The life and mysterious death of Yuri Longo. Yuri Longo - “white sorcerer Longa psychic biography

19.06.2020 Style and fashion

The activities of the famous Russian sorcerer Yuri Longo (real name Golovko) are assessed differently. People who believe in his paranormal abilities talk with admiration about unusual miracles, which included clairvoyance, telepathy, telekinesis and pyrokinesis. The more prosaically inclined part of the public considered Longo to be a dexterous and skilled magician who knew a lot of technical secrets of lighting grass using a hidden electric stove, levitating and moving objects using special devices, and “revitalizing” corpses by twitching invisible nylon threads. Witnesses talk about the period of Yuri's life when he worked as an illusionist in the circus and claim that the sorcerer was helped in demonstrating tricks by close people: assistants, friends and Yuri Longo's wife.

There are some doubts about which of the psychic's wives could be his faithful assistant. Longo was married three times, not counting extramarital affairs. His first wife turned out to be a certain Oksana from Balashikha, whose surname remained unknown in history. He and the 30-year-old youthful beauty, a physicist, met in Adler and lived only a short time. When this marriage failed, Yuri, a couple of years later, met Lyudmila Nikitina, a bank employee who quit her job in order to always be with her nomadic husband. In this marriage, a daughter, Julia, was born in 1982. It should be noted that he was short and not at all like Adonis, but the Sorcerer had a certain charm and was a lover and pleaser of women, especially those with Rubensian forms.

Longo also broke up with Lyudmila, despite the fact that, according to him, it was a happy union and he loved his second wife. She left her husband for his friend, as he complained, and took her daughter with her. In 1995, Yuri married his long-time girlfriend, an appetizing blonde from Vladikavkaz, Anelina (for those close to her, Elena) Semenenko, who was 20 years younger than him. This short marriage caused the soft-spoken magician a lot of trouble. Elena had a passion for alcoholic drinks and was violent when drunk. As witnesses say, she hid a lot of vices: in addition to her willingness to pose for frivolous “bath” photographs with her husband and friend, Elena was a selfish, calculating and cunning person. Shortly before his death, the sorcerer divorced her and consoled himself in the arms of his secretary, Anna Mikhailova, who idolized him.

However, after the death of the famous magician from a heart attack in the winter of 2006, the ex-wife of Yuri Longo managed to inherit his entire considerable fortune, estimated at 1.5 million dollars, leaving his daughter Julia without a penny. Now Elena continues to “celebrate” her lucrative loss of her husband, hardly appearing in public, and does not remember the receipt given to him on her wedding day not to lay claim to her husband’s property. “When I die, my daughter will be rich. She will get everything,” Longo once dreamed, adoring his Julia. Now she lives in a small apartment with her husband, mother-in-law and two children. Anna Mikhailova is trying to support her.

Undoubtedly, he is an outstanding personality, since he managed to take advantage of the unhealthy interest of rich ordinary people in everything mysterious and “schizoteric”, putting him at the service of his name and wallet.

He called himself a white magician, although I would call him a professional “showman”, a master of PR. Take, for example, that memorable trick with resurrecting a dead man in a morgue, levitating in front of a video camera, or the statement that he revived Ukrainian President Yushchenko. Loud, scandalous, spectacular. And it doesn’t matter that there were no levitations, the living dead or other miracles, but who would dare deny that those numerous titles and regalia that he awarded himself did not have the most magical effect on women suffering from “love magic”.

It goes without saying that the death of such a famous and terribly mysterious person simply could not help but generate the most incredible rumors. Agree, it is not appropriate for a white magician and healer to die from some kind of “aortic aneurysm,” although death from the evil eye or an “energy strike” can hardly be considered more attractive for the reputation of an almost omnipotent magician.

And here’s another miracle that surprised me. It was reported that before Longo's funeral, a funeral service was held in the church. Since when did our church begin to perform funeral services for people related to the occult, and besides, according to reports, Longo was not even baptized. However, money is now capable of creating even less bizarre miracles... In a word, gentlemen, the show must go on!!! Yuri Longo was buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery (6th school).

How to find a grave

The main entrance to the cemetery (where the cemetery office is). Go straight along the central alley all the time, in fact to the very end of the cemetery, there you will see a vacant lot that is being prepared for new burials, it is to the right of the road, just like section 6. Follow the path to bypass section 6. That is, there will be a vacant lot on your left, and plot 6 on your right.

As of June 23, 2007, Longo’s grave has been erased among the graves that appeared later, because section 6 is expanding. To find it you need to make some effort, combing the paths between the rows of graves. I can only say that Longo’s grave is located on the border of the old wooded area 6. The grave itself is a very funny sight. “Schizoterically”-minded people decorate it with strange objects, for example, an antique iron, children’s sandals, on the grave mound there is a baby bootie, some kind of ceramic figurines, a medicine package. I had an assumption that all these items were brought by ladies who believed that the “great magician” would help them get pregnant. But in reality, I don’t know.

In troubled times, when the country is at a crossroads, magicians and fortune tellers become the main characters. Russia is no exception. After the crash Soviet Union, the profession of a sorcerer turned out to be the most in demand. The main one was Yuri Longo. His whole life was full of mysteries, and the causes of death are still debated.

Magician or illusionist?

Everyone who has encountered Yuri Longo at least once in their life has certainly noted the hypnotic gaze of his dark brown eyes. The black robe, incense and heavy chains on his chest left no doubt that this was a real sorcerer. Yuri Longo became famous for his high-profile shows, demonstrating hypnosis, telepathy, telekinesis, and clairvoyance. All-Russian fame was brought to him by experiments shown on television, in which the magician revived the dead and talked with those who had passed on to another world. True, then, under pressure from journalists, Yuri Longo admitted that these were just clever tricks, and not real magic at all. Nevertheless, in the 1990s, people came to see him in the thousands, hoping for a miracle. Long queues at his entrance to the Sukharevskaya metro station arose from the very early morning. Who was Yuri Longo, a magician or a pop artist? Considering the fact that the main Russian sorcerer studied at an art school, a theater studio and had a diploma in psychology, it is safe to say that Yuri Andreevich was nothing more than a talented artist.

Conqueror of women's hearts

It is not surprising that the entire life of the All-Russian sorcerer was constantly accompanied by numerous scandals. After the living and talking dead turned out to be a fake, the “witchcraft” authority of Yuri Longo was seriously shaken for the first time. Then they began to talk about him as a great lover of women. The press claimed that the number of his mistresses numbered in the thousands. The magician himself was in no hurry to refute these rumors. There is a version that his premature death was caused by the fact that the sorcerer significantly undermined his health on the love front. Alas, she is not wealthy, because her last years Yuri Andreevich spent his time as an exemplary family man, in love with his last wife, Elena Longo. Although in public the magician tried to maintain the image of a conqueror of women’s hearts, apparently believing that this would help him attract clientele in need of improving their personal lives.

Magic duel

It is quite strange that a wealthy man, without bad habits, who was fully realized in his professional field, left this world at a fairly young age, in his fifty-sixth year of life. What is this, retribution for sins, magic or a fatal accident? To answer this question, it is interesting to look at two scandals in which Yuri Longo was involved shortly before his early death. The first of them was associated with another “magician” Grigory Grabov, who promised to resurrect the children who died in Beslan. Yuri Longo did not believe the words of his “competitor,” calling him a liar and a cynic. Yuri Andreevich died in the midst of his quarrel with Grabov. The press has repeatedly heard the version that it was Grigory Grabovoi who sent Yuri Longo to death. The second scandal was associated with Yuri Andreevich’s assertion that Viktor Yushchenko, poisoned with dioxin, was actually killed, and orange revolution in Ukraine it was headed by his double. It was assumed that the Ukrainian special services could deal with the magician for these statements.

Cause of death: arrogance

It is not surprising that the unexpected and early death of the famous magician shook the whole country. Versions began to emerge, one more mysterious than the other. However, the true cause of Yuri Longo’s death is simple and tragic in its absurdity. As you know, on February 14, 2006, Yuri Longo suffered a heart attack. He was admitted to the hospital. However, as soon as he felt better, Yuri Andreevich went home. Two days later, he felt unwell again, but instead of turning to doctors, he asked his friend, the famous artist Nikas Safronov, to come to him for support. In vain. A day later, at 10-30 am on February 17, the most famous magician of the country died from an aortic aneurysm. Yuri Longo was buried at the Vostryakovskoye cemetery in Moscow. Despite great amount versions about the death of the sorcerer, the truth is simple and banal. Apparently Yuri Andreevich relied too much on his gift as a healer and good health, refusing the services of doctors. If he had stayed in the hospital after the heart attack, perhaps the main sorcerer of the country would still be alive...

) - “master of white practical magic”, folk healer. Author of methods for love magic, for removing the evil eye, damage, and curses. Developed unconventional methods of treating cancer. Co-author and co-producer of the TV show “The Third Eye”, hero of the videos “Lenin’s Body”, “Master”, “A Moment of Witchcraft”, “The Wizard”. Author of the books: “Profession - sorcerer”, “Pure power. Practical and love magic”, “The Third Eye”, “School of Sorcerers. Secrets of practical magic”, “Under the light of the full moon”, “Confession of a sorcerer”, “Monastery recipes for any ailment”, “Family herbalist for all diseases”, etc.


Studied at art school (did not graduate). In Moscow he studied at the theater studio of the KGB of the USSR. He has a diploma in psychology from Leningrad University. Worked with Gennady Goncharov, head of the Moscow School of Hypnosis.


His parents are teachers at a village school, his sister is a math teacher.

Officially he was married three times.

  • Oksana Lozovaya, Balashikha.
  • Lyudmila Borisovna Nikitina, Moscow. From his second marriage he has a daughter, Julia (September 23, 1981).
  • Anelina Arkadyevna Semenenko - the marriage lasted 4.5 months - from November 15, 1995 to April 3, 1996. After the divorce, she remained the magician’s “on-screen” wife. They lived separately: Yuri on Bolshaya Bronnaya Street, Anelina - in his apartment on Sushchevsky Val.


The official cause of death was aortic aneurysm.

The unofficial reason is his conflict with Grigory Grabov. Shortly before his death, Yuri Longo spoke on the TNT television channel with sharp criticism of his promises to revive those killed in Beslan. The program on TNT with criticism of Grabovoi was recorded a month and a half before the show, but it was shown on the eve of the day when Yuri Longo had his first attack. It is believed that either Grabovoi’s supporters damaged the former magician, or Grabovoi personally dealt an energy blow. The reason does not contradict the official version, since Yuri Longo, despite the possible adoption of Orthodoxy, remained a superstitious person.


Yuri Longo's estate is estimated at $1.5 million.

see also


  • What is behind the death of the famous magician and hypnotist Yuri Longo
  • The magician Yuri Longo had thousands of mistresses - a description of some of the magician's tricks.
  • Yuri Longo and his women's secrets - Book by Alla Mikhailova, April 2007.


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    See what "Yuri Longo" is in other dictionaries: Longo (Golovko) Yuri Andreevich (September 23, 1950, Nezamaevskaya village February 17, 2006, Moscow) “master of white practical magic”, folk healer. Author of methods for love magic, for removing the evil eye, damage, curses... ... Wikipedia

    Longo (Golovko) Yuri Andreevich (September 23, 1950, Nezamaevskaya village, Krasnodar Territory; February 17, 2006, Moscow) “master of white practical magic,” folk healer. Author of methods for love magic, for removing the evil eye, damage, curses... ... Wikipedia

    This article is about a non-academic area of ​​research. Please edit the article so that this is clear both from its first sentences and from the subsequent text. Details in the article and on the talk page... Wikipedia

    Surname. Famous carriers of Longo, Giovanni Giustiniani Longo, Jeannie (born 1958) French cyclist Longo, Luigi Longo, Yuri Andreevich famous white magician ... Wikipedia

    This article is proposed for deletion. An explanation of the reasons and the corresponding discussion can be found on the Wikipedia page: To be deleted / July 2, 2012. While the discussion process is not completed, the article can be found on ... Wikipedia

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    - “RIDDLES OF THE SOUL”, Russia, EIDOS, 1992, color, 67 min. Artistic journalistic film. Cast: Elena Kremneva, Elena Sukhareva, Alexey Zolotov, Leonid Pritsker, Gennady Krokhalev, Yuri Longo. Director: Dmitry Nazin. Scriptwriter: Dmitry... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

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One of my most capable students was Yuri Longo. For many years now he has independently acted as a hypnotist, psychic, sorcerer, and so on in the same regard. He can control a lot. He also conducts his own practice - healing.
So, let's consider the antipode of V. Lenin - the General Secretary, the President, now "ex", Gorbachev... Yuri Longo said about Gorbachev that he is a hypnotist and has great power of hypnosis. He believes that "Gorbachev is the strongest..."
Master of white and black magic Yu. A. Longo once said in a conversation: “Our president knows the techniques of hypnosis and suggestion.” And further: “This is obvious to a professional. If possible, I watch every speech of the president... In addition, six psychics help Gorbachev. They are also present at Mikhail Sergeevich’s speeches” (as Yu. Longo reasoned at the beginning of 1991). At the same time, he predicted that Gorbachev would hold out for several more years. But he was a little mistaken. Gorbachev did not last even a year. It didn’t even last until the beginning of 1992.
To the correspondent’s question: “Would you like to be among those six psychics?” Longo responded at the time: “Yes, I would.”
- What is the difference between a sorcerer and a hypnotist?
- Ten years ago, when I started my public
performances, and it was impossible to imagine being called a sorcerer. They would have simply thrown me into a “psychiatric ward.”
I went several times to study with sorcerers. My grandfather, who lived to be 105, also taught me. Died in 1972. He chose psychology by vocation. Then I was taught by hypnotists - Professor Ivan Sergeevich Kachalin and Gennady Arkadyevich Goncharov.
The sorcerer is universal; he can do everything. Not only hypnosis, suggestion and treatment - I predict the future, bewitch, remove the evil eye and damage. In my next room there are bags of letters, thousands of letters. And every second author of them believes that he has been jinxed.
...Someone with even a small degree of psychic abilities just looked at you angrily. His gaze seemed to violate your aura - your outer protective shell. A foreign body has settled inside you. You gradually begin to feel mental and physical discomfort. Everything falls out of your hands, troubles one after another, often illness.
- But everyone has periods when everything falls out of hand.
- Damage is when such a condition becomes protracted.
- What should we do then?
- Contact the sorcerer.
- But there are not many sorcerers.
- Yes, if you look for it. Especially in old villages. For several years I went to study with sorcerers in Belarus.
- Your experiments with “resurrection of the dead” are still perceived as a sensation. Are you continuing these experiments?
- More than half of these experiments were successful.
And they were carried out on unclaimed corpses, in the Sklifosovsky hospital. Under strong bioenergetic pressure, the corpses not only moved, but also sat down, stood up, and opened their eyes. The body came to life, the brain remained dead.
I'm not doing this now. There was a ban. Then they called me and said that I could continue my experiments. They even offered to create a laboratory. But I refrain, so as not to incur God's curse. I have made my peace with the church.
- How did this happen?
- I was invited to the New Year's program, which was filmed at the Slavyanskaya Hotel. There were many church representatives there. They flatly refused to participate in the same program with me and swore terribly. In general, the director reconciled us, especially since I was already ready for this. I spend as much vital energy on a corpse as would last me for five years. So it’s better to give this energy to sick people, to alleviate their suffering.
- For what purpose did you revive corpses? Wanted to test your capabilities? Or did you have some big idea? Or maybe you needed a sensation?
Giving a chance at immortality is a childhood dream. To extend a person’s life so that after centuries he can see the results of his activities, creative or destructive.
- So that each generation has time to answer for its mistakes?
- No, just so that people become wiser.
Yuri Longo is all business. Contracts, performances and trips. It's in great demand. The never-ending longing for miracles calls him, as a wizard, sorcerer, hypnotist and spellcaster, to travel.
I don't agree with "revitalization". Yuri, with whom we worked on stage for a year and a half, was a good magician and always strived for fame. Once I told him about seven points on the human body, by acting on which you can “breathe” life into a dead body for a while. Yura decided to try it.
It's definitely difficult. Here we must agree with Longo. Because it would be possible to “revive” many. We must agree that something didn’t work out for Longo, something didn’t work out. He himself admitted to the difficulties emanating from him personally and about the difficulties that arose with the priests.