Wireless phone charger. How to install a wireless charger

10.10.2018 Cell phones

Greetings, dear readers. In today’s article, we’ll talk about today’s hot technology – wireless charging for phones. You've probably heard how branded companies focus on it when introducing the next portable device with its support. Not wanting to spend their hard-earned money, many remain with their old mobile phone, never ceasing to dream of trying out wireless charging.

Do-it-yourself wireless charging is a very simple and fairly fast solution. Read the instructions and watch the video. Interesting, right? Then let's go in order. But be sure to read the advice at the end of the article!

When I first saw wireless charging, I thought that manufacturers had made a breakthrough by discovering some new technology. Fortunately, there is the Internet, which told me the truth. In fact, the advent of wireless energy transmission was made possible thanks to the discovery of André Marie Ampère's law, which proved that electricity produces a magnetic field.

And this happened, for a moment, almost 200 years ago. In subsequent years, a number of scientists confirmed the existence of electromagnetic waves, and Nikola Tesla devoted years of his life to studying the possibility of transmitting energy over a distance. Using electromagnetic induction, the physicist was able to light an incandescent lamp from a distance.

Standard Qi

Of course, wireless energy transmission has been of interest to many areas human life, but for a long time did not go beyond the walls of laboratories. Already in this century, companies that develop consumer electronics (tablets, smartphones) began to take initiatives to create wireless chargers. A huge contribution was made by the Wireless Power Consortium, which developed the Qi standard for low currents.

The standard specification was free and accessible, so it very soon began to be used in portable equipment. Three years later, Qi acquired a specification for medium currents. There are other standards, but they are more complex than Qi and less common. More recently, in 2015, scientists at the University of Washington discovered that energy can be transmitted via Wi-Fi networks. We are waiting for the smartphone to charge by connecting to the router.

How Qi wireless charging works

Well, already from the name of the device it becomes clear that the gadget does not require connecting wires to transfer energy. The operating principle is very simple. The charger has a built-in coil (copper), which takes on the role of creator and transmitter of the electromagnetic field already on the receiver coil placed in the smartphone (can be above the battery or back cover). Electromagnetic radiation occurs when a mobile phone with a receiver comes into close proximity to the transmitter (usually about 4 centimeters). Then the capacitors and rectifier (low-power semiconductor diode) get to work, which provide the battery with energy.

So, can I do wireless charging myself?

Yes, this doesn’t even require any special knowledge of electrical engineering. Moreover, enthusiasts had already conducted similar experiments before us, posting detailed instructions and diagrams for assembly wireless charging with your own hands. If all the necessary components are at hand, then creating the simplest wireless charging will not take even an hour. However, we recommend that you first practice on old “push-button” devices, and not rush to “invent” charging for a brand new iPhone. For example, you can assemble such a thing for your Nokia, whose charging socket has fallen off, resuscitating it in this way. So let's get started.

Instructions: how to make wireless charging for your phone with your own hands

The whole process can be divided into two parts: manufacturing the transmitter and receiver. The first component will be a separate device, and the second will be installed on the phone.

The wireless charging circuit is very simple, consisting of two coils (transmitter and receiver), as well as a transistor and resistor.

Transmitter device:
  1. To begin with, we take a frame, the diameter of which should be 7-10 centimeters, but you can have another one - at your discretion.
  2. Now you need copper wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm. This is what we wrap around the frame. It is necessary to make 20 turns, then make a tap and twist another 20 turns in the opposite direction.
  3. You will need a transistor. You can use any, be it polar or bipolar - there is not much difference. If there is direct conduction, then you will have to change the polarity. The transistor is connected to the end of the coil and the tap.
  4. We fasten the resulting structure with tape or another type of insulation. To make everything look “solid”, you can use DVD or CD boxes. Some craftsmen even bother cutting out, so to speak, wooden bodies.
  5. To provide power, you can use a standard 5 Volt power adapter that connects to the circuit.
  6. Everything, the device that will transmit electricity is ready.

Now let's move on to making the receiver:
  1. If making a transmitter takes a few minutes, then you will have to work hard with the receiver. First you have to make a coil, but a flat one. You will need copper wire, but with a smaller diameter - 0.3-0.4 mm. You will need to make 25 turns. For convenience, I advise you to use some kind of lining, for example a piece of plastic. We gradually strengthen the coils with superglue so that the structure does not fall apart - you will have to wind it again. At the end of the work, you must carefully tear the receiver away from the plastic on which it was wound.
  2. Now we connect our receiver to the battery via a high-frequency silicon diode, for example SS14. The coil should be on the top of the battery, closer to the cover. To stabilize the voltage, a capacitor should be used.
  3. You can connect the receiver either to the charging connector or directly to the battery. The latter option is perfect for users whose charging port has died.
  4. That's it, close the back cover so as not to move the coil.

For many users, I think a video on how to make wireless charging with your own hands would be helpful. So here you go:

On this wireless Charger, made with your own hands, ready. To start using it, just place the phone on the transmitter. To date, more than a dozen instructions for assembling wireless chargers have accumulated on the Internet. The principle is approximately the same, but enthusiasts continue to improve this device, introducing something of their own. True, it is better for beginners to first practice with the simplest option presented in the instructions, so that they do not have to take the phone for repair.

Suitable for any device

The most important advantage of DIY wireless charging is the ability to make it for almost any device: smartphone, regular phone, camera, radio, and so on. The power principle of all these gadgets is similar, so charging follows the same scenario.

However, I strongly do not recommend trying to make wireless charging with your own hands for expensive smartphones. Firstly, you will have to disassemble the case in order to connect the receiver coil, since modern models are often made non-separable (it is not possible to simply remove the cover). Secondly, if you mix something up, you risk damaging the device, especially for beginners. Thirdly, most modern smartphones support wireless charging from the factory or provided by other manufacturers.

Disadvantages of DIY wireless charging

do you need it?

Smoothly we come to a very important point - the disadvantages of homemade wireless chargers. Yes, the opportunity to do interesting and useful device– great, but let’s not forget about the risks you are taking.

  • Errors during manufacturing best case scenario will lead to the fact that wireless charging will not work, in the worst case, the phone will not work.
  • Don't expect your smartphone to charge quickly. Even factory wireless chargers still lag behind conventional chargers in terms of charging speed, let alone those made by yourself.
  • I don’t think that every house has a coil of wire, a diode and a couple of transistors. You will have to buy all this, spending an amount comparable to that required to buy a ready-made, albeit Chinese, device.

What can I add? Do-it-yourself wireless charging is more of a way to visually look at the principle of operation of the electromagnetic field. To assemble a truly worthwhile and beautiful device, you will need to spend a lot of time and money. It is more profitable to order a ready-made kit without wasting time on winding the circuit. Of course, if you are a fan of creating something unusual with your own hands, then be sure to start developing “your own” wireless charger.

What should those who don’t want to spend time assembling wireless charging do it themselves? It’s simple - we order a ready-made kit, which is already more or less well assembled at the factory. The cost, as a rule, does not exceed 300 rubles, and the kit already includes both a transmitter and a receiver. Wireless chargers are sold in electronics stores, but it is more profitable to order from Chinese online stores.

Please note that many modern smartphones are equipped by the manufacturer with a receiver (receiver). Therefore, owners of these models do not need to purchase anything additional (in exceptional cases, sellers may not include a docking station (transmitter) in the kit). The list of such devices is quite extensive:

  • Samsung (Note 5, S6/S6 Duos and later models)
  • Google Nexus 4/5/6/7
  • LG G3 and new flagships
  • Blackberry 8900
  • Nokia Lumia (810-930)
  • Yotaphone 2

The list includes the most common models, but not all. In addition, it is regularly updated with new devices. To find out if your smartphone supports wireless charging, look for the “Qi” designation in the model specifications. Information must also be present on the manufacturer’s website.

My smartphone does not support wireless charging

If your device does not have a built-in receiver, do not rush to get upset - Chinese “friends” have taken care of users by releasing both special receivers for certain models and universal receivers. About the first type, I think everything is clear. Usually, they indicate which smartphone model it is intended for. But the second type of receiver is more interesting. Such receivers are not tied to a specific smartphone, so they can be installed in almost any one. However, it should be taken into account that universal receivers are divided into several classes:

  • Film with special contacts. Fits under the phone cover without affecting functionality. The device must have contacts near the battery for its installation. The main advantage is that the charging socket remains free.
  • Apple receiver. This type is intended for Apple devices with a Lightning connector, that is, all current models.
  • Android receiver. Designed for smartphones with a microUSB connector. Since there are plenty of Android smartphones, and the manufacturer places the charging socket however he wants (and where he wants), you should look at the specific model. As a rule, microUSB is located on the lower or upper end, and is of type “A” (connector in the form of a regular trapezoid, when looking at the smartphone with the screen up), “B” (irregular trapezoid) or “C” (oval).

The docking station (transmitter) does not play a special role - you can even use more than one kit or a completely different form. Therefore, the receiver and charging pad can be purchased separately, which will help save a little more.

In addition to receivers that need to be mounted on a lid or hidden under it, cases with a built-in receiver are available for sale. Of course, they are not universal, so you can’t find one for every smartphone. And they don't look the best. Be that as it may, many may still be interested in this look.

Models of ready-made wireless chargers

So, we come to buying a wireless charger from Chinese online sites. You can, of course, go to an electronics store that sells better models, but you will have to pay significantly more. Therefore, we go to one of the stores on the Internet, where we look for something like “universal wireless chargers.” Here you will meet a bunch of models. Then you have several options:

  • Purchasing a complete set. In this case, you get both a receiver (receiver) and a charging pad. Upon receipt, all you have to do is connect everything.
  • Purchasing parts separately. Perhaps you already have a receiver, but the docking station is broken (or vice versa). In order not to waste money, you can order only what you need.
  • Purchasing components for self-assembly. Some sellers provide the base (coils, boards, transistors, etc.) so that the user can assemble whatever his heart desires.

You can’t single out popular companies because sellers don’t even list them. And if the manufacturer is indicated, then the name says absolutely nothing (some Chinese company). And it’s stupid to bother finding a good manufacturer - the cost of wireless charging is usually ridiculous. Plus, customer reviews indicate that the defect rate is quite low.

The development of technical parameters of smartphones, such as screen resolution, the number of processor cores, also requires an increase in batteries to power the phone for at least a full day. It is not entirely easy to increase the capacity of batteries; today, good batteries have a capacity of more than 4000 mAh, and most have from 2000 to 4000 mAh. But with constant use of the smartphone, this may not be enough until the next charge.

Partly Wireless phone charging can solve this problem. The development of such systems for smartphones has been going on for several years. These systems are used not only in the field of charging smartphones. For example, in everyday life, razors and toothbrushes use wireless charging. A wireless phone charger can serve well in in public places such as train stations, cafes, offices. It is possible to use such a charger in a car. That is, where you can recharge your phone without searching for a free power outlet.

Some models of modern smartphones already have a wireless battery charging system. But such charging capabilities have a number of limitations that are currently holding back their development.

How wireless charging works

The wireless transmission of electrical energy is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction.
When alternating current is applied to a conducting coil, an electromagnetic field appears in space. If a conductor (wire) is placed in this alternating electromagnetic field, then under the influence of the changing magnetic field an electromotive force will arise in it. It is this electromotive force (EMF) that creates an electric current in the second coil (receiver).

All this is a little complicated, but if it’s quite simple, then thanks to electromagnetic induction, when you place two coils next to each other and apply an alternating electric current to one of them, the second will generate its own alternating current. By converting this alternating current into a constant voltage of the required value, you can charge the battery.

To achieve greater efficiency (efficiency), the receiver must be located next to the transmitter. Otherwise most of fields are wasted.

Using resonance (operating at the same frequency) allows you to slightly increase the distance between the receiving and transmitting modules.

The transmitting device must be connected to a mains power outlet, so you won’t be able to completely get rid of the wires.

Communication between the coils is carried out through an electromagnetic field, which passes through the air gap, and can also pass through plastic, wood and other non-metallic surfaces.

Logic of wireless charging for a phone:

  • The mains voltage is converted into high-frequency alternating current (AC).
  • Alternating current (AC) is supplied to the transmitting coil by the electronic circuitry of the transmitter. This current indicates the electromagnetic field in the transmitter.
  • If the receiving coil is located within a given distance, then an alternating magnetic flux begins to act on it.
  • The magnetic flux generates alternating current in the receiver.
  • The current flowing in the receiver coil is converted into direct voltage (DC) by an electronic circuit. This constant voltage recharges the battery.

When using electromagnetic induction in a charger you need to accurately position the receiver and transmitter coils relative to each other. There is even a drawing on the display device showing how to position the smartphone correctly. The charging speed will be slower than using wired charging. Only one device can be charged at a time.

When using resonant charging, the parameters change. As written above, the principle of resonance involves tuning the transmitting and receiving circuits to the same frequency. But there are several differences from the method of using only electromagnetic induction.

Greater freedom in space: you no longer need to precisely position the phone on the transmitting module.

It becomes possible to charge multiple devices. This is possible by using several coils with their own frequencies.

The charging speed increases.


Two large groups in the world are developing wireless charging: the Wireless Power Consortium and the AirFuel Alliance (an association of A4WP and PMA); there are several more little-known groups in the world seeking to promote their own more unique technologies.

Today, the standard developed by the Wireless Power Consortium (WPC) has become the main one. This standard is called Qi (pronounced “qi” in Russian).

Many smartphone manufacturers support this standard. So when buying a Qi transmitter, you need the receiver in your phone to also support it, and the transmitting module itself may be from a third-party company.

The Qi standard provides charging power of up to 5 W and a current of 1 or 2 A, at a voltage of 5 V. Wired chargers with a USB interface have the same parameters.

Qi also allows the receiver and transmitter to exchange information using its own protocol. The transmitter asks the receiving module about the supported standards, the charge level, which allows you to adjust the charge strength and turn off the transmitting device if the battery is fully charged. Latest version Qi has an efficiency of about 80% and allows a distance between the receiver and transmitter of up to 45 mm.

The Wireless Power Consortium website states that about 1,080 devices have received Qi certification.

And here AirFuel promotes its PMA standard. It is less common, but some mobile device manufacturers support it. And in some devices there is support for two standards at once: PMA and Qi.

The differences between the Qi and PMA standards are the transmission frequency and the connection protocol.

Harmfulness and safety

The electromagnetic induction wireless transmission technique uses a near-field electromagnetic field at distances of about one-sixth of a wavelength. Near field energy itself is not radiative. The strength of the electromagnetic field decreases rapidly as the distance from the source increases beyond 5 cm.

So existing wireless phone chargers can be considered harmless and safe for humans.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages that can be seen in the design and method of energy transfer:

  1. No wires connected to the mobile phone. The USB connector on the phone does not become loose, no one will accidentally snag it. Although the transmitter itself is connected to the outlet with a wire.
  2. The ability to use multiple transmitters in a building and no need to carry a charger with you when moving from room to room. You can simply go to another room and place your smartphone on the transmitter and charging will continue.

The disadvantages include:

  1. Longer charging time than with a standard power supply.
  2. The high cost of the wireless charging device itself compared to a conventional charger.

Do-it-yourself wireless charging for your phone

If the device you need does not support the wireless charging standard, then you can do such charging yourself.

The easiest way to do wireless charging is to buy a transmitter and purchase a special case or attachment for your phone that has a receiving module. This receiver connects to a smartphone via a regular charging connector.

Wireless chargers for mobile phones in video review:

The article describes how a wireless mobile device works.


Digital technologies in our era are developing very rapidly, and it is difficult to say what miracle will be invented tomorrow. At first, mobile phones, which almost every person on Earth could have, were considered only an element of science fiction, or an attribute of a distant fantastic future.

But fantasy became reality pretty quickly. Can the ability to charge a mobile phone wirelessly be considered fantastic? I think most users will think so, but we will hasten to surprise them - wireless charging is not just a reality, but is already becoming commonplace.

Today in our review we will talk about wireless chargers. We will learn what a wireless charger works like and how it needs to be installed to cell phones. If you are tired of getting tangled in wires, if you often change the charger due to a frayed cable and want to get acquainted with alternative energy sources, then our article is dedicated to you.

Wireless chargers for cell phones

When the user mobile phone When he first learns about the existence of wireless charging, he begins to imagine for himself how it could work. And, of course, there are many misconceptions, for example, that wireless charging can transfer energy over long distances.

No, wireless charging is not a router. There are slightly different technologies involved here, and we'll take a quick look at them. Such devices use one of the types of magnetic induction charging. It’s not at all difficult to figure this out, you shouldn’t be afraid, especially since we’ll explain it in simple language.

What technologies do wireless chargers use for mobile phones?

The modern scientific world is actively working on the latest modernized technologies that can improve and increase the functionality of mobile devices for the mass consumer. You can even hear talk that engineers are able to achieve the transmission of electric current through sound waves, lasers and other phenomena in physics. True, most of these developments have not yet been completely completed, but hopes are only growing.

As for technologies that can already be used in everyday life and supplied to the market, here we will talk about the transmission of electricity through electromagnetic induction, as we noted above.

Wireless charging, like any other technical invention, uses certain standards that are always taken into account when working together with mobile devices. For example, the company Wireless Power Consortium» developed a special standard « Qi", designed for wireless transmission of electrical energy and recharging gadgets.

How to Install a Wireless Charger for Cell Phones

Today, most smartphone companies not only approve of the standard " Qi", but they even use it to create their gadgets. Therefore, at many railway stations, bus stations and airports in advanced countries of the world, users can charge their smartphones without using any chargers, sockets, wires, etc.

In these places with large crowds of people, special charging stations are installed, which supply current energy wirelessly. Surprising but true.

How to Install a Wireless Charger for Cell Phones

How to install a wireless charger for cell phones?

Let's try to figure out how a wireless charger for mobile phones works. To begin with, let us understand that when transmitting wireless electrical energy from one device to another, the first and second devices each use one induction coil.

How to Install a Wireless Charger for Cell Phones

That is, this means that if you have an ordinary standard smartphone, it will not charge from wireless chargers, no matter how hard you try, since such a coil is not built into it. Perhaps in phones of the near future these coils will already be installed by default, and current gadgets will be considered “last century”.

So, a wireless charger for a mobile phone creates a magnetic field - this is a completely common phenomenon, there is nothing super-technological about it. A magnetic field begins to be emitted (thanks to an induction coil) from the wireless charger after the latter is connected to a regular electrical network.

If next to this device we install a gadget that supports the standard already mentioned above “ Qi", then it will begin to serve as a receiver of these same electromagnetic waves emanating from wireless charging. The electromagnetic waves absorbed by the gadget will begin to be converted into electric current using the induction coil installed in the phone. This will start the process of recharging the mobile phone and its battery.

How to Install a Wireless Charger for Cell Phones

But we should learn how to install modern wireless devices for cell phones. It is impossible to charge a gadget that is even at a short distance from wireless charging. Don't think you can charge your phone by moving it within a meter of this charger. The distance between the wireless charger and the phone should be no more than 5 cm.

This, of course, may upset us, but it all starts small. Yesterday we had regular phones with a minimum set of functions, and today, thanks to the gadget, we can already access the Internet, listen to music, watch movies, play games, and so on.

And, of course, it is worth noting that wired charging is more effective today than wireless charging. Wired charging will take less time (1-2 hours) to fully charge your phone. Wireless charging can be installed at any distance from the gadget, equal to the length of its cable. But if all this doesn’t bother you too much, then you can easily use wireless chargers.

What are the pros and cons of wireless chargers for mobile phones?

How to Install a Wireless Charger for Cell Phones

Above, we briefly reviewed the device and technology of wireless chargers, and also learned how mobile phones are charged from such chargers. Installing wireless charging for your phone will not be difficult for us.

Now it wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted with the pros and cons of such chargers.

Pros of a wireless device:

  • Does not require a cable when charging mobile phones. There is no threat that the cable may break, fray, get tangled, or cause any other problems.

Cons of a wireless device:

  • Still, they need a wire with which wireless device connects to the outlet. Only in this way does the induction coil in the charger begin to emit electromagnetic waves, which are absorbed by the mobile phone, carrying out the charging process.
  • The process of recharging a mobile phone until the batteries are fully charged is quite long.
  • The price of wireless charging (and a phone that supports the “ Qi") will be much higher than similar wired devices.

What impact does a wireless charger have on human health?

Typically, mobile devices emit electromagnetic waves. Many people wonder whether all this is harmful to health, since mobile devices are always in close proximity to a person. Is there a danger to the human body if it is regularly exposed to radiation from mobile devices?

How to Install a Wireless Charger for Cell Phones

Some say that this is harmful to health, but experts say that, on the contrary, electromagnetic waves, which, at least, are located around wireless chargers, do not have any negative effects on the body.

Electromagnetic waves constantly affect the human body even without the use of modern technologies. For example, the Sun emits electromagnetic waves, but this does not make a person worse, of course, unless he gets sunstroke or skin burns from excessive exposure to hot beaches and so on.

Which famous companies produce wireless chargers?

We have already dealt with the main issues related to the installation, operation and impact of wireless chargers on humans. Now let's talk about which well-known brands supply their samples of such devices to the market.

The first example would be the company Samsung”, which is famous for its wide selection of unusual smartphones. And this time the company decided to take the path of improving its mobile devices by developing its own wireless charging for phones.

Wireless charger " Samsung Wireless Charging Pad“Many users like it because it makes it possible to charge the phone by holding it in any position above the charger. The charger is compatible with smartphones that support various standards.

How to Install a Wireless Charger for Cell Phones

Wireless charging is no less popular " PowerBot" Users note the following advantages:

  • Can be connected to both wall outlets and laptops
  • Has a reasonable price
  • Has high reliability
  • The company provides a long-term warranty on the use of the device.

How to Install a Wireless Charger for Cell Phones

Another wireless charging – “ Nokia DT-910" Can charge smartphones relatively quickly. It also has many different functions.

How to Install a Wireless Charger for Cell Phones

Video: Wireless charging for your phone

Video: Wireless chargers

IN modern world All manipulations with file transfer using a smartphone occur “over the air”. Access to the Internet via wi-fi - at home, at work, in cafes - is taken for granted, and rarely does anyone have difficulty using it. The time has come for wireless power transmission.

Was founded in 2008 " Wireless Electromagnetic Energy Consortium"(Wireless Power Consortium, WPC), which brings together manufacturers from Europe, Asia and America. The goal of the Consortium is to develop a unified standard for wireless charging technology.

Already in 2009 the company Palm provided the first phone with wireless charging support. Later, in September 2012, Nokia introduced 2 smartphones to the market - Lumia 820 And Lumia 920 also supports Qi standard. Next came the big smartphone manufacturers - Samsungg, Google Nexus(Asus, LG), Sony, etc. Since 2017, the company Apple added Qi support to its models: iPhone 8, iPhone 8 plus and iPhone X.

Since 2014, our company Zaryadqi has been developing and distributing wireless chargers in Russia. Our store has the most big choice wireless chargers and we constantly monitor new products and expand our range. You will definitely find the right charger for yourself in our store.


In simple terms:

  • The charger is connected to a power source.
  • A magnetic field is created.
  • The smartphone must support wireless charging - have a built-in receiver or an additional receiver.
  • The phone is placed on the charger.
  • Charging the smartphone starts automatically.

From a technical point of view:

Energy is transferred from the transmitter to the receiver through an interconnected magnetic field generated by the flow of alternating current through the transmitter coil.
If the receiver coil is in close proximity, a significant portion of the transmitter power lines will pass through the receiver coil, creating an alternating current in the receiver, which is then converted to direct voltage.


Just. Place your smartphone on a Qi wireless charger and it will start charging automatically.

Modern. All major IT companies are already developing their devices using the Qi standard.

Versatile. Any device with a Qi receiver can be charged using any Qi wireless charger.

Safely. Created electric field safe for humans and spreads only 1 cm from the device.

Comfortable and convenient. There is no need for a bunch of wires that later get tangled or simply lost.


More and more smartphone manufacturers are starting to integrate receivers into their top models: Samsung Galaxy S6/edge/edge plus, Yota Phone 2, etc.

  • Samsung Note 5
  • Samsung Gear S2 (watch)
  • Samsung Gear S2 Classic (watch)
  • Google Nexus 4/5/6/7(2013 and later)
  • LG Spectrum 2
  • Blackberry 8900
  • HTC Thunderbolt
  • HTC Droid Incredible
  • Motorola Droid 3
  • Droid Charge
  • Droid Incredible 4G LTE
  • HTC Rezound
  • Nokia Lumia 810
  • Nokia Lumia 822
  • Nokia Lumia 825


If your smartphone is not in the lists above, then you need a universal receiver that connects to the micro-USB port and is attached under the back cover of the smartphone or under the case.



We conditionally divide wireless chargers into several types based on functionality:

  • Tabletop. Standard charging stations in the form of a small “platform” on which the phone is placed, or charging built into equipment - a lamp, clock, weather station, etc.
  • Automotive. Wireless charging for use in the car: with special holders and brackets for the phone and adapters for the cigarette lighter.
  • Charging stands. Wireless chargers with stand function, i.e. The phone is positioned at an angle during charging for easy viewing of videos, email, and social networks.
  • Qi batteries. Wireless chargers with a built-in battery differ from each other, in addition to design, in the number of additional USB ports and battery capacity - from 4000 mAh to 10000 mAh.
  • Built-in. Wireless chargers for installation in tables, cabinets, bar counters. They have a special design and protection from moisture and dust.

And also by scope or place of use:

  • Home/office
  • In the car
  • On the road


  • Built-in- already installed in the smartphone by the manufacturer.

If the manufacturer of your phone does not provide the possibility of wireless charging, it can be easily adapted to this charging! For this, a special receiver film is used - there are several types:

  • As films, which is installed under the cover of the smartphone. To do this, your phone must have special contacts
  • Film, which connects to the lighting power port for Apple and micro-usb for Android smartphones.



The film is attached under the cover of the phone, the functionality of the phone is not reduced. The standard cable can be used simultaneously with the installed receiver film.

Such receiverQifor phones with special contacts Suitable for phones that have special contacts for wireless charging: Samsung Note 4, Samsung Note 3, Samsung Note 2, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S3 and others.

The film is attached to the back surface of the phone. At the same time, it can be covered with any standard case: leather, plastic, silicone - this will not affect the charging process. The connector, inextricably linked to the film, for charging according to the Qi standard must be in the Lightning connector. Having a film receiver does not cause any inconvenience.

Such Apple-receiverQi Suitable for Apple devices with Lightning connector: Apple iPhone 5, 5s, 5c, 6, 6s, 6Plus, 6SPlus, SE, 7, 7 Plus; iPad Air 2, iPad mini and others (Apple does not currently provide wireless charging without accessories)

Such universal receiverQi Suitable for any phone equipped with a USB connector for classic wired charging. The film is attached under the cover or case of the smartphone. The plug, inextricably linked to the film, for charging according to the Qi standard must be located in the Micro-usb connector. Having a film receiver does not cause any inconvenience.

In phones with a Micro-USB port, the connector can be one of three types, depending on its type, if you place the phone on top of the screen.

Type C connector appeared relatively recently - it can be found on a small number of devices. Thus, type “C” is equipped with MacBook 12", Samsung TabPro S, Google Nexus 6P, Microsoft Lumia 950 XL, ZUK Z1, Google Pixel C, Google Nexus 5X, One Plus 2, Acer Aspire Switch 10 V and other devices.

In addition to the above receivers, depending on the location of the connector in the phone, such film-receivers may be suitable - they are called lateral or offset:

Accordingly, each type and position of the connector requires its own Universal receiverQi. By determining the correct type of Micro-USB connector in your phone, you will buy the right receiver for wireless charging and allow yourself to give up wires!

  • There are also receiver cases: The receiver is already built into the case, so you just need to put the case on your phone and it will be able to charge wirelessly.

You can always tell the online store manager your phone model - we will select the optimal receiver for you!


Wireless charging produces a current of 1 ampere and a voltage of 5 volts. The standard power adapter that comes with the smartphone produces from 1 to 2A. And when charging the phone from a computer (USB port), the phone is charged with a current from 0.5A (USB 2.0) to 0.9A (USB 3.0).

In this regard, you will not even feel the difference in charging time or it will not be significant.


Qi wireless chargers are approximately 80% energy efficient. It is worth understanding that it is simply impossible to achieve 100% energy efficiency; for standard wired chargers this figure ranges from 75% to 95% at best.


Wireless chargers use non-ionizing frequencies that do not have harmful physiological effects on humans. The Qi 1.2 standard includes detection of foreign objects in the range of the charger, providing additional safety of use; Charging is only possible with Qi-compatible devices. Also, our chargers and smartphones have built-in safety mechanisms based on thermal control.