Silver spoon to attract money. Spoon zagrebushka - a simple and useful talisman for money

10.08.2019 Cell phones

Money talismans have always been considered an effective means of attracting wealth and material prosperity. The raking spoon, a popular souvenir for money, has earned the fame of one of these amulets, the conspiracy with the use of which received a considerable number of positive reviews.

Why did a seemingly ordinary spoon become so popular? money talisman? The answer to this question should be sought in the pagan past of Ancient Rus'.

Since ancient times, a spoon has symbolized a well-fed life: if there is a spoon in the house, then there are food supplies there, and if there are supplies, then there are also means to acquire them. The spoon was associated with well-being and was used by people in many rituals. Even when visiting, it was customary to bring your own personal cutlery.

In our times, it has become widespread scoop spoonsouvenir made, most often, of silver(or sometimes made of gold). The characteristic features of this talisman are miniature sizes(the spoon easily fits into a wallet and even into a compartment for plastic cards), beautiful engraving And rich decor.

Low cost makes this product accessible to a wide range of buyers. They buy it for themselves or give it as an unusual gift. However, in order for the raking spoon to fully show its magical abilities, need to deeply believe in her power, and if you present it as a present, then do it from the bottom of my heart, sincerely wishing the recipient monetary well-being, stability and wealth.

Magic properties

As noted above, in the old days a spoon was a symbol of satiety and abundance, a rich life. By analogy with this, the purpose of a raking spoon is to attract material wealth. Thanks to this talisman, the financial side of the owner’s life changes for the better: income grows, money problems improve, debts disappear - in general, a good and continuous flow of monetary energy opens up.

Magical properties are also attributed to the material from which the raking spoon is usually made - silver. There is a belief that silver can cleanse and get rid of any negativity, including those of witchcraft origin (damage, evil eye). The same properties are transferred to an amulet (scrape spoon) made from this metal. It should only be clarified that in in this case This feature of the talisman relates specifically to the financial situation of the owner.

The scooping spoon has the ability not only to attract new cash, but also to protect and increase existing capital. It protects finances from loss, theft, waste, and even negative magical effects (evil eye or damage).

Instructions for working with the amulet

The scooping spoon is a special talisman, and it requires an appropriate attitude towards itself. If you decide to become the happy owner of this money amulet or have already received it as a gift, first of all, pay attention to the following points:

  • It is advisable to opt for the classic type of this amulet - a miniature spoon made of silver.
  • The talisman should not lie anywhere - be sure to give it a place in one of the compartments of your wallet: near large banknotes or plastic bank cards . It is not recommended to place a raking spoon together with small change - firstly, you risk losing it, and secondly, it will attract the same small money to you. An empty compartment is also not a solution; the amulet will not work here.
  • Have you just got a scooping spoon? Be sure to spend rite of purification before using it. The essence of the ritual: dissolve a pinch of salt in water and dip a spoon into this solution - let it lie in it all night. In the morning you should take it out of the water, rinse thoroughly under running water, and wipe dry. This cleansing ritual can also be used for the purpose of prevention- when the magical effect of the raking spoon begins to weaken, and cash flow- decrease.
  • The talisman will not work without activation. Its meaning lies in reading a special conspiracy - it will be discussed below.

A talisman that has already been magically prepared for the performance of its duties and placed in a wallet cannot be shown to anyone - the talisman should only be your personal one, hidden from prying eyes. A charged amulet cannot be given to anyone, even a very close and beloved person, otherwise you may lose your material well-being. For a gift, it is better to buy a new product and teach the recipient to work with it.

How to cast a scoop spoon for money

A raking spoon will manifest itself as a souvenir for attracting money only when it is prepared for work with the help of a special spell. In general, there are several such conspiracies, and there are also special rituals performed with this money amulet.

The simplest and most famous method

Before the raking spoon goes to its permanent place in your wallet after all the preparatory measures, read this short but effective spell on it:

“What was an obstacle to happiness - I completely drive away, money, happiness and luck are raked in for myself.”

For prosperity and good luck

The text of the second conspiracy is slightly longer than the first, but no less effective. It sounds like this:

“I had a silver spoon, but it became a spoon for money. Now I'm friends with her, and now I don't bother. Now I live in abundance, and have some money left. I’m home, and the money is mine!”

A few more ways

You can activate the talisman for money using one of the following conspiracies. Choose any one you like:

  1. “Spoon, spoon, help, rake in a lot of money. I will be friends with you, give happiness and joy to everyone.”
  2. “Spoon, spoon, help, increase your money!” Zagrebushka, don’t be lazy and work, work, work. Euros, dollars and rubles, you row, row, row!”
  3. “Spoon, live in my wallet, take the money to you. I will be friends with you, live in happiness and wealth!”

When charming a scooping spoon for money, you need to sincerely believe in the power of the talisman. The stronger and more powerful this faith is, the faster the results will appear, the greater the effect of the money amulet will be.

The most powerful ritual for money

A scooping spoon can also be used to carry out magical ritual, significantly increasing the power of the talisman. This ritual is also carried out before placing the souvenir in the wallet.

To begin, prepare all the necessary attributes: the scoop spoon, 4 candles, Holy water, 7 leaf clover. The procedure for the performer to perform during the ritual:

  1. Place the candles in one row and light them.
  2. Arrange the clover leaves between the candles.
  3. Place the raspberry behind the candles.
  4. Drink a glass of blessed water and say the following spell:

“I wish for wealth and I wish for success,
I wish you happiness and I wish you gold,
I wish for silver and I wish for abundance,
I wish you health and I wish you help,
I wish money would come into my life,
I wish all this, which means so be it!”

This conspiracy should be read in a calm and confident voice, every word of it should be pronounced clearly and slowly. The performer needs to try to understand every word, let it pass through himself, delve into the text of the conspiracy and really believe in it. The spell must be recited 7 times to enhance its magical effect.

Under the influence of this ritual, any business related to finance will be doomed to success, and the performer’s wallet will quickly and for a long time be filled with money.

A spoon will save your money and prevent it from leaking between your fingers. And not only from waste or fire, or some other disaster, but also from black witchcraft, from damage caused to your money. A spoon is a very ancient object, one of the first that man made.

A spoon is a very simple item and, at first glance, cheap, but you can’t do without it. In the old days, the whole family lived in one common hut, they drank from one cauldron, but everyone had their own spoon, sometimes they even marked it so as not to mix it up.

And even in the poorest family they avoided taking someone else’s spoon, because it was believed that doing so could bring misfortune and illness upon oneself. They also believed that a spoon connected those living with their ancestors, with their clan. And if you treat it correctly, then the clan will always defend the house and all the good in it, and will not allow the family to beg.

And in Altai, during the funeral meal, spoons were placed on the table after each meal for the grandfathers to eat with, and an extra spoon was always included for the recently deceased. Therefore, an extra spoon in your house, and, moreover, correctly enchanted, will definitely protect the good and your home.

You definitely need to buy a new spoon. It can be either wooden or silver. It is better not to buy cheap metal spoons.

According to the size of a spoon, take a tablespoon: the larger the spoon, the more goodness it will hold. You can buy a spoon and bring it into the house any day, but it’s better if you think about it Parents' Saturday or Trinity, maybe for the day of remembrance of someone from your relatives.

When you bring a spoon into the house, you must wash it under running water and then put it in salt water for an hour. After which, do not wipe it, but hang it so that the water drains from it. Then the spoon will also protect your home from witchcraft.

Security plot for money against theft and financial fraud

They read, drawing 12 crosses around themselves with a spoon:

Cross of Christ the Spassky, Cross of Jerusalem, Cross - twelve stars. With the cross I protect myself from passions, from misfortunes, from sorrows, from delusions, from the dark forest, from dashing people, from human misfortune, from need, from poverty. Save, Lord, save and have mercy.

A conspiracy to keep money and things left unattended safe

They say it if they are planning a trip during which you leave your home unattended. The plot will also help on the road - you never know how to take your eyes off the good. They take the money set aside for the household or some business (that is, not the one in your wallet, but the one that lies in your house), and fanning a spoon with it, they say:

I stroke - I smooth, I caress my sweetheart, I cherish - I cherish the money received, entrusted to me. New money, lucky money, I caress you, I call you elder money. You sit in my purse, keep an eye on all the money, don’t let it go anywhere, and attract new money. I said it, and everyone heard it. Amen. Afterwards, you need to put the money with other money and not spend it for a year (mark it).

Conspiracy against theft

To prevent your money from being stolen, say this to the spoon:

Holy hut, you stand in a holy place, I close the doors, windows and all your cracks from the thief-robber, from the envious, from the slanderer and snitch, from dashing man and an unclean spirit. It’s not me who is slandering, she is slandering herself mother of God by the power of his curse and the Life-Giving Cross.

A conspiracy against deception through which you can lose money

Read this spell on a spoon in the morning, before dawn, in a whisper, if you want not to be deceived about your money. This conspiracy will also help you avoid the temptation to get money by cunning and deception.

Righteous God, mighty God, help me, a sinner, free me from any cunning, from any deception, from darkness, from darkness, from swamp fog, and from every cunning, evil creature, and from every person who says one thing and does another. . I am with you, Lord, with your holy truth, forever and ever, Amen.

A conspiracy to return something dear to you

If an expensive item has disappeared, been stolen, or maybe got lost itself, such a conspiracy will help. You need to put a spoon next to any knife (but always one that you use often) and say the following spell:

There is a tower in an open field. In that mansion lives a beautiful sister, and a great brother. Like that brother’s knife is damask steel. My brother will go hunting into the underworld, beyond the Sayan Mountains, into boiling tar, into burning ash. As soon as he sees the villain - the villain, he will wave his knife.

The villain - the villain - will scream and groan: “Let me go, brother, don’t stab me with a damask knife, don’t use wood chips, then I’ll return all the theft to you.”

If my brother takes it, well done, I’ll steal it and bring it to his sister in the tower. So to me, the servant of God (name), brother, return the damask knife that I stole, bring it to the house and leave it at the doorstep. For this I will call your sister great and bow to her. Amen

A conspiracy that helps protect your property from theft

Place all the money you have in the house in a box or casket, place a spoon on top and say, crossing your possessions three times: K The cross is on me, the cross is on the wall. Whoever takes my money will die from the second cross. Amen.

A conspiracy not to lose money

Late in the evening, after dinner, as soon as the family leaves the table, clear everything away, and then put down your spoon and place a plate next to it. Bow at the waist and say: Grandfather, come to me for dinner. Leave everything like this overnight, in the morning when you come to breakfast, before putting the device away, say over the spoon like this:

A dead man lies in a coffin, he does not hear the singing of the church, nor the ringing of the bell, and I, (name), did not hear any losses or thefts.

A spell that will protect you from poverty

And this is how you can defend yourself. Take a spoon and say:

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I will become a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go, crossing myself, out of the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gate into an open field, under the red sun, under the morning dawn, to the east; I will pray and worship the Most Holy Theotokos, I will go to the damp mountains, to the blue sea and into an icy puddle; An icy serpent flows from the icy puddles and devours pure silver and red gold.

And you, serpent, do not devour pure silver and red gold, and come to my house, bring me the silver, and you, serpent, devour all the lessons and touches and windy slander that are on my house: and which words I passed, both spoken and unspoken, and all be fulfilled, and forever and ever, amen.

Poverty conspiracy

By helping the poor and the wretched, you will save yourself from poverty. Therefore, when I am in need, do not forget to give alms. And in order to protect yourself even more reliably from this misfortune, read the spell on a spoon - three times in the morning. In the evening, cook soup in which you add any poultry meat (for example, chicken), any vegetables and cereals (for example, potatoes and rice). This soup needs to be eaten with a spoken spoon. Just as a white swan cannot become a black duck, so I, the servant of God (name), will not know joy in wealth, nor know misfortune - poverty. The swan flies - it's beautiful, she drops her feathers - the coins are arriving in my wallet. Amen. Amen. Amen.

A conspiracy to avoid falling into a money trap

The lion is the king of beasts, strong and brave, any trap under him will break, any enemy’s teeth will break off. Likewise, I am not afraid of anyone, I will protect myself from enemies, I will be protected from evil machinations, and whoever intended evil for me will receive it back himself. Amen.

A spell that will protect your home from fire

Place the spoon on the threshold and step over it 12 times. For the last time, say:

Twelve fires are extinguished. I will not let fire fall on the servant of God (name). No matter how the fire burns, its power still decays. My word is strong, it helps the servant of God (name). Amen. Amen. Amen.

What is a scoop spoon.

Since ancient times, even the most ordinary spoons have been used in money magic. Words that came down from the depths of centuries were spoken to them to get rid of the beggarly lot, to increase well-being and a rich life. There are many customs associated with these cutlery. Until the 19th century, it was customary to always have your own personal spoon with you. Even when visiting people in those days, people brought their own spoons.

A spoon has always served as a symbol of the presence of food in the house, large quantity supplies and a well-fed life, respectively, and monetary well-being. Nowadays, a talisman called the “raking spoon” is widespread. This is a miniature spoon, which is usually made of silver. Usually these talismans have rich decoration and beautiful engraving.

A scooping spoon may be a good gift. However, in order for it to act as a talisman, it is necessary not only to believe in its power, but also to give such a gift only from the heart, with sincere wishes for a rich life and financial stability.

The meaning of a talisman in the form of a spoon

Since the spoon in the past was considered a symbol of abundance and a rich table, the main meaning of the raking spoon is to attract material wealth. It attracts the energy of money and helps to improve financial affairs, get rid of debts and increase income. This talisman will also be a good assistant for businessmen, having a positive effect on the conclusion of transactions, attracting success in business and profitable options for cooperation.

In the past, they believed that silver protects against damage, the evil eye and removes negativity from a person’s life. Since this amulet is made of this metal, it has similar properties. True, they apply exclusively to the material condition of its owner.

A scooping spoon not only attracts money, but also protects existing capital from squandering, theft, loss and the evil eye. Old talismans that have managed to truly “become friends” with their owner can even protect against damage to poverty and other similar negative programs.

Reviews of spoon ragrebushka and conspiracies

Reviews about the raking spoon are not always positive. The fact is that just putting a talisman in your wallet is not everything. To activate the scoop spoon, you need to know a special spell, and you should also take into account the compartment of the wallet in which it will be located. The talisman will not work in an empty compartment; in the compartment for small items its effectiveness will be minimal.
So, if you bought this talisman, before putting it in your wallet, say a special spell on the raking spoon:

What was an obstacle to happiness, I completely banish, I grab luck and money for myself.

Another option:

I had a silver spoon, but this will become a spoon for money,
Whoever becomes friends with her will not bother,
He will live in abundance and have some money left over.
I'm home - and the money is with me!

Now place the spoon where it belongs - in the compartment for large bills, or where you store credit cards. In the first case, she will attract large sums of money to you. In the second - protect against debts, financial fraud and attract success in any matter that involves money.

Overall, the spoon is great, just like purse mouse is an excellent and working talisman that will quickly help you get your financial affairs in order.

Conspiracies of the Pechora healer Maria Fedorovskaya for good luck and wealth Smorodova Irina



Spoons have a special meaning. Because if you eat charmed food with a fork, all the anger that was prepared for you will slip through the tines of the fork. But if you scoop it up with a spoon, you’ll get it all. To protect yourself from dirty tricks, you need to use a silver spoon (silver has the ability to extinguish all anger). But if there was a “good” slander on the food, the silver spoon only strengthened it.

The best thing is to charm the silver spoon so that it works flawlessly.

Take a silver teaspoon, clean it properly (with ammonia and tooth powder), let it shine like new. Then rinse in seven waters, wipe dry and wrap in a soft red rag. Speak into the spoon only once, pronouncing each word clearly:

Beyond the seven seas, beyond the seven forests,

There is a mountain, high and steep,

Don't climb.

A fine blacksmith lives on that mountain,

Works day and night

Let him not get tired, let him not complain.

The blacksmith forges not horseshoes and bits,

And human happiness,

So that everyone gets it,

No one was left unhappy.

Once it hits, the family will be strong and molded.

If it hits twice, the house will be full.

If it hits three times, there will be plenty of money.

I won’t ask the blacksmith for much,

Help me, well done blacksmith,

I had a silver spoon

And there will be a spoon for money,

Who will eat from it?

Then you won’t grieve,

There will be a life of abundance,

And there is some money left.

Forever and ever.

My word is strong, there is no other!

Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

After that, unwrap the spoon and place it with the other spoons so that anyone can pick it up. And take the red rag in which the spoken spoon was wrapped to the kitchen and use it as an oven mitt: it will be of great use.

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    Last year we celebrated New Year at our house. There were few guests, but still there were about 10 guests. We thought for a long time what to give to each of them, so that they would remember and our gift would not be thrown into the back drawer and forgotten there. And then I suggested that my husband give everyone the so-called Raking Spoons. I saw these once in a jewelry store. They are made of silver, although they can also be made of gold, at a price of about 200 rubles, maybe a little more now. It is customary to wear them so that luck and money will always be with you. I think many people have such a cute little thing. My husband supported me and we bought such things for our guests. Well, firstly, it’s not expensive, and secondly, almost a year later, many people still look into their wallet or purse and remember my husband and me.

    It would be very suitable as an idea for an original souvenir. By the way, my husband and I also bought the same one for ourselves. silver spoon. We carry them in our wallet to attract wealth and happiness. Although I don’t believe in all kinds of such things, it’s still nice to know that there is such a souvenir.

    Now, whenever it’s one of our employees’ birthdays at work, I buy such a cute souvenir. I think someone will take it as a gift idea.

Video review

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