Home for the elderly and disabled 1. Boarding homes for the elderly and disabled. How to get to a private special home for the elderly and disabled

11.10.2018 Jurisprudence

Chelyabinsk boarding house No. 1 accepts permanent residence elderly people who cannot take proper care of themselves. In addition, disabled people of groups I and II are also accommodated here.


There is a separate room for physical exercises with the necessary equipment and exercise equipment. There are conditions and the necessary comfort for training wheelchair users (for example, local sports star Irina Voronina, who constantly takes prizes at Russian championships, lives in this boarding school). There are regular meetings between teams in mini-football and arm wrestling.

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After check-in, you will be assigned a boarding group and position. Your unique group and position combination will appear on your boarding pass and represent your reserved seat in the boarding group at the gate. Numbered messages in each of our goal areas indicate where to line up. When your boarding group is called, find your assigned place in the queue and board the aircraft in numerical order with your boarding group.

Southwest flights have open seating. Once you're on board, simply select any available seat and stow your carry items in the overhead container or under the seat in front of you. If you have an eligible reservation, you can check in for your flight online starting 24 hours before your flight's scheduled departure time.

Walks take place in a large landscaped area with gazebos, benches, a pond, and flower beds. The boarding house itself is located in a picturesque location, in a forested area.


Guests here can receive:

  • accommodation in comfortable rooms (for 2–4 people) with all the necessary furniture;
  • clothing, underwear and personal hygiene items;
  • four meals a day, including dietary ones;
  • medical care, which includes treatment, consultations with specialists, as well as hospitalization in case of illness in other medical institutions;
  • conditions for undergoing rehabilitation classes in order to partially restore lost functions;
  • organized leisure, including participation in competitions, trips to the theater, excursions and exhibitions;
  • assistance in carrying out hygiene measures, dressing, eating or their full implementation, if physical activity absent;
  • walks in the fresh air accompanied by staff;
  • accessible infrastructure in case of limited mobility.

Elderly people and disabled people can count here on the fact that all conditions will be created that will allow them to participate in religious rituals.

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Available seating will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis at check-in. The earlier you board, starting 24 hours before your departure, the lower your boarding group and position will be. Don't forget that you must still receive your boarding pass and be at the gate area at least ten minutes before departure. An upgraded boarding pass is an opportunity to take an earlier boarding position in boarding group A1-A15, if available. However, customers can now also improve their gate boarding position on the day of travel with upgraded boarding when available.

The care of the staff also extends to assistance in organizing funeral services in the event of the death of a resident.


There is also a separate library on the territory of the Chelyabinsk boarding house; meetings between guests and schoolchildren and holiday programs are held in the concert hall.

Our friendly agents will make an announcement in the gate area for each boarding group. When your group is called, line them up numerically along the column that represents your boarding position and board the aircraft. There are also monitors on the front panel displaying the group that is currently boarding.

30 minutes before scheduled departure time: We can begin boarding up to 30 minutes before your flight's scheduled departure time. We encourage all passengers to plan to arrive at the gate area no later than this time. 10 minutes before scheduled departure time: All passengers must receive their boarding passes and be in the gate area accessible for boarding at least 10 minutes before the scheduled departure time of the flight.


A major modern renovation has been carried out in the Chelyabinsk boarding house No. 1: all rooms of the building are spacious, bright, with modern equipment. Each room, dining room and common living room has a homely feel.

Guests with limited mobility are encouraged to use walkers and wheelchairs.

“Caring for Loved Ones” is a modern institution that provides a full range of services for treatment, rehabilitation and care for pensioners and the disabled. We combine qualified care with real home comfort, so you don’t have to worry that you don’t have the knowledge or ability to competently care for your loved one who has reached old age. Taking care of the older generation is our mission!

Any remaining unused Business Choice and Anytime funds will be converted to reusable vehicles only for the originally booked passenger. Any taxes and fees associated with booking your award will be held for future use as reusable travel funds under the traveler's name. An adult traveling with a child aged six years or younger may participate during family boarding, which occurs after Group A has boarded and before Group B begins boarding.

Entering our boarding home for the elderly and disabled, your grandmother, grandfather, mother, father find themselves in a caring atmosphere of cordiality and goodwill. No one feels lonely here! After all, loneliness is not a fact, but a state of mind. And increased attention, round-the-clock care, and communication among like-minded people eliminate any negativity and sad thoughts from the lives of our guests. Our institutions operate on the French model of private nursing homes. Thanks to this, our employees manage to achieve their goal - to make old age comfortable!

If a child and an adult are holding Boarding Pass A at the same time, they must go to the designated boarding location. However, to maintain the integrity of the boarding process, we request that earlier boarding positions be matched with later positions. If you have a disability and need preliminary preparation, you must request a pre-sale document from your shipping agent's customer service agent.

It is important to remember those Clients who cannot take a seat in the emergency exit rows. Customers who have any other special boarding needs should speak with a customer service agent at your departure gate. We understand that some Clients with disabilities require assistance from the persons with whom they are traveling, and we allow a travel companion to act as an “assistant” and in advance with the Client with a disability. In most cases the Client only requires assistance from one other person and any additional family members or friends are asked to sit with the assigned team.

What do our guests receive?

All pensioners living with us will confirm that after a short adaptation, the boarding house becomes a real second home for them. Moreover, in terms of comfort and service, a private boarding house often surpasses a home environment. Our main advantage is understanding the needs of older people from a professional point of view. We strictly but unobtrusively monitor the state of physical health and peace of mind, so complex therapy gives the expected result.

However, if the Client requires assistance from multiple family members, then additional assistance must be provided to the Client. Friends at the comprehensive school she attended even asked her if dyslexia was breaking her down. The Foreman campus on 140 manicured acres in this northwestern Connecticut town is much like other New England prep schools, with its mix of old stone and modern brick buildings set among gracefully towering trees. Students in traditional preschool dress—coats and ties for boys, dresses and skirts for girls—gather in small knots to talk between classes.

Already in the first weeks of stay, 85% of residents note an improvement in their health