Interregional connections and tourism of the city. I

In order to improve the activities of the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the city of Moscow, it decides:

1. Approve the Regulations on the Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the City of Moscow (Appendix).

2. To recognize as invalid:

2.3. Resolution of the Moscow Government "On approval of the Regulations on ".

2.4. Clause 19 of the Moscow Government Resolution “On Amendments to Legal Acts of the City of Moscow”.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for regional security and information policy A.N. Gorbenko.

Mayor of Moscow

S.S. Sobyanin


to the Government resolution




I. General provisions

1. The Department of National Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a functional executive body that carries out the functions of developing and implementing state policy in the field of interethnic relations, interregional relations, interaction with religious associations, in the field of tourism and hotel management in the city of Moscow, to ensure the implementation of state policy regarding the Russian Cossacks in the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the established scope of activity).

2. The Department carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution Russian Federation, international treaties, federal constitutional and federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, others legal acts of the city of Moscow and these Regulations.

3. The Department carries out its activities directly in interaction with federal government bodies, state bodies, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public associations of citizens and other organizations.

II. Powers of the Department

4. The department exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:

4.1. Develops and submits, in the prescribed manner, for consideration by the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government draft legal acts of the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government on issues related to the established scope of the Department’s activities, including:

4.1.1. On state programs of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity.

4.1.2. On the implementation of state ethnic policy in the city of Moscow.

4.1.3. On the development of interregional cooperation.

4.1.4. On ensuring interaction between the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government and religious associations.

4.1.5. On the implementation of state policy towards the Russian Cossacks in the city of Moscow.

4.1.6. On the organization of military patronage work in associations, formations and military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

4.1.7. On the development of the infrastructure of the tourist and hotel complex of the city of Moscow.

4.2. On the basis of and in pursuance of federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the City of Moscow, laws of the City of Moscow, and other legal acts of the City of Moscow, makes decisions:

4.2.1. On the preparation and implementation of measures to improve the quality and effectiveness of cooperation for the purpose of ethnocultural development and interregional cooperation with government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public associations, strengthening interfaith peace and harmony, as well as preventing conflicts on religious grounds.

4.2.2. About organization and conduct: Activities aimed at creating a favorable information environment in the field of interethnic, interregional, interfaith relations in relation to the Russian Cossacks. Activities aimed at creating a positive image of the city of Moscow as a tourist center in the domestic and global tourism markets. Activities to promote the tourism product in the domestic and global tourism markets, including during exhibition activities. Cultural, entertainment, socially significant, social and other events in the established field of activity.

4.2.3. On the organization of military-patriotic, spiritual and moral education of young citizens who are members of regional public associations - fraternities, national public associations, religious associations of the city of Moscow and Cossack societies.

4.2.4. On the organization of education, training and retraining of representatives of the Russian Cossacks in order to ensure that the Russian Cossacks perform state and other services, the organization of methodological and methodological, scientific research work on the problems of the formation and development of the Russian Cossacks.

4.2.5. On the interaction of tourism organizations in the city of Moscow working in the spheres of domestic, inbound and outbound tourism, including state unitary enterprises, government institutions of the city of Moscow and business entities with a share of the city of Moscow in authorized capitals, included in the hotel complex in Moscow.

4.2.6. On coordinating the activities of hotel organizations in the city of Moscow in terms of ensuring their safety and anti-terrorism protection within their competence.

4.2.7. On the accreditation of organizations that classify tourism industry facilities, including hotels and other accommodation facilities, ski slopes, and beaches.

4.2.8. On the development of inbound and domestic, as well as cultural, educational, business, event, environmental, social, children's, cruise and other priority types of tourism.

4.2.9. On the development of international and interregional tourist relations within the framework of the implementation of contracts and agreements of the city of Moscow.

4.2.10. On the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and individuals in cases established by legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.2.11. On other issues related to the implementation of the powers of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the established field of activity and the organization of the activities of the Department, in cases established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.3. Ensures interaction between the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government with interregional associations, unions and public associations.

4.4. Conducts monitoring, analysis and forecast of the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity.

4.6. Performs the functions and powers of the founder of state institutions of the city of Moscow in accordance with the laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts of the city of Moscow, exercises control over the activities of subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow, including their implementation of state assignments.

4.7. Carries out measures in the established field of activity to optimize the provision of public services, including in electronic form, reduce administrative barriers, save budget funds and increase the efficiency of their use.

4.8. Performs the functions of the main manager, recipient of budgetary funds of the city of Moscow, chief administrator of budget revenues of the city of Moscow from sources assigned in accordance with the assigned powers.

4.9. Takes measures to implement programs, projects and activities in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency within the established scope of activity.

4.10. Receives the population and considers citizens' appeals in accordance with the established procedure.

4.11. Protects the interests of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity in courts, arbitration courts, arbitration courts, federal bodies executive power exercising control (supervision), submits in accordance with the established procedure in other government agencies, organizations.

4.12. Organizes and carries out, within the competence of the Department, mobilization preparation and mobilization in the manner established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.13. Carries out measures to counter terrorism in the established field of activity. Monitors the state of anti-terrorist protection of facilities (territories) allocated for the placement of subordinate organizations.

4.14. Exercises other powers in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

III. Rights, organization of activities

and Department management

5. In order to exercise its powers, the Department has the right:

5.1. Request in the prescribed manner from executive bodies, local government bodies, organizations and individuals information necessary for the exercise of powers in the established field of activity.

5.2. Submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals on issues within their competence for consideration by authorized state bodies and officials of executive bodies.

5.3. Create advisory, expert and other working bodies in the established field of activity.

5.4. Involve scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists in the prescribed manner to study issues related to the established field of activity of the Department.

5.5. Conclude, within its competence, agreements with individuals and legal entities in order to fulfill the powers assigned to the Department.

5.6. Act as a government customer when purchasing goods, works, and services to meet the state needs of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity.

5.7. Assist executive bodies and local governments in developing activities within the framework of the implementation of state national policy in the city of Moscow.

5.8. To help ensure conditions for satisfying the ethnocultural needs of Moscow residents, ensuring interaction between national-cultural autonomies and public associations, whose main activities are aimed at ethnocultural development, with government bodies.

5.9. To assist territorial executive bodies, local governments, and educational organizations in preparing students for the civil service of the Russian Cossacks. Take part in the development of educational programs on the history and modernity of the Russian Cossacks.

5.10. To help ensure conditions for the preservation and development of the original culture of the Russian Cossacks, their way of life, traditions and spiritual values.

5.11. To assist executive bodies in the implementation of trade, economic, scientific, technical and humanitarian cooperation with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5.13. To ensure the activities of consultative and advisory bodies under the Moscow Government, created for the purpose of implementing state national policy, interregional cooperation, tourism and Cossack affairs in the city of Moscow.

5.14. Participate in events held by public associations, interregional associations, unions and other organizations.

6. The Department exercises other rights in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

7. The department is headed by a director appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.

8. The head of the Department has deputy heads, including first deputy heads, appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.

9. Head of the Department:

9.1. Manages the activities of the Department and is personally responsible for the implementation of the established powers by the Department.

9.2. Distributes responsibilities among deputy heads of the Department.

9.3. Approves the structure and staffing table Department in accordance with the approved maximum number and wage fund, as well as regulations on its structural divisions.

9.4. Organizes activities to improve the management system in the established area of ​​activity of the Department, including optimization of the activities of subordinate government institutions of the city of Moscow.

9.5. Ensures compliance with financial discipline and increases the efficiency of using Moscow city budget funds allocated for the maintenance of the Department and the implementation of the powers assigned to it.

9.6. Signs, within its competence, legal acts (orders, instructions) of the Department and monitors their implementation.

9.7. Ensures the effective use and safety of the property of the city of Moscow assigned to the Department.

9.8. Organizes the passage of the state civil service of the city of Moscow in the Department.

9.9. Executes the powers of the employer's representative for state civil servants of the Department and the employer for employees of the Department holding positions that are not positions of the state civil service, in accordance with the legislation on the state civil service and labor legislation.

9.10. Ensures that state civil servants of the city of Moscow, holding positions in the state civil service of the city of Moscow in the Department, comply with legislation on state civil service, service discipline, collective agreements, service rules, and job regulations.

9.11. Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Department, concludes contracts and agreements on behalf of the Department, and performs other legal actions.

9.12. Represents the Department in federal government bodies, other government bodies, local governments, organizations, and public associations of citizens.

9.13. Bears responsibility for compliance with the regime established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow for the protection of information classified as state, commercial, official, and other secrets protected by law.

9.14. Bears personal responsibility for achieving performance indicators in the established area of ​​activity.

9.15. Within the limits of his competence, organizes and provides mobilization training in the Department and subordinate government agencies of the city of Moscow.

9.16. Signs the accounting and statistical reports of the Department, bears responsibility for violation of the legislation on accounting and the procedure for submitting statistical reports.

10. A board may be formed in the Department consisting of the head of the Department (chairman of the board), his deputies, who are ex-officio members of the board. The composition of the board and its regulations are approved by a legal act of the Department.

11. The department is a legal entity, has a form and seal with the image of the coat of arms of the city of Moscow and its name, other official seals and stamps, personal accounts in the bodies implementing cash service execution of the budget of the city of Moscow.

12. Expenses for the maintenance of the Department are carried out at the expense of funds provided in the budget of the city of Moscow for the corresponding fiscal year(corresponding financial year and planning period) for operation executive bodies state power.

13. The reorganization and liquidation of the Department is carried out in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the city of Moscow.

14. In the event of liquidation of the Department, its documents are transferred in accordance with the established procedure to the body designated by it.

15. The abbreviated name of the Department is DNPMSiT.

16. Legal address of the Department: 121099, Moscow, st. Novy Arbat, 36.


  1. Approve the Regulations on the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow (Appendix).
  2. Declare invalid:
  1. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for regional security and information policy A.N. Gorbenko.

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

Application. Regulations on the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow


* The title as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP..

  1. General provisions
  2. The Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a functional body of the executive power of the city of Moscow, carrying out the functions of developing and implementing state policy in the field of interethnic relations, interregional relations, interaction with religious associations, to ensure the implementation of state policy regarding the Russian Cossacks in the city of Moscow (hereinafter established sphere of activity).
    (Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP.
  3. The Department carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties, federal constitutional and federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow and these Regulations .
  4. The Department carries out its activities directly in interaction with federal government bodies, government bodies of the city of Moscow, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public associations of citizens and other organizations.
  5. Powers of the Department
  6. The Department exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:

4.1. Develops and submits, in the prescribed manner, for consideration by the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government draft legal acts of the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government on issues related to the established scope of the Department’s activities, including:

4.1.1. On state programs of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity.

4.1.2. On the implementation of state ethnic policy in the city of Moscow.

4.1.3. On the development of interregional cooperation.

4.1.4. On ensuring interaction between the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government and religious associations.

4.1.5. On the implementation of state policy towards the Russian Cossacks in the city of Moscow.

4.1.6. On the organization of military patronage work in associations, formations and military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

4.1.7. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - ..

4.2. On the basis of and in pursuance of federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the City of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow, makes decisions:

4.2.1. On the preparation and implementation of measures to improve the quality and effectiveness of cooperation for the purpose of ethnocultural development and interregional cooperation with government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public associations, strengthening interfaith peace and harmony, as well as preventing conflicts on religious grounds.

4.2.2. About organization and conduct: Activities aimed at creating a favorable information environment in the field of interethnic, interregional, interfaith relations in relation to the Russian Cossacks. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016.. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016.. Cultural, entertainment, socially significant, social and other events in the established field of activity.

4.2.3. On the organization of military-patriotic, spiritual and moral education of young citizens who are members of regional public associations - fraternities, national public associations, religious associations of the city of Moscow and Cossack societies.

4.2.4. On the organization of education, training and retraining of representatives of the Russian Cossacks in order to ensure that the Russian Cossacks perform state and other services, the organization of methodological and methodological, scientific research work on the problems of the formation and development of the Russian Cossacks.

4.2.5. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.6. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.7. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.8. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.9. On the development of interregional relations within the framework of the implementation of contracts and agreements of the city of Moscow.
(Clause 4.2.9 as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP.

4.2.9(1). The clause is additionally included by the Moscow Government Decree dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP..

4.2.9(2). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 11, 2015 N 505-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.10. On the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and individuals in cases established by legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.2.11. On other issues related to the implementation of the powers of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the established field of activity and the organization of the activities of the Department, in cases established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.3. Ensures interaction between the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government with interregional associations, unions and public associations.

4.4. Conducts monitoring, analysis and forecast of the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity.

4.4(1). Item additionally included ; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.4(2). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 15, 2016 N 504-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.4(3). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 15, 2016 N 504-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.4(4). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 15, 2016 N 504-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.4(5). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 15, 2016 N 504-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.5. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.5(1). Reviews and approves the charters of farmstead, stanitsa and district Cossack societies operating in the territory of the city of Moscow.
(Clause 4.5(1) was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 11, 2015 N 505-PP)

4.6. Performs the functions and powers of the founder of state institutions of the city of Moscow in accordance with the laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts of the city of Moscow, exercises control over the activities of subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow, including their implementation of state assignments.

4.7. Carries out measures in the established field of activity to optimize the provision of public services, including in electronic form, reduce administrative barriers, save budget funds and increase the efficiency of their use.

4.8. Performs the functions of the main manager, recipient of budgetary funds of the city of Moscow, chief administrator of budget revenues of the city of Moscow from sources assigned in accordance with the assigned powers.

4.9. Takes measures to implement programs, projects and activities in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency within the established scope of activity.

4.10. Receives the population and considers citizens' appeals in accordance with the established procedure.

4.11. Protects the interests of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity in courts, arbitration courts, arbitration courts, federal executive bodies exercising control (supervision), represents the Moscow Government in other government bodies and organizations in the prescribed manner.

4.12. Organizes and carries out, within the competence of the Department, mobilization preparation and mobilization in the manner established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.13. Carries out measures to counter terrorism in the established field of activity. Monitors the state of anti-terrorist protection of facilities (territories) allocated for the placement of subordinate organizations.

4.13(1). Organizes and carries out work on the technical protection of restricted access information and other information contained in information systems Department.
(The clause was additionally included from January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP)

4.13(2). When exercising powers, ensures the priority of goals and objectives for the development of competition in the established field of activity.
(Clause 4.13(2) was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 18, 2018 N 1582-PP)

4.14. Exercises other powers in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

III. Rights, organization of activities and management of the Department

  1. In order to exercise its powers, the Department has the right:

5.1. Request, in the prescribed manner, from the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, organizations and individuals information necessary for the exercise of powers in the established field of activity.

5.2. Submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals on issues within their competence for consideration by authorized government bodies of the city of Moscow and officials of executive bodies of the city of Moscow.

5.3. Create advisory, expert and other working bodies in the established field of activity.

5.4. Involve scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists in the prescribed manner to study issues related to the established field of activity of the Department.

5.5. Conclude, within its competence, agreements with individuals and legal entities in order to fulfill the powers assigned to the Department.

5.6. Act as a government customer when purchasing goods, works, and services to meet the state needs of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity.

5.7. To assist the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and local governments in the development of activities within the framework of the implementation of state national policy in the city of Moscow.

5.8. To help ensure conditions for satisfying the ethnocultural needs of Moscow residents, ensuring interaction between national-cultural autonomies and public associations, whose main activities are aimed at ethnocultural development, with government authorities of the city of Moscow.

5.9. To assist territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, and educational organizations in preparing students for the civil service of the Russian Cossacks. Take part in the development of educational programs on the history and modernity of the Russian Cossacks.

5.10. To help ensure conditions for the preservation and development of the original culture of the Russian Cossacks, their way of life, traditions and spiritual values.

5.11. To assist the executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the implementation of trade, economic, scientific, technical and humanitarian cooperation with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5.12. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

5.13. To ensure the activities of consultative and advisory bodies under the Moscow Government, created for the purpose of implementing state national policy, interregional cooperation and Cossack affairs in the city of Moscow.
(Clause 5.13 as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP.

5.14. Participate in events held by public associations, interregional associations, unions and other organizations.

  1. The Department exercises other rights in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
  2. The department is headed by a director appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.
  3. The head of the Department has deputy heads, including first deputy heads, appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.
  4. Head of department:

9.1. Manages the activities of the Department, bears personal responsibility to the Moscow Government for the implementation of the established powers by the Department.

9.2. Distributes responsibilities among deputy heads of the Department.

9.3. Approves the structure and staffing of the Department in accordance with the approved maximum number and wage fund, as well as regulations on its structural divisions.

9.4. Organizes activities to improve the management system in the established area of ​​activity of the Department, including optimization of the activities of subordinate government institutions of the city of Moscow.

9.5. Ensures compliance with financial discipline and increases the efficiency of using Moscow city budget funds allocated for the maintenance of the Department and the implementation of the powers assigned to it.

9.6. Signs, within its competence, legal acts (orders, instructions) of the Department and monitors their implementation.

9.7. Ensures the effective use and safety of the property of the city of Moscow assigned to the Department.

9.8. Organizes the passage of the state civil service of the city of Moscow in the Department.

9.9. Executes the powers of the employer's representative for state civil servants of the Department and the employer for employees of the Department holding positions that are not positions of the state civil service, in accordance with the legislation on the state civil service and labor legislation.

9.10. Ensures that state civil servants of the city of Moscow, holding positions in the state civil service of the city of Moscow in the Department, comply with legislation on state civil service, service discipline, collective agreements, service rules, and job regulations.

9.11. Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Department, concludes contracts and agreements on behalf of the Department, and performs other legal actions.

9.12. Represents the Department in federal government bodies, other government bodies, local governments, organizations, and public associations of citizens.

9.13. Bears responsibility for compliance with the regime established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow for the protection of information classified as state, commercial, official, and other secrets protected by law.

9.14. Bears personal responsibility for achieving performance indicators in the established area of ​​activity.

9.15. Within the limits of his competence, organizes and provides mobilization training in the Department and subordinate government agencies of the city of Moscow.

9.16. Signs the accounting and statistical reports of the Department, bears responsibility for violation of the legislation on accounting and the procedure for submitting statistical reports.

  1. A board may be formed in the Department consisting of the head of the Department (chairman of the board), his deputies, who are ex-officio members of the board. The composition of the board and its regulations are approved by a legal act of the Department.
  2. The department is a legal entity, has a form and seal with the image of the coat of arms of the city of Moscow and its name, other official seals and stamps, personal accounts in the bodies providing cash services for the execution of the budget of the city of Moscow.
  3. Expenses for the maintenance of the Department are carried out at the expense of funds provided in the budget of the city of Moscow for the corresponding financial year (the corresponding financial year and planning period) for the functioning of executive bodies of state power.
  4. The reorganization and liquidation of the Department is carried out by the Moscow Government in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, and legal acts of the city of Moscow.
  5. In the event of liquidation of the Department, its documents are transferred in accordance with the established procedure to the Main Archival Department of the city of Moscow or a body designated by it.
  6. The abbreviated name of the Department is DNPiMS.
    (Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP.
  7. Legal address of the Department: 121099, Moscow, Novy Arbat St., 36.



On approval of the Regulations on the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow

Document with changes made:
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 08/12/2015);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 08/16/2016);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 12/14/2016);
(Official website of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, 12/19/2018).


by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 13, 2016 N 862-PP ..

In order to improve the activities of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, the Moscow Government
(Preamble as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 13, 2016 N 862-PP.


1. Approve the Regulations on the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow (Appendix).
by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 13, 2016 N 862-PP.

2. To recognize as invalid:

2.1. Decree of the Moscow Government of May 24, 2011 N 225-PP "On approval of the Regulations on the Committee for Tourism and Hotel Industry of the City of Moscow".

2.2. Decree of the Moscow Government of July 10, 2012 N 321-PP "On introducing amendments to the Moscow Government Decree of May 24, 2011 N 225-PP".

2.3. Decree of the Moscow Government of May 14, 2014 N 256-PP “On approval of the Regulations on the Department of Interregional Cooperation, National Policy and Relations with Religious Organizations of the City of Moscow.”

2.4. Clause 19 of the Moscow Government Decree dated September 8, 2014 N 512-PP “On Amendments to Legal Acts of the City of Moscow”.

3. Control over the implementation of this resolution is entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for regional security and information policy A.N. Gorbenko.

Mayor of Moscow
S.S. Sobyanin

Application. Regulations on the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow


* The title as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP..

I. General provisions

1. The Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a functional body of the executive power of the city of Moscow, carrying out the functions of developing and implementing state policy in the field of interethnic relations, interregional relations, interaction with religious associations, to ensure the implementation of state policy in in relation to the Russian Cossacks in the city of Moscow (hereinafter established field of activity).
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP.

2. The Department carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties, federal constitutional and federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow and by this Regulation.

3. The Department carries out its activities directly in interaction with federal government bodies, government bodies of the city of Moscow, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public associations of citizens and other organizations.

II. Powers of the Department

4. The department exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:

4.1. Develops and submits, in the prescribed manner, for consideration by the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government draft legal acts of the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government on issues related to the established scope of the Department’s activities, including:

4.1.1. On state programs of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity.

4.1.2. On the implementation of state ethnic policy in the city of Moscow.

4.1.3. On the development of interregional cooperation.

4.1.4. On ensuring interaction between the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government and religious associations.

4.1.5. On the implementation of state policy towards the Russian Cossacks in the city of Moscow.

4.1.6. On the organization of military patronage work in associations, formations and military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

4.1.7. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - ..

4.2. On the basis of and in pursuance of federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the City of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow, makes decisions:

4.2.1. On the preparation and implementation of measures to improve the quality and effectiveness of cooperation for the purpose of ethnocultural development and interregional cooperation with government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public associations, strengthening interfaith peace and harmony, as well as preventing conflicts on religious grounds.

4.2.2. About organization and conduct: Activities aimed at creating a favorable information environment in the field of interethnic, interregional, interfaith relations in relation to the Russian Cossacks. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016.. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016.. Cultural, entertainment, socially significant, social and other events in the established field of activity.

4.2.3. On the organization of military-patriotic, spiritual and moral education of young citizens who are members of regional public associations - fraternities, national public associations, religious associations of the city of Moscow and Cossack societies.

4.2.4. On the organization of education, training and retraining of representatives of the Russian Cossacks in order to ensure that the Russian Cossacks perform state and other services, the organization of methodological and methodological, scientific research work on the problems of the formation and development of the Russian Cossacks.

4.2.5. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.6. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.7. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.8. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.9. On the development of interregional relations within the framework of the implementation of contracts and agreements of the city of Moscow.
(Clause 4.2.9 as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP.

4.2.9(1). The paragraph was additionally included by Moscow Government Decree No. 505-PP dated August 11, 2015; Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.9(2). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 11, 2015 N 505-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.2.10. On the provision of subsidies from the budget of the city of Moscow to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and individuals in cases established by legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.2.11. On other issues related to the implementation of the powers of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the established field of activity and the organization of the activities of the Department, in cases established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the city of Moscow, laws of the city of Moscow, other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.3. Ensures interaction between the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government with interregional associations, unions and public associations.

4.4. Conducts monitoring, analysis and forecast of the implementation of state policy in the established field of activity.

4.4(1). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 15, 2016 N 504-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.4(2). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 15, 2016 N 504-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.4(3). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 15, 2016 N 504-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.4(4). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 15, 2016 N 504-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.4(5). The paragraph was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 15, 2016 N 504-PP; no longer in force on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.5. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

4.5(1). Reviews and approves the charters of farmstead, stanitsa and district Cossack societies operating in the territory of the city of Moscow.
(Clause 4.5(1) was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated August 11, 2015 N 505-PP)

4.6. Performs the functions and powers of the founder of state institutions of the city of Moscow in accordance with the laws of the city of Moscow and other legal acts of the city of Moscow, exercises control over the activities of subordinate state institutions of the city of Moscow, including their implementation of state assignments.

4.7. Carries out measures in the established field of activity to optimize the provision of public services, including in electronic form, reduce administrative barriers, save budget funds and increase the efficiency of their use.

4.8. Performs the functions of the main manager, recipient of budgetary funds of the city of Moscow, chief administrator of budget revenues of the city of Moscow from sources assigned in accordance with the assigned powers.

4.9. Takes measures to implement programs, projects and activities in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency within the established scope of activity.

4.10. Receives the population and considers citizens' appeals in accordance with the established procedure.

4.11. Protects the interests of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity in courts, arbitration courts, arbitration courts, federal executive bodies exercising control (supervision), represents the Moscow Government in other government bodies and organizations in the prescribed manner.

4.12. Organizes and carries out, within the competence of the Department, mobilization preparation and mobilization in the manner established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

4.13. Carries out measures to counter terrorism in the established field of activity. Monitors the state of anti-terrorist protection of facilities (territories) allocated for the placement of subordinate organizations.

4.13(1). Organizes and carries out work on the technical protection of restricted access information and other information contained in the Department’s information systems.
(The clause was additionally included from January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP)

4.13(2). When exercising powers, ensures the priority of goals and objectives for the development of competition in the established field of activity.
(Clause 4.13(2) was additionally included by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 18, 2018 N 1582-PP)

4.14. Exercises other powers in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

III. Rights, organization of activities and management of the Department

5. In order to exercise its powers, the Department has the right:

5.1. Request, in the prescribed manner, from the executive authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, organizations and individuals information necessary for the exercise of powers in the established field of activity.

5.2. Submit, in the prescribed manner, proposals on issues within their competence for consideration by authorized government bodies of the city of Moscow and officials of executive bodies of the city of Moscow.

5.3. Create advisory, expert and other working bodies in the established field of activity.

5.4. Involve scientific and other organizations, scientists and specialists in the prescribed manner to study issues related to the established field of activity of the Department.

5.5. Conclude, within its competence, agreements with individuals and legal entities in order to fulfill the powers assigned to the Department.

5.6. Act as a government customer when purchasing goods, works, and services to meet the state needs of the city of Moscow in the established field of activity.

5.7. To assist the executive authorities of the city of Moscow and local governments in the development of activities within the framework of the implementation of state national policy in the city of Moscow.

5.8. To help ensure conditions for satisfying the ethnocultural needs of Moscow residents, ensuring interaction between national-cultural autonomies and public associations, whose main activities are aimed at ethnocultural development, with government authorities of the city of Moscow.

5.9. To assist territorial executive authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, and educational organizations in preparing students for the civil service of the Russian Cossacks. Take part in the development of educational programs on the history and modernity of the Russian Cossacks.

5.10. To help ensure conditions for the preservation and development of the original culture of the Russian Cossacks, their way of life, traditions and spiritual values.

5.11. To assist the executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the implementation of trade, economic, scientific, technical and humanitarian cooperation with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

5.12. The clause became invalid on January 1, 2017 - Moscow Government Decree No. 862-PP dated December 13, 2016..

5.13. To ensure the activities of consultative and advisory bodies under the Moscow Government, created for the purpose of implementing state national policy, interregional cooperation and Cossack affairs in the city of Moscow.
(Clause 5.13 as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP.

5.14. Participate in events held by public associations, interregional associations, unions and other organizations.

6. The Department exercises other rights in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.

7. The department is headed by a director appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.

8. The head of the Department has deputy heads, including first deputy heads, appointed and dismissed by the Mayor of Moscow.

9. Head of the Department:

9.1. Manages the activities of the Department, bears personal responsibility to the Moscow Government for the implementation of the established powers by the Department.

9.2. Distributes responsibilities among deputy heads of the Department.

9.3. Approves the structure and staffing of the Department in accordance with the approved maximum number and wage fund, as well as regulations on its structural divisions.

9.4. Organizes activities to improve the management system in the established area of ​​activity of the Department, including optimization of the activities of subordinate government institutions of the city of Moscow.

9.5. Ensures compliance with financial discipline and increases the efficiency of using Moscow city budget funds allocated for the maintenance of the Department and the implementation of the powers assigned to it.

9.6. Signs, within its competence, legal acts (orders, instructions) of the Department and monitors their implementation.

9.7. Ensures the effective use and safety of the property of the city of Moscow assigned to the Department.

9.8. Organizes the passage of the state civil service of the city of Moscow in the Department.

9.9. Executes the powers of the employer's representative for state civil servants of the Department and the employer for employees of the Department holding positions that are not positions of the state civil service, in accordance with the legislation on the state civil service and labor legislation.

9.10. Ensures that state civil servants of the city of Moscow, holding positions in the state civil service of the city of Moscow in the Department, comply with legislation on state civil service, service discipline, collective agreements, service rules, and job regulations.

9.11. Acts without a power of attorney on behalf of the Department, concludes contracts and agreements on behalf of the Department, and performs other legal actions.

9.12. Represents the Department in federal government bodies, other government bodies, local governments, organizations, and public associations of citizens.

9.13. Bears responsibility for compliance with the regime established by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws of the city of Moscow, and other legal acts of the city of Moscow for the protection of information classified as state, commercial, official, and other secrets protected by law.

9.14. Bears personal responsibility for achieving performance indicators in the established area of ​​activity.

9.15. Within the limits of his competence, organizes and provides mobilization training in the Department and subordinate government agencies of the city of Moscow.

9.16. Signs the accounting and statistical reports of the Department, bears responsibility for violation of the legislation on accounting and the procedure for submitting statistical reports.

10. A board may be formed in the Department consisting of the head of the Department (chairman of the board), his deputies, who are ex-officio members of the board. The composition of the board and its regulations are approved by a legal act of the Department.

11. The Department is a legal entity, has a form and seal with the image of the coat of arms of the city of Moscow and its name, other official seals and stamps, personal accounts in the bodies providing cash services for the execution of the budget of the city of Moscow.

12. Expenses for the maintenance of the Department are carried out at the expense of funds provided in the budget of the city of Moscow for the corresponding financial year (the corresponding financial year and planning period) for the functioning of executive bodies of state power.

13. The reorganization and liquidation of the Department is carried out by the Moscow Government in accordance with federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, and legal acts of the city of Moscow.

14. In the event of liquidation of the Department, its documents are transferred in accordance with the established procedure to the Main Archival Department of the city of Moscow or a body designated by it.

15. The abbreviated name of the Department is DNPiMS.
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 1, 2017 by Decree of the Moscow Government dated December 13, 2016 N 862-PP.

16. Legal address of the Department: 121099, Moscow, Novy Arbat St., 36.

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"