Current location. How to find out the address of my location.

16.03.2019 Computers

If you know your exact location on the map, you can easily get the easiest route to your destination, consider nearby attractions, shops or other interesting places.

Find out the location address using the Google map service

If you are connected to the World Wide Web and use the services Google Maps, the gray indicator in the lower right corner will help you determine your location on them. Click on the round pointer and at the top left allow you to provide your coordinates to the service. Maps will instantly move the pointer to your current location.

  • If you need to walk or drive to a certain point, select the appropriate option near the input window at the top left, after writing the street name or other relevant information in it.
  • To see what is nearby on the map, click on the icon that represents you, and in the panel that appears, select “Nearby”.
  • If you don't want your location to continue to be recorded, turn off this feature in your browser settings. For Chrome, this is done like this: go to the menu at the top right, select “Settings” -> “Advanced” -> “Personal Data” -> “Content” -> “Location”. Here you can enable or disable tracking, and also always show requests of this type so that you can choose according to the current situation.

Find out the location address using a map from Yandex

The domestic search engine does not lag behind the foreign one, offering similar opportunities. To evaluate them, go to “Maps”, we also allow you to track your place (arrow button in the middle of the left side), we see ourselves in a certain area, under the letter “I”. If you hover over it and click, the name of the street and house will be displayed.

Find out the location address using 2ip services

A very useful and popular site that offers a lot of opportunities completely free of charge. Here you can find out your IP, check for its presence in spam databases, measure Internet speed, calculate who owns a website or email, and also find out where we are. To do this, follow the link to a special page that immediately identifies your IP and click the “Check” button. Since the script tracks the IP address, the information may not always be reliable. Therefore, it is better to double-check it using points 1 or 2. Another alternative option, which also provides information about some details of the Internet connection and offers the opportunity to hide your address through an anonymizer - HideMe.

Finding friends on the map

Relatively recently, Google launched a special feature that will help you determine where your friends are. To do this, they must be in the same Google+ circles and provide the service with the ability to read their coordinates. You can do this in the G+ application like this: click the arrow icon on the right and top, select “Friends on the map” from below. A list of friends who have given you permission to see them will appear as a list. The same thing can be easily done through a browser or iOS program.

If you suddenly need to find a missing person, try to do this through special settings on his phone (of course, you need to make them in advance). The device must support GPS or WIFI connection. Every major telecom provider offers such functions, or Sygic Family, Android Device Manager, Find my iPhone programs.

Your phone or tablet, using Global Positioning System satellites, or GPS, wireless networks or mobile phone, can pinpoint your location. Android and installed applications may use this information to tag photos, customize your searches, and return local information.

On Android, you can choose whether to allow access to your location, and - if so - what location tools they can use. Access to location detection for Google apps and other applications is configured separately.

  • Tap " Home" (1).
  • Tap " All applications"(2).

Attention: If the application screen displays the " Widgets", click the " tab Applications».

  • Tap " Settings"(3).

Attention: If settings are not displayed on the Apps screen, scroll the screen left or right.

  • Tap " Location determination" (4).

Attention: You may have to scroll down the screen to see the location button on your phone.

  • Tap " Find my location", as necessary, moving the switch to the On or Off position (5).

Attention: If you move the switch to the On position, a dialog box will open asking you to agree to the location. To close the dialog box, tap “I agree.”

  • Tap “select” or “disable” (6) GPS satellites as needed.
  • Tap to select or disable Wi-Fi and mobile networks (7).
  • Tap " Settings»
  • In the list of accounts, click Google (9).
  • Tap Google (12).
  • Tap " Settings».

Attention: On the location setting screen for Google apps, you can tap location and go to the location screen for other apps.

Do I have to provide location access?

It's completely up to you. Every time an app requests location access, make sure there is a good reason for doing so. Giving access to your location increases the potential of a phone or tablet, but also raises questions about privacy. For example, allowing social media apps to access your location allows your friends to keep up with your movements, but will also help bad people pursue you. It's the same with adding location information to photos, which allows you to sort them by location, which is useful. However, if you publish these photos, online location information will become known to other people.

Information on many Yandex services depends on the user’s location. For example, the Yandex main page shows the local weather forecast, posters and traffic jams in your city. Location is also taken into account in search results: if you are looking for Gym, Yandex will show you the nearest sports clubs.

If you have disabled your location, a link will appear in the search results Results nearby. You can tap it to allow access to your location and get more accurate results for your search.

You can change location access settings using the Geolocation Settings instructions.

  1. The city is determined incorrectly
  2. How to set the city manually
  3. Can't change city in settings
  4. How to reset city settings
  5. How to prevent location detection

How Yandex determines my city

Yandex can determine the location of your device in several ways:

  • By IP address

    By default, the city in which a device connected to the Internet is located is determined through the IP address of this device.

    There may be situations where the same IP address is used in different cities. Then the location that is set correctly for one user will be determined incorrectly for another user.

  • Using LBS technology

    LBS (Location-based service) technology allows you to determine a more precise location of the device:

    • By Wi-Fi access points. When your device's Wi-Fi adapter is turned on, it periodically checks the signal strength of nearby networks. The approximate location of the device can be determined if among the Wi-Fi networks there is at least one whose location is known to Yandex. For example, this could be a Wi-Fi hotspot in a nearby cafe.
    • By cellular network cell. Location mobile device determined using the cellular network cell identifier (Cell ID), within the radius of which the device is located.

    The resulting coordinates are compared with our database of the location of Wi-Fi access points and cellular cells.

None of the geo-IP solutions existing in the world does not determine your real location. All such decisions are based on registration information about IP addresses, which is entered by Internet service providers when receiving IP ranges for their use from regional registries.

This means that the accuracy of all geo-IP services directly depends on the accuracy of the information provided by providers about their networks.

In other words, geo-IP services can only guess your possible geographical location accurate to the city level in best case scenario . Thus, if you found your location in the Kremlin when using a geo-IP service, do not be surprised, these are simply the approximate coordinates of the center of Moscow, where the Kremlin is located. If you really are in the Kremlin at this moment, this does not mean at all that we really know about it.

On the other hand, each regional registry does not use a uniform format for maintaining registration information, and most of them do not even have a separate field in their data for entering information about the city. This means that the city is entered into the "address" string by providers in any form, which makes extracting the city name from such a string a difficult task. Things are further complicated by the fact that all registration information must be entered in Latin. But there are hundreds of countries and languages ​​in the world, and for each language there are only several official (standardized) rules for transliteration into Latin. This leads to the fact that the name of the same city can be written in several ways. different ways. In addition, the data contains syntactic and spelling errors. All this together leads to the fact that processing data to extract information about cities is extremely difficult and cannot always be automatically processed correctly.

For all these reasons, sometimes location accuracy only goes down to the country level.

Also, providers can register a range of addresses for their address, but serve clients from other cities, which also interferes precise definition end user location. Things are even more complicated with mobile devices.

And yet, for most existing IP addresses, the location can be determined quite accurately to the city level. But you must remember that this information not 100% accurate. And it should also be remembered that the presence of even inaccurate information is in many cases better than its complete absence.