Puzzle find a way to leave room 2. Exit the room

08.07.2019 Food and drink


Hackers Home Escape continues the story of revenge of a desperate guy whose girlfriend was kidnapped. He has already done a lot on his way: he stole money, dishonestly found out the location of an underground arms dealer and bought a pistol from him. I want to play!


Tech Room Escape is not exactly an abstract game, but it’s hard to say what exactly happens in it. Main character wakes up in a strange building, the rooms of which vaguely resemble laboratory premises. I want to play!


History of room games

Did the creators of the DOS game Noctropolis think in 1994 that their brainchild would become the founder of the genre? No, and we couldn’t even guess which one! After all, the term itself "escape from"(or escape room games in English) appeared only seven years later, with the release of the entertaining game Mystery of Time And Space, better known as MOTAS. And the third “whale” of the genre was the Japanese Crimson Room - it is she who is to blame for the fact that this subtype of quests has become really popular. Now millions of people all over the world, in their free moment online, don’t want to drive cars, shoot or play solitaire, but... look for a way out!

After all, this is precisely the main goal of such games: to escape a locked room using any available means. Do you think such games are monotonous? In no case! There can be many reasons why you fell into a trap, and even more ways to get out of it. Sometimes you will have to repair the motorcycle in order to break down the door. Sometimes it’s to decipher Morse code. Or find hidden objects and establish a relationship between them - well, how, for example, are a cactus, a jukebox and a guest from another planet connected?.. And, by the way, where do you prefer to get out of today - from the freezer, with spaceship, from prison or from a spa?

Get ready, the game is difficult, but very interesting, you can beat it, you just need to be patient.
Don't miss out small parts, such as corners, baseboards and of course a suitcase.
Enjoy your journey.

Try to find all the items and use them correctly in order to open front door And escape from, write in the comments if something doesn’t work out.

I'm posting a video from passing this wonderful game.

And in text version.

0. We are in a bright room. Alone. The only door is locked and has no handle. We need to find a way to get out of captivity.

1. Open the left cabinet on the wall with the socket (the wall opposite the picture) by pressing the button next to it. Take the flask with a note inside.

2. By pressing the button to open the second locker, we make sure that it is locked.

3. Turn to the case. By clicking approximately in the area of ​​the wall behind the case, we will move behind it, and there is a key. Let's take it. Doesn't fit the case.

4. Turn to the drawing. You can see something in the lower left part, click there. Yes, the battery is glued with tape! Let's take it. Oh, there's some kind of hole, let's try the key. They inserted it and turned it. The locker with the safe opened. We take another key from there.

5. Let's try new key on the case locks. Lucky it's him! Let's open the case. From there we take a penknife, a laser pointer and a multi-colored cube. We cannot open the box yet, because... no keys. We also take the letter in the pocket of the case and pay attention to the strange code (I have F,B,A,D in colored rectangles).

6. It is worth exploring our finds (by clicking on i): a letter with the inscription GOOD LUCK (you need to click on the letter), a cube (it can be rotated), a laser pointer (which does not work, apparently due to the lack of batteries), a pocket Swiss knife (by clicking you can switch the knife to different operating modes).

7. Let's also explore the room. We turn to the chair and click to the left of it (first approaching it). What's that stuck on the back of the seat? A note! We read: press and hold for 10 seconds... Maybe press and hold for 10 seconds!

8. We approach the second cabinet, press and hold its button for 10 seconds. Yes, that's right, the closet is open! From there we take the ingot. The riddles in the lockers are still waiting for us to solve them, but there are clearly keys there. And they probably come from the box. Let's continue exploring the room.

9. Let's take care of the outlet (it's in the lower right corner of the wall with two cabinets). We turn on the blade of the knife (by i, then click on the knife), apply it to the socket: the socket body has fallen off. Now change the knife mode to a screwdriver (mode 3) and unscrew the screws. We remove the socket. The second battery is waiting for us there, well, we are on the right track! But why do we need batteries?

10. Look at the wall with the case, click in the lower right corner, right next to the floor. We find ourselves in the corner of the room. The floorboard seems to be loose, but when clicked, it immediately goes down. We put an ingot on it. Rope. There is no need to stand on ceremony with it, it needs to be cut! We turn the knife into the desired mode and... the rope is cut. We take the ingot and remove the floorboard. Inside we find a lamp.

11. Hmm, what's next? Let's try to play with our things somehow. We turn on the corkscrew mode on the knife and open the flask, take out a note from there (I had the following content: “XX = 30”). Insert batteries into the laser pointer. No luck, one battery is missing. We'll have to explore the room.

12. Again we turn to the chair, but this time we click to the right of it. An inconspicuous battery lies on the baseboard. We take it and insert it into the pointer. The pointer lit up. We use it on any surface (this is not necessary, you just need to click on it in your inventory). We will see some combination. Mine was like this: “4R2LXXR42L”. L and R are the same left and right, but what to do with XX? Yes, we found a note with XX. Putting the combination together: “4R2L30R42L”.

13. You need to try to use the resulting combination somewhere, and that somewhere is a safe. You must follow the instructions very carefully! The numbers indicate not how many clicks to make, but what number to set! If it says 4R, then you need to turn it to the right until the number 4 is at the top. The safe is open! We open the door and see two objects inside: a wrench and a squeaker.

14. We need to deal with the squeaker. There's enough here interesting riddle. Each slider is responsible for its own beep. For example, the first slider is responsible for the third beep. Each slider has a position where the beep changes its pitch. You need to set the sliders so that the tonality of all beeps changes. If everything is done correctly, beeps will sound, followed by a quiet click. You can press the open button, which previously did not work. From there we take another piece of paper and look at the drawings. Something with a magnet, but where can we get it? Yes, he is in dynamics! Use a knife to pry out the magnet from the speaker.

15. The new piece of paper contains some kind of code again! But part of it is covered with a marker, there’s no way to see it, let’s put it aside for now, because we have a wrench! You can't break a door with it, but you can unscrew a chair. That's what we'll do. We unscrew all the bolts and move the chair away.

16. Remembering the instructions in the squeaker, we do this: we put the magnet on the wrench (on its tip) and use it in each hole one by one. Now we have 4 batteries, insert them into the lamp.

17. The lamp lights up with ultraviolet light: it’s time to examine the room and things with its help. An inscription appears on the ingot (I have “GO=d4”). Numbers appear on the die (like on a dice). Something is written on the inscription “GOOD LUCK”, apparently a new code. Let's examine the room with a lamp: first, let's shine it from afar on the walls and cabinets, then shine it closer on individual details of the room.

18. From general view On the wall next to which the case is located, you can see the outline of the locker. We come closer and press the button. Indeed, a new cabinet with a new mystery. The basis is a chessboard. Okay, we'll figure it out later. Let's look at the socket with a lamp, we will get a piece of the code (I have “LU=b4”). Let's shine a light on the first cabinet and see something resembling piano keys. Let's look into the hole in the floor, and there again is a piece of cipher (“OD=b3”). Where haven't you checked yet? There is nothing in the case, but in the safe the letters are in their place (“CK=a3”).

19. Now you need to start thinking! Let's put all the ciphers together: “GO=d4”, “LU=b4”, “OD=b3”, “CK=a3”. Yes, this is our “GOOD LUCK”!. What is the code associated with GOOD LUCK? FROM G arrow to D, from OO to UC crosswise, respectively, etc.. Maybe it’s worth doing a pairwise combination of letters? But first you need to make a replacement based on the received cipher: “GOOD LUCK” = “d4b3 b4a3”. We will carry out the combination according to the letter (in this case we will put the letter first): “d3”, “a4”, “b4”, “b3”. These combinations are very similar to those that are already in one piece of paper, but there are just 4 pieces missing. Most likely, this is them!

20. Let’s supplement that piece of paper with the code with new codes, we get: 1. a2, 2. c2, 3. c4, 4. a1, 5. d3, 6. a4, 7. b4, 8. b3. I’ve already seen this somewhere... Well, of course, in chess this is how moves are recorded, and we’ve already seen a chessboard! We go to the third locker, look at the board and see that numbers from 1 to 4 and letters from a to d are written there. We are on the right track, click on the fields indicated in the code. If you click on the field, it will light up green. If you mark everything correctly, then the key is ours!

21. Yes, the key fits the box! We still have two keys left!

22. Let's try to solve the riddle with the piano. By clicking on the keys you can see that they change color. What can help us? Cube? Yes, there are colors on it, but there is no hint of piano keys. But in the case we found a rectangle with flowers and letters. Since there is a piano, then there can be notes. Yes, sure! Notes can be written in capitals with Latin letters! This means that you need to mark the desired note with the desired color. Notes are designated as follows (if anyone doesn’t know): CDEFGAB (C=Do, D=D, etc.). Let's try! (My combination was A-blue, D-green, F-blue, B-yellow.) We leave the remaining keys without color. If everything is done correctly, the second key will be in your pocket.

23. The riddle of the second locker wants to be solved! A cube should definitely help here! As we remember, in ultraviolet light it turns into dice. Let's remember how the points on the dice are displayed: they are located in 9 zones and using the remote control you can repeat their selection! Why do you need a big button? It turns on the colored lights and checks to see if the input is correct. Moreover, the light comes on only after pressing and it is not known what to enter at first. So, let’s write down the sequence of lights appearing; fortunately, they don’t change and there’s no need to play psychic. (I have blue, pink, green, red, yellow, blue.) Now you need to redraw the drawing of the edge corresponding to the color (or rewrite only the number of points and take a cube somewhere). (I have blue-2, pink (purple)-5, green-3, red-4, yellow-6, blue-1.) If everything is done correctly, then the third key will be ours!

24. Using the keys received, we open the box and find the door handle in it. We insert the handle into the door and open it.

25. We are free! We are congratulated on completing the game and thanked for our participation.

How you got into this room is a mystery; you are simply presented with the fact that you are in it. Finding solutions that will facilitate your release from this secret room will be no less of a puzzle for you. The game Sagrario’s Room Escape will be a long and exciting quest for you, and for some who don’t read the tips it can drag on forever...
The goal of the game "Sagrario's Room Escape"(in Russian "Exit Sergario's room"): open the door and get out of the mysterious room.
Game controls: To move or inspect an object, you need to click the mouse, pointing it at one point or another on the screen. It's best to play the game in Google browser Chrome, only in it in the safe with combination lock The numbers don't skip.

The game is quite complex and not logical in places, and you may need some tips to complete it:

1. Be extremely careful and look around, don’t forget to look behind the suitcase and carefully inspect every corner
2. On the right side of the floor the board moves
3. A UV lamp can illuminate quite a lot of things.
4. Left safe. These are notes. Matching the colors in the suitcase.
5. Right safe. We shine the UV cube. These are not numbers, but a “map”.
6. Invisible safe. The clue lies in GOOD LUCK.
7. In the equalizer, you need to select tones that differ from each other.
8. The right safe is a clue in a paper with the inscription 10".
9. For the left safe you need to know the notes
10. Safe with combination lock. The code must be entered from scratch. When entering numbers to open a safe, it is important to pass 0 each time! For example, the safe code is 54R0L29R47L You turn right to the number 54, after 5 seconds left to the number 0, right to 29 and left to 47. If you have 25R15L, then after 25 you need not to go back 10 positions, but be sure to go through the circle, to pass 0, and then set 15. 19R - means you need to turn to the right until the marks number 19, and not 19 marks to the right. 37L - means you need to turn to the left to the marks numbered 37, and not to the 37 marks.
If you've been struggling with the game for a long time and still can't leave the room, a step-by-step walkthrough is for you.

Step by step walkthrough of the game:

In the first screen of the game we see a case, it does not open. Behind him lies a key.

Opposite is a chair, it is screwed to the floor and does not move away. If you look on the left under the seat there is a piece of paper. If you look at the right side of the plinth there is a battery.

2 safes in the wall. On the left we find a beaker with a piece of paper. The right one opens if you keep the button pressed for 10 seconds, as shown on the piece of paper from under the chair.
You receive a gold bar.

Da Vinci painting on the wall. On the side in the lower left corner is another battery and a connector for the key. Insert the key into the hole, you will see a built-in safe and receive another key.

A new key opens the case, in it: a Swiss knife, an envelope, a laser pointer, a multi-colored cube, a safe cassette (you need 3 keys to open).

If we take a closer look at the knife, we see that its blades change.
You can insert batteries into the laser pointer, but one is missing.
If you look closely at the cube, you can twirl it.
In the envelope is a piece of paper with a smiley face and the inscription “good luck!”

Socket. Use a sharp knife blade to pry off the plastic, use a knife screwdriver to tighten the screws, and you will get the missing battery.

Insert batteries into the pointer and turn it on. The inscription is a code, it’s different for everyone.
For example, it looks like this: 40R32LXXR22L Safe code with unknown coordinate.

A creaking floorboard moves in the corner. Place a gold bar on the left side,
cut the rope with a knife. Next you need to remove the ingot and move the floorboard. Getting an ultraviolet lamp

Test tube with paper. Use a knife corkscrew to open the test tube and get a piece of paper.
on a piece of paper there is an inscription “XX = two-digit number (it’s different for everyone)
the missing digit for the cipher on the pointer.

Using the recovered cipher, we open the da Vinci safe, we get a hex key and an incomprehensible white device.

Use a hexagon to unscrew the bolts and move the chair to the side.

Now you will need sound and an incomprehensible white device. If you press play it plays high and low frequency sounds. Move the first switch until they sound
only 5 high tones. The device will open
you receive a piece of paper with a code (also different for everyone), the first 4 positions
known, the rest are crossed out. will come in handy

Inside the device you will see a speaker and an explanation for the hexagon
Now you just need to separate the magnet from the speaker with a knife.

Attach the magnet to the hexagon and remove 4 batteries from the holes from the bolts in the floor. The batteries are inserted into the ultraviolet lamp.

Examine with an ultraviolet lamp:

A piece of paper from an envelope with the inscription GOOD LUCK
ExpandExpand lines connect the letters G – D, L – K, O – C, O – U
- multi-colored cube (under each color there is a corresponding number from 1 to 6)
- in the Da Vinci safe (there will be part of the code, it’s different for everyone, it looks like “CK=d2″
- there is one more piece on the gold bar
- there's another one in the hole in the floor
- there's a socket in the hole too
in addition we find:
- painted piano keyboard on the left wall safe
- third wall safe (in the wall above the case)

Left wall safe. Before you start opening, return to the case again
in the case on the right there will be a sticker consisting of 4 letters, each of them belongs to
a certain background color. This is the key

Now let's proceed to the opening, for this we will remember the musical notation. The notes of the scale go in the following sequence: C D E F G A H(B)
apply letters (switch the desired color, unused buttons just
do not touch) and the background to them from the case.
ExpandExpand we get 1 key to the safe from the case.

Right wall safe. First click on the big key
Each time a light bulb with a certain color lights up on top -> the sequence is different for everyone.

Now that we know the sequence, we use the numbers that are printed on
multi-colored cube and draw the corresponding number for each color (right in the same
style like on a cube, using dots, for example 1 is the button in the center, 2 is 1 button in
lower left and one in the upper right corner) switching with the large button.
ExpandExpand as a result we get 2 keys to the safe from the case

The third hidden safe. The field for typing the code looks like a fragment of a chessboard, numbered from below. Up and from right to left (that is, the lower left field is a1 and the upper right field is d4, respectively). We press the first 4 buttons using the piece of paper that we found in the white device. The remaining 4 are obtained by manipulating parts of the cipher that was found with
using an ultraviolet lamp, for example:
Let's say the parts were like this: GO=a4 OD=d3 LU=b1 CK=a3
Let's see how the letters on the sheet from the envelope were connected:
GD LK OC OU. accordingly we get: a3 b3 1d 4a
We enter these coordinates and get the third missing key

We insert 3 keys into the safe cassette from the case, get the door handle and get out of the room.