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All people tend to dream and this is wonderful. It is the desire to realize your dreams that often becomes a good incentive.

“Any dream can become a reality if you believe in it,” he said, and it’s hard to disagree with him, because this man discovered the formula for success. What needs to be done, where to start, to make your dream come true?

You should know that making a dream come true is only possible when it has a real basis. In addition, you should not put off realizing what you want, coming up with various excuses and justifications.

How to make your dream come true, what is needed for this

First of all, break the entire path to your dream into steps, that is, small, specific goals. After all, it’s difficult to eat an elephant whole, then let’s eat it piece by piece. Treat the process not as work or difficulties, but as a gambling, interesting and exciting game where you must become a winner!

Strive for every goal you set, as it is actually the same dream. To implement your plan, you can adhere to a certain plan:

  • Reality. Think about how realistic what you want is;
  • Believe in yourself;
  • Proper distribution of personal time is also an important component on the path to making your dreams come true;
  • Take action;
  • Overcome obstacles;
  • Enjoy the results you get.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the points and find out how to make your dream come true.

Reality or illusion

To start fulfilling your dream, compare it with reality; you should not wish for something unrealistic (getting a rainbow or the Moon from the sky and other “magic”). This point is very important.

A desire without support in reality cannot be realized. Don't dream about many things, concentrate on one dream that is more important in your opinion. Formulate what you want to achieve.

Write everything down on paper. If you indicate what you want on paper, you can understand whether you really want it or not. It is advisable to describe everything in detail, as much as possible. Indicate all the pros and cons of getting what you want.

Try to imagine that you have achieved your dream. The more complete and clear the picture you create in your imagination, the better. Try to dream every day, it is better to do it before bed.

You can also create a motivational poster made from pictures, drawings and other materials at hand. Visualization is the most productive method used for...

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They are all different and most people are tormented by the same question, why don’t dreams come true? There is one interesting and really effective theory of “8 sacred rooms”. It is impossible to be 100% sure that this theory works, but man of sense will definitely see the correct pattern in it and a lot useful tips. It all starts from the moment a person comes up with his desire, and ends when it comes true. All the time that passes from idea to execution can be divided into 8 stages or 8 rooms. The theory clearly states that any dream will come true if you follow all 8 rules, but if your dream does not come true, then you simply gave up or are stuck on one of the steps. Let's look at what sacred rooms we pass through on the way to our goal and how to make our dream come true.

How to make the dream a reality?

Room 1. The first stage, which is the foundation of the entire chain of formation of our desires and goals, is the stages of intention. It’s worth explaining right away that dreams cannot come true on their own, but only intentions come true, so clearly formulate your dream and be sure to formalize it correctly: I want to become rich, I want to get married, I want to be famous, I want to buy a big house - these are abstract dreams and therefore they won't come true. For your dream to come true, you need to build it according to this plan:

  • I met a loved one who loves me, our family is happy and harmonious;
  • I earn a lot of money, with the help of my favorite activity, everything goes as it should;
  • I am happy to slim down to size “S” without harm to my health.

How you formulate your dream is how it will come true. If there are inaccuracies in your formulation, they will certainly materialize and you will only have to shrug your shoulders. For example, one woman once said that she just wanted to ride around the city and collect money from everyone, and she became a controller on the bus, so think carefully about what you want and formulate your requests as clearly as possible.

Room 2. The second room is responsible for. So many of us fail to achieve our goals only because we get stuck in the fear stage. Surely you are familiar with this, you really want something, but inside you there is a fear that if you achieve your goal, something might happen, for example: if you get rich, you will have problems associated with the fear of losing money, losing loved ones because of the envy of relatives who will constantly start asking you for something. Guided by this opinion, you can understand that every dream definitely contains some risk, and your task is to work through them. Calculate in advance what can be done with them and prepare to overcome them. These are vivid examples.

  • You want to get married, but at the same time you have fears that relate to sex or family life All in all.
  • You want to be a mother, but you have certain fears associated with pregnancy, childbirth or motherhood.
  • You want to get rich, but you have attitudes like “money is evil”, “where there is a lot of money there are big problems”, “big money cannot be earned honestly”, “rich people are shot” and so on - these fears will block the realization of your goal.

If you are stuck and your dream is not coming true, then think, maybe you have fears that are associated with this dream?

Room 3. This stage may look ridiculous. What could be the connection between making your dreams come true and forgiving your offenders? In fact, the connection is absolutely direct, if you are offended by someone, if the grievances are deep inside you and have been there for years, most likely the free energy that is necessary to realize your goals and desires will not be enough. To free up the energy that will be used to materialize your dreams, you need to forgive as many offenses as possible, preferably all. We need to start with the parents, ex-husband(wives), friends, lovers, acquaintances, work colleagues and absolutely everyone with whom you are offended. Just think about what you want to spend your precious energy on, maintaining a grudge that is harmful to you or fulfilling the goal you dream of. Make the right choice - forgive everyone, and you will immediately notice how your dream begins to come true.

Room 4. This stage can be called “healing”. For your dream to come true, you must be absolutely healthy person. This is not about the diagnosis in your medical record; the health that is in your head is much more important - healthy, clean, bright thoughts.

There is a type of thought in our lives that poisons not only ourselves, but the whole the world. Perhaps you often think about the bad, concentrate on pressing problems, worry about what is happening in hot spots of the world, constantly delve into controversial and painful topics: politics, exchange rates, wars, diseases, tragedies, murders, etc.

With your dark thoughts you constantly attract negativity into life, because of this you can seriously suffer or simply remain a nobody. In this case, a certain protection system is triggered, and you are simply deprived of vital energy. When the energy leaves a person’s body, he immediately begins to get sick. This happens so that you do not attract big troubles into your life and ruin it for other people.

Try to always think about the good and: you don’t need to think about war - think about peace, and if you are worried about a crisis, then it is better to see in it new opportunities and new chances to improve your standard of living, new loopholes to get rich. Use any information you receive to your advantage, even if it is clearly negative. If your thoughts are correct, bright, clean and healthy, then your body will be saturated with energy, which will help you realize all your dreams.

Room 5. Here we will talk about the responsibility that lies on our shoulders. Each of us has encountered such a situation that, at some stage of the realization of a desire, it often begins to seem that absolutely nothing depends on us, and our desire is controlled by strangers and it depends on them whether our dream will come true or not - this is a very insidious and important stage.

Yes, our mind and consciousness are designed in such a way that something constantly seems to us, and we look for cause-and-effect relationships in the external world. There can be many examples: “Something doesn’t work out for me, it’s his fault,” “Something in my life isn’t going well, it’s my parents’ fault,” “My personal life doesn’t make me happy, it’s my husband, wife or child’s fault,” - for some reason we... then they are accustomed to shifting responsibility for personal life to someone else and as soon as we do this, we give the helm to another person and are no longer in control of the situation. Therefore, at this stage it is very important to take responsibility.

Even if your desires include other people, for example, you want your own business, and you need customers, investors, a good relationship with authorities. First of all, you will think that your goal depends on a million other people, what to do and how to control them all? You always control your goals with the help of your thoughts, so build cause-and-effect relationships not between yourself and other people, but between yourself and your thoughts. If your dream has stalled, then don’t ask the question “who is to blame for the fact that my goal is not coming true?”, It’s better to figure out what thoughts are blocking the realization of this goal, what thoughts right now are preventing you from moving forward and realizing your dream.

It is worth learning to take full responsibility and say “I am the only actor, screenwriter and director of the play called MY LIFE, it depends only on me how the plot will develop and what the ending of this story will be.” If you take responsibility, recognize your right to be the master of your life and learn to filter your thoughts, you will pass this stage easily, and your goal will definitely come true.

Room 6. The sixth stage can easily be called the action room. The fact is that in achieving any goal there always comes a time when you need to start acting. It is very important at this moment to really move from thinking, planning and fantasies to some specific steps. Many people stop at this stage because it’s easy to plan, dream and fantasize - everyone can do this, but call, search on the Internet, collect information, draw up a business plan, develop a scheme, get acquainted with the right people and not everyone can take a real step towards their dream. However, this step must be overcome.

Think, maybe you have been sitting for years, but there are no results. So stop visualizing - it’s time to act, only through actions can you get as close as possible to your dream.

Room 7. It’s time to add a touch of positivity not only to the article, but also to life, so we will call this stage “Humor”. We take our dreams very passionately and very seriously and try to elevate them and set them at the highest level. Remember that there will definitely come a time when you have to throw this seriousness off your shoulders. Take your life's dream off its pedestal and just laugh at it. You should not constantly tremble over it - obsession will not lead you to success. Throw out the entire flow of emotions that have accumulated during the time you have been working towards your goal, laugh at yourself and at your failures. You shouldn’t make a tragedy out of this, just treat it all with humor. After you free yourself from excess burden, you will immediately feel a new surge of strength and confidence that the goal is actually not so unattainable.

Room 8. The final stage is called “Abundance”. After you have done the great work mentioned above, there remains one very simple and very difficult thing - to allow yourself to have. The point is to value yourself the same way you value your dreams.

Abundance is such a thing that is available to each of us, because the world exudes abundance, it will definitely give you beauty, health, money, talent, opportunities, success, fame, fans and everything you want. It all depends only on you and your willingness to take this abundance and fill yourself with it. At this stage, we overcome the shock of the fact that the house, apartment, car, job or girl you have dreamed of for so long is truly worthy of you. Here you need to understand that you are worthy of this and she is worth it, tell yourself: “I am worthy of this.” Exactly on last stage you just need to settle abundance in yourself and your consciousness and enjoy it. Immediately after this, your dream will completely come true.


These are the stages that separate us from our cherished dreams. You can complete them either in 8 days or in 8 years, the time depends on the characteristics of each person and the magnitude of the desire itself. Try not to spend too long at each stage, but you shouldn’t miss anything. Now you know how to make your dream come true.

Thoughts are material - I realized this in the hungry post-crisis year of 1999. I dreamed of a salary of 3,000 rubles (at the exchange rate at that time, a little more than $100, and let me tell you, that was a lot of money!).

The number “three” and the word “salary” were firmly stuck in my head - there was enough piece work, but, as a rule, it was always accompanied by delayed salaries and network marketing.

Now I understand that I perfectly fulfilled all the conditions for making my dream come true (more on that later). Literally a couple of weeks later I was offered (!) a job with a salary of 350... dollars. Those who did not live in Moscow in the late nineties will not understand this. A girl student from Bryansk was offered a legal job with an almost white salary, and even with a SALARY of $350! It sounded like a dream. In those days, for $100 you could rent a decent apartment near the metro in a not-so-shabby area of ​​Moscow like Konkovo.

At the interview, I even forgot to ask about the salary - I liked the idea of ​​stable earnings and the new responsibilities of a sales manager for the then unknown company Arktel. The director himself wrote this figure on a piece of paper. I followed the movement of the ballpoint pen: three... (Oh! Is it really 3000 rubles?), five... (Wow! 3500 is just happiness, because they also promised a percentage of sales!), zero... $ (WHATOOOO?! Are you serious? ? Salary of $350 plus interest?!)

I returned home dumbfounded, looking at the boutiques on Pushkinskaya, at the same time dreaming about new apartment, and about the boots from the window...

The second major epiphany came in 2004, when I met my Danish husband. He was a copy of my grandfather: both in character and appearance. Many other qualities written down on paper, and the Scandinavian appearance, dreamed up in distant childhood from the covers of foreign OTTO catalogues, EVERYTHING coincided. Didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, gave flowers, cooked, loved and... what else do we usually write on our wish list for a future partner when we’re twenty? That time I also fulfilled all the conditions for fulfilling my desire. And it came true!

But, as I managed to notice, not only good things come true. Our fears can come true just like our dreams. After all, they are also our thoughts. The most outstanding example from my life was.

Apparently, this is how I fulfilled the program that the fortune teller put into my head, who “predicted” that “I will have one child, and something will happen to the second.” When I became pregnant for the second time, I couldn’t get rid of the thought that something was about to happen. It happened...

And a few years later a new blow followed - a divorce from her husband. The Universe fulfilled my negative instructions: “All men go crazy by the age of forty, because of this, marriages collapse.” We broke up exactly after his fortieth birthday.

In search of an answer to the difficult question “Why is this happening to me?” I became acquainted with the practice of positive thinking. I watched the famous movie “The Secret”, began reading books, practicing cleaning internal blocks according to Sviyash, visualization and much more.

Sometimes these techniques worked, and sometimes they didn’t. I couldn’t figure out a simple method to follow to make my dreams come true.

It was only when I was ready to hear real answers that I began to come across truly valuable books, articles and videos. Putting together what I knew, I took action. And guess what? The results were stunning!

Let me give you a few examples.

When going on my next vacation, I determine in advance where and when I want to go and how much it should cost. I am not proceeding from the data “I saw tickets to Paris for $100.” No. I just decide that I personally think it's reasonable to pay that much money for a direct flight to Paris. I work two jobs and the kids spend every other week with me, so I'm always tied to certain dates. But my wishes still come true! I find the right tickets for the right dates at the expected price and even cheaper (everyone I know is amazed!)

Having knowledge of visualization, I now apply it everywhere. For example, at the grocery store I suddenly needed thin markers for coloring books. And they were there! The latter, with a “last copy” discount, are like a special promotional item that is only available in grocery stores in batches to attract customers. Or at the flea market, when it suddenly occurred to me that it would be nice to find those bowls from IKEA that I just needed, and I was too lazy to go to IKEA. And they were found! Exactly the ones I needed. Even I was surprised.

I can easily “dream” for myself the required number of customers for one or another of my programs or the number of emails with requests. When launching the winter stream of the Mini-Detox program, I wished for so many participants that the money earned would be enough to buy tickets for a vacation. More people signed up for the program in two weeks than in the previous two years!

I can give a million more different examples, but let's move on to practice. What to do to make your dreams come true?

Here's a detailed step-by-step guide:

1. Decide exactly WHAT you want. This is not a platitude, but a proven fact. Until you decide what you need, life will not be able to accomplish something. I have a lot of friends who have been wanting to change jobs for several years. But they don’t know what kind of work they need! They simply DO NOT want the old job, and by doing so they reinforce their thoughts about it. The Universe does not understand the particle “NOT”. You need to think not about the hated and boring job you are currently in, but about your future position. I also got a job at my current “regular” job using the proposed technology. I definitely got what I wanted. Not in a SIMILAR company, but in exactly the company and in the position that I had dreamed of: a dust-free job with a flexible schedule not far from home, which allows me to simultaneously run my business.

2. Write down your desires in as much detail as possible. This is an important condition, but you yourself need it more. For what? When you write down what you want, it becomes more specific forms. In addition, it will become clear to you whether this is really your desire, or whether it is imposed from the outside. For example, I don’t care how old the car I drive is - the main thing is that it is in good working order and economical. It's more important to me to be able to travel. That's why I don't have a new car in my plans. If you run a blog, write down how many visitors you want to have per day. By the way! There is a small peculiarity about money: you need to wish not just an amount of money, but money for a specific cause.

3. You don't have the right to decide when you get what you want. The Universe has its own plans. I have often heard the point of view that you need to decide not only what you want, but also by what time it needs to be achieved. This is wrong. Trying to install exact dates, you are trying to put pressure on the Universe and set conditions for it. This is not according to the rules of the game. Therefore, there is no need to dream “in two months I will get a new position.” And how would you know? You might be starting a new position in just a week! Just fulfill all the conditions for fulfilling your wishes and let the Universe surprise you.

4. Stock up on energy to fulfill your desires. According to the theory of wish fulfillment, the speed and accuracy of wish fulfillment depend on the power of energy with which we send a signal to the Universe, and on the power of thoughts and feelings that we put into our wish. When we want something, a signal is sent from us to the Universe. If the signal is weak, it may take a very long time to reach the “order table”, or may not even get there at all. If you have powerful energy, the strength of the signal increases significantly, and wishes come true faster. Besides this, the Universe is the Universe, but it has no other hands than yours. Therefore, energy will be useful to you in order to begin to translate what you want into reality. More about this in paragraph 10. By the way, my blog has and even has a free marathon on increasing energy.

5. Decide what is stopping you. Joe Dispenza in his book “The Power of the Subconscious, or How to Change Your Life in 4 Weeks” talks about how our subconscious programs prevent us from achieving our goals. If you have it firmly in your head that “all men are bastards” and “only scoundrels have a lot of money,” you won’t see a single devotee or loving husband, no wealth. Therefore, first you need to identify all these attitudes, write them down on paper and methodically work through them during meditation - one at a time, until this list is finished. You can read more in his book.

6. Meditate according to a precise scheme: first you enter a meditative state, then cleanse yourself of interfering attitudes, change them to new ones, and only then, having worked through all your negatives, start dreaming.

What do I mean by the process of entering meditation and clearing attitudes? For example, I wanted a new job. First, I sat down and wrote down (as per point 1) what specific job I needed. The list included: salary level, distance from home (I knew exactly where the institution where I wanted to work was located), duties and the number of hours in which I could cope with them, flexible schedule, and so on. Then I made a list of my FEARS that prevent me (according to my attitudes) from getting this position (foreign origin, lack of work experience, accent). And then each time I worked on one aspect per day as follows:

Entering Meditation with Help “Body parts” techniques(developed by Joe Dispenza with translation into Russian) - about 10-15 minutes.

When a feeling of unity with the Universe is achieved (a certain state between sleep and wakefulness), at this moment you need to talk to yourself or out loud about your fears (one per session). Why is this so? The fact is that when we are at the junction of vigor and sleep, our body emits special waves. They are coherent (go in the same direction), which means the power of your thought can more easily reach both the subconscious and the Universe. More details about this are in the book. There are many scientific explanations- I highly recommend reading it before taking action.

After you have spoken out your fears, you need to say out loud “I’m changing!” and imagine a new picture - what exactly do you want to change your fear to. For example, I decided that Russian origin would be my advantage. It seemed absurd because I wanted to become a career consultant. In Denmark. But the Universe surprised me: my native Russian language became my ticket to the position: by that time they had just opened a NEW department for working with refugees, including those from Chechnya! And they speak Russian. And they took me.

When all fears have been worked out (one per meditation), you can move on to visualizations. First, enter a meditative state using the Body Parts technique, and then imagine yourself in the moment. I imagined how I was driving my car to work in this place, what kind of desk I had and what I was doing at it. Next - everything according to the scheme described below.

7. When dreaming, focus on your feelings and sensations. Don't look at yourself from the outside, try to feel the moment. Many of us, when dreaming, imagine ourselves from the outside or simply see the object of desire. As Vadim Zeland writes, this is a waste of time. Desire must be supplied with energy. If you dream of a house and even make a collage with it in the lead role, you will definitely see this house, only... it will not be yours. When you imagine a house, you should ALREADY live there. Walk around it, sit in a chair, make tea, feel the pleasant texture of the curtains, feel like the owner of this space. The universe responds not so much to thoughts as to feelings.

8. Believe: your desires are “DONE DEAL!” (solved issue!) If you wish for something, it will definitely come true. It's a small matter! This is perhaps the most difficult thing on the list, along with the next item. It's easy to say - believe it. I hasten to reassure you: when you begin to visualize using your senses, you will soon really begin to believe it. And the more often your wishes begin to come true, the easier it will be to believe that it will work again. For example, now I truly BELIEVE that my soul can desire anything. After all, she came into this world to learn new things, and it is better for the soul to know what kind of people and events it needs for this. This is also why it is important to find your TRUE desire, otherwise it risks not coming true.

9. Dream only what you really believe in. For example, I will never dream that I am a movie star. Why? Not because I’m not attracted to the role of a star, but because I simply won’t believe it. And according to the previous point, you must BELIEVE in desire. But I dream of becoming such a popular and famous nutritionist that I will be vying with each other to be invited to various TV shows as an expert. And this is already starting to come true! Recently I received a call from the editorial office of ORT from the program “ Good morning!”, they asked me to come to their studio with the children to record as many as two programs about children’s nutrition. I was not satisfied with their conditions, so we did not go to Moscow. But there will be more! Because I really believe in it.

10. Now let go of your desire. Devalue it. What I mean? Forget about him or just become indifferent to him. This is the most difficult thing, however, this is one of the main conditions for the fulfillment of desires. Until you don't care whether you have it or not, your wish will not come true. Before getting that same Moscow job, I relaxed and waited for the opportunity. Five days before meeting my Danish husband, I announced to my friends that the search for the prince was over, because I was tired. Before I became pregnant with my second son Nika (now he is almost 5 years old), having experienced several unsuccessful pregnancies, I decided - oh well, that means I will only have one child. When I “order” the universe so many clients for the next program, I cool my ardor in advance and simply watch the development of events, slowly moving my feet in a given direction (advertising “without fanaticism”). When I set out to get a new job, I, of course, sent my resume to other places, but I also didn’t forget to look at their website in anticipation of the desired position. While looking for work in other places, I signaled to the Universe: if it’s not there, well, okay!

11. Take small steps in your chosen direction every day. This is what many books about fulfillment of desires “forget” to write about. I remember, after watching the movie “The Secret,” I bought a new car on credit, reasoning like this: “By buying it, I am signaling to the Universe that I have enough money, and it (money) will come to me.” Not so! I am still paying off the debts for that ill-fated car. If you dream of a new job, start looking for it. If you want a new relationship, show up more often in places where other people are. If you want to become the author of a book, then... start writing it!

In conclusion, I want to say that we can only dream about OURSELVES. You cannot change your husband, your boss, the climate in your country, or your neighbors with the power of thought. Everything you dream about should concern only you. These are the conditions.

The good news is that as you change, you will experience inexplicable changes in your environment. Like attracts like. And last but not least, don’t forget to regularly thank the Universe for what you already have. At least your smile and good mood.

I ended mine with a promise to talk about how I manage to make my dreams come true.

The amazing method that I use is simple to the point of impossibility, but at the same time it is so effective that I have nothing else to compare it with. And believe me, I’ve probably tried dozens of them already.

Using this method, you can improve your health, improve family relationships, and improve your money situation.

Another panacea, you ask, and you will be right - yes, another panacea, a remedy for all ills that really works. But there is one point that I will talk about later. He amazes me, surprises me, infuriates me! It's not about the method that I'll tell you about now, but about us...

How to make your wishes come true - a step-by-step method

To make your desire come true, take a pen and paper. Yes, damn it! This will have to be done! Well, at least we can do this, huh?

Step 1. Write down one of our deepest desires. You don't need much. Let's start with one. In the second step you will understand why.

Step 2. Write down why we still don’t have this. In other words, we complain. I don’t have money, I don’t have strength, I don’t have enough motivation, what else do you have, terrible parents or children... Complain about everything that prevents you from getting closer to your cherished goal.

Number all your complaints and write them down carefully and in detail point by point.

Step 3. Also point by point, one by one, rewrite your complaints, but in a positive, positive way.

For example, what was “I don’t have money” became “I always have money for everything I need and still have left.” It was “I have no strength”, it became “I am vigorous, strong, young and beautiful, so much so that I am afraid to pass by the mirror, I am so dazzlingly healthy and beautiful” 😊

I already wrote this about myself)) I had approximately the same attitude when I complained about my weaknesses.

Step 4: Get a little creative. From what you have written point by point, make it convenient readable text. So that you can read it yourself, and, importantly, you can listen to it later.

Step 5. Turn on the voice recorder on your smartphone and read this text. Preferably with feeling, with confidence that all this is true, that you are strong, rich, irresistible, etc. In fact, it is so, you just don’t believe it yet. So read this calmly, confidently, as if it were a fact that happened, and you are simply telling your closest friend or girlfriend about it.

Step 6: Optional. We add music to your text. I did it simply, turned on the music on the computer and wrote down the text with the music turned on. Music should be something that inspires you. For me these are mantras, it seems to me that through them I am somehow closer to everything good that I strive for. In general, with music, in my opinion, it will be more pleasant for you to listen to it later, but you will have to listen to it more than once.

Step 7. Listen to this recording three times a day. The first time, immediately after waking up. As soon as we opened our eyes, the phone was still nearby. Plug in your headphones and listen to how wonderful you are! The second time during the day, when convenient, usually at lunch. And don’t complain that you aren’t allowed to eat in peace at lunchtime! If you want to change your life, find five minutes!

Third time, before bed! Definitely before bed! God only knows what happens to us at night. So let's set the program for our transition to new reality. Let everyone who is responsible for this work all night on new programs.

That’s why I said at the beginning that we should start working on one desire, because in such an untrained state, with such low self-esteem, we simply cannot be scattered across many desires. In addition, the mantra that you get will be much shorter and it will be easier to listen to it without falling asleep in the evening, and in the morning too.

I called it a mantra myself, you can call it whatever you want, a conspiracy, a slander, a verdict, in the end

Step 8. This is rather not a step, but simply constant monitoring of changes in your life. But this is a very important stage. Notice what you say in the mantra. Those things and qualities will gradually begin to appear in your life. Properties you've dreamed of.

Concentrate your attention on this, notice the little things that bring you closer to your goal. Your words in a mantra are like seeds that you sow every day. Your attention to the little things that will begin to appear in your life is the water with which you water those seeds. Be sure to notice and enjoy the new shoots in your life, the author of which is only you.

The more global the goal, the longer the period of cultivation will last, the period of little things that precede the manifestation of your dreams, but if you notice them, then the joy and gratitude that you will experience when noticing their appearance will bring you even faster to the goal.

How long will it take to fulfill a wish?

One of my deepest desires, which I wrote about in the last article, I could not achieve for several years. I didn’t even know how to approach him. Or rather, when I complained about this on a piece of paper, I realized that it was all empty, just excuses, and a month after listening to the mantra I already had what I had dreamed of for several years.

That is, it took me a month to fulfill one important dream. Those dreams that were not so global come true by themselves so easily that you simply forget about them and strive for new goals.

There are only 5 steps that will allow you to make your dreams come true.

Friends, this is an article that will help you avoid crying over the fragments of a broken dream.

Let your dream come true!

How to make your dreams come true?

Very simple.

1) Decide on a dream.

2) Allow yourself to have what you want.

3) Reduce importance.

4) Use visualization.

5) Take action.

And now in more detail on each point.

1⃣ Decide on a dream. Yes, you always need to be clear about what exactly you want. When there is a direction of movement, then there is no place and time for chaotic hesitation and doing nothing. You will no longer go with the flow. Now you're heading straight to .

Make sure your dreams are worth the effort.

How to find your dream? , but the main thing you should know is that your dream should make you a happy person.

You shouldn't force yourself to do something. On the contrary, the dream itself should motivate you to achieve it. Then you won't need to force yourself to do anything. You realize that . And this is the best thing that can happen.

When you are happy with the process itself, it is a sign that you will definitely make your dream come true.

2⃣ Allow yourself to have what you want. We can have a wonderful dream. But we will not get one step closer to realizing it if we cannot afford to have it. Yes, yes, this is not a joke. If our dream is something global that has a big gap with our current life, then the brain will simply block its implementation. Because for us it will seem like something unreal. Subconsciously, we will think that all efforts will be wasted and we will achieve nothing. It shouldn't be like this!

What to do?

Firstly, you can simplify your dream, make it not so large-scale.

Secondly, you can convince yourself that your dream is completely achievable, and you can’t escape it. What can you do, this is your destiny - to achieve your dream. One way or another, first of all you need. Making your dreams come true without this is almost impossible.

3⃣ Reduce importance. - the enemy on the way to your dream. When you believe that your dream is a big deal, it will be much more difficult to achieve it. If you treat your dream with reverence, then such a reverent attitude distances you from what you want. Exaggerating the importance is unprofitable.

It is better to treat your dream simply. Don't consider it too important and difficult to achieve. Perhaps this is actually true. But you shouldn't get hung up on it.

Break your dream down into simple steps that will no longer seem complicated to you.

Stop thinking about imperfections, don't strive to do everything perfectly. This is impossible. You just need to do your job. Try not to get stuck striving for perfection in the beginning. And you can improve your creation all your life!

4⃣ Use visualization. very conducive to making your dreams come true. Therefore, clearly, in the smallest detail, visualize how you make your dream come true.

Moreover, you should visualize both the result and the process of making your dreams come true.

You will be surprised, but you will come across a lot of information and opportunities to make your dreams come true.

If you do not believe in the power of thought, then consider that it is the brain that concentrates on your dream and therefore draws your attention to something that would previously have gone unnoticed. In any case, think, feel, live your dream. This will bring you closer to her!

5⃣ Take action. This is the most important point. Without it, your dream will remain something imaginary. But when you add action to a dream, you thereby transform the dream into a goal.

A goal is a dream multiplied by action.

- and then it will definitely come true. just take it and do what you need to do. Try to act. Draw strength from your dream - it really works.

Even if things go really badly, always remember why you started doing it. This will give you a boost of motivation and help you overcome any adversity.

Yes, you'll have to work hard. But this is your goal, which means you will be happy about it. In the end, you will definitely achieve what you so passionately dreamed of. A dream successfully translated into reality is the best proof of the correctness of a person’s chosen path.

P.S. Thank you for being with us. Be healthy and happy, friends!

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