How to install mods on spin tires. Instructions on how to install Spin Tires mods. For new versions of the game

08.10.2018 Computers

Computer games very often they have code that allows you to write modifications for them. Therefore, some projects have a large number of mods that add new items, objects and even locations. For example, in the Stalker project you can go through a dozen different campaigns created by ordinary gamers. But in this article we'll talk about one particular game called Spin Tires. Its development was announced quite a long time ago, but it was released quite recently. Accordingly, its graphical component is a little outdated, which is perfectly compensated by the process itself - you get a unique opportunity to try out great amount on the most severe off-road conditions. But at the same time, many gamers have questions about how to install Spin Tires mods. And then a dilemma arises: what modifications can such a game have in principle?

Otherwise the car does not work. A faulty monitoring system may cause the insurance company to reduce payment due to poor technical condition in the event of an accident. And in the article you will find a link to download for free. But the game also offers a lot of extras in several modes and some cheats. We'll introduce these modes, talk about them, and install them.

We will present a total of 5 modes, which are probably the most challenging and especially rewarding for the player himself. Setting up these modes is not difficult, but of course we'll quickly describe the process. The mode depends on what the load file has. Once downloaded, open it and install it directly into the game.

Mods for Spin Tires

Before you deal with Spin Tires, you need to understand what exactly they can give you. Some gamers believe that the basic game itself is enough to get enough fun. But they have no idea what opportunities the modifications will open up for them. First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that with the help of mods you can add even more interesting and impressive vehicles to the game, which will allow you to overcome serious off-road conditions. Secondly, you can significantly diversify the catalog of routes available for passing. No matter how varied the game is, sooner or later it will run out of tracks, and you will have to go through everything again. If you install a couple of mods for yourself, then you will have even more possibilities, and you will not have to return to the old racing segments. And, of course, as with all things, you can install mods that will change your look at game world- they can add certain devices to the dashboard of your car, diversify it, and so on. Well, now you are unlikely to have any questions about the need for modifications. So we can move on to the question of how to install Spin Tires mods.

If you don't have such files, you can paste them directly into a special folder. This is the first time you start the game, if not, you can create it manually. So let's introduce the modes that you can download for free. This mode adds much more realism to the game. When you usually return from the field, you will find that your tires are completely clean, as if they were new. After setting this mode, they will be pleasantly dirty from dirt. Drag the download mode to the main folder where you need to move the other folder.

Downloading modifications

If you want to find out, then you will need the material with which you will work. You need to find reliable sites. which have already been verified by other users, and download those mods from there. that you would like to use. They will be saved on your computer as an archive, so you will also need an archiver to extract them. Now almost every user has their own archiver, but for those who do not own one, this reminder will be very important. You need to unzip the folders to any location on your computer - you will work directly with the game folder a little later. So, you have downloaded the modification, and now you need to find out how to install the mod on Spin Tires 2013.

It will show you the game time and date, and the real time and date will also show you as a bonus. It's not very useful, but it does amuse you if you start to get bored in the game. In this mode you can catch up with the cow. The cow has classic riding features like others vehicles. It is, however, much more powerful and slightly unstable. So be careful not to feel like you're in a ditch.

Downloading and installing the mod manager

On Christmas you can make the game more enjoyable as the game brings you snow. Everything is under the snow. Cars, roofs, roads and fields. You must clear the snow so that you can use all the blades and strips that you may have installed from other accessories.

Installing the mod

You have a ready-made folder with mod files, so now you need to find where exactly your game is installed. There should be a folder with modules in it - it is recommended to make it so that if problems arise, you can return everything to its original state, and not completely reinstall the game. Now that you have a backup copy, you need to select the same modification files that you unzipped a little earlier and move them to the modules folder. In this case, the system will give you a window in which you will be asked if you want to replace the folders and files that are being copied. You need to agree - only in this case everything will work as it should. That's all, now you know how to install the mod on Spin Tires 2013. Dev Demo is a popular modification that opens up many possibilities for you - it is recommended to try it first.

Last but not least, there is a mode that adds source material to your game that you can use in a version that you can use to use this mode to plant and extract trees that can then be sold.

This is not classic mode, but a cheat, so you need to download and install it. If you have money, use this one and you can add 1 million. The new gaming career is distinctive feature In reality, the practice round is a huge challenge, and the rider and his machine are living partners.

Activation of the mod

Fortunately, activation is not required for modifications. After installing them, you can launch the game, and it will already load with all the mods installed.

In this short guide you will learn how to install mods for Spin Tires 2013.
Be sure to make sure that you have the most latest version Spin Tires (DEV) games, and then just follow my instructions:
1) Download one or more mods that you want to install.
2) Launch the game, go to windowed mode (this is required).
3) After completing step 2, a special window should appear in the upper right corner

Formula 1 is now more fun than ever before. Instead of allowing the creators to start selling only new tables and statistics every year, they developed a completely new game. this is probably best simulator formula in the history of games because for the first time you will feel it like a real racing star.

A sophisticated career, a great atmosphere and excellent technology were spoiled only by minor mistakes. Formulated simulators have always suffered from the fact that the real sport they simulate is not exactly attractive in its complexity. We average fans are only interested in fighting on stage, not dozens of hours of training or testing. This may be why no game has ever tried to make the experimental F1 career very challenging. Her new campaign campaign has made routine work very interesting.

Click "Add" and you have a special menu that you see below.

Click "Install..." and the following window appears: your Windows Explorer. (see below)

Look for the downloaded mod on your computer, select it and click “ok”. In my case, the mod is a zip archive with the name "" and it contains a car. As soon as you click "ok" a trace will appear. window, see it below.

You need to name your car something, for example, I wrote the name of our site spintires2ru, and you come up with your own. (!) Russian letters cannot be used.
Click create, and this vehicle appears in the truck selection window, see below.

After you have selected it in this list, move the mouse to the place where you want this car to appear and click “Add”.
That's it, so we added a new car to our game, (!) there can be a total of 4 cars in your game at the same time.

Now the player is involved in managing the stables - he controls the technical development of his monopost, plans a riding strategy, reports to the team his impressions of the track and his own performances, etc. in short, he does exactly what a real Formula 1 driver does, and he feels what he feels.

The creators took a bit of a risk, but it paid off. This is not a one-man strategy simulator, but a wonderful mixture of good ideas. A comprehensive yet fun campaign. The significance of the new career is best seen in direct comparison with last year's work, which is as subtle as a datadisc. However, this can also be compared across genres and competitions. It's about making you feel like a formula pilot, so you'll train hard, scrape every screw in the car, and before the Grand Prix starts, you'll go through every turn one last time.

If something didn’t work out for you, then most likely you didn’t do something correctly from the point above. If you were unable to install the mod for Spin Tires 2013, then let's try the second method. This is a manual installation of add-ons for the game.

The second method of installing mods for Spin Tires 2013

- Be sure to exit the game before starting.
Open the root folder with your game, it looks like this for me:

Let's go to the "Media" folder - this is, so to speak, the heart of this game. This is where we will install all the mods.

Now you need to download required mod, since I have already done this, I open the archive with it. And I see the following files there

All these files need to be moved to the "Media" folder, which is located in the root of the game.

We go into the game, open the menu with our fleet and rejoice - the truck has been added.

The game makes you work but enjoy it. Instead of the engineers drowning you in telemetry charts, they'll put you on the "obstacle" course in Spa training and say, "Come on, we'll look at the dates." The result is a fun arcade game where you try to maintain the perfect track and speed through virtual gates and you will not only improve yourself, but also the team. The test score is then similar to the entry in the student's book. The game shows the current speed and quality of transit for each of the dozens of lane checks on the track, and you will discover from all the data, words and symbols that you are better than the last one.

Small FAQ:
Why didn't the mod install in the first case?
- Perhaps the archive was in .rar format (there are cases that add-ons are not installed in this format), remove the folder with the machine from there and archive it in .zip format.
- It is also possible that you are not using the latest version of the game. Download Spin Tires 2013 from this link.

If the game is going well, then kindly highlight mistakes and pat your back when you don't. It can simply motivate, in any situation - in excellent intuitive menus, in dialogues with virtual colleagues and in graphic elements. When you see a thousand seconds, whether you're better or worse than the previous round, it just makes you want to rip up the asphalt. The essence of the new career lies in the innovative “Practice” mode. That is, in a practice that has always been ignored by ordinary players, but now this will not happen.

Downloading mods and installing them

This arcade-accuracy ride is just a small demonstration of how careering in this mode is suddenly intuitive and enjoyable. You think you're hitting hard and enjoying yourself. The boring work of trolls is actually carried out by more vocal colleagues on the team, you just provide them with an attractive way to deliver information.

In the second case, modifications should be installed 100%; the only reason can be that you do not have the latest version of the game.