How to come up with a signature for your passport. How to come up with a signature: current tips and psychological subtleties

29.06.2019 Society and culture

Traditionally, a person should have a universal signature option that he uses for absolutely all documents. However, this does not always happen, so sometimes you have to come up with several versions at once. The signature for a passport and other papers that one often has to deal with deserves special attention. How to come up with a signature for documents? Are there any requirements for it? And what can she say about her owner?

What can a signature tell about a person?

Graphologists say that a person's handwriting is The best way talk about it, if, of course, this handwriting was natural and not created on purpose. The same applies to signatures as part of everyday writing. By the inclination of the letters, their shape, the number of additional elements, and even by the pressure of the rod, you can collect a lot of information about the owner of the signature. In this case, is it worth adjusting it to some kind of framework in order to pass off wishful thinking? Hardly. All the same, you will eventually return to what is familiar and comfortable to you. However, you can go from the opposite, and using the example of the most characteristic features associated with one type of signature or another, try to form your own.

For example, it is believed that creative people usually have sweeping handwriting, which also affects their signature: it is large, all the lines are far from each other, and even if there are only 2-3 letters in it, they take up a lot of space on the paper. Here there are often sweeping strokes, especially at the end of the signature, which speak of pronounced egoism.

People are reserved, serious, purposeful, thoughtful, and often write laconically and briefly. All elements of the signature are located close to each other, the letters are aligned in height and width, there are no unnecessary details. Also, as a signature, they mostly use only the last name, first name or patronymic, and in full size.

An open and cheerful person, easy-going, places his signature so that it goes in an ascending direction - the final element is higher than the initial one, its last line is extended upward or diagonally, but in the upper corner. A closed cynic and a realist, on the contrary, will complete the signature with a short stroke, almost a dot, and the signature itself will be positioned either clearly horizontally or with a slight downward slope.

The size of the letters can also say a lot about the owner of the signature. Large details at the very beginning, or is the entire signature a voluminous monogram? Her owner is capricious, impatient, accustomed to getting everything at once and only the best. He sometimes places high demands on both those around him and himself, but at the same time he tries to meet them.

The mostbeautiful signatures: photos and analysis

How to come up with a beautiful signature? Of course, be inspired by existing ones. There’s definitely nothing wrong with this: even if you want to almost completely duplicate someone’s version, you’re unlikely to achieve complete identity, so you shouldn’t be afraid of “plagiarism.” But it never hurts to get ideas for your own creation.

Basically, when posing the question in this way, attention is drawn to the signatures of successful people, whose “autographs” have more weight than simply identifying a person on several papers. Media personalities, businessmen, politicians - you can take an example from anyone. Moreover, most likely common features it will not be possible to track - as was said above, the signature depends not only on the lifestyle, but also on the character of the person.

You can also consider the signatures of those who often had to engage in handwritten creativity: of course, these are poets and prose writers of the 18th-19th centuries and earlier. The signature of Pushkin or Lermontov is probably familiar to everyone - the traditional spelling of the first and last name, embodied gracefully and smoothly. The same can be said even about the Russian monarchs: however, their signatures were most often limited to only the name, however, here too there are differences between Alexander II and Alexander III.

How to come up with a signature for a passportand other documents?

The main requirement for such a signature is the ease of its display. Be prepared for the fact that she will have to sign the document almost “without looking,” so your hand should automatically draw the necessary lines and curls. In order to create such a signature, psychologists recommend trying the following simple task: put a piece of paper in front of you, take a pen, close your eyes, and sign in the abstract, without trying to create something specific, several times. Make sure that each option takes only 1-2 seconds - the shorter the signature, the easier it will be for the muscles to remember it.

Since simply drawing lines at random is not very smart, and the signature must be personalized, you should follow some recommendations. First, resort to the initial 3 letters of the surname. This is the most common technique by which even namesakes will still have different signatures. It’s good when the 3rd letter is “d”, “r”, “f” or “u”, i.e. one that has a long vertical line - it can always be drawn as carelessly as possible and, after a few light curls or a short line, cut off. Such signatures are easiest to reproduce “on the run,” but they are certainly not accessible to everyone.

If everything is not so simple with the surname, you can lengthen the signature by taking 5-6 letters, but it will take a little longer to display. And again, it is most convenient to end on a long, elongated letter. If nothing comes of it here, you can try to put together a first and last name, or a first and patronymic. It is convenient to start a sweeping signature when the capital letter of the name is “M”, “N”, “L”. At the same time, your signature does not have to be complete in this case: there are often cases when the capital letter of the surname is displayed, and the capital letter of the name is superimposed on it, after which it is written in part or in full. The same can be done vice versa. It’s good when the background capital is “C”, “O”, “E”, “P”, “B”: i.e. round, voluminous.

More discreet and complex signatures consist of a solid surname and a first letter of the first name, delimited by a dot. Most often, in such a signature, the capital letter of the name is clearly readable, and the surname is displayed more blurred, but neatly. This is the same type of handwriting that is called “medical”, but it is more elegant and smooth. If you write complex text this way, it’s unlikely that anyone will understand a word, but the overall picture will look elegant. This type of signature was found, for example, in Pushkin, and is generally characteristic of signatures of the tsarist era.

The latest option, which also exists, is to combine the initial letters of the last name, first name and patronymic in any order, or to create a single monogram from them: this is a complete sign in which all 2-3 letters are readable, but the lines in it are usually continuous. This monogram was most often used by the Russian tsars on ciphers: there, by the way, you can “peep” interesting options. Of course, in addition to the letters themselves, additional lines and curls acted as links. They created uniqueness, and this is also an important point.

If you have already chosen which letters will be present in your signature, it is worth thinking about the finishing touches that will give it harmony. These are the same additional lines that can simply become a kind of “point” in the finale, or a framing “frame”. In addition, you can simply change the inclination of the letter(s) somewhere, use the Latin alphabet instead of the Cyrillic alphabet in whole or in part, play with the type of handwriting - round or, on the contrary, stretch out and sharpen the elements.

Whatever signature you come up with, be sure to make sure that it is comfortable to execute. After several practices on a free sheet of paper, the letters should form themselves into the chosen composition, which will be repeated constantly in an unchanged form. Of course, with a ruler, no one will check it for accuracy, but whether you display 1 curl or 4, it will already catch your eye, and this will not have the best effect when working with documents.

Just imagine: in just a few years, you will become a popular artist, a rock star, or a champion of something. Or perhaps a famous scientist or popular politician. And now camera flashes, the intrusive attention of gossip reporters have become commonplace, and pretty female fans (fans) demand an autograph. And your signature, to put it mildly, is not so great, and to be honest, it’s awkward to put such a squiggle even on a salary slip.

Or, for example, you are an incredibly cool businessman and you are just signing the contract of the century, but the signature is still so-so... You can go on for a long time, but the fact remains: a confident and swift stroke of the pen will not hurt you at all, at least for the purpose of putting him on the same payroll.
Now all that remains is to come up with a beautiful signature that will look luxurious on a multimillion-dollar contract, on the magnificent busts of enthusiastic fans, and in the diary of a growing offspring.

Before thinking through the details, you need to decide what it will be: simple or complex. Too simple – it’s like the password “12345” - everyone can easily repeat it. But too complicated one can cause a lot of inconvenience at the airport, at customs or at the bank, where a stern lady of advanced years will look at you suspiciously from under her glasses and demand that it be “like in your passport.”

So the ideal signature will not be too complicated, but with some kind of “zest” that is unique to you.

How to come up with a beautiful signature? What to take as a basis? There are a number of options.

  1. Simply and without any frills, write your last name - in a legible and clear handwriting, or take only the first few letters of the last name as a basis and complete this matter with a spectacular flourish. True, this option is not very suitable unmarried girls: the surname will have to be changed over time, and the signature accordingly.
  2. Initials can also be a good basis for a signature, and if you focus on the first name and patronymic, changing your last name in the future is no longer scary.
  3. Combine both methods - add several letters of the surname to the initials of the first and middle names.
If you choose one of these methods and complement it with cute dashes or curls, it will turn out very well.

Having the letters “E”, “O”, “C” in your initials will come in very handy - you can use them to “circle” the rest of the letters. And the letters “T”, “G”, “P”, “B” will allow you to “cover” the signature with a horizontal line. Another useful trick is to use the ending of one letter as the beginning of another. For example, your last name is “Ivanov” and at the beginning of your signature you have the letter “I”, and after it “B”. It is easy to notice that the end of the letter “I” and the beginning of the letter “B” are the same - this is the vertical stroke “I”. This means that they can be combined in an original way in the signature.

Graphologists claim that a person’s character can be judged from a signature; certain strokes of a personal monogram indicate the corresponding aspects of the personality. And if you use this knowledge the other way around, come up with a signature that “corrects” your character and introduce into it features and traits that will help you develop the necessary qualities in yourself.

So, let's decide where the signature is directed. If its general direction is upward, we are dealing with an optimist and positive person. A horizontal signature indicates a balanced person, but its downward direction is evidence of pessimism and a tendency to despondency. So we level it and raise it.

The length of the signature speaks of perseverance, patience and perseverance, but if the signature is short, it means haste, an attempt to quickly grasp the essence. So if you want to become more attentive, lengthen your signature, and to get rid of slowness, shorten it.

Which part of the signature is more detailed? For those who engage in mental work, this is the beginning of the signature, for those who give preference physical activity- its end. Decide whether you want to be a professor or a world champion and design your signature accordingly.

Another feature of the signature is the connection of the letters with each other. If all the letters are connected, we have the signature of a consistent person, with logical thinking, sometimes, perhaps, a little conservative. Against, a large number of breaks indicate daydreaming, a desire to attract attention.

Rounded letters are a sign of a soft and friendly person, sharp and angular ones are about ambition, the desire to dominate, and sometimes about aggression.

A compact signature is found among people who prefer to solve specific, clearly defined tasks. Global strategic thinking usually comes with a sweeping signature. This is how the autographs of major leaders most often look - it is no coincidence that people call a sweeping and intricate signature a ministerial signature.

If the signature has symmetrical details (for example, two parallel strokes), this indicates a harmonious personality with a balanced and stable character - so get this “bell” if you think you are too hot-tempered.

Or maybe you want to learn how to finish something you started, but it doesn’t work out very well? Then learn to put a period at the end of your signature - this is what those who don’t give up halfway do.

Even if you don’t plan to sign autographs left and right, and you only need the signature for your passport, let it still be beautiful. Moreover, inventing a suitable signature is not so difficult. A couple of days of graphic experiments - and everything will work out. And then don’t forget to “rehearse” it well and bring it to automaticity, because only after that it will truly become your own.