I had a dream that a child disappeared. What does it mean in reality to lose a child in a dream?

19.08.2019 beauty

    Dream Interpretation "ladyelena"

    Lose child in dream- Miller's dream book. A loss child- bad sign. But it is not directly related to the baby. If a pregnant woman dreams of this, then her lack of self-confidence is obvious. A woman in this position is afraid of the upcoming birth, she does not feel support and support. Why dream lose child- Vanga's dream book. Sometimes I dream that a child got lost and is not found at all. At the same time, the image itself child in dream not present.Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Why do you dream that got lost child? Child in dream symbolizes love and mutual understanding, and if he is beautiful, healthy and smiling, then this is always very auspicious sign.If in dream Human lost child, then in reality, he may have lost the ability to rejoice and dream, and therefore is in a state of oppression and routine. And this one dream is a sign for a person to pay attention to what is happening. Read more

  • Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Why do you dream - lose child. Interpretation dreams. A loss children in dream- an unfavorable sign. If you dreamed that you lost his child, then prepare to be disappointed. Plans that you were confident would fail miserably. For you, this may result in significant financial losses and reputational costs, which will make themselves felt for a long time in the future. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Why do you dream lose child in dream. Plot sleep, in which a person searches lost child, often reflects an attempt to find meaning or hope in one's own life. A loss in dream usually speaks of a lack of something in reality. This loss may have been a big blow, but when fate intervenes, there is nothing you can do but accept your loss. If the loss child allowed in dream happily, this means that there will be prosperity in life. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Lose in dream someone else's child means that soon relatives will have difficulties and problems with children. If a man lost in dream child and tries to find him, this means that he wants but cannot yet find meaning and hope in his life, also a loss in dream may mean a lack of something in reality. Therefore, it is recommended to think and understand what a person lacks. Read more

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if I dream lose child? Usually, lose something or someone is always bad. However, it should be taken into account under what circumstances the loss occurred. Of course, if an earring or bag is lost somewhere, then this is a big hassle. But when in dream got lost person, especially if it's child, then you have to prepare yourself for the worst. Wise grandmothers usually say that if a girl lost in dream child, which means he will soon fly to heaven. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "Kleo"

    Moreover in dream I wasn't worried about it at all. Like here got lost, now there is. I really have a daughter, I dreamed about her. Set yourself up for the fact that you need to find yours child in dream, dream It will probably happen again. I had this many years ago when child When I was little, I dreamed that he was falling out of the window, then I was completely exhausted, and they told me that I needed to catch him. I tuned in and caught it, then I caught it a couple more times and dream stopped dreaming. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "baby"

    Well dream I dreamed today - I have disappeared child. Moreover, it was not stolen, but as if it had floated away somewhere. Tears flowed freely, my dad called me and supported me, saying that the weekend was ahead - child must be found... Damn, what does this mean? Probably actually the subconscious... Fear lose the most precious thing in the world results in dream…Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magiachisel"

    Losing objects, being absent-minded is evidence of being overwhelmed with thoughts that make life difficult. Lose something in dream- get rid of difficulties and find success. Losing small objects means disagreements with loved ones and discord with yourself await you. Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August. Lose children in dream- to well-being. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    Lose something in dream- get rid of difficulties and find success. Why do you dream of Losing (see also stealing) – Losing small objects - disagreements with loved ones and discord with yourself await you. Get distracted by a new business Losing real estate, fortune - Real losses are possible. Why dream of Losing, lose according to the dream book: Lose children- Lose children in dream- to suffering and worry about children. Summer dream book. Read more

    Dream book "sonnik.magic-daily"

    Custom dream book Lose child. If you are looking in dream his child, which means that in reality you are trying to find hope or the meaning of existence. OK, when in dream everything will be resolved happily: then in real life all problems will “disappear”, and life will have greater meaning. For a pregnant woman, a dream is an expression of her subconscious fears that she will not be able to be a good loving mother. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "eva"

    Lost child in dream! #71822258. 12/19/11 10:18. Anonymous. Help me please! What could such a terrible mean? dream two nights in a row. From Friday to Saturday I dream that lost his child, son 3 years old. With the elder child We ran around looking around some factory, there were pieces of iron and hatches everywhere... we couldn’t find them! I just woke up covered in sweat and couldn’t even fall asleep until the morning. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "somn"

    Had a nightmare dream - in dream lost my son (he’s 9 years old) - she called him, screamed, ran, looked everywhere, but couldn’t find him, I remember that I was crying very hard, I was just kind of hysterical, I was just killed by this, for some reason I remember that in dream it seemed like something had happened child- this is some kind of your brainchild. Something very large and significant that makes you so worried. And the fact that you don’t remember how it ended dream, another sign that you are simply worried, they point out to you the process itself. What do you think? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "galya"

    If the loss child allowed in dream happily, this means that there will be prosperity in life. Problems will be resolved, and meaning will appear in life. If a pregnant woman dreamed that she lost child in dream, then like this dream considered a reflection of her lack of self-confidence - perhaps a woman who is waiting child, not sure that she can become a good mother. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    I dreamed about it lose child, But necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out what you are dreaming about lose child in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? in dream got lost daughter, or rather, as if we were driving with her in the car - then hop and she’s not around, I looked for her for a long time on the road and in the car and seemingly everywhere - but I didn’t find her. and then she suddenly appears nearby, all dirty, in shabby clothes and her eyes are very strange - as if...Read more

    Dream Interpretation "eva"

    We got to school, I was chatting with the teacher and suddenly I realized that child No. Nobody saw him. I run through the streets shouting his name. It's late, dark, chilly. Overall, I'm absolutely terrified. Then something like this in dream everything turns around, as if I’m on the subway and see him in the next car. In general, in the end they were found. He was completely calm and said that when got lost, decided to go somewhere there by metro, etc. Here. This is probably useless? Read more

    Dream Interpretation "vosne"

    Child- meaning sleep. Find yourself in childhood. You dreamed that you returned to your childhood and became child, - this dream means that in your soul you yearn for the time when everything seemed simple and understandable. Lost your child. If in dream You lost his child dream indicates lost Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "fatelines"

    Dream predicts an addition to your family. sssBody child in scars and ulcers. If in dream you saw the patient child, whose body is covered with scars and ulcers, - this dream means that your purpose is to serve people. Lost your child. If in dream You lost his child and you just can’t find him - this dream indicates lost hope and your desire to find it again. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "psycheforum"

    You can fight nightmares in dream and you have already succeeded. I think that to do this you need to instill in yourself some new reaction to fear. In your case, for example, like this: Remember this thing: as soon as there is such a moment in life that you cannot find your child- he is most likely hiding behind your back. Read more

    Dream book "dolis.com"

    Dream Interpretation "prisnilos"

    Search in dream lost child- to hopeless attempts to find freshness of thought and inspiration. The dream book advises you not to cling to the illusory world, but still try to improve your affairs in the real world. Search in dream someone else's child- this is a hint at the futility of your attempts to help someone deal with everyday difficulties. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Badly lose in dream your house, your livestock, your movable or immovable property, rings, earrings, bracelets, if they were dear to you, keys. More often in dream losing people. If in dream got lost Human, dream means your feeling of losing connection with him. Loss child(son, daughter, grandchildren) in dream almost always means that in life child events occur that worry him, but you yourself don’t know about it, something is hidden from you, while your child is in a difficult situation, is worried or afraid of something. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "WomanHit"

    Why in dream disappeared my child? A WomanHit reader spoke about a nightmare in which her daughter disappears. Why in dream disappeared my child? Photo: Lori.ru. As soon as a woman becomes a mother, she begins to be haunted by anxieties, catastrophic fantasies and fears for life and health. child... It would seem that live and enjoy your motherhood, but anxiety is a corrosive feeling. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Lost child I searched for a long time and cried a lot in dream I felt where I needed to look, went in that direction and found it, but it turned out that she was raped, she didn’t cry as if she didn’t understand what happened to her. She put on someone’s dress and sat down with her son on a bench, he was somewhere got lost and I went to look for him everywhere, cried and imagined how he was now frightenedly looking for me, but I couldn’t find him..... Please tell me what this means dream?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "propos"

    Lose child Here dream- Miller's dream book. A loss child- a bad sign. But he is not simply connected with the baby. If a pregnant woman dreams of this, then undoubtedly her indecision is in herself. Sometimes she dreams as if she were a child got lost and probably isn't there. At the same time, the style itself child Here dream not present. The mother walks around uselessly and does not understand what she should do or look for anywhere. Such a nightmare speaks of a loss of meaning in life. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "1001goroskop"

    Dream O lost child. I dreamed that I, along with my mother and fifteen-year-old daughter, found myself in a crowd. Suddenly I notice that my daughter is lost in the crowd. I panic, hoping that my daughter will be found, and finally I am relieved to find out that she is waiting for me in the beauty salon. I run to the salon. In dream he is suspicious, suspicious people work there. I press the call button. The button is located at the very top, right above my head. Read more

    Dream interpretation "son-talk"

    If you lost his child in dream- some kind of deep disappointment awaits you. If you were planning something important, significant for you, your plans are not destined to come true, they will fail miserably. If dream about the loss child dreams of a pregnant woman, it means her fears, self-doubt, in a successful outcome from pregnancy, but such dream does not contain bad omens, you should try to calm down. Read more

    Dream book "snovid"

    Why does Elena dream from Friday to Saturday that I am looking for my skirt and can’t find it. Natalya Hello. This is the second time I dream about how I lose child. The first time he was taken away by a bus and I rushed around to find him, the second time child disappeared near the store, after my throwing child showed up himself. Lena Hello. Last night I dreamed dream that we were walking along some kind of ladder at night, there were a lot of people, and my daughter was walking next to me and she got lost...I searched and searched, couldn’t find it, woke up. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Hello! Lost in a dream child(but I know that it was stolen, because I look for it, stop cars and look into them) I cry because I can’t find it. then I dreamed of gypsies, first in the apartment and then on the street at night. Hello! I dreamed about it dream, What got lost my child I looked for him, screamed, and found him. The boy was covered in poop.))

There is nothing worse than losing a child. And a dream with such a development of events is better only because sooner or later it ends. But we should not forget that the interpretation of dreams is often very confusing, and sometimes bad dream brings happy news. If you are wondering why you dream about losing a child in a dream, then you need to turn to the dream book and decipher such a message.

Much in such a dream depends on the outcome of events: whether the dreamer was able to find his child or lost him forever. If everything is resolved for the better, then soon you should expect the onset of a white streak in life. Perhaps you will finally comprehend the events that are happening in life now.

If a pregnant woman had a dream, then no need to worry. It’s no secret that pregnant women often experience fear and indecision in themselves and their abilities. And then, under a strong impression, she may have a dream about the loss of a child. IN in this case all you need is the support and understanding of your partner.

If the dreamer sees herself pregnant in a dream and how someone takes away her newborn, then in this case there is no need to worry. All this is a manifestation of fears, fear of not meeting one’s expectations and fear of becoming a bad mother for one’s future child.

If this is not the first time you have dreamed about a missing child, then pay attention to your emotional state. Do you enjoy simple everyday things or do few things make you happy? It is likely that this dream suggests that you should step away a little from everyday activities and routine and switch your attention to what makes you truly happy.

Lose my son

Almost always, a dream of losing a son promises disappointment in real life. Moreover, it's worth pay attention to the age of the missing child- the younger he is, the more likely it is that disappointment will come from a close relative.

And how does the dream book interpret the dream of losing a son? It often happens that a dream in which a man or woman loses their son lasts a very long time. And if, according to its plot, a person makes all kinds of attempts to find a child, then in reality he cannot find himself, his destiny.

Losing a son during childbirth. When a woman dreams of her own pregnancy or childbirth, during which she loses her baby, then in reality she will experience strong experiences. For a pregnant woman in reality, this dream does not make any sense, since it completely reflects her fears about upcoming motherhood.

For some women, a dream where she loses her son during pregnancy gives an idea of ​​what is going on in her soul. It may indicate that a woman carries an unbearable burden, which is very difficult for her to cope with.

Event location

In such a dream, the plot and place of the loss of the son play a big role.

Why dream of losing a child in a dream on a city street:

You also need to take into account your experiences and emotions after waking up from such a dream.

Lost in the forest

You see that you are walking with your son in the forest and suddenly he gets lost. This dream suggests that completely Big troubles await you soon. The older the lost child is, the more global the troubles will be.

Lost in the big city

Megacities in dreams often personify everything that is associated with new technologies. If you dreamed about how you lost your son in such a city, it means soon you will get an important job, the execution of which will require you to have a certain type of knowledge and skills.

Lost in your hometown

Means that to achieve results in reality, the dreamer will have to put in a large number of efforts, but in the end, without anyone else’s interference, he will be able to cope with the work that will be entrusted to him and his work will be rewarded.

However if a child gets lost on the street of a completely foreign city , in which you have never been, and you just can’t find it, then you should not refuse when in the future they offer help in doing important work, it will not be superfluous.

Lost in the mall

Such a dream foreshadows changes in work. But there are also other interpretations of such a dream, depending on events:

Perhaps this will be a new, not very interesting position, but from which shouldn't refuse, because it promises to be extremely profitable.

Miller's Dream Book

This dream book says that losing a child is bad sign. However, all the bad events that this dream promises will not affect this person’s real children.

For a pregnant woman such a dream indicates her uncertainty and fear of impending motherhood. Such a dream does not bode well for her.

And if such a dream is dreamed by someone who is not pregnant in reality?, then it is likely that very soon a dark streak will come in her life. Moreover, trouble can come from anywhere - it can be financial problems, problems in relationships with family or friends, violation of planned plans, etc. It is possible that after all these events the dreamer will have a long recovery process.

However if in a dream a woman quickly and easily finds her child, then the problems can be solved without any problems. If a man dreams that he is asked to look after someone’s child and he loses him, then in reality he will have to lose trust in the eyes of others.

Vanga's Dream Book

Losing a son in a dream, which can happen in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book: a dream in which a woman loses her child, is a warning.

When the dreamer runs for a long time and looks for a child, but you can’t find it, this suggests that the dreamer cannot find the meaning of life, but still hopes to find it.

If a man dreams about losing his child, then he should take a closer look at his family and friends, there is a possibility that problems will arise from them.

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Dream interpretation lost child

Our life is filled with bright colors, but at the same time it is impossible without hardships and grief. It is designed in such a way that even at a calm, measured pace we will experience feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Therefore, we should not be surprised that even in our dreams we can worry and find ourselves in awkward and even frightening situations.

Why do you dream about a child going missing? Such a catastrophic incident cannot leave anyone indifferent. Whether it's your baby or someone's little life, we can't pass by and pretend like nothing happened. The same feelings are experienced in a dream, but why did such events occur in the kingdom of night?

Gender of the dreamer

If a child is lost

An important detail is the fact of what the dreamer is like in real life. Age range, gender and even some features will help give a comprehensive interpretation.


Representatives of the fair sex are endowed with maternal instincts and are especially sensitive to such circumstances.

Has children

For girls and women who tied the knot and gave birth to a baby, such an episode is not a good dream. He will provide a lot of all sorts of troubles, disappointments, minor troubles

. It’s worth being prepared for them, rebuffing them with dignity and remembering that the dark streak of life will come to an end someday.

The interpreter also notes that seeing such an action means significant material costs. Financial difficulties will be experienced for some time, so it is necessary to correctly distribute the family budget and play it safe.

Childless It is worth noting that although such an interpretation may also affect men, it primarily concerns the weaker sex. The circumstance seen in a dream is a direct reflection of your subconscious fears, complexes, and insecurities. You are lost in this world, and you are always afraid of taking the wrong step. Now it's time best time

in order to reconsider your behavior and values, taking a step towards a new life.


If a pregnant woman had a dream

Very often, such night visions are visited by pregnant women who are afraid of complications during childbirth, or even miscarriage. Why do they dream of losing a child? The dream book is reassuring, because such a picture is just a reflection of your inner experiences. You are afraid of not being able to cope with the upcoming difficulties, which is in vain.


For representatives of the stronger sex, there is a more communication interpretation, which also does not lead to good. If you dreamed of something like this, then you should exercise maximum caution in your thoughts and actions. Also, do not take risks or accept any adventurous transactions. Now is not the best time for new, albeit promising, endeavors; all plans will be doomed to failure.

If this incident happened in a dream to a man who runs an enterprise or has his own business, then he needs to be doubly wary. There is a possibility of collapse and a long streak of failures in career matters.

If in your dreams you called someone for help, then this is a sure indicator of your lack of independence and an attempt to escape from problems.

What does the interpreter say?

In cases where a child goes missing, you should not expect anything good. This is always a harbinger of bitter disappointments, financial problems, and family troubles. Remember and analyze the details you have comprehended in order to understand why you are dreaming.

Whose child was it?

Whose child was it?

Children are the personification of everything that is pure and innocent, therefore situations associated with them are perceived in the same way. Some people consider the deprivation of their own child to be the greatest tragedy, and many mothers react painfully to any loss. What was waiting in the dream?

You are mom

So, your child was lost in the arms of Morpheus. How did events develop further?

  1. Be on the lookout. The dream book states that this action speaks of your aspirations to find the right path in life. You desperately cling to hopes, search for the meaning of your existence and think about such things more than other people.
  2. Search in vain. But this situation signals that you have lost something significant in real world. You cannot come to terms with this, as a result of which you are in constant anxiety. However, you should accept the situation and let go, since change is hardly possible.
  3. I felt anxious. Worries, worries, and all negative emotions are a direct part of ourselves. Have you experienced such feelings in your night dreams? Be prepared for significant financial losses, as there is a high probability of losing your position, as well as due respect.
  4. Lose through your own fault. An episode like this suggests that you pay little attention to your relatives and significant other, which can result in serious troubles.
  5. Try to pay a little more attention and love to your loved ones, otherwise the current situation may develop into a loud scandal, or even a protracted quarrel.

Stolen. Was your own child kidnapped, but you were not involved in any way? You are very afraid of falling in the eyes of your own children. Trying to appear as an authority for other people, you remain weak in front of yourself.

Someone else's child

If you lost someone else's child So, what do night visions portend in which you happened to lose other people’s children? So, if you, along with other people, are trying to find little man , but without success, then you should be careful. Now to your friends, relatives and others close circle there is some danger.

This could be either a long-term illness or mental and material difficulties that will be difficult for them to cope with alone. Don't stay on the sidelines and be sure to provide them with proper support.

Lost the child you were told to look after? Also a harbinger of troubles among relatives. The dream book notes that, despite their problems and hardships, you will be somehow involved in this state of affairs.

What was the outcome?

  1. Everything we experience tends to end, be it a positive or negative outcome. How did the night's adventures end?
  2. Find. This is a very favorable sign, indicating that all problems will soon be resolved. Now is not the time to worry and worry in vain. Give it some time and everything will gradually work itself out. Lose completely. But this circumstance will not lead to anything good in the future. Be prepared for a dark period in your life for a while.

But don’t take everything too seriously, because all the hardships will end sooner or later, strengthening you.

In the case where someone else's child was found, good changes should be expected. Soon you will find something you never even dreamed of before. Most likely, this will be valuable information or an extremely useful acquaintance.

Other interpretations

Should you be afraid?

For a more complete understanding, it is necessary to turn to other sources. What will famous seers and psychoanalysts tell us?

Miller's Dream Book According to the psychologist, such an incident is often and mainly visits pregnant women.

He assures that girls in this position have nothing to fear, because this is the personification of her internal anxieties.

If such an image is dreamed by a person who does not have a baby under his heart, then he should prepare for all sorts of troubles at work. Be prepared for unreasonable criticism from management, deprivation of bonuses and unfair treatment.

If in dreams the baby was found safely, then the solution to all the problems that beset him will be found by itself. The interpreter notes that hardships will be resolved not only for you, but also for those closest to you.

Vanga's Dream Book

What will this source tell you? If in your night dreams you feel that you have lost something important, your soul, but the image of the child is not visible, then this is an unfavorable symbol.

It shows how tired and despairing you are of life. There is no more energy left in you, and you are completely absorbed in apathy, indifference to everything that is happening in the world. However, deep down in your soul you still harbor hope that someday you will be able to find the right way out of your difficult situation.

If the image was familiar to you, and you know exactly who you lost, you should be careful. Take a closer look at your surroundings, especially your friends and girlfriends. Perhaps they want to deceive you and are making evil plans.

Despite the fact that such an incident at night does not bode well, do not despair. Now you have been warned and know how to protect yourself in the future.

Losing a child in a dream is a very unfavorable sign. According to the dream book, this plot may portend troubles, loss and financial problems. However, sometimes the interpretation of why you dream that a child is lost is only a projection of your doubts and emotional experiences.

To loss and loss

Are you wondering why you dream about a child getting lost? According to the dream book, you should prepare for disappointment, pain, losses and troubles in the financial and professional spheres. Moreover, the consequences of these difficulties will be felt by you for a very long time.

The dream book insists that the search for a lost child is just a projection of your attempts to find the lost meaning in life, to find a goal.

Who dreams

According to the dream book, the interpretation of a dream in which a child is lost depends, first of all, on the person who dreamed of this plot. So, why do you have such a dream?

  • for a woman - in reality she will experience a lot of grief, disappointment and financial difficulties;
  • to a man - in fact new project will be a failure;
  • pregnant - the plot seen is only a reflection of the doubts and fears of the sleeping person about the upcoming birth;
  • childless - in reality, the dreamer lacks self-confidence.

According to the dream book, a dream that a pregnant woman has will not bring danger. You just need to calm down and tune in to a positive wave in life.

Towards conflicts

Have you ever seen yourself as a mother who lost a child due to her own stupidity? In reality, problems and difficulties await you in your family. Try to pay more attention to your family and friends. In particular, to my own children. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid quarrels and conflicts.

If a mother dreams that her baby was stolen, it means that in reality she is afraid of losing authority in front of her own child.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book believes that if a child is lost in a dream, then you will soon lose your own happiness. Most likely, in reality you have become indifferent to other people, you have lost the ability to rejoice and empathize. If you do not change your attitude towards life, you will fall into depression, as if into a deep hole.

Help your family

Did you see in a dream how someone else’s child got lost and they couldn’t find him? In reality, you should be wary of illnesses and troubles among your family and friends, who will need your support more than ever.

Did you happen to lose someone else's child in a dream due to stupidity and oversight? The dream book believes that your family will face serious problems in their relationships with their children. In addition, you yourself will provoke these difficulties.

A light in the end of a tunnel

Did you happen to find someone else's lost baby in a dream? In real life, new opportunities will open up for you, which will be very useful. I dreamed of seeing how lost child found? Soon your life will change for the better.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 02/22/2019

Next night is important for those interested personal life more than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The thing is, ...

Losing a child is terrible, both in reality and in a dream. However, you should not think that all dreams associated with missing children are purely negative interpretation. There are situations when this plot has a very positive meaning. Well-known dream books will help us figure out why we dream about the disappearance of a child.

Brief interpretation

For those who cannot remember the details of the dream, dream books offer a simplified version of the interpretation. Remember at least some of what you saw in your dream and get brief interpretations. For example, losing a child.

  • Lost when giving birth - to excitement.
  • Lost in the forest - to troubles and worries.
  • Searching in the urban “jungle” means hard work.
  • Finding the baby is a joy.

For a more complete understanding, it is necessary to turn to other sources. What will famous seers and psychoanalysts tell us?

The loss of trust of others is promised by a dream, according to Miller’s dream book, in which you dreamed that you did not look after someone else’s child, and he disappeared.

But if a woman dreams that such a misfortune happened to her own child, then a famous psychologist advised the mother to calm down, since this dream only means her unfounded fears for her child.

Loss during childbirth is a sign of grief

Do you dream about experiencing the loss of a child during pregnancy or childbirth? If a pregnant woman dreams of something like this, this is a subconscious worry about the health of the unborn baby. For all other women, the loss of a baby during pregnancy is a reflection of their internal state.

Did you dream about the loss of a fetus due to a miscarriage? You have taken on a lot of responsibilities.

Do you want to know why you dream about your unborn baby going missing? It is necessary to learn to protect yourself from life’s misfortunes, as the Lunar Dream Book interprets.

Lost in the forest - to troubles

Did you dream that you lost a child in the forest? A small child has minor worries, an older child has bigger problems.

Getting lost and looking for your little son while running through the forest - you have to start looking for a solution to get out of a difficult situation. Crying because of the loss and looking for it, combing the forest - you cannot do it without outside help. But if you have lost it and are not going to look for it, you are in vain hoping that problems will be solved on their own.

Did you dream that you managed to lose your child and immediately find him? The troubles will take a lot of energy from you, but their results will please you, prophesies Eastern dream book. And if you go searching and find dad, he will be the one who will bring you a lot of worries.

Lost in the city - you have hard work ahead of you

Losing a child on the street - you will be entrusted with a task that will require technical knowledge from you. A child is lost on the street of your city - you will be able to cope with the work yourself, for which you will receive a reward. Lost on the street of a city you don't know? You may need help, but you will have to pay for it.

Did you have a dream that your baby got lost in a shopping mall? Modern dream book gives the following interpretation of the dream: do not neglect the position that will be offered to you. Uninteresting at first glance, in the end it will turn out to be very profitable.

A woman who has lost a child in reality dreams that she has forgotten a stroller with a baby in a crowd of people - this is a symbol of the fact that in reality she is trying to forget the grief that happened, shielding herself from it with exhausting work.

Finding something missing is a sign of joy and good luck

Do you have a dream that a lost child has been found and you feel joy? In reality, positive emotions await you. Finding a lost child on your own and crying with happiness means a successful resolution of a controversial issue, predicts Pastor Loff’s dream book. But finding something missing and crying because of the stress suffered is a sign of a difficult period, but with a successful outcome.



    My family and I (husband and two children) were walking to the shopping center, to the parking lot. I was driving nearby wheelchair man. My daughter was running nearby and jumped onto the step, which was in a wheelchair. This man took her away. We ran after them, but he disappeared into the parking lot. The police were called. An investigator came up to us and said that he was a maniac and he was stealing special girls. Soon we came across glass boxes in this shopping center in which the maniac kept the girls. We saved three girls, but our baby was not among them. What does this dream mean? Very scary.