Why do you dream about a crematorium? Interpretation by days of the week

20.08.2019 Animals

To see a crematorium in which, besides the dreamer, there are several other people, foretells that he will be drawn into illegal affairs, and it will take him time to prove his innocence, but everything will work out.

Also, such a dream suggests that he needs to be careful when choosing friends and partners and carefully study the documents that he signs. A dream about a crematorium suggests that a person needs to temporarily give up adventurism and wastefulness, otherwise he simply will not be able to continue to live in grand style, since there is a high probability of being left without a source of income and getting into a major mess. If the dreamer is looking for someone in a crematorium, then such a dream foreshadows the imminent death of one of his relatives or friends. When a person sees that there are many corpses in the crematorium, then many sorrows await him in the future, which he will need to endure with fortitude.

What if you dream about a crematorium?

Seeing a crematorium in a dream means an impending illness that will be very difficult to endure. Also, this symbol can speak of an attempt on the dreamer’s life, and if, nevertheless, there was an attempt to kill, then you must definitely find out who needed it, otherwise it may happen again.

If a person who works there or recently visited a crematorium dreams of a crematorium, then such a dream can be attributed to excessive impressionability, and it does not carry anything negative.

But when this symbol appears in a dream out of the blue, it says that not everything is as prosperous in the dreamer’s life as he thinks, and it is better to delve into it now than to pay for his own absent-mindedness. A crematorium seen in a dream indicates that the dreamer is in last years experiences a lot of negative feelings, if he continues in the same spirit, they will kill all the good that is still left in him, so he needs to think more about positive things. Perhaps he will discover the bright colors of life that he simply did not notice before.

What does it portend?

When thinking about what a crematorium means in a dream, you should turn to the interpretation of this symbol in psychology. Often he is dreamed of by a person who is very upset at work, so his subconscious showed him this horrible dream. Also, such a dream may indicate that a lot of negativity has accumulated around the dreamer, and it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible so that there is no trouble.

Perhaps one of your friends is weaving intrigues, and if they are not stopped, then the matter may take a negative turn, so it is important to take a closer look at them and find out information from them.

Seeing the corpse of an animal being burned in a crematorium portends a meeting with an old friend, which will bring with it mutually beneficial cooperation. If in the crematorium people laugh instead of crying, then such a dream means a pleasant time among friends, which will end with a strong hangover, but good memories will remain after it.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about the Crematorium in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Crematorium in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Crematorium in a dream?

Serious tests. If you are cremated, it means doing business unsuccessfully, incurring losses, deteriorating health.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Watching the public in the Crematorium means death loved one.

Being in a crematorium in a dream means some kind of sadness.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

If you dreamed that a loved one was about to be cremated, this means a long illness, this is how the dream book interprets the dream you had.

To end a relationship with someone, read on if you want to know why you dream about the Crematorium.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Crematorium according to the dream book?

If you see a crematorium in a dream, know that your opponents will try to weaken your influence in business circles. A dream in which you are cremated foreshadows a clear failure in entrepreneurship. Stop listening to other people's opinions and trust your intuition and common sense more - then this dream will not come true.

Spring Dream Interpreter

If you saw in a dream how a body is burned, it means hopeless grief.

We saw a crematorium building in a dream - to destroy traces of a crime; to concealing malicious facts.

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

What does it mean if you dreamed of a Crematorium:

You dreamed of Cremation - in a dream you seem to be present at cremation - your influence in business sphere will weaken; If you do not restore your position, you will soon experience financial difficulties. You see in a dream that you are being cremated - the dream suggests that you are too underestimating your abilities, your intuition and overestimating those of others; you personify the gospel proverb. There is no prophet in his own country; You will only achieve success when you trust yourself more.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed about the Crematorium in a dream, interpretation:

Cremation is an attitude towards death; the end of something.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about the Crematorium - what does the dream mean?

You dreamed of Cremation - Competitors are trying to harm you using dishonest methods. Imagine yourself quickly leaving the cremation hall. The cremation building behind you collapses without harming you.

Why do you dream of a house of sorrow with a device for burning bodies? This image in a dream is initially considered negative and promises only problems. But a competent interpretation offered by the dream book will help you cope with them. The crematorium, for example, appears before the final breakdown of some relationship or warns that it is time to come up with an “alibi”.

Why do you dream of a working crematorium?

Most often it acts as a symbol of total destruction and radical change. Perhaps nothing like this will happen in reality, but in your soul you are clearly aware of it.

Another meaning is the loss of vital energy or its consumption due to uncontrolled aggression, as well as rash actions that entail fatal consequences.

Seeing cremation in a dream: more specifics

However, the dream book insists: you need to remember who exactly was cremated in the night vision.

  • For a loved one - melancholy, a long-term illness of this person.
  • A friend - failure of a planned business.
  • Colleague - business difficulties.
  • The enemy is the respect of others and superiors.
  • A stranger is an unexpected joy.

Did you imagine that you yourself were on fire in the crematorium? Get a bad cold or experience doubts about the adequacy of your actions. But if you managed to get out of the oven unharmed, then in your dream you were literally purified and reborn.

Get rid of everything that bothers you!

If you dreamed of a crematorium, then the dream book is sure: the time has come to cleanse yourself of harmful passions, bad habits, unworthy thoughts or feelings of guilt.

In some cases, the image hints at intense passion or anger. Sometimes he says directly: only that knowledge will give strength and wisdom that was obtained from one’s own bitter experience.

Success that will soon pass...

Why else do you dream about a crematorium? This is a harbinger of quick success, which will not bring any benefit and will disappear almost instantly.

The dream book warns: money will instantly “slip through your fingers”, the established relationships will soon go wrong, and there will be no peace of mind and satisfaction either.

Rejoice carefully!

Sometimes you can see a crematorium in a dream before a very valuable acquisition, and not only of a material nature.

It is possible that you will experience such great joy that it will practically “tear” your heart. The result of such violent emotions will be a sharp deterioration in health.

Try to pull yourself together!

A crematorium in a dream often reflects internal state. If sparks were flying from the stove and the flame was smoking, then your own negative feelings will cause losses and conflicts.

Once in the crematorium, did you feel an attack of insane panic? The dream book suspects that in real world you are desperately afraid of something. But most likely, your concern is unfounded.

You will do your best!

In a nightly adventure, did you have to burn someone in a crematorium according to his will? In reality, fulfill all your promises, even if it seems impossible.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Why do you dream about cremation?

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing cremation in a dream means that opponents will try to weaken your influence in business circles.

A dream about being cremated foreshadows a clear failure in entrepreneurship, unless you listen to other people's opinions and stop trusting your intuition and common sense.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Spring dream book

Seeing a body being burned in a dream means hopeless grief.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Summer dream book

Watching cremation means the death of a loved one.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Autumn dream book

If you dream that a loved one is about to be cremated, this means a long illness.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

If in a dream you cremate the body of a deceased person in accordance with his last will, this means that in reality you will fully fulfill your duty and responsibilities towards your family, no matter what difficulties you have to go through.

Expressing in a dream a desire to be cremated after death - such a dream will adversely affect real matters related to business, trade and entrepreneurship.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing a burning ceremony in a dream means that opponents will try to weaken your influence in business circles.

If you are cremated, a clear failure in entrepreneurship awaits you. This can be avoided if you trust your own intuition and common sense.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Modern dream book

Seeing cremation in a dream means that enemies are trying to weaken your influence in business circles.

If you dream that you are being cremated, such a dream predicts failure in business ventures, unless you listen to the voice of your reason.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Dream book of healer Akulina

You dreamed of Cremation - Competitors are trying to harm you using dishonest methods. Imagine yourself quickly leaving the cremation hall. The cremation building behind you collapses without harming you.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You dreamed of Cremation - in a dream you seem to be present at a cremation - your influence in the business sphere will weaken; If you do not restore your position, you will soon experience financial difficulties. You see in a dream that you are being cremated - the dream suggests that you too underestimate your abilities, your intuition and overestimate those of others; you personify the gospel proverb. There is no prophet in his own country; You will only achieve success when you trust yourself more.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Cremation is an attitude towards death; the end of something.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Dream book of the 21st century

The dream in which you saw cremation is a warning: you have many opponents and envious people who are trying to harm you.

If you are cremated, it means that you need to exercise maximum caution when making responsible decisions and trust your intuition more than the recommendations of others.

Why do you dream about cremation?

Dream Interpretation 2012

Cremation is a reminder that only knowledge gained through personal experience gives Power.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. Pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, frightening - the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

7 lunar day

Dreams are considered reliable. They are easy to decipher and make it possible to quickly apply the tips received from the Universe in practice.

Waxing Crescent

The dream speaks of new turns of events that will soon occur. It indicates areas of life and issues that need to be addressed in the near future. Dreams on the waxing Moon are prophetic.

A dream usually takes the sleeper into the world of his fantasies and unrealized hopes. This is an empty dream that means nothing.

Evaluate the interpretation of your dream from all the various dream books in order to understand the subtext of this dream. And remember that dreams do not always materialize, but rather the opposite. So if there is something scary in your dream, it probably will not materialize, and even more so, the interpretations of the same subject and actions in all dream books are contradictory. Moreover, most of the creators famous dream books lived in a different time, and if it is mentioned there why you dream about the Crematorium in a dream - sadness, surprise, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered. it is not necessary that the prediction will come true. Also read the dream interpretations. It’s even better to remember all the details of your dream; maybe in your dream you saw some other objects, and they, together with the crematorium, can mean something else. Interpretation of a dream where you saw the Crematorium in a dream - doubts will leave your mind and you will confidently move towards your goals.

According to Hasse's dream book

Decoding- Humiliation, poverty.

Interpretation according to Freud's dream book

Why do you dream about the Crematorium?- definitely to health and very large profits;

Interpretation according to the latest dream book

Why do you dream about the Crematorium?- your boss will ask you something in a veiled manner.

According to the modern dream book

Crematorium in a dream This means that in reality your fears and self-doubt are preventing you from living a full life.

Interpretations according to Jung's dream book

Crematorium in a dream - what does it mean?- The more upset you are, the more trouble you get into.

Interpretation according to Schiller's dream book

Dream Interpretation: Crematorium in a dream— Outings into nature, familiarization with the elements of the earth.

According to Loff's dream book

Why do you dream about the Crematorium?- It’s completely free that you can leave...

Predictions from the Mayan dream book

Why do you dream about the Crematorium?- Someone will also successfully complete a financial transaction, and you may suffer losses.

According to Aesop's dream book

Why do you dream about the Crematorium?- Events will turn out well.

Our site will help give a clear interpretation of almost any dream; the site has interpretations of many dreams.

Why do you dream about the Crematorium?

There are people who believe in the meaning of dreams, and some do not want to believe, so whether to believe dream books or not depends only on you.

Interpretation according to zodiac signs

What is your zodiac sign?

  • Aries (March 21 to April 20)— A day of beauty and love, good for a wedding or a romantic dinner.
  • Taurus (from April 21 to May 21)- You will be surrounded by gossip.
  • Gemini (from May 22 to June 21) Beware of intemperance.
  • Cancer (from June 22 to July 23)- a date awaits you, and probably a meeting with your family or even acquaintances.
  • Leo (from July 24 to August 23)— This time should be used to demonstrate your knowledge...
  • Virgo (from August 24 to September 23), dreams of a serious conversation, showdowns with friends.
  • Libra (September 24 to October 23)— The life of such a person will be hidden from prying eyes.
  • Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)— A pleasant riddle awaits you.
  • Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21)– if the dreamer is a man, then this is how his unconscious fear of sexual impotence manifests itself.
  • Capricorn (from December 22 to January 20)—You were born to acquire spiritual truths.
  • Aquarius (from January 21 to February 19)- Very good dream, foreshadowing success in business, profit, good luck in business, victory in competition and other types of struggle.
  • Pisces (from February 20 to March 20)- Grants: you will be entrusted with a secret, which will be painfully unpleasant to keep...

So let's look at the meaning in detail of this dream And Why do you dream about the Crematorium?!

Interpretation by days of the week

The day you had this dream is very important.

  • Monday – free self-expression of thoughts, feelings, abilities.
  • Tuesday – depression.
  • Wednesday - A sign that you will defeat your enemy.
  • Thursday - if there was a bird in your house, this is a meeting with a friend, news or profit.
  • Friday - Increases contact and mobility.
  • Saturday - Happiness in love.
  • Sunday Often, a dream can mean an insufficiently realistic assessment of the events currently happening in your life.

Try to remember the dream, maybe at the same time you saw other things, as well as events in the dream, because they can embody something.

Predictions by gender

For woman- you will have a major quarrel and it will be your fault, as a result of which you will lose trust

For a man“It’s easier to wait out difficulties than to try to cope with them.”


Even a drunk will get caught here. He threatened a small ceremonial scepter and shouted something, showing a small bundle that looked as if it had been written on yesterday or even today at dawn. After all, unlike writers and artists, we cannot do without the public; moreover, it turns out to be one of the full participants in the work we have conceived.

Also pay attention to which one in which you had a dream about a crematorium, and it is also no less important.

They came from the Yeltsin clique and remained so. Today, in vitro conception is a routine procedure. At least one and a half dozen Ismailis ended up on the road. Trenev and I don’t remember whose. He didn't really seem to notice anything. They jumped out of the yellowed grass, waving blankets and hitting kerosene cans, and the old male, unable to bear it, turned his herd back to the great river.

He still had the gentle, velvety voice that she remembered so well. Another ridge rose to the right, but this one was even steeper. On the windowsill, half hidden by a torn curtain, stood a large flower pot with geraniums. The destructive consequences of this invasion are already evident, but not a word is said about their reasons.