St. Artemis Verkolsky Monastery.

22.08.2019 Food and drink

History of the Monastery

In the wilderness of the Arkhangelsk region, on the left bank of the Pinega River, the famous Artemiev Verkolsky has been standing for four centuries monastery.

The monastery was founded around 1635 on the site of the discovery of the relics of St. Artemia. The first ktitor and founder of the monastery is the governor of Kevrola and Mezen, Afanasy Pashkov, who founded the monastery in gratitude for the healing of his son, which took place at the relics of St. Artemia.

In 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich assigned a salary to the monastery, and a year later his sister Irina Mikhailovna donated rich gifts to the monastery. The monastery was rich and prosperous until the middle of the 18th century. In 1764, by decree of Empress Catherine II, he was transferred out of state and deprived of all lands and lands.

In the 1840s, the monastery was threatened with closure due to poverty, and it was saved from closure only by the fact that it was among 340 monasteries, which, according to the will of Countess Anna Alekseevna Orlova-Chesmenskaya, were entitled to a capital of five thousand rubles.

Saint Righteous John Kronstadt, whose homeland is the village. Sura (50 km from Verkola), venerated St. youth Artemy and often visited the monastery. With his money, the Assumption Cathedral was erected - the crown of the churches of the Verkolsky Monastery, which in its scale (capable of accommodating up to 1000 people) and grandeur could compete with many great churches of Russia.

TO end of the 19th century century, the Artemiyevo-Verkolsky Monastery was awarded the title of First-Class Monastery. According to descriptions of contemporaries, the monastery then flourished: “The Verkolsky monastery even from afar attracts attention with its solidity and improvement. It looks like a small town on the high bank of the Pinega, surrounded by a beautiful stone wall.” At that time, the brethren of the monastery numbered about 300 people.

But troubled times have come. After the revolution, an atheistic bacchanalia broke out in Pinega region. At the end of November 1918, a detachment of Red Army soldiers arrived at the Verkolsky Monastery. Some of the brethren had already left for other monasteries, and those who remained were shot on the banks of the Pinega. Local residents saw how from the place where the monks received martyrdom, the light rose to the sky. Icons and books were burned there, the walls of the monastery, towers and bell tower were dismantled into bricks. Since the 1930s, the monastery buildings housed the village commune, the district party committee, an orphanage, and food warehouses. Left without repair or maintenance, the temples suffered from bad weather and began to collapse over time.

Monastery today

Left without repair or care in Soviet years The temples suffered from bad weather and began to collapse over time.

But God could not leave this magical place to perish, and in the 90s the restoration of the monastery began. A lot of work was put in to bring the monastery to its former splendor and improve spiritual life. Everyone worked. Lyudmila Vladimirovna Krutikova-Abramova, the wife of the writer Fyodor Abramov, who back in the 70s looked with pain at the crumbling monastery and said that this great monument must be revived, helped (and still helps to this day) the monastery. In 1990, with the blessing of Bishop Panteleimon of Arkhangelsk and Murmansk, priest John Vasilikiv arrived at the monastery. After 2 years, he took monastic vows with the name Joasaph. Over the past 15 years, there have also been different periods in the life of the monastery: the brethren came and went. As Hieromonk Raphael recalls: “When I arrived at the monastery in 1993, Father Joasaph and about 10 workers lived there. I expected to see something completely different. Books about the pre-revolutionary monastery talked about large quantities brethren, oh majestic temples... and here there are no monks in sight, the buildings are in a dilapidated state. But I liked the monastery, the place is good. God’s providence brought me here.” Hieromonk Benedict, who first visited the monastery in 1996, notes its desolation: “...I saw the devastation, but I liked the place, the nature is picturesque. I went to the Artemievsky Church. The basketball markings shocked me. In Arkhangelsk I went to the Ilyinsky Cathedral and the Lavra, there were candles, icons, it was beautiful. And here is a plywood iconostasis, everything is simple, meager... There is no logic in my situation, why I stayed here, devastation, complete anarchy, disorder, disorder. A lot of people passed through the monastery. And the monks came from different parts of Russia, tried themselves, but could not stand it, and left. For many people it’s too harsh here: on one side there’s a forest, on the other there’s a river.” IN better times behind last years the brethren numbered up to 30 people including workers.

In 2006, the chapel in the name of the righteous youth Artemy was recreated, which was always located on the territory of the monastery, next to the Temple of Elijah the Prophet, but was dismantled into logs during the Soviet years.

Today there is still a lot of work ahead that needs to be done to restore the monastery, but a lot has already been done. The latest good news: the chapel on Jerzemen (on the spot where the youth was struck by lightning) has been almost completely rebuilt. The chapel is located about 2 kilometers from the monastery. They serve there, however, only on holidays, since it is quite remote from both residential buildings and the main monastery buildings.

The Kazan Church, which is located in the fraternal building, is being restored. It’s very difficult for everyone, the brethren are overwhelmed with obediences. Unfortunately, now the brotherly ranks have begun to thin out again. There were only about 10 monks left with novices and a few laborers. Moreover, there are only three ordained priests. Again the same problem as in 1990, there is no one to serve. And we thought those days were already over. It is difficult for Abbot Father Joseph to cope with everything: both with the management of the renovation of Kazansky and with the organization of the life of the monastery

God willing, everything will work out.

The Assumption Cathedral is currently closed and is being destroyed internally and externally. It is bitter to look at this great monument to the glory of God, with its high, collapsing vault and empty altar. In the Soviet years, when the fraternal building housed a boarding school for children with developmental disabilities, one of the “teachers” forced students to scrape paint off the iconostasis, thinking that it was covered with gold. It is sad to listen to such stories of the barbaric plunder of shrines and the long-term delusion of the great Russian people, the people on whom the entire Orthodox World was supposed to rest.

In recent years, attempts have been made to restore the Cathedral several times, but to do this completely and thoroughly requires a lot of money. The state won’t give such people (it’s good when the monastery receives at least some crumbs from the authorities, but lately those days have passed), and you can’t find so many benefactors. After all, this is not the capital, but a distant wilderness that no one needs, and it is helped either by people who have roots in the place or who have fallen in love with it once and for all. There are not many of both. Both the brethren of the monastery and the pilgrims pray and believe that one day the Assumption Cathedral will again shine in its former glory and open its doors to all worshipers.


The Holy Artemievo Verkola Monastery received its name from the village of Verkola, located two miles from the monastery (Pinezhsky district of the Arkhangelsk region in the modern administrative division), where the holy righteous youth Artemy was born in 1532 (+1545) and where in the parish St. Nicholas Church originally, Since 1577, his newly acquired incorruptible relics have rested. Through the prayerful intercession of the holy youth before God, many sick people received healing, including the twelve-year-old son of the Mezen governor. In gratitude for the miraculous deliverance of his son from a fatal illness, governor Afanasy Pashkov built cells and a fence with the Holy Gates in 1635, as well as a temple in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Artemy, the namesake heavenly patron of the righteous youth.

In 1610, the relics of St. Artemy, by order of the Novgorod Metropolitan Macarius, were examined, and on November 17, 1649, they were solemnly transferred from the parish church of St. Nicholas in the village of Verkola to the monastic monastery, which Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (Romanov) allowed to be founded. He sent to new monastery Gospel, cross, vessels, censer, chandelier, holy chalice, priestly and altar vestments and four bells. These events became joyful not only for the abbot, Hieromonk Raphael and his associate, Hieromonk Jonah, but also for the Orthodox laity of the entire northern coast.

Due to many reasons and circumstances, the monastery was constantly in distress, and in 1764, by decree of Empress Catherine II, it was classified as supernumerary and had to be closed due to lack of funds. But by the providence of God, Countess Orlova-Chesmenskaya (monastically - Agnia) accepts her hair and allocates a significant amount of contribution to many monasteries for the remembrance of the soul, including our monastery. Having received 5,000 gold rubles, the monastery continues its existence.

The revival and true improvement of the monastery began in 1859, when, through the efforts of an experienced confessor and skillful business manager, Abbot Jonah (1859-1861), the monastery, by the grace of God, began to receive abundant donations. Under the governors, Archimandrites Theodosius (1861-1885) and Vitaly (1888-1900), buildings and structures that were in disrepair after frequent fires were raised from the ruins, and most importantly, new stone churches, fraternal buildings, utility and auxiliary buildings were erected, so that In 1910, there were six churches in the monastery.

A frequent guest and generous benefactor of the monastery at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. was the holy righteous presbyter John of Kronstadt. Every year, during his trips to his homeland in the village of Sura, located from the village. Verkola is 50 km higher along the Pinega River, he stayed at the Verkola Monastery, well known to him from childhood, and participated in divine services. He personally wrote a wonderful akathist to the holy youth Artemy. And in 1897, with a large crowd of pilgrims, the Kronstadt shepherd consecrated the majestic cathedral in the Verkolsky monastery, built with funds donated by him, which, largely thanks to his zeal, became a true decoration of the entire Northern region.

The welfare of the monastery was constantly increasing, and by decree of the Holy Synod of March 13, 1890, it was classified as a first-class communal monastery with

archimandrite's administration. And on July 3, 1910, the rector of the Verkolsky monastery, Archimandrite Barsanuphius, by the Highest command and determination of the Holy Synod, was appointed Bishop of Kem, vicar of the Arkhangelsk diocese, retaining the post of rector.

All this contributed to the establishment and establishment of strict rules of monastic life in the monastery, especially in church services.

After civil war The monastery did not escape the common fate and was closed by the atheistic authorities. Part of the monastery brethren left, taking with them the shrines of the monastery. The relics are right. the youth Artemy were hidden in advance by the brethren from desecration. Their location is currently unknown. The gate temple with a bell tower, the stone wall around the monastery and many buildings were then dismantled, and the remaining structures were used for purposes other than their intended purpose. By the grace of God, the monastery was saved from complete destruction by the sparse population of the surrounding area and remoteness from large villages and cities.

During the Great Patriotic War The monastery buildings housed an orphanage for evacuated and homeless children. In the post-war period, the monastery buildings were occupied by an auxiliary boarding school, and then by a comprehensive school (until 1997).

In 1990, the structures and buildings of the monastery were transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church, and on August 5, after a 70-year forced break, the first service was held in the chapel, at the place of repose of St. right youth Artemy. And on November 17 of the same year, the first Divine Liturgy took place in the small St. Nicholas chapel of the Artemievsky Church.

On December 25, 1991, the Holy Synod decided to open the St. Artemievo Verkolsky Monastery.

From December 25, 1991 to July 6, 1995 and from July 1996 to February 24, 1997, the abbot of the monastery was Ioasaph (Vasilikiv), from July 6, 1995 to April 1, 1996 - Hieromonk Alexey ( Teterin), from 1998 to 1999. - Hegumen Varnava (Permyakov), and from August 1, 2000 n/st. and to the present time - Abbot Joseph (Volkov).

Modern life

You can get to the Artemiyevo-Verkolsky Monastery in the following way: 1) Train/plane to Arkhangelsk. 2) Train Arkhangelsk - Karpogory (6 hours of travel, runs once a day). 3) Taxi/minibus Karpogory - Verkola. 4) Through Pinega by boat and you are at the monastery. If you decide to visit the monastery, be sure to contact us so that a boat can be sent for you.


Weekday routine:

5.00 - general rise (performed by the alarm clock, who

goes around all the cells with a bell).

5.30 – prayer service before the shrine of St. right youth Artemy.

6.00 – morning prayers, midnight

6.30 – Matins, 1st hour.

7.30 – morning meal (for non-serving brethren and


8.00 – obedience.

8.30 – 3rd, 6th hours.

9.00 – Divine Liturgy.

13.00 – lunch meal.

14.00 – obedience

17.00 – 9 o’clock, vespers.

18.00 – evening meal (takes place like other common meals)

meals, while reading “The Lives of the Saints” or other

books of the holy fathers).

18.30 – Small Compline with three canons (on holidays)

days - without canons), evening prayers, the rite of forgiveness.

After evening rule another reader reads the akathist to St. right

neg. Artemia (in Sundays a prayer service is being served for him

with an akathist).

23.00 – general bedtime.

Divine services on the days of great holidays and on Sundays (vigils):

the night before it is served at 16.45 - 9 o'clock.

17.00 – all-night vigil.

20.45 – evening meal.

7.30 – general rise.

8.00 – morning prayers, Sunday midnight service

(on holidays - a prayer service for the holiday).

9.00 – 3rd, 6th hours.

9.30 – Divine Liturgy.

12.00 – festive meal.

In the wilderness of the Arkhangelsk region, on the left bank of the Pinega River, the famous Artemiyevo-Verkolsky Monastery has stood for four centuries. It was created around 1635 on the site of the discovery of the relics of St. Artemius. Voivode Afanasy Pashkov founded the monastery in gratitude for the healing of his son, which took place at the relics of St. Artemy.

The new monastery became a real peasant monastery, removed from the “vain world.” In 1764, however, the monastery was “retained by the state,” that is, it became a monastery that did not receive any funds from the treasury. The monastics were forced to live from the fruits of their labor, as well as from the funds of donors.

After a new fire (1782), the monks, with the help of the government, built a stone church, but financial affairs deteriorated so much that in 1848 the question arose about closing the monastery... It was saved from closure only by the fact that it was among the 340 monasteries that The will of Countess Anna Alekseevna Orlova-Chesmenskaya provided a capital of 5 thousand rubles. In 1890

Holy Synod introduced the monastery into the category of first-class. In 1909, there were already six churches, three of them stone. The monks built a water supply system, a brick factory and a water mill. The monastery was greatly supported by the Pinega native, the Venerable John of Kronstadt. Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, whose homeland is the village. Sura (50 km from Verkola), revered the holy youth Artemy and often visited the monastery. With his money, the Assumption Cathedral was erected - the crown of the temples of the Verkolsky Monastery, which in its scale (capable of accommodating up to 1000 people) and grandeur could compete with many great churches of Russia.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, the monastery became one of the spiritual centers of Pinega. Since 1885, the hermitage Svyatoezersky Nikolaevsky monastery near the White Sea region was assigned to the Verkolsky monastery. The highest recognition of the influence of the Verkol monks on the life of Pinezh residents was the introduction of the rank of vicar bishop of Pinezh, whose residence was located in the Artemiev-Verkolsky Monastery.

In Soviet times, the monastery experienced the common tragic fate of Russian monasteries. Even before the interventionists and white troops came to Pinega, the Soviet authorities announced the closure of the monastery in the summer of 1918. The monastery property was confiscated and the relics of the Righteous Artemy Verkolsky were discovered. In subsequent decades, the monastery buildings were either destroyed or used for other purposes.

In 1919, immediately before the closure of the monastery, the monks hid the shrine and relics of the righteous Artemy in a secret place. So far they have not been found. In the 1930s - 1950s. the buildings and walls of the monastery were almost completely destroyed. The restoration of the monastery began with the formation on March 23, 1990 of an Orthodox community in the village of Verkole, led by priest John (Vasiliki). On February 21, 1991, dilapidated monastery churches and dilapidated buildings were transferred to the community.

The Holy Synod, by its decision of December 21, 1991, opened the Artemiyevo-Verkolsky Monastery. In the 1990s The fraternal building was restored, domes were installed on the Assumption Cathedral, the roofs on the buildings were repaired, the chimes and cross on the bell tower were restored, the churches of the Prophet Elijah and the Nativity of Christ were restored.

Shrines of the monastery.

Now in the Artemievsky Church there are several ancient icons: the Most Holy Theotokos "Georgian", the apostles Peter and Paul, the apostles James and Matthew, the prophet of God Hosea.

In December 2000 benefactors from Moscow donated a list of the miraculous icon to the Verkolsky Monastery Mother of God"Inexhaustible Chalice" They wrote it in the Vysotsky Monastery, which is located in Serpukhov. Then the icon was attached to the original, consecrated and inserted into the icon case. On the reverse side there is an inscription: “To the Artemiev-Verkol Monastery from the abbots, brethren and benefactors of the Vysotsky Monastery and David’s Hermitage. This icon was copied in exact measure and likeness from the miraculous image of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.”

Before this image they pray for healing from the diseases of drunkenness and drug addiction. With the blessing of Bishop Tikhon, the brethren of the monastery serve weekly water-blessing prayers with the reading of an akathist before her, remembering all those suffering from such serious illnesses. People send letters from different places Russia, they ask to pray for those who suffer from drunkenness and drug addiction.

In the Artemievsky Church there is another miraculous icon of the Mother of God - “Sovereign”. The image is quite large in size: 1.6 m in height and 90 cm in width. It was applied to the myrrh-streaming icon of the martyr Tsar Nicholas II, after which the icon of the Mother of God streamed myrrh. On the shrine stands an icon of the youth Artemy with a piece of his relics.

There is also an Icon in the monastery St. Maximus A Greek with a piece of his relics. In the Artemievsky Church there is a reliquary with particles of the relics of the holy saints of God: Saints Philaret of Moscow (Drozdov), Innocent of Moscow, Gabriel of Ryazan; Saints Roman Kirzhachsky, Ambrose of Optina, Isaac I and many other shrines.

In our workshop you can Mother of God, Savior and others saints V silver frames . And also order exclusive gift yourself and your loved ones.

V. Verkolsky Artemiev Monastery, 1st grade, dormitory, Pinega district, 180 versts from the city of Pinega, on the river of the same name. Founded in 1645 at the site of the discovery of the relics of St. Artemy (June 23). In 1897, the newly built majestic cathedral in the name of the Dormition of the Mother of God was consecrated. In the Church of St. Artemy, his relics rest in a silver shrine. Every year on June 23, a procession of the cross takes place with the carrying of holy relics around the monastery. There is a school for boys and girls at the monastery. The Svyatoozersky Nikolaevsky monastery is assigned to it, 60 versts from the White Sea, on the shore of the “Holy” lake, built in 1885; here is the revealed icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

From the book by S.V. Bulgakov “Russian monasteries in 1913”

In the wilderness of the Arkhangelsk region, on the left bank of the Pinega River, the famous Artemiev Verkolsky Monastery has stood for four centuries.

The monastery was founded around 1635 on the site of the discovery of the relics of St. Artemia. The first ktitor and founder of the monastery is the governor of Kevrola and Mezen, Afanasy Pashkov, who founded the monastery in gratitude for the healing of his son, which took place at the relics of St. Artemia.

In 1649, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich assigned a salary to the monastery, and a year later his sister Irina Mikhailovna donated rich gifts to the monastery. The monastery was rich and prosperous until the middle of the 18th century. In 1764, by decree of Empress Catherine II, he was transferred out of state and deprived of all lands and lands.

In the 1840s, the monastery was threatened with closure due to poverty, and it was saved from closure only by the fact that it was among 340 monasteries, which, according to the will of Countess Anna Alekseevna Orlova-Chesmenskaya, were entitled to a capital of five thousand rubles.

Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt, whose homeland is the village. Sura (50 km from Verkola), venerated St. youth Artemy and often visited the monastery. With his money, the Assumption Cathedral was erected - the crown of the temples of the Verkolsky Monastery, which in its scale (capable of accommodating up to 1000 people) and grandeur could compete with many great churches of Russia.

By the end of the 19th century, the Artemiyevo-Verkolsky Monastery was awarded the title of First-Class Monastery. According to descriptions of contemporaries, the monastery then flourished: “The Verkolsky monastery, even from afar, attracts attention with its solidity and amenities. Like a small city, it stands on the high bank of the Pinega, surrounded by a beautiful stone wall.” At that time, the brethren of the monastery numbered about 300 people.

But troubled times have come. After the revolution, an atheistic bacchanalia broke out in Pinega region. At the end of November 1918, a detachment of Red Army soldiers arrived at the Verkolsky Monastery. Some of the brethren had already left for other monasteries, and those who remained were shot on the banks of the Pinega. Local residents saw light rising to the sky from the place where the monks suffered martyrdom. Icons and books were burned there, the walls of the monastery, towers and bell tower were dismantled into bricks. Since the 1930s, the monastery buildings housed the village commune, the district party committee, an orphanage, and food warehouses. Left without repair or maintenance, the temples suffered from bad weather and began to collapse over time. from the Monastery website

The history of the monastery goes back four centuries. Even more years have passed since the birth of the boy Artemy, who became a saint and in whose honor the monastery was named. Artemy was born in 1532 from meek and pious parents Cosma and Appolinaria. At the age of 12, during a thunderstorm, the Lord took him to His heavenly abodes. After 33 years, his incorruptible relics were found, from which numerous healings began, and after another thirty years, the youth Artemy was canonized. Through prayers to the righteous youth, the mortally ill son of the Mezen and Kevrol governor Afanasy Pashkov, Jeremiah, also recovered. In gratitude for such a miracle, the governor erected a church and several cells at the site of the discovery of the relics of St. Artemy. So it began monastic life in the Verkolsky monastery. Rich donations were sent here by Sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich and his sister, Queen Irina. In general, thanks to the graces of the Russian sovereigns and the diligence of a significant number of people, the monastery was in a flourishing position in the 17th century.

At first, all the buildings in the monastery were wooden, so temples and cells burned more than once. However, by the grace of God, the relics of the holy youth were always saved from the fire. In 1583, Metropolitan Macarius of Novgorod gave a charter for the construction of a temple in the monastery in the name of the holy youth Artemy. But only 130 years later such a church with a refectory was built and consecrated, but a few decades later it burned down.

In 1785, a new stone church was laid in the name of the righteous Artemy Verkolsky. It took three years to build two warm borders in the name of Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Great Martyr Artemy. Construction of the main temple was completed in 1806. On January 22, in front of a large crowd of people, the church was consecrated and a shrine with the relics of the youth Artemy was transferred into it.

From the mid-18th century, everything in the monastery began to change for the worse. He was taken out of state. Many trials befell him. In the mid-19th century, terrible poverty and desolation reigned in the monastery; even the relics of the youth remained sealed for several years. The diocesan authorities were already thinking about closing the monastery. But, through the prayers of the righteous Artemy, God wanted the Verkolsky monastery not only not to be destroyed, but to flourish and beautify itself, both spiritually and materially. Countess Anna Alekseevna, monk Agnia, Orlova-Chesmenskaya sent 5 thousand rubles to the monastery. Daily services began, the monastery began to be restored, and the brotherhood increased.

In 1859, Hieromonk Jonah was appointed rector here. He did a lot for the revival of the Verkolsky monastery. And two years later the monastery was headed by Hieromonk Theodosius (Orekhov). For 25 years he carried obedience here. He was elevated to the rank of abbot, then archimandrite, and was awarded several awards. He introduced strict church regulations into the monastery. Many benefactors began to send large donations and rich contributions to the management of the wise and kind abbot of the Verkolsky monastery. And the monastery itself began to provide assistance to those in need. Under Archimandrite Theodosius, a monastery fence with towers and a very beautiful bell tower was erected, in which a temple was later consecrated in the name of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God. Their construction involved 1 million 200 thousand pieces of bricks made at the monastery factory. Bell ringing was heard 50 miles away. Under Archimandrite Theodosius, a two-story stone building, a water supply system and much more were also built. At the place of repose of the righteous youth Artemy, in the village of Ezhemen, instead of the old dilapidated chapel, a new one was founded with an altar, a refectory and a bell tower. She was later converted to the temple. Archimandrite Theodosius ended his earthly journey on May 5 (NS) 1885 and was buried near the Artemievsky Church.

Archimandrite Vitaly, who was abbot here for 12 years, also made a great contribution to the development of the monastery. Under him, a 2-story stone abbot building was erected. And also a grandiose cathedral, the construction of which began on September 17, 1891. Due to its rich architecture and grandeur, it was the main decoration of the monastery. The outside of the temple was decorated with icons painted on canvas. Around the entire cathedral there was a hanging gallery for religious processions, surrounded by bars. Inside there were gilded iconostases with icons painted in a strictly Byzantine style by the famous artist Sofonov. There are magnificent paintings on the walls. The windows have elegant wrought iron bars. The total cost of the entire two-story cathedral was determined at 100,000 rubles. The grandiose construction of the temple was completed in 1897.

On June 14, Archimandrite Vitaly, co-served by Kronstadt Archpriest John Ilyich Sergiev, the monastery hieromonks and visiting rural priests, in front of an unusually large crowd of people, solemnly consecrated upper temple in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God. The next day, Father John, co-served by the clergy, consecrated the lower church in honor of the Nativity of Christ.

In 1890, the Verkolsky Monastery, by decree of the Holy Synod, was elevated to a first-class cenobitic monastery, and became the only first-class monastery of the Arkhangelsk diocese, not counting Solovetsky.

From 1908 to 1917, the Verkol monastery was headed by Archmadrite Barsanuphius (Vikhvelin). On July 3, 1910, he was appointed Bishop of Kem, vicar of the Arkhangelsk diocese, leaving him as rector of the Verkolsky monastery.

In 1907, construction began on a 3-story refectory building with a church in the name of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It took just over two years to construct this magnificent building, decorated with columns and other reliefs.

In 1917, Bishop Pavel (Pavlovsky) became the last rector of the Verkolsky monastery before its closure. At that time, the brotherhood of the monastery numbered 185 people.

In November 1918, a detachment of Red Army soldiers arrived at the Verkolsky Monastery. Some of the monks went to other monasteries, and those who remained were shot on the banks of Pinega. Theomachists burned icons and liturgical books. Local residents managed to take some icons home, and after 70 years they returned them to the newly opened monastery. A month later, a special commission arrived to open the relics, but the monks hid them and the relics were not found.

IN different years the monastery buildings housed the district party committee, a hospital for Red Army soldiers, a village commune, an orphanage, and a boarding school for children with developmental disabilities. In the abbot's building there was a secondary school, in the Artemievsky Church there was a gym, workshops, and at one time they even raised rabbits there.

In 1990, the monastery was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church, and on December 25, 1991, the Holy Synod decided to open the Artemiyevo-Verkolsky Monastery. The rector of the Verkolsk community became the priest John Vasilikiv, who two years later took monastic vows with the name Joasaph and was appointed abbot of the monastery. He arrived here on October 18, 1990 and saw desecrated and looted churches, buildings without glass, and huge piles of garbage all around. The monastery was restored by the whole world, and life in it began to gradually improve.

Artemievsky Temple

When the monastery was returned Orthodox Church, then services began to take place in the Artemievsky Church. At first they made a limit in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and gradually began to equip main temple. In 1991, bells were brought and raised to the belfry. On the same day, the reliquary, which previously contained the relics of the youth Artemy, was transferred from the chapel on Jezhemie. In July, the clock was returned to the monastery from Karpogory. They were again installed above the entrance to the Artemievskaya Church. Now every quarter of an hour a melodic ringing is heard.


During the years of Soviet power, a tractor workshop was located in the lower church. In Uspensky, the iconostasis and paintings on the walls remained intact. The first inhabitants saw it without a dome, the iron from the roof was torn off, and trees grew on it. There is mold on the walls. The floors are broken. The iconostasis was completely looted. Under the governor, Father Joasaph (Vasilikiva), they closed the roof and installed glass in all the windows. The dome was installed with the help of a helicopter. Now the cathedral, unfortunately, continues to collapse. Bricks fall out, nothing remains of the hanging gallery, and the wall paintings disappear. To restore the cathedral, huge funds are needed.

Kazan Temple

Over the years of godlessness, the building fell into a terrible state. The first floor fell to the ground floor, not a single glass remained. The lower refectory was repaired, and people still cook and eat in it. The entire building is currently undergoing restoration. A very large amount of work has been completed. The roof has been completely replaced. The building is being transformed both inside and outside. Everyone hopes that prayer will soon sound again in the Kazan Church.

Elijah Temple

This church was built in 1697. Two centuries later, it was dismantled due to its disrepair, restored, and reassembled in a slightly different form. During the years of Soviet power, surrounding residents always came to the temple on the feast of Elijah the Prophet and prayed near it, because the entrance was closed. In 1993, the Elias Church was completely restored, the windows were glazed, a porch was made, and the roof was covered with new iron. Alexander Georgievich Zakatyrin repaired the large cross and made four new smaller crosses.

Church on Jezemieni

During the years of godlessness, there was a grain warehouse here. But people never forgot the way here. On the feast of the youth Artemy, July 6, Pinezh residents from all over the area came and came here.

On August 5, 1990, on the feast of the discovery of the relics of the youth Artemy, rector of the Arkhangelsk St. Elias cathedral, Archpriest Vladimir Kuziv served a prayer service to the holy saint of God near the church for the first time in many years. At that time, the church itself still had grain pits. On the same day, Father Vladimir consecrated the monument to Fyodor Aleksandrovich Abramov in Verkola and served a memorial service at the writer’s grave.

Over the past decades, the church has become very dilapidated. Fortunately, there were donors who provided funds for restoration. A team of carpenters under the leadership of Ivan Ignat re-covered it with boards, made and installed two new domes, replaced windows, shutters and doors, and installed floors.

There is an unusual 4-meter cross here, about which they say that several centuries ago it sailed on the Pinega River against the current and stopped in front of the church.

Chapel of the Holy Youth Artemy

The chapel in the name of the righteous youth Artemy stood in the monastery for four centuries. From 1639 to 1649, it housed the relics of the holy youth. During the years of godlessness, at the request of the residents of Letopola, the chapel was transferred to the village under people's house. And only in 2006, philanthropists gave the necessary amount for its restoration. A team of craftsmen under the leadership of Ivan Ignat built a new chapel in the same place in just a few months. All work was carried out using old technology. The roof is covered with roofing boards, and the dome is covered with aspen ploughshare.