The quest is actually a secret investigation. Home quest "tart grapes of rage"

06.09.2019 Auto/Moto

Quest "Investigation"- the main story quest of the post-apocalyptic game Fallout New Vegas. During this quest, main character begins his own investigation into the events that led to his injury and memory loss.

For convenience, use summary :

Completing the quest “Investigation”

Important: This quest begins immediately after the quest “Hit to the Head”, but you can and even need to start completing it after completing the training quests.

From the note that Dr. Mitchell gives you, it will become clear that you work as a courier for the Mojave Express company and you were instructed to deliver the package to the northern entrance to Seatrip Vegas, always moving through Freeside. There, the main character had to pick up the package and give him the money, which he, in turn, had to give to Mr. Nash at the Primm branch of the Mojave Express. By the way, the parcel contained a large poker chip made of pure platinum. From this information it follows that our path lies in Primm to the Mojave Express branch.

Important: If you go to the Goodsprings Cemetery to the grave where the bandits tried to bury you, you can find cigarette butts left there by the gang leader, a man in a suit. This information will be needed in the next quest "The Call". There, in the cemetery, near one of the graves you can find one of the snow globes.

Task #1: “Find out about your lost package from the administrator of the Mojave Express in Primm.”

So, first you need to go to Primm, which is located much south of Goodsprings. Already on the very approaches to Primm, to the left of the route there is a demolitions camp, which are initially neutral. If you are planning to approach them, then watch your step, these psychos have mined the approaches to their camp. Also on the way to Primm you can meet young hunter geckos, but as soon as you fight them back, they will get scared and run away.

At the entrance to Primm, the main character will be stopped by a soldier of the New California Republic, he will tell you that the city has been captured by criminals who escaped from prison, as well as 2 gangs of raiders, so it’s not very calm there now, to put it mildly. But despite his offer to visit Primm on calmer days, we boldly enter the city and head to the Mojave Express branch. Having reached the department, the main character will see that at the very entrance lies the body of another courier, in whose things you can find “Delivery Order No. 4”, and if you go into the express department, you can see that it is empty, everyone has gone to a quieter place . Such a place in Primm is the Vicky and Vance casino, it is there that the residents of the city have moved and are defending themselves from criminals, and Johnson Nash can also be found there.

In a conversation with the main character, Mr. Nash will first ask to show him the delivery order in order to understand what order it is about we'll talk, and then tell you about the essence of the task. As it turns out, the Securitron robot (most likely Victor) ordered delivery by 6 couriers of various things related to the casino, all things except your chip were delivered. If you ask about the leader of the bandits, a man in an expensive suit, Nash will say that he himself knows nothing, but most likely Deputy Beagle has information about this gang, the only thing Nash can say is that the man in the suit was seen with the guys from the gang Great Khans.

Task #2: “Find a sheriff’s deputy and find out where your attackers went”

To find out from the deputy sheriff this information, you must first free him from captivity, because he was caught by criminals from a gang of demolitions and kept in the Bison Steve Hotel. By freeing the deputy sheriff, you also complete the side quest “The Town That I Like.” When freeing the sheriff's deputy, you will have to shoot a lot, there are quite a few demolitionists in the hotel, and the leader also has a flamethrower. After being released, Deputy Bill will run away to the Vicky and Vance casino, so look for him there.

Beagle will say that he saw several guys from the gang of the Great Khans and a man in a suit, they were talking about the parcel being taken away from the courier and about the fact that their further route lies in the city of Novak, but for some reason always through the small settlement of Nipton.

Important: If Deputy Sheriff Beagle dies while completing the quest “The Town That I Like,” you can find out information about the bandits’ route from his notes, which will be on him.

Objective #3: “Go to Novak via Nipton. Find out from the people of Novak about the people who attacked you."

Then your path lies to Novak, through the settlement of Nipton, already on the approach to this settlement you will see columns of black smoke above the houses and on the street there are soldiers of the “Legion” (a faction in conflict with the NKR). The leader of this detachment, Vulpes Inculta, who you meet, will say that you are very lucky, because they will spare your life, but they will do this so that you can tell about what happened in Nipton. And what happened was the cleansing of Nipton by the soldiers of the “Legion” from filth, because according to the Legion, everyone in Nipton was very sinful, and if so, that’s why they had to destroy everyone, this is such a cleansing. By the way, the side quest “Cruel Heart” will also begin, in which you must talk about the atrocities of the Legion, but we are not interested in this for now, we move on to Novak.

The path to Novak is very long and sometimes dangerous. In Novak itself, go straight to the hotel and ask the woman at the hotel reception about the man in an expensive suit, she will say that the dandy himself is not familiar to her, but his escorts are clearly familiar with their sniper Manny Vargas.

Interesting: The Sekeritron robot Victor hangs around this hotel, it’s kind of suspicious.

Task #4: “Find out from Manny Vargas where the Great Khans went”

Manny Vargas can be found on duty in the mouth of a huge dinosaur, which offers an excellent view of the surrounding area, and since Manny is a sniper, this is important to him. Manny has answers to the main character’s questions, but in return for these answers he asks for a favor - he needs to clear the REPCONN training ground from ghouls, thereby completing the “Let’s Fly” quest.

At first glance, the task is trivial, go and shoot the ghouls, but everything will turn out to be much more difficult, besides the ghouls, your opponents will be very strong fighters - super mutants of the Shadow. If you do not want to go the route of completing this quest, then you can either search Manny’s house or kill him and take the necessary notes from his corpse. From these notes, you will learn that the man in the suit is named Benny and that the next destination on your journey will be Boulder City.

Important: If you are planning to complete the “Let's Fly” quest, then take more ammunition and stimulants, believe me, they will be useful to you.

Mission #5: "Intercept the Great Khans in Boulder City"

Boulder City is a small town northeast of Novak, it is closer to Novak than Primm. On the way to this city you may encounter such dangers as: a gang of vipers and radscorpions. Upon entering the city, you will meet an NKR officer who will say that in the ruins of Boulder City there was a skirmish between NKR soldiers and a gang of Great Khans, as a result of this skirmish, the khans took two NKR soldiers hostage, so the area of ​​the ruins is cordoned off and a special operation is being prepared to free the hostages. This special operation does not fit with your plans, so we will offer the officer to solve his problem peacefully, in this case the quest “Skirmish in Boulder City” will start, during which you must assist in the liberation of the NKR fighters.

We go into the ruins and find the leader of the gang of Great Khans, Jesp. In a conversation with him, you will learn that the dandy in the suit is called Benny and he betrayed the khans, hitting them in the back and taking the chip. At this point, the “Investigation” quest ends and the “Call” quest immediately begins, in which you have to catch up again, but only with Benny.

Important: Find out from Jesp about Benny’s habits and generally find out from him as much information as possible about Benny, this will be useful in the next quest “The Call”.

Everyone knows how much children adore detective stories. And every child dreams of becoming a detective and trying on the role of a real detective.

Exciting quest games« The Case of the Missing Ring" And " The Case of the Christmas Tree» will help make childhood dreams come true. They will be an excellent alternative to the currently popular quest rooms. Here are real quests in an envelope that you can complete right at home.

Detective questroom at your home

Detective Kolmogorsky's office is in full swing. There are two new cases on the way - about the disappearance of a ring and valuable seeds. There is a lot to do - collect evidence, investigate the crime scene, record suspicious details and find the criminals.

In the quests “The Case of the New Year Tree” and “The Case of the Missing Ring”, your child will be able to become a participant in intriguing events, solve their first crimes and feel like a real Sherlock Holmes.

We wanted to make a detective story in which the reader, along with the main characters, operates with all the data and evidence and can not only guess, but consistently explain who and why could not have committed the crime, and who is clearly guilty.

Cool, intricate stories captivate, make you rack your brains, and develop logic and ingenuity. In each of them, everything is thought out to the smallest detail - the image of the detective, the details of the case, the plots, the characters. The whole family can play.

This is exactly family entertainment, when the family can feel like a team, when the child noticed one thing, and dad came up with another, mom clarified the third, and grandma didn’t let everyone forget about the fourth. The most fruitful ideas are always born in discussion.

How to become Sherlock?

To start an exciting quest game, you need to read the story from the brochure and Kolmogorsky's notes, which refer to the necessary evidence. Then lay out the evidence and photos of the suspects on the detective’s board, plot the events on the time line to understand who has an alibi. And, of course, think, build logical chains and look for the criminal.

In quests, as in life, no one offers answers. However, once the child has solved the case, he can test himself. To do this you need to go tosecret page and enter there the answer to the main question of the quest. If the answer is correct, then the young detective will be able to read the ending of the detective story, receive personal gratitude from detective Kolmogorsky, as well as a gift from the publishing house.

Now let's find out what the essence of each story is.

The Case of the Missing Ring

This is an exciting story in the spirit of classic detective stories - about the loss of a jewel.

Mrs. Amethystova is seriously alarmed: someone has stolen her favorite ring. Fortunately, she has someone to turn to: the legendary detective Kolmogorsky lives next door. You can become his assistant and together unravel a difficult case. Kolmogorsky's notes will tell you where to start.

Collect evidence, investigate the crime scene, write down suspicious details. The time line will help restore the picture of events and check the alibis of all suspects. All that remains is to return the missing ring to the owner!

Marina-Marianna, review from Labyrinth. RU:« We opened the quest with our daughter (12 years old) and her friend (13 years old) and played with great pleasure. The story is written in a lively and fun way. The riddle is moderately confusing, but not too difficult. We racked our brains, but eventually found the solution. Then we went to check on the publisher’s website. Behind correct solution received a small gift. The girls really liked it. They are already looking forward to the second quest» .

The Case of the Christmas Tree

The second story is also about a disappearance, but this time it is very unusual.

An alarm bell woke up Detective Kolmogorsky in the night. His old friend Rudolf, the owner of a chemical laboratory, discovered the sabotage. Scientists were going to present a unique variety of biodegradable Christmas trees at the exhibition, but now they are in danger of failure: someone mixed defective seeds into the bag.

All hope lies in the detective and his capable assistant, which each of the readers can become. One day before the opening of the exhibition, you and Kolmogorsky will have to find the intruders. A challenge only for the fearless and resourceful!

Tatiana Verbitskaya:« The New Year's quest turned out to be intriguing and moderately difficult. We guessed right on the third try. I was pleased with the thick paper of the publication- It’s nice to hold it in your hands, you don’t worry about ruining it. The eldest daughter (she’s almost 15) liked the detective board; she saw something like it in her favorite detective series. I liked that the answer (as well as a gift from the publisher) is hidden on the site» .

What's in the sets?

Both sets include the materials necessary to solve the crime:

This is a brochure with a story - a full-fledged detective story with different characters (positive and negative), written in simple language and interesting to read.

The detective board is a field for the work of a young detective, on which it is convenient to lay out portraits of suspects and evidence. You can immediately make notes on the board, and also fill in the time axis with colored pencils. The board itself is a large poster printed on beautiful, textured paper.

Portraits of suspects and evidence - from photographs of the crime scene to various documents - is something without which it will not be possible to acquit the innocent.

Notes from detective Kolmogorsky - tips for novice detectives, formatted as notes. These are not ready-made answers, but leading questions and reasons for thought.

Quests about the adventures of detective Kolmogorsky are exciting games for the whole family that will help you immerse yourself in the mysterious detective world, develop logic and give a lot of emotions. Hurry up, open the magic envelope and start your own investigation!

(previously the quest was called "Dentist")

The “Secret Investigation” quest from the ParallelQuests team will delight lovers of modern interiors that are close to the realities of our lives. The plot, on the one hand, is simple, but on the other, it is not as obvious as it seems at first glance. The story is this: suspicions arose that one of the former intelligence agents continues his research after retirement. You need to get into his home and carefully examine it workplace looking for confirmation of your theory. But remember that he is still a former special agent, and it is unknown what traps may lie in wait for you!

The thoughtful surroundings are a definite plus of this quest, and the game situation is as close as possible to our reality. On the one hand, this is a plus, on the other hand, participants who love unusual interiors may not get the desired break from our world. True, only at first, because the quest is not quite as prosaic as it might seem at first glance. The quest will gradually “unfold” before the players, each time revealing more and more unexpected turns.

Riddles of medium difficulty: here and enough a large number of search tasks, there are keys and safes, and there are also a lot of “technical” puzzles hidden, carefully disguised in the simple interiors of the office. So players will have to not only search, but also think about how and where to use what they find. In this quest, there are no step-by-step instructions posted, and a balance of hints and tips is maintained. That is, there are clues, but they are not obvious.

Despite the absence of tasks that cannot be completed alone, “Secret Investigation” is more convenient to complete with a team of two or more people, since there are actions that can be completed much faster and more conveniently by at least two people. In general, the authors made sure that large teams felt comfortable: there is enough space, there are also tasks - the quest is non-linear, which is another plus for its team spirit.

There is practically no physical activity in the quest, with the exception of some pleasant and simple activities. The quest does not require special preparation, special clothing or shoes. The game is best suited for people who love a realistic environment; it can be interesting for both adults and children.

Thus, "Secret Investigation" is a classic quest in the reality of Moscow. It is entourage, interesting from the point of view of the plot and puzzles. You won’t have to be particularly active in the quest. The quest is also fairly clean and safe. You can come to it in any clothes. Gather your team and enjoy the game!

Please check the exact price of the game when booking on the company’s website.

If you liked the quest review, book it on the PARALLELQUEST company website (link).

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Detective games are not like the usual action game genres. Here the player will need his ability to be ingenious and solve puzzles. The ending of gamer detective stories is sometimes very difficult to predict. This is what captivates and attracts users.

Gamers are presented with detective games on PC- list of the best.

Opens the top ten detective games adventure quest from Activision "". The game is the seventh in the Call of Duty series. The main character, secret service agent Konstantin Gromov, is sent to the southern city to investigate the case of the disappearance of a criminal authority. The gamer will have to gain confidence in the gangster groups that control the drug trade in the city. The information collected by the agent puts his own life at risk if declassified. The game is considered one of the most successful in the gaming industry.

The detective game is in ninth position. The game takes place in Russia. The main character is American private detective Archie Burrell. Fed up with pleasures home country, a wealthy detective decides to look for exotic things in the Russian expanses. His adventures begin on the train, where he meets a charming blonde. He finds himself handcuffed and penniless. Archie will have to uncover a group of scammers that left him without capital. At the same time, the hero will have to go on the trail of a major spy. Having returned all his money and solved the crime, the detective rushes into the abyss of erotic pleasures in a foreign land and gambles.

Eighth place on the list best games detectives on PC gets Agatha Christie: Murder on the Orient Express. At the center of the events is one of the best detectives of all time - Ecule Poirot. Financial magnate Samuel Ratchet asks the detective to become his personal bodyguard. Poirot refuses, and that same night Ratchet, who was traveling on the Orient Express, is murdered. The detective will have to take part in yet another unraveling of a mysterious murder. There will be no well-known ending based on Agatha Christie's novel. The developer has provided several alternative endings for those who are familiar with the writer’s work.

The seventh position in the ranking of the best detective games on PC is occupied by a quest from the Airtight Games studio. The action takes place in the small town of Sailem. The main character of the game, detective Ronan O'Connor, is killed by a local criminal, the Beller. The detective's restless soul begins an investigation into his own murder. Otherwise, the detective will face an unenviable fate - to remain on earth forever in the guise of a demon. The gamer will have to investigate crime scenes, go through walls, and read the thoughts of other characters.

In sixth place among the best games is a gaming detective. The user here will have to play alternately as two characters - journalist Paloma Hernandez and FBI agent Victoria McPherson. The bloody serial killer continues to commit his atrocities. Young girls are disappearing in the city again, and after that the maniac sends video materials about the details of violence and death to the journalist. Paloma is investigating the murders and calls Victoria for help. Soon the psychopath kidnaps Paloma, who tries to escape from him. Victoria has to figure out and catch the killer.

The fifth place among the best detective games on PC is occupied by. The gamer will find himself in the 40s, in Hollywood. The main character for whom the user will have to conduct investigations is a Los Angeles police detective. The hero will have to fight the thriving drug business and corruption. The growing crime took root among his colleagues. The meticulous policeman will have to unravel brutal murder plots step by step, and in the end he will get to the solution to the most hidden secrets of the criminal world.

In fourth place is the detective game. At the center of the investigation is the universally recognizable Sherlock Holmes. The detective receives a letter from the bishop, in which he asks to visit him. Arriving at the bishop, Holmes finds him murdered. The detective and his partner Watson begin an investigation. But a few days later, the police discover evidence implicating Holmes in the murder. The hero has no choice but to hide from justice and find evidence that speaks in his favor. The next serial game will delight gamers with new and more exciting puzzles.

The top three detective games on PC open. The shooter will reveal to gamers the gangster secrets of New York. The main character Max Payne is a former police officer who turned out to be an outlaw. He receives information about the criminals who killed his family several years ago. Max is overwhelmed with a sense of revenge and he rushes in pursuit of the killers. In addition to trivial shootings, the player will find a lot of acrobatic stunts.

In second place among detective games is. In the next part, the main character is still lawyer Phoenix. The actions taking place in the virtual world are divided into two parts. In the first, an investigation takes place, during which the gamer collects all the necessary material evidence. The second part takes place in the courtroom, where the main character comes to the defense of the defendant. A new version The game has some innovations: the user will now be able to make notes in a notepad, the crime scene can be viewed in 3D volume. The outcome of the final process in the new part may depend entirely on a few words. Unpredictable turns and denouement await the gamer.

Tops the list of the best games in the detective quest genre. This is a rather unique game where the gamer faces an intricate investigation. Each of the material evidence found will lead to a unique outcome. The main character of Blade Runner, Ray McCoy, begins to search for evidence in the case of destruction in one of the pet stores. But as the game progresses, some details of the hero’s participation in this crime become clear. The character will regularly be faced with the problem of choosing - the bad or the good side. The main task of the gamer is to fire the replicants. Special tests or indisputable evidence will help you find out whether you are a replicant.

The quest is included in the 10% of the best quests in Moscow according to verified reviews of 172 teams


m. Tekstilshchiki, st. Lyublinskaya, 1, building 1 (show map)

Exit No. 3 (the first car from the center, after glass doors to the end of the long passage and to the left up the steps), then all the way straight along Lyublinskaya Street to house 1, a burning orange sign above the PARALLELQUEST entrance

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The quest has

Wi-Fi: yes

Parking: free parking available

Waiting room: there is a guest area for 15 people, there is no party area


Intelligence agencies always keep their “former” employees under control, because, as you know, there are no “former” agents. It is suspected that one of these agent-scientists continued his research after retirement. We sent a team of agents to his house, but nothing suspicious was found there. Your group will have to examine his workplace and find out whether he continued to conduct secret developments, which are state secrets, to sell information to other countries. But remember that he went through the same training as you, and it is unknown what traps he could set on the way to his secret.


Attention! The weight of at least one of the participants must not exceed 110 kg.


The cost of the game for a team of 2 to 4 people is from 2000 to 4000 rubles. Additional payment for an additional player - 500 rubles.

We don't take commission for booking a game on the site from players. If you were given the opposite information in the quest, please write to us at

Online booking

Want to book a game for a later date?

You can pay for participation in the quest in cash on the day of the game or on our website online and without commission

Please note that World of Quests does not charge a fee for booking a game on the site from players. If you were given the opposite information in the quest, please write to us at

Reviews of the reality quest “Secret Investigation” from other teams:

Reviews for the reality quest “Secret Investigation”

Verified reviews

Reviews of the quest “Secret Investigation” from players who booked the game on our website, successfully visited it and rated it especially for the “World of Quests”.

  • 10 days ago

    As expected, it’s just a gun, guys!👏👏👏Before this, my husband and I had already been on a quest from Parallelquest, we really liked it, so we weren’t worried. This time we were with five friends, but everyone had enough room for activity, we completed it in 40 minutes with one hint. The quest has several locations, interesting transitions, very unusual tasks, in a couple of places they even squealed😂There are many tasks, different and interesting. In general, we recommend it to everyone, you definitely won’t regret it! Many thanks to the quest staff, as usual, everything is on top!😍

    Olga Romanova(amateur)
  • 16 days ago

    A very good quest for beginners, interesting riddles with different methods of solving. I didn’t like the attitude of the staff before the quest began; they didn’t show me where the restroom was, there was nowhere to hang my things, and there wasn’t enough room to sit. And then they called, as if we had given one bill to another, and because of this they had a shortage, but, in fact, everything was normal.

    Victor Evdokimov(newbie)
  • 19 days ago

    We were extremely pleased with the quest. To be honest, we have already been to another quest of this company (“Hotel Room 1408”), and were so impressed that we came to this one too. Perhaps because of him, expectations were somewhat high, but they were completely justified. Even before the quest begins, you can spend time in a cozy waiting area and leave your mark on history (in in this case just on the wall, but still). Ours itself" secret investigation"I was pleased with the consistency of the riddles, realistic scenery and high-quality mechanisms. In addition, the riddles were very diverse, and therefore each of the players was able to contribute to the passage. As a result, I would like to say that both quests of the Parallelquest company are simply wonderful, and if they open more alone, we will go there without hesitation.

    Anya Martynova(guru) Quest Master
  • 20 days ago

    We completed the quest in a group of 5 people on the birthday of one of the players. It was cool and fun! At a couple of moments we were frankly stupid due to our inattention, so we spent a little more than an hour, but there was no one after us, so they let us finish the game in peace, for which many thanks to the organizers. The riddles were interesting and, in general, not so difficult as to slow down the game too much, but you have to be careful! (: This is very a good option for those who don’t like scares, but want to have a lot of fun) In general, we really love the quests of this campaign and always go for them, knowing that it will be of very high quality!

    Anastasia Taran(amateur) Quest Master
  • 30 days ago

    This is my 4th quest in my entire life. And I can say with confidence, it was cool. There are many unexpected, sometimes frightening moments. The quest is automated from start to finish. The quest operator (out of emotion, they didn’t even ask her name) knows her job. The atmosphere is tense. If you ask about a recommendation - definitely YES! Go! You will not regret. But be prepared to get on your nerves. It was cool! THANK YOU FOR THE EMOTIONS!

    Danya Polukhina(newbie) Quest Master
  • about a month ago

    The three of us went to “Secret Investigation” on February 4, 2019. Overall I liked everything. Before the start, we sat and played Dandy, remembered our childhood, and this was a great addition to having a good time. Before the start, there was a briefing, and we went into a room that looked like a dentist's office. Most of the riddles were aimed at logic. It was very interesting, we completed it in 59 minutes. The leader always came to the rescue and directed us on the right path when we were going where we shouldn’t). We also went to the quest “Hotel Room 1408”, it looked more entourage, but it was also scary, in some moments it was even uneasy, but the riddles were easier compared to “Secret Investigation”, but also very interesting. Our verdict: you need to visit both. Both quests are very good.

    Vladimir Yagovkin(amateur)
  • about a month ago

    Very good quest! Having already had good experience, this quest will be one of the best on my personal list) Very atmospheric, everything is logical, consistent, intriguing! Great amount riddles for every taste, enough for every person on the team)

    Alex Stifler(amateur)
  • about 2 months ago

    The quest is very good, logical and thoughtful. Thank you! It is very important that everything, absolutely all locks and gadgets work and nothing interferes with enjoying the game!

    Maria Strekalova(amateur) Quest Master
  • about 2 months ago

    There were three of us, the most optimal number of people. A very interesting and exciting quest. I liked the riddles, some were unexpected. In general, go, you won’t regret it!

    Maria Ayvazyan(newbie) Quest Master
  • 3 month ago

    The three of us went on the quest. We really liked it, the riddles turned out to be interesting, for my dad, who went for the first time, the theme of the tasks turned out to be close, which was unexpected and very pleasant. The location is really worn out by time, but overall the quest made an excellent impression

    Anastasia Shchagina(amateur)
  • 3 month ago

    I really liked the quest. We went with a group of 4 people. Everyone participated in solving problems. The only thing that seemed insufficient to friends was the complexity of the riddles. Everything was very clear, and all the riddles were logical. Completed the quest in 44 minutes. The emotions during and after the quest are great!

    Maria Yartseva(newbie)
  • 4 months ago

    We completed about 10 quests before the Investigation, although this was the first time we played together, maybe that’s why it wasn’t very successful. There are many riddles, all logical, the surroundings are very impressive, although the theme is specific and not the most pleasing to the eye: although the quest is not declared as scary, the sensations when passing it are quite depressing. The work of the staff, from booking to farewell, raises no complaints. The only thing I would like to see is a little more artistry and involvement from the administrator at the briefing. Most of all, the impression was spoiled by two riddles, on which a lot of time was spent, although the solution was clear; either we were stupid, or the automation jammed - we still didn’t understand.

    Sergey Puzankov(amateur)
  • 4 months ago

    I liked the quest. The quality of the riddles, non-linearity, appropriate surroundings. Thank you. I recommend.

    Matvey Koptelov(amateur)
  • 4 months ago

    I really liked the quest! Lots of surprises, great riddles, well done organizers!

    Emma Grigoryan(amateur)
  • 6 months ago

    I really liked the quest, there are a lot of riddles, all well thought out and not obvious; We've been on quests with 4 keys, where the riddles were easier than here. Everyone was happy, there were a lot of impressions. In short, a great time)

    Aleksey Ivanov(amateur)
  • 6 months ago

    Very interesting environment, high interactivity. Not a scary, but very exciting quest.

    Lyoshka Kabanov(amateur)
  • 8 months ago

    Great quest! We really liked it! They broke their heads pretty much, although everything was logical. There are many mysteries and not all of the same type! Several locations and two of them are very atmospheric and help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the plot! The 9-year-old child was also interested! It tickled my nerves a little))

    Tatiana(newbie) Quest Master
  • 10 months ago

    This was our third quest. Everything was fine, after the start of the quest, solving the riddles began and didn’t stop for more than a few minutes. But the riddle *spoiler* with the code in the last room took a long time to solve, because... We have identified the required code, but in the wrong combination, because... didn’t use html mosaic (they simply didn’t see it). The ambience and quality of the environment is amazing! And most importantly, absolute cleanliness around. The only thing, in my opinion, was that the number of riddles was small, but everything was fine.

    Mikhail Kochetkov(newbie) Quest Master
  • 10 months ago

    Great quest! We walked through together, without a single hint))) We are very proud of ourselves;)) A pleasant greeting lady, a spacious waiting area, tea, cookies, games;)) The quest is logical, not scary, but already in the first bright room you will probably have several... .. uncomfortable (from the flood of childhood memories;))), but there is nowhere to go, having overcome yourself, you will have to start the game;))) There are many different riddles, don’t be lazy to come back again and again)) Sometimes it’s enough to wait a little, and... new information at your service;))) Many thanks to the organizers)) Good luck to everyone)))

    Svetlana Kleshnina(amateur) Quest Master
  • 12 months ago

    Excellent quest!) I recommend it to everyone) We attended the quest in the amount of two people. It was very interesting, good and unusual riddles. The only thing, of course, that I would like to ask the organizers is to make fewer keys in the quest. And everything is fine, thank you very much for the game!)

    Victoria Fetisova(newbie) Quest Master
  • about a year ago

    The four of us played as usual. Several dozen quests have already been completed, so there is something to compare with. Objectively, the quest is interesting, I can’t say that it is very difficult, but there is something to think about. The ambiance itself is calm, without any “wow” effects, but that’s not required here. The mechanisms all worked perfectly, and this is important. The tasks are more than logical, you just need to be a little more careful and not get hung up on one solution. The quest is non-linear, so there was something for everyone to do. So I definitely recommend it, although it will probably be a little difficult for beginners.

    Yulia Dobryakova(amateur)
  • about a year ago

    Moderately difficult, but super logical! I really liked it! The camera girls are wonderful!

    Lena Babaeva(guru) Quest Master
  • about a year ago

    We mostly attended horror quests and then decided to visit one where you don’t have to be constantly afraid. I just wanted to solve logical problems in a calm atmosphere. And I came across a quest called “Secret Investigation”. Well, we, as lovers of riddles, Sherlock, Nancy and mysteries, decided to test our abilities =). They greeted us very nicely, called us in advance and made sure that we were moving in the right direction) In the waiting room you can play various games and draw something on the wall: D The riddles are consistent, interesting, the plot is intriguing. Everyone went through with pleasure and were satisfied! Thank you:) We recommend it to everyone✌️

    Amelia Vilatova(amateur)
  • about a year ago

    The "Secret Investigation" quest was the second after 1408 on this day and we made the right choice! Very cool, well-thought-out locations, interesting riddles for attentiveness, thinking, logic, everything! Again, I would like to note the high quality of the quest execution. There were moments where we had to concentrate as much as possible, and only the third time we understood what should be inserted and pressed where. There are several atypical and unusual solutions, which, in turn, make this quest unique. Special thanks should be given to the operator. We completed the quest without any hints and completed it on time, but we had a walkie-talkie for communication. When we delayed at some stage, the radio hissed a little and the operator very correctly hinted that he was nearby and would be able to provide assistance at any time if needed. In addition to everything, both locations (both this quest and room 1408) are very clean, there is no dust, it is clear that the guys value their reputation and maintain their brand with dignity. Waiting time in the same clean large seating area with tea, coffee, dandies and soft ottomans. Bottom line: recommends everyone, without exception, to go! In combination with two quests, this is absolutely a bomb and a great mood for a couple of days for sure! Bottom line: thank you for your work, attentiveness, sincerity and hospitality. We will be happy to come to visit the new location and recommend these two to everyone who is interested!

    Olga Bondareva(amateur)
  • about a year ago

    Location: friendly, clean, everything works, everything is new. Logic: interesting, exciting, logical. Office: there is free parking, a cozy waiting area, qualified staff.

    Georgy Zobov(amateur)
  • about a year ago

    Liked everything! There is something to compare with, this is not the first time in quests. A positive impression from the entrance itself - clean, large and comfortable waiting area, although I didn’t have to wait. It's nice to be there. and most importantly - the game. We really enjoyed ourselves! I recommend to all! Time well spent! Well done organizers!

    Olga Agareva(amateur)

Other reviews

  • 11 days ago

    An unpleasant story with photographs. Since you leave your phone in the locker, after completing the quest the staff offers to take a “memory photo” on their phone, only then these photos are not posted anywhere, although they promise that they will be in the VKontakte group. In the group, people who were on the quest 3 months ago are outraged that their photos are still missing. Question: why take photos on the staff’s phone and then not post them?

  • about 2 months ago

    A week after completing the quest Hotel Room 1408, we rushed to the Secret Investigation, hoping to get no less pleasure. And our expectations were met. Unlike 1408, it is initially not a scary quest, but it is also a very riddle-filled quest, everything is logical and works the first time. The guys at Parallelquest did a great job on the details. Once they took a hint, only because they took the attribute far from the place where it needed to be used) thank you for the wonderful quest) we are waiting for your new product)

    Alexander Sokolov(amateur) Quest Master
  • about 2 months ago

    A wonderful quest with interesting riddles, I really liked it.

    Andrey Andreyanov(newbie)
  • 4 months ago

    We visited quest 4 today (as girls) and we really liked it. Cool riddles, very addictive, we took clues several times, if we couldn’t figure it out, a voice told us what to do to find the clue, we really liked that there were a lot of rooms, very clean and spacious rooms, I really wanted to get to the end, and we got to the end, of course I was very pleased with the end, it was very unexpected. We highly recommend everyone to visit the quest, it’s super.

    Natalia Kuzina(newbie)
  • 5 months ago

    great quest! unexpected start. a lot of interesting, very logical, sometimes even unique riddles. atmosphere, sound, surroundings - everything is on top level. there is a little activity - you have to climb a little, which is great. I highly recommend taking the quest. Thanks for the game!

    Claire Nord(amateur)
  • 9 months ago

    There were four of us, a suitable number for the location. A good place waiting, games, a cozy sofa and rugs. But it’s hard to find you guys!) Hang a paper with the name of the company on the door, otherwise they stood under the door for 10 minutes and couldn’t get through. The tasks are logical, the first location is empty in appearance, and the premise is somehow unconvincing. However, it was interesting to play. There are a lot of riddles and clues, this is a plus, there are few locations, one might say that it is a relatively short story. Some of the things that are played are really not clear for what. The quest is worth visiting, but there is a GIANT “BUT” for the organizers, which (we hope) you will take note: there is no ending. That is, it is generally unclear why we were looking for evidence, whether we are great or fools, and so on. Complete the story and it's a ten!! And then you go out into the street, lost, and hear from your friends: “everything is fine, but this is what’s at the end...”

    about a year ago

    The quest is excellent. Interesting riddles, many unexpected moments. You can discover something new for yourself in terms of knowledge. I recommend to everyone.

    Anna Kravtsova(amateur)
  • about a year ago

    I would like to say a big thank you to the operator, cheerful, responsive, he will greet you, tell you everything, a wonderful relaxation area. I liked everything on quest 1408 and this quest has become my favorite, although we have already completed quite a few quests! Therefore, when we were notified about the opening of a new quest with them, we immediately rushed. The quest is interesting, there is something to think about and be surprised by. Technological. The only thing is that it is still raw. We managed to hack the system and completed it incorrectly; we did not complete all the tasks, but passed without any hints. It turned out that the mechanism was not working correctly. But I think that this is the beginning and it’s not for nothing that they give a discount)) When it’s debugged, the quest will be wonderful! Well, compared to 1408, it loses in terms of atmosphere and plot; it’s very difficult to beat a masterpiece! Therefore, from me personally, 4. I advise you to start with it, so that the impressions are increasing))

    more than a year ago

    Just yesterday my team and I visited this quest and I’m still impressed. We can be called lucky because we were among the first teams to complete it after the quest was updated. I don’t know what was there before, but now it’s a bomb (although we were told that this is not the final version and they want to improve it). I’m so damn pleased, I don’t know how to convey my delight through a review. The riddles are complex, but very interesting, they make you really break your head, there is not one of the key-lock type, new key- a new lock, no, don’t expect such a freebie, you’ll have to think, and in one place even work with your hands. At some point it seemed to me that we definitely wouldn’t have enough time. Honestly, I still don’t understand how we managed to get it done... If my review is read by those who are choosing between “1408” and “secret investigation”, then ask yourself the question - what is more important to you, the ambience or the riddles. Yes, the presence of one does not at all mean the absence of the other, it’s just that, in my opinion, “1408” is more entourage, but it is a little simpler, but “secret investigation” is a little inferior in atmosphere, but the riddles are more difficult. In general, go to both and form your own opinion. After 1408, we immediately realized that we were extremely close to the logic of the creators of the quest, so visiting the second one was a matter of time. Now we will wait for their third work, which, as they promised us, will be released in November. And while we wait, I want to erase my memory so I can go through both quests again. P.S. Really, thank you very much for the emotions you received from our entire team!!!

    Evgenia Mikhailova(amateur)
  • almost 2 years ago

    Celebrated birthday at the "Secret Investigation". Very technologically advanced, modern, logical, inventive, made with really high quality and creativity, the result of the work of people who really had a burning heart for this cause! We were delighted to discuss the riddles all the way home!) Excellent waiting area, with ottomans and dandies) we remembered our childhood, played Mario *___*. A HUGE thank you to the organizers for a quality birthday party, we will definitely come to 1408. I definitely recommend it to anyone who has doubts. Rating 10 out of 10.

    Katya Sheleg(amateur)
  • almost 2 years ago

    I liked the quest, three of us completed it in 49 minutes, with one hint. The quest is entourage, with a lot of riddles, some of them original. The staff is polite and attentive.
