Biography. French Spider-Man has done it again

19.06.2020 Style and fashion

For millions of people, he is a world-famous record holder, a famous climber, a fearless conqueror of the tallest skyscrapers in the world - Spider-Man, in a word... However, few know that the idol of boys and a headache for police officers around the world is considered disabled and suffers from epileptic attacks.

Life with spice!
Alain Robert was born in 1962 in the south of France. He spent his childhood in Balance, on the rocky banks of the Rhone.

That’s why Alen’s heroes and idols were exclusively rock climbers. He dreamed of being like them, imitated them, and read their life stories. Is it any wonder that little Alen also wanted to become a rock climber? The parents did not approve of their son's choice. I had to secretly learn the basics of rock climbing, master the art of moving along walls and handling ropes.
This simple experience came in handy when Alain turned twelve. Having forgotten his keys at home, he climbed up the wall of the house to the 8th floor. “What else could I do?” - he threw up his hands when his parents, distraught with fear, decided to give their son a beating.

His abilities grew day by day. Alain usually trained on the cliffs, and over time he became the best climber in Balance. He was driven by reasonable risk and the desire to cope with his fear. He independently climbed the most dangerous sides of the cliff.
But in 1982 something terrible happened. During one of the ascents, the rope broke, and the athlete fell from a 15-meter height, receiving terrible injuries, due to which he endured six operations. He was in a coma for several days, but, thank God, he pulled out. He is now reminded of those terrible events by headaches and epileptic attacks. “I was in a coma. Both pelvic bones and a heel were broken, the skull was damaged, the nose was broken, and the cheekbone was also broken. The doctors believed that I would never be able to climb or walk again. But I decided to surprise everyone,” recalls Alain.

Days of hard training dragged on, days when even the smallest victory was achieved with great difficulty. But athletes are stubborn people, and over time, Robert acquired amazing physical shape. “At first I did pull-ups with one hand, then with one finger, and eventually I learned to do it with my little finger,” he says proudly.
What happened changed Alain’s life forever, but it did not make him more cautious. He relied on the ropes, but they let him down. “This won’t happen again,” the athlete decided and abandoned the safety ropes forever. He rises, relying only on the Lord God and himself. Any mistake means certain death, but Spider-Man loves to take risks, risk makes his life more peppery.

Skyscraper Conqueror
The first steep cliff that Alain decided to conquer was the Gorges du Verdon. The athlete prepared for a long time, but everything turned out to be a little more complicated than he expected. At the height, he felt very dizzy - his recent injury was making itself felt. “When climbing the rock, I kept losing my balance due to dizziness. In order not to fall down, I had to gather all my will into a fist and think only about victory.”

But he won. Having climbed a 500-meter cliff without a rope, Alain became a world record holder. A year later, he received an award from the International Olympic Committee and became the world record holder for the most extreme solo ascent in the Verdon Gorge.
The largest sponsor specializing in extreme sports offered to film a film about the French Spiderman documentary. He agreed, but it soon became clear that for this, according to the director’s idea, the athlete needed to climb some skyscraper. Robert was happy to fulfill his plan. He was having fun like a child, and wondered how he hadn’t thought of this himself. As a result, he climbed the tallest building in Chicago to film the film. And so the urban climber was born.

“Each building has its own texture, its own difficulties,” says our hero. “When you climb up, you shouldn’t think about the possibility of falling, or the danger, or the stress, or the fact that above the eighth floor any mistake means certain death.” I once had to climb a 25-story building, clinging only to tiny elements of the tower design - metal wedges measuring five centimeters. They were the line separating life from death.”
What can I say? Very few climbers dare to undertake such a blood-chilling climb. That’s why many people call Alen crazy. He just smiles in response: “No, I’m not crazy, I just do what I want. And I also really love doing things that no one has done before.”

Playing with death
Spider-Man has conquered more than 80 high-rise buildings around the world. Among them are the World Trade Center building in New York, the Eiffel Tower, the Cire Tower skyscrapers in Chicago and Citypoint in Sydney, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the tallest skyscraper in Europe - the West Tower of the Moscow Federation business complex "and the main building of Moscow State University, Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur.

This list, as you understand, can be continued for a long time.
And in March 2011, Alain climbed the tallest building in the world - the Dubai skyscraper Burj Khalifa, 828 meters high. He completed the most difficult journey in six and a half hours.
True, at the request of the event organizers, the climber had to use simple safety equipment - a rope and harness (although he usually climbs high-rise buildings without insurance). However, Robert himself later admitted that, having reached a height of 700 meters, he realized that, due to the structure of the tower, he could not do without the use of climbing equipment.

Hundreds of people followed Robert's ascent. Ambulances were on duty below. However, his “shows” always attract thousands of spectators. Public opinions about Robert's talent are diametrically opposed: from admiration for his courage to condemnation of such meaningless ascents.

However, Alain is known not only for his “spider” abilities, but also for the fact that he climbs tall buildings almost always illegally, without permission from the authorities and building owners. He was repeatedly arrested and fined. He even got into the Guinness Book of Records as a person who was arrested in almost every country in the world. He has been in prison many times, but he doesn't care much about it. “It’s better to go to jail than to a hospital,” the athlete likes to say.

On August 30, 2010, at around 11 am, Australian police arrested Alain Robert after he climbed to the top of a skyscraper in Sydney. The Lumiere Building, located on Bathurst Street, has 57 floors, and when Robert reached the roof of the skyscraper, the police were already waiting for him. The next path to glory took the athlete twenty minutes, and he climbed, as always, without any insurance or special equipment. The spectators below applauded the brave conqueror of the city's peaks, and the police above handcuffed him. Alain Robert was charged with endangering the safety of others. The court hearing took place in Sydney, but everything ended well.

With Sydney and its strict laws, Spider-Man is especially unlucky. Last year he was fined $750 for illegally climbing the 41-storey Royal Bank of Scotland building in central Sydney. At the same time, the district judge of the Downing Center district scolded Robert for disrespecting the laws of the country, whose hospitality he took advantage of. In June 2010, Robert was forced to cancel a planned climb to the roof of Sydney's Deutsche Bank building after security blocked his access. In 2003, Robert was arrested for climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge, one of the largest arch bridges in the world and one of the city's main attractions.
It’s different from Moscow, where Alen is treated with admiration! After conquering the Moscow State University tower, the French climber was arrested for the sake of decency, but an hour later he was released, with a slight scolding. It is inappropriate for hospitable hosts to offend overseas guests...

Sergei Borodin

On August 30, 2010, around 11 a.m., Australian police arrested Alan Rober after he climbed to the top of a skyscraper in Sydney. The Lumiere Building, located on Bathurst Street, has 57 floors, and when Robert reached the roof of the skyscraper, where the police were already waiting for him, the spectators below applauded the brave conqueror of the city's heights. The next path to fame took the 48-year-old French stuntman about 20 minutes, and he climbed without any insurance or special equipment. Alain Robert was charged with endangering the safety of others. The court hearing will take place in Sydney at the end of the week.

This is not the first time the French stuntman has fallen out of favor with the Australian authorities. Last year, Robert was fined $750 for illegally climbing the 41-storey Royal Bank of Scotland building in central Sydney. At the same time, Graeme Henson, a district judge for the Downing Center District, chastised Robert for disrespecting the laws of the country whose hospitality he had taken advantage of. In June 2010, Robert was forced to cancel a planned climb to the roof of Sydney's Deutsche Bank building after bank security blocked his access. In 2003, Robert was arrested for climbing the Sydney Harbor Bridge, one of the largest arch bridges in the world and one of the city's main attractions.

Alain Robert has already conquered about 80 high-rise buildings around the world. He himself states that his main goal is to attract public attention to the problem of global warming in such an amazing way. Robert is an activist in the One Hundred Months campaign, an action aimed at attracting volunteers to save the planet from climate change. At the beginning of the action, it was stated that humanity has only a hundred months to take care of the Earth's climate. There are currently 76 months left until the end of the promotion.

Robert was repeatedly arrested and fined in the most different countries. He has conquered the Petronas Towers in Malaysia, the New York Empire State Building, the Eiffel Tower, the Moscow Federation skyscraper and the Cheng Kong Center. (Cheung Kong Center) in the center of Hong Kong.

He was born on August 7, 1962 in Digoin and spent his childhood in Valence on the banks of the Rhône. Robert has been practicing his dangerous sport since 1994, and he made his first ascent spontaneously at the age of 12 years. Having climbed out of the window of a locked apartment, the boy climbed 8 floors along the side of the building. In 1982, the athlete fell from 15 meters, received injuries of varying severity and seriously injured his head, but after lying in a coma for several days, he did not give up his dangerous hobby. Robert is considered 66 percent disabled by Social Security and has since been subject to epileptic seizures. The stuntman is the father of three children.

48-year-old French climber Alain Robert, nicknamed Spider-Man For more than 30 years, it has been conquering the tallest skyscrapers in the world. When climbing industrial high-rise buildings, he does not use ropes, lifting mechanisms or other climbing devices, but only his own hands. His track record includes more than 70 objects: the World Trade Center building in New York, the Eiffel Tower, the Sears Tower skyscrapers in Chicago and Citypoint in Sydney, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

Alain Philippe, a French climber who is already 48 years old, has been conquering the tallest buildings in the world for almost three decades, for which he received the nickname Spider-Man. Alen climbs modern skyscrapers and other “masterpieces” of industrial construction only with the help of his own hands, without the use of safety ropes, climbing equipment or any lifting mechanisms. Thus, he has already climbed more than 70 high-rise buildings, and his “record” includes the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the New York Trade Center, and the Sydney skyscraper "Citypoint", and the Chicago skyscraper "Sears Tower".

In Alain Robert's difficult hobby, there were falls and serious injuries. In 1982, while climbing one of the tallest buildings in Thailand, Spider-Man almost died, he fell from a 15-meter height, fell to the ground, and as a result received multiple injuries and fractures, he was on the verge of life and death in within six days. It took Alain Robert six months to restore his health, after which he resumed his dangerous occupation, without even insuring himself against an accident during an unusual “hobby” - due to the increased risk to life, he cannot take out insurance from any company. And every time, climbing a new high-rise building with his hands, Spider-Man takes risks again; each such ascent could be the last in his life. Regarding the prospects of his “hobby,” Alain Robert himself says that in this game there is only one stake - his own life, he realizes that dangerous climbs are somewhat reminiscent of playing in a casino. The more you play in a casino, or with your own life, as he does, the higher the risk of losing, or tragic death. He cannot stop, wanting to rise higher and higher, conquering more and more skyscrapers.

Before coming to “building” - this is the name for climbing the walls of high-rise buildings, Alain Robert was engaged in rock climbing, climbing into the most dangerous places, where no climber in the world had been able to climb before him. Spider-Man made his first ascent of a skyscraper in 1984, it was a Chicago high-rise building. He believes that after taking up rock climbing, he received good training and invaluable experience, and climbing the walls of buildings using only their relief is a very simple task, although eyewitnesses who became unwitting spectators of such a climb are simply breathtaking with excitement. The small figure of Alain Robert, barely distinguishable in height, confidently climbing up the wall of one of the skyscrapers, impresses everyone who sees such a spectacle. Currently, “building” is outlawed, and every ascent of Spider-Man is considered a crime; at the tops of skyscrapers, the police are waiting for him every time, ready to arrest him at any moment due to “illegal entry into the building” - this is the expression the law describes a person’s “hobby” -spider. However, Alain Robert was never arrested, and the threat of imprisonment did not loom before him; every time he gets off with a fine of a very impressive amount. But high fines do not frighten Spider-Man, he earns much more, and his “hobby” brings considerable profit - Alain Robert sells his climbs for a high price, and they are bought by the owners of the skyscrapers on which he climbs.

But Alain Robert is not always able to complete his ascent... For example, while climbing the steep wall of Sydney's Overseas Union Bank, which is 280 meters high, Spider-Man only managed to climb to the 21st floor, and there he was removed by the police. And in 1995, in Houston, he was not only removed from the wall during the next climb, but also charged with two counts at once, one of them was formulated as “illegal entry into private property,” and the other as possession of narcotic drugs.” . Indeed, during his arrest, he was found to be in possession of the drug Xanax, commonly used to treat depression and mental disorders. Alain Robert never managed to conquer the Petronas Towers building, located in Kuala Lumpur, although he attempted to climb twice. Both times, in 1997 and in 2007, the police prevented him from finishing the job he started, and both times the climber was filmed at the 60th floor level.

Alain Robert has long gained worldwide fame, and kids associate him with Spider-Man; his ascents have been broadcast more than once on the world's leading television channels - TF1, CNN, CBS, TV5, BBC, ABC. His photographs have appeared on the covers of the Herald Tribune, The Chicago Tribune, The Times, and other publications. Both journalists and ordinary people are interested in the price for which Alain Robert offers his services to skyscraper owners, and many conclude that for each ascent Spider-Man receives from 100 to 300 thousand euros. Recently, a climber from France made another “high-profile” ascent, conquering the Taiwanese Taipei skyscraper, known as the tallest building in the world. Spider-Man was able to climb to a height of 508 meters, to the top of a building with 101 floors, in only four hours. This time he used “belay” - a special rope with a belt attached to it, taking care of his own safety. The ascent was not easy, and he had to rest after climbing every eight floors; the daredevil was disturbed and weather- It was pouring rain all the time. He later admitted to reporters that he initially planned to climb this building in just two hours, but it was impossible to do this in the rain. Alain Robert not only showed the world unlimited human capabilities, he can be considered the founder of industrial mountaineering.

Conquered buildings of Alain Robert:

1994 Elf-Aquitaine tower Paris la Defense, Mercuriales tower Paris, Franklin tower Paris la Defense.
1995 Montparnasse tower Paris, Gan tower Paris la Defense, Bibliotheque Nationale Paris, TF1 tower Boulogne Billancourt.
1996 Europe tower Valence, Chrystal tower Paris, Eiffel tower Paris (1996/1997)
1997 de Crest tower Crest, Hotel Concorde Lafayette Paris.
1998 Obelisque de la Concorde Paris, Basilique du Sacre Coeur Paris, Mairie de Valence Valence, Framatome Paris, La Defense, Pyramide du Louvres Paris, Grande Arche de la Defense Paris, Elf tower Paris, La Defense.
2000 Obelisque de la Concorde Paris, Maison consulaire Pezenas, Mairie de Pau Pau, Mairie de Pezenas Pezenas.

1994 City bank / City Corp building Chicago, Calico Building Manhattan / New York, Pont de Brooklyn New York, Paramount Building New York, Empire State Building New York.
1996 Luxor Pyramid Las Vegas, Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco.
1997 Blue Cross, Blue Shield Philadelphia. 1999 Sears Tower Chicago, Crown Plaza Montreal,

1996 F.I.E.S.P San Paulo, Hotel Vermont Rio de Janeiro. EUROPE
1995 Canary Wharf building Londres, Dresdner Bank Frankfort, Banca di Milano Milan, Hotel Arts Barcelone.
1998 Deutsch Bank Allemagne, Marriott Hotel Varsovie, Bank of Slovequia Slovaquie, Maison d'edition Berlin.

1997 Opera Sydney, Center Point Sydney.

1998 Garden Court Holiday Johannesburg, IBM Tower Johannesburg.

1996 Fare East Finance Center Hong Kong, Nec Building Hong Kong, ATV Asia Hong Kong.
1997 Petronas Twin Towers Kuala Lumpur, Sabah Fondation Borneo, Melia Hotel Kuala Lumpur.
1998 Sinjuku Center Building Tokyo.

The latest “achievement” of Alain Robert was the tallest skyscraper in Europe - the West Tower of the capital's (Russian) business complex "Federation" (242 meters). Robert initially planned to complete the ascent in one hour, but it took him much less time - 30 minutes. As the organizers explain, the ascent to the “West” can be considered unique, since there are no clues on the building. Before the climb began, a special safety system was installed on the façade of the building, which also became an obstacle course for the climber.

Building: Business complex "Federation".
Height: 236 meters, the tallest building in Europe. Owner: Mirax Group
Address: Russia, Moscow, 1st Krasnogvardeisky pr-d, 15

Text prepared by Olga Salii

Alain Robert's

, France

K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

Alain Robert nicknamed "Spider-Man" (fr. Alain Robert; genus. August 7, 1962, Digouin, France) is a famous French rock climber and skyscraper conqueror (building is an extreme hobby associated exclusively with climbing the walls of buildings).

Spider-Man has climbed more than 70 tall buildings around the world. Since he usually makes his ascents without permission from the authorities and building owners, he was arrested several dozen times in different countries of the world, for which he was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Alain Robert's ascents around the world attract media attention. Among the objects that he conquered are: IBM headquarters, Hilton hotels, Areva Tower (English)Russian(headquarters of the French energy giant Areva NP), Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Agbar in Barcelona, ​​bank offices in various capitals of the world, Main building of Moscow State University in Moscow. Public opinion about Robert’s “talent” was sharply divided: from admiration for his courage to condemnation of the pointlessness of such ascents.



On March 28, 2011, Alain Robert climbed the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa skyscraper (height 828 m) in Dubai in more than six hours.

At the request of the event organizers, the climber used some safety equipment (rope and harness), although he usually climbs high-rise buildings without protection. However, Robert himself admitted that, having reached a height of 700 meters, due to the structure of the tower he would have to use climbing equipment.

Hundreds of people followed Robert's ascent. Ambulances were on duty below.

Permission from the company that owns the tower was obtained in advance.

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  • - Robert's official website

Excerpt characterizing Robert, Alain

At nine o'clock the countess woke up, and Matryona Timofeevna, her former maid, who served as chief of gendarmes in relation to the countess, came to report to her former young lady that Marya Karlovna was very offended and that the young ladies summer dresses You can't stay here. When the countess questioned why m me Schoss was offended, it was revealed that her chest had been removed from the cart and all the carts were being untied - they were removing the goods and taking with them the wounded, whom the count, in his simplicity, ordered to be taken with him. The Countess ordered to ask for her husband.
– What is it, my friend, I hear things are being removed again?
- You know, ma chere, I wanted to tell you this... ma chere countess... an officer came to me, asking me to give several carts for the wounded. After all, this is all a gainful business; But think about what it’s like for them to stay!.. Really, in our yard, we invited them ourselves, there are officers here. You know, I think, right, ma chere, here, ma chere... let them take them... what's the rush?.. - The Count timidly said this, as he always said when it came to money. The Countess was already accustomed to this tone, which always preceded a task that ruined the children, like some kind of construction of a gallery, a greenhouse, arranging a home theater or music, and she was used to it and considered it her duty to always resist what was expressed in this timid tone.
She assumed her obediently deplorable appearance and said to her husband:
“Listen, Count, you’ve brought it to the point that they won’t give anything for the house, and now you want to destroy all of our children’s fortunes.” After all, you yourself say that there is a hundred thousand worth of goods in the house. I, my friend, neither agree nor agree. Your will! The government is there for the wounded. They know. Look: across the street, at the Lopukhins’, they took everything away just three days ago. That's how people do it. We are the only fools. At least have pity on me, but on the children.
The Count waved his hands and, without saying anything, left the room.
- Dad! what are you talking about? - Natasha told him, following him into her mother’s room.
- Nothing! What do you care? – the count said angrily.
“No, I heard,” said Natasha. - Why doesn’t mummy want to?
- What do you care? - the count shouted. Natasha went to the window and thought.
“Dad, Berg has come to see us,” she said, looking out the window.

Berg, the Rostovs' son-in-law, was already a colonel with Vladimir and Anna around his neck and occupied the same calm and pleasant place as assistant chief of staff, assistant to the first department of the chief of staff of the second corps.
On September 1, he arrived from the army in Moscow.
He had nothing to do in Moscow; but he noticed that everyone from the army asked to go to Moscow and did something there. He also considered it necessary to take time off for household and family matters.
Berg, in his neat droshky on a pair of well-fed savrasenki, exactly the same as one prince had, drove up to his father-in-law’s house. He looked carefully into the yard at the carts and, entering the porch, took out a clean handkerchief and tied a knot.
From the hall, Berg ran into the living room with a floating, impatient step and hugged the count, kissed the hands of Natasha and Sonya and hurriedly asked about his mother’s health.

Alain Robert (French Robert Alain Philippe, nickname - “Spiderman”) is a famous rock climber and conqueror of skyscrapers (building is an extreme hobby associated exclusively with climbing the walls of buildings).

As a child, Alan's heroes were Bonatti, RВbuffat, Desmaison - some of the most of all times, on whose lyrical and epic adventures he grew up. As a result, he wanted to become a better climber, although his parents did not approve of his choice. In secret from his parents, he began to study the basics of rock climbing under the guise of boy scouts. He learned how to move and handle ropes to become a rock climber like his heroes. When he was 12 years old, he climbed to the 8th floor to get home, because... I forgot my keys at home.

His abilities grew. Alain used to train on the cliffs around Valence, his hometown in the south of France. Over time, he became a better climber. He was driven by reasonable risk and the desire to cope with his fear. He independently climbed the most dangerous sides of the cliff. At first he climbed with a belay, checking routes and holds. And, after a few attempts... Ready, go!

He had two dishonest cases in 1982. The most serious of these was a 15-meter fall when his rope broke while descending. He lay in a coma for 5 days with numerous fractures to his skull, nose, wrists, elbows, pelvis and heels. The diagnosis was serious: “This guy will never be able to climb again.” According to the French National Health Organization, 60% of victims remained disabled due to dizziness caused by trauma to the inner ear.

“I decided not to give up and make the rules myself, without following the advice of doctors!!!,” says Alain. Subsequently, Alan decided to climb on his own, without safety ropes, which meant that if you fell, you would die.

A year later, Alan Robert resumed training on the rocks, and soon achieved his best level, even better than he had. In 1991, Patrick Edlinger presented him with an award for his performance at the Janssens Festival. Two years later, Juan Antonio Samaranche gave him an IOC (International Olympic Committee) award for his performance. He is also mentioned as the world record holder for the most extreme solo ascent in the Verdon Gorge (southern France).

A major sponsor specializing in extreme sports offered to make a documentary about him. To do this, he was offered to climb skyscrapers. In 1994, Alan Robert climbed the tallest skyscraper in Chicago.

“It's a very interesting feeling when you act to reach the top and stay alive! This is the reason why you need to be focused and focused!! I always have fear before climbing, but never during it,” says Robert.

Thus was born the “urban climber” - Alan did what was considered impossible. He also realized that this way he could earn his living, and began to look for the skyscrapers of his dreams. He went to prison many times, as he often climbed without the appropriate permission, but this worried him little, he believed that it was better to go to prison than to a hospital. He loved meeting with different people, be it presidents or prisoners, kings or slum people.

Alan Robert is known for his daring climbs, but the public rarely knows that he raised money for charity after his climbs. In 1997, he climbed the world famous skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur without asking.

The media impact was so great that the Sabah Foundation asked him to climb its building in Borneo. With government permission, his climb attracted a crowd of about 15,000 people, raising more than $150,000.

In Paris, the ADT Quart Monde association asked him, by rappelling, to advertise the opening of the capital's empty apartments to the homeless. It was a real event, with the presence of Mrs. Bernadette Chirac and Mrs. Genevieve de Gaulle.

Since Alain Robert usually climbs without permission from the authorities and building owners, he was arrested several dozen times in different countries of the world, for which he was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Alain Robert's ascents around the world attract media attention. Among the objects that he conquered are: the head office of IBM, Hilton hotels, Framatome (the energy giant of France), Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur, and bank offices in various capitals of the world. The biggest success so far was climbing the National Bank of Abu Dhabi in front of over 100,000 spectators!

“A city is like a mountain range, with a slight difference: it will always be skyscrapers under construction.”

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