Manager's diary sample of record keeping. Paper diary or mobile phone. Types of diaries - which one to choose

12.08.2018 This is interesting

Throughout the day, you have a lot of things to do, and you forget to do many of them. To prevent this from happening again, we recommend starting a diary. Thanks to him, you will always accomplish what you have planned for the day.

Advantages of the diary:

  • Now you will not forget about both important and unimportant matters.
  • If you need the information you need, you simply open the page you need from last week or month.
  • You will learn to plan your day correctly.
  • You will become disciplined and develop a healthy habit.
  • You will strive for your goals and objectives, because now they will always be before your eyes.

Have you never had a diary? In this case, you must definitely learn how to use it correctly. It depends on this how you plan your day and whether you will be able to accomplish all the most important things. He will become your personal assistant and in 1-2 weeks you simply will not be able to live without him! Now you don’t need to remember everything, just write it down in a notepad.

It's usually easier to alternate workweeks with long weekends that turn into mini-holidays. Where, where is the summer of the past? 🙂. Thinking about shorter holidays and mornings and evenings on the subway, I thought it would be fun to have a list of travel journal books that would put us into a different context and help us get rid of our anxiety. So one day he came to me, with the sun, the idea of ​​writing a list of 10 trips to read on the way to the office. The second volume of Raluca Feher's travels to South America presents random and funny adventures in Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia.

Step 1. First of all, you need to buy it. To make you want to fill it, choose an interesting design that will lift your spirits. The main condition is that you like the notebook. If its design annoys you, you will immediately throw it away and definitely not make notes in it.

Step 2. Design of a notepad. To make every day unique and memorable, make small sketches in the corner of each sheet or simply glue stickers. You can also use different colored markers.

People and crazy situations, exotic landscapes and the desire to “take your world into your head.” This may make you not want to go to the office :) Raluca Fehr is a rocker written for at least two reasons. One: they work in advertising, where the words are shouted and punched from the heel. Two: in the usual literature called “The Journey,” the blues does not invite blood to the bloody, but to the picot. Because you write when you write, but also because you also keep an eye on visas. Bill Bryson is a wonderful storyteller and an encyclopedic culture that filled me with envy.

Step 3. Distribution of cases. Things can be important and not so important. Write down those that need to be done first in the top positions for a specific day or week. Secondary ones are on the bottom lines.

It would also not hurt to list the most important things you need to do at the beginning of the month and week. You can fill out the diary in the morning, before you start doing things. You can also do this the night before, and in the morning just open a notepad and start your day

The Appalachian Trail, one of the longest mountain trails in the world, crosses 14 states over 400 kilometers along the American east coast. Keen to take in the magnificent scenery along this route, Bill Bryson and his friend Steven Katz decided to walk from one end to the other. They start in Georgia in the south and end in Maine, but they don't even follow their original plan. Bears, bombs, snakes, poisonous plants and the disease-causing insects they might encounter along the route would hamper ordinary people, but not the ambitious explorer Bill Bryson.

Step 4. Phone numbers- an important section that should also be in the diary. You should not trust them only to your mobile phone, because it can get lost or break. Be sure to write down important numbers in a notebook; allocate several pages for this at the beginning or end of the diary.

Although he has poor map drawing, terrible weather conditions and a terrible companion, he does his best to overcome obstacles and fulfill what he says is his life's goal: not to die in the wild. In the middle of summer, it's an exercise to imagine your polar cold, especially if you're on public transport. And you don't have air conditioning. And all the windows are closed. And the car gets stuck in motion.

This magazine is a fascinating story about Fridtjof Nansen's expedition to the North Pole. The author alternates scientific observations and diaries with photographs and drawings, but also records the deepest experiences that haunted the young explorer in the frozen realms of the frozen North.

Useful tips for keeping a diary:

  • Only you should fill it out, never trust it to anyone else.
  • In order not to spend half an hour searching for the desired page, make or buy a cardboard bookmark
  • Write down important things as soon as you remember them, because in half an hour you may forget the necessary information
  • When your diary is finished and you need to start a new one, copy all the important information into it.
  • Aphorisms. In order to be more erudite, we recommend writing down 1 saying per day on each page. This great way learn something new.
  • Circle important goals and objectives with a red marker, minor ones with green or blue, as desired.
  • In order not to be late and have time to get everything done, put next to each task a certain period of time that you are ready to allocate for its completion.
  • Adjust the plan, if there are any changes - add notes on the bottom lines.
  • At the end of each week and month, note which tasks you did not manage to complete and why. Make them a priority and complete them in the coming days.
  • Plan wisely. If you plan too many things for the day, you may not have time to complete them. That is why we advise you to plan things wisely, distribute tasks wisely.
  • There's nothing wrong with being a little late. Various events and unforeseen situations occur throughout the day, so you may deviate slightly from the original plan.

Thanks to the diary, you will notice that your life has changed dramatically - you will become much more responsible and efficient. The changes will affect both your work and personal life- after all, you will take small steps towards success.

Already in its 5th edition, Mihai Barbu's book was a real editorial phenomenon from several points of view. First of all, in terms of content: apart from the text, the photographs are truly exceptional and the graphics are of excellent quality. Secondly, the project itself: to finance a motorcycle trip to Mongolia, Mihai Barbu started a project that was very successful. To get the money he needed, he divided himself into "plots", and those who bought a piece offered them the paintings and the story associated with them.

Over 500 incredible images and many pages of story in 43 letters. Thus, Mihai divided his route into sections of 500 kilometers and, in exchange for 50 euros for each section sold, offered buyers: the history and photographs taken along this section of the road, the name of each written on a sticker and stuck on Doyle's windshield. Bonus: pebbles from each story.

How to keep a diary: video

Here you will see how to properly keep your diary and what you should pay attention to when planning your day.

Why do we need diaries? To make your life easier, make it
easier, without loading the brain on everyone at the same time. They help us clearly and
consistently complete tasks without getting confused and without being scattered about everything at once.
Faithful helpers in any case, they are easy to use, for this it is enough
just have a pen and a little imagination. I recommend you also read this
article -, we can say that these two
The articles complement each other.

Laurence Osborne is perhaps one of the most erudite travelers and modern drinkers, and this story he tells is an attempt to resolve what he calls "a personal crisis, a private curiosity" by taking a few months to "get rid of" after a series of alcoholic episodes. Beyond the declarative level, the unspoken question remains: what can he learn from countries that have banned alcohol? The answer is a fascinating dive into a complex carousel of ideas and hypotheses from the oldest, about how we conceptualize the functioning of the two worlds we call East and West, about pleasure and the struggle between drinking and not drinking, the ritual of drinking when you want, where you want, either in a beer factory in Pakistan, a vineyard outside Beirut, brothels along the Malaysia-Thailand border, the eastern Scottish islands or New Year in Oman.

Ideas are shattered by reality

Every day we do a lot of things, and we can often forget something.
It could be a trifle or an important meeting. Why was this fact forgotten?
There are two reasons: they wanted to forget and could not keep it in their heads along with a hundred other things.

In order not to miss an important event, we write it in a diary, on a magnet.
refrigerator, put it into the phone’s memory. It just doesn't help much.
Often attention is paid to them only after the fact. Then the man picks up
notebook or notepad and begins to write down everything there, highlighting it with numbers
or dashes. And even in this case, he still forgets to look at the piece of paper,
because everything there is monotonous and boring.

A brutal, honest, disarming story. A book to read at any time, preferably with a pause of 18. Alain de Botton is a great master who gives lessons on how things are done. In fact, he also created a school on this issue. His latest book, translated into Romanian, teaches us how to travel more energetically.

A small action seems to bring us as much happiness as travel: packing your luggage and going somewhere far from home, to a place with different customs, climate, landscapes. However, although we are inundated with advice on where we should travel, we often wonder why we should go to a certain place and how our travels can be as satisfying as possible. The perfect antidote to guides who tell us what to do when we get there, The Art of Travel tries to teach us the real reasons why we travel to certain places and, in addition, suggests how we can make more successful trips.

Planning and psychology

So what's the deal? The answer to this question was found by psychologists. Many people
simply not able to control their activities constantly. To learn
something new, you should get out of your comfort zone, which is fraught with inconvenience.
For some people, this is enough to try to get up not on the right leg in the morning, but on the

The truth is that he is an original guy and even a good guy, and his advice can be useful. Grylls Bear was always looking for great adventures. He grew up on a windswept island on the coast of England, where he learned from his father that he sailed the seas and climbed cliffs from an early age. It wasn't long before the little explorer snuck into all-night mountaineering expeditions. Then, as a student at the prestigious Eton College, Bear became a living sensation through mountaineering and martial arts.

The bear broke his back in three places in a parachute accident in Africa. Doctors don't give him any more chance to leave. But here, just 18 months later, just 23 years old, Bear becomes one of the youngest climbers to escalate Everest. And this is just the beginning of his unprecedented adventures in the world. This book brings us a thrilling tale of a life of courage, courage and power that should not be missed by any adventure enthusiast. Young Ernesto Guevara, a medical student, and his friend Alberto Granado, a graduate of chemistry and biology, are on a long journey through South America, inspired by charitable feelings.

It is not enough just to know how to keep a diary correctly, you also need to
adapt the information to suit you. To do this, you need to understand why each
action and whether it is suitable in this situation. Because depending on the goals these
planners can take different forms.

Experts in the field of psychology and pedagogy strongly recommend
Accustom yourself to taking notes gradually. First you should just buy a notebook
or a notepad where you can simply write down everything you need. For example,
household list or plans for the day.

What for others might have been the culmination of a life meant only the beginning for the one who would become El Che, the symbol of the Cuban and Bolivian revolutionary movement, and the rebel image adopted by many young people over time. His redistribution will radically change his way of thinking: convinced that the modest need is not for his scientific knowledge, but for a leader who asserts and defends his interests, Ernesto abandons his studies and decides to change the course of American history.

In some parallel world, in an isolated country and temporarily suspended by an authoritarian and controversial political regime, humans have somehow managed to keep their innocence and happiness “intact” in a consumer-based economy. In the absence of cars, technology and speed, locals dance in the streets, sing and laugh. Cuba continues the story of the Cubans, people who know how to enjoy the sun, water, music and all the little things around them. Here life follows a natural course and passes slowly, serenely, without fear, stress or irritation.

Be sure to take notes daily. It would be better to start by planning your day,
having written down the upcoming affairs for the next 24 hours. At the end of the day you have to cross it off
completed and see how well the time was spent. The more
The points crossed out, the more productive it was. If one is crossed out
point, don't despair. You just need to transfer all unfulfilled tasks to
the next day. And so on until they are crossed out in the daily plan
all lines.

You will laugh, sing, dance and love when you do. Cuba continues with a carefully prepared set of two people who were in Cuba and "saw the same thing", only one is expressed in photographs, the other in words. Cuba continues the carefully crafted book and is more than a photojournalism plot: the authors have a sort of "monographic view" of the Cubans, packaged in pseudo-tourism. Now have you heard of self-hypnosis? Our brain is capable of many things and can solve any disease.

It is more difficult for a person to imagine in the mirror tonight what he wants to look like. He will see his clothes hundreds of times every day. It's her choice where she hangs where she spends most of its time. If he spends a lot of time at work, and the boss's permit may be hanging on the spot or at home in the closet or bathroom. Who wants to open an agenda 100 times to get them to focus on it?! The easiest way is to write all the goals and be a nice, colorful piece of paper.

IN in this case simple motivation is involved. It will be even more useful if
Some recordings will be sketched. For example, a route or
task icon. This makes it easier to perceive and remember what you see.

It is also advised not to pile a lot of things on yourself at once. It's worth starting with the most
significant events and gradually increase their number, moving across
descending to smaller matters. This way a habit will be developed
Regularly check and supplement what you have written.

That paper still hangs in her where she can see it all day. Wear your nose and read it endlessly. Paper is easier because you can make copies and work, in the bedroom, in the bathroom. To be true, we can't just let the brain do everything, but we have to work. Goals should be realistic and start working towards them. Do you want to lose? this is the right diet for you and you will see that it will have a different effect now that you have set your brain up in a positive way and it has helped you. Negativism always pushes us away from all the efforts we make.

Now in more detail

For each operating principle given there are several important additions,
which are also important to consider when choosing a diary and how to maintain it. All
they represent a set of interrelated principles for selecting “paper”
friend”, developed by more than one generation of users of various ages and
views. That is, they have a completely unified, generalized character.

Many people do not come to life, but everything has a psychic root. It helps a lot to do some sessions with a psychologist who can guide you through the past and see what trauma caused you to eat. No fat person was happy. Everyone has something to do with them. Eating can be very stress-based or self-punishing. In vain she says: “I grew up eating a lot of pizza” when psychological reason still exists. If the person in question knows exactly what is affecting her, she can help herself or others by calling a psychologist.

1. Choosing a diary. First of all, you need to decide on your target
appointment. Depending on the specifics of what is being recorded, the notepad can be
lined, divided into cells, or completely empty. For creative
a clean person will suit you, but it is optimal to plan business and meetings in
"cells". It is important to remember about the external design, since pleasant
associations will help optimize the start of working with it.

Perhaps the person has no friends or knowledge. Support 2 simple rules and keep a diary in your head. Well, if you just install the brain, but you don't work, it's in vain. And you say in the last point not to see food as a reward, but basically she can still afford dessert. This is why it is important to have a good diet. If you recommended the Corrie diet of shaarma, bread, pasta, pork steak and the horror of hormone injected chicken, no one would ever lose weight.

U healthy person there should be a fat percentage somewhere between 20 and 28. A 100 kg person has both. He touched it too when he saw it. On the contrary, voluntarily use hormones and give the whole body over your head. Contains grains that are not good for the body. Eat small portions. Try not to make potatoes, don't use oil.

2. Type of diary. Depending on what is planned, it may be
dated for days, weeks, months, or have only empty fields for this. Same
important because sometimes it is difficult to fit one event into the allotted line.

3. Planning method. Tasks can be distributed both by time and by
degree of importance, arrange them in a hierarchy or group them according to other

4. Designations. It is necessary to develop your own color system
highlighting and schematic designation for each item so as not to get confused
endless lines.

5. Important events. At the beginning of the diary, be sure to attach a piece of paper where
all important events for the year ahead will be marked (birthdays,
holidays, general meetings).

6. Data in reserve. Finally, you definitely need to select several sheets in
a reserve where names, dates, numbers and addresses will be recorded.

So we have looked at the main ways of how to keep a diary schematically and
at the same time, do not get confused, starting from the very basics and gradually “accumulating” with new ones
skills. Now you can safely begin to manage it and not be afraid of anything, because under
There are such wonderful instructions at hand!