creature has not been solved, although many believe that the picture was processed using Photoshop. Two companies tried to use the photo for viral advertising.

    For example, the Playstation company stated that the creature was in the game Resistance 3.

    There were also those who claimed that this was the “fallen angel” captured on video in the forest, appearing at 45 seconds.

    3. Alien child from Mexico

    In May 2007, a Mexican farmer Mario Moreno Lopez(Mario Moreno Lopez) discovered a strange creature in a rat trap. He tried to drown him, killing him only the third time.

    The creature was small - about 70 cm long with an elongated head, which led to speculation that it was the child of an alien with high level intelligence.

    However, skeptics have stated that it could be a reptile or a skinless squirrel monkey, which would explain the tail and spine as well as big head and eyes.

    The farmer himself mysteriously died in the car during an abnormal high temperature some time after drowning the creature, which many ufologists considered alien revenge for the child.

    In fact:

    Scientists have argued that the creature's teeth are not positioned like human teeth, and it itself has unique tissue that has not been modified, which refutes the monkey theory.

    Later, the farmer’s nephew and part-time taxidermist admitted that the creature was the corpse of a monkey, from which the skin and ears were removed and which was placed in the liquids of various animals.

    4. Blue Hill Horror

    In September 2009, four teenagers playing in the village of Cerro Azul in Panama discovered a strange creature running out of a cave. According to them, the monster began to chase them, and the teenagers began throwing stones at it until they killed it, and then threw the body into the water.

    The newspapers called the creature Gollum (the character from The Lord of the Rings) because it lived in a cave, and also the Blue Hill Horror.

    In fact:

    Scientists discovered that the teenagers' story was a fiction, and the creature turned out to be the body of a sloth that had begun to decompose. Due to being in the water for so long, his hair had disappeared, giving him a bloated, rubbery appearance.

    5. Alien corpse at ceremony in Thailand

    In 2010 in in social networks A series of photographs has emerged taken in 2007 at the funeral ceremony of a strange alien-like creature in Thailand. It had a large round head, gray skin covered in white powder, resembling a satyr with tiny hooves and a tail.

    Some claim that the ceremony was performed to get rid of evil spirits associated with the creature, others believed that the inhabitants worshiped the creature as a deity.

    In fact:

    There were suggestions that the creature was a disfigured cow, although it looked very humanoid. Many point to the large number of anomalous animals appearing around the world and believe that aliens are experimenting on animals, creating strange hybrids that will one day take over the world.

    Mysterious creatures

    6. Humanoid from Chile

    In October 2002, while traveling with his family to Chile Julio Carreno(Julio Carreno) discovered a tiny humanoid 7.2 cm long in the bushes.

    The creature had a large humanoid head, nails and opened its eyes, and died 8 days after discovery. When he was alive, he had pink skin that darkened and his body remained warm before quickly mummifying itself.

    In fact:

    The humanoid's body was examined by veterinarians from Santiago, whose opinions were divided as to who the creature was. They confirmed that it was not a human fetus or the remains of a feline, and that its physical characteristics were more consistent with a mouse opossum. However, the creature did not have the small sharp teeth or tail of a possum, and the head was twice as large.

    7. Chupacabra from Texas

    The creature known as "Yeti" Latin America seen several times in Puerto Rico and the United States, namely Texas. According to legend, the chupacabra (which translates from Spanish as “goat bloodsucker”) kills livestock and drinks their blood.

    According to descriptions, this creature had no fur, its skin had a bluish-gray tint.

    These creatures have been seen and shot several times in Texas for strangling dozens of chickens.

    In fact:

    DNA tests showed the animal was a wolf-coyote hybrid that had lost its hair due to mange. Although the ability to suck blood from chickens and goats remains unclear.

    8. Huge boar from A Labamas

    In May 2007, an 11-year-old boy, Jamison Stone, from Alabama in the USA, shot a huge wild boar weighing almost 480 kg and 2.80 meters long. The boy, who was hunting with his father, shot the animal eight times and chased it for three hours. When the boar was shot, trees had to be cut down to get it. The animal's head was left as a trophy, and about 200-300 kg of sausages were made from the meat.

    In fact:

    Many people signed a petition accusing the boy of animal cruelty. Skeptics consider the whole story to be fiction, and the boar was, in fact, raised on a farm and fattened in order to sensationalize the story. Also, many believed that this was simply the result of Photoshop processing.

    9. Eastern Yeti Captured in China

    In April 2010, hunters captured a balding mammal that resembled a bear with a kangaroo tail and made cat-like noises. The creature became a real sensation and was called the “Eastern Yeti.” According to legend, the Yeti had the figure of a bear, which was much taller than a man. This creature was no more than 60 cm in length.

    In fact:

    Experts concluded that it was a common musang with scabies. The animal was sent to Beijing for examination, but the results were never made public.

    10. "Alien" from Chelyabinsk

    This creature was discovered in an abandoned pit in Chelyabinsk in Russia. He had hard shell, several limbs and a tail located one above the other. Some have suggested that this monster is a huge scale insect, horseshoe crab, or trilobite, which went extinct before the dinosaurs.

    In fact:

    Apparently, these creatures are shield crustaceans, which are one of the oldest animals, a species that is more than 200 million years old. Usually its size does not exceed 6-7 cm, while the discovered animal reached about 60 cm

    In March 2014, in the vicinity of Birobidzhan, local activists of the “Stalkers” movement discovered the creature Rake. This is evidenced by two videos posted on the Internet. In the first video, Rake screams, and in the second, the guys come almost face to face with him. A more precise location of the creature is the abandoned workshops of the Dalselmash plant.

    It must be said that this is not Rake’s first appearance in public. At the moment, several evidence of encounters with this creature have accumulated. We'll tell you about them below, but for now let's talk about who Rake is. So let's get started.


    The Rake, or Rake Man, is an extremely thin humanoid creature with sharp, long claws, from which it gets its nickname. Information about him is quite scarce, since it is believed that the authorities deliberately hide everything and destroy any documents mentioning his name. As well as Thin Man, Rake is a popular hero scary stories. For many people, the names of these creatures are synonymous. Actually this is not true.

    Who is the Thin Man?

    To avoid confusion, let's tell you a little about this creature. Witnesses describe him as wearing a black funeral suit. He is very thin and can stretch his torso and limbs to incredible lengths. He is also capable of growing tentacles from his back, becoming similar to Doctor Octavius ​​from the movie Spider-Man.

    As you can see, the Thin Man and the Rake are two completely different creatures that should not be confused. Now let's move on to describing the evidence of the meeting with Rake.


    In the summer of 2003, a series of mysterious events related to a mysterious humanoid creature occurred in the northeastern United States. At first they attracted the interest of the local press. The newspapers were full of headlines: “Is Rake a creature from outer space or a person?”, “Attack of a humanoid on a person,” etc. But then everything suddenly calmed down. For unknown reasons, most of the online and printed descriptions of the creature were destroyed.

    People initially saw it in the New York suburbs. When encountering this creature, witnesses experienced the most different emotions. For some, Rake evoked indescribable horror and fear, while for others it evoked childish curiosity. And although printed versions of their stories are no longer available, the memory of them is still alive thanks to some participants in those events.

    In 2006, they began searching for evidence of the Rake. They managed to collect about two dozen documents (from the 12th century to the present day) from four continents. The stories were very similar. Below we present a few excerpts from their book, which is planned for release in the near future.

    1691 Entry in the ship's log

    “He came to me in a dream. I felt his gaze with my whole body. He took everything. Now we need to go to England. We will never return here again. That’s what Rake, a creature from the other world, asked.”

    1880 Diary entry

    “It was the greatest horror of my life. He comes as soon as I fall asleep. He has black ones and Rake is a creature that simply pierces with his gaze. His hand is slimy and wet. He tells me... (more illegible text).”

    1964 Suicide note

    “Before I leave this life, I want to alleviate the pain that I will cause by this act. Please don't blame anyone for this except Rake. I first felt his presence as soon as I woke up. This is the most I've ever seen. His look and voice are terrible. Out of fear, I can’t help but suddenly he will come again. I'm afraid I might not wake up. Farewell".

    This note was found in a wooden box. There was also a couple of empty envelopes and a short letter:

    “Dear Lynnie, I prayed a lot that Rake wouldn’t come to you. The creature said your name."

    Certificate 2006

    “Three years ago, my family and I went on a trip. We returned home very tired, we put the children to bed and immediately went to bed.

    I woke up around 4am, straightened the sheets and accidentally woke up my husband. Turning to me, he sharply pulled his legs towards him. And he did it so quickly that I almost fell out of bed. It's good that he managed to catch me.

    Half a second later I understood the reason for his strange reaction. At our feet there was something that looked like either a hairless dog or a naked person. Of course, I knew that there were strange creatures in the world, but I did not think of encountering one of them in person. His position was very unnatural, as if after a car accident. For some reason I wasn't scared at all. On the contrary, I was worried about his condition. At that moment it seemed to me that it needed our help.

    In the blink of an eye, the creature crawled up to my husband and began to look into his eyes. All this lasted for about half a minute. Then it touched his knee and ran out into the corridor towards the nursery.

    I screamed and ran out after him to protect my children. Once in the corridor, I noticed him creeping along the wall about six meters from me. I will never forget this The body of the creature was covered in blood. I turned on the light in the nursery and saw my wounded daughter Clara. While my husband and I were trying to help her, the creature ran down the stairs. Our daughter's last words were, "His name is Rake."

    The husband picked up his daughter and carried her into the car to take her to the hospital. But on the way the car fell into the lake. He also died. In our small town, this news spread quite quickly. The police wanted to help us, and the press showed remarkable interest in us. However, my story was never published, and local television did not react at all.

    My son and I could not return home. And we spent the next few months in a hotel not far from our parents’ house. But to find answers, I decided to return. With great difficulty, I managed to find a person from a neighboring city with whom the same story happened. We met and discussed our misfortunes. He knew two other people who had seen Rake.

    We spent about two years looking at websites that described unusual creatures, trying to find references to Reika. But not a single source provided a detailed history or description of the consequences of his activities. Only in one diary were three whole pages devoted to the creature.

    Sometimes there were cases when Rake appeared to one person several times. He even spoke to someone, as was the case with my daughter. This made me wonder if the creature had visited us before.

    Every night I sleep with the recorder on, and in the morning I listen to the recordings. I don’t hear anything except my tossing and turning in my sleep. But one day a shrill voice was heard in the headphones, Rake’s voice. I'm very scared. I wouldn’t wish even my enemy for strange creatures like Rake to appear in his life.

    Since he took away everything that was dear to me, I haven’t seen him, but, judging by the recording, he was in my room. And now I feel fear every day. I’m afraid to wake up and feel his piercing gaze on me.”