Elder divinity - aspects. History of the World: Memoirs of an Elder God

24.07.2019 Home and life

Elder God: First Look

Remember when you first came to Isola's floating platforms as young immortals? You managed to discover ancient tablets from the era of Eli and transfer the received data to Asterius. Time passed, but the god-chronicler was never able to find out more. The project was shelved, and the artifacts were moved to storage.

A young immortal nicknamed “Clubfoot” was in charge of transportation. The young man never had a passion for history or science. Imagine the surprise of the scientists when, the next day after delivery, Clubfoot ran into the laboratory with burning eyes. He told stories from the era of Eli that even the elder gods did not know about!

It turned out that after shipment the guy dozed off in the archive right on one of the tablets. During a long contact with the powerful etheric body of the immortal, the experience of Eli himself contained in the tablets, his feelings and sensations were transmitted to the courier in a vivid dream. The clubfoot seemed to have experienced events from the life of the great god. The memories recorded on the tablet were dedicated to Eli's transformation into an elder god.

After Eli became a god and gained new opportunities and powers, the good of his country became his first and most important concern. His cult grew, and the pilgrims went further and further. It soon became clear that there were others like Eli in the world. The young god set out on a journey to find his brothers, but what Eli saw amazed him. Some immortals were mired in narcissism and vices and had no intention of using their power for the benefit of people. On the contrary, their power was built on fear, and from it the tyrants drew faith.

One of these cruel gods was the owner of a small mountain principality, nicknamed the “Old Executioner.” This villain used blood rituals to prolong his life. Eli tried to reason with the immortal and told him about the true nature of this gift. The Lord took this as an insult and attacked Eli. The Old Executioner was defeated, and then something unusual happened. Eli absorbed the immortal's ethereal body and became stronger. People were glad to get rid of the tyrant, and God felt that in the future this would take him to a new level of power.

Eli always opposed murder and, above all, looked for immortal allies and comrades in other people. However, on his way he actively used other immortals and only after strengthening his position did he take the path of true humanism.

Killing another immortal and absorbing their power became a crime. At first, as punishment for this, Eli himself absorbed the culprit, but this contradicted his ideas, and another way out was found. The culprit was placed in a kind of prison - frozen in ice. The immortal fell into sleep for an infinitely long time. Over time, he lost his strength, grew old and died, like ordinary mortals.

Remember Aeolus? The immortal you found in the ice during the Mantid conspiracy. It turns out that his fate was closely connected with Eli.

Aeolus was a mortal when Eli became the elder god. He, like thousands of other mortals, remembered that day well.

Eli was returning from his great journey, and a solemn welcome awaited him in the main square of the city. The welcoming group, where all the most worthy and important residents gathered, was led by Oristar, Eli’s father, who, although he already looked like an old man, was still full of strength.

As Eli stepped into the square, the assassins of the Immortal Guild emerged from the shadows. It was the usual revenge of supporters of one of the defeated tyrants: in front of Eli, they killed his father and other residents of the city who were with him.

Eli did not have time to save his father, but none of the killers managed to escape. The anger that gripped Eli was so strong that God tore the criminals into pieces and swallowed them etheric bodies. Then Eol saw with his own eyes that even the kindest and most humane god has a dark side.

When it was all over, Eli bent over his father's body and sobbed bitterly. God had already tried to resurrect the dead before and knew that he would not succeed, but he could not help but try one last time.

Eli exerted all his strength and suddenly felt himself being reborn and becoming someone else; he entered divine form against his will, and then a huge ethereal entity shot up and occupied half the sky above him. People from all over the city saw her and then told their children the story of the day when Eli became the elder god.

Eli's new, reborn etheric body gave him amazing powers: he resurrected his father.

From the day Eli became a god, Aeolus dreamed of immortality. He wanted to be great and shape the world as he saw fit, just as he believed Eli did. Therefore, when Eol woke up one day on the battlefield, his joy knew no bounds.

However, it turned out that Eli already had a firm grip on the reins of power. The life of the new immortals was largely regulated by the Canon. All that remained for Eol, who wanted glory, was to become the best and break into Eli’s personal retinue. It happened quite quickly, but it didn’t bring joy. Eol knew that he was born for something more than to stand behind Eli. And then he organized the first secret cult of Aelion.

Even during the “golden age” there were dissatisfied people, and Aeolus gained quite a few fans, especially among the immortals. He successfully fooled them and forced them to sacrifice themselves in the name of the common cause. Aeolus absorbed their ethereal bodies, becoming stronger.

Aeolus was so skillful in confusing his tracks that Eli suspected something was wrong when it was almost too late. A battle ensued, and it turned out that the traitor was very strong. Only through the joint efforts of several gods under the leadership of Eli was it possible to defeat and capture the enemy.

Aeolus became the most powerful of the immortals imprisoned in ice. That is why he managed to survive to this day. But even he, being removed from the ice prison, was on the verge of death.

Clubfoot was extremely impressed by what he saw. As he spoke, he made sketches on a tiny piece of paper. Having finished the story, the immortal handed the sheet to the scientist and immediately fell asleep right on the floor in the laboratory. To say that the employee was shocked is to say nothing. You'd better see it for yourself.

Now that a new way to read the tablets has been found, research will continue again! We are confident that soon scientists will be able to learn more about the life of the great god.

Added: 07/18/2017 Tags:

Immortality is a great gift that must be used wisely. The most worthy immortals become gods, providing peace and prosperity to those who believe in them. Many live like this for centuries, settling in their provinces and devoting their eternal life caring for others. But there are gods whose power and courage do not allow them to sit still, forcing them to rush into battle again and again! They are ready to rush to any point on the planet - from icy mountains to desert expanses, and, if necessary, to leave their native Aelion. The development of such gods never stops; from year to year they hone their fighting skills. It is they who, having overcome many trials, will subsequently become the elder gods.

Known different ways transformation of a younger god into an older one, but one thing remains the same - it does not come easy.

How do you become an elder god?

Modern Aelionian gods can advance to the senior level by collecting 6 avatar trophies. An Avatar Trophy is a fragment of the etheric body of the great god from whose avatar it was obtained. Each such item allows you to comprehend one of the six divine specializations, which open up new opportunities for the god.

Important! Four trophies can be obtained by defeating the training version of the avatar. The remaining two were achieved only by defeating the incarnation of the great god in a championship match.

On the “Capital” tab (keyboard shortcut “Shift+K”) -> “Orbit” you will find the halls of the gods. The central hall is the residence of the elder gods. Here you can discover new skills and improve the existing abilities of your aspect.

After reincarnation as an elder god, the hero embarks on the path of mastering aspects, each of which opens up a new facet of development and bestows impressive appearances and capabilities.

What are aspects?

Aspect- a type of divine specialization available only to elder gods. At the moment, the Aelyonians know 3 aspects - fortitude, rage and mercy. Each unlocked aspect gives the god the ability to take on a special form and use a set of skills corresponding to it.

On the “Skills” tab (“I” key) -> “Divine Skills” you will find a list of all aspect abilities.

What are the aspects?

The Fortitude aspect devotes itself to protecting the weak. The gods focus the attention of enemies on themselves, investing resources in increasing health and strengthening defense. Having fully comprehended this aspect, the hero will learn to better use legendary equipment.

The aspect of rage symbolizes hatred of enemies and the desire to eradicate the threat. The Immortal concentrates its power on attacking skills, and also enhances them with various passive bonuses. A fully learned rage aspect grants the character the ability to use the elder divine form in anomalies and pantheon battles.

The aspect of mercy focuses on supporting your comrades even in the most difficult battle. By developing this aspect, the god will learn to inspire his allies to powerful attacks and will be able to significantly increase the effectiveness of their shields. Representatives of this aspect are capable of not only supporting their group, but also fighting on their own. Having mastered the aspect of mercy, the god learns the ancient art of reading edicts that embody his will in physical form.

Scientists believe that the essence of divinity has not been fully studied and in the future new aspects with incredible bonuses and skills will be revealed to immortals.

How to develop and where to use the aspect?

Unlike specializations, aspects can only be studied one at a time. The aspect of fortitude is studied first, then rage, and finally mercy. To open the next one, you need to explore all available vertices.

It costs money to open them cognition. It can be obtained by following the decrees of the council of gods and collecting rewards for exploits, as well as completing the “Astral Executioners” quest on the ground. In the future, there will be additional ways to obtain knowledge.

You can take on an older divine form in battle with an invasion avatar, in distortions and incursions on the ground. And having studied all the peaks in the aspect of rage, the characters will be able to take shape in anomalies and the battle of pantheons. Transformation is not easy - the elder divine form is activated for 1.5 minutes and requires 600 units of faith. Mercy aspect talents will help increase time and reduce cost.

The development of the gods never stops. We are confident that the future will bring not only new forms, but also challenges worthy of the elder gods!

Remember when you first came to Isola's floating platforms as young immortals? You managed to discover ancient tablets from the era of Eli and transfer the received data to Asterius. Time passed, but the god-chronicler was never able to find out more. The project was shelved, and the artifacts were moved to storage.

A young immortal nicknamed “Clubfoot” was in charge of transportation. The young man never had a passion for history or science. Imagine the surprise of the scientists when, the next day after delivery, Clubfoot ran into the laboratory with burning eyes. He told stories from the era of Eli that even the elder gods did not know about!

It turned out that after shipment the guy dozed off in the archive right on one of the tablets. During a long contact with the powerful etheric body of the immortal, the experience of Eli himself contained in the tablets, his feelings and sensations were transmitted to the courier in a vivid dream. The clubfoot seemed to have experienced events from the life of the great god. The memories recorded on the tablet were dedicated to Eli's transformation into an elder god.

Attention! The information shared by the immortal contains plot spoilers. We recommend that you refrain from reading if you have not yet completed the story “Mechanical Evil.”

After Eli became a god and gained new opportunities and powers, the good of his country became his first and most important concern. His cult grew, and the pilgrims went further and further. It soon became clear that there were others like Eli in the world. The young god set out on a journey to find his brothers, but what Eli saw amazed him. Some immortals were mired in narcissism and vices and had no intention of using their power for the benefit of people. On the contrary, their power was built on fear, and from it the tyrants drew faith.

One of these cruel gods was the owner of a small mountain principality, nicknamed the “Old Executioner.” This villain used blood rituals to prolong his life. Eli tried to reason with the immortal and told him about the true nature of this gift. The Lord took this as an insult and attacked Eli. The Old Executioner was defeated, and then something unusual happened. Eli absorbed the immortal's ethereal body and became stronger. People were glad to get rid of the tyrant, and God felt that in the future this would take him to a new level of power.

Eli always opposed murder and, above all, looked for immortal allies and comrades in other people. However, on his way he actively used other immortals and only after strengthening his position did he take the path of true humanism.

Killing another immortal and absorbing their power became a crime. At first, as punishment for this, Eli himself absorbed the culprit, but this contradicted his ideas, and another way out was found. The culprit was placed in a kind of prison - frozen in ice. The immortal fell into sleep for an infinitely long time. Over time, he lost his strength, grew old and died, like ordinary mortals.

Remember Aeolus? The immortal you found in the ice during the Mantid conspiracy. It turns out that his fate was closely connected with Eli.

Aeolus was a mortal when Eli became the elder god. He, like thousands of other mortals, remembered that day well.

Eli was returning from his great journey, and a solemn welcome awaited him in the main square of the city. The welcoming group, where all the most worthy and important residents gathered, was led by Oristar, Eli’s father, who, although he already looked like an old man, was still full of strength.

As Eli stepped into the square, the assassins of the Immortal Guild emerged from the shadows. It was the usual revenge of supporters of one of the defeated tyrants: in front of Eli, they killed his father and other residents of the city who were with him.

Eli did not have time to save his father, but none of the killers managed to escape. The anger that gripped Eli was so strong that the god tore the criminals into pieces and absorbed their ethereal bodies. Then Aeolus saw with his own eyes that even the kindest and most humane god has a dark side.

When it was all over, Eli bent over his father's body and sobbed bitterly. God had already tried to resurrect the dead before and knew that he would not succeed, but he could not help but try one last time.

Eli exerted all his strength and suddenly felt himself being reborn and becoming someone else; he entered divine form against his will, and then a huge ethereal entity shot up and occupied half the sky above him. People from all over the city saw her and then told their children the story of the day when Eli became the elder god.

Eli's new, reborn etheric body gave him amazing powers: he resurrected his father.

From the day Eli became a god, Aeolus dreamed of immortality. He wanted to be great and shape the world as he saw fit, just as he believed Eli did. Therefore, when Eol woke up one day on the battlefield, his joy knew no bounds.

However, it turned out that Eli already had a firm grip on the reins of power. The life of the new immortals was largely regulated by the Canon. All that remained for Eol, who wanted fame, was to become the best and break into Eli’s personal retinue. It happened quite quickly, but it didn’t bring joy. Eol knew that he was born for something more than to stand behind Eli. And then he organized the first secret cult of Aelion.

Even during the “golden age” there were dissatisfied people, and Aeolus gained quite a few fans, especially among the immortals. He successfully fooled them and forced them to sacrifice themselves in the name of the common cause. Aeolus absorbed their ethereal bodies, becoming stronger.

Aeolus was so skillful in confusing his tracks that Eli suspected something was wrong when it was almost too late. A battle ensued, and it turned out that the traitor was very strong. Only through the joint efforts of several gods under the leadership of Eli was it possible to defeat and capture the enemy.

Aeolus became the most powerful of the immortals imprisoned in ice. That is why he managed to survive to this day. But even he, being removed from the ice prison, was on the verge of death.

Clubfoot was extremely impressed by what he saw. As he spoke, he made sketches on a tiny piece of paper. Having finished the story, the immortal handed the sheet to the scientist and immediately fell asleep right on the floor in the laboratory. To say that the employee was shocked is to say nothing. You'd better see it for yourself.

Now that a new way to read the tablets has been found, research will continue again! We are confident that soon scientists will be able to learn more about the life of the great god.

The quest for the New God is perhaps the most difficult thing that occurs in the game at 30.5K prestige. And if other tasks can be completed in a group, then this one can only be completed independently. In truth, such a limitation goes against the concept of multiplayer games. Why such “solo games” if an MMO game should primarily encourage group playthroughs?..

The quest is quite long and consists of several stages. The first task is to repel the invasion of the death priests. Each pack must be dealt with as quickly as possible, because the next one will not wait. At the end - the boss is the charioteer of death and you can leave the dungeon to get the next task. In this very place the game may glitch - you will get a black screen that does not change with any spaces or mouse clicks. Only a complete restart of the game saves the situation.

Thais, it turns out, is a traitor. Moreover, there are rumors that she is also a lesbian...

The second task is to destroy the criminal god Laertes. First of all, you look for the entrance to his abode. As usual, there are no special secrets here. Stomp forward, destroying the Virthas and other mobs you encounter along the way. The first boss with 20 HP bars is quite a serious challenge. You have to hit him quickly and at the same time have time to pick up the yellow balls of treatment. At the very end, the boss begins to summon additional bosses - focus on them, because in some incredible way they make holes in the floor and summon more virthas. By themselves they are weak, but there are quite a lot of them.

Laertes can only be killed. But the elder gods don’t want to get their hands dirty with this...

The third boss with six stripes is less dangerous. It is, however, more difficult for close combatants, because it throws a fairly powerful AoE around itself. With ranged weapons, you can circle around, not get closer, and hit the boss with all possible skills.

Next, the jokes are over. The enemy god becomes himself and starts chasing you across the platforms. He burns out part of the platform and periodically places his hand on it. It is advisable that this hand does not cover you. The hand must be destroyed and the sparks knocked out of it. Watch where these sparks bounce and grab them as quickly as possible. If the enemy takes the spark, then you die and everything (that is, this stage with the platforms and the hand) starts from the beginning.

In divine form, your character is much stronger. True, in order to take this form you need to collect an additional resource - faith...

You need to collect three sparks, in fact, even two, you don’t need to run for the third. Afterwards you become a minor god and can kill him. At the moments when the god Laertes begins to burn again, substitute a reflective shield. And then beat him with the skills of the character you are playing. And so on several times. Priests and charioteers will interfere with your death - both the first and the second must also be killed. But in divine form it is much easier to do this.

In the end - victory. Honoring a new god, new opportunities and new tasks. By the way, a new area awaits you with mobs and bosses strong enough for the current prestige of 31K+. But they - great way find out how much your power has grown in divine form...

ps. Not everyone can immediately complete the quest for God. The reason is not full preparation for this task. The character needs two things before embarking on this adventure. The first is the symbols of shields from the paladin and the guardian of light (heavenly intervention and cover of light). This means that the atlases of these classes must certainly be opened. In addition to this, it is worth opening the atlas of the class with which you are going to complete the quest. After all, they also have useful symbols. For example, for witches-sorcerers - “blight”, which increases damage from damage, for archers - “cold count” to increase damage to targets with HP above 50%, for kineticists - “under the cover of darkness” to increase critical damage. And so on. The second is at least four chapels for damage for attacking classes and for defense if you prefer support classes. An additional requirement is, if possible, blue or purple pieces of equipment. With this baggage, the task is much easier to cope with. Shields are restored quite quickly, and due to the chapels for critical hits and accuracy, damage increases... The main thing is to live to the form of a god, obtained for sparks. Afterwards the quest can be considered completed.

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From the first minutes of Skyforge, our character is immortal, but he still has a long way to become a god. Like the heroes of ancient myths, our protégé will need to accomplish many feats, enlist the faith of numerous followers, and make every effort to become the new deity of Aelion.

This path makes up the first tens of hours of the game. Progress in skills and characteristics will allow you to achieve the desired development. The nascent cult (which we will discuss in a separate article) will provide followers and their faith - a resource used to perform miracles. The plot will lead you through the events as a result of which you will take on the divine form for the first time. In other words, the whole game is about how you become a god.

Being a god in Skyforge isn't just a series of challenges. Along with responsibility and concern for believers comes power and power. Having assumed a divine form, the character begins to seriously surpass other immortals both in destructive power and in resistance to damage, control and other manifestations of aggression from rivals and enemies. He also gets a clear visual difference that players often ask about: a character in divine form is significantly larger than other immortals in size and can choose a unique appearance for himself.

Depending on the classes and roles developed throughout the game, the newly created deity acquires special abilities that allow you to turn the tide of the battle. A tank can attract and distract all enemies on the battlefield, support gives immunity and strengthening to all allies, control can immobilize all enemy forces, and damage classes can destroy all living things at a distance and in close combat in one “spell.”

If your character has mastered many classes, then his capabilities will increase in this too: switching classes during battle is another advantage of playing in divine form.

And finally, the gods have the power to heal during battle, which is inaccessible to simple immortals.

Divine abilities are not limited to miracles on the battlefield. Using the faith of their followers, the gods of Aelion are able to create completely physical objects, such as equipment.

An experienced player, having read all this, can call the gods a “cheat” or a “breaker” and he will be absolutely right! Be a God in Skyforgemeans breaking the balance for your own purposes. And the game has all the possibilities for this. But do not forget that there are plenty of other gods in the world with no less power, and all miracles will require spending accumulated faith.

The divine appearance is an attribute of only “younger gods.” From this moment, a new, divine layer of the development atlas opens, allowing you to strengthen, improve, and increase the already considerable advantages. And the power of the invasion gods, coupled with the surviving legends about Eli, clearly indicate that the limits of the “elder god” are much further.

It’s up to you to decide who to become: a caring patron who decides destinies for the good of Elyon, or a calculating and selfish deity for whom mortals and their prayers are only fuel for omnipotence. And the world of Skyforge is waiting for your achievements.