Should you kiss a guy first?

06.01.2018 Relationship

If you have thought about this question, then you want to spend your first kiss with a girl in such a way that you can do it the second, third time and beyond. There may be many opinions, but the most important thing is to always remember that girls love, period!

If you ask what kind of date to kiss, I will say that a decent and properly brought up girl is afraid to appear “easily accessible” in the eyes of a guy. They all want to show their individuality and these are the thoughts spinning in a girl’s head about how to kiss correctly:

- "I'm not like others",

- “I won’t kiss him on the first date, that’s my principle,”

- “I will look ridiculous and in general this is not accepted, it’s bad form,”

- “If you remember our parents, they didn’t have this,”

- “A proper kiss should only happen after the third date,” and the like.

They want to decide for us

In fact, these thoughts are caused by the norms of behavior and morality accepted in society. Every girl going on a date with you does not exclude the possibility of a kiss. And on what date to kiss is a question only for you. If you behave correctly, your first kiss with a girl will be on your first date. If you mess up, it will never happen at all.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rules and you need to look at the situation. But in most cases, if a trusting atmosphere has been created, take it and kiss it! And no questions like: “Can I kiss you?” Do it! You are a man after all, as you said - this is how it should be, just act!

On what date should you kiss?

Let's think, why at all? What are your goals? So, as a rule, the purpose of a date is to spend a pleasant time together and create the proper level of trust and mutual understanding. If you can create all this, the first kiss with a girl can happen within a few minutes of communication.

Therefore, the question of how to kiss a girl for the first time may well be considered without dating. Don't get hung up on it. And in general, down with all the rules! “Three dates”, “You can’t do this”, “It will look stupid from the outside” and similar limiting beliefs, throw them into the firebox! Can! Everything is possible! The main desire. And your confidence in your beliefs.

Learning to kiss correctly

Many guys are interested in the question: how to kiss well, how to kiss correctly, or how a proper kiss should be carried out? I haven’t asked this question for a long time, because... Such questions somehow disappeared by themselves about eleven years ago. Because Now, when it comes to a kiss, my thoughts gradually disappear somewhere and, as a rule, it’s just about enjoying each other with the girl.

But I’ll try to “remember” how this happens. So, how to kiss a girl for the first time? There are many options, from the brutal “Well, I took it and kissed it right on the lips, why complicate it?”, to the romantic “I started kissing her from the wrist, slowly climbed up her arm to her feminine shoulders, then moved to her tender neck, slowly approached her ear , and these cheeks are so attractive...” - I think the principle is clear, only from such a description can one get turned on :)

But make sure that your lips and tongue are completely relaxed. The sexiest kisses happen when you slowly caress each other's lips and tongues. If a girl says that she doesn’t like to kiss, then most likely she just didn’t kiss correctly. Perhaps one of the first partners believed that in order to get a girl, you need to stick your tongue down her throat))) Ugh, of course, but who knows.

In general, everything includes many nuances. But a kiss... A kiss turns on the first beacon about what you are like in bed.

Ready, attention, mmm...

So, the lips and tongue are relaxed. If your partner is new (you haven’t had sex yet), then start by “exploring” her lips with your lips. First, kiss the lower lip, then the upper, then run your completely relaxed tongue over her lower lip, then over her upper lip. Meet your tongues for a second and return to your lips again. Take it slow. This will add sensuality to the kiss. You can get a girl in just a few seconds, with just one kiss. There is no need to attack her right away. Do not rush. Enjoy it. After all, her lips are worth it.

How to kiss a girl. Video example

It's up to you to decide how to kiss a girl for the first time. Situations are different, girls are different, the places where the first kiss with a girl takes place also dictate their own conditions. On a date, a romantic slow kiss would be more appropriate, but at a rock concert (you never know) I think it wouldn’t be as appropriate, it’s better to act like a bad guy and act with more passion.

In general, my dear friend, I think that you have found the answers to the questions of how to kiss a girl on the lips for the first time and carry out the right kiss. And how to kiss well, your experience will teach you - do it more often, with girls you like, with whom it’s nice to spend time even without kisses, but it’s still worth adding them. If you ask me, I will answer. I already wrote an article about this)

And remember that kissing a girl is easy! And girls love to do this!

Good luck to you, and many beautiful, mutual and memorable kisses! It’s not as difficult as giving her the opportunity to ask for it herself;) But this is no longer the topic of this article.

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How to kiss a girl for the first time. So, you've found your match. You like her, she likes you too - the ideal balance of power. If she spends time with you and gladly accepts your advances, then be sure that she is waiting for a kiss no less than you. But you are a man, which means you must take the first step. Women love confident men, so don't hesitate or be embarrassed. Your excitement may scare her away, and she will begin to doubt you, under no circumstances should this be allowed!

As soon as you decide to kiss a girl for the first time, you will immediately gain confidence in your abilities, and in the future you will do it more and more confidently and calmly. As they say, the first step is the most difficult.

Choosing a location.

Think through everything to the smallest detail. Ask her on a date - just on a date, and not on a walk, which may be attended by some of your or her acquaintances. There will still come a time when you will kiss her in public. Now you (and especially you) need intimacy. No one should distract you or embarrass you. Therefore, a cafe is also not suitable for a first kiss. As a last resort - the last row in the cinema. More romance, don’t forget about flowers and compliments. For the first kiss, the slow walk to her house after a wonderful evening is perfect. But you shouldn’t wait for the very last moment: after all, someone might interfere with you at her house.

Let's get down to business.

The place has been found, the romantic atmosphere has been created - what now? Now, in fact, you will learn how to kiss a girl for the first time. You sat down on a bench on a quiet alley, you hugged her - and then!.. Don’t worry. Yes, this is almost impossible, but try to show your excitement as little as possible. Believe me, the girl understands perfectly well what is going on and is no less worried than you. Now look into her eyes and slowly lean towards her lips. So, you're almost there.

Options for the development of events.

How to kiss a girl for the first time
Let's start with the not-so-favorable outcome of your maneuver - the girl pulled away. Why might this happen? Most likely, she is embarrassed or thinks that the time has not come yet. Don't get upset and don't turn red as a lobster. Just kiss her on the cheek and hug her. Give it a try after a while or on your next date. Don’t consider the option that she doesn’t want to kiss you at all - in that case, she wouldn’t even walk hand in hand with you.

Now there is another, more joyful option - she responded to your movement, closed her eyes and parted her lips. What to do next?


Just kiss. Don't be too careful, but don't overdo it either. Slowly “explore” her tongue with yours, kiss her on the lips. Of course, you’ve already taken care of fresh breath, no runny nose, and put your phone on silent mode. Don't delay the first kiss: half a minute will be enough to start with.

Step back, catch your breath - the job is done. The second and subsequent kisses will be easier. Don't give up! It’s better to hug her by the shoulders and waist, and stroke her lightly. You can stroke her cheek or her hair.

It is done!

Congratulations! You have taken a huge step in your life. As it turns out, kissing a girl for the first time is not as difficult as it seemed, is it?

In conclusion. If all your peers boast that they have kissed a thousand times, and you still go, as they say, “never been kissed,” don’t get upset and don’t think about it. As a rule, young people start kissing at the age of 13-15, but it happens that the moment of the first kiss is delayed until 20-22 - and there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is that you really like the girl you kiss for the first time. Then you will remember your first kiss for the rest of your life.

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Men often wonder if it is possible to kiss a girl on the first date. It is possible, but if you consider the reasons possible refusal and think about how to behave in a given situation. It’s great when the young lady herself hints at a kiss, but how to recognize it? Where and how is the best way to kiss a girl? What should you never do? This article will help you figure it all out.

On what date can you kiss a girl?

“Should you kiss a girl on the first date or is it better to wait until the second?” – there is no universal answer to this question. You can kiss a woman for the first time on the first date, and on the second, and on the fifth... It depends on the particular young lady, her beliefs and sympathy for you.

If a girl likes a man, then she is unlikely to object to a kiss at the end of the first meeting. If the kiss didn’t happen, but she agrees to a second date, then she definitely liked the guy. This means you can safely kiss her on your next date.

But if a man doesn't do this, the woman may think that he didn't like her.

How to understand that a girl wants to kiss you

Girls don't like to kiss in public, so she will probably look for a secluded place.

Woman long looks a man in the eyes and pauses in the conversation so that he can guess her desire.

Also a girl reduces the distance between you- in the movies, she puts her head on the shoulder of her companion, walks on the street or stands a little closer.

In general, pay attention to her behavior: if she tries to touch you by chance, looks into your eyes and is silent, then these are sure hints that she is expecting a kiss.

Why doesn't a girl want to kiss

There are three reasons for this:

  1. She doesn't like the man. When a person is not hooked, there can be no talk of any intimacy with him. To check this, ask for a second date. If the girl doesn’t agree, then that’s the problem; if it’s the other way around, then there’s another reason.
  2. She doesn't want to seem approachable. In order not to appear approachable, the young lady waits for the second or third date for a kiss. If at the second meeting she won’t let you kiss her, then you can ask her. For example: “I understand: you don’t want to rush things. I'm right?". This question is quite delicate, but at the same time it helps to understand everything.
  3. She's shy about something. It can be anything, and often depends on certain circumstances: the woman is not confident in the freshness of her breath, she is embarrassed by her braces, or there are too many people around. To find out the reason, you can ask a question related to point 2 - the answer should clarify the situation.

How to kiss a girl on a date

Firstly, she should be ready for this, i.e. the first kiss should not be a sudden surprise. Think about the location - a park, an embankment or the porch of her entrance. The last option is ideal, because it is unspoken that a man kisses his lady goodbye. It is at this moment that she will be 100% ready.

Secondly, avoid large crowds of people, especially if among them there is a risk of meeting her friends. This atmosphere puts a lot of pressure on the girl, because she may feel awkward.

Third, start the kiss gently, and listen to her actions - if she responds to it, then you can extend it, and, for example, hug your companion by the shoulders. For the first time this is quite enough.

Fourthly, don't say anything stupid right after the fact. An unsuccessful phrase can ruin the entire romance of the moment, so after a kiss it will be enough to just smile.

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Often the girl herself hints that she does not mind a kiss - this is not so difficult to understand.

And finally, a useful video on the topic:

But if the kiss doesn’t work out, don’t despair - invite the young lady on a second date. If she agrees, then the next attempt will definitely be successful.

The first time it’s always difficult to understand whether it’s okay to kiss a girl or whether it’s too early. And not because the girl carefully hides everything possible signs, but rather because the guy is very worried and worried about the result of such a bold action. Beginners certainly have a myth that a girl can punch you in the face for such impudence. Theoretically, it can, but in practice, if everything is done correctly, this does not happen.

On the one hand, there is a certain ideal moment, the most successful for a kiss. And, oddly enough, such moments happen not only in movies, but also in life. Moreover, you can prepare them yourself if you do everything skillfully.
On the other hand, the first kiss is still a strong male act towards a girl. And if a girl goes on a date with a guy (not a simple meeting for an hour, but really something that is framed as a date), then she already admits the idea that a kiss might happen. So it’s just up to you - when you decide that it’s possible, then kiss. :)

However, I will try to highlight the necessary and sufficient factors, taking into account which you will not go wrong with a kiss.

The girl already trusts you enough. Every girl needs her own time to trust a man, so it’s hard to say when it might arise. This is noticeable by the fact that she feels comfortable and relaxed around you. Allows you to enter her personal space, touch personal things, and talks to you about personal topics.

After all, a kiss is a fairly intimate process, so try to ensure that there are a minimum of people and prying eyes around you, so that nothing confuses the girl and you. In addition, the very fact of solitude can trigger the necessary processes in her head.

The girl responds well to your touch. At the same time, you don’t necessarily have to walk by the hand (not everyone likes this), but in general, she allows her to touch herself, and even better, she touches you. It is quite telling if she is okay with someone touching her hair and neck area.

When you look at a girl while telling something, you catch her eye and notice that you like to look at each other. It's even better if you notice that she is looking at your lips. This may continue for some time, and even give the impression that she is not listening to you. Perhaps this is true.

You notice that the girl repeats your gestures, postures, movements. Sometimes even parts of your phrases - “what, really, got a flat tire in the middle of the forest?“All these signs mean that you have synchronized quite strongly, and it’s time to turn to the last point.

You feel like you want to kiss her. It is very important. Some guys think “I should kiss her” - this is a harmful thought. If there is no desire at the emotional level, then there is no need. If you really want to kiss her, then this is a sure signal that she wants it too. Indeed, in conditions of synchronization, your emotions are easily transmitted to her.

I don’t recommend directly following the girl, looking for confirmation of what is written here (this can greatly ruin communication), but if suddenly at some point you notice that everything coincides, act immediately! This is the perfect moment. Believe me, if you miss it, then you will regret it for a long time, and think “what if...”

It's always exciting. After it, you understand a lot about yourself, your partner, and even about how your relationship will develop, whether it will lead to sex or marriage. For some reason, men are more worried about their first kisses. This is understandable, since sometimes it is difficult to understand whether the “right moment” has arrived.

If you are of a romantic nature and want to see yourself from the outside or get some practical advice on when and how to kiss a girl, then we recommend watching the film “The Realities of Love” (I Want to Marry Ryan Banks - a 2004 comedy).

Of course, you shouldn’t be so afraid of the first kiss and other interesting moments in a relationship with a woman, because if she spends time with you, then most likely she herself has long wanted to move to another level. Perhaps she will even take a step towards you and kiss you first.

If this has not happened yet, then it’s time to take the initiative into your own hands. How to kiss a girl so that her knees buckle, her heart skips a beat, and she wants to repeat it again and again? And when is the best time to do this? You will learn all about female body language and gestures, when it is appropriate to kiss a girl according to the women themselves, and learn how to create the most successful romantic moments yourself.

Calm, we tell you, just calm! First of all, you need to stop being nervous and learn to control yourself around her. Do not fall into a daze when the moment is right for a kiss, otherwise it will never come. And in general, who knows when exactly this moment will come and is it worth waiting for? Sometimes you manage to kiss a girl in the first minutes of meeting her, and it turns out the best option to start a dizzying relationship. So don't be afraid, just don't eat a sandwich with onions before a date, and then it will definitely be difficult to ruin it.

You shouldn’t treat your first kiss as an astronaut selection process. Stop worrying about a little kiss and remember once again that a girl will not waste her time on someone she does not dream of kissing, and has probably already done this many times in her imagination. Even if everything doesn’t go as you imagined, the girl who is interested in you will not escape you, and if she runs away after the first kiss, then she was not your girl. Remember, a woman is like a boomerang, if she likes you, she will definitely come back.

No need to rush

There is no kissing charter that strictly regulates the time when you should kiss or have sex for the first time, but there is no need to rush into either one. Some guys believe that not getting a kiss is a sign that you are a loser and the girl won't want to see you again. Because of such thoughts, many people rush to snatch a kiss at any cost on the first day in order to feel like a winner. But, believe me, it’s better to give the girl time to dream about what it will be like for the first time. A goodbye kiss on the cheek is enough to spark her imagination.

How to kiss a girl? Read her gestures

Remember, if she doesn’t move away from you when you’re too close, and looks intently into your eyes, then a tremulous, exciting kiss awaits you very soon, and you’ll know exactly when! This can be called attraction: when she often bows her head towards you, looks at you with a smile, touches her hair and neck. When a girl is waiting for your kiss, her movements slow down, become smooth, and all this in order to give you the opportunity to catch her lips. Often they end a date with a kiss and this is very “cruel”, because a sleepless night in your dreams is guaranteed for both of you, but this is what foreplay was created for, to kindle passion.

Kiss like in a movie

There is no need to neglect romantic plots from films; it is better to take note of them. It is no coincidence that a specific film was mentioned at the very beginning, because in fact, girls do not have enough such bright moments in life, and all they can do is look from the outside at someone else’s life, albeit a movie one. If guys understand that before kissing a girl, they need to create the right atmosphere for this, things will quickly go smoothly. Dinner by the sea or watching the sunset are perfect for this, and look for details in films. The film industry is not just about entertainment, but about showing what your life could be like if you dared.

Probably the greatest happiness is when everything happens at the right time and in in the right place. We hope that with our advice, your fear of kissing a girl will be successfully eliminated with that very first kiss and you will have to write a new article for you entitled: “My girlfriend loves my kisses so much that I need to distract her for a while to take a break.”