Pirate's license. The difference between the licensed version of the game and the pirated version

21.06.2019 Jurisprudence

We are all economical people, within reasonable limits. We all do not want to overpay for dubious advantages or lack thereof when comparing products. When choosing a disc with a game for a PC or console, we do not become wasteful at all, which is why our eyes often fall on illegal copies: they are several times cheaper than licensed products. The so-called “pirated” versions of games in Russia make up a large part of the gaming industry market. Naturally, the question arises, as in that advertisement: if there is no difference, why pay more? However, there is a difference between a licensed game and a pirated one, and a noticeable one.

Licensed version of the game is provided by the developers and is equipped with a unique code and often software protection against unauthorized use of the disk. Revenues from sales of licensed games end up in the pockets of developers, which theoretically justifies the continuation of work on the series or the creation of new products.

Pirate is an unlicensed copy of game discs that is unlawfully deprived of the protection installed by the developers, or a version with slightly modified parameters. The creation and commercial distribution of such copies is considered copyright infringement and is subject to legal proceedings.

In principle, although our people traditionally do not care about the problems of publishers and developers, the most important difference between a pirated version and a licensed version is precisely the violation of the law by those who purchase and use a copy of the game. On the other hand, some licenses allow you to create technical copies (backup) for your own use, as well as transfer software products to other devices. The free distribution of demo versions of licensed games is not prohibited in most licenses.

When it comes to comparing the quality of licensed games and pirated versions, the one who saves on license fees most often loses. In order to reduce the cost of an illegal copy, as well as reduce the size of files, pirates are mercilessly shrinking. Instead of two or three licensed discs, one with a copy is offered. Most often, the original voice acting and musical themes disappear from such publications, graphics are recoded, and multimedia videos are cut out. This is often accompanied by bugs, sometimes critical, with which it is impossible to continue the game. Even if you are offered not a repack, but a 100% copy of the license, errors in the game due to hacked protection cannot be avoided. Accordingly, you will enjoy the game less.

The licensed version of the game does not pose any threats to the user. If the system configuration meets the requirements of the developers, in case of any problems, you can contact technical support. Also, official addons and patches are installed only on the license. When installing the vast majority of pirated copies, a standard antivirus will detect a virus or Trojan in folders with security hacking programs. Many creators of such versions immediately warn the user about the need to disable the antivirus during installation and during the game. No one can guarantee that the Trojan does not collect confidential information, especially if the disk image was downloaded on the Internet.

As a rule, in order to reduce the cost, pirate goods are packaged in plastic boxes with leaflets with low-quality printing, most often one-sided. These options do not contain any additional bonuses. Licensed versions are always supplied with high-quality covers, sometimes with books with a manual. Directly on the discs there must be an image with the name of the game, the name of the developer and publisher. Gift license options can be supplemented with posters, stickers, other accessories, promo codes and demo versions of other games.

Pirates of multiplayer games cannot connect to official recommended servers, which means a significant decrease in interest during the game.

Conclusions website

  1. The licensed version of the game costs more.
  2. A pirated version is always the result of criminal activity.
  3. The quality of graphics, translation, voice acting and music in pirated games is low.
  4. Pirate is almost always riddled with bugs.
  5. In the vast majority of cases, pirated software contains a threat to the system, at least a Trojan.
  6. The licensed version requires contacting technical support.
  7. The design and packaging of pirated copies is poor, if not completely absent.
  8. Official servers for multiplayer games are often unavailable to pirate owners.

Nowadays, all people strive to save money. Sometimes this is caused by a simple lack of money, and sometimes by a reluctance to pay for dubious products, the value of which is low or non-existent. Many users want to play some games, but do not want to spend money on them, because there is a chance that the game will not be interesting, which means that the money will be wasted. It was the desire to receive some content for free that gave rise to the phenomenon of counterfeit products or, simply put, pirated games. What is the difference between a licensed game and a pirated one and is it worth paying for it?

Licensed game is a product that is supplied directly by developers on physical media or in in electronic format. The user receives a key that allows them to activate the licensed version of the game and enjoy it without any restrictions, and very often with additional content, for example, new maps, characters, storylines, costumes and other bonuses. Money from the sale of licensed copies of the game goes into the pockets of the developers, which may affect the development of the sequel and the release of the next part. As a rule, licensed products have protection that prevents the game from being copied.

Pirate version is a game that was hacked by folk craftsmen. Most often it is distributed free of charge or on disks for a nominal fee. Often, pirates supply the market with a stripped-down version of the game, which may be missing certain components, something may be compressed or re-encoded. This allows players to use the product, but some game elements or bonuses may not be included.

In addition, the pirated version of the game is different in that it comes out later than licensed version, because it takes some time to crack it. In addition, the pirated version cannot be automatically updated and updates cannot be downloaded to it, which means that in order to receive new features that the developers released as an add-on, the owners of the pirated version will have to wait for these innovations to become publicly available, and the game will have to be downloaded and reinstalled again.

Another disadvantage of the pirated version is unreliability of software. Very often, to get a working version of the game you have to download several versions of repacks or special patches that eliminate errors caused by hacking. And okay, when the downloaded repack simply turns out to not work, it’s much more offensive when, having made some progress in the game, it starts to crash, freeze, or simply give errors. In such cases, you have to search for the game again, and you will most likely have to go through it all over again. In addition to this, many pirated versions from unreliable sources can become a haven for viruses, and along with the game, the gamer receives a full set of malicious software.

Since the hacking process is labor-intensive, and most often you don’t have to pay for pirated goods, people who do hacking find alternative sources of income. Very often these are advertisements that are inserted into game screensavers, unnecessary programs that are installed along with the game and clog up the computer.

The above differences are important, but perhaps the biggest disadvantage for many gamers is Possibility of playing only in single player mode. In other words, the player can only go through the single-player mode, and interesting multiplayer versions are not available to him. They have no opportunity to play with other people online or brag to the world about their achievements. For some players this is important and the pirated version completely prohibits this feature.

Multiplayer modes are not available to the user due to the fact that the game in this case takes place on servers purchased by the developers, which means that unlicensed versions are simply blocked. Some pirates are trying to create the same “fraudulent” servers, but stable operation on them is usually not guaranteed, and maintaining them is a costly business.

So, from all of the above disadvantages, the logical conclusion is that a pirated version is bad and it is better to buy a license, but still in practice it turns out that there are many people who continue to use unlicensed copies. The explanation for this is quite simple - price. Many people do not play games regularly, and paying a lot of money to play sometimes is not advisable; in addition, such people are quite satisfied with the opportunities that the pirate game provides.

The fight against pirates has been going on for a long time, but as practice shows, at some point any protection is cracked and, to the delight of players, a free version of the game appears. Currently there is new method protection, which has been impossible to hack completely for quite a long time. This protection can be bypassed by purchasing a one-time key; it costs significantly less, but also provides few opportunities. For example, when you reinstall the game, you will have to buy the key again, while the license key can be activated many times if the previously activated game is deleted.

    The licensed version is the most expensive; the game is released by its manufacturer and access to the game without a key is impossible. The pirate version is almost the same as the licensed version, but without the key. Repak is most often downloaded for free. Repak repackaged image of the game. There are some shortcomings in the repack, but it is downloaded for free and without a key.

    Everything is clear with the license. You honestly buy the game, receive a key (if you need it), you can write to technical support, everything works (if the game itself is not buggy), it is updated.

    Pirate is the same thing, only removed from the license disk and patched so that a key is not required. Or crack is added (often there is some kind of Trojan in the crack). A pirate can borrow less space, because they can’t cut anything out of it: videos between levels, voice acting. Some functions such as updates or multiplayer may also be removed or broken.

    Repack - repackaging. The same as the Windows assembly. It is clear that this is a pirate thing. But with bonuses. Just like a bunch of software and drivers have been added to Windows from some Zver, a set of maps, new items, patches, and mods can be added to the game. Or simply replace the standard one with another one.

    The concept of repack comes from the English RePack, which can be translated as repackaging.

    Repak is produced, for example, in computer games with a purpose saving disk space and faster downloading, in cases where the main version of the game takes up too much space on the disk, while some files and components of the game are translated into another format and also compressed. To install the repack version computer game, it may take longer.

    Repak is actually a type of game. The same game is simply repackaged, it’s just a compressed version, an archiver is used. In this case, the game can be launched without a disc. But installing the Repak version of the game may take a longer time.

    Repack is when a game is compressed to a minimum size, it takes up much less space on the computer. Repak can be downloaded for free on any website.

    The license is full game, without any compression or alteration. Licensed games are always of good quality, but pirated games are of poor quality, and many changes can occur.

    Repak is one of the variations of the same game format. In fact, here all the files are compressed into an archive, which leads to a reduction in the size of the game. At the same time, there is usually a key to the game, which makes it possible to play the game without using a regular disk.

    As you understand in in this case you become a user of a non-licensed game, but someone who hacked it and posted it.

    *The license is the official image of the game without any modifications. How it was made is how it is sold.

    *Pirate is a converted image, that is, which is prohibited by law. Basically, the game removes video, inserts lower-quality sound, and adds/cuts other additional applications.

    *Repack is also a converted image, but basically all files/folders are compressed using an archiver + a crack is often added that allows you to play without a disc. The repack weighs much less than the license.

    We are all economical people, within reasonable limits. We all do not want to overpay for dubious advantages or lack thereof when comparing products. When choosing a disc with a game for a PC or console, we do not become wasteful at all, which is why our eyes often fall on illegal copies: they are several times cheaper than licensed products. The so-called pirated versions of games in Russia amount to most gaming industry market. Naturally, the question arises, as in that advertisement: if there is no difference, why pay more? However, there is a difference between a licensed game and a pirated one, and a noticeable one.

    The licensed version of the game is provided by the developers and comes with a unique code and often software to protect against unauthorized use of the disc. Revenues from sales of licensed games end up in the pockets of developers, which theoretically justifies the continuation of work on the series or the creation of new products.

    A pirated version is an unlicensed copy of game discs that is unlawfully deprived of the protection installed by the developers, or a version with slightly modified parameters. The creation and commercial distribution of such copies is considered copyright infringement and is subject to legal proceedings.

    In principle, although our people traditionally do not care about the problems of publishers and developers, the most important difference between a pirated version and a licensed version is precisely the violation of the law by those who purchase and use a copy of the game. On the other hand, some licenses allow you to create technical copies (backup) for your own use, as well as transfer software products to other devices. The free distribution of demo versions of licensed games is not prohibited in most licenses.

    When it comes to comparing the quality of licensed games and pirated versions, the one who saves on license fees most often loses. In order to reduce the cost of an illegal copy, as well as reduce the size of files, pirates are mercilessly shrinking. Instead of two or three licensed discs, one with a copy is offered. Most often, the original voice acting and musical themes disappear from such publications, graphics are recoded, and multimedia videos are cut out. This is often accompanied by bugs, sometimes critical, with which it is impossible to continue the game. Even if you are offered not a repack, but a 100% copy of the license, errors in the game due to hacked protection cannot be avoided. Accordingly, you will enjoy the game less.

    The licensed version of the game does not pose any threats to the user. If the system configuration meets the requirements of the developers, in case of any problems, you can contact technical support. Also, official addons and patches are installed only on the license. When installing the vast majority of pirated copies, a standard antivirus will detect a virus or Trojan in folders with security hacking programs. Many creators of such versions immediately warn the user about the need to disable the antivirus during installation and during the game. No one can guarantee that the Trojan does not collect confidential information, especially if the disk image was downloaded on the Internet.

    As a rule, in order to reduce the cost, pirate goods are packaged in plastic boxes with leaflets with low-quality printing, most often one-sided. These options do not contain any additional bonuses. Licensed versions are always supplied with high-quality covers, sometimes with books with a manual. Directly on the discs there must be an image with the name of the game, the name of the developer and publisher. Gift license options can be supplemented with posters, stickers, other accessories, promo codes and demo versions of other games.

    Pirates of multiplayer games cannot connect to official recommended servers, which means a significant decrease in interest during the game.

    TheDifference.ru determined that the difference between the pirated version of the game and the licensed version of the game is as follows:

    1. The licensed version of the game costs more.
    2. A pirated version is always the result of criminal activity.
    3. The quality of graphics, translation, voice acting and music in pirated games is low.
    4. Pirate is almost always riddled with bugs.
    5. In the vast majority of cases, pirated software contains a threat to the system, at least a Trojan.
    6. The licensed version requires contacting technical support.
    7. The design and packaging of pirated copies is poor, if not completely absent.
    8. Official servers for multiplayer games are often unavailable to pirate owners.
  • Good day.

    The word repack. A repack is a reduced (in terms of space taken up, for example, on a disk) image of a game, to which drivers and cracks are sometimes added. All this allows you to play the game without a disc, which is impossible in some licensed games.

    A license or a licensed game is the official version of a game released by manufacturers. It’s the cost of the license that scares away buyers and that’s why many people buy a pirated version ( pirated version). Pirates usually come with a bunch of games on one disc, so some games may not be installed at all or may not start after installation.

    Everything is the same, only the game is more compressed - it doesn’t weigh as much as a license or a pirated version. One thing was removed (unnecessary video), and a patch was inserted and a crack.

    If everything is clear with the licensed version, it is an official product, the game is the way the developers intended it and how they developed it.

    Repek is an already redone image. Here, unlike the pirate version, the main files are compressed using an archiver, and sometimes a crack is added, which makes it possible to run the game without a disk (the size, of course, is much smaller than that of a licensed version).

Hello dear readers, today I would like to discuss with you one of the most popular topics for developers and gamers themselves! Namely about piracy!

I would like to ask, has everyone downloaded games from the Internet? The answer is obvious! Yes! There is no such person who would not download the game even once. But why are there no such people? This is what I would like to explain to you. (Opinion is purely personal and may differ from yours)


Well, let's look at what are the advantages of being a pirate, and there are some

For free!

This is probably the most important reason for the emergence and prosperity of piracy. People themselves are greedy creatures, and that is why many simply feel sorry for the money for the game, so to speak, “The Toad is choking.” And on the Internet you can download a game that interests you for free and you won’t get anything for it.

Commercial purposes!

There are people who make a lot of money from piracy; let’s say, they make money. This matter is quite easy. They download the game, buy a couple of hundred blanks and simply record the games on these very “blanks”. And then they are packaged in a beautiful way and sold to stores, increasing the cost by two and possibly three times.

But be that as it may, piracy has its disadvantages, and unfortunately they are quite strong.

Waiting for Crack

Sometimes a lot of time passes before the so-called “tablets”, “keys”, “cracks” and so on appear. And at the same time, if they appeared quickly, or just appeared, it is not a fact that they will work properly, there may be problems in the functioning of the game, lags, glitches and the like. This can only be fixed by another “hacker” who is not too lazy to do it, but again you will have to wait a long time until he does it. Time, time is not eternal, and it does not always exist.

The pirates are left without any goodies!

Pirated versions of games always come without additional “goodies” from the developers, which they shove into the license. Many pirates would like to play using “buns”, but this is impossible, well, at least I have not yet seen that devices from the license were in the pirate game.


As a true pirate, I see only one plus and minus in the license.

On time!

Licensed games can be installed and played the same day they hit store shelves. All you have to do is go to the store and you're done. The game is in your hands, fully working! With additional "Buns" and so on. The license is good, very good.

That was the only plus in my opinion, and now let's look at the minus.

Price! 0_o

The license is very expensive, not every person can afford to buy all the games they want to try. The average price of a license is 1000 rubles. Sometimes much more expensive. This is precisely the only disadvantage of the license.

Bottom line

Well, my first attempt to write an interesting article has come to an end. Personally, I believe that even in 20, or even 30 years, nothing will change, there will be a lot of pirates, and no projects like Sopa will be able to prevent this. There will be those people who will be able to give money for the licensed version and enjoy all the delights of the game, and there will also be people who will not give money, but will play the regular version of the game.

But still, even pirates will buy a game if it is really interesting and exciting, but, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer such games lately. Developers are making them shorter and lighter. What's the point tell me to make them like this? Soon even a five-year-old child will be able to beat any game? developers, come to your senses! Although who am I even telling when they listened to ordinary gamers


The end, I hope you enjoyed it. =)