A married Leo takes a mistress. Leo man: how to understand that he is in love, based on various signs

09.07.2019 Career and Work

Sexual relationship between Leo and zodiac signs

Leo and Lion

Union of two bright personalities always problematic. Although they live by the same interests and strong feelings, they are both restive, proud and unyielding. Usually, after the stormy beginning of a love epic, a sharp cooling occurs. And then everyone stands in a pose of proud loneliness, offended pride and unrecognized genius...

Leo and Virgo

Leo is characterized by ardent reactions and the expectation of the same from Virgo, and the Virgo, with her coquetry, at first skillfully inflames Leo. But, coming within kissing distance of her, Leo begins to see her coldness, scantiness of emotions, covering up with copious words about what and how she feels. Leo is a broad-minded person and sees everything from a bird's eye view, while Virgo digs into little things, finds fault all the time, looks for something, criticizes. She begins to be annoyed by the lion's carelessness, his castles in the air, divorced from reality. And their relationship quickly turns into a communal affair, especially in bed, where Virgo becomes a prude, and Leo, from a position of strength, tries to assert himself in his sexual impotence in front of Virgo...

Leo and Libra

The regal Leo and the harmonious, balanced Libra make a brilliant, spectacular couple. They quickly and easily adapt to each other and turn love into a celebration. Leo is a wonderful admirer, he takes great care of him, not chasing after Libra, but conquering them. Not only are they sexually compatible, but both also enjoy having each other. This is a union of spiritual strength and beauty of mind with the rebirth of one into the other for more high level- in the strength of the mind and the beauty of the spirit.

Leo and Scorpio

This union is mined from the first days of courtship. Both are independent, proud, and both love to play with fire. But they don't understand each other at all. The straightforwardness and nobility of Leo clash with the closeness, hypnotism and inner self-confidence of Scorpio. Leo burns him with his fire, and Scorpio responds with a painful and poisonous bite. But all contradictions give rise to an insane passion that is beyond the control of reason. Their erotica knows no norms and patterns; for them there is no decency or vice. Sex for Scorpio is a way of life. Here only Leo can’t withstand the eternal honeymoon...

Leo and Sagittarius

This is a struggle between two authorities. After all, Sagittarius needs an audience, listeners, but Leo does not know how and does not want to listen to others. But the excitement of one is fueled by the adventurism of the other, however, the vain Leo will always be burdened by the irrepressible, omnipresent energy of Sagittarius, his desire to poke his nose into everything. But Leo will get even in bed, where Sagittarius is a pathetic satrap at the court of his crowned partner...

Leo and Capricorn

Capricorn is attracted to Leo by the ease with which he holds positions; he immediately achieves what Capricorn is given as a result of long work, self-restraint and perseverance. Yes, Leo came, saw and defeated Capricorn. The only one who can captivate him and satisfy his unclaimed sexual potential. The heat of the lion's heart melts the centuries-old ice of the Capricorn soul, and as a result - a stormy stream of freed emotions and repressed desires. And Leo runs in panic, because he doesn’t need such sexual abundance at all. And the fact that he promised half the kingdom was for nothing, and not in exchange for eternal love...

Leo and Aquarius

They experience a strong attraction to each other, which over time smooths out their ideological differences, although they live in different areas interests. Leo loves to be the center of attention, but Aquarius does not highlight his personality, he tries to remain unnoticed, hiding behind “not giving a damn.” Aquarius does not like that Leo lives only for himself, and Leo does not like his independence and attention to others. But these contrasts add spice to their sex life. This couple has a lot of fantasies, experiments in sex, original intimate fun and there is no place for boredom, conservative dogmas and morals.

Leo and Pisces

This couple, having united, ultimately suffers a complete fiasco. At first, the chic Leo flatters the fish’s vanity and pride, and from him the Fish draws the strength and energy that it is deprived of. And Leo likes her weakness, which she abuses, subtly manipulating him, flattering and playing on his weaknesses. But their sexual relationship is stitched with white thread: Leo quickly becomes bored with the quiet, sluggish, tearful Pisces, with its complex of innate delicacy and emotional vastness. Yes, and Pisces constantly: “One - lie down!” Two - attention! worth incredible mental anguish...

Leo and Aries

They have a lot in common, both in temperament and in characters and morals. They turn each other on with the spontaneity of feelings, their love is the most exciting game, fireworks, brilliance. But this brilliance, alas, is ostentatious, because the harshness, rudeness and unceremoniousness of Aries offend the nobility of Leo, which is most clearly manifested in eroticism. But this couple finds sexual harmony if Leo condescendingly observes the extravagance of Aries, and he amuses himself with the imposing and secular nature of Leo.

Leo and Taurus

This is a union of love and passion, based on sexual compatibility, fueled by the noble impulses and royal gestures of Leo and the calm, balanced comfort of the Taurus soul. In addition, Taurus is luxuriously lazy, and Leo is a spiritual lord, which is why they are beloved to each other.

Leo and Gemini

This couple can be happy, because the heart - Leo and the mind - Gemini have met. Gemini is blinded by the brightness of Leo, his generosity, diversity and richness of nature, and the playful, active and cheerful Gemini Leo is impressed with his varied interests and sociability. They have a sexual attraction, and both are players by nature, which they also bring to their intimate life, frolicking and having fun in bed. Leo treats Gemini like a child, whom he nurses and pampers, and Gemini plays along with the lion's sense of self-importance in his, Gemini's, life...

Leo and Cancer

On the one hand, Leo needs direct attention, ardent admiration, open worship, but Cancer is secretive, and besides, he is very bad with open admiration and worship. On the other hand, Cancer teaches Leo to be more sensitive and attentive, and Leo helps Cancer to be more active, sincere and carefree. In addition, Leo is captivated and attracted by the emotional world of Cancer, and Cancer likes the straightforwardness and nobility of Leo, and they willingly forgive each other many shortcomings. The energy of one complements the passivity of the other and makes their sexual relationship harmonious.

Advice from an experienced lover

    Never tease a Leo man when you're around him. You better keep what you promised him. If you are not ready to go all the way, then it is better to refuse the meeting so as not to disappoint him, because he believes that you should always want him, if only because He already wants your intimacy. On the other hand, his boundless self-confidence can be easily deceived by a hint of secrecy or indifference. He is so confident in his attractiveness to women that he will be intrigued and more likely to pay attention to the one who makes him understand that he needs to pursue her.

    Leo man spends little time pregame, you will be swept off your feet into bed and taken in one big, all-destroying male leap. Leo is not interested in anything other than his own sexual need. He hopes that after intimacy you will sing his praises about his amazing sexual prowess.

    Even though Leo men have amazing stamina and an excellent appetite for lovemaking, don't think that he enjoys making love more than once a day. Rather, he will go around the circle only once, but he will do it with gusto.

    Don't be reserved and modest in bed with a Leo man. If you want to meet his power demands, your response to his actions must be quick and passionate, you must show him how much pleasure you get from your intimacy. The Leo man experiences the greatest satisfaction when a woman loses control of herself in his arms, moans and gasps with delight, at these moments he feels like the ruler of the world.

    Leo men like submissive women. If you want to keep him, never refuse him, otherwise he will simply leave for new hunting grounds.

    The Leo man prefers the standard position - “man on top” - he knows his potency well and sees no reason to decorate it with various variations or direct it to other channels. He is turned on by the sight of a “helpless” woman, so he will like it if you kneel next to the bed, leaning your chest on it, and give him the opportunity, kneeling behind you, to plunge into the depths of your body and control all movements - and yours. and yours.

    The Leo man will respond favorably to oral sex if you offer it, but know that your selfless “playing the flute” will be regarded by him not so much as sexual pleasure, but as an expression of your adoration, which will please his masculine vanity. But don’t expect an “orchid kiss” (cunnilingus) from him in response, since this is not his thing, like other non-traditional forms of sexual relations - the Leo man is a conservative.

    When Leo is forced to go too long without the sexual admiration he so needs, he becomes obsessed with this problem - he cannot think about anything else, he ignores family, friends, and business. If you have the desire and opportunity to ease his “torment” - do it!

Advice from an experienced lover

    Don't expect a Leo woman to meet you halfway. She is so convinced that possessing her is happiness for any man that she does not see the need to seduce him. She will not passionately desire any man, since she is too pleased and satisfied with herself to be sexually aggressive, she cannot even imagine that a man would dare to refuse her if she beckons him with her finger.

    never take a Leo woman by force or too quickly, she herself chooses the moment when to open up, and loves to do it slowly, voluptuously and solemnly - and not so much for her own pleasure, but for her own, born thanks to your amazed admiration.

    Remember that the Leo woman is very demanding in sex and her tendency to dominate sometimes takes extreme forms. Resenting that she is forced to live in a man's world, she sometimes seeks to take on the male role in sexual play and can force a man to bend over before her to penetrate his anus using various dildos. Also, don’t be surprised to hear a Leo woman demand you kiss her shoes, her gloved hands, or her breasts in a leather corset.

    If you want to tame a Leo woman, try to arouse her feelings, then she will become a responsive and frantic sexual partner, but again, do not forget to show admiration for her passion. In love foreplay, the Leo woman will like it if you gently caress her face, neck and ears with your tongue, run your tongue along her legs, from below and to the inside of her thigh. Her favorite way is to let you go halfway, then trade thrusts with you in shared action.

    A Leo woman loves to make love with the lights on so you can admire her body and talk about it. Her almost manic need to show off also extends to her favorite position - she prefers to be on top so you can look up at her and admire the sculpture of her body. At the same time, she will experience true pleasure if you bend her over and take her breasts into your mouth, passionately sucking and biting her nipples.

    The Leo woman is responsive to oral sex, but prefers to be caressed only with the tongue, without manipulating fingers, and requires increased tempo and pressure until she experiences orgasm.

    Usually the Leo woman is so relaxed in sex, so confident that everything will be excellent, that this usually happens. She never torments herself based on her desires - whatever the Lioness wants, she will get! However, if she is disappointed in her lover, then her silent contempt can crush anyone, even the most confident man, so it makes sense for you to weigh the pros and cons of your intimacy with her.

Erogenous zones of Lviv

Leos have a sensitive back area. Run your hand gently along the spine from top to bottom, then linger a little in the lower back - and Leo will purr. When making love to a Leo man, try lightly scratching his back with your nails, this will excite him for greater effort and more confident actions. A Leo woman will get excited if you brush from her shoulder to her lower back with your fingertips or shawl tassels.

First of all, you need to understand that a Leo man rarely decides to cheat on his own free will. Of course, he is constantly surrounded by a crowd of enthusiastic admirers who are not averse to basking in the light of his charisma. But, if his own queen is waiting for him at home, Leo will limit himself to only secular flirting, a couple of mutual compliments, no more. This is partly because the noble Leo is afraid of being hurt. to a loved one. Partly, he is simply lazy: all these courtships and maneuvers tire him if repeated many times. And besides, he is a little cowardly, because he is afraid of running into exposure and scandal.

Only two things can push Leo to betrayal: an insult or hopeless boredom. If you allowed yourself to publicly criticize him, or even worse, humiliate him, if you openly neglected him or flirted with other men, if you stopped taking his opinion into account and pushed him into the background, Leo will think about breaking up. He will not tolerate this behavior for long. Understand, it turns out that you cheated on him first, just not with your lover. You have betrayed the ideals that you previously considered common. And thus they made Leo’s life unbearable, since he is not one of those who gets used to misfortunes and troubles. No, he will try to cut this Gordian knot in one fell swoop - separation. He will not agree to understand the psychological intricacies and sift through past grievances; he finds it boring. Therefore, it is incredibly difficult to restore and improve relations with Leo. There is only one thing left to do - to prevent them from getting worse, to always keep your finger on the pulse.

How do you know if your Leo is about to break up with you? It will be difficult not to notice this. Firstly, he will begin to raise his voice, that is, “growl”. Reproaches and accusations will pour in, saying that this is not what he expected from you, this is not how he imagined you. But he will extol the virtues of other women to the skies, theatrically lamenting his poor choice. He will begin to provoke scandals, talk to you in a rude tone, and will be in constant irritation. One of the scandals will become fatal - having yelled enough and expressed everything completely, Leo will pack his things and leave, never to return. Do not expect to be able to make peace or remain friends - only contemptuous coldness awaits you. If you meet in general company, Leo will ignore you. It is unlikely that he will ever speak to you.

But the second option - boredom - is not so clear-cut. Here Leo will twist his thoughts so much that an affair on the side will not seem like a betrayal to him, but just a small pleasant adventure that even strengthens his marriage. Almost always married Leos they choose “gray mice” as mistresses. They enjoy taking care of weak creatures, showing their generosity and patronage, and appearing significant. In addition, they know that the “gray mouse” is unlikely to be afraid of exposure to his wife. She will gratefully accept the happiness that falls to her and will never demand more.

In this case, Leo will be sweet as honey with his legal wife. He will give more generous gifts, listen favorably to requests, and look content and peaceful. He will hide his affair in every possible way and spend the holidays with his family. And only by some cooling in bed and a friendly tone can you understand that something is wrong. A direct question, as they say, “head-on” will help here, and the more unexpected it is, the better. Leo is honest by nature, and lies are difficult for him. Of course, he can lie, but you will definitely notice it. He will try to look away, his voice will become unnatural, he may blush. Don't lose the initiative, ask what prompted him to cheat. Once he starts telling the truth, he will not stop. If you are still dear to him, he will immediately renounce his mistress and assure you of his love. You will experience something like a second honeymoon. And in the future, try to prevent this situation from happening again - provide your Leo with passionate feelings, novelty of impressions and the adrenaline he needs.

He has everything to charm and attract a woman. His charm and charisma, inner strength and confidence have a magical effect on a woman. With him she always feels calm and protected.

It's hard not to notice him. In any situation, he behaves with self-esteem, knows his worth and has unshakable determination. Loves to be the center of attention, receive admiration and compliments.

Positive qualities of a Leo man in love

  • Inner strength
  • Confidence
  • Determination
  • Masculinity
  • Initiative
  • Sincerity
  • Optimism
  • Charisma
  • Generosity
  • Condescension
  • Organization
  • Romance
  • Nobility

Negative qualities of a Leo man in love

  • Authoritarianism
  • Self-confidence
  • Hot temper
  • Impulsiveness
  • Self-centeredness
  • Selfishness
  • Intolerance to other people's opinions

He cannot live without love and does not stay alone for long. He loves to conquer women's hearts, to look for the one for whom he will do a lot and who will become his princess.

Love in his understanding should be

  • Strong
  • This
  • Unstoppable
  • Sublime
  • Beautiful

He may have many demands on his partner, because he needs the best and the present in everything.

See also the character of Leo, characteristics of people of the element of fire

Leo man - how to understand that he is in love

The behavior of a Leo man in love largely depends on how dear the woman is to him. If he doesn't want to lose her, he will do a lot.

  • Will fulfill her whims
  • Pamper yourself with expensive gifts
  • Attend events with her
  • Give a lot of attention, affection and tenderness
  • Will make sure she doesn't need anything
  • Can create a luxurious life for her
  • Will solve all problems

But this is only if he has found a woman worthy of himself and is not going to have a short love affair to have fun. After all, the instinct of a conqueror is in his blood; he likes to conquer women. He often wants to impress a woman. But on the other hand, she must arouse his attention and interest him. He is of little interest to inconspicuous women.

Love in the understanding of the Leo man is a holiday and he wants to create this holiday for two, where there will be passion and romance, sincerity of feelings and tenderness. If he has a good income, he will usually not skimp on expensive gifts. He wants his beloved to be admired by others.

Despite his possible gentleness and generosity, he still remains an authoritarian owner. Consequently, he will not like it when a woman acts against his will, without agreeing or consulting with him. The initiative should be his in many matters, especially when it comes to the home.

Leo man in bed

He wants to be a leader everywhere and to be obeyed unquestioningly. He will not be content with the inconspicuous role of a lover. He needs to get everything from life, and for life to be full of all positive emotions, passions and feelings.

Therefore, in intimate relationships, stiffness, restraint, and complexes are alien to him. He wants to possess a woman. He loves to dominate, to be in charge, sometimes he lacks tenderness. But on the other hand, by his manifestation of tenderness and affection, one can judge how attached he is to his partner. If the attachment is not deep, then the Leo man will be tough in intimate relationships.

If the attachment and feelings are deep, then in intimate relationships he will show more tenderness, compliance, condescension, and listen more to the woman’s desires. Also, do not forget that he, as a representative of fire, loves everything to happen quickly, swiftly, passionately.

See also Leo in sex

Compatibility with a Leo man will be good if

  • Also strive for a beautiful and luxurious life
  • I would like to receive a lot of gifts, impressions and surprises
  • I like the role of a secular woman
  • Do you like to invite guests and organize parties?
  • Ready to give compliments and admiration to your beloved man
  • Powerful men are quite happy
  • You want a man to be responsible for your life

Compatibility with a Leo man will be difficult if

  • Don't want to obey and be a servant
  • I don't like it when a man treats you like his property.
  • You can't stand his dictatorial ways
  • I don't like it when your opinion is not taken into account
  • I want equality and mutual respect
  • You don’t like it when they point and order

Leo man in a relationship with a woman


How to make a Leo man fall in love with you

To make a Leo man fall in love with you, you need to stand out. To be more beautiful and better than others. He likes women who evoke admiration from many men, who know how to present themselves favorably and be a bright personality.

The most important thing for him is a woman

  • Appearance
  • beauty
  • Grooming
  • Inner rod
  • Strengths of character
  • Self-esteem
  • Nobility
  • Passion

But at the same time it must be

  • Peace-loving
  • Friendly
  • Soft
  • Ready to submit to him
  • He's repulsed
  • Tactlessness
  • Ignorance
  • Coarseness
  • Rudeness
  • Vulgarity
  • Moodiness
  • Cold

He needs a woman who can share his strong passion and be with him no matter what. He needs stable serious relationship. If a woman does not meet his ideal, then he can leave her without regret. Pride will not allow you to run after her. Beg. Most likely he will quickly forget her.

How to Marry a Leo Man

He has a positive attitude towards marriage, but is not particularly in a hurry until he is completely confident that he has made the right choice. He needs time. To weigh the pros and cons to make sure it's his best choice.

It should be remembered that his weak point is flattery and praise. Delight. He wants a woman to admire his virtues, notice his abilities and skills. He wants to be the most incomparable, unforgettable, the best in the world for a woman. And not only to be, but also to hear more often how he is the best and what exactly. He is attracted to women who can sincerely admire what a wonderful person he is.

Leo man in marriage

On the one hand, life with a Leo man may seem like a fairy tale, since he will take on all the worries and troubles, will be an exemplary family man and you can rely on him. This is especially good for a woman who wants a man to decide everything for her.

But on the other hand, since he will decide everything for her, then naturally she will have to listen to her in everything, submit, and shut up in time so as not to anger him again. You will also have to restrain your opinion; often the Leo man is not interested in it at all, because he is in charge of everyone.

In the house, he sometimes displays royal manners, imperiousness, intolerance of other people's opinions and self-confidence. That only he knows everything correctly and will not listen to others. there is a tendency to choose everything expensive and luxurious, be it vacation, clothes, food, drinks. He likes to impress. There are many friends and acquaintances. It is important for him to be the center of attention, to be listened to. But he doesn’t always know how to listen. Moreover, he does not like to pour out his soul, because he does not want to show himself weak.


In a Leo man’s house, everything should be perfect, beautiful and chic. He loves to invite guests to his home, organize parties, and demonstrate his hospitality and generosity. He likes to have his own home, preferably in a prestigious area.

The atmosphere in the house is not always calm. The Leo man is characterized by short temper and impulsiveness, he can release accumulated tension, indignation and dissatisfaction on household members. He likes to make redevelopments and constantly improve the comfort of his home. And even if he strives for a calm home life, it still often turns out to be tense.

Breaking up a relationship with a Leo man

The Leo man can quickly and irrevocably break off a relationship, especially if the woman has disappointed him. The Leo man is quite amorous and can quickly find a replacement for himself and will not worry about breaking up the relationship.

He won't like it if a woman

  • Criticizes him
  • Doesn't agree with him
  • Makes fun of him
  • It hurts his honor and dignity
  • Treats him with disdain

After parting, he will not reconcile, beg you to come back, call, even when meeting you on the street he can pretend that he doesn’t know you at all. Usually when he wants to leave, he begins to behave rudely and harshly. Moreover, his rudeness becomes constant, he begins to be irritated by any act of a woman.

If the break in relations with a Leo man was due to his fault, he found himself another woman, then there is still an opportunity for formal communication, respect on his part and help.

But on the other hand, you can return him if you resurrect his passion. If you start communicating with him and start all over again, so that he understands what exactly he has lost.

There is also a short break in relationships, for example, he thus wants to persuade the woman to make concessions, using manipulation. But it is also necessary to remember that the Leo man will treat the woman the way she allows him to. You need to understand the reason for his attitude; perhaps he simply lost interest or there were more serious reasons.

More worse situation it turns out that his woman was interested in another man. He will not start violent scandals, but he will make sure that she understands that she personally ruined the marriage and that she may regret it.

A sense of self-respect and pride prevents him from communicating and living with the woman who cheated on him.

For a Leo man to always love, you must be:

  • Well-groomed and beautiful
  • Delightful and noble
  • Passionate and tender
  • Positive and sincere
  • Express delight and admiration to your beloved man more often

You can't be with a Leo man:

  • Picky and petty
  • Pretend and be a hypocrite
  • Admire other men
  • Resist and fight for leadership

But it’s not worth making all concessions for the sake of a Leo man. He doesn't value selfless women.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When, as there are many other planets and aspects involved in the formation of character, behavior, habits, a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to know more detailed information about yourself or about a person you are interested in, use astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And they will help you find out more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of a horoscope.

This man is courageous, strong, a noble, generous heart beats in his chest, and his soul is pure and responsive. Leo is lenient towards others, ready to protect and provide patronage to everyone who needs it. He is generous and at the same time insanely proud. He needs admiration, and therefore he surrounds himself with fans. It seems the question how to win a man Leo and should be solved simply. This is essentially how it is decided. But... not everything is so simple.

How to quickly win a Leo man and become his wife

The Leo man is confident in himself, so in any situation he strives to become the master of the situation. He loves to be in public and show himself off to women. In his understanding, life without a passionate romance cannot be called life. But the woman to whom Leo turns his royal gaze must be a match for him - refined, thoroughbred, noble. It is not easy to win an Ova man, he is amorous, but at the same time extremely picky, he is looking for a woman with a pure soul, a warm heart and the manners of an aristocrat. At the same time, she does not have to be a classic beauty; for Leo, what is important is what we call sleekness, breed, because the wife of a Leo man is his calling card.

The girl who meets all his requirements will be given royal honors by this man. I'm warning you if you've become a lover married man Leo, you must always be on top. Don't be careless in your appearance. He will notice this instantly and make a remark to you, perhaps not in a very flattering form. If you don't hear him, he will leave.

Once and for all, forget about illnesses, bad mood and fatigue. Know how to conquer others with your charm and freshness of thoughts. For a Leo man, watching how his beloved is admired is as pleasant as listening to praises addressed to him. Leo is sensitive, caring, affectionate, but if you have not made the right impression on those around him, he will be cruel to you.

How to behave in order to win a Leo man and marry him to yourself?

Never argue with him. Is his opinion subjective? Maybe. But he is right, right and right again! He will never accept anyone else's point of view on any problem. The Leo man is terribly jealous and considers his wife his property. So if you're with him, you have to be above suspicion. You lose the right not only to flirt, but also to be absent-minded and thoughtful, because even in this he is able to see the participation of another man. So, the question of conquering Leo no longer seems so simple to you? Learn to be on top. You will have to visit beauty salons often. But first of all, style seminars will help you. Go for it!

When it comes to sex, Leo can be considered an expert and connoisseur. The Leo man is tireless and resilient in sex. He pays quite little attention to the preparation stage and foreplay, thinking more about his needs. But this in no way spoils the overall picture and does not detract from its merits.

What is a Leo man like in love and sex?

This proud, strong, self-confident personality, filled with generosity and self-esteem, but flavored with a fair amount of conceit, narcissism, the desire to shine always, to shine everywhere, susceptible to rude flattery and demanding recognition, worship, applause, this creator who creates what wants, but often does not know what he is doing, considers himself the center of the universe. And he does the right thing.

Leo is a born leader, and the secret of his strength is faith and truth. He is extremely independent and is not inclined to obey anyone. He has natural authority, but spoils his life with his maximalism - whoever is not with him is a fool or an enemy. And Leo’s stubbornness often tempts him to respond to unpleasant objections with a powerful blow of his paw.

The lower the evolutionary level of Leo, the more inflated his ego is, sometimes to such an extent that he wants to be shown in a zoo... But a Leo of the high octave must shine, patronize, show all the richness of his nature.

His charm is majestic and has an immediate effect; he knows how to present himself and make an impression. In love, this is his situation: he came, he saw, he conquered. And although Leo has a certain arrogance, it is easy to forgive, because it is characteristic of him, like the crown of an emperor.

What does a Leo man want from sex?

There are few men who can satisfy a woman with such romanticism and energy. For the Leo man, sex is not just the merging of two bodies, but an act of love, which he takes very seriously.

Therefore, the Leo man does not like accelerated sex. He is unlikely to want to repeat the act several times in one day, but at one time he will thoroughly show everything he is capable of.

Great importance for Leo, during the act it has the behavior of the partner. Ideally, she should everyone possible ways demonstrate that his technique delights her. She should not be stingy with compliments, and should not be feignedly reserved or shy.

The Leo man wants to see her pleasure during sex and most likely will receive it, since he knows how to control the female body. But for those who are not stingy with praise, he will actually give unearthly pleasure. Just for the sake of these sensations it is worth starting an affair with a Leo man.

No less important to him is how his partner looks. She must be in good shape, beautiful, sexy and definitely well-groomed.

It is important for Leo to demonstrate his exclusivity in bed. As a young man, he is driven more by a sporting interest. He wants as many women as possible to know about his capabilities.

But this is in a favorable development of events, when a complex of unreasonable insolvency has not yet developed in him. It is in order to once again verify his strength that he needs to hear compliments addressed to him.

But the complexes are hidden deep inside, no one knows about them, and through negligence he can be seriously hurt and offended by a completely innocent joke or remark. In this case, the partner risks running into the wrath of Leo, and their relationship will be put to an end.

Over the years, the Leo man becomes more and more picky. If there are mutual strong feelings with his partner, he can remain faithful to her all his life. But the same will be demanded of her, along with daily declarations of love and tenderness.

But it is difficult for him to maintain relationships in which there is no sex, or in which he does not receive complete satisfaction. In this case, he will still remain an eternal playboy.

Never tease a Leo man when you are near him. You better keep what you promised him. If you are not ready to go all the way, then it is better to refuse the meeting so as not to disappoint him, because he believes that you should always want him, if only because he already wants your intimacy.

On the other hand, his boundless self-confidence can be easily deceived by a hint of secrecy or indifference. He is so confident in his attractiveness to women that he will be intrigued and more likely to pay attention to the one who makes him understand that he needs to pursue her.

The Leo man devotes little time to foreplay; you will be swept off your feet into bed and taken in one big, all-destroying male leap. Leo is not interested in anything other than his own sexual need. He hopes that after intimacy you will sing his praises about his amazing sexual prowess.

Despite the fact that Leo men have amazing endurance and an excellent appetite for lovemaking, don’t think that he enjoys doing it more than once a day. Rather, he will go around the circle only once, but he will do it with gusto.

Don’t be reserved and modest in bed with a Leo man. If you want to meet his power demands, your response to his actions must be quick and passionate, you must show him how much pleasure you get from your intimacy.

The Leo man experiences the greatest satisfaction when a woman loses control of herself in his arms, moans and gasps with delight, at these moments he feels like the ruler of the world.