Beach soccer: history, description and rules of the game. Rules for playing beach soccer.

27.05.2019 Sport

History of beach soccer

This sport originated at the end of the twentieth century in Brazil and quickly reached the international level. Today, beach soccer is one of the most developing modern sports, which will soon be included in the program of the Olympic Games.

The rapid development of beach soccer was greatly facilitated by such big-time soccer stars as Eric Cantona, Ramario, Miguel, Zico, etc. At one time they participated in competitions and attracted a lot of attention from sponsors. Now the sport, which originated on the beaches of Copacabana, is broadcast in 170 countries around the world.

Rules of the game

Each of the two teams includes five players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. The match is divided into three periods, which last 12 minutes each (a break lasts 3 minutes). In this case, the team is allowed to make an unlimited number of substitutions during the match (from 3 to 5 players are on the bench).

In this sport there is no such thing as a draw. The winner will be determined either in the additional period of the “golden goal”, lasting 3 minutes, or in the penalty shootout.

All players play barefoot, but protective bandages for knees and shins are allowed. In cases of rough play, a penalty kick is necessarily awarded, which is taken by the player against whom the rules were violated.

Inventory and site

The standard dimensions of a beach soccer court are 28x37 meters. Such compact areas, coupled with soft and sticky sand, allow players to improvise, use the most complex football techniques and shoot from almost any distance. As a result, we have the following statistics:

  • During one game there are about 60 shots on goal;
  • On average 11 goals are scored per game;
  • The ball hits the net on average every 3-4 minutes.

Plus, all you need to play beach soccer is a ball, a T-shirt and shorts. No expensive boots.

Beach soccer tournaments

Between 1995 and 2004, unofficial world championships called Mundialito were regularly held. Surely, many will find it logical that out of ten championships, nine were won by the founders of the sport - the Brazilians. Only once did the Portuguese manage to defeat them in the final.

From 2005 to 2007, official championships began to take place, which were already held under the auspices of FIFA. All of them were organized in Rio de Janeiro, and the first official winner was the French team.

Since 2008, beach soccer has left the borders of Brazil, and world championships began to be held in other countries - France, the UAE, Italy. However, the leader did not change - Brazil still took first place. Only in 2011 did she have to retreat in front of the excellent Russian team, which scored 12 goals in the final match in response to 8 goals scored by the Brazilians.

In addition to the World Championships, there is the Intercontinental Cup, the above-mentioned Mundialito and the Club World Cup. In addition, to date it has been organized a large number of confederations that unite football clubs around the world.

Other interesting facts

  • A beach soccer match is served by two referees at once, one of whom is a timekeeper and the other is a substitute;
  • Amazing statistics of the Russia - Brazil matches: our players won 3 times, tied 1 time and lost only once;
  • There is a possibility that the 2015 World Cup will be held in Moscow;
  • If a player performs a scissors or overhead kick, the opposing team’s players are prohibited from interfering with him.

Beach handball: history and rules

There is a world great amount various types sports. Some of them remain at the level of local competitions, and some are able to develop into a serious and spectacular game in a few years. Beach handball can easily be classified as the second group. The fact is that this sport arose quite recently, but is already incredibly popular.

Beach rugby: history and rules

Where does everyone go during the sultry summer heat? Of course to the water. Those people who are engaged in different types sports, including rugby. So they decided to combine business with pleasure. They took an oval ball to the beach and came up with beach rugby based on classic version this interesting and entertaining game.

approved by FIFA in 2005

Article 1 - FIELD

Field coverage
The surface must be sandy, smooth, without stones or any other objects that could cause injury to players. For international competitions, the sand must have a minimum depth of 40 centimeters.

Field marking
The field must be rectangular.
Length: 35 – 37 meters
Width: 26 – 28 meters.
The field is marked with lines. The marking defines the boundaries of the field and is its integral part.
Two more long lines called lateral. The two shorter lines are called facial lines.
All lines must be 10 centimeters wide and made from a tape of durable material of blue color contrasting with the sand.
The demarcation tapes are attached to the sand at each corner of the field using special anchors, and the goals use rubber rings attached to the goal posts.
The site is divided into two imaginary parts midline, which is defined by two red flagpoles.
The center of this imaginary line is the place to start or restart play.

Penalty area
The penalty area is defined by an imaginary line parallel to the endline, which is defined by two yellow flagpoles located behind the touchlines 9 meters from the endline on each side.
The penalty spot is located in the center of this imaginary line and is equidistant from the goalposts.

Flagpoles must be at least 1.5 meters high, with a non-sharp end and a flag wrapped around the pole. They should be made of durable plastic that is flexible and weather-resistant.
Four yellow flagpoles mark the boundaries of the penalty area on each side of the field. One red flagpole is placed at the corners of the site. Two more red flagpoles define the imaginary center line of the field, one on each side of the field behind the sidelines.
All flagpoles, except those located in the corners, must be one meter from the field boundaries.

Replacement area
The benches are located behind the touchline on either side of the timekeeper's table.
The area where players make substitutions is between the substitutes' benches, the timekeeper's table and the touchline. The length of the zone is 5 meters, this space in front of the timekeeper's table is kept free.

The goal must be located in the center of the end lines. They should be made of two vertical posts, equidistant from each corner of the field and connected by a horizontal crossbar. Gates should be painted fluorescent yellow.
The distance (internal measurement) between the posts is 5.5 meters, and the distance between the lower edge of the crossbar and the sand surface is 2.2 meters.
Both goal posts and the crossbar should have the same diameter, within 10-20 centimeters.
A net made of hemp, jute or nylon is attached to the posts and crossbar behind the goal.
The lower parts of the posts are strengthened with an anchor plate, which is placed under a layer of sand for safety reasons. At the sand level, two 1.5 meter long side strips are attached to the posts, connected by a crossbar or chain with a plastic coating, hooks and loops at the ends. This crossbar is anchored to the sand.

There is a security zone around the boundaries of the entire field, 1-2 meters along the perimeter of the site.
The goal may be portable but must be firmly secured during play.

Article 2 - Ball

Property and size
The ball must be:
spherical shape;
made of leather or synthetic leatherette, wear-resistant, shape-regenerating and water-resistant;
circumference length is not less than 68 centimeters and not more than 70 centimeters (No. 5);
weight not less than 400 grams and not more than 440 grams before the start of the match;
pressure between 0.375 and 0.8 bar depending on sea level.

Ball replacement
If the ball becomes defective during play:
the match is stopped;
the match is restarted (in accordance with Article 8).

If the ball becomes defective when it is out of play, throw-in, corner, free kick, penalty, goal or put-in:
the match is restarted in accordance with the Rules.

When holding international competitions, a minimum of 12 balls are required for the game: one in play, the rest for the four boys/girls serving the balls, who stand in the corners of the perimeter.
The ball must be replaced during play when it goes over the line.

The boys/girls standing closest serve another ball to the player who must put the ball into play.
1. The official ball used in competitions must be approved by FIFA.

2. Only balls that meet the minimum technical requirements described in Article 2 may be used in competition.

Article 3 – Number of players

The game is played between two teams of five (5) players each. Two players, one from each team, must act as goalkeepers.
Each team may have up to five (5) substitute players, in accordance with the competition rules.

Substitutions Substitutions may take place in any match played under the rules and under the auspices of FIFA or its associations.

Maximum amount

substitute players – 5.
a substitute player must indicate his desire to enter the game by raising a sign above his head with the number of the player he intends to replace;
a player may leave the field only within his substitution zone;
a player entering the game can also enter it within his own zone only after the player leaving the field has stepped onto the side line of the field;
substitutions are made only with the permission of the match referee;
The substitution is considered complete when the substitute enters the sand area. He can do this only after the player he is replacing leaves and takes the sign with his number from him.

From this moment, the player who entered the game can start it, and the player who left the field must take his place on the bench.

Time does not stop during substitutions.
Goalkeeper substitution
The goalkeeper can be replaced during the game without stopping time.
A player may replace the goalkeeper provided that:
the judge is informed about the substitution;
a field player may take the goalkeeper's place if the goalkeeper is seriously injured during the game. In this case, the goalkeeper is not allowed to return to the game;

a player can only replace the goalkeeper after he has put on the goalkeeper uniform. At the same time, his number stated in the start protocol must remain unchanged.

Violation of rules/sanctions
If a player enters the game before the player he is replacing leaves the court:
the game stops;
the player is warned and shown a yellow card;
the team whose player violated the rules is punished with a free kick from the center of the court. If at the time of the violation the ball was out of play, then play must be continued in accordance with the Rules;

In the event that the same player violates the substitution rules again, he is shown a blue card and is sent off the court for two (2) minutes, and his team continues to play without a player during these two (2) minutes of penalty time.
1. There must be at least four (4) players on each team to start the game. If a match starts with this number of players, other players whose names are included in the pre-match entry may enter the game at any time.
2. If a team is sent off for a red or blue card with fewer than three (3) players remaining (including the goalkeeper), the match must be stopped regardless of the current score.
3. If the game is played between children under twelve (12) years of age, the maximum number of substitute players is 7. If the game is played between women's teams, the number of substitute players must not exceed 6.

Article 4 - Player equipment

A player must not use equipment or wear anything that could be dangerous to himself or other players, including any jewelry.

Basic uniform
The basic form of the player includes:
T-shirt or sweater;
shorts. If additional underwear is worn under shorts, it must match the main color of the shorts;
Players are permitted to wear socks and/or ankle braces;
the use of shoes is prohibited;
The use of plastic glasses to protect the eyes is allowed.

T-shirt or sweater:
The T-shirt must have a number on the back (from 1 to 22);
The color of the number must clearly contrast with the color of the T-shirt.

In the event that both teams are wearing shorts or T-shirts of the same or similar color, the home team is obliged to change the uniform. In the event that the game is played on a neutral field, the team that must change uniforms is determined by lot.
In international matches, player numbers must also be printed on the front of the shorts in a smaller size (15 x 7.5 cm).

the color of the goalkeepers' uniform must be different from the color of the team players' uniform and the color of the match referee's uniform;
The goalkeeper is allowed to wear pants instead of shorts.

If a field player replaces the goalkeeper, he must wear a goalkeeper jersey with his own number on the back.

Any other equipment must be approved by FIFA before being used.

Article 5 – Chief and second referee

Powers of judges
Each match is monitored by 2 referees (1st and 2nd), who have the authority to control the implementation of the Rules of the Game during the match for which these referees were appointed, from the moment they enter the playing court until the moment they leave it.

Rights and obligations
signal the start and resumption of the match, record fouls, penalties, etc.;
monitor compliance with the Rules of the Game;
allow the game to be resumed after violating the Rules and imposing a punishment on the player who violated the Rules;
keep and endorse the match protocol, where they enter information about all disciplinary actions against players, team officials and other incidents that occurred before, during and after the game;
keep track of playing time;
issue warnings to players who have violated the Rules of the Game;
ensure that unauthorized persons do not enter the playground;
stop the match if, in the opinion of the referees, the player is seriously injured and cannot leave the field;
warn the player if, in the opinion of the judges, he is stalling for time;
allow the match to continue until the ball goes out of bounds if, in the opinion of the referee, the player’s injury is not so serious;
ensure that the ball complies with the requirements of Article 2

All decisions of the referee related to the game are final.

The boys/girls standing closest serve another ball to the player who must put the ball into play.
1. If both referees call a violation, but disagree on which team committed the violation and what decision should be made, the opinion of the head referee shall prevail.
2. Both referees have the right to show a yellow, blue or red card to a player, but if the referees disagree, the opinion of the head referee prevails.
3. If one of the referees is injured, by decision of the chief referee, the place of one of the retired referees may be taken by a 3rd referee, or the referee will be officiated by one referee, which the chief referee makes a note of in the match protocol at the end of the match.

Article 6 – Timekeeper and Third Judge

The timekeeper and third judge are appointed. They are placed outside the field of play in the center line area on the same side as the substitution area.

The timekeeper and third judge are equipped with a special watch (stopwatch).

Timekeeper Judge:
ensures that the clock of play proceeds in accordance with Article 7;
starts the stopwatch after the ball is played from the center of the field;
stops the clock if a goal is scored, a free kick or penalty is awarded, or when a player deliberately delays time (at the signal of the chief referee);
resumes the time count after playing the ball from the center of the field, taking a free kick or penalty;
monitors the expiration of the two-minute (2 min.) penalty time for the ejected player;
Signals with a whistle or horn the end of each twelve-minute (12 min.) period and the end of three minutes (3 min.) of extra time, if any;
signals to the referees the start of the second and third periods after a three-minute break, as well as the start of extra time, if any.

3rd judge
The third referee assists the timekeeper. He:
keeps records of stoppages in the game and their reasons;
signals to the referees with a whistle or horn if he notices a violation of the substitution rules;
records the numbers of the players who scored the goal, and also records the time the goal was scored;
records the names and numbers of players warned or sent off the field;
controls the behavior of players on the bench;
informs the team whose player was sent off about the expiration of the penalty time;
at the end of extra time in the match, records the numbers of the players who finished the match while on the court. Only these players are allowed to take part in penalty kicks (Article 18).

The boys/girls standing closest serve another ball to the player who must put the ball into play.
1. In international matches, the presence of a timekeeper and a third referee is mandatory.
2. In the event of inappropriate interference by the timekeeper or third referee in the game, the chief referee of the match has the right to relieve any of them from their duties, take measures to replace them and report their removal to the appropriate authorities.

Article 7 – Duration of the match

Game periods
The game consists of three (3) periods of twelve (12) minutes. The timekeeper keeps track of the playing time.

Time can be stopped if:
when a goal is scored;
when a penalty or free kick is awarded;
when a player deliberately delays time (referees' decision).

The game time may be extended if a penalty or free kick is awarded. In this case, the game or period will end when:
a goal is scored or the goalkeeper catches the ball;
the ball goes over the field line;
the ball hits the side post or crossbar and does not bounce into the goal;
the ball hits one of the players and does not fly into the goal;
the ball is hit by the goalkeeper, or it hits the post and does not cross the goal line.

The timekeeper records the end of the match or period.

The referee hears the whistle or siren and then announces the end of the match or period. After the timekeeper signals the end of the match to the referee, no action on the field will be recorded (except for the above). If a shot was struck on goal, a second before the timekeeper's whistle, the head referee must allow the episode to end; only after the ball has hit the ground, the head referee records the end of the match.

Break between periods
The break between periods lasts 3 minutes.

Additional time
In case of a draw after the end of the match, an additional period of 3 minutes is played. If after the end of extra time the score remains unchanged, a penalty shoot-out is awarded. Team that scored more goals from the penalty spot, wins the match.

Article 8 – Start and resumption of play

Before the match starts:
The 1st referee, in the presence of both captains, throws a coin to determine which team will put the ball into play, as well as to determine which team will choose their half of the field.

A team that did not get a chance to start the game from the center of the field in the first period gets this chance in the second period, when the goal changes.

In the third period, lots are cast to determine which team will start the game from the center of the field and which will choose their goal.

In the event of a draw and extra time is assigned, the team that did not have the opportunity to start the match in the third period of the game starts from the center of the field.

In the event of a penalty kick being awarded, lots are drawn again to see which team will take the penalty first.

Start of the match
Putting the ball into play by kicking from the center of the field is the start or resumption of play:
at the beginning of the match;
after a goal is scored;
at the beginning of the second and third periods of the match;
at the start of extra time in the match, if any.

A goal cannot be scored from the first kick from the center of the field.

all players are in their own half of the field;
the opponents of the team starting the game must be in their half of the field at least 5 meters from the ball and can enter the other half of the field only when the ball begins to move;
the ball must be stationary at the center point of the field;
the referee blows the whistle to start the match;
the player must touch the ball, passing the ball to a partner;
the ball is in play when it is in the air or rolls along the sand around its axis once, only after which a partner can pass or shoot at goal;
The player who first touched the ball cannot touch it again until his partner makes a touch.

After one of the teams scores a goal, the other team starts the game from the center of the field, as at the beginning of the match.

Violations of rules/sanctions
If a player starting from the center of the field touches the ball again, a free kick is awarded to his team's goal from the place where the violation occurred.
For any other violation when putting the ball into play, it will be re-entered.

Jump ball
A jump ball is one of the ways to resume play after a temporary stoppage that became necessary while the ball was in play.

one of the referees throws the ball in the center of the field;
play resumes when the ball touches the sand.

a player can only replace the goalkeeper after he has put on the goalkeeper uniform. At the same time, his number stated in the start protocol must remain unchanged.
The ball is thrown in again if it is touched by a player before it makes contact with the sand.

Article 9 – Ball in and out of play

Ball out of play
The ball is out of play when:
he has completely crossed the boundary line or touched a player who is partially or completely behind the boundary line;
the referee stopped the game.

Ball in play
The ball is in play at any other time, including:
when the ball bounces off the crossbar or post in the field;
when the ball bounces off any referee on the field;
when the ball is in the air after a kick from the center of the field.

Article 10 – Scoring

A goal is scored when the ball has completely crossed the goal line bounded by the goal posts and crossbar. The exception is when the ball was accidentally or deliberately scored using the hand of a player of the attacking team, including the goalkeeper.

cannot score a goal by putting the ball into play with his hands, in which case the opponent gets the right to kick the ball into his own goal;
cannot score a goal by kicking the ball before the ball touches the ground;
can score a goal if he puts the ball on the ground and controls it with his feet.

Winner team
The team that scores the most goals per game is considered the winner.

If both teams score the same number of goals, or no goals at all, extra time is awarded to determine the winner of the game.

If extra time ends in a draw, penalties are awarded. The winner is the team that scores the most goals with an equal number of shots.

If one of the teams has less than three players left due to being sent off the field, that team is declared the loser of the match, regardless of the current score at the time the game was stopped. In this case, the opposing team is awarded a victory with a score of 10 – 0.

Article 11 – Fouls and violations of rules

Fouls and violations of the rules carry the following sanctions:
Free kick
A free kick is awarded to the team whose player has committed the following actions:
hit or attempted to hit an opposing player;
tripped or attempted to trip an opponent;
pushed an opposing player;

jumped on an opposing player.
A penalty kick is also awarded if a player:
holds an opposing player with his hands, including by the uniform;
spits at an opponent;
deliberately touches the ball with his hands (the exception is the goalkeeper in his own penalty area);
attacks the enemy dangerously;
prevents the goalkeeper from putting the ball into play;
deliberately throws sand in the faces of players or referees;
intentionally impedes an opponent's progress;

commits any other violation not provided for in Article 11 of these Rules.
A penalty against one of the teams is awarded if a player violates the Rules in his own penalty area.
The player who has been fouled must take a shot at the opponent's goal, unless the player is seriously injured and cannot continue the match.

Shot from the center of the field:
A free kick from the center of the field is awarded if:
the ball is controlled by the players of one of the teams in their own penalty area for more than 5 seconds and this team is not experiencing pressure from opponents at this moment;
the goalkeeper picks up the ball a second time after passes from his team’s players, if the ball has not touched an opposing player;
the goalkeeper kicks the ball out of his hands;
The goalkeeper begins the game by kicking a goal kick.


Yellow card
A player will be shown a yellow card if:
unsportsmanlike behavior;
expressions of dissatisfaction with words or actions;
persistent violations of the Rules of the Game;
purposeful delay of time;
if he does not move the required distance from an opposing player who is taking a free kick, corner kick, or throw-in;
failure to comply with basic requirements for replacement;
defiantly leaving the field without the permission of the referee;
deliberate play with hands.

Blue card
A player receives a blue card if he:

Receives the second yellow card of the game;
deliberately throws sand at an opposing player or referee;
deliberately commits a foul to eliminate an obvious threat to his goal in a scoring situation.

The player receiving the blue card is sent off for two (2) minutes without substitution and his team plays shorthanded until the end of the two-minute penalty time determined by the timekeeper.
A player who receives a blue card may return to the field immediately after the 2-minute penalty has expired.

Removing players from the field

Red card
A player is sent off the field and receives a red card if he:

Guilty of gross violation of the Rules;
guilty of aggressive behavior on the field;
spits at an opponent or any other person;
uses offensive or abusive language to express dissatisfaction with something or someone;
deliberately plays with his hands at the moment when the opponent has a scoring chance to score a goal;
receives a third yellow card in the same match.

A player who receives a red card may no longer appear on the field of play in that match and may not be on the substitutes' bench.

A substitute player may enter the game after 2 minutes have passed after one of the players has been shown a red card and sent off the field.

Yellow card
Sanctions for technical staff, coaches and reserve players of the team:
Persons belonging to the technical staff of the team (coaches, delegates, substitute players) receive a yellow card if they:
are guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct towards the opposing team, fans or officials;

Red card
by words or actions they aggressively express dissatisfaction with the decisions of the arbitrators.
Persons belonging to the technical staff of the team (coaches, delegates, substitute players) receive a red card if any of them:
guilty of aggressive behavior;
spits at an opposing player or any other person;
uses swear words to express indignation;
receives a second yellow card in the same game;
enters the field without the permission of the referee.
For any of these violations, a penalty kick is awarded against the offending team from the center of the field.
After the game, the referee must report this violation to the tournament disciplinary committee to clarify the circumstances and apply additional sanctions.

Technical personnel removed by the referee must leave the competition area and take a place that does not allow them to interfere with the course of the game.

Article 12 - Penalty Kicks
Direct free kick:
no player may form a wall when taking a free kick;
The penalty kick must be taken by the player who was fouled unless the player is seriously injured and is unable to take the penalty kick. In this case, the kick is taken by the player who replaced him. If the player who was fouled leaves the field and does not take a penalty kick, he no longer has the right to return to the game in this match;
the ball must be in a stationary position when a free kick is taken and the player taking the free kick cannot touch the ball a second time before a player from either team touches the ball;
an own goal from a free kick is not counted, but a corner kick is awarded in favor of the opposing team;

a goal can be scored from a direct free kick.

Position of the ball for a free kick
Free kick from the defending team's half
within the field;
behind the ball line, with the exception of the goalkeeper of the defending team, who may be in his own penalty area;

Free kick from own half
If a team takes a free kick from their own half, all players other than the kicker must be:
within the field;
outside the sector between the ball and the goal (the triangle formed by the ball and the goal posts), with the exception of the goalkeeper of the defending team, who may be in his own penalty area;
at least 5 meters from the ball before the moment of impact.
The ball can be kicked in any direction, including a back pass to a teammate, including the goalkeeper.
If a free kick is taken into the area between the ball and the opponent's goal, no player other than the defending goalkeeper may touch the ball before it touches the sand. If the ball is sent to any other side of the playing court, any player can take possession of it.

the player taking a free kick has the right to make a small hill of sand under the ball in order to elevate the position of the ball;
the penalty kick must be taken within 5 seconds after the referee's whistle gives permission;
the player taking the penalty kick may not touch the ball a second time before another player touches it;
the ball is in play after it is hit;
If the ball from a free kick is aimed within the area between the ball and the opponents' goal, no player other than the defending team's goalkeeper may touch the ball before it touches the sand, the defending goalkeeper, the goalposts or the crossbar.

If a player of the attacking team violates the Rules:
A penalty kick is awarded to the goal of the attacking team. The penalty kick is taken from the place where the Rules were violated.

If a player of the defending team has violated the Rules:
a free kick is not taken if a goal is scored;
if a goal is not scored, a second penalty kick is awarded from the place where the Rules were violated;
If a goal is not scored and the Rules were violated in the penalty area of ​​the defending team, a penalty kick is awarded.

Article 13 - Penalty

A penalty kick is awarded to the team that has committed a violation of the Rules, for which a penalty kick is awarded, if it is committed in its own penalty area while the ball is in play.
A goal can be scored directly from a penalty kick.
Post-match penalty kicks are awarded in the event of a draw after the end of all periods of the match or after the end of extra time.

Position of the ball and players
The ball must be in the center of the imaginary line delimiting the penalty area, 9 meters from the center of the goal.
The penalty kick must be taken by the player on whom the Rules were violated, unless the player is seriously injured and is unable to take the kick. In this case, the kick is taken by the player who replaced him.
The defending team's goalkeeper must face the kicker on the goal line between the two goal posts. Until the moment of impact, he is only allowed to move along the goal line.

All other players are located:
within the field;
outside the penalty area;
behind or to the side of the ball;
at least 5 meters from the ball.

does not allow a penalty to be taken until all players are positioned in accordance with the Laws of the Game;
decides when the penalty takes place.

the player taking the nine-meter kick directs the ball towards the opponent’s goal;
he has no right to touch the ball a second time before the ball touches another player;
the ball is in play when it is kicked;
If a penalty is taken during regulation or extra time of a match, or at the end of each period, a goal is counted if, before the ball enters the goal, it touches the goalposts, crossbar and/or goalkeeper.

If a player of the defending team has violated the Rules:
the penalty kick is restarted if the goal is not scored;
The penalty kick is not overturned if a goal has been scored.

If a player of the attacking team or a player taking a penalty has violated the Rules:
the penalty kick is restarted if a goal is scored;
The penalty kick is not overturned if the goal is not scored.

If the penalty kicker commits a breach of the Rules after the ball is already in play:
a penalty kick is awarded to the defending team from the place where the Rules were violated.

Article 14 – Throwing the ball in

Throwing the ball in is one way to restart play.
Any player on the field can put the ball into play from touch, including the goalkeeper.
A goal cannot be scored directly after it has been taken from touch.
If the ball, after entering it from out, ends up in the goal without first touching any of the players:
a corner kick is awarded to the team whose player kicked the ball in;
a goal kick is awarded to the team that did not throw the ball in;

The ball is kicked in from out:
if one of the situations described in Article 9 occurs;
entry is made from the place where the ball goes into touch;
against the team whose player last touched the ball before the ball left the field.

Position of the ball and players

Ways to put the ball into play from out:

1. Kick (players of the defending team must be at least 5 meters from where the ball was put into play).

must be out of bounds;
can be put into play in any direction;
in play immediately after the thrower of a placed ball hits or touches it.

Player kicking the ball in:
both of his feet must be behind the field line until the ball is hit;
cannot put the ball in with his hands after placing it on the sand to put the ball in play with his feet;
must put the ball into play within 5 seconds after the ball is set to be kicked;
may not touch the ball a second time before the ball touches any player on the court.

2. Putting the ball in with your hands

At the moment of putting the ball into play from out of bounds, the player throwing the ball in:
must face the field;
both his feet must be behind the field line;
throws the ball with both hands;
throws the ball from behind the head;
must put the ball into play within 5 seconds;
has no right to touch the ball before one of the players touches it;
does not have the right to kick the ball out of touch after preparing to kick it in with his hands.

The ball is in play immediately after the player has released it from his hands.

A penalty kick is awarded towards the goal of the team kicking the ball in if:
if the kicker touches the ball twice before it touches one of the players on the field of play. The penalty kick is taken from the place where the violation of the rules was recorded. If a violation of the rules was recorded in the penalty area, a penalty kick is awarded.

The ball is kicked in again, but in favor of the opposing team, if:
the ball was entered incorrectly;
the ball was kicked in from the wrong place where the ball went beyond the boundary line of the field;
the ball was not entered within 5 seconds;
the ball was not entered in accordance with the rules set out in Article 14.

Article 15 – Putting the ball into play from the goal

Putting the ball into play from the goal is one way to restart the game.
A goal cannot be scored after the ball has been kicked into play (see Article 10).
A goal kick-in is awarded when:
The conditions noted in Article 9 concerning the ball and the players were present and a goal was not scored in accordance with Article 10.

the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper with his hands from anywhere in his own penalty area;
the goalkeeper has no right to touch the ball again before one of the players touches it;
the ball is considered in play as soon as the goalkeeper has released it from his hands;
The goalkeeper has 5 seconds to put the ball into play.

A free kick from halfway is awarded if:
the goalkeeper did not have time to put the ball into play within 5 seconds;
The goalkeeper kicked the ball into play.

If a goal is scored when the ball is kicked in from the goal, and the ball does not touch any of the players, the goal is not counted and is kicked in from the goal of the opposing team.
If the ball touches any player on the field before entering the goal, a goal is scored.
If the goalkeeper, while kicking the ball in from the goal, scores a goal for himself, the goal is not counted and a corner is awarded in favor of the opposing team.

Article 16 – Rule for passing back to the goalkeeper

The goalkeeper does not have the right to take the ball twice from players of his team after a pass with his foot, head or throw-in, if the ball has not touched a player of the opposing team.
As soon as the goalkeeper takes the ball from his player for the first time, the referee must signal this moment by raising his hand above himself.

In case of violation of this rule, a penalty kick is awarded from the center of the field.

Article 17 – Corner kick

A corner kick is one way to restart the game.
A goal can be scored from a direct kick during a corner kick, but only into someone else's goal.
A corner kick is awarded in the following cases:
when the ball has completely crossed the end line, having previously touched one of the players of the defending team, and in accordance with Article 9.

the ball is placed on the sand inside the field at any place in an imaginary sector from the corner flag. The distance from the corner flag should be no more than 1 meter;
the player taking the corner kick has the right to make a small hill of sand in order to elevate the position of the ball;
players of the opposing team must move 5 meters away from the ball;
the ball is kicked into play by a player of the attacking team;
the ball is considered to be in play when the player moves it;
the player taking the corner kick may not touch the ball twice until the ball touches one of the players on the field;
The corner kick must be taken within 5 seconds of the ball being set for kicking.

A penalty kick against the attacking team during a corner kick is awarded:
if the player taking the corner kick touches the ball a second time before any player has touched the ball. The penalty kick is taken from the place where the violation of the Rules was recorded.

The goalkeeper of the defending team puts the ball into play:
in case the corner kick was not made within 5 seconds.

If the team taking a corner kick kicks the ball into its own goal without the ball touching any player on either team, the goal is not counted and a corner kick is awarded to the defending team.
If the team taking the corner kick kicks the ball into their own goal and the ball touches any player, the goal is counted.
In any other case, the corner kick is overruled.

Article 18 – Procedures for determining the winner of a match

Taking post-match penalties is one of the ways to determine the winner of the match. Penalties are taken in case of a draw in regular and extra time.

the referee selects the goal into which nine-meter kicks (penalties) will be taken;
the referee casts lots, and the team whose captain wins the toss takes the penalty kick first;
The referee controls and records the result of each penalty shot.

Each penalty shootout involves one kick from each team. Post-match penalties can be taken by any players who were on the field at the end of the match, including the goalkeeper.

A player can take a penalty again only if all players who were on the field at the end of the match have already taken one penalty kick.
The penalty kick will continue until the winner of the match is determined;
The winner of the match is the team that scores the most goals with the same number of nine-meter kicks;
the name and number of the player taking the penalty kick is communicated to the referee before the penalty kick is taken, by the captain or coach of that team;
a player who has been sent off does not have the right to take a penalty;
any player who was on the field at the end of the match time has the right to stand in the goal when taking nine-meter kicks, taking the place of his goalkeeper;
only the players who were on the field at the end of the match time, as well as the referees, may be on the field at the time the penalty kicks are taken;
the goalkeeper belonging to the team whose player takes the penalty must move some distance away so as not to interfere with the penalty kicks;
If at the end of the match there are unequal lineups on the field, that is, one of the teams has one or more players sent off, the team with more players must select players who will not take penalties to balance the lineups.

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High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! Beach soccer is a sport based on the rules…

Brazil is considered the birthplace of beach soccer. The popular love for football in this country led to the fact that the ball was played wherever possible: in stadiums, vacant lots, streets, rooftops and, of course, numerous beaches. Very soon this type of football gained great popularity and now beach soccer competitions are broadcast by television channels in more than 170 countries around the world.

Officially, the history of beach soccer began relatively recently - only in 1992, when the first official competition was held in Los Angeles (California, USA). Especially for these competitions the founders World Organization Beach Soccer (BOFF) wrote the first rules for playing beach soccer. Since 1995, this organization began to hold world championships, until in 2005 the World Beach Soccer Championship came under the control of FIFA.

In Ukraine, beach soccer competitions are organized by the Beach Soccer Association, which is part of the Football Federation of Ukraine (FFU).

About beach soccer

Beach soccer is a sport that is a variation of classic soccer. Unlike classic football in beach game It takes place on fields covered with sand, so the endurance of the players is of particular importance. Since the game takes place on a small field, players have a chance to score from almost any position on the field, this forces players to use every opportunity to shoot at goal. This inevitably leads to an increase in the number of shots (on average up to 60 per game) and goals scored (on average 11 per game), which makes this sport very entertaining and attractive for both fans and players themselves.

Rules of the game

In official beach soccer competitions, two teams play. Each team consists of 5 people: 4 field players and a goalkeeper. During the game, you can make an unlimited number of substitutions (and there are from 3 to 5 players on the bench).

The match takes place on a rectangular platform of standard sizes (35-37 m by 26-28 m), limited by fabric tapes and with a pair of goals. The match consists of three halves of 12 minutes. If at the end of the match the score is tied, then after the end of regular time an additional period of 3 minutes is assigned or until the winning goal. If no one scores in extra time, then a penalty shootout is awarded.

It is important:

Football players play without shoes, but the rules allow them to wear bandages to protect their shins and knees.

The game often involves acrobatic kicks, and the rules prohibit the player from interfering with the kick, otherwise a penalty kick is awarded.

Any foul results in a penalty kick. There are two features of taking free kicks in beach soccer. Firstly, when taking a free kick, it is mandatory to strike the opponent’s goal, and secondly, the free kick must be taken by the player against whom the rules were violated. And only in the event of his injury, this right passes to another field player.

This is interesting

The World Beach Soccer Championships have been held since 1995 and during this time only three teams have celebrated triumph. Moreover, all times except 2001 and 2005 (when the teams of Portugal and France won, respectively), success was on the side of the Brazilian national team.

Do not forget that beach soccer is not only a game that is pleasant to watch from the stands, but also a way to combine business with pleasure, i.e. actively relax and maintain physical fitness.

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1. Coating It should be sandy, level, without stones or any other objects that could cause injury to players. The minimum sand depth is 45 centimeters.

2. Dimensions of the playing field:
- length: 35 - 37 meters
- width: 26 - 28 meters.
The field is marked with lines. The marking defines the boundaries of the field and is an integral part of it. The two longer lines are called lateral. The two shorter lines are called facial lines.

3. Penalty area defined by an imaginary line parallel to the end line, which is determined by two yellow flagpoles located behind the side lines of the field 9 meters from the end line on each side.
The penalty spot is located in the center of this imaginary line and is equidistant from the goalposts.

4. Gate must be located in the center of the end lines.

The distance (internal measurement) between the posts is 5.5 meters, and the distance between the lower edge of the crossbar and the sand surface is 2.2 meters. 5. The game is played by two teams of five (5) players each.

Two players, one from each team, must act as goalkeepers. Each team may have up to five (5) substitute players. There is also a timekeeper and a third referee at the match. The timekeeper is responsible for stopping the clock, the third referee is his assistant.

7. The game consists of three (3) periods of twelve (12) minutes. The timekeeper keeps track of the playing time.
Time can be stopped if:
when a goal is scored;
when a penalty or free kick is awarded;
when a player deliberately delays time (referees' decision).

8. Break between periods is 3 minutes.

9. In case of a draw after the end of the match, an additional period 3 minutes. If after the end of extra time the score remains unchanged, a penalty shootout. The team that scores more goals from penalties wins the match.

10. Putting the ball into play from the center of the field is the start or resumption of play:
at the beginning of the match;
after a goal is scored;
at the beginning of the second and third periods of the match;
at the start of extra time in the match, if any.
A goal cannot be scored from the first kick from the center of the field.

11. Fouls and violations of the rules lead to the following sanctions:
Fouls and violations of the rules carry the following sanctions:
A free kick is awarded to the team whose player has committed the following actions:
A free kick is awarded to the team whose player has committed the following actions:
hit or attempted to hit an opposing player;
tripped or attempted to trip an opponent;
pushed an opposing player;
A penalty kick is also awarded if a player:
A penalty kick is also awarded if a player:
holds an opposing player with his hands, including by the uniform;
spits at an opponent;
deliberately touches the ball with his hands (the exception is the goalkeeper in his own penalty area);
attacks the enemy dangerously;
prevents the goalkeeper from putting the ball into play;
deliberately throws sand in the faces of players or referees;
intentionally impedes an opponent's progress;

A penalty against one of the teams is awarded if a player violates the Rules in his own penalty area.
The player who has been fouled must take a shot at the opponent's goal, unless the player is seriously injured and cannot continue the match.

Shot from the center of the field:
A free kick from the center of the field is awarded if:
the ball is controlled by the players of one of the teams in their own penalty area for more than 5 seconds and this team is not experiencing pressure from opponents at this moment;
the goalkeeper picks up the ball a second time after passes from his team’s players, if the ball has not touched an opposing player;
the goalkeeper kicks the ball out of his hands;
The goalkeeper begins the game by kicking a goal kick.

Yellow card
A player will be shown a yellow card if:
unsportsmanlike behavior;
expressions of dissatisfaction with words or actions;
persistent violations of the Rules of the Game;
purposeful delay of time;
if he does not move the required distance from an opposing player who is taking a free kick, corner kick, or throw-in;
failure to comply with basic requirements for replacement;
defiantly leaving the field without the permission of the referee;
deliberate play with hands.

Blue card
A player receives a blue card if he:
receives the second yellow card of the game;
deliberately throws sand at an opposing player or referee;
deliberately commits a foul to eliminate an obvious threat to his goal in a scoring situation.
The player receiving the blue card is sent off for two (2) minutes without substitution and his team plays shorthanded until the end of the two-minute penalty time determined by the timekeeper.
A player who receives a blue card may return to the field immediately after the 2-minute penalty has expired.

Removing players from the field
Red card
A player is sent off the field and receives a red card if he:
guilty of a gross violation of the Rules;
guilty of aggressive behavior on the field;
spits at an opponent or any other person;
uses offensive or abusive language to express dissatisfaction with something or someone;
deliberately plays with his hands at the moment when the opponent has a scoring chance to score a goal;
receives a third yellow card in the same match.
A player who receives a red card may no longer appear on the field of play in that match and may not be on the substitutes' bench.