How to eliminate a cesspool: all methods of filling and masking a cesspool. Is it necessary to disinfect before filling?

26.06.2019 Auto/Moto

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of burying a Pit in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I dream that I am in the house, in room, in the room It’s not dark. In the middle there is a large hole, at the depth of which water is visible, but there is not much of it and I try in every possible way to close the hole, but to no avail, as if I’m afraid that someone will see.

    I look out the window in a dream and see that my mother is dripping, then later my husband helps her, and later it turns out I see that my mother is throwing her son into a hole, they are burying my son and there is nothing I can do, I am screaming, he is alive, he is breathing, I am shouting to my son, get up, but he is not, they have buried him and I see a fresh gravestone without a coffin and an inscription and I know that he is alive and I’m waiting for him to come out or they leave and I’ll pull him out to my mother, I ask if they buried him deep, she says yes, and my husband tells me to calm down, then we sit, it was night, I see later the dawn, I really open my eyes to the dawn. the second dream was like I was in a Ketai prison, they gave me a sentence, they passed out a sheet of paper, they gave it to a woman, she covers the blue letters with her hand and the red ones. I see that they sentenced me to ten years and I scream, I cry, no, and I’m leaving there. Help me solve the dreams, I’m afraid

    Hello! I see deep and big hole(diameter 3-5 m). And I understand that I can throw everything I don’t need, trash from the yard, into this hole. And I start dumping everything there, and then I level everything with earth.

    Good afternoon, I dreamed that some man, unknown to me, was digging a large hole similar to a grave, only wider. More precisely, he has already buried it (in a dream, I just know that he just buried it), and compacts it with his feet, shod in rubber boots, the boots sink halfway. The ground in the hole is clayey Brown according to the consistency of the concrete mixture, i.e. not quite slurry, but at the same time, it collapses under the man’s feet and sways in small waves. At this moment I am standing next to the hole, on dry, flat ground and observing this whole picture. Also in a dream I know that the hole is deep with smooth and straight edges. those. I apparently saw her once before she was still buried.

    Hello, I dreamed that I was standing with my granny and burying numbers in a hole in our garden and consulting with her (as if there was some kind of date), burying it with a shovel, then the box ended up in the hole, only it doesn’t go all the way into it, part looks out. The box is empty, made of light wood. I again consult with my grandmother and bury him. I just don’t remember what advice I asked for in the dream. Why is this dream? Please tell me

    I do not remember exactly…. but she buried three babies in her sleep, as if they were no longer residents. Someone scolded me for this, that how could I do such a thing, they say they were still alive... I also saw my boss, who looked at me coldly, but in my opinion this was not connected with the previous plot

    at first I walked along a narrow street where the market was located wedding dresses, and some girl, like a friend, tried to persuade me to try on a wedding dress. I replied that I already had all this and I didn’t want any more. the dream was colorful. And then I found myself sort of in a garden, the honeycomb became very dark. I was in the garden with my parents. there were huge holes there that looked like graves. My parents threw potatoes there, and I buried them with my feet. Why is this dream?
    Thank you in advance!

    I saw in a dream that I was digging in a garden with a man and suddenly a huge hole appeared in the middle of the ridge and I started digging it. Then some woman and a girl come and keep wandering around the garden, the girl asks the man to introduce her to me, and he replies: “Yes, she’s already asleep - she’s tired.” Well, what kind of dream is this, what is it for, I don’t understand anything

    I dreamed that under the windows of the multi-story building where I live there was a huge pipe, the diameter of a man’s height, it seemed to come out at an angle straight from the asphalt, and its mouth went out to a public transport stop. This gap was covered with earth, and then this earth began to crumble, either on its own or someone dug it up, I vaguely remember this moment. I’m standing nearby, there are other people nearby, and it seems that either steam or gas is starting to come out of this pipe, in my dream I don’t hear the smell, it seems that those around me are talking about this, they are afraid that this gas may be poisonous, I take a shovel and I’m trying to cover this pipe mouth with earth, and I can’t completely bury it, the earth is slowly crumbling and a small hole remains on top. Looks like someone was trying to help. For some reason, it seems that this happens in winter, although the ground is not frozen, there is just dirty snow around.

    I dreamed that my creditor destroyed a huge earthen basement in order to fill it up, and a hole with fresh black earth formed. The creditor himself was not visible, and in the hole sat a worker who was dismantling (destructing) the hole.

    Hello, today I dreamed about so many different things, I can’t make them out. I’ll start first, I got into an accident in a friend’s car, I was the only one with no injuries, the police came to investigate. Then, while they were loading the car onto a tow truck, I found myself on a tall crane that is building houses, and I was very afraid to get off, but I got down, when I got down I began to bury a monument to what seemed to be Dostoevsky, and at the construction site the hole was already filled with cement, I just straightened and poured put it on the monument with a shovel, and I thought it was necessary for the monument to the writer to turn out beautiful, while I was doing this, the faces of the monument changed with each stroke of cement on it (I don’t remember well, but perhaps someone else was on the monument). Then I suddenly find myself in the circle of my friends, on the birthday of my deceased friend, and I congratulate him, I give him money, he hugs me and also congratulates me, I say, but why me? Following the deceased friend begins to fight with alive and dead starts to run away from him, he chased after him, and I watched and laughed as she ran. It seems like everything)

    Hello. I dreamed today horrible dream. It’s as if my brother and I are being buried, buried in the ground and erected a monument. They are buried in the same grave but in different coffins. What would that mean? Very creepy. I just don’t remember whether we were alive or not. I also dreamed that a guy I knew and was close to my heart played football but was disappointed in losing. We were running around some entrance of a high-rise building, I kept looking for him. He was upset about losing in football. Then I met his aunt at the entrance and we went to him. We all hid from everyone and kissed. This guy was Anton whom I know, but for some reason the image was sometimes different. Why is this all a dream? Should I be afraid of something and think about something? I am especially concerned about the first part of the dream. Thank you in advance

    My sister and I came to visit a man, then I saw a hole and started burying it. The man also wanted to bury a donkey there, but I didn’t let him do it. I buried the hole, tried to make the surface even, but it didn’t work, it was kind of on a slant. . then someone came to this man and he told us to leave.

    Hello. I dreamed that I saw how catching up I dug bread out from under a bush, I told my husband, look, the dog found the bread and then I saw how my husband in that place ordered a hole, hanging for days, I told him they didn’t fall, but he took it there, stood with his feet and said it’s not deep anymore I'll bury it.

    I don’t see myself in a dream and I don’t see who is burying me, but I see that they are burying me in the autumn leaves and the sensations were such that I really felt the leaves and realized that they had killed me and were hiding me. I woke up from

    Hello! I dreamed today: there is a deep hole, my mother and I are digging it, we stand at the top and dig with a shovel and throw the earth down, first she, then me. The earth is black, soft, damp. And the pit is located inside some room. What does it mean?

    I had a dream that I was closing my deceased grandmother, and with then and then a grandfather at the top, but they’ve been dead for a long time, I didn’t see them themselves, but only felt that it was they who were burying and closing them myself personally

    I was told that there are huge holes on our estate and everyone can see them, so I should bury them. I came, it was night, the hole was large, but not deep, and next to it was a huge pile of dug up earth. I started throwing this earth into the hole just to bury her. Mom came to help me, buried herself a little, and we decided that she was no longer visible and Maia grabbed my hand and we started running. It’s dark, nothing is visible, I know that there is a ditch in front of us, and I hear the presence of a cow, I think that’s it... we’ll get caught up in the chain (on which there’s a cow), or we’ll stumble on a horn, or we’ll fall into a ditch... I’m very afraid, but my mother holds my hand and confidently jumps over it all with me, we successfully fly over and run home - She set the milk to boil and it might escape.

    A hole was dug in the garden, it went deep underground and was equipped for housing, that is, there was furniture there and some things were lying there. I really didn’t want to climb into this hole, I was afraid, but I had a feeling that I had to do it for some reason. But then a man came, stepped on the hole and it collapsed. It became so easy on my soul, but at the same time there was some kind of disappointment. and this man hugged me and disappeared

    I take a rod and stick it into the ground, after which the ground collapses and a hole forms, right on the road. My grandmother is trying to come and look, I say don’t come, the hole has collapsed. Then I go to visit distant relatives, they live right 5 steps from this resulting hole, I try to tell everyone but no one listens to me, then we go out and see how some guy in a truck has already filled up this hole with a paw, after which it started some kind of nonsense, as if many people, because the pit was crumbling, began to look for some restless body of a girl, and for some reason I directly felt that those who did not want us to look for this body appeared, I was directly afraid of them, then one of these guys accused my uncle of theft, after I went into the house of the same relatives, I saw my brother and immediately realized that they were also trying to accuse him of something, and I was also wearing a jacket, but for some reason after about 5 minutes I found myself without it and I couldn’t even remember where I took it off, as if they had simply erased my memory, then after my brother they switched to me and I, just realizing that it was some kind of setup, hit this man in the jaw and grabbed him, and immediately woke up.

    My son and I were burying a cardboard box in a wide, double-depth hole on the orders of another woman. After we covered the box with earth, this woman said that the rest of the place was for us with our son in this hole. She wanted us to bury ourselves there, but I replied that there was no place for us there.

What you dream of about digging a hole is often interpreted as regression, a downward movement. Is this always a negative sign? The dream book examines the positive and negative aspects of what is seen in a dream.

Miller's explanation

Miller's dream book lists any land work as auspicious symbols. If you dreamed of digging a hole with your own hands and voluntarily in a dream, the dreamer has a period of stability and prosperity ahead of him.

If you had to wield a shovel under duress, this means that in reality you are quite happy with the role of a subordinate. Seeing oneself as an exploiter happens when one has experienced disappointment in love or in a former partner.

When you dream of a freshly dug hole being filled with water, the interpreter predicts defeat. Treasures and any other finds promise a favorable combination of circumstances.

Secrets of excavations

Freud’s dream book will tell you why you dream of digging a hole with a shovel. This simple action symbolizes mystery. The dreamer is either trying to hide something himself, or has decided to get to the bottom of the truth when it comes to other people’s secrets. The interpretation of the dream emphasizes that if the secret becomes clear, the effect will be like a bomb explosion.

Often the symbol signifies the independent nature of the sleeper. The bewilderment of others will not force him to deviate from his chosen path. The only thing the oracle can advise is to still try to explain to your loved ones. Their understanding and support can be very helpful.

Manipulations with a shovel promise an assistant and patron in the business sphere.

Who's the digger

If you dreamed that it is not difficult to dig a ditch in loose and pliable soil, in reality it will be possible to solve the pressing problem just as easily.

The esoteric predictor offers his own explanation of why you dream of digging in the ground. In real life, you do too much soul-searching and always end up finding reasons for self-criticism and dissatisfaction with yourself. The dream interpreter recommends treating yourself less biased.

When you happen to see someone else digging a hole in the ground, or find traces of someone else’s earthwork in your yard, the interpreter warns of the danger of getting sick. An outsider digger in a dream jeopardizes the reputation of the sleeper.

What will the finds tell us?

The dream book tells in detail what the dream means, how during land work you were lucky enough to dig something up.

  • Digging a hole and finding an ancient treasure happens on the eve of great luck;
  • If a lady dreams of digging up jewelry, her wish will come true;
  • An unusual object foreshadows justified efforts and generous rewards;
  • A found household item promises a successful completion of the case;
  • It is possible to dig up coins on the eve of an interesting acquaintance.

Regardless of the value of the find, the fact itself is interpreted primarily as a favorable symbol.

Depth matters

The dream book explains why in the dream it was possible to dig only a shallow trench. If you dreamed about this, the sleeper will be able to solve the problem on his own. When the depth frightens and absorbs in a dream, the dream book warns in advance that the idea of ​​solo sailing is doomed.

Yesterday I came across a shovel, which I don’t really know how to use, but, nevertheless, it occurred to me that it would be great to write instructions on how to dig a hole correctly, despite (or rather because) simple thing. So this instructable shows the technique of using a shovel when digging a rectangular hole, and how to do it in any other shape

There are many ways and many reasons to use a shovel, but maybe also a pickaxe. However, if you needed a pickaxe, it is better to hire a technician to get the job done. You can save a lot of time, physical effort and even save yourself from injury (back pain).

So this instructable is going to tell you how to properly dig a hole with your hands, and use a shovel with a minimum amount of physical effort. So, if anything, it's a great workout.

Step 1: First stage: measurement

I didn't take photos from the beginning, but you can do it without them.
Using a tape measure, mark the four corners of the hole. You can make marks with a shovel, or just place four stones at each corner. If you need to be more precise, use pegs and lines to mark sides and corners.
Don't forget to use measuring tools (tape tape, level meter, etc.) while digging. You can save a lot of your efforts just with this little help.
After you dig a hole, you will have to use a shovel to transfer the soil that was removed from the hole.
You may be surprised that the volume of loosened soil is greater than you think. And the deeper you dig the hole, the more space you need to store soil, and it should be close to the hole. If you don't have free space near the hole you're digging, then you definitely need a wheelbarrow.

So, you have determination, hands, tools, a marked place for the hole and a place to store soil in the immediate vicinity of it. You know the proper shoveling technique and are ready to start digging a hole now.

Step 2: Dig the hole correctly from the very beginning

You may need to set aside the top fibrous soil separately as it is probably good, fertile soil so you may want to save it. You can use it later to cover the surface of the soil around your hole, or you can put it in the compost to enrich it.

You will see how thick this layer is by its color, but - in quality general rule- I propose to put aside a layer of earth as deep as a spade bayonet.
I mean a layer as thick as the height of a shovel blade.

Step 3: Now you will know how hard it is to use a shovel

Start loosening the soil on one side of the hole you are digging.

Loose soil may contain big clods- as you can see in this picture - if the soil is dry.
The shoveling technique is such that it should be cut into small pieces. This will make soil removal easier.

Step 4: Dig the hole further and deepen it

Now you should use a shovel. Take the soil and throw it into the storage area. To properly dig a hole, you should throw it as far away as possible. Later - when you dig the hole deeper - you will not be able to throw the earth as far.
Now you can use a bayonet shovel to loosen the new layer of soil.

Then you can start a new layer even deeper.
Dig a new layer of soil into the hole until you reach the desired depth of your hole. Then cut it into small pieces, take it out and discard it again.
Repeat this until you have a clean and neatly leveled bottom in your dug hole.

Step 5: Just for fun

I finally finished digging. Digging a hole correctly in hot weather of about 40°C turned out to be not at all easy - after all, it is manual labor using a shovel. And even the correct technique for working with a shovel did not save from overheating.

Now, in hopes of comments about the “body at the bottom of the hole”... let the body lie at the bottom of the hole for at least a little while. It's so nicely cool!!

Based on materials from

There are several types of cesspool disposal at the dacha. What to pour into the cesspool?

  • Backfilling with earth. Since the old cesspool contained exclusively solid organic household waste, it can be safely covered with a large amount of earth. They will rot over time and become an excellent fertilizer for your future garden. In place of the filled hole, the soil will bear fruit much better. This is the simplest and cheapest method, it can also be used if you want to equip a new, more modern one in place of the previous pit, for example, it will suit you.
  • Construction garbage. This option is relevant if you do not want to build a new septic tank or pit in place of the previous structure. Important: before filling in construction waste, be sure to place waste in the structure that will recycle the gutters. They will help the water go into the soil. You can use construction debris for backfill if you don't have enough soil or if you've just completed construction.

  • Crushed stone. This option is used most rarely, since crushed stone spoils the properties of the soil, you will not be able to grow anything on such a surface and you will not even be able to install a new street sewer system.

Most often, the hole is simply filled in from above, without unnecessary problems. You can also use peat or sand.

How to fill a cesspool in a country house in another way? You can also use the fascine method. This is a certain number of bundles collected from tree or bush branches. Willow, willow, branches from apple, pear or cherry trees are perfect. You tie the branches, lay them at the bottom of the drain, cover them with peat or sand, add another layer of branches and the last layer of backfill. This is done in order to protect the residents of the house from possible falling into the pit.

The reasons why you needed to dig a hole can be very varied. However, regardless of whether you need a large pit or just a small hole in the ground for a post, the process is generally the same. However, in reality, excavation work may turn out to be more difficult than in your preliminary estimates. In this case, the amount of work will depend on the type and size of the hole you need.


Part 1

Work planning

    Check with your local planning department to make sure you can safely dig a hole in your area. Wherever you start excavation work, Always

    • Check with local authorities first regarding the location of underground utilities, especially if you are in a suburban or even rural area. Of course, digging doesn't pose much of a risk of damaging power lines, but if your shovel accidentally hits electrical lines, you could get a fatal electric shock. Even in less serious cases, prior consultation with the relevant authorities will allow you to avoid possible troubles. Remember the rule: "Consult before you dig anything." Please note that for most locations Russian Federation
    • Utility network layout diagrams can be found online. If you are unsure where exactly you should go for advice, call your local authority. They will be able to provide you with phone number
    • All the phone numbers you need can be found online. Just enter the phrase “coordination of earthworks” into a search engine and add the name of your locality to it. The information you need will be located in the first or second place in the search results.
  1. Mark the contours of the hole with paint. If you are going to dig a large hole rather than just drill holes for posts, it is a good idea to first mark the contours of the future hole. Without clear guidelines, people tend to make mistakes about how big the hole should be. Take a can of white spray paint and mark the area of ​​the ground where you want to remove the soil. Be generous with your markings: it is better to make a hole slightly larger than to make a hole that is too small.

    • If you are digging fence post holes, you will need to string string along the fence line and use paint or stakes to mark the posts at equal distances.
  2. Prepare everything you need for work. Due to the fact that there are holes various types and sizes, it is impossible to provide a unified list of tools that you will need. However, in almost all cases you will need a shovel. Although most The work can be done with a shovel; other tools can speed up the process. For efficiency, you may want to use the largest tools possible, but keep in mind that the size of the tools should match your body measurements. Correctly sized tools will allow you to avoid rapid fatigue, increasing your work efficiency in the long term.

    • For regular holes, a hoe and shovel work well. If you need to dig holes for posts, use a drill.
    • When planning your work, you should consider what you will do with the excavated soil. If you dig a hole later, you can throw the soil into it with a shovel. If you lay a tarpaulin next to the hole, you will have a clean place for storing soil. To dispose of large volumes of excavated soil, it can be transported in a wheelbarrow.
    • If you plan to concrete the pillars, prepare a cement mixture (cement, sand, crushed stone), water and a concrete mixer. Also prepare pillars in advance from the material of your choice (these can be round or profiled metal pipes, or wooden beams).
  3. If possible, use technology. Dig a hole by hand only when necessary. Excavation work takes a lot of effort, so it is better to refrain from manual work if you can use a machine. For example, to dig holes for fence posts, you can rent an electric earth drill or motor drill.

    • The principle of operation of a motor drill is similar to a lawn mower. It is better to rent such equipment than to buy it for yourself. Depending on the equipment available for rental, you may have a choice between a single- or dual-operator power drill. Make your decision based on the size and number of holes you need to dig. If you are in any doubt, consult with an equipment rental employee.
    • If you need to dig a lot of holes for fence posts, it is better to use a motorized auger for two operators. Working with a motor drill alone is generally very difficult and even dangerous if you are not familiar with such equipment.
    • Digging rocky clay soil can be difficult even with a motor drill. In this case, a drill bit and a drilling rig will come in handy.
    • When working with machinery, follow all safety precautions. Don't wear loose clothing, don't forget to wear leather work shoes, a protective eye mask, and use earplugs.

    Part 2

    1. If possible, wait for dry weather. Excavation work in rainy weather is very difficult. And if the hole is large enough, rainwater will eventually start to pool at the bottom of the hole, which will present its own challenges depending on the type and depth of hole you need. Moreover, it is obvious that it will be more pleasant to work in good weather. Waiting for good weather is not strictly necessary, but it will allow you to get more pleasure from such work.

      • Working with frozen ground is extremely difficult, so it is better not to plan work during periods of extreme weather conditions.
    2. Soften the top layer of soil with a hoe. Instead of immediately grabbing a shovel, you will save a lot of time and effort if you prepare the soil with a hoe first. A hoe is specifically designed to penetrate the soil and tear up the roots of plants. In most cases, digging into the top layer of soil is the hardest part. Once you manage to open the surface layer, you can switch to the shovel and begin the main excavation work.

      • A good steel pick with a pointed end on one end and a thin, flat end on the other will also work well. It is especially useful when you need to open the top layer deeper than 15–20 cm, which a hoe cannot do.
      • If you don't have a hoe, you can simply chop the sod first with a bayonet shovel.
    3. Start digging with a shovel from the outer perimeter of the hole and move towards the center. After you have opened the top layer of soil, the main stage of work begins to remove soil from the hole. This stage can be short-lived or, conversely, quite long - it depends on the required size of the pit. When starting the main work, it is better to start digging from the outer perimeter of the hole and gradually move towards the center. This way you will have a clear perimeter of work ready, and you will not make a hole larger than you need.

      • To dig with a shovel, you need durable work shoes. Confidently step on the shovel blade with your foot and press it straight down. Rock the shovel slightly back and forth and from side to side so that the blade goes into the ground easier.
      • As for the depth of the hole, here too it is better to dig a little more than to get a hole that is not deep enough.
    4. Dump the soil in one place. In most situations, it is very important to keep the work area clean, and excavation work is no exception. It is best to provide yourself with a place to dump the earth next to the hole, as this will reduce the time between swings of the loaded shovel. Just make sure that the selected area is not too close to the edge of the hole so that the discarded soil does not fall back down. If the amount of work is large enough, it’s a good idea to load the soil directly into a wheelbarrow. Once the wheelbarrow is full, move the dirt away to the side and return with an empty wheelbarrow to refill it.

      Check the depth of the hole periodically. While working, keep a ten-meter tape measure handy or mark the desired depth of the hole on a stick and use it to check the depth. Take measurements only after you have removed all the loose soil from the hole.