Drakensang online pathfinder. Drakensang Online: Tips for playing as a Pathfinder


The Pathfinder is one of the heaviest characters in the game, however, and probably the most interesting of them. His main advantage over other characters is that he is able to attack both in melee and ranged combat, which, in fact, makes him the golden mean between them.

The Pathfinder has average health and armor. A pumped-up ranger can now freely withstand even the strong abilities of a magician or warrior, especially if he is wearing a shield. Today, it is probably the rangers who earn the most points in the arena, since they have a fairly large range of shots and at the same time cause colossal damage.


The Ranger is the most excellent character for fighting monsters. In addition to the fact that the character has quite heavy protection for enemies, he also deals colossal damage, and this damage is massive. For ease of combat, many people prefer to use Flurry of Arrows to hit monsters, but in fact this is an almost unnecessary ability, it will only be useful to you in those moments when you go to high level collect resources or help friends in locations for low levels. The most effective ability of a ranger is a well-aimed shot.

In fact, the ranger does not need to come up with intricate combinations of exactly how he will have to effectively destroy hordes of monsters, everything is very simple - the main thing is to mark them. Place a mark on monsters in any way at your discretion - it can be a net, a trap, or anything else, but it is best to use a trap. With a net or a regular “marker” (a simple shot), you will hit a small number of monsters, when a properly set trap can mark them all at once. After this, a couple of well-aimed shots destroy almost all opponents.

Also for relief own work you can occasionally summon wolves that will hold the monsters in place while you shoot at them. Also, do not forget that if you went serious at level 40, then wolves should be summoned at almost every opportunity, since, firstly, they will stop monsters and cause them damage, and secondly, and most importantly, they will restore your lost health.

Bosses or raid bosses should also be killed quite carefully, since the ranger in any raid is a very responsible link. When you shoot at a boss, it is better to mark him with an eagle, which will also deal very strong damage to him. A regular "marker" will waste precious concentration. Don’t also forget to use adrenaline to continue a series of well-aimed shots at the enemy.


In PvP, the ranger is incredible strong opponent, this is especially true for low-level battles. During the first 35 levels, most magicians, for example, can die after a single well-aimed shot.

The main advantage of the ranger in PvP battles is his ability to slow down his opponents with a variety of abilities, as well as stun them. The main disadvantage of slowing down a ranger for the enemy is that it also deals enormous damage, and a slowed target is much easier to hit.

The ranger also has a couple of “demoralizing” abilities in his reserve. They are, in fact, very strong, but their potential can hardly be fully used rationally, so they serve to scare away the enemy - these are the Wolf Pack and Hawk Strike abilities. Even some warriors often do not dare to fight with wolves, so absolutely everyone runs away from them. Hawk is, in general, probably the most useful ability among all classes. It slows down, stuns and at the same time deals incredible damage, but opponents rarely fall under it, since it is quite easy to run away from it. It is very effective to use the hawk on stunned targets. This way, he will be able to at least hit them and mark them, but will not stun them (since stun does not overlap with stun).

If we take into account battles not in the arena, but in open areas, then it is worth considering that the ranger is excellent in long-range combat, and there is no point in approaching him in close combat, and this can be used with the help of terrain features. For example, very often you can stand on a ledge in front of the road and fire at your opponents, who will not be able to approach you through it.

In the end, I would like to point out a couple of tricks that many players forget. It often happens that the enemy, with a low level of health or if he wants to “dry” you, begins to actively evade shots, and it is physically almost impossible to hit him. In this case, it is very convenient to mark with the Blade Dance ability, which is very easy to hit. To use the hawk as effectively as possible, throw it close to your opponent, perhaps he will not have time to orient himself.

The Pathfinder - also known as the Archer - is a class of heroes in Drakensang online, which is aimed at attack speed and critical hits. In Drakensang, rangers are a cross between mages and warriors. They have more lives and armor than magicians, but less than warriors. Archers can attack opponents both in melee and ranged combat. The main damage from archers comes after critical shots. Secrets of the Pathfinder Drakensang online in his skills, which on the one hand are aimed at attacking, but can also be used when retreating.

Advantages of playing as an archer

In order to take advantage of the main advantages of archers, you need to upgrade your player to attack speed. The archer has a unique opportunity - to mark opponents. Once a target is marked, it receives double more damage both from skills and from base damage.

The ranger, with the help of his forest friends (falcon and wolves), is a formidable force both in the PvP game and during PvE missions, and the ability to disperse his damage over several targets at once will help the archer to level up faster in farming mobs.

Using the Blade Dance ability, an archer can quickly approach any enemy and deliver a critical hit.

Archer Disadvantages

It is difficult for an archer to leave the battle, since opponents can knock down your “Net” skill and prevent you from going far.

The Pathfinder is a long-range character; attacking from close range with an archer is completely pointless (despite the presence of a special skill). Enemies have time to dodge the arrows before they reach you.

Playing against other classes

Drakensang online the secrets of the ranger in the game against other players are to mark the enemy, and then hit with a True Shot. The “Hunting Arrow” skill is perfect for the mark, which also slows down the enemy’s movement speed.

It is very difficult for an archer to play against mages, since the latter have many opportunities to slow down the attack speed. Therefore, enemies of this “class” must be taken out first. In addition, they don’t have many lives, so a net, a few pokes and a “Sharp Shot” will force the magician to teleport and not interfere with us further destroying enemies.

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Like a night wolf, a ranger in " DrakenSang Online» pierces opponents with magical green arrows. And he can also master any enemy in close combat, so much so that you won’t immediately understand whether he was a warrior or a dexterous archer. The main thing is to do everything quickly, otherwise you will have to tie the bowstring with broken fingers - the warriors of the world of DrakenSang are so harsh on the ground.

The so-called Middle character, who works great both at close range and at long range. Its middle essence is also manifested in its characteristics: the HP level and armor figures fall into balance between the high data of a hand-to-hand fighter and the low life reserve of a magician.

– a project for those who like to destroy monsters by the thousands, showing their superiority. However, there is another category of gamers: they don’t want to bother with stupid monsters for a long time. They want to rush into the arena as soon as possible and, as soon as possible, cut, set fire, shoot and do a bunch of different things that are pleasant from their point of view with real online players.

This article will tell pioneers in the game "Drakensang" how to behave in both situations: in the arena, under pressure from the muscles of the magician, and in campaigns against countless monsters of the game universe.

Pathfinder in PVP battles

Drakensang Guide- talking about the capabilities of a particular class in the format of confrontation between real players, is becoming one of the most popular discussions. That is why our story begins with a point about battles between living gamers.

Despite the ranger's already mentioned ability to use his bow for more than just shooting, try not to shorten the distance when fighting characters of other professions. Of course, you can inflict a little damage, but if there is a skilled player on the other side of the network cable, the steel fists of a warrior, or the contact spells of a magician will turn your bow into ashes before you have time to use a couple of skills from the arsenal of melee skills.

Mages are a great target. With the right combination of talents, some representatives of sorcerers can withstand one or two arrows. Their clothes are not capable of more. Everything changes closer to level 40: the health of spell lords does not increase in proportion to your damage, and some skills will protect them from such impudence.

Start the battle with abilities that slow down or stun the enemy. Shooting a discouraged enemy from a safe distance - the best option development of the scenario for the ranger in Drakengsang online.

Throw a mark at the enemy: when the player starts running from you, this skill will leave him no chance.

Don't forget about the animals. Wolves can be set on any inexperienced person, and it is advisable to release your feathered friend only at a short distance, so that the enemy does not have time to dodge.

Pathfinder in PVE battles

Guide to Drakesang Online continue with the advice every beginner needs. Next up is a selection of the best tips for farming creeps both in a group and in Single Player mode. Some of them will in some sense repeat the PVP instructions, but the purpose is different.

Animals that should be with you at all times during leveling. However, if in the case of fighting a real enemy, wolves struck terror into the eyes of the opponent, then here their goal is to make the monsters stand still. And this, as we already know from the descriptions above, is the best way to quickly destroy any enemy. Don’t forget about the health regeneration that your four-fingered pets provide.

If in the arena it is practically impossible to mark an enemy with a trap due to his mental abilities and logic, then you can mark monsters in this way without difficulty. Do this as often as possible: increased damage will not only reduce the population of neutral creeps, but will also dramatically increase the rate of experience gain.

The eagle will also come in handy when leveling up. True, on elite mobs, called bosses in DrakenSang online. If you set a bird on the leader, the ranger will deal more damage than usual and save concentration.

In custody

The developers certainly put a lot of effort into the image. tracker, which is confirmed by our guide to DrakenSang online. There is an opinion that this is the favorite of one of the creators. This character is incredibly strong, and also fast and dexterous. However, despite the added possibility of close combat, it is not worth engaging in battles at a distance closer than an arm's length. Otherwise, this same hand will not soon reach the striking arrows, and the bow will stand and gather dust in the corner.


We continue our series of guides for the game Drakensang Online, and this time we will talk about the secrets of the Pathfinder.

This is a ranged class, however, it has several melee abilities. With the perfect ratio of armor to damage, some skilled Pathfinders can even take down bosses.

Unlike other classes, the Pathfinder is the only one who can carry all types of weapons with a shield or an auxiliary item for crit, such as a quiver.

Some beginners may wonder - what is the difference between a Pathfinder and a Mage, besides armor? The secret is that Pathfinders have a narrower range of destruction of enemy targets and cannot deal the same massive damage as Mages.

Tactics for playing as a Pathfinder (archer)

The Pathfinder is one of the best classes for fighting bosses. When leveling up the Pathfinder, you can pay attention to its defense, but it is better to concentrate on causing significant damage to enemies. Remember that the main task of the Pathfinder in PvE is similar to artillery in all kinds of games about tanks, in other words, supporting the main forces with a distant hail of arrows. Your main task is to stay at a certain distance from enemies. The archer's most effective ability in this regard is True Shot.

A good tactic against bosses is the following. We place a hunter's trap, which slows down the boss's movement, after which you can slow down his movement even more with the help of slowing arrows. This way, the boss simply won’t have time to reach you, and you can calmly shower him with a shower of arrows, remaining at a relatively safe distance. In addition, a slow target is much easier to hit. You can shoot with both super arrows and regular ones. In most cases, if you have straight hands, this tactic gives an ideal result.

Well, if you have a friend (preferably a magician), this tactic simply gives a cheating effect.

Abilities (skills)

HUNTING ARROW- The first ability used as basic attacks. In addition, the arrows mark targets, thereby introducing an interesting class mechanic. Many of a ranger's abilities can be improved by marking a target. The marking itself slows the target by 40%. The hunting arrow can be enhanced with the talents Strong Sinew and Indelible Marking.

ACCURATE SHOT- This is an auxiliary skill that is usually used after marking the target, since the damage will double and the arrow will have a piercing effect. Upgrade with the talent Cold-Blooded Aim, which improves the accuracy of a True Shot by 20%.

DEADLY SCALE is a melee ability that deals small periodic damage and slows down the enemy's attack by 20%. Strengthened by the talent Calibrated Strike, which allows you to mark and slow down the enemy.

HUNTING TRAP- this is the trap itself, which, when touched by an enemy target, slams shut, marking targets around the trap for 8 seconds. Upgraded by the Deathtrap talent, which will cause your trap to explode with deadly spores, dealing 100% of your base damage to enemies.

PIKE JUMP- this is a jump with a given cursor position. Improved by the talent Improved Mobility, which allows you to reduce the consumption of Concentration to zero, reducing the cooldown of this skill by 25%.

NET is a massive skill that stuns enemy targets for several seconds. Improved by the Tangled Net talent, which allows you to mark all affected enemies.

SCATTERING SHOT is an ability mass action from front side character. In a word - a fraction. On marked targets, the shot deals twice as much damage. Upgrades with Master Marksmanship, allowing Scatter Shot to deal 25% more damage.

DEATH THROW is a melee ability that deals damage to a single target. The trick is that when you kill an enemy target with this skill, you can restore 100% concentration. Upgraded by the Focused Push talent, which increases the damage of a lethal throw by 60%.

FALCON HUNTING- with this skill you can release a falcon at an enemy target for pursuit. If the falcon catches an enemy, the enemy will receive great damage and a small stun. The skill is enhanced by the Falcon Marking ability, which marks affected targets and increases the damage from the skill by 25%.

DANCE OF THE BLADES- is a spin in a given position, simultaneously causing damage to enemy targets and marking them. Marked targets take double damage from Blade Dance. Improved by the talent Endurance Dancer, which reduces the Concentration cost of Blade Dance by 25%.

ADRENALIN- This is a buff for 5 seconds, increasing movement speed by 50% and restoring all Concentration, but has by-effect in the form of a 20% reduction in damage. This side effect can be removed using the Body Control talent, which also reduces the cooldown of the skill by 10%.

OWNING NATURE- this ability allows you to summon friendly wolves or one root monster to help in battle. These helpers live for 15 seconds and are improved with the talents Tribute to the Wild and Spirit of the Forest.

THORNY CORRIDOR is an arrow that leaves behind a corridor of thorns. All enemy targets that pass through the corridor will be slowed by 80% and will take damage. The ability is enhanced by the Desert Stripe talent, which allows you to blast your opponents with a poisonous cloud, dealing damage to all enemies in the area.