Car deduction. How to get your income tax back when buying a car

06.01.2018 Auto/Moto

If you have already received a tax deduction when purchasing real estate, then the question may arise: “Is similar compensation provided for in a car transaction?” Cars are expensive goods. In addition, they are often purchased with borrowed funds, so any payments will be savings for drivers.

From the article we will find out whether it is possible to get a tax refund for buying a car. We’ll also figure out when the state returns 13%, what is meant by a tax deduction, how you can save and what it’s better to refuse when selling.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides benefits under certain conditions. One of them is a tax of 13%. The money can be returned if the taxpayer pays personal income tax during the calendar year. Refunds are made to those who spent the money:

  • for the acquisition or construction of real estate;
  • obtaining higher education;
  • medical procedures;
  • charity.

The list of reasons is exhaustive and does not provide for any other expenses. Thus, as you can see from the list, buying a car is not included here. This means that it will not be possible to return interest on the transaction.

But how can you save money then? How to get 13 percent back on a car purchase?

Ways to save

It turns out that there is an option to save money when purchasing and selling vehicles. But it may happen not when buying, but when selling. But when such a basis arises, let's figure it out.

This may be news to some, but for any profit that a citizen receives, he must pay tax. This rule also applies to income from the sale of a car. It turns out that the seller is obliged to pay 13 percent of the sale to the state treasury. All profit that he receives must be included in the declaration and submitted by April 30 of the following year after the one in which the payment was made. Moreover, the tax is paid no later than July 15, that is, two and a half months after the reporting deadline.

However this rule does not apply to a car that was owned for more than 3 years before sale. Therefore, there is no need to enter this data into tax return.


This period is considered in different ways. The grounds for acquiring ownership of a car are usually its purchase, as well as its receipt as an inheritance or as a gift.

Thus, when purchasing, ownership is calculated from the date of acquisition. If the car is inherited, then the period begins with the death of the testator. If the basis is considered a gift, then ownership begins from the moment the relevant agreement is signed.

Is it possible not to pay tax if you have owned the car for less than 36 months? By general rule, in this case, the tax will be calculated, and the fact of sale must be included in the tax return and submitted by April 30. But is there a way to save money? We found out that it is impossible to return 13 percent for buying a car. But what if the question concerns sales?

Subtleties of taxation

Selling for the amount for which the vehicle was purchased is, of course, the ideal option. But, in addition to this, you can save on the difference in price (from purchase and sale) of the car when paying tax. This will only be possible if the amounts do not match. However, the right will arise only if you can prove this fact. In other words, documents confirming the purchase must remain. Then the tax is not paid on the entire sale, but only on the difference.

The calculation is made as follows. They calculate the difference in prices between the price for which the car was sold and bought. The resulting number is multiplied by 13%. If the car is sold for less than it was purchased for, you do not need to pay tax. However, information about the fact of sale is indicated in the tax return if the car was owned for less than 3 years.

If there is no contract for the sale and purchase of the car, then the traffic police will take a copy of the certificate of invoice. It confirms information about expenses. This is possible, naturally, only for those cars that were purchased and not given as a gift or inherited.

Standard deduction

Currently, the tax deduction regarding movable property is set at 250 thousand rubles. This amount is not taxable. If the car was sold for an amount not exceeding 250 thousand rubles, then the tax is not paid in this case. So, you don’t have to pay anything to sell a car, for example, for 230 thousand rubles.

It should be borne in mind that a deduction of 250 thousand rubles applies to all property that was sold in one year.


When calculating taxes, also keep in mind that there is the possibility of offsets. This mechanism is implemented as follows. If last year you sold a car and bought real estate(for which, as we know, a tax deduction is due), one tax can be offset by another.

For example, a car worth one million rubles was sold, and an apartment was bought at the same cost. It turns out that you need to pay 13% for the sale of a car. However, when purchasing a home, the same amount is returned. In this case, there is no need to pay tax.

However, if you repeat this operation, the result will not be the same. The fact is that a citizen is not entitled to a tax deduction on real estate every year, as with a tax deduction in the amount of 250 thousand rubles, but only once in his life. Therefore, if you have already exercised your right once, next time you will have to pay the tax in full.

Illegal savings

To avoid paying taxes, sometimes car owners commit serious offenses. Some, out of ignorance or intentionally, simply do not indicate information about the sale of the car in the declaration. However, such an approach can hardly be called constructive. After all, upon disclosing the fact of sale, you will have to pay not only the required 13 percent, but also penalties for the delay, as well as a fine for the fact that the declaration was not submitted on time.

Others, trying to save money, indicate a price below 250 thousand rubles. It is clear that the purpose in this case is to try to avoid tax. However, such actions are illegal. If the deal is canceled or the information reaches law enforcement agencies in some other way, then problems await the violators.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that indicating such an amount will “backfire” for buyers. If he decides to sell the car, his income will be significantly higher than his expenses. As a result, he will have to pay a large tax. Thus, it is better to abandon such fishing.

We hope that you will no longer have the question: “How to get 13 percent back for buying a car?” In addition, now you know how you can save money when selling it. Study the laws! Then the savings will become truly economical.

Tax law Russian Federation provides for the right of a citizen to a refund of income tax if he purchases certain property, even in situations where it is taken on credit.

In this regard, many people have a question: is it possible to get a tax deduction when buying a car? About this and we'll talk in this article.

First of all, you should know what a tax deduction is. So, a property tax deduction is a certain amount of money, which in some cases is returned to the buyer’s account. It is equal to the value of the tax that is levied on the acquired property. A tax deduction in 2017 is provided in the following situations:

  • when purchasing property up to 2 million rubles using your own funds;
  • when purchasing property up to 3 million rubles on credit;
  • in case of sale or assignment of property or rights to it, the value of which is up to 1 million rubles.

Does this mean that when purchasing a car there is an opportunity to get income tax back? Unfortunately no. The fact is that in the Tax Code, among the list of property for which a tax deduction is provided, a car does not appear, and in 2017, no changes were made to the code in this regard.

There is another pressing question on this topic. Is it possible to get income tax back if the car was purchased on credit? Tax legislation clearly defines situations when it is possible to return income tax on property taken on credit. Tax deduction is due in the following cases:

  • to pay off a loan taken out for the purchase of your own home or for its construction;
  • to pay off a loan that was taken to pay for another loan for the purchase of your own home or its construction.

In 2017, no changes were made to this part of the code. From this we can draw a simple conclusion that if you bought a car on credit, you will not be able to return income taxes.

Is there a tax deduction when alienating a car?

Many people are concerned about the question: is there a tax deduction when selling a car? In just such a situation, the owner of the car can get a certain amount of money back. However, there are some conditions tax deduction relevant in 2017 are:

  • the vehicle must be owned by the seller for more than 3 years;
  • the vehicle must not be used for commercial purposes;
  • the price of the car should not exceed 250 thousand rubles, but this will have to be documented;
  • When concluding a transaction, an agreement on the alienation of the car and its acquisition by another person must be signed; if there is no such agreement, then the owner of the car cannot claim a tax deduction when selling the car.

In these situations, you do not have to pay income tax on the sale of the car. If a car owner has owned a car for less than three years, then he is required to fill out a declaration (form 3-NDFL), which must indicate the exact amount for which he is selling his vehicle. If it exceeds the initial amount that the car owner paid for the car, then he is required to pay income tax in the amount of 13% of the cost of the car. However, in some situations he can get these funds back, and how exactly will be discussed further.

How to get a tax deduction when selling a car owned for less than 3 years

To receive a tax deduction in 2017 for a car owned for less than 3 years when selling it, several conditions must be met simultaneously:

  • have Russian citizenship;
  • have photocopies of documents that prove ownership of the car. These include the PTS and the vehicle registration certificate;
  • have a transaction agreement for the alienation of a car;
  • have financial document, which proves receipt of money for the sold car. This could be a receipt, payment order, etc.

In addition, when alienating a car that has been owned for less than 3 years, its owner should:

  • determine the tax base;
  • calculate personal income tax from the amount from the alienation of the car;
  • before April 30, 2017 (if the vehicle was alienated in 2017), submit a tax return to the tax service;
  • before July 15, 2017 (if the vehicle was alienated in 2017) pay personal income tax.

Thus, we can conclude that a tax refund when buying a car is impossible, but when alienating a car, in some cases, income tax can be refunded.

The information on the site is current in 2016; to find out the latest information for August 2017, fill out the form below ⇓⇓⇓.

Income from car sales in in this case not subject to tax. If you have owned the car for less than 3 years, things are a little more complicated. In any case, you should fill out and submit the 3-NDFL declaration, even if you have no tax to pay. The tax will be 13% of the difference between the amount from the sale of the car and the costs of purchasing it. And if the expenses are greater than or equal to the amount from the sale, then there will be no tax at all. Example 1.

Personal income tax refund when buying a car on credit

, as well as a tax deduction in the amount of 1,000 rubles for each month of the tax period for each child of the taxpayer, which is valid until the month in which the income exceeded 280,000 rubles (clause 4, clause 1, article 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, the standard deductions include the deductions established by paragraphs. 1 and 2 paragraphs 1 art. 218 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Standard tax deductions are provided to the taxpayer by one of the tax agents who are the source of payment of income, at the taxpayer’s choice based on his written application and documents confirming the right to such tax deductions. Such deductions include, in particular, the property tax deduction provided for in paragraphs.

Car sales tax

In the process of studying this article, you will learn how to determine the amount of tax on the sale of any car and will be able to easily calculate the amount of contributions to the state for Yenisei cars. The personal income tax is currently 13 percent. In relation to Yenisei brand cars, the amount of income tax is: 450,000 * 0.13 = 58,500 rubles. Agree, the amount is quite impressive.

Property deduction when buying a car

As you can see, there is no car on this list. The property deduction, as the name suggests, applies to property, but real estate. Buying a car has nothing to do with treatment or education either. Therefore, a tax refund when purchasing a car in 2015 is not possible. If the car costs less than 250 thousand rubles (this amount is indicated in the purchase and sale agreement), the owner does not pay tax.

Tax refund when buying a car: is there a tax deduction?

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the property tax deduction applies only to real estate - an apartment, a cottage, the construction of a residential building, the purchase of land for the development of individual housing. There is NO tax deduction when purchasing a car. That is, it is impossible to reduce the tax base for personal income tax (the income received by the taxpayer during the year) by the amount spent on the purchase of a car.

If the car has been owned for more than 3 years (36 months from the date of the contract), then the citizen is exempt from paying tax. When selling a car that has been owned for less than 3 years.

Is it possible to get 13 percent back on a car purchase?

Despite the fact that returning 13% in this case is “not supposed”, the owner may not pay taxes when selling the vehicle, provided that it has been his property for more than three years. Here you do not need to pay any taxes when selling. Moreover, sellers who have owned property for more than three years have had the right not to file a personal income tax return since 2010. Consequently, if property (in our case, a vehicle) that has served the owner for less than three years is sold, then the amount received from the transaction can be reduced through a tax deduction (before 2009 - 125,000, after - 250,000 rubles).

Having examined the 3-NDFL tax return and other documents necessary for the return of income tax, the relevant authorities make a decision on the refund of the tax withheld in favor of the budget of the Russian Federation. Such forms of tax benefits as social deductions (deductions for education, insurance, treatment, voluntary health insurance) and property deductions (for housing transactions) are provided only if income tax was charged on income at a 13% rate. The set of documents submitted for compensation does not contain everything necessary.

Deputies propose returning 13% of the price when buying a car

rubles, that is, when buying a car, Russians will be able to return no more than 65 thousand rubles. Wherein
“repeated provision of tax deductions is not allowed”
. It is assumed that no additional funds from the budget will be required, since the tax deduction should be carried out from funds allocated for the implementation of the state program
“Development of industry and increasing its competitiveness”
for 2012–2020.

Blue buckets: The term - domestic cars - needs to be narrowed down!

Therefore, it is necessary to clearly define the list of cars that will be sold under this program. So that those of them who are assembled from ready-made vehicle kits and have low level localizations were not included in this program. Otherwise, the program will essentially support not domestic producers, but the same foreign workers,” Shkumatov warned in a conversation with NSN. Deputies believe that the maximum deduction amount should be limited to 500 thousand.

RњРѕР¶РЅРѕ ли получить налоговый вычет РїСЂРё RїРѕРєСѓРїРєРµ RјР°С€Р eРЅС‹ РІ 2017 РіРѕРґСѓ

ПриобретенРеРµ автомобиля РІ ннашей стране РЅРµ СЏРІР»СЏРµС‚СЃС Џ РїРѕРІРѕРґРѕРј для налогоор±Р»РѕР¶РµРЅРёСЏ. Следовательно, РЅРекакко… налоговых вычетов, РѕСЃСѓС‰РµС ЃС‚вляемых Ременно РІ сфере RїСЂРёРѕР±СЂРµС‚ения S‚ранспортного средства, РЅРµ может быть. RљРѕРЅРµС‡РЅРѕ, вычет RјРѕР¶РµС‚ быть RїСЂРµРґРѕСЃС‚авлен гражданам, которые приобрели определ енное Ремущество.

Is it possible to get a tax refund when buying a car and how to do it

Mortgage interest payments also fall into this category.

After purchasing a car, you should keep all the papers drawn up at the conclusion of the transaction. This applies to a sales contract, a receipt for payment or a receipt for funds from the owner of a used car. A complete set of documents will help you sell a car without taxes (which a citizen is obliged to pay when receiving any kind of income) no earlier than three years later.

Income tax refund, tax benefits and deductions 2017

The period allotted for all these actions is three months from the date of submission of the payer’s application. The amount of the tax benefit is determined by the type of deduction on the basis of which it is granted. There are limits on the amounts that can be refunded to the taxpayer. If the basis for an income tax refund is the purchase of real estate, then you can return no more than 260 thousand rubles if mortgage- up to 13% of the interest amount, and if training or treatment - no more than 15,600 rubles for yourself and 6,500 rubles for each child.
  • You received income under an employment or civil contract from another individual or organizations that should not withhold tax from you, that is, are not tax agents for personal income tax (Article 24, clauses 1, 2 of Art.
  • You received income from abroad.

    Our company will help you submit your reports.

    Tax deduction for buying and selling a car: procedure for obtaining

    If you are counting on receiving a tax deduction when alienating a vehicle, first let's determine how long you owned the vehicle you sold. vehicle: You have owned a car for more than 3 years. The entire amount you receive from the sale is “preferred” and not subject to tax. In this case, there is not even a need to fill out the 3-NDFL declaration. You have owned a car for less than 3 years.