What kind of cream is suitable for whipping cream? Homemade whipped cream recipe.

19.02.2019 Food and drink

Buttercream is very tasty! It’s not for nothing that it is included in many cakes and other desserts. But for this cream to be truly airy and appetizing, you need to learn how to whip it correctly. How to do this? Are all creams suitable for whipping? Let's figure it out!

What cream is suitable?

How to choose cream that is suitable for creaming and whipping? Here are some important points:

  • The minimum fat content of cream is 30%. Less heavy cream will probably whip up too, but the resulting cream will not hold its shape. The fattier the cream, the denser the finished cream will be. But still, you shouldn’t buy a product that is too fatty. Firstly, it can quickly turn into oil, and secondly, it is not good for your figure.
  • Buy only natural cream. Carefully study the composition of the product; it should not contain any additives such as thickeners, flavorings, and so on.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. It's better to buy the most fresh cream than those that have already been in the store for several days. Sour cream simply will not whip, but will separate into whey and curd flakes.
  • Storage conditions are also important. So, in a store, cream should be in the refrigeration unit, but not in the freezer!
  • As for density, in fact, it does not play an important role. Of course, thick cream will whip easier and faster than liquid cream. But liquid ones are also quite suitable for butter cream.
  • Real housewives have long decided on the choice of frequently used products and purchase products from certain manufacturers. To choose the best cream, you can use trial and error. Buy products from different manufacturers, evaluate the results (it's best to write them down), and then choose the best option.

What to beat with?

How to whip cream? This question worries many housewives, and for good reason. The quality of the finished cream will depend on the equipment used. Studying the opinions of the most experienced culinary specialists and cooks, we can make a clear conclusion that it is impossible to use a blender with a regular blade attachment for whipping!

You simply separate the cream during the whipping process and get not a whole composition, but two fractions: butter and milk or whey. But if the kit includes a whisk attachment, then a blender will do.

Many people recommend whipping cream by hand using a blender. This option is the most complex and time-consuming, but at the same time it is the best, since you can control the process and maintain optimal speed.

You can also use a food processor or mixer designed for beating.

Preparation of products and equipment

So, the cream has been purchased, now everything needs to be prepared for whipping. The most important points:

  • The cream should be well chilled, that is, not icy, but cold. When warm, they will not fluff up. So put the product in the refrigerator for several hours. Some people, wanting to speed up the cooling process, put the cream in the freezer. But doing this is strictly not recommended. Frozen and then thawed cream will separate when whipped, and instead of thick cream you will see an incomprehensible liquid with flakes.
  • Before whipping the cream, it is best to shake or stir thoroughly. The fact is that most often the fatty part rises to the top, and everything else remains at the bottom. And if you forget about shaking, the finished cream will be uneven.
  • Experienced housewives recommend cooling not only the cream, but also all the equipment that will be used before whipping. So the whisk, mixer, food processor or blender attachment, as well as the bowl should also be placed in the refrigerator. Some people don’t do this, but it’s still better to create all the conditions for perfect whipping.
  • If you want to sweeten the cream a little, use instead of sugar. powdered sugar. Also, sift it through a sieve before adding it. This will prevent the powder from clumping into clumps.

How to beat?

So, how to whip cream correctly to make the perfect cream? Let us list the main stages and their features:

  1. So, pour the cream into a bowl or into the bowl of a food processor or blender. Mix everything again to combine the fatty part with the less fatty part. By the way, if you need a lot of cream, then don’t try to whip all the cream at once, you simply won’t succeed. It is best to whisk in portions; the optimal volume of one portion is 200-300 milliliters.
  2. If the bowl or bowl of a blender or food processor is not high, but wide, then the cream will be at the bottom, and the whisk will not be completely immersed in it, which is undesirable. In this case, it is worth tilting the bowl so that the whisk is immersed in the mixture. This will allow you to get a homogeneous cream.
  3. Many people are interested in what speed to whip cream. The tallest and too big definitely won’t work, as the cream can instantly turn into butter, and you don’t want that at all. In any case, you need to start whipping at the lowest speed. Then, without stopping the process, move to the next speed. It's best to end up with the middle one.
  4. How long should I beat? The exact answer to this question It is impossible to give, since too many factors affect the duration of the process: fat content, the configuration of the whisk or nozzle, the thickness of the cream, the degree of its cooling, the whipping speed. But on average, whipping cream that is not too thick takes about 4-5 minutes, but thick cream can be whipped in a couple of minutes.
  5. How to determine readiness? First, fairly dense peaks should appear on the surface. You can also dip a whisk into the foam. If it leaves obvious traces, then the process should be completed. It is important to constantly monitor the condition and consistency of the cream so as not to miss the moment and not turn the cream into butter.
  6. When you realize that the cream is ready, do not rush to turn off the food processor or mixer and stop whipping. First, gradually reduce the speed and only then stop, otherwise the foam may simply fall off.

Some useful tips for housewives:

  • If you add powdered sugar, you should do this not at the very beginning, but approximately in the middle of the process. When the cream whips a little and begins to thicken, add powder in a thin stream, continuing to whip. If you add the entire amount at once, there may be lumps left in the cream.
  • To make the cream used for the cake more stable and thick, you can add a special cream thickener to it. But it’s still better not to do this.
  • Gelatin will help make the cream thicker. But you need to add it in a special way. First fill in the required amount cold water and let the gelatin swell. Then heat the composition in a water bath until the particles are completely dissolved. Cool the resulting liquid and gradually pour it into the cream while whipping, when it becomes quite thick. But do not overdo it with gelatin, otherwise you will get creamy jelly instead of cream. A quarter spoon of gelatin is enough for 250 milliliters of product.
  • If the cream doesn't whip at all, try using lemon juice. For a glass of cream you will need the juice of a quarter of a lemon. You do not need to pour in the juice immediately, but during the beating process. And do it very carefully.
  • Some people add yogurt or sour cream to the cream. For 250 ml of cream, take 1 teaspoon of yogurt. Use only natural products without additives!
  • What to do if the cream has been beaten? You can beat them further to get oil and consume it. Or you can stop, add dissolved gelatin to the mixture, mix everything and put it in the refrigerator. The result will be a delicious milk dessert.
  • When adding cream to a cake, it is important to be careful and do everything carefully and carefully.
  • Homemade whipped cream should be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than a day.

Let your buttercream be airy and delicious!

Jun 2, 2016 Olga

  1. Firstly, remember, a lot depends on the fat content of the cream (that’s why we will take from 33% fat content), and secondly, this is the quality of the cream. Never buy cream from unverified sellers. It is advisable to take only homemade, high-quality cream.
  2. To ensure that the cream for eclairs or cakes turns out delicious, always use only chilled cream.
  3. If the cream was purchased in a store, be sure to “relocate” it for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, in a glass or enamel container.
  4. In addition, before starting to prepare the cream, keep the blender attachment in the freezer for several hours.
  5. It is best if you whip the cream in a bowl, immersing it in a previously prepared bowl of ice water.
  6. You need to whip the cream for at least eight minutes, but you must constantly monitor the condition of the mass so that it does not turn into oil. This is the most difficult part of the process and comes with experience. Therefore, if you don’t have enough experience yet, be guided by time.
  7. If you use a blender, always start the blending process at minimum speed and increase it gradually.
  8. Always use powdered sugar instead of sugar. Sugar crystals, as a rule, do not have time to dissolve when mixed with cold cream.
  9. The ideal proportion is 100 ml of cream per 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar.
  10. Add dyes and other similar substances only after complete whisking.
  11. The readiness of whipped cream is checked by the peaks on it: if they are soft but stable, you have done everything correctly.

What I value most in desserts is naturalness. Everything in the decor or filling should be harmoniously combined not only in color, but also in taste. All kinds of sugar beads and plastic figures may look great on a birthday cake, but let's face it, most often they end up on the edge of the plate because guests are afraid of breaking their teeth on them. Therefore, the best cake decoration is whipped cream and fruit. Today I will tell you how to whip cream correctly, what whipping product to choose, what mistakes can be easily avoided during the process.


  • Heavy whipping cream (33%) - 500 g. I used Lakomo products (Russian production, the label says “whipping cream”)
  • Powdered sugar - 70-100 g (to taste)
  • Vanilla extract (optional) - 1 tsp. (or vanilla sugar half a small bag weighing 10 g)

How to make whipped cream (recipe with step-by-step photos)

Natural cream is a very capricious product, so every little detail is important when working with it. Even experienced housewives may encounter the fact that the cream does not whip or, on the contrary, turns into butter. How to whip cream and sugar correctly to make a delicious cream?

Powerful food processors, which can turn cream into butter in a matter of seconds, are not suitable for whipping. Use a hand mixer with a power of 350-400 W, and turn on medium speed (for example, I have a BOSCH hand mixer with a power of 350 W, I beat first at 2 speeds, then increase to 3, never reaching the maximum fourth). At the very beginning the cream will look liquid, but as you whip it it will begin to thicken. Literally in 4-5 minutes (time depends on the power of the mixer) you will see soft peaks. I completely immerse the whisks in the cream and hold the bowl at an angle, then move the whisks over the entire mass of the cream until it thickens (at this moment I begin to add powder).

Once you see whisk marks on the surface of the cream and feel that the mixture is becoming thicker, stop the mixer. Sift the powdered sugar into a bowl. Its quantity depends on your preferences, so add 50 g and taste it. Then add a little more if needed.

After adding the powdered sugar, it will take another 5 minutes to beat the cream into a thick mass. In total it takes me 8-10 minutes.

Delicious whipped cream is ready to eat! Use it for desserts, decorating cakes and cupcakes, as a complement to fresh berries and fruits. Bon appetit!

Why doesn't the cream whip?

Let's look at common mistakes when working with natural cream:

  • low fat content of the product

For making cream, buy only those creams that have the inscription “For whipping” or any cream with a fat content of 33% or higher.

  • cream too warm

Only chilled cream whips well, so you can put it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes before whipping.

  • the cream separates when whipped

If the cream separates and turns into butter, it may mean you over-beat it and beat it too hard. Don’t be upset and don’t even think about throwing away “spoiled” butter and cream! Simply add a few tablespoons of cold cream, stir, and after a few seconds begin whisking gently.

  • the cream does not hold its shape in decorations on cakes and pastries

The whipped cream is not whipped enough, you still need to work with the mixer, achieving distinct marks on the surface of the mixture.

What cream should I choose for the cream?

There is always whipping cream in my refrigerator; I buy it very often to treat my family. They can be used to layer sponge cake layers, serve with waffles, add grated chocolate, fresh fruits and berries and eat as a dessert.

If we talk about manufacturers, I can highlight the following TOP 3, the cream of which I really like in my work:

Parmalate 35%

Very expensive and considered the best (but I have a different opinion). Everyone rave about how thick they are, but I don't like the fact that they contain cornstarch. Along with carrigian, corn starch acts as a thickener, so the cream is thick, not because it is naturally fatty, but simply because it is properly flavored with starch. It turns out to be some kind of deception. Of course, you can’t taste the starch at all, and it whips up well, but still.

Petmol Company 33%

The product is high quality and will never let you down. They are expensive, but you don’t mind buying good products, especially when it comes to a holiday, and you need the cream for the cake to be 100% perfect. If you are just learning the confectionery business and don’t want any punctures, best cream you will make it with this cream.

Whipping cream “Lakomo” 33%

Excellent product in terms of price-quality ratio. In stores in our city (in Auchan) they sell for 120 rubles per 500 ml. The cream has a convenient packaging in which it is convenient to store and use the cream, thanks to the screw-on lid. Excellent whipping, pleasant taste and aroma.

At the end of my review, I also want to talk about the cream that is intended for whipping - vegetable cream. The most common of them are: Vilpak and Shantipak (look at the photo).

There is an ambiguous attitude towards them (as with everything unnatural). They whip up perfectly, but there is no information on how safe they are for health.

I wish you good luck with the cream and desserts made with it! Share information about what cream you like, what companies you prefer?! I will be glad to receive comments, your feedback and feedback on the recipe.

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Not every housewife knows how to whip cream correctly, but many people want to please themselves or their guests with whipped cream. Read about how to whip cream correctly in this article.

Properly whipping cream into foam is not at all difficult, you just need to follow simple tips. And if you do everything according to the rules, the whipped cream will turn out airy, will hold its shape well and will become a real table decoration. So, a few simple rules on how to whip cream.

What kind of cream to whip

For for whipping, you need to buy cream with at least 30% fat content. More often it is 33% cream. You can, of course, try to beat 20%, or even 10% milk product, but most likely nothing good will come of it. This cream is very liquid. You can add gelatin to cream with a lower fat content (than 30%) so that it helps keep its shape, but the taste and appearance the resulting whipped cream will be completely different. Sometimes an egg is added to liquid and not too fatty cream, but the result may disappoint you. Therefore, my advice on which cream to buy for whipping is to take at least 30% fat content.

Plant-based creamers are cheaper than animal-based creamers, but I prefer animal-based creamers.

You can also try homemade cream for whipping. In their original form, they are, of course, too thick, similar to fatty sour cream. They must be diluted with cold water or milk. Approximate proportions: 300 milliliters of homemade cream will require about 120 milliliters cold water or 100 milliliters of cold milk. After the cream has been diluted to the desired consistency, you can begin whipping.

What does whipping cream look like?

Let me make a reservation right away that in this paragraph we are talking specifically about cream with a fat content of 30% or more. Different manufacturers have different thicknesses of whipping cream. Some creams are thick, hold their shape, and have a consistency similar to sour cream. Other creams are thinner. At first glance, they look like full-fat milk. They flow very easily and do not hold their shape at all. Both of these options are normal options. You can beat both the first and the second well. Just like spoiling it with the wrong beating technique. Sometimes liquid cream whips better and faster.

The next step is temperature. In order to whip the cream well, it must be properly cooled. This is done so that when whipping the cream does not separate into whey and butter. Therefore, we remember - whip only cold cream. But it’s important not to overdo it here. Frozen cream, with pieces of ice, or just ice cream is much more difficult to whip than just cold cream. Therefore, you should not cool the cream at the far wall of the refrigerator.

Whipping utensils and equipment

All utensils and utensils for whipping cream must be cold. Before I start whipping, I put both the mixer whisks and the container in which I will cook in the refrigerator.

I do not recommend whipping cream with a blender. A blender is acceptable only if there is an appropriate attachment - a whisk. It is better to whip the cream either with a regular mixer, or by hand the old fashioned way - with a whisk. And again, it’s ideal if it’s cold.

When to Add Sugar to Whipped Cream

I draw your attention to the fact that Instead of sugar when whipping cream, it is better to use powdered sugar. Why? Because manufacturers add a stabilizer to modern cream with 30-33% fat content. Thanks to this, the cream whips much faster, and the sugar simply does not have time to dissolve in the cream. But there are no such problems with powdered sugar; it can melt quickly and easily mixes into the whipped mass. I immediately add vanillin or vanilla sugar to the powdered sugar. And the delicious vanilla-smelling powdered sugar is already added to the cream.

Most often I don’t have store-bought powdered sugar. I make it myself using a special blender attachment. I put granulated sugar in a bowl, add vanillin and grind this mixture into powdered sugar for a couple of minutes.

When is the right time to add granulated sugar or powdered sugar? I never pour out the entire amount of powdered sugar at once, and I also never add it before I start whipping the cream. I don’t know what this is connected with, but, as experience has shown, if you add sugar before you start whipping, the cream most likely will not whip. And if you pour out the entire volume of sugar at once, it is more difficult for it to dissolve evenly. I I add sugar after the cream has been whipped a little.. Without stopping whisking, I add powdered sugar in a thin stream. Then I increase the speed a little. But! No sudden movements. Everything is done slowly and with love.

How long should you whip cream?

It is difficult to clearly answer the question of how long it takes to whip cream. Because whipping time depends on many factors. The main ones are the volume of cream that is whipped at a time, the speed of whipping and the brand of cream.

First, the volume of whipping cream. My advice is that if you use a mixer to whip cream, then It’s worth whipping about 250-300 milliliters of cream at a time. This is about half a box. If you use a whisk and work manually, then the volume of the product being whipped should not be more than 500 milliliters.

Now let's talk about whipping speed. A big mistake is to start whipping cream immediately with high mixer speeds or simply with intense movements (in the case of manual whipping). Start beating at the lowest possible speed., which your mixer allows you to set. Then you gradually begin to increase the speed. Gradually! Then add sugar, continuing to beat, after the sugar (powdered sugar) has dissolved, you can continue to increase the beating speed. After the cream is whipped, it is not recommended to suddenly turn off the mixer or stop whipping the cream. Proceed in reverse order. From maximum speed, gradually reduce the whipping speed until you reduce it to a minimum. Now you can turn off the mixer (finish beating by hand).

And finally, the whipping time depends on the brand of cream. The most common brand of cream in our city is Petmol. It is almost impossible to buy other brands of cream. Petmol cream is whipped on average in 5-7 minutes.

How to whip cream with sugar, whipping technology

If there is not enough cream and the whisk peeks above the surface, then I advise you to tilt the container with the cream to such a level that the whisks are completely covered with cream. If there is enough cream, simply dip the mixer (or whisk) into the cream and start whisking.

As mentioned above, start whipping the cream at the slowest speeds. Do not add sugar or powdered sugar immediately, but after slightly whipping the cream. Do not move a whisk or mixer over a container of cream.. Leave it motionless so that the cream circulates on its own. Gradually increasing the whipping speed, we wait until the moment when the noticeable and active circulation of cream in the container stops. They seem to freeze in place, and only the whisk or mixer blades move in the container. As soon as this happens, begin to reduce the whipping speed (and do not delay this moment, otherwise your cream may turn into butter). After whisking has gradually stopped, you can check how well the cream is whipped. Properly whipped cream holds its shape well and does not spread over the surface..

Additives for whipping cream

It happens that you need to add gelatin or lemon to whipping cream for better whipping.

How to add gelatin to cream. Before adding gelatin to the cream, you need to wait until it swells. Next, you should heat it until the gelatin granules dissolve. Then the finished gelatin is cooled and added to the cream after it has been slightly whipped.

If the cream does not whip well and does not want to thicken, you can try to “save it” adding lemon juice. For 200 milliliters of cream you will need about a quarter of a lemon. When whipping, lemon juice is gradually poured into the cream. The result should be a thick mass due to the acid of the lemon.

This concludes the article on how to properly whip cream and sugar. These simple tips will help you avoid major problems and get a truly beautiful and tasty dessert - whipped cream.

For some, holiday chores become a real pleasure, but for the housewife, this time is often associated with headaches. After all, you need to competently create a menu, taking into account all the preferences and characteristics of each guest, think about choosing a tablecloth and napkins. There is a lot to do, but not much time is allocated for everything. But now, the main courses have been chosen, the products necessary for their preparation have also been chosen, and the most important task comes - dessert. Even nowadays, when choosing a ready-made luxurious sweet dish is easier than ever, many women prefer to cook it themselves.

One of the main components of most desserts is whipped cream. This lush, sweet product can be either an independent dish or an excellent addition to fruit and any homemade baked goods. Almost any supermarket sells cans, by shaking which you can easily get an airy, creamy foam. However, their quantity is much lower than the price, and the quality is sometimes not at all pleasing. The solution is simple - cook it yourself. It would seem that there is nothing simpler than that, with sugar. But this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. There are several rules that will help you avoid basic mistakes. So, let's find out how to handle sugar correctly.

First of all, you need to decide on the fat content of the cream. The rule here is that the fatter the better. The ideal option would be a product with 33% fat. But what to do if you don’t have any of these on hand, and only have less fatty ones? The question arises about how to whip 10% fat cream and whether it is possible to get an equally delicious dessert from it. It’s better not to try, as the result will definitely disappoint you. Cream of this fat content is too liquid for whipping.

How to whip cream 20% fat? An option is already possible here. You can add a little gelatin or a special fixative, which is sold in stores. The juice of a quarter of a lemon will also add thickness. Gelatin must be thoroughly dissolved in hot water so that all the grains disappear, cool and only then add to the cream. Moreover, it is best to do this during the whipping process, otherwise the cream will not mix well.

Before you start preparing the cream, you need to decide what to use and how to whip it. It is best to mix cream and sugar with a mixer or by hand with a whisk. Do not put the mixture in a blender, otherwise the result will be disastrous. Stirring too hard will cause the mixture to thicken too much and turn into oil. Therefore, if you decide to use a blender, then start blending gradually, changing speed modes. This will take a little time - from 1 to 5 minutes.

Before you start doing anything with the cream, be sure to cool it first. But make sure they don't freeze. Otherwise, the capricious mass will again be divided into two parts and instead of the desired dessert, you will end up with butter on your hands. It is also recommended to cool the container in which you will beat and the tool. You can cook by placing a bowl with cream in it in another, and filling the space between them with ice.

Everyone knows that sugar grains dissolve very poorly in cold liquid. But then how to whip cream? You will need to do a simple manipulation with sugar - make powder out of it. This will be easy if you have a coffee grinder at home. If you don't have it, you can buy powdered sugar. It is better to add it, like gelatin, already in the process.

Is it possible to use country cream in cooking, the fat content of which is usually much higher than store-bought? Yes, you can, but only if they are diluted with ice water. Then the dessert will not be too fatty and difficult to digest.