Interesting facts about numbers. prime numbers

14.10.2019 Jurisprudence

The most unlucky number in the world is 13. But many peoples have a superstitious fear of other, at first glance, harmless numbers. For example, Italians do not like the number 17. After all, it reminds them of their distant ancestors - the ancient Romans, who loved to put VIXI symbols on tombstones. This inscription meant "I am no more" or "My life path has been passed." Of course, the number 17 is written differently in Roman numerals, here is the correct version - XVII. But in the VIXI inscription, you can easily see the number 6 and the number 11, which add up to 17.

But the Chinese, Koreans and Japanese are afraid of the number 4, because in these eastern countries it is associated with death. The phobia is so strong that in many skyscrapers there are no floors with a four at the end, and in residential buildings there are no similar apartments.

Great people also experienced panic horror before some numbers. For Sigmund Freud, this number was 62. The founder of psychoanalysis was so afraid of this combination of numbers that he preferred to stay only in small hotels with no more than 61 rooms, so that he would not even accidentally get a room with an unfortunate number. And the composer Arnold Schoenberg, who was afraid of the "damn dozen", this very "dozen" and killed. He died at 76, an age that, according to his personal astrologer, was fatal for Schoenberg, since the numbers added up to 13. And the composer died on Friday the 13th.

Many interesting facts are connected with another "unclean" number - 666. It is he who equals the sum of all the numbers on the gambling roulette. It is in these numbers that the houses in the 522nd microdistrict of Kharkov are built, if you look at them from space (the architects wanted it to be “USSR”, but later abandoned their idea).

Different peoples have different attitudes towards even and odd numbers. For example, we have to give a girl a bouquet with an even number of flowers - either a terrible faux pas, or a frank wish for death. And Europeans and Americans believe that an "even" bouquet brings happiness.

Among the numbers with many zeros there is a real giant, discovered in 1852 and officially recognized as the most a large number in the world. This is a centillion containing 600 zeros after the one.

Another number - one and one hundred zeros - is called "googol", and, as you might guess, formed the basis for the name of the most popular search engine in the world. True, the person who registered the domain name was not friendly with spelling and instead of " googol"He wrote down the word as" google». The founding fathers of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, liked this option better. He was approved.

100 million women all over the world have the same name - Anna. It is not only the most international, but also the most popular.

1. When we look at the farthest visible star, we are looking 4 billion years into the past. The light from it, traveling at a speed of almost 300,000 km / second, does not reach us until many years later.

2. There are 33 or 34 vertebrae in the human spine.

3. There are about 2000 taste buds in the human body.

4. 99 percent mass solar system centered on the sun.

5. A whale's heart only beats 9 times per minute.

6. Fingernails grow about 4 times faster than toenails.

7. 12 billion years old is the age of the oldest galaxies photographed by the Hubble Space Telescope.

8. An adult takes approximately 23,000 breaths (and exhalations) a day.

9. Babies are born without kneecaps. They appear only at the age During the whole life the female body reproduces 7 million eggs.

10. The right lung of a person holds more air than the left.

11. The height of the Nix Olympic volcano, located on Mars, is more than 20 km.

12. A car traveling at an average speed of 60 miles per hour would take approximately 48 million years to reach our nearest star (after the Sun), Proxima Centauri.

13. Death Valley, the driest and hottest place on earth, is home to over 15 bird species, 40 mammal species, 44 reptile species, 12 amphibian species, 13 fish species and 545 plant species.

14. If the Earth rotated in the opposite direction around its axis, then there would be two days less in a year.

15. Echo - reflection of a wave of air. If the rock reflecting the sound is less than 30 m away from us, then the echo does not occur.

16. In 10 minutes spaceship can photograph up to 1 million square meters. km of the earth's surface, while such a surface is removed from an aircraft in 4 years, and geographers and geologists would need at least 80 years for this.

17. In France, near the city of Verdun, there are two towers at a distance of 60 m from each other, and if you stand between them and shout, you can hear the echoes of the word twelve times.

18. An iguana can stay underwater for up to 28 minutes.

19. Mormon leader Brigham Young had 27 wives.

20. According to the UN, every day 250 thousand newborn babies appear on earth.

21. Approximately 3 people every second.

22. More than a third of all publishing marriage announcements are married.

23. The Incas and some other tribes of pre-Columbian Peru used the decimal system for centuries, Europe began to use this method later.

24. On May 6, 1978 at 12:34 pm, the time and date digits lined up in a specific order that would not repeat itself until 2078. The digits for the day of the week, date and year can be read as 5/6/78. Combine them with time and get 12345678.

25. The largest number that mathematicians operate on is the centillion. It's 1 followed by 600 zeros. Any number over a centillion is considered as abstract, lying in infinity. Although attempts have been made to define such abstractions. For example, megiston is 10 raised to the power of six billion. Or googolplex (googolplex) - 10 to the power of googol (googol - 1 with 100 zeros).

26. 1001 is the smallest four-digit number that is the sum of two cubes of natural numbers.

27. The entire population of the world can be completed in a cube with an edge of one kilometer

28. In 1868, about 100,000 meteorites fell on the Polish city of Pultusk in one night.

29. 53 percent of American philatelists are ... women.

30. According to research conducted by the Detroit Free Press, 68 percent of professional hockey players have lost at least one tooth on the ice.

31. English statisticians have calculated that the average person walks 100,000 kilometers in his life.

32. 10% of men and 8% of women on Earth are left-handed.

33. What five-digit number, when multiplied by four, gives a number that is the reverse sequence of digits of the original number? 21978 x 4 = 87912.

34. Men commit suicide three times more than women. However, women attempt suicide three times more often than men.

35. A person blinks 10 million times a year.

36. Only 15% of the Dutch know the words to the national anthem of the Netherlands.

37. The average age of Internet users in the world is 33 years.

38. In Japan, 93% of the corpses are cremated, in England - 67, and in America - only 12%

39. Every day, 200 million couples around the world make love. That's 2000 pairs at any given time.

40. In Lobachevsky's geometry, the sum of the angles of a triangle is always less than 180. In Euclid's geometry, it is always equal to 180. In Riemannian geometry, the sum of the angles of a triangle is always greater than 180.

41. If the number 111 111 111 is multiplied by itself, then you get an interesting number 12 345 678 987 654 321 (all numbers first increase and then decrease in order).

42. On the head of blondes (and blondes) on average 150,000 hairs, on the head of brunettes (and brunettes) - 100,000 each.

43. In Russia, a person who is 20 years old, but not 21, will say that he is 20 years old, and in America and Europe - that he is 21 years old.

44. At the beginning of the second millennium (1000), the population of the Earth was 400 million people, by the end of it (1999) - already 6 billion.

45. There are more than 300,000 people in Sweden with the last name Carlson (or Karlsson).

46. ​​The average woman wears 2kg of lipstick in her lifetime.

47. In 1977, only 8% of American physicists were women.

48. Most popular in the world female name- Anna. Almost 100 million women wear it.

From ancient times to the present day, people meet numbers every day: month, day, year, check from the store, date of birth, the cost of a train ticket, an airplane. Numbers are an integral part of our life, and without numbers we would not be able to systematize the events taking place around us, without numbers there would be no progress, new discoveries, formulas.

By the way, this is also why mathematics, the most important science of numbers, is considered the queen of all sciences. Number rules the world, whatever it may be. For example, today, on a certain day of the day, on a certain day of the month and year, I go to a coffee to go cafe and buy two black coffees with three pieces of sugar in one cup and take it to work, which takes twenty minutes to get to. This is a typical example from the lives of many of us. In general, we were very interested in the number, and we collected some interesting facts about numbers.

Fact one: the number four in China is the number of death. It means death. You can not buy four flowers, give four sweets. It's like the number two in Russia. Also to death.

Fact two: the magical science that talks about numbers is called Numerology. This science has been used by various famous philosophers and mathematics. Even today, thanks to numerology, people involved in this science can make a personal horoscope for you.

Fact three: the number six hundred sixty-six in many religions is the number of the beast, the number of the day of judgment. Many people, especially believers, will never drive a car that is lucky enough to have such a number.

Fact four: We all count from one, and all mathematicians and programmers count from zero. After all, thanks to zero, so much has been created in the world software for your computers and smartphones.

Fifth Fact: Unlike the number of the beast, two and four, the number seven is the luckiest number. Seven colors of the rainbow, seven days a week, seven deadly sins, seven musical notes. It seems that seven is a very difficult number.

Fact six: The number eight is considered a symbol of perfection. No matter how you twist the number eight, it always means something. And the Chinese have an eight - lucky number, if put, it will denote infinity.

Fact seven: everyone is afraid of the number thirteen, especially on Friday. For example, I would never agree to settle on Friday the thirteenth in a hotel in room thirteen. No wonder there are such rumors about this number. With many people on Friday the thirteenth, various unpleasant situations happen.

Fact eight: the numbers are infinite. There is no end to numbers, which is why mathematicians began to use the infinity symbol.

Fact nine: The number "PI" is the most mysterious number. It never repeats or ends, although we only know its beginning, like 3, 141592, and so on. In fact, this number is much longer. Mathematicians use it when it is necessary to calculate a very large digital volume.

Fact ten: as you already understood, the number rules the world. Without numbers, you have no weather forecast, no body temperature, no pharmaceuticals, no astronomy, no physics, no chemistry. There is nothing without a number. No number - no you.

Why are the floors with the number 4 missing in the houses in the east?

In China, Korea and Japan, the number 4 is considered unlucky, as it is consonant with the word "death". In these countries, floors with numbers ending in four are almost always missing.

Why in some countries there is no 13th floor in houses?

Because of the fear of the number 13, in many countries there is no 13th floor in houses (after the 12th floor, the 14th floor immediately follows), or it is designated differently, for example, 12A or M (13th letter of the alphabet).

How do Arabs write and read numbers?

The Arabs use their own signs for writing numbers, although the Arabs of Europe and North Africa use the “Arabic” numbers we are used to. However, whatever the signs of the numbers, the Arabs write them, like letters, from right to left, but starting with the lower digits. It turns out that if we meet familiar numbers in the Arabic text and read the number in the usual way from left to right, we will not be mistaken.

How many times has the main prize of Sportloto been won?

In the entire history of the Soviet lottery Sportloto, all 6 out of 49 numbers were guessed correctly 2 or 3 times.

How many flowers should be given to European girls?

In the USA, Europe and some Eastern countries, it is believed that an even number of flowers given brings happiness. In Russia, it is customary to bring an even number of flowers only for the funeral of the dead. In cases where there are many flowers in the bouquet, the evenness or oddness of their number no longer plays such a role.

How to check the authenticity of a euro banknote by serial number?

The authenticity of a euro banknote can be verified by its serial number of letters and eleven digits. It is necessary to replace the letter with its serial number in the Latin alphabet, add this number to the rest, then add the digits of the result until we get one digit. If this number is 8, then the bill is genuine. Another way to check is to add numbers like this, but without a letter. The result of one letter and number must correspond to a certain country, since the euro is printed in different countries. For example, for Germany it is X2.

How many legs do centipedes have?

A centipede does not necessarily have 40 legs. Centipede is a common name different types arthropods, scientifically united in the superclass centipedes. Different species of centipedes have from 30 to 400 or more legs, and this number can be different even in individuals of the same species. In English, two names for these animals have been established - centipede ("centipede" in Latin) and millipede ("thousand-footed"). Moreover, the difference between them is significant - centipedes are not dangerous to humans, and centipedes bite very painfully.

Where did the Olympic Games take place, on the emblem of which the year of the event was indicated by five digits?

On emblems Olympic Games the year is usually indicated by two (for example, Barcelona-92) or four digits (for example, Beijing-2008). But once the year was indicated by five digits. It happened in 1960, when the Olympics were held in Rome - the number 1960 was recorded as MCMLX.

What a strange way the numbers 70, 80 and 90 are called in French?

In most European languages, the names of numbers from 20 to 90 are formed according to standard scheme- consonant with the basic numbers from 2 to 9. However, in French, the names of some numbers have a strange logic. Thus, the number 70 is pronounced 'soixante-dix', which translates as "sixty and ten", 80 - 'quatre-vingts' ("four times twenty"), and 90 - 'quatre-vingt-dix' ("four times twenty and ten "). The situation is similar in Georgian and Danish. In the latter, the number 70 is literally translated as "halfway from three times twenty to four times twenty."

The name of which world-famous corporation was the result of a spelling mistake?

When Larry Page and Sergey Brin came up with the name of the new search engine, they wanted to express in it great amount information that the system can process. Their colleague suggested the word "googol" - this is the name in mathematics for a number of one followed by a hundred zeros. He immediately checked the domain name for employment and, finding that it was free, registered it. Moreover, he made a mistake in writing the word: instead of the correct '' he entered '', but Larry liked the newly invented word and established itself as a name.

On satellite images of which Ukrainian city can you see the number 666?

According to the plan, a block of residential buildings was to be built in the 522 microdistrict of Kharkov, so that from the air they would form the letters of the USSR. However, after the construction of three letters C and a vertical line of the letter P, changes were made to the plan. As a result, these houses can now be seen as the number 666.

What mathematical law of the distribution of numbers will allow you to check the reliability of financial data?

There is Benford's mathematical law, which states that the distribution of the first digits in the numbers of any data sets from real world unevenly. Numbers from 1 to 4 in such sets (namely, birth or death statistics, house numbers, etc.) in the first position are much more common than numbers from 5 to 9. Practical use of this law lies in the fact that it can be used to check the accuracy of accounting and financial data, election results, and much more. In some US states, the non-compliance of data with Benford's law is even formal evidence in court.

Why is the name of the number 40 knocked out of the same type of names "twenty", "thirty", "fifty", etc.?

In Russian, the names of numerals up to 100, divisible by 10, are formed by adding the name of the number and “ten”: twenty, thirty, fifty, etc. An exception to this series is the number “forty”. This is explained by the fact that in ancient times, a bundle of 40 fur skins was a conditional unit of trade in fur skins. The fabric in which these skins were wrapped was called “forty” (the word “shirt” comes from the same root). Thus, the name "forty" replaced the more ancient "four deste".

What is the optimal number of social connections for a person?

English anthropologist Robert Dunbar has identified a relationship between the size of the neocortex of the cerebral hemispheres of primates and the size of their flock. Based on these data, he determined the optimal size of social ties for a person - 150. This number is confirmed in a variety of historical periods and locations: for example, this is the estimated number of inhabitants of a Neolithic settlement or the size of a basic unit of the Roman army. In 2010, Dunbar began researching the social network Facebook and came to the conclusion that his number also works there: despite the fact that some people have in social networks hundreds and thousands of friends, the average person is able to effectively interact with no more than 150 contacts.

Why do numbers increase from bottom to top on a calculator, and from top to bottom on a phone?

The numbers on the calculator increase from bottom to top, and on the phone keypad - from top to bottom. This is because calculators evolved from mechanical calculating machines, where the numbers are historically arranged from the bottom up. Phones, for a long time, were equipped with a disk, and when the release of push-button devices with tone dialing became possible, they decided to make the arrangement of numbers on the buttons by analogy with the disk - ascending from top to bottom with zero at the end.

Why does the numbering of trolleybuses in Budapest start from the 70th number?

Trolleybuses appeared in Budapest in 1949. The first trolleybus was immediately given the number 70, since this year was the 70th anniversary of Stalin. And now there are no trolleybuses up to number 70 in Budapest.

Why did there never exist a Pope John XX, although there were Johns XXI, XXII and XXIII?

The Portuguese Pedro Julian was elected pope in 1276 and took the name John. However, although the previous John bore the 19th serial number, this pope omitted one digit and declared himself John XXI. He believed that a mistake had crept into the list of his predecessors, and there was an extra John in the history of the papacy. Later it turned out that he was mistaken and there was no mistake, but the numbering could no longer be reversed. Therefore, it turned out that John XX never existed, although today the list of Johns ends with number XXIII.

Konovalov Yakov uenik 4th grade

This work took 1st place in the scientific and practical conference of younger students in the natural and mathematical cycle. In this research work, in an accessible form, material is presented on the origin and emergence of counting among various ancient peoples of the world, and in particular the recording of the number "four". Frequently encountered and used today records of the number "four" are revealed.



I regional scientific and practical conference

"First step into science" (grades 1-4)

Grade 4 MOU "Shipakovskaya OOSh"

Leader : Semyonova

Lyudmila Vasilievna

Primary school teacher

MOU "Shipakovskaya OOSh"



  1. Introduction p.3
  2. Theoretical part p.4
  3. Practical part p.7
  4. Conclusion p.9
  5. Annotation p.10
  6. List of used sources and literature p.11
  7. Annex p.12


Target: Acquaintance with the recording of the number "FOUR" in the numbering

Different peoples.


  • Get acquainted with the recording of the number "FOUR" in the numbering different peoples.
  • Find out which notation of the number "FOUR" is most common.


If I study the notation of the number "FOUR" in the numbering of different peoples, then I will find out which notation of this number is more common in everyday life.


In mathematics lessons, we were introduced to numbering: Indian, Arabic, Roman, Egyptian. Numbers are written differently in different numbers. And I thought: WHY? And most of all I was interested in writing the number four. Why the number 4?

  1. I am in 4th grade.
  2. Mom and dad have four of us and I am the fourth child, the last.
  3. There are four letters in my name Jacob.

Research methods:

  • Survey;
  • Analysis of textbooks, clock faces;
  • Study of literature;
  • Search for information on the Internet;
  • Analysis, systematization of the collected information.

Theoretical part

When I was looking for information about the number 4, I came across an unfamiliar word NUMEROLOGY.

Numerology is the ancient science of numbers. Written numbering - this is a set of rules that make it possible, with the help of a few signs, to designate any numbers. There are many ways to represent numbers. In any case, the number is represented by a symbol or a group of symbols (word) of some alphabet. Such symbols are called numbers .(7)

Recording numbers in the numbering of different peoples.

Aztec Indians (Mexico)in the XI-XVI centuries. the numbers denoting units were written in dots. They denoted one with one dot, two with two dots, and so on up to five. The numbers: "six" included a vertical line that separated the first five points from the sixth, "seven" - a vertical line that separated the first five points from the sixth and seventh, etc. up to nine. Other signs were used to write numbers of other digits (Appendix 1). (2)

One of the oldest numbers Egyptian . The inscriptions preserved inside the pyramids, on slabs and obelisks have come down to us.They consist of hieroglyphic pictures that depict birds, animals, people, parts of the human body (eyes, legs) and various inanimate objects (Appendix 2). The number four was written with four vertical sticks. This way of writing is generally characteristic of the early stages of culture. Similar writings were among the inhabitants of Central America - the Mayan Indians, in Peru. Deciphering them presents great difficulties, since neither the language of the ancient peoples nor the meaning of individual hieroglyphs is often known. It would seem that the task is unsolvable. And yet, many of the inscriptions have already been read! (2)

Babylonians they wrote down all numbers from 1 to 59 with two signs: a straight wedge for designating 1 and a lying wedge for 10 (Appendix 3). Therefore, the number four was written with four straight blades.(5)

Slavic numbering.The southern and eastern Slavic peoples used alphabetical numbering to record numbers. Some Slavic peoples the numerical values ​​of the letters were established in the order of the Slavic alphabet, while for others (including Russians), not all letters played the role of numbers, but only those that are in the Greek alphabet. A special icon (“title”) was placed above the letter denoting a number (Appendix 4). At the same time, the numerical values ​​of the letters increased in the same order as the letters in the Greek alphabet followed (the order of the letters of the Slavic alphabet was somewhat different).
In Russia, Slavic numbering survived until the end of the 17th century. Under Peter I, the so-called "Arabic numbering" prevailed, which we still use today. Slavic numbering was preserved only in liturgical books. (7)

Ancient Indian numeral system.The Kharoshti number system was in use in India between the 6th century BC and the 3rd century AD. Little is known about her, as few written documents of that era have survived. The Kharoshti system is interesting in that the number four is chosen as an intermediate stage between one and ten, it was written as X X. Numbers were written from right to left (Appendix 5). (6)

Roman designations for numbersknown now better than any other ancient number system. This is explained not so much by some special merits of the Roman system, but by the enormous influence that the Roman Empire enjoyed in the relatively recent past. Roman numerals are special characters used to write decimal places and their halves. 7 letters are used to designate numbersLatin alphabet.

There is no reliable information about the origin of Roman numerals. The number V could originally serve as an image of the hand, and the number X could be made up of two fives. The number four was originally written as four vertical sticks.The Romans often used the principle of subtraction, so instead of IIII they began to use the symbol IV, which meant four - this is five without one (1, 267).ancient romansavoided writing down IV instead of IIII, because symbol IV matches the first two letters of the old Latin spelling of the name Jupiter. Although the Roman numbering was not very convenient, it spread throughout the ecumene - this is how the ancient Greeks called the inhabited world known to them. Once the Romans conquered many countries and annexed them to their empire. From all these countries they levied huge taxes and, of course, used their own designations of numbers. So the inhabitants of these countries had to learn Roman numeration, sending all the curses on the heads of the enslavers. And even after the collapse of the Roman Empire, the business papers of Western Europe used this awkward numbering.(4)

The numbers of the modern decimal system are called Arabic, because the Europeans borrowed them from the Arabs. However, in all likelihood, their homeland is southern India. They are found in many Indian documents dating back to the 6th-9th centuries. These documents already use the decimal notation system with its simple and easy-to-write digits (some of them, although not all, can still be recognized today). So Arabic numerals , "the only universal language of our time", have their origin in India, although it is possible that the number system itself borrowed something from ancient Babylon. The latter remains unclear: it is possible that the whole system is entirely an Indian invention, and its predecessor was the usual abacus.

The origin of each of the nine Arabic numerals is clearly visible if they are written in an “angular” form.

As can be clearly seen from the figure, each number is made up of as many angles as it denotes. The forms familiar to us were formed as a result of rounding the corners for the convenience of writing them in cursive. Four - from the Arabic expression -c ' act: r 'arba'a “four cardinal directions", where the first word "sides" is translated as four, and 'arba'a "four", rub "quarter" is translated as rhumb "direction, side", ( used in the maritime industry). This mistake occurred due to the fact that in Russian the word order is different: the Arabs say “four sides”, and we say “four sides”. Associated with in green. (5)

Practical part

Analysis of written work of students from grades 3-8 (28 people):

The students were asked to write the number 4 in different ways.

  • Arabic notation for the number 4 -28 people;
  • Roman record of the number 4 - 19 people;
  • Egyptian record of the number 4 - 3 people;
  • the Indian entry for the number 4 is 2 people.

Most of the respondents know that there are Roman and Arabic numerals.

Textbook analysis:

  • Mathematics 2nd grade, V.N. Rudnitskaya, T.V. Yudacheva, 2003:144 pages, of which Arabic numeral 4 occurs on 136 pages, Roman IV - occurs 1 time.
  • "Mathematics" Grade 3, A.L. Chekin, 2005:160 pages, of which the Arabic numeral 4 is found on 148 pages, the Roman numeral is not found.
  • Russian language grade 3 M.L. Kalenchuk, N.A. Churakova, 2005:192 pages, of which the Arabic numeral 4 occurs 73, the Roman numeral does not occur.
  • Algebra 7th grade, Yu.N. Makarychev, N.G. Mindyuk, 1998:240 pages, of which the Arabic numeral 4 occurs on 229 pages, the Roman IV on 5 pages.
  • Algebra 8th grade, Yu.N. Makarychev, N.G. Mindyuk, 1998:240 pages, of which the Arabic numeral 4 occurs on 240 pages, the Roman IV on 11 pages.
  • Physics grade 8, A.V. Peryshkin, 2006:192 pages, of which the Arabic numeral 4 occurs on 186 pages, the Roman IV on 26 pages.
  • Chemistry Grade 8, L.S. Guzey, 2002:288 pages, of which the Arabic numeral 4 occurs on 236 pages, the Roman IV on 6 pages.

In the textbooks reviewed, the Arabic numeral 4 is much more common than the Roman numeral IV.Arabic numerals meet: in numerical expressions and expressions with a variable, in problems, in records of degrees, in dates, in the numbering of pages, paragraphs, chapters and sections.A Roman numeral occursonly: in centuries, in numbers of sections, chapters, classes, in the periodic system chemical elements DI. Mendeleev.

Watch faces analysis:

I analyzed 12 watch faces from hand, wall clocks and a stopwatch. Revealed that the Arabic numeral met 6 times, the Roman numeral IV - 3 times, the Egyptian IIII - 3 times (Appendix 7).

In Russian, the Roman numeral IV is used in the following common cases:

  • Century or millennium number: XIV century, IV millennium BC. e.
  • Monarch serial number: Charles IV, Henry IV.
  • Volume number in a multi-volume book (sometimes numbers of book parts, sections or chapters).
  • In some editions - page numbers with the preface to the book, so as not to correct references inside the main text when changing the preface.
  • Dial markingshours"antique".
  • Other important events or list items, such as: I V postulate of Euclid, XIV Congress of the CPSU and so on . (3)

In other languages, the scope of Roman numerals may have some peculiarities, for example, in Western countries, Roman numerals sometimes record the year number. (2, 341)

I also discovered that in games dice and dominoes use the notation of the number "four", invented by the Aztec Indian tribe from Mexico in the 11th century - these are four points.


Choosing material for research work, I learned the history of the emergence of the account from different ancient peoples of the world. He discovered a new science of numbers - numerology, where various signs are used to record numbers - hieroglyphs and letters.

I got acquainted with the record of the number "FOUR" in the numbering of different peoples. Indians of the Aztec tribe (Mexico) in the XI-XVI centuries. the numbers denoting units were written in dots. The number four in Egypt was written with four vertical sticks. In Babylon, they recorded with four straight blades. The Slavs wrote the number 4 as the letter D with two dots at the top (“titlo” sign). In India, between the 6th century BC and the 3rd century AD, it was written as x X.ancient romanswrote down the number IV. Each Arabic numeral is made up of as many angles as it represents.

I found that the Arabic notation for the number "FOUR" is the most common, and the Roman IV is less common. Egyptian IIII is found on the clock, stopwatch. And in board games there is a record of the number "four", invented by the Aztec Indian tribe from Mexico in the 11th century - these are four points.

I believe that this material will be useful to me in history lessons in high school.


In this research work, in an accessible form, material is presented on the origin and emergence of counting among various ancient peoples of the world, and in particular the recording of the number "four". Frequently encountered and used today records of the number "four" are revealed.

When writing a research paper, materials found on the Internet and encyclopedic literature for schoolchildren were used. I carried out my work during this 2010 year. List of used sources and literature

  1. Children's encyclopedia “What is. Who is it, volume 3, p. 267. Pedagogy-Press Publishing House, Moscow 1997.
  2. D. Galens. Book of answers for why, p. 341. Kharkov, 2006.
  3. http://en.wikipedia/org/
  6. http://www.i-u/en/biblio

Annex 1.

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6