Possible relationship scenario by date of birth online. Your karma by date of birth

06.02.2019 Psychology

Karma is the destiny that we create for ourselves during reincarnation. These are some kind of scales that tip either towards evil and bad deeds, or towards good.

According to experts who study this theory, each of us has karma that determines our future destiny. What you might have done wrong past life Numerology by date of birth can tell you how to fix everything in your current life, and what your destiny is.
Calculation of karmic numberSo, our life is only part of a huge and endless journey of the soul. The karmic number and its interpretation will help you find out what influenced your current life in a past life and how you can correct your mistakes by restoring balance and shifting it towards good. Of course, not everyone has negative karma, but having lived your Current state dishonestly, you risk dooming yourself to difficulties in your future life.
To calculate karmic number, you just need to know your date of birth. Let's say you were born on July 15, 1985. Add all the numbers from the date: 1+5+0+7+1+9+8+5. For this date, the karmic number is 36. Then pay attention to its last digit. This will be your defining number. It is what tells you how you lived your past life and what state your karmic scales of good and evil are in.

Interpretation of karmic numbers

The first digit of your number also plays a certain role in the development of your life path. It reflects your opportunity to meet a person who will help you get on the right path. If the number is even, for example: 0, 2, 4; then a certain person will have to find answers and ways to solve problems. His gender and age are unknown, but he will definitely be there at some important moment in life. He can also save you from trouble. If the numbers 1 or 3 are rolled, you will need to solve all the problems. Sometimes the figure comes out immediately single-digit, for example, if the initial calculation was for the date 02/10/2001. This means that a karmic assistant has not been assigned to you. There are probably no such significant flaws in your karma that you would need to spend a lot of energy and effort on correcting them.
The second number and its meaning:
Number 1: if your number is one, then this means that in a past life you could be a selfish person and hurt the people who loved you. In this life, you may not be immediately lucky in love and friendship. Beware of deception from loved ones. Pretending or lying on your part can cause failure. To fix everything and make your future life better, do not deny yourself the opportunity to do a selfless good deed. Numerologists do not advise suspecting everyone around you of being unreliable, so as not to worsen your energy. If you are loved and respected, then this means that you are on the right path and you should continue in the same spirit. Number 2: a two is an indicator of your carelessness in a past life. Chances are, you may have been extremely reckless or didn't appreciate what you already had. You could have been an athlete or a military man, and life for the old you became a game of cat and mouse with death. You may pay for this recklessness with poor health. Luck will pass you by where you ignore the instinct of self-preservation. Dress warmly in winter, avoid bad habits and think about how to keep your health intact.
Number 3: In a past life, you could have left behind stingy actions. Try to prioritize spiritual problems so as not to step on the same rake again. Otherwise, you risk seriously aggravating your situation in your future life. The balance of good and evil is achievable for you, but for this you will have to relegate material wealth to the background. Our article on this topic will also help you correct karma and change your destiny. Remember that future destiny can always be changed.
Number 4: you were born with good karma. Your date of birth says that in your past life you were very lonely and unlucky in love. That is why in this life, family can become your most important priority.
Number 5: The greatest success awaits you if you abandon esotericism. You should not use rituals or turn to healers for help to attract good luck. In your past life, you had problems because of this, and it brought a lot of trouble not only to you, but also to your loved ones. If you put the evil eye on someone or cause damage, then the boomerang law may work.
Number 6: in your past life everything was in harmony. Fate is favorable to you, so try to consolidate your success good deeds. At the beginning of your current life, the scales of karma balanced on the brink of good and evil.
Number 7: in your past life there were many problems and difficulties on your way, but now you can take advantage of the favor of Lady Luck. Consider any victories as an opportunity to move on, rather than stop there and be content with the results.
Number 8: you could have betrayed someone to your past life or abandoned someone in difficult times. Serious betrayal can come back to haunt you, so always be on guard. Prudence will bring you good luck, but your priority should be good deeds and helping people in need - this is how karma will restore its balance of good and evil.
Number 9: you are endowed with wisdom, since your past life ended very quickly. To compensate for this, fate has endowed you with the gift of foresight. Use your developed sixth sense in critical situations to get away with it. Your wisdom and intelligence will always be your best helpers on the path to happiness and peace.
Digit 0: you were a hardworking person previous life, so the main success awaits you in your career. Try to always follow your heart and not give up at the most decisive moment. Don't give up on your dreams.
Birth numerology says that karma cannot be deceived or changed without effort, however, do not forget that energy also helps to create your destiny

For example, if you were born on December 11, 1982, then you will have to add the numbers as follows: 1+1+1+2+1+9+8+2=25. But bring the final figure to prime number no need. 25 is your fateful number, a kind of karmic code.(I’m saving it for myself, anyone interested is welcome)

Numbers 10-19

You are at the first stage of development. Your task is to contemplate the world without changing anything in it. You should focus on developing your personality, cultivating your will, and improving your body and spirit.

10 is a lucky sign.You are confident. Your path in life is bright and favorable, and your future is cloudless. You don't expect any special problems in your life. You will climb the career ladder effortlessly. Personal life, health, offspring... everything will bring you joy.

You good karma, in a past life you were a farmer and did not commit any crimes.

You shouldn’t practice magic, you have a different purpose - to do real, earthly things.

11 is a difficult number.Warns of hidden dangers and trials. You are overly trusting and easy to persuade. Until old age, you will change partners in search of the ideal. But is it possible to find something that does not exist in nature? Several marriages. Lots of children.

In a past life you were a traitor or a criminal.

Occult sciences can be pursued with great caution.

12 is a symbol of suffering and anxiety.You are easily vulnerable, naive and defenseless. Every now and then you become a victim of scammers and schemers. You constantly worry and worry, even if there is no reason to worry. In love, you are forced to adapt to your partner, please him and obey him.

In a past life you were a conspirator, terrorist or revolutionary.

You can practice magic only if there is a wise and experienced teacher nearby.

13 is a symbol of change, change of plans, moving.You will never be bored. After all, your whole life is a constant change of scenery and participation in an attraction called “Roller Coaster”. Change will haunt you constantly. And, alas, they will not always be positive.

In a past life, you were a prisoner or captive (slave) who dreamed of freedom all your life.

14 - warns a person about the danger from natural disasters: wind, fire, water and air.Along with this, it favors transactions, business, career growth. All your life you need to keep your ears to the ground, be careful, and not get involved in extreme sports. Be careful on the water; always prefer rail transport to air transport. Do not climb high into the mountains, do not relax on the islands.

In a past life you were a sailor or military man. But they were killed or died in an accident.

You shouldn’t dive deeply into magical practices, but you can practice fortune telling and astrology.

15 – number of charm. You have a bright temperament and natural magnetism, which you often use to achieve your goals. You are undoubtedly a wonderful artist, actor or musician who cannot imagine life without art. The number 15 promises good luck, but forces people to resort to deception and betrayal for selfish purposes.

In a past life, you sold your body and talent for money.

You cannot engage in esotericism, since you can only become a black magician.

16 is a harbinger of future disasters and collapse of plans.This number warns of evil fate that constantly hovers over you. Make any decisions carefully and thoughtfully to avoid sad consequences. Make the words “Measure seven times, cut once” the motto of your life.

In a past life, you were a reigning person or a person close to her. They were distinguished by a tough disposition, bathed in luxury, but were not particularly intelligent.

Practicing magic is fraught with mental illness. It's not worth the risk.

17 is the number that brings happiness in your personal life.In relationships with the opposite sex, you will always be lucky. Joint projects, be it business or family, will bring a lot of joy and allow you to look into the future with confidence.

In a past life, you were a man with a heart condition. They suffered a lot and died in poverty and loneliness.

Such people can turn to magic only due to a misunderstanding; they simply do not need it.

18 is the number of destruction.People of this number are cruel - they are family brawlers and despots, fighters, oppositionists, revolutionaries who believe that the end always justifies the means. Successful in business, but only criminal. At the end of life, violent death or accident.

In a past life you were a witch.

There is no point in practicing magic. There is no contact with higher powers.

19 is the number of recognition and honor.In life you will succeed in everything you have in mind, but you will find your happiness in children. They will idolize you and continue the work you started. It is possible that you will become the founder of a famous dynasty.

In a past life you were a shepherd or a traveler. They died at a ripe old age, surrounded by numerous relatives.

If you do anything, then only with the magic of the Druids.

Numbers 20-29

Your task is to work off your karma and not repeat the mistakes of the past in the present.

20 - call to action, implementation of grandiose plans.You are a strategist and a great leader who cannot imagine your existence without some purpose. The only pity is that obstacles always arise and will arise on your path. Develop your spirituality, give kindness to people, and there will be fewer barriers.

In a past life you were a banker.

You will be forced to practice magic or constantly turn to magicians for support.

21 is the number of honor and victory.Your life is like a battlefield, battles come one after another, and almost always you win. And all because 21 is very lucky number. It promises success to all your endeavors. The main thing is not to sit still. After all, your only enemy is boredom.

In a past life, you were a blacksmith and enjoyed unlimited respect.

Such people can practice magic only in a group.

22 is the number of the dreamer. You are a kind, trusting person with a bag of mistakes behind you. Your favorite pastime is to dream, and therefore you are constantly mistaken and live in captivity of illusions. You stick your head out of your shell and engage in real life only in moments of danger.

In a past life you were a petty thief.

Magic can only be practiced after a long cycle of training. But the results will be good.

23 - has a magical effect.Whatever you do in life, you will be under the protection of higher powers, and therefore you will always be successful. Help in business, career and personal life will come immediately, upon your first request.

In a past life you were a seamstress.

You can and should practice magic.

24 is a lucky number.You are guaranteed success and support in all matters, as well as good luck in love. The future will be cloudless, but only if you do not do evil and commit bad deeds that burden karma.

In a past life you were an icon painter.

You can become a very good clairvoyant. Predictions are your strong point.

25 – training.In the first half of your life, due to your character, you are unlikely to be happy. You will make a lot of mistakes, but you will come to your senses in time and begin to correct them. After this, the heavens will change their anger to mercy, and you will live the second half of your life in harmony with yourself and the world.

In a past life, you were a royal person, traveled a lot and lived in the East.

Phenomenal success in magic.

26 – danger warning.Your intuition is very well developed. You are able to anticipate many troubles. And this is good, because danger, deception and disappointment await you literally at every turn. Be careful. Trust your inner voice.

In a past life you were a doctor.

You have the power of love magic.

27 is a good sign.You will definitely receive rewards due to your righteous life, hard work, selflessness and kind heart. The second half of life will be much happier than the first.

In a past life you were a scientist (mathematician, astrologer or philosopher). And they were incredibly happily married.

Money magic is within your power.

28 is a sign of contradictions.You have great abilities and talents, but law and morality are not for you. Or rather, you have your own ideas about standards of behavior and ethics. You are a rebel by nature and a fighter against injustice. Your future cannot be called bright and prosperous.

In a past life you were suicidal.

You will only make a black magician.

29 is the number of deception.Insincerity and even betrayal on the part of others will constantly accompany you. Every now and then you will have to face difficult trials and betrayals. If you don’t find a soul mate, then in the future you will be completely disappointed in people and become a hermit.

In a past life, you were a rich merchant who did not disdain anything to get rich.

You can practice magic, but don’t expect any special success.

Numbers 30-39

The third level of development is the level of people who are able to influence others. If you are on the third level of incarnation, then your calling in this life is to teach others wisdom and the right attitude towards life.

30 is the number of superiority.In intelligence and intelligence, you are far superior to those around you. But instead of seeking harmony and serving people, constantly chase fame and money. If you take a little break from this race, you will find true happiness.

In a past life you were a poet or writer.

There will be good results in magic.

31 is the number of loneliness.You are self-absorbed, withdrawn and lonely. Would you prefer a book or a conversation with a philosopher like you to any company? An unsettled personal life does not bother you at all, just like the lack of money and everyday unsettled life. After all, you know better than others that all this is not the main thing.

In your past life you were a good actor and comedian. They changed women like gloves. They had many illegitimate children.

In magic, to achieve good results, you need to have a powerful incentive. If you don't have it, you won't be able to finish what you started.

32 is the number of harmony.You are goal-oriented, active and optimistic. Be on good, friendly terms with a huge amount of people. But still, talk less and learn to hide your Napoleonic plans. Otherwise they will not come true.

In a past life, you were a traveler who had neither a wife nor children.

You will make a good fortune teller.

33 is a lucky number, guaranteeing success and support in all endeavors, good luck in love.Your future will be bright and cloudless, especially if you begin to develop the gift of a teacher, educator, mentor inherent in you by nature.

In a past life, you were a court magician and influenced the destinies of the world's greatest rulers.

You can become a very famous magician, the author of your own revolutionary technique.

34 is a reward.Your life's journey began with difficulties, but in the second half you will find success. After thirty-five, you are guaranteed a happy personal life, a good financial situation, and love from your children. Before thirty-five there are a lot of difficulties and adversities.

In a past life, you were a knight who died in the prime of your life.

You can practice magic only after 35 years.

35 - mortal danger in the future.Alas, there will be a lot of deception and disappointments in your life: betrayal by a loved one, difficulties with children due to their addiction to drugs or alcohol, financial problems...

In a past life, you were a singer with a difficult fate and a failed personal life.

You can practice magic, but only for your own protection.

36 – hard labor.This number is a sign that you will achieve everything in your life through your own labor. There will be no help from anyone. Your personal life is unlikely to go well. Those you like will reject you. Your spouse will live with you for money or status.

In a past life, you were a criminal exiled for grave sins to hard labor.

Business magic will bring good luck.

37 is a sign of goodness, happy love and friendship.It promises good luck in any endeavor and promises happiness in family life.

In a past life you were a religious leader or a hermit.

You can handle Slavic magic.

38 is the number of deception.Alas, insincerity, deception and betrayal on the part of others will literally haunt you. Don't trust anyone, especially business partners.

In a past life you were lung woman behavior.

There's no point in doing magic.

39 is a sign of intelligence.You are a smart person and a great intellectual, but you have a significant drawback - you are always envious of everyone. This undermines your karma, causes illness and creates a tendency to use drugs and alcohol.

Many people from time to time have the feeling that this life is just a link in a chain of lives. Karmic past is how this feeling is usually called.

Karma is the destiny that we create for ourselves during reincarnation. These are some kind of scales that tip either towards evil and bad deeds, or towards good. According to experts who study this theory, each of us has karma that determines our future destiny.

Calculation of karmic number

Our life is only part of the vast and endless journey of our soul. The karmic number and its interpretation will help us learn about what in a past life influenced our current life and how we can correct our mistakes by restoring the balance and shifting it towards good. Of course, not all of us have negative karma. However, if we live our current state dishonestly, we risk dooming ourselves to difficulties in our future life. To calculate the karmic number, we only need to know the date of our birthday. I will calculate the karmic number using the following date of birth as an example: November 28, 1949.

Let's add up all the numbers from the date: 2+8+1+1+1+9+4+9= 35

For this date the karmic number is equal to 35
Let's pay attention to the last digit of this number: 5. This is the determining number of this date of birth. It tells how this person lived his past life and what state his karmic scales of good and evil are in.

The interpretation of the first digit of this number also plays an important role in the development of your life path. It reflects your opportunity to meet someone who will help you get on the right path. if the number is even: 0, 2, 4; then a certain person will help you find answers and ways to solve your problems. His gender and age are unknown. but he will definitely be there at some important moment in life. He can also save you from trouble. If the number is 1 or 3, then you will solve your problems yourself. Sometimes the number turns out to be single digit. As in this example: 02/10/2001 = 6.V in this case you have not been assigned a karmic assistant. It follows from this that there are no such significant flaws in your karma that you need to spend a lot of effort and energy on correcting them.

Decoding karmic numbers

Number 1. 01.12.1961=2.1
In a past life, you may have been a selfish person and hurt people who loved you. In this life, you may not be immediately lucky in love and friendship. Beware of deception from loved ones Pretense or lies on your part can cause failure. To fix everything and make your future life better, do not deny yourself the opportunity to do a selfless good deed. Numerologists do not advise suspecting everyone around you of being unreliable, so as not to worsen your energy. If you are loved and respected, then this means that you are on the right path and it is worth continuing in the same spirit.

Number 2. 12/01/1962=2.2
An indicator of your negligence in a past life. Chances are you may have been extremely reckless or didn't appreciate what you already had. You could be a military man or an athlete, and life for the old you was a game of cat and mouse with death. You may pay for this recklessness with poor health. Good luck will pass you by where you ignore the instinct of self-preservation. Dress warmly in winter, avoid bad habits and think about how to maintain your overall health.

Number 3. 10/27/1958=3.3
In your past life, you may have left behind stingy actions. Try to prioritize spiritual problems so as not to step on the same rake again. Otherwise, you risk seriously aggravating your situation in your future life. the balance of good and evil is achievable for you, but for this you will have to relegate material wealth to the background. Remember that future destiny can always be changed.

Number 4. 10/27/1959=3.4
You were born with good karma. Your date of birth says that in a past life you were very lonely and unlucky in love. This is why family can become your most important priority in this life.

Number 5. 11/28/1949=3.5
The greatest success awaits you if you abandon the esoteric. You should not use rituals or turn to healers for help to attract good luck. In a past life, you had problems because of this and it brought a lot of troubles not only to you, but also to your loved ones. If you put the evil eye on someone or cause damage, then the boomerang law may work.

Number 6. 03.11.1983=2.6
In your past life, everything was in harmony. Fate is favorable to you, so try to consolidate your success with good deeds. At the beginning of your current life, the scales of karma balanced on the brink of good and evil.

Number 7. 09/08/1973=3.7
In your past life, there were quite a few problems and difficulties along your path, but now you can take advantage of the favor of Lady Luck. Consider any victories as an opportunity to move on, rather than stop there and be content with the results.

Number 8. 09/08/1974=3.8
You could have betrayed someone in a past life or abandoned someone in difficult times. serious betrayal may come back to haunt you, so always be on guard. Being careful will bring you good luck. But your priority should be good deeds and helping people in need - this is how karma will restore its balance of good and evil.

Number 9. 04/15/1990=3.9
You are endowed with wisdom, since your past life ended very quickly. To compensate, fate has endowed you with the gift of foresight. Use your developed sixth sense in critical situations to get away with it. Your wisdom and intelligence will always be your best helpers on the path to happiness and peace.

Number 0. 03.11.1996=3.0
You were a hardworking person in your previous life, so your main success awaits you in your career. Try to always follow your heart and not give up at the most decisive moment. Don't give up on your dreams.