How to find out your phone number. How can subscribers of MTS, Tele2 and other operators find out their number? How to find out your MTS number

29.09.2018 Cell phones

Do you remember the times when cell phones had already been invented, but only very rich people could afford them? In those times home phone was considered the ultimate dream. Today it is not even clear how we could manage without a mobile phone, because it was impossible to find a person if he was not at home. Today, everything has changed - we can call our friends or loved ones at any time and talk to them as much as our heart desires, because mobile communications are downright cheap.

Many people have been using one SIM card for so long that they often simply forget what number they have. So you meet your old friend on a walk, want to exchange numbers and realize that you forgot the treasured 11 digits. What to do? What should I do? The simplest option is to call a friend’s phone from your phone. But what to do if you need to find out the number right now, but there is no one nearby or your phone simply runs out of money, so you can’t call anyone? More on this below.

Let us immediately note that today we will only talk about the most popular operators mobile communications.


The first company on our list is Megafon.

  • Firstly, you can call customer support. To do this, dial 0500 and wait for the operator to respond. Unfortunately, the wait can take up to half an hour or more, so we recommend using the following method.
  • Dial *127# on the keypad and press the call button. After a few seconds, your phone will receive the required combination of numbers in an SMS message. As far as we know, this service is paid and costs 1 ruble.
  • The third option is to use the Service Guide. This is the subscriber’s personal account, in which he can make various changes regarding the tariff plan, as well as find out all kinds of information. However, there is one catch - you can only get into your account if you know your mobile number.


According to official data, each MTS subscriber can solve this problem using three different solutions.

  • First. From your phone, dial the following key combination *111*0887# and press the call button. After some time (usually it takes no more than a minute), you will receive an SMS in which you will see the treasured numbers. If the message does not arrive, repeat the procedure.
  • Second. You can call the company's support service using the short number 0887. However, there is one problem - it is almost impossible to get through quickly, so you will need to wait for the operator's response.
  • Third. There is a so-called MTS mobile portal, which is automatically activated when you insert a SIM card into your phone. Go to the “My Data” section and select “My Number”. The service is free.


  • The first option is to dial *111# on the keyboard, press the call button and in the menu that appears, select My Beeline - My data - My number and wait for the SMS message.
  • The second option is to dial *110*10#, send a call and wait for the treasured SMS with the phone number.
  • Option three - call the support service at 0611 and wait for the operator to respond.

Tele 2

Last on our list is a Swedish telecommunications company that entered the Russian market in 2001. It is distinguished by its low cost and good quality of communication, but this operator is still not available in Moscow, although there is a high probability that it will soon appear in the capital.

  • In order to find out the number on Tele2, you can use only one method. Dial the key combination *201# and press the call button. Your number will be shown on the phone screen. However, you can always contact the support service by calling 611.

Not all people can boast of perfect memory. Sometimes we cannot even remember our own date of birth right away, let alone our mobile number. Are there any proven ways to remember him at the most important moment? How to find out your phone number if you have forgotten it?

Everything ingenious is simple

For some reason, not everyone immediately realizes to just call someone. Today, all phones support the function of automatic number identification for an incoming call (unless, of course, you have a Caller ID connected). The easiest way is to send an SMS or call someone who is near you. Don’t be shy about this even if you need to add a new friend to your phone book. Admit your forgetfulness and ask your interlocutor to dictate his mobile number first. If you are in splendid isolation and want, for example, to top up your account through the terminal, call any friend or relative whose number you have written down. But still, this method of finding out your phone number is not available in all situations.

If your operator is Beeline

Like any other operator, Beeline is always ready to remind its forgetful subscribers of their phone number. To do this, just go to personal internet account, if you have it connected to this SIM card. The call number is 067410, the call is free. Using the autoinformer, you can find out not only your number, but also many other things. useful information. There is also a tone dialing command - *110*10#, if you find it difficult to remember such a long combination of numbers, dial *110#. After pressing the call key, a menu will open in which you can easily select the item you are interested in. There is another way to find out your phone number on Beeline - you need to select the appropriate item in the operator’s menu (this is a separate section in the general phone menu).

If your operator is Megafon

Megafon subscribers can call the general information center at 0500. Next, you need to follow the answering machine prompts and, by moving the device to, select the sections of interest. The call is free, but if your account is negative, you won’t be able to get through. There is also a short combination - *127# and a call key. After typing it, you will receive an SMS message or the answer will be displayed on your screen. Please note, depending on the current tariff plan, the service may be paid. Megafon also has an Internet service that allows each subscriber to create a personal account. Now you know how to find out your phone number from this operator.

How can subscribers of MTS, Tele2 and other operators find out their number?

If you have MTS, a call to 0887 will help you remember your number. In roaming, the service may be paid. There is also a command - *111*0887#, exit to the main menu - *111#. For Tele2, the command is *201#, the number will immediately appear on the screen, the service is available even with a negative balance. “Life:)” subscribers can use one of two commands - *115# or *147#. In the first case, information about the number and tariff will be received, in the second - only about the number. From almost any operator you can get information about your number and account status by calling the main reference number. Sometimes you need to make several transitions to the menu, but if you listen carefully to the prompts, it is not difficult at all. Also, almost all operators have online services through which you can access many services. You can almost always find out your number through them. As you can see, everything is relatively simple. It is much more difficult, for example, to find out whose number cell phone, if you found the device.

How to stop forgetting your number?

The easiest way is to save a contact with your number in your phone. If you don't want to overload your notebook, save the required combination of numbers in notes or draft messages. Some devices have a menu item detailed information about the phone. As a rule, the SIM card number is also displayed in it. Accordingly, if you pull it out and insert another one, you will be able to see a different number. If you often exchange contacts with people, it is useful to order business cards. After this, you will not have to worry about whether you can find out the phone number from the operator; it will be enough to carry one card in your wallet. For those who regularly use a notepad or organizer, the best reminder will be the contact written down on the first page. But still the most reliable and The best way save yourself from forgetting - learn a combination of numbers. Place a sticker on the wall near your workplace and re-read your number several times. You can come up with some associations for each number. You can use traditional or personal meanings, so “13” can be both the “devil’s dozen” and your birth number. If you wish, you can even compose a short story or poem in which your number will be encrypted. But if you do forget it, now you know what to do to remember it. And it doesn’t matter at all which operator you use.

If you are bothered by calls from an unfamiliar number, then you have several ways to find out the phone number of the offender: call details, special caller ID services from your mobile operator, some tricks without additional options. In cases where anonymous calls require urgent investigation, it is better not to waste time, but to contact the nearest communication center immediately so that scammers cannot take advantage of your situation. Please note that some operator number identification services are paid. You will learn more about these options in this article.

How to find out a hidden number from any telecom operator

Almost every telecom operator has a service that prohibits unknown calls to your number. These options show the caller's number, even if he hid it using the AntiAon service. Each operator has its own prices for this service, however, by activating it, you will be able to see absolutely all incoming numbers.

How to find out a hidden Tele2 number

To connect the determinant, use the USSD command:

  • *210*1#Call_key.

Unfortunately, you can find out the exact price of the determinant only by calling the operator’s hot number, or in a Tele2 communication store, since the cost depends on the region.

How to find out a hidden Megafon number

Send an empty message to number 5502. You will receive a response asking you to confirm your intention. Follow the instructions on your phone screen.

Another way is to send a USSD request *502#.
The cost of the determinant is 1,500 rubles per month.

How to find out a hidden number on Beeline

This telecom operator also has two ways to obtain caller ID:

  • Call to a special number.
  • USSD command.

You can find out the prices for your region by following the link to the company’s official website Select your city and find out the prices.

Dial *110*061# and follow the instructions.

Or call 067409061 and listen to all the instructions from the subscriber informant.

How to find out a hidden MTS number

Order this service from mobile operator MTS can be done in person at a communication salon, on the company’s official website or in the application’s personal account.

Go to the “Services” tab and turn on the “Caller ID” slider. This option reveals all hidden numbers only between MTS subscribers, however, you will have to find out the numbers of other telecom operators in other ways.

How to find out a hidden number using details

Any mobile operator provides a detailing service on its official website.

  • Remember the day when you received a call from an unknown number.
  • Contact the company's office or go to the operator's official website.
  • Order call details for a specified period.

Usually, this service provided within 24 hours after request. You will see absolutely all the numbers that called you, as well as those that you called yourself. The service can be provided either free of charge or for a low fee.

You can easily see an anonymous number if you have activated the “They called you” service. It is available in all mobile systems without exception. Its essence is that you receive an SMS notification when calls arrive on your phone when it is out of reach.

If an anonymous subscriber calls you regularly around the same time, just turn off the phone, and when you turn it on, you will receive an SMS notification with his number.

This service is free and, as a rule, is activated immediately on all phones. Check if you have it. To do this, go to mobile app your telecom operator and scroll through the list of connected services.

Hello friends! Today I will digress from the topic of setting up computers, reviewing browsers or analyzing errors. Last weekend I was faced with a situation that many people do not know trivial things about their mobile phones and are completely helpless even when they need to find out their mobile number.

For example, you bought a Beeline SIM card in one of the communication stores, or maybe you have had a card from this operator for a long time. You forgot the cherished ten digits of the number or simply haven’t learned them yet. One way or another, a reasonable question arises: what is my phone number?

There are a few simple ways How to find out your phone number from the Beeline telecom operator. In this article I will look at the main 6 options:

1.1. As easy as pie

If you are a responsible person and keep all documents at home, then you definitely have starter envelope(or an agreement with the operator) which contains all the information: your number, PIN code, emergency numbers.

1.2. Call a friend

Challenge a friend and ask to dictate your number, which will be determined when you call. You can write it down in the special “my number” field in your phone settings. Almost all modern smartphones have this feature.

1.3. How to find out your Beeline number using the USSD command

One of the most convenient and simplest options is using USSD request. Don't be scared by this abbreviation. USSD is just a standard service for any mobile network that allows you to quickly interact with the operator through short messages.

So, for the Beeline network, a key combination is used *110*10# , after which you only need to press the call key on your phone. After a short wait, a message about the execution of the application will appear on the screen, and then all the necessary information. This service is free and has no usage limit. This way you can find out your number, even if there are no funds on the SIM card. Usually this number is already stored in the SIM card memory under the name “Balance”.

IMPORTANT! This method is not suitable for corporate rates.

1.4. How to find out your number via SMS

Dial a number on the keyboard 067410 and press the call key. The operator's answering machine will record the call and send a message with your number in response. Save it so you don’t waste time again later.

1.5. Using service numbers

One of the ways to get your number is also call to customer service center. You can use this if other methods are not available to you at the moment. Dial 0611 from your mobile phone and press “call”. Wait for the operator to respond (usually very quickly).

Be prepared for the fact that you may be asked to give the code word (it is usually included in the contract with the communication provider when it is concluded) or passport details if the code word is not available (forgot, lost the contract).

You can use this method even if the SIM card has not been used for a long time and is blocked.

You can also dial the number 8 800 700 00 80 and "challenge". This is the number of the general Beeline call center. In the answering machine, select the desired section, you will be connected to an operator. You can ask him a question about the number or any other service of the operator.

1.6. Personal Area

To use your personal account, you will have to quickly register on the official Beeline website - Each time you visit, you will receive an SMS with a one-time password on your phone. Not very convenient, but safe. Here you can not only find out your balance, but also see your tariff plan, change it if necessary, connect or disconnect various services from the operator, control your expenses, get a detailed account statement and much more.

2. How to find out your Beeline number on your tablet?

The easiest way is move SIM card from tablet to mobile phone and use any of the tips above.

If this is not possible or you simply don’t want to take out the SIM card, then go to the device settings, select the “Basic” line, and then “About device”. In the “Cellular data number” section you will see your SIM card number. There are many tablet manufacturers, so the functionality and names of items in the settings may differ.

You can also install official application for iOS or Android.

3. How to find out the SIM card number in a USB modem

Of course, it’s always easier to insert a SIM card into your phone or look at the number in the contract. But there is another way. To do this, open the USB Modem application on your computer. In the “Account Management” tab, click on the “My Number” button. In this window, click on the “Find out number” button. Now you will receive an SMS with a phone number. By the way, this service is always free in Russia.

Social buttons.

Almost all people have long been accustomed to mobile communications. And most likely, due to tariffs and call directions, everyone has two SIM cards, or even more than two. Let's say you top up your account through a terminal or by number, and you have several of them, and in order to deposit money with the operator we need, for example (MTS, Vodafone, Kyivstar or Life), you need to know exactly the number where the money will go after the top-up. Many people can remember their personal number by heart, but how can you remember the auxiliary numbers, because most don’t even remember theirs. Hence the question?! How to find out your number mobile phone, which needs to be replenished.

And there is an answer to this question. The mobile operator also provided for this situation in which the user could forget the number of the SIM card being replenished by coming up with a short ussd request, after entering it, you will receive an instant response in the form of your phone number. At the moment, this method is one of the fastest options for reminding your personal phone number, and it is absolutely free.

As you already understand, the conversation will focus on just such a request, thanks to which you will find out your number from the Ukrainian operator MTS, Vodafone, Kyivstar or Life using just one ussd command.

I warn you right away, this ussd command is used only on the territory of Ukraine, as well as in all cities of this country, regardless of the cellular operator, so this topic will help you anywhere, regardless of your place of residence.

There are other ways to remind a phone number without using a ussd request, and it is not the only one of its kind. Alternatively, each operator has its own website, after registering on it you will have access to “ Personal account"as a subscriber to their network. And you must admit, almost all users do not use such services, and to register in such an account, you again need to enter your phone number, and this again is out of our hands. Therefore, we will not consider this option, but will move directly to a quick and very simple method.

In order for our phone number to appear on the display, there is no need to do many actions, just enter a certain combination of numbers (buttons) and then press the “Call” button on the phone and in a moment your treasured number will be displayed. I think that this theory can be completed and it’s time to move directly to the actual combination of buttons that need to be dialed.

A request that will allow you to find out your personal number usingMTS, Vodafone, Kyivstar or Life looks like entering a subsequent combination of numbers "*161#" components itselfussd request after pressing the call handset, your phone or smartphone display will display your number as shown in the picture below.

After reading this little instructions, most likely questions about I forgot (forgot) my personal phone number and what to do now will be closed. Now it is enough just to use this combination, and you will never make a mistake in the numbers when replenishing your account on your mobile phone.