Diseases of Scorpio women. Health of the zodiac sign Scorpio

27.07.2019 Society and culture

Lucky with natural gifts in the form of health and stamina. Even when born in difficult conditions, Scorpios recover faster than other children. And all my life as if Nature itself takes care of them, supplying the necessary strength and energy. Although, from the outside it seems that not a single disease escapes Scorpios. They are especially vulnerable during infections, which just stick. Therefore, during epidemics, Scorpios are advised to isolate themselves to avoid possible infection.

Without observing food restrictions, Scorpios are able to quickly gain weight. True, they become obese by adulthood, since physical exercise is a joy for Scorpios, which allows them to keep their weight balance normal for a long time. From numerous sexual hobbies, especially at a young age, Scorpios often contract sexually transmitted infections. Moreover, they may not even suspect this for a long time until the disease begins to seriously progress. Therefore, checks for the absence of such infections should be carried out regularly.

Back diseases and varicose veins often affect Scorpios in old age. For them, the saying “take care of your health from a young age” is especially relevant. Hemorrhoids are another problem that Scorpios often suffer from. Women after childbirth are especially susceptible to this. Taking laxative tablets is not recommended. They only alleviate the condition, but make the situation worse. In this case, it will be much better for your health to eat protein foods.

Scorpios Diet is especially recommended. Moderation should be not only in food, but also in sexual pleasures. In order for the excretory system to function smoothly and cells to renew themselves faster, it is recommended to carry out fasting days and eat at least one day a week only with fruits and clean water.

It should be borne in mind that animal fats are dangerous to the health of Scorpios. It is necessary to limit the amount of meat consumed, and if possible, reduce it to almost nothing. Although fats cannot be completely eliminated from the diet, it is important to maintain strict moderation.

Alcohol is contraindicated for Scorpios in any form. These drinks affect their mental state. After all, Scorpios are prone to long experiences and “self-criticism,” and alcohol only intensifies this, as a consequence, sometimes leading to nervous breakdowns.

Of the vitamins, Scorpios are recommended to consume B, E, C, as well as iron throughout their lives, since anemia often disrupts their life plans.

Scorpios will be able to avoid complaining about their health for much longer if they learn to forgive (including themselves), stop accumulating grievances for a long time, and if they learn to see the positive in any situation. It is very important for them to constantly improve themselves, and You should definitely get rid of bad habits.

Scorpio's health is entirely in his control. The vital forces of Scorpio are enormous, you just need to be able to direct them in the right direction. Scorpios have a fast metabolism and, like Cancer, depends on the physical and chemical composition of the fluid in the body. This composition can change under the influence of geomagnetic factors, because Scorpios are very sensitive to these vibrations. The weak areas of his body are the reproductive organs, large intestine, appendix, urethra, tailbone. Illnesses in Scorpio adults are often the result of poor adjustment or childhood adversity. Emotional trauma in children causes nervous disorders up to hysteria.

Scorpios are prone to poisoning. They often have a violation of intracellular metabolism. Scorpios can also suffer from various tumors, including malignant ones, diseases of the circulatory system, and varicose veins. Scorpio should also protect himself from throat diseases. The heart, back, and legs are also vulnerable. In addition, Scorpios are susceptible to hepatitis, short-term seizures of epilepsy, loss of strength, and inguinal hernia. Women may suffer from menstrual irregularities and may have painful periods. Scorpios are very susceptible to infectious diseases that enter their body mainly through the nose, throat, genitals, and urinary tract.

During any epidemic, it is advisable for Scorpio to isolate himself as much as possible until the danger of infection disappears. Scorpios also easily “catch” sexually transmitted diseases. Ruling Pluto causes mysterious or rare diseases, such as hemophilia, in those born under this sign. Scorpios often show a tendency towards alcoholism and drug use. They suffer from hysteria and mental disorders, drawing everyone close to them into their world of madness. Scorpios rarely get sick, but if they do get sick, the illness is most often severe. Inflammatory processes and infections in Scorpios can occur rapidly, but they can also lurk, for the time being without showing themselves outwardly.

Scorpio is a hardy and patient patient; he endures the disease for a long time and because of this, it triggers it. Scorpios do not trust doctors, but they can actively fight the disease if they decide to undergo treatment. Scorpios recover faster if you do not panic about his illness. They have deep hidden reserves of energy that allow them to get rid of illness very quickly, especially if they are given the opportunity to rest. Fortunately, Scorpios are tenacious and recover very quickly, because... Their ability to regenerate is high. Scorpio considers himself ironclad and does not understand how others can get sick or tired. He smokes and drinks as much as he likes. When he finally gets sick, he climbs into a hole, goes to bed and drowns himself out with massive doses of medicine. Usually he recovers because he is resilient. He should exercise to remove toxins, but he prefers hunting or doing things at home: redoing something, rearranging furniture, sorting out his curiosities.

Sports activities - tennis, skiing, swimming, hiking - are the best medicine for Scorpios, who are prone to mood swings, exaltation and depression. Prevention of Scorpio diseases is, first of all, moderation in everything. Scorpios should avoid fatty foods, but they should not completely remove them from the diet. We need to look for the best option. Scorpios' diet should include meat, fish, game, eggs, nuts, soy, fresh fruits and vegetables: onions, asparagus, cabbage, figs, garlic, mustard leaves, leeks, radishes, black cherries, prunes, gooseberries. Scorpios should pay attention Special attention for runny nose and respiratory diseases, pustules on the skin. This may mean they don't have enough fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. Scorpios should also take iron supplements and iron-containing foods. Scorpio herbs - basil, nettle, wormwood, garlic.

Scorpio rules the coccyx, sacrum, internal and external genitalia, prostate, rectum and bladder. Scorpio influences sexual energy, libido and potency.

Scorpio diseases - diseases of the rectum: proctitis, paraproctitis, hemorrhoids, rectal cancer. Inflammation of the bladder, prostatitis, tumors of the prostate gland, uterus, ovaries, testicles. Sexual disorders and deviations.

The 6th sign for Scorpio is the sign of Aries: headaches and head injuries, weakening of male sexual energy, increased blood pressure.

The 7th sign for Scorpio is the sign of Taurus: diseases of the throat and nasopharynx, thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance, in women - menstruation disorders, possibly infertility.

The 8th sign for Scorpio is the sign of Gemini: nervous disorders and bronchopulmonary diseases.

The 12th sign for Scorpio is the sign of Libra: genitourinary disorders.

With a lack of energy from the sign of Scorpio, representatives of this sign may lack vital energy, activity, and courage. Violations in the sexual sphere, frigidity, impotence are possible. Since Scorpio is ruled by Mars, therefore the stones that enhance the energy of Scorpio must be primarily Martian, that is, carrying fiery energy, but since Scorpio is a sign of Water, the element of Water must also be present in the stones of this sign. Such stones include primarily fire opal, amber, and star ruby. Also favorable for Scorpio are green tourmaline, red spinel, garnet, hematite, and obsidian. Of particular note is rauchtopaz, or smoky rock crystal, which will help cope with negative energies not only for Scorpios, but also for representatives of other zodiac signs.

With an excess of energies of the Scorpio sign, its representatives may experience overflowing negative emotions, irritability, anger, jealousy, and aggressiveness. Increased sexual desire, other sexual disorders and frequent erotic dreams may also be noted. To correct and cool excess “Scorpio” energies, stones such as amethyst, aquamarine, natural sea pearls, Moonstone. Rose quartz and pink tourmaline can channel Scorpio's exuberant energies into the romantic realm, while star ruby ​​can help transform sexual energy and direct it to creative achievements. Transparent, clean cut stones such as diamond, ruby, citrine, rock crystal, etc. are undesirable with excess Scorpio energy, exceptions are aquamarine and amethyst, since they are cold in nature. Emerald will also be useful as a universal harmonizing stone for Mercury.

Scorpio is a sign of the element of Water, ruled by the planet Pluto.

Representatives of the Scorpio sign are distinguished by strong will and endurance, and intuitively sense when their health may be in any danger.

Scorpio has strong vital energy and good health. Scorpio's health has a direct connection with his psychological state - while Scorpio is cheerful and decisive, his health is normal, but as soon as you relax a little, allow fear or despondency to prevail over fortitude, symptoms of dangerous diseases immediately appear.

It is very important for representatives of this sign to learn to control their emotions, which have a tremendous impact not only on the health of Scorpio himself, but also on everyone around him. If you give free rein to negative emotions and thoughts, Scorpio will destroy your health and become weak and defenseless. In order for Scorpio to be in harmony with his consciousness and subconscious, he needs to engage in spiritual practices and temper his spirit.

It is worth noting that fasting is a panacea for many ailments, both physical and spiritual. During fasting, all vital processes in Scorpio’s body are resumed - Scorpio is “reborn”. Fasting helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins, as well as everything negative and depressing. The procedure for long-term (from 7 to 21 days) fasting should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist. And fasting short terms can be done independently. To begin with, you need to practice fasting once a week, lasting 24 hours, consuming large amounts of clean water. And only after regular one-day fasting for at least one month, proceed to fasting for a period of 3 days.

A special diet for Scorpio must be compiled very correctly, taking into account all the characteristics of this sign. Firstly, you need to take into account the “weak points” of representatives of the Scorpio sign. This is the genitourinary system, endocrine glands. For the normal functioning of these organs, you need to include in your diet foods containing sufficient amounts of protein and calcium.

Among protein-rich foods, preference should be given to lean meats, poultry and fish dishes, eggs. In the same time, a large number of meat dishes in the Scorpio diet are just as harmful to health as their absence, so plant proteins should prevail over animal ones. All types of legumes are good for Scorpios.

Calcium, necessary for restoring the epithelium and maintaining the body's natural resistance to various infections, is found in fermented milk products, parsley, sardines, shrimp, cabbage, onions, bran, and garlic.

It is worth noting that Scorpios are prone to extremes in food; they either go on a diet or consume everything in a row and in large quantities, which causes excess weight. Therefore, representatives of this sign need to engage in sports, active recreation, and, of course, plan their diet according to time.

Astrological correspondence: bladder, urinary canal, external genitalia, lower colon, rectum, prostate and anus.

He can both destroy himself with sad and angry thoughts and disregard for danger, and he can heal himself by gathering together a strong will. The vitality of a Scorpio, given to him from birth, is enormous. Scorpios rarely get sick, but if they do get sick, the illness is severe. Scorpios often have pain in: nose (chronic bleeding), throat, heart, back, legs. Diseases of the circulatory system and varicose veins are common. Due to contempt for danger, many accidents occur; Scorpios should be wary of fires, explosions, etc.

It cannot be denied that the powerful driving force in Scorpio's life is mainly psychosexual energy, but it can also manifest itself at the highest level of intelligence and spirituality (Eagle). Tierens notes that they are “subject to the influence of productive and reproductive forces as well as to degenerative forces.” Their reaction depends on how they use their potential. The Hindus, who identify sexual dynamism with the mysterious psychic current of kundalini, gathered at the base of the spine, warn that if it is not controlled, it can rush down, uniting with the lower order of consciousness. Then sensual appetites intensify and lust, perversity and secret vices take over. But when these forces are directed upward through consciousness, Scorpio acquires spirituality and takes possession of the spiritual power to transform the world. Because of this diversity of nature, Scorpio is the only sign of the Zodiac that has three different names: Scorpio, Eagle and Snake. Scorpio born under unfavorable location planets, responds to the low influences of the sign. He is secretive, malicious, poisonous, hiding in the shadows. But those who develop their minds become eagles, soaring to the heights of spirituality and human achievement. Illnesses in Scorpio adults are often the result of poor adjustment or childhood adversity. Emotional trauma in children causes nervous disorders up to hysteria. The influence of Scorpio mainly affects infectious diseases, especially those whose pathogens penetrate through the nose, throat, genitals, urinary tract and excretory system. During the outbreak of any epidemic, it is better for Scorpio to try to isolate himself until the danger of infection disappears. Weak areas of his body, to which special attention should be paid, are the reproductive organs, large intestine, appendix, urethra, tailbone. Some astrologers say that a early stage During the development of the body, the opposite sign of Scorpio, Taurus, takes away his power over the throat and larynx. Therefore, sexual activity is always reflected in the throat and voice. For the same reason, Scorpio must protect itself from chronic throat diseases, especially if the constellation complex Taurus-Leo-Scorpio-Aquarius is unfavorably located. In addition, Scorpios are susceptible to hepatitis, bladder disorders, short-term seizures of epilepsy, loss of strength, inguinal hernia, lesions of the genital organs, dilation of the spermatic veins, gonorrhea and syphilis. Women with an unfavorable placement of the Moon may suffer from menstrual irregularities. As a rule, Scorpios recover from any illness faster if there is no panic around them about the state of their health. Left to their own devices, they can reveal amazing secret reserves of energy and recover quickly if they can fully rest and look optimistically about the future.

Those born under the sign of Scorpio are very patient and resilient people. They endure for a long time and thereby trigger the disease. Doctors, as a rule, are not trusted. Scorpio's loved ones often abuse his health and overload him with their problems. And not all Scorpios turn out to be unnecessary and extreme egoists, so they must be spared and given enough rest. From a health perspective, Scorpio enjoys cycling outdoors.

Scorpios usually love to eat delicious food, but rarely know how to cook themselves, unless Venus is strong enough in the horoscope. Because they have high level blood lipids, they should avoid foods rich in fat. Although scientists do not yet know everything about the body's utilization of cholesterol, everything Scientific research in this area there is reason to believe that it creates the preconditions for heart diseases. Saturated fats (animal fats that are solid at room temperature) are especially dangerous. By removing fat from meat dishes, reducing the amount of butter, cream and cream, you can get closer to the desired balance. In addition, low-calorie foods help maintain normal weight, which is difficult to do in adulthood. A certain amount of fatty acids is still required for the body to function properly and produce bile, so a restricted diet is not the wisest decision. A critical reduction in fat intake can even cause weight gain rather than weight loss. General rule(of course, if there are no objections from medical specialists) - reduce the amount of animal fats to the norm accepted in America (no matter how we treat it..J), and supplement it with two tablespoons a day of unsaturated vegetable fats to provide the body linoleic acid. The diet should contain a lot of protein and include, in addition to vegetable oil, seafood, lean meat, game, eggs, yogurt, nuts, soybeans, and parsley. It is worth taking regular courses of vitamins C, E, group B and iron supplements. The mineral salt of Scorpio is calcium sulfate. It helps restore epithelial tissue and maintain the body's natural resistance to disease, preventing the accumulation of organic waste. Often the first sign of a deficiency of this salt is a runny nose, sinusitis, and respiratory infections. A serious deficiency can cause ulcers, pleurisy, kidney disorders and liver disease. In order for the body to receive the required amount of this element, you need to consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, only from them this salt is absorbed by the body. Its main sources: onions, asparagus, cabbage, figs, garlic, watercress, mustard leaves, leeks, radishes, black cherries, prunes, gooseberries. All inflammatory processes in Scorpio proceed quite violently, but quickly. Very unstable to poisoning. Typical diseases: diseases of the genital and reproductive organs, rectum, hemorrhoids, hepatitis; urinary tract, throat, nose; venereal diseases, infectious diseases, which penetrate through the reproductive and urinary system. During any epidemic, Scorpio better be careful until the danger of the disease disappears. Herbs that can be used for both treatment and nutrition are basil, nettle, wormwood. Plants that carry Scorpio energy are birch chaga and mushrooms. If you are constipated, it is advisable to avoid laxative tablets. They irritate and cause harm to the Scorpio body. IN best case scenario– bring symptomatic relief. The best way solutions to the problem - food high in protein, a daily cup of yogurt or 1-2 teaspoons of molasses with port wine or rum. To improve intestinal function in the acute phase, to avoid constipation and exacerbation of hemorrhoids, it is recommended daily: a handful of dried apricots, a handful of prunes, a handful of raisins, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink half a serving of infusion. Eat the second half of the infusion and fruit throughout the day. It is useful for Scorpio to cleanse their body of excess harmful substances. For three days in a row you should eat only vegetables and fruits. Everything is allowed: from vegetable soup to salad. The next three days - only protein products and carbohydrates: milk, cottage cheese, kefir, cream, cheese, meat, as well as all types of sugar, flour, oatmeal, semolina, etc. After three days you need to switch back to fruits and vegetables. Such treatment with a three-day frequency gives the greatest result if it is continued for three weeks.

The least resistance to diseases in newborns:

  • October 23 – November 1 – from January 20 to 29, from April 21 to 30, July 23 to August 3;
  • 02 – 11 November – from 30 January to 8 February, from 1 to 10 May, from 4 to 13 August;
  • November 12 - 21 - February 8 to 18, May 11 to 21, August 14 to 22.