How to find out if a brownie is at home or not. Brownie or owner, father. Video: brownies: good or evil, who are they?

31.08.2018 Home and life

Brownie has been known since ancient times. The people respected, feared and tried to earn the love of this mysterious old man. Now many people do not believe in the existence of spirits, considering it fiction and fairy tales. But, if at night you hear the creaking of floorboards, rustling in the corner, the gurgle of water, and the sweets lying in the vase slowly disappear - don’t worry, you’re not going crazy. A brownie just moved in with you.

Secondly, it is important to ask your brother what property will truly be most useful to him and will do the job for his future plans. If he still asks for both a garage and a yard, steer the conversation towards a legal situation, since everything is actually set in half and you can allocate them according to your needs - if he has plans for the yard, he can get in exchange for a garage for you or vice versa, and each of you could pay off your other affairs and acquire the property completely.

The most important thing is to understand what your brother's priorities and tasks are and how you considered them to be yours before this conversation. Since you mention that your brother took care of your father, if you want to show him credit for it, you could tell him that you will give a small discount to get what he keeps in the garage or patio. Of course, all discounts are at your discretion, taking into account the needs and goals of both of you in terms of ownership, because by law you are entitled to receive your share.

Who is a brownie

Our ancestors were sure that in any dwelling, a brownie, the spirit of the house, lives together with people. He can be kind, mischievous, harmful, but he always helps his owners in everyday affairs. The spirit, according to old legends, looks like a bearded old man. The brownie settles both in a village hut - behind the stove, and in a city apartment - in a dark corner.

Third, discuss any possible options- do not limit yourself 1 Evaluate in the short and long term what best suits the goals of each of you, and will also affect each option in your relationship and the people around you. In the end, it's good to agree to an option that seems acceptable to you - given that you have stated your desire to maintain your relationship.

As for your brother, who does not want to be officially named, this is a legal issue that he must resolve on his own. It is useful to know that no one can harm the creditor by transferring his property for this purpose. Article 135 of the Law on Obligations and Contracts provides that a creditor may demand that actions by which the debtor causes damage to him, if the debtor was aware of it, be invalid. In a case where the action is to be considered, the person with whom the debtor entered into the contract must also have been aware of the disability.

How can we find out if there is a brownie in our house, how to detect its presence, is it worth making friends with it?

Signs of a brownie in the house

The brownie is invisible, but his presence can be felt by pets. Take a closer look at your cat. Here she calmly laps up the milk, then looks to the side, meows and moves away from the bowl. And for some reason the dog wags its tail welcomingly, looking into the corner of the room. All this speaks of the presence of a brownie who loves animals and shows himself to them.

Knowledge is presumed unless otherwise proven if the third person is the debtor's spouse, descendant, ascendant, brother or sister. The creditor can file a claim against the debtor and the person who acquired the claim from him within 5 years. This means that if your brother already has a loan, as you mentioned, all transactions your brother has with his property that are detrimental to the creditor will be challenged by the creditor within 5 years. If you decide to share the house, yard and garage with each other now, before the loans are paid off, you should always consult with an attorney to help you arrange the transactions and the paperwork for them in a way that is legal and beneficial to both of you.

Strange things happening in the apartment? Someone knocks with dishes at night, milk or jam spontaneously spills on the floor, disappears silver spoons, children's toys are also signs of a brownie.

An infant, being alone, coos, waves its arms, smiles - this is how the baby communicates with the brownie.

There is an easy way to find out whether a brownie has really settled in your house. Place a glass of milk in a warm place in your apartment. If in the morning it is incomplete, the brownie drank it. A scattered deck of cards, placed overnight in a corner near the radiator, also speaks of the presence of the keeper of the house.

It's unpleasant, but it happens. You would be surprised how many sellers find out when they are sold because they have what are called legal deficiencies. It's even worse when such defects are discovered by potential buyers or even new owners. Look for a mosque, for example, that is registered to real estate, an ongoing lawsuit, for the benefit of a third party, or a lien that you have not been informed about.

It is the negligence of sellers, buyers and real estate agents who all have a responsibility to survey the property. It may seem absurd to check your own thing, but especially if you do this, you often don't receive mail, or you've inherited, you may be shocked to look at the land register.

How to make friends with a brownie

If a brownie loves the family where he lives, he takes care of it: warns of danger, looks after children in the absence of adults, protects the home from bad guests. It is worth remembering this and trying to improve relations with the owner of the house. Here are some tips on how to do this.

It is your responsibility to inform the buyer in advance of any defects in the property. If they arrive later, the buyer has the right to demand, may demand removal, a discount on the purchase price or withdraw from the sales contract. Often there are too many sanctions in contracts.

How to find out if your property is suffering from

He has a successful career in finance and real estate. In particular, legal review, technical inspection, preparation and control of contracts, as well as rental property management. He has his own blog and regularly contributes to housing and finance servers. There are several legal deficiencies and obstacles that may prevent the transfer or use of property. These include, in particular, restrictions on property rights, as well as approval of real estate as non-residential premises, land plots and access roads owned by foreigners, lease agreements concluded for an indefinite period.

  • Place a plate of treats in a secluded place. These can be sweets: crackers, poppy seeds, lollipops like Landrin, chocolate candies without candy wrappers.
  • Don’t quarrel with your household, don’t scold your children, don’t offend your four-legged friends.
  • Clean your house thoroughly, do not smoke indoors, and do not abuse strong drinks.
  • Do not store old trash - broken things, torn shoes, clothes, burnt out light bulbs and other unnecessary small things.
  • On the brownie's birthday - on the night of February 10-11, do not forget to please your home helper. Prepare an offering for the brownie - a saucer with porridge or honey and leave it on the doorstep of the house.

Easements, according to the new Civil Code, are divided into maintenance and real burden. Often, for example, there is what is called utility maintenance or foreign building maintenance or trail and road maintenance and the like. You can't get rid of them and many of them shouldn't be too much of a burden on anyone, just pay attention to the buyer.

The lien is usually knowledgeable about the seller, which is usually associated with the purchase of real estate. For this purpose, it is recommended that the Buyer enter into a future purchase contract for the Buyer and await the transfer of title to satisfy the obligation and remove the lien from the Letter of Title. Be sure to discuss anything you have a deposit with in advance. She must give her consent to the sale and early repayment of the loan.

As you can see, the brownie doesn’t require anything special from us. Love and respect your loved ones, keep the premises clean, and the house-elder grandfather will begin to take care of your household. Prosperity will appear in the house, children will stop getting sick and capricious, withered flowers will bloom, and the pies will turn out lush. There will even be less dust in the house, as if someone invisible will wipe it away with a caring hand.

First, you will have to offer it in writing to the buyer and wait for the so-called “vanity” to expire, which is when the law requires the offer to be accepted. The new Civil Code abolished the pre-emptive right of co-owners of real estate, but the pre-emptive right remains based on the contract, and the new Code also introduces a pre-emptive right to situations where the landlord and the building are not the same person.

The right of first refusal then applies between the landlord and the owner of the building or an authorized person from the building legislation. Do you have debts, judgments, threats or are you in the process of executing? This allows you to avoid complications with blocking sales or canceling the concluded sales contract. You may have to lower the purchase price, but you will definitely sell for more than what the artists would have done if there had been a forced auction.

There is an opinion that the brownie is a cousin of the devil himself. Despite this, you should not drive him out of the house under any circumstances! The fact is that from ancient times people endowed brownies with good everyday qualities. Brownie, according to folklore, this is the spirit of order in the house, the guardian of the hearth and the keeper of home traditions. It is generally accepted that brownies drive out dark forces, help their owners with household chores, etc. A good brownie is one with whom the residents have close contact.

Check with the Enforcement Bureau if enforcement has already begun, it may take some time for the land registry to register and only performance list or a court order may block and freeze the entire transaction. If you have no or little experience, it may happen that you don't know what to ask at the end of the tour. And decide to buy only on the basis that you or your apartment “just like” is not quite ideal. That's why we have prepared a "guide" for you. We will advise you on everything you need to avoid buying a 'hare in a poke' and have all the relevant information about the property before signing the purchase agreement.

There is a brownie in the house. What to do?

At all times, people tried to appease the brownies in order to attract them to their side. To do this, the owner of the house needs to make a certain sacrifice to the brownie. It is believed that the spirits of houses love rye bread, so a crust of this bread left on the table on the night from Sunday to Monday can act as a “sacrifice”. It is recommended to sprinkle the humpback with salt. It is generally accepted that the brownie is waiting for a special invitation to a meal, so mentally or out loud he must be called to the table.

Some information about the apartment or house that you learned from the ad. Usually, how big is the apartment or house, how many and what kind of room, what is the selling price, where is the property located, whether it is brick, panel, new building and construction technical condition. If the apartment is an apartment, it is often also an indication in advertising of where the floor is and how many floors there are in the house. Online listings tend to be more detailed, often including a photo essay. These advertisements also indicate which side the apartment is oriented to, what type of heating, or whether the apartment or house has a garage or garage.

In order for the brownie to be favorable to the owners, it is recommended to give him an unusual gift. Since these spirits love to play with old beads, jewelry and coins, you need to put some of your jewelry in a shiny box (or box) without a lid, put it in a secret place and tell the brownie that this is a gift for him.

Just ask the seller for more information before the property. If the apartment has a loggia, balcony or terrace, ask if it is part of this, it could be in the hallway. It is also good to find out how old the property is, what the low-current network distribution is or whether the residential building has an elevator.

If the property is being renovated, consider how it is being renovated. Find out the type and age of the windows, the type of flooring, whether it is electric, gas, water or waste, how old it is and how old the bathroom and kitchen are. If a property is offered including a kitchen unit, look at what is included. If it's a prefabricated apartment, ask if it has a brick or fiberboard core.

Old Believers claim that brownies hate dirt and disorder in the house. There is an opinion that in such houses and apartments the spirits begin to make noise at night, get rowdy and frighten the owners. The fact is that the brownie is a true “gourmet” in everyday affairs. If something does not suit him, he can leave the house. Everything would be fine, but the residents of the abandoned house are in for trouble: the money in this family will not stay, the men will start drinking, and the wives will start debauchery.

It may also be important for your choice whether the rooms in the apartment or house are across the toilet, whether the toilet is part of the bathroom or a separate room, such as a transport connection, what are the civic amenities of the area, etc. It is also necessary to familiarize yourself with the territorial plan of the municipality, i.e. to find out what to expect from a building, village or part of it.

How much is the property worth?

This is not only the sale price, but also the regular payments associated with its operation. Housing association members pay rent, which includes a service charge, a sinking fund and possibly an annuity repayment. The amount of service discounts and the amount of contribution to the sinking fund is calculated by the cooperative depending on the size of the apartment. The longer a tenant lives, the higher the fee.

To prevent this from happening, you need to love your brownie, not offend or anger. There is no need to leave sharp objects (forks, knives, needles), as well as onions, garlic, salt and pepper, on the table overnight. The brownie doesn't like these things, so their presence in an open place can make him angry. And in general, a cozy and kind atmosphere should reign in the house, since the brownie is still a good spirit.

Apartment owners logically pay no rent, "only" maintenance fees, and fees associated with the management and maintenance of the house. The collected resources are intended for maintenance, repair and reconstruction of the common areas of the house. As in a cooperative, the amount of payments is calculated from the flat area and the share of the common parts of the house. Read more about the differences between a cooperative apartment and a private apartment in the article.

If you are purchasing a family home, you should expect that all payments associated with the running of the home will be for you and any repairs you may have. Find out how high the average annual cost is and what you need to pay even if something like "more" is currently being repaired or necessarily replaced. If you have the opportunity, beware of your neighbors, unpleasant neighbors can significantly “poison” your home.

Sometimes brownies can play around, climbing on the beds of their owners while they sleep. If at night there is a feeling of heaviness on the body, then it is believed that the brownie has climbed onto the person and is strangling him. In this case, it is recommended to put thyme under the pillow. You can read the Lord's Prayer. While reading the prayer, you need to baptize not only yourself, but also the brownie.