Tunisia Monastir is washed by a sea. Tunisia

26.06.2020 Animals

For a cozy and relaxing holiday. Travelers, going to this exotic place, are interested in what the sea is like in Tunisia. Completely unnecessary experiences: it is warm, shallow and very calm.

Mediterranean motifs

What seas wash Tunisia? You shouldn't ask this question in plural, because there is only one sea here - the Mediterranean. The entire northeast is washed by its waters. It is on this part of the warm coast that the main resorts of the country are located, which are visited by millions of tourists every year.

For every taste and mood

The main resort towns are located on the coast like beads. The most popular holiday destinations are conservative and prim Hammamet, noisy and fiery Sousse, hot southern Mahdia, the fishing port of Monastir and the elite Port of El Kantaoui.

And in Tunisia there is most beautiful island Jeria, which nestles comfortably in the Mediterranean Sea in the south of the country. It is here that there is the largest number of luxury hotels with a 5-star level, many bright and attractive casinos, entertainment clubs and a large yacht berth.

Holidays for families with children

What is the sea like in Tunisia? This question can be answered this way: family. Because this coast, thanks to its tranquility and gentleness, is perfect for relaxing with the whole family, especially with children. The beaches are clean and wide, mostly sandy. The sand is very fine, almost like dust, it is soft and has an amazingly beautiful white color. The depth of the sea is shallow - you can go into it for a very long time and splash in the coastal waves. Such natural tranquility makes holidays here safe and comfortable.

In summer, the sea water temperature reaches 28°C, but in winter it does not drop below plus 15. Quite strong underwater currents are observed in this place, and such cold water stays at sea until approximately June. But then comes paradise for those who love the heat.

Best months to travel

  • June. The first month of summer is most suitable for a relaxing holiday on the beach. The air temperature during this period reaches 26-28°C, and the water in the sea has already warmed up to 18°C. At this time of year it hardly rains. This warm weather is favorable for excursions and swimming in the sea. June is considered the best month for diving - the sea is calm and very clear.
  • July. At the peak of summer, the water on the coast has already warmed up to 25°C, and the air - 30-32°C. Swimming in the sea during this period is a heavenly pleasure, the water is like fresh milk, and the intense heat is not felt due to the light breeze.
  • August. In August, the heat intensifies somewhat, and the water in the sea warms up to 28°. True, jellyfish often swim to the shore, which not all swimmers like. But, you see, this gives a certain exoticism.

Entertaining diving

If you're dreaming of diving, the Tunisian coastline is the place to be. What sea is Tunisia located on? On the Mediterranean. And this sea is transparent and very beautiful. At its relatively shallow depths it is excellent to observe the wonderful undersea world. Beautiful multi-colored algae, many fish of different colors, bizarre-shaped corals, mysterious grottoes and mysterious caves.

Each resort has its own diving centers, where underwater equipment is available for rent. Here you can also attend a training school for beginner divers - experienced instructors will conduct classes for beginners and go with you on a sea voyage. Underwater, you can easily take a photo with sponges of various shapes and colors, and if you’re lucky, even with an octopus, which is very friendly towards underwater tourists.

Romantic bays

What is the sea like in Tunisia? Romantic and magical. There are many quaint bays and grottoes on the northern coast. Here the coast is indented with rocks that smoothly transition from land to water. Of course, you shouldn’t expect such a wealth of underwater life as, for example, in the Red Sea, but still the underwater world of Mediterranean Tunisia is very exotic.

The Mediterranean Sea is also a great place for boat trips. From a boat you can admire the bizarre contours of the coast, fish and engage in sea hunting. When you hook your first prey, your delight will know no bounds!

What sea is Tunisia located on? That's right, in treatment. Algae that is especially beneficial for the skin grow here. Experienced specialists combine them with healing mud and, please, a rejuvenating mask or rub for sore joints, or a cleansing body scrub is ready for you. All resorts in the country have thalasso centers, which have already become a landmark of Tunisia. It is because of them that people come to the sea coast of this African country many tourists.

What is the sea like in Tunisia? For everyone it is different - romantic and exciting, healing and affectionate, family and for lovers... For everyone it leaves its own unique image.

When going on vacation, each person determines for himself a circle of places where he would like to visit. One of the selection criteria is the presence of the sea. On the ground great amount seas: Black, Red, Yellow, White, Sargasso, Bellingshausen and hundreds of others. Perhaps the main sea can be called the Mediterranean. After all, it was around him that the basis of one of the main human civilizations was born and developed. Ancient Egypt, Israel, Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. All these countries are Mediterranean.

The history of Tunisia also began here. To the question: what kind of sea is in Tunisia? Answer: “Of course, Mediterranean!”

The land covered in legends still attracts travelers from all over the world. If you are deciding which Mediterranean country to visit, go to Tunisia. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Interesting history and culture.
  2. Warm climate, allowing you to travel around it almost all year round.
  3. Swimming season from May to November.
  4. This country is cheaper than other countries in the region: Italy, Spain, Greece and Israel.

Let's talk about the disadvantages right away:

  1. Unstable political situation.
  2. Strict Muslim laws.
  3. Underdeveloped tourism industry in the outback.

The sea in Tunisia affects everything. Thanks to him, it is included in the list of the best tourist countries in the world. The sea gives Tunisia bread, that is, fish and seafood. The sea connects Tunisia with Europe. The sea, along with the Sahara Desert, creates a special microclimate here.

Let's look at the annual changes in sea temperature in different cities of Tunisia.

TunisiaHamammetBizertaGabesDjerba Island
January15,4 15,9 15,6 14,3 15,3
February14,4 14,6 14,7 13,7 14,4
March14,6 14,6 14,7 15,1 15,5
April16,3 16,3 16,2 18,2 18,3
May18,6 18,7 18,4 21,3 21,1
June22.0 22.3 21.8 24.6 24,3
July25,3 25,7 25,1 27,9 27,6
August26,6 27,0 26,4 29,0 28,8
September25,5 26,2 25,3 28,2 28,1
October23,6 24,3 23,5 25,8 25,8
November20,7 21,4 20,5 21,6 22,1
December17,5 18,3 17,4 16,9 18,0

If we talk about traveling rather than a beach holiday, then it is better to choose the spring and autumn months for this. The air is heated to +20-23 degrees Celsius, which creates comfortable conditions. The beaches are still closed, there are few tourists and prices for everything are quite low.

What attractions are there by the sea in Tunisia?

Its ruins from 2 thousand years ago will be of interest to lovers of history and ancient architecture. This city had all the signs of a highly developed capital. There were baths, sewerage and water supply here. Even before our era, it was a huge metropolis with several hundred thousand inhabitants. Carthage is located near the capital - the city of Tunisia;

  • Sidi Bou Said

A blue and white town not far from the capital and Carthage. A special atmosphere has been preserved here due to the fact that the authorities prohibit the construction of new buildings and changes to the appearance of this place. The high bank offers magnificent views of the sea. A town of romantics, artists and bohemians;

  • La Goulette

An ancient town that has preserved the atmosphere of a colonial port area. The Spanish fort of Bordj el-Karrak, rebuilt by the Turks, is also located here;

It is also called Tunisian Paris, since it was built by the French according to the same patterns;

This island has passed from hand to hand for many centuries, which has certainly left a rich heritage here. Also here you can see pink flamingos, crocodiles, ride on a pirate ship and go to the casino;

  • Tabarka

An unusual place for Tunisia. It has a cool climate (relative to the whole country), rocks and pine trees, golf courses and trekking routes in the mountains. Fans of active recreation, hunting and fishing lovers will like it here.

Lasts almost six months. You can choose your own vacation spot by carefully looking at the table above.

The best seaside resorts in Tunisia:

  • Hammamet

A city in the central part of the coast. The most visited and popular resort in the country. Excellent location, rich infrastructure, high quality service. The city has beautiful beaches with almost snow-white fine sand and a gentle entrance to the sea. Holidays here are optimal for those who are accustomed to the quality and comfort of resorts in southern Europe;

  • Sousse

This resort is considered the most youthful, noisy and "cheerful". There is a huge amount of entertainment here: discos, clubs, retail outlets and thalassotherapy centers. Here you can find both fashionable hotels and small inexpensive hotels or private houses;

  • Mahdia

This relatively new resort is inferior in popularity to the first two, but it has beautiful beaches and a calm, measured pace of life. You can find a hotel of any star category, and almost all of them are located on the first line;

This is an absolutely unique place. A mixture of colorful island character and luxury holiday. The temperature here is a couple of degrees higher than on the coast. Due to this, the swimming season lasts a month longer. The beaches of Djerba seem to be created for children's recreation;

  • Bizerta

This is the most Russian city in Tunisia. It ended its existence here in 1920 Imperial Navy. There is Orthodox churches and cemeteries. There are beautiful sandy beaches here. But for some reason Russian tour operators do not offer Bizerte as a resort. The city is located in the north of Tunisia and, accordingly, the climate here is colder and wetter, and the sea warms up much later than in Hamammet.

Enjoy your holiday in Tunisia!

Tunisia is a small, unique Arab country in northern Africa between Libya and Algeria. This is the smallest country in northern Africa, belonging to the Maghreb countries (Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco). The country's area is only 163,610 square meters. km., which is three times larger than the Moscow region. From north to south - 800 km, from west to east no more than 150 km. Population 11.5 million, the vast majority are Muslim. The southern territory of Tunisia is occupied by the Sahara Desert. The length of the sea coast is 1300 km. It is washed by the Mediterranean Sea from the north and east.

Tunisia on the map

What is the sea like in Tunisia?

Naturally – the incredible Mediterranean Sea! It is the same sea that washes the shores of southern Europe that splashes near the northern shores of the African continent.

The Mediterranean Sea that washes Tunisia has determined that the country has developed such a favorable and incredibly mild climate. It is important that the coastal zone is always very comfortable; there is no extreme heat. In summer, the average temperature is 35 degrees, but it is very easy to tolerate, and all because the air humidity level here is minimal. In winter, the thermometer shows a mark within 19 - 20 degrees. It is noteworthy that in the warm, pleasant, fresh Mediterranean waves, the swimming season lasts from mid-April to the end of October. Thanks to the hot summer months, sea water heats up perfectly, and therefore, even in the midst of autumn, the water temperature in the sea reaches a level above +20.

Holidays in Tunisia by the sea

Having determined the location of Tunisia, having learned which sea washes its lands, another question arises - what other attractions attract more and more tourists to this amazing country?

Sea coast of Tunisia

The Mediterranean is actually quite diverse. Thus, the northern coast, especially in the area of ​​the Gulf of Tunisia, forms an original rocky ridge with a variety of picturesque bays. This is not the most the best place for swimming, and yet it is a delightful place for boat trips.

On the eastern side the coast is very flat, making it ideal for a beach holiday. For those who want to feel the sea in Tunisia, we recommend going to the eastern shores of the state, where there is everything for a comfortable holiday - pleasant sun, white sandy beaches and azure lagoons.

Which region of the country should tourists go to who cannot swim well, or who are going on vacation as a family with a small child? In any case, you need to choose a shallow sea, where children can splash around carefree, walk in the shallow water, building sand castles or collecting a collection of original shells. A similar shallow, safe sea coast in Tunisia can be found on a picturesque islet.

It is so wonderful that the Mediterranean climate of Tunisia with its sweltering hot summers autumn time softened by fresh breezes. The ever-blowing sea winds act as a temperature balancer. Thanks to the absence of tedious heat, the lands of Tunisia are literally strewn with palm groves and overgrown with olive orchards. Plus, delicious juicy, sweet dates and a variety of different varieties– these are the sights of the country that can be brought as a gift.

The beaches of Tunisia are freely accessible. And in certain hotel complexes there are designated protected beach areas. It is impossible to meet local residents in such places. In hotels, as a rule, all tourists have umbrellas and sun loungers, despite the fact that it is a pleasure to relax on such clean, snow-white sand, even just like that.

According to reviews, the sea of ​​Tunisia is incredibly gentle, amazing, calming, hugging, azure. Even the most delightful epithets are not able to clearly convey the emotions and impressions of tourists who have chosen a vacation in Tunisia on the shore Mediterranean Sea. Local residents and tourism experts are sure that the beach season in northern Africa starts in mid-spring and ends in early autumn, and yet, for example, on the island many tourists spend their holidays at different times of the year, since the shallow sea is optimally heated even in winter.

What to see in Tunisia besides the sea?

Having received a detailed answer about what kind of sea washes the shores of the country, it is worth familiarizing yourself in more detail with the map of the state. It’s very good when getting to know a new country is not limited to snow-white beaches and the sea.

— There are a lot of interesting places in Tunisia. For example, the ruins of the legendary are of interest to many tourists who know famous phrase Cato the Elder - Roman commander - "Carthage must be destroyed."

— For those who value primarily intact, rather than dilapidated, ancient monuments, we can recommend studying the remains of the glorious Roman civilization in El-Jemma.

— Take an excursion to the legendary desert of our planet. The magical singing sands of the Sahara are a wonderful natural phenomenon.

- - another attraction for which many tourists visit Tunisia, especially women. Despite the fact that this procedure is carried out at a highly professional level, and its price is minimal.

— . If you are looking for new culinary experiences, you will get them in full.

— Visit local pastry shops, coffee shops, restaurants, shops.

- Abundance that will delight you all year round. Enjoy magnificent, delicious dates, and also taste different varieties of healthy dates.

And let your holiday in the resorts of Tunisia be memorable, eventful, bright and diverse!

Tunisia attracts millions of tourists every year. It is a tourist destination that can qualitatively and fully satisfy all the traveler’s needs. And although this country takes up little space on the map, it manages to combine a year-round resort climate, golden beaches, history and shopping - all thanks to its favorable location.

In contact with

In addition, to all the above factors is added the low cost of services compared to other tourist destinations. The Mediterranean climate means that tourists can enjoy relaxing on one of the many beaches this country has to offer.

Geographical location of Tunisia

Tunisia is country in North Africa, covering 165,000 square kilometers. Its northernmost point, Cape Angela, is also the northernmost point in Africa. This state neighbors Algeria in the west and southwest, and Libya in the southeast. In the north and east, its shores are washed by the Mediterranean Sea. The name of the country comes from its capital Cities– the city of Tunisia, which is located on the northeast coast. The capital of the country is at the same time the largest city in the country and its economic and cultural center.

Tunisia on the world map:

On the map of Africa:

The coast of Tunisia extends over 1,150 km and has numerous bays, coves, capes and several islands, including:

  • Djerba (514 square kilometers), the largest of all the islands in North Africa;
  • Shergi (110 square kilometers);
  • Gharbi (50 square kilometers).

Djerba is the largest island in North Africa. It is located in the Gulf of Gabes. Djerba is part of the Tunisian department of Medenine and is divided into three districts, named after the three cities that form their administrative centers.

The islands of Shergi and Gharbi, together with the surrounding islets, form the Kerkennah archipelago.

Tunisia contains the eastern end of the Atlas Mountains and the northern regions of the Sahara Desert. Most of the rest of the country's land is fertile soil. The coastline includes the African connection between the western and eastern parts of the Mediterranean basin.

Although relatively small in size, this the country has great ecological diversity due to its north-south extent. Its east-west extent is limited. The differences between north and south, as in the rest of the Maghreb, are mainly due to environmental differences between north and south, determined by the sharp decrease in rainfall in the south.

Nature of Tunisia

Dorsal, eastern extension The Atlas Mountains runs through the country in a northeasterly direction from the Algerian border in the west to the Cape Bon Peninsula in the east. North of Dorsal is Tell, a region characterized by low rolling hills and plains.

The state is divided into 24 governorates or vilayets, which are further divided into 264 districts and then subdivided into municipalities.

The largest cities in Tunisia:

Physiographical features

Climate of Tunisia – Mediterranean in the north. The south of the country is a hot desert. The terrain in the north is mountainous, which, moving south, gives way to a hot, dry central plain. The south is semi-arid and merges with the Sahara. A series of salt lakes, known as hottes or chattes, lie on an east-west line on the northern edge of the Sahara, extending from the Gulf of Gabes into Algeria. Lowest point– Chott el-Jerid is at an altitude of 17 meters below sea level, and the tallest– Jebel al-Chambi at an altitude of 1544 meters.

The Sahel, the expanding coastal plain along the eastern Mediterranean coast, is among the world's best olive growing areas. Inland from the Sahel, between Dorsal and a series of hills south of Gafs, are the Steppes.

Much of the southern region is semi-arid and desert. 40% of the surface is occupied by the Sahara Desert, while the rest of the territory consists of fertile land and more than a thousand kilometers of easily accessible coastlines. Both of these factors played an important role in ancient times for the founding of cities such as Carthage here.

On the coast of Tunisia is northernmost point of Africa and Cape Bon, a peninsula that geologists believe was connected to Sicily thousands of years ago and provided a bridge between Africa and Europe. Zembra Island is located 10 kilometers from Cape Bon.

On the southeast coast is the Gulf of Gabes, the largest in the country, which stretches for more than 200 km between the city of Sfax and Kerkennah to the north. In the northwestern part of Tunisia the peaks of the Tunis ridge rise.

History of the country

Both the Sahara Desert and the Atlas Mountains played a large role in ancient times, along with the famous city of Carthage (then as a Roman province of Africa).

The Vandals occupied the region during the 5th century, the Byzantines took possession of it in the 6th century, and the Arabs in the 8th century.

In the Arab era, the Great Mosque of Kairouan, or as it is also called, was built Uqba Mosque. It is the oldest minaret in the world, as well as the most ancient and prestigious sanctuary in the Muslim West.

At the end of the 16th century, the coastline became a pirate stronghold.

In 1534, under the command of Hayreddin Barbarossa Pasha, the first Ottoman conquest of Tunisia took place. Ottoman Empire retained this region until its occupation by France in 1881.

The rivalry between French and Italian interests in Tunisia culminated in the French invasion in 1881 and the creation of a protectorate. Agitation for independence over several decades led to Tunisia becoming an independent state in 1956.

Tunisia is located in North Africa, and part of its border runs along the Mediterranean coast. This is a relatively small country. Its area is 163 thousand square meters. km, and about 10 million people. In the west it borders with Algeria, in the southeast with Libya. Tunisia is the northernmost point of the African continent, located approximately at the same distance from the Italian islands of Sicily and Sardinia. The country's coastline is 1148 km.

The relief of Tunisia is varied. In the north, near the border with Algeria, the terrain is mountainous, in the central part it is flat. To the south lies the Sahara Desert. The highest point in Tunisia is Mount Jebel Chambi, whose height is 1544 m. The lowest point, the drying salt lake of Chott el-Gharsa, is located 17 m below sea level.

Climate and culture

The climate of Tunisia varies depending on location. In the north, a temperate climate prevails with mild, rainy winters and hot, dry summers; in the south, it is very hot and dry. On the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea is located the state, the city of Tunisia. In January, the average temperature in the capital is 6°C, in August - 33°C. There are very few large cities in the southern region of the country.

The vast majority of the population are Arabs. For some time, the state was under the protectorate of France, so Western influence is felt in Tunisian culture. Tunisia has been called a crossroads between east and west, and it tries to maintain a balance between its rich Arab heritage and modern Western influences.

Popular resort towns on the Mediterranean coast

Tourism in the country is one of the most dynamically developing industries. Tunisia has all types of transport support: air lines, railway network and roads. Resort towns on the coast are especially attractive to tourists.
In resort areas, the dress code is similar to any European city or tourist area. In other parts of Tunisia, dress more modestly.

One of the most important seaside resorts is Port El Kantaoui. Originally conceived as an upscale holiday destination, it is known for its whitewashed buildings, cobblestone streets, plush marina, golf courses and beaches.

On the east coast is the city of Sousse. This is an old city with many historical attractions. It is also famous for its bustling oriental bazaars, beaches and an abundance of restaurants serving French cuisine.

The old part of Sousse, the medina, is a World Heritage Site.

In the city of Hammamet in the 60s. The first hotel was built in the 20th century. Since then, the city has successfully developed as a resort. Its features include a long sandy beach, fish restaurants and golf courses. It combines the charm of the old town with beach cafes and discos.