Role-playing games with her husband scenario madam. Yo-mama - Role-playing games

15.08.2019 Relationship

Our coach Angelica (in a strict black dress, high heels and green earrings in the form of long tassels) begins with an unexpected question: how can you fail a role-playing game? At the same time, she has either a pointer or a whip in her hand.

We are trying to guess: should we start criticizing our partner? Forget or confuse what to say next? Fake and uninteresting to play?

Of the ten “students” who came to the training, two had experience in role-playing games, and even for one of them it consisted in the fact that on the first date the young man suggested “playing” 50 shades of gray and was sent away with the words “pervert.” " In general, the audience was unexpectedly inexperienced. Why did you come then?

Life is full of discoveries

Two model-looking girls came for textures and detailed scripts (“I was on my way to a meeting, had already sketched out a script on my iPhone, but didn’t dare”). It’s only at this moment that I learn that a role-playing game even has a script. Another student, after eighteen years of dating and one year of subsequent marriage, got bored with her husband.

But I came because the game is fun, sex is wonderful, but with regard to sex games, a stereotype of banality and vulgarity has been established. For some reason, I immediately imagine a schoolgirl costume from a sex shop or, even worse, a “bee costume.”

For actors, acting is creativity and impromptu, for psychologists it is a method of healing, for children it is life itself, full of new discoveries every day. And I think good sex play has all of these characteristics.

And in a not very good marriage, they are precisely what is missing. That's why I'm for the game, but I'm completely confused about the theory.

Why do we need role-playing games at all?

This question also arises for me. And in a couple of minutes I learn unexpected things.

Role-playing games- this is not about a leather suit from a sex shop. And by the end of the training, I am so imbued with their importance that I am ready to run home and play right away.

It is in the game that it is so easy to relieve the internal tension that exists in a couple, fatigue and unspoken aggression from everyday problems. Whether we want to know about it or not, each of us plays either a dominant or subordinate role in a relationship and does not always realize that, having once accepted it in communication with a given person, we risk becoming entrenched in it forever.

Games also help when family roles over the years, as in a run-of-the-mill theater, come down to “food is served” and “Michal Sergeich has come to visit us on the way.”

Don’t be afraid to overdo or underplay - you have a very grateful audience

Listen to your husband's complaints says Angelica. He may not say directly what is bothering him. But if phrases slip through that he was not your first, let him seduce you! Play your first high school crush. Was he terrorized by his boss? We play the game “Scheherazade” or “Lord”.

Play out your unplayed roles. For a person with imagination, everything is simple. The game is like returning to childhood, when we created every day new world and they were not afraid to destroy it by the evening, scattering these sticks and twigs.

So, the game is serious.

You can't take off your costume and step out of character because something went wrong and you don't know what to do.

You can’t freak out and say: “I don’t know, figure it out yourself.” In general, this cannot be said. If you started the game, you are leading.

Don't be afraid to overdo or underplay - you have a very grateful audience.

Choose roles that are different from what you are used to. If you dominate in marriage, play submission. Surprise him!

How can I convince him to play this?

Many people ask about this. We listen with sympathy to the story of one of the students, who bought a black wig and distracted her husband as best she could, but he continues to work at the computer and already seems to be getting scared.

He, of course, gave up and followed her, but then immediately returned and continued to work.

So, the game begins... 6 hours before the game itself. You'll find out why in just a couple of lines.

And in my opinion, no curious man can resist.

– They often ask to play schoolgirl - so we won’t play schoolgirl! - Angelica announces. - The first game is “Strict teacher and obedient student”!

Strict teacher and obedient student

Suit, stockings and stilettos. No slippers! Hair pulled back, glasses sharp. Red lipstick. Table, chair, bright lamp, darkened room. And the same necessary element There is anticipation for every role-playing game. That's why your partner receives a text message from you one day.

SMS 1“My beloved, desired (HIS NAME), I want to invite you to a game that you will not be able to refuse: Role-playing game “Strict teacher and obedient student.”

We send a message at 12 o'clock and remain silent for about an hour. Text messages will come: “Is this really for me? You are drunk?"

We answer briefly: “No, I’m not drunk. Exactly for you” - and we continue to remain silent. Your partner then receives a second SMS.

SMS 2“The School of Sexuality Education (YOUR NAME) reports the presence of absenteeism in the subject “ Erogenous zones women". You urgently need to make up for missed classes.”

SMS 3“Teacher (your photo in full height, in a suit and with a pointer) is waiting for you at the address at... o'clock (EXACT TIME!)"

By this time, everything needs to be ready and the strict teacher should not be running around the apartment in slippers. Experience shows that you need to be ready an hour before the start, because a curious man will break into your apartment before the appointed time.

In the meantime, we're sending...

SMS 4“Independent work will take place on the topic “Erogenous zones of women.”

And a control shot:

SMS 5“We kindly ask you not to be late. Your teacher is very strict (PHOTO of legs in stiletto heels).”

– A few days before, you buy a regular school diary, a backpack, suspenders, and glasses. Don’t forget the pointer: your role is dominant, which means you can’t bend over, only point.

Our students are giggling - magically, listing all these items has already lifted our spirits.

If your clothes are immediately torn off, you fail the game

There is a table and chair in the room. There is a stern teacher at the table, who is trying her best not to laugh, because the “students” in a white shirt and suspenders can be very picturesque. "Sit down".

So, let's go. Dominants do not bend. The teacher points to her stilettoed foot with a pointer. "Here". If the student has moved further, you can slowly rest your foot in the shoe on his chest.

Distance! Having your clothes torn off in impatience should not happen in any role. This means you have failed the game. We move the pointer to the neck or chest. “And here.” Then we beckon him with our finger and use a pointer to slightly open the clothes. Where it is interesting to you. But in sex you remain above him and facing him.

They painted their lips, came over and signed their names in the diary. "Today I have great amount students."

The teacher just as calmly walks out the door. Everyone - literally all men - at this moment rushes... to the diary to read what you wrote there.

Nurse and patient

“You don’t bargain with them, they have power over your life,” explains Angelica, “but at the same time they are soft and sympathetic. This role combines dominance and submission. And it also has a hidden meaning: everything is for him, everything to make him happy.

Props: not only a robe, but also a headdress. No sofas.

A white sheet on the floor and on the window immediately gives solemnity and a hospital atmosphere of uncertainty: “anything can happen.” Massage oil. A children's phonendoscope, instruments from a children's store - I see how the participants' eyes are already lighting up.

SMS 1“(YOUR NAME) Sexual Health Center invites you to attend your annual examination. Your attending physician (full-length PHOTO OF YOU in a robe).”

SMS 2“There will be an examination on the topic “Men’s health.” Chief physician (PHOTO). Reception in the office at XX o'clock. Please don't be late."

In this game we open the door, greet the patient, chirping carefully: “Hello, Ivan Ivanovich, come in, you haven’t been with us for a long time, and your health is the most important thing...”

The nurse is incredibly seductive, wearing a short robe and heels. We help you undress and place you face down on a hospital “bed” for an initial examination. We do a light massage with confident but gentle movements. “Ivan Ivanovich, your tests have arrived! Oh horror, you have an excess (no, we can’t write it) in your body. Treatment is urgently required by..."

Lord and Maid

Complete submission, but at the same time we play on the very thin strings of the male soul.

Candles, candelabra, exquisite fruits in a vase. A man receives a real “aristocrat’s robe” specially purchased by you for eternal use. This is a cozy game for the autumn slush or the slowly rushing spring.

First SMS always unchanged - you invite to the game.

SMS 2“My beloved lord, are there any special wishes or instructions?”

If he wants a roast goose, then he must have a goose. “Which wine do you prefer?” “Shall I prepare a bath for you?” If a man muttered in an SMS: “Wash the car,” we gently respond: “My lord, our gardener is on vacation, this is not in my competence...”

SMS 3“My lord, what time should I expect you?” Here we cannot dictate the time of the meeting, so all we can do is wait.

Needless to say, at the time appointed by the lord, everything is ready and fragrant, candles are burning in the room, and the maid, knocking her heels, rushes to open the door, takes the bag from his hands and helps him put on a robe. If it is clear that the man is thinking about the goose at this time, we warn the question before it leaves his lips: “My lord, dinner is not ready yet, it will be in an hour.”

The image of an aristocrat awakens acting skills in any man

Candles, music, twilight. “Will you order wine to be served?” We don’t pour ourselves a drink, without forgetting our role. There is only one glass. Serve a pre-purchased cigar. As experience shows, at this time the man had already leaned back in his chair with pleasure and all the worries of the day had left him.

Even those who have never smoked smoke a cigar. The image of an aristocrat has already awakened the acting skills in your man...

Meanwhile, the plot takes a turn. The maid, fanning some figurine, dropped it and dramatically leaned over, chirping: “I’m so awkward, lord, will you really punish me?”

“Basically,” says Angelica, “the man just looks back in bewilderment.” Therefore, we continue to secretly manage the process: “Only not that time, lord, when you...”

We are offered the option “...I was spanked.” But your partner can choose his own humorous version. If he is now ready for a decisive assault, the maid does not dare to interfere with him.

If the man still remembers the goose and, having lightly spanked his wife on his knees, let her go in peace, we continue: “Is my lord now ready for dinner?” We serve him a real gourmet dinner (“I’ll order it for delivery,” mutters one of the students, hastily writing down every word Angelica says.) We stand at his side and add wine, serve and clear the plates.

Then the maid says: “I have never tasted such exquisite wine in my life.” The Lord generously pours it into her glass. “No, I don’t dare, maybe at least from your hands...” Then the lord feeds pieces of pheasant to the creature that sits at his feet.

The game lasts as long as the lord wishes, and ends when the maid wants to fly away with the words “I forgot to clean the family silver...”

As you have long known, there are plenty of ways to give pleasure to your soulmate. And, with regard to bodily joys among lovers, human imagination has come up with even more forms of how to strengthen and sharpen one’s own experiences...

So, let's move on to consider the most popular role playing games which can be practiced by lovers, and not only by trying on specific roles and images!

"Tarzan and the Amazon"

Please do not confuse Natasha Koroleva with her “Tarzan”!
In this role-playing game, you can imagine yourself as the inhabitants of that island from the series “Lost”, who in a sense have gone wild, whose primitive instincts have awakened, leading them to the most shameless acts! You and your girlfriend should completely forget about the existence of the civilized world and plunge into the space of permissiveness! Allow yourself the luxury of imagining your apartment as exactly the island that your imagination draws. By the way, you understand that the only clothing you can have is a fig leaf...

"Like in the movies"

Almost everyone who today has a computer in their home to access the Internet should also have a video camera or a camera in a camera that you can use to implement this particular game. A game in which you will play the role of both a director and an actor.

I can assure you that if you haven’t tried this way of spending time together, you will definitely like it! Let your imagination run wild and come up with a dynamic plot according to which the actions in your “film” will develop. Perhaps it will be a horror action movie, or a detective story, or maybe a romantic comedy? But I want to believe that the end of this “kinA” will be with a happy ending!

"Mistress and Slave"

Of course, we can’t ignore the “Mistress and Slave” game, in which your girlfriend will be allowed to do absolutely whatever she wants with you... Whatever her imagination imagines. By the way, this game has a very fruitful psychological mission for women and girls, since it allows, in a certain sense, to “punish” your beloved for those offenses that she still has not forgiven him: unambiguous glances towards busty dolls, being late for dates, rare gifts in in the form of flowers, etc. I think every girl has her own list of mistakes that were made by her man! So let these punishments have no mercy!

The opposite version of the previous game, may be called "Master and Victim"

In this version, all the trump cards are in the hands of the man, who himself chooses the strategy and ways of having fun with his “victim”. By the way, as you can understand, a similar scenario, like the previous one, can be realized not only within the walls of your home and hearth, but also on the street, perhaps in a cinema, in the last seats, in stadiums or in a park (just not there , where children can see you, you understand)

Your next entertainment option could be a scenario involving your school years...

“Teacher VS father of a poor student”

There is plenty of room for your imagination to run wild! It will be very interesting for a girl to try on the role of a strict, pretentious, but at the same time caring for herself and her appearance teacher. For example, my imagination sees the presence of glasses and a braid of hair in a ponytail as a mandatory attribute. Well, where can we get away from the pointer?
A man, in my opinion, should initially behave submissively, calmly, and with a certain touch of guilt for his dunce. True, later, a man can, and probably should, show that he is not a wimp! However, here it’s up to you to judge and decide how the game will go further...

In fact, no matter what game you choose for yourself, the most important thing in your relationship is to be Loving, honest with each other, remember that “If you are not loved the way you want to be loved, this does not mean that you are not loved with all your heart.”

Learn to forgive if he or she did something wrong...

Be patient with your loved ones and remember that “Patience gives birth to roses, and impatience gives birth to neuroses”

Give each other gifts, and let them not have a large monetary value; on purpose, do not buy expensive things! It’s better to buy some little thing, pack it, and give it at the most unexpected moment, accompanying the gift with kind words...

You and I have eyes, ears, hands - and this means that we can express our Love, to a loved one telling him about it, doing something with his hands for him (maybe pies, huh?) and showing him your feelings, so that he knows that there is no one else better than him in this world!

P.S. When you decide to entertain yourself in “games”, first agree with your partner about this, so that the role of your victim, sweetly prepared for him, does not become a “surprise” for him! And don't forget to read secrets for girls and boys. They will be useful to you for your own good. And remember that intimacy is the source of life.

In your games you can use attractive and unforgettable toys made of flowers, which today are becoming increasingly popular among young people and girls who understand the true meaning of communicating with each other.

After some time, the thirst for quantity is replaced by the need for quality and sophistication. To try again? Attic? Elevator? Parking? Or perhaps change not the places of love games, but the roles played in them?

Sexual role-playing games are not a modern achievement, but have been practiced since ancient times. This undoubtedly suggests that their active use will help improve your personal life. And this applies not only to summer with its hormonal storm.

Let's see what you can achieve by sometimes including role-playing games in your sex diet, and first let's figure out what these games are.

There are several basic scenarios with countless variations:

1. A man seduces a girl, usually a modest one, and, in some cases, an innocent one. The scenario can be absolutely anything: a cynical macho and a trembling virgin, an older friend enlightening a young modest friend, incest between, let’s be modest, distant-distant relatives, a counselor and a pioneer, an old maid and a young arrogant plumber.

You can be snobs and aesthetes and play a handsome prince and a sleeping princess. Instead of the crystal in which the princess slept, a bathtub will do; this will add modernity to the old fairy tale. In addition, you will have something to tell your friends.

2. A girl mercilessly seduces a man. This option is surprisingly suitable for men who are tired of initiative in sex and life and for women who crave this initiative. Let him now be a virgin, to whom the upstairs neighbor came to buy salt. Or a high school student alone with a young teacher. Or young subordinates of a bitchy businesswoman.

Or a person who practices celibacy, if you can handle this nut. Just don’t forget that the image of a seductress requires courage and lack of shyness. Forget the principles: “don’t give a kiss without love” and “No-no before the wedding.” Your slogan should be: “all means are good in the fight!”

3. Sexual services for money, payment with the body for some kind of sin, for example, traveling without a ticket, breaking the rules, petty theft in a supermarket. His role requires ruthlessness and cynicism, and yours requires timidity, a bashful blush and humility. However, you can play the exact opposite and, entering the image of a liberated bitch, harshly seduce an incorruptible officer.

Games with call girls and boys are very suitable for those who are clearly capable of more in bed than they allow themselves, but are embarrassed by their temperament or frankness. So, what can’t you do for money? Well, what if the job is like this?

4. Forced sex. The most extreme, but very beloved by women, version of the game is rape. With this scenario, everything is clear, you and your partner just need to define for yourself the boundaries of what is possible, so that in the process you suddenly don’t feel like you’re practically a victim, and not a full participant in what’s happening.

5. Random passion. This game has many variations: strangers, five minutes after exchanging names, tearing off each other's T-shirts in the first entrance, holidaymakers, worn out by the sun. Or, if your conscience permits, lovers who sneaked away from work without their spouses knowing?

If you decide to approach the role-playing game in detail, after choosing the role and scenario, you need to think through the surroundings and details - where and when it will happen, what you will say, how you will behave, what you will wear. Try not to overdo it with preparation - the fuse may wear off.

Not all men love role-playing games as much as women. Therefore, at the stage of familiarization with the innovation, the most important thing is to captivate the man and not scare him off. The extremely careful preparation and the script, written down to the point of cries of passion, will make him bored. But changing your style of behavior, which will bring a sense of novelty, will undoubtedly inspire your gaming partner like nothing else.

The main thing is not a pleated skirt, red stockings or the scent of sandalwood, but your desire to transform into a different image, character and, thereby, awaken strong emotions in the two of you: in him - from possessing new woman with new sexual habits for him, in you - from the courage of the game and the opportunity to do something unusual for you, but so desired. And also from being possessed by a cute stranger, servicing your boss, being blindfolded, or whatever you come up with?

When will you go from amateur to professional? role-playing games, it’s time to start gourmandizing, aestheticizing and complicating the action, since
playing out entire stories according to all the rules - with prelude, build-up of tension and climax.

The easiest option is to secretly rent a hotel room and invite him there using a mysterious SMS with the promise of an important business meeting or an unforgettable gift. The most important thing in such surprises is to continue to play the role for the first few minutes, while the partner is surprised and tries to disrupt the performance with his questions: “What are you doing? For what?" etc.

It would be strange to think that games have an impact solely on sex life. Not at all. Sexual role play can affect your entire life and even your personality.

With their help, you and your other half can realize the image and those fantasies that you have only dreamed of in secret from each other. And, having fished out these images and fantasies from your own consciousness, you can be surprised and ask yourself: why do I like this particular role? Such behavior?

Perhaps there are some character traits you like about the woman you play that you don’t think you have? Or are you playing the way you always dreamed of behaving, then for what reasons do you not allow yourself to do so?

Games are a kind of mirror of your soul, your hidden desires and a great opportunity to get to know yourself. For example, you are meek and forgiving, you always choose the image of a woman - a vamp, fatal and ruthless...

Perhaps you lack self-confidence in life?

Or is your meekness preventing you from being yourself? Free and strong? Or is it completely the other way around? A cynic in life, who has chosen authority and strength as the only correct option for survival in this crazy world to show weakness, do you enjoy playing concubines, tender and submissive, with pleasure and pleasure? Then perhaps your only correct option for survival is not really yours?

Of course, it’s scary to change yourself so quickly and throw yourself into the pool, but... you can also practice several times on a safe platform - in a role-playing game.

With the help of games, you can become a sex therapist for your man. You just have to be attentive to him.

He says that he is tired of spinning and wants to become a log in the forest? So immobilize him and deprive him of any opportunity to be active, while you yourself show the unbridledness and power of a predator.

Tired of your boss's chair and the need to maintain an appropriate image all the time? Become high school students, escape from everyone after last bell and do something deliciously naughty in the secluded wilderness of the park.

Says he's tired and wants a change of scenery? Turn your house into a five-star hotel room for a while, and be a maid yourself.

Are you worried that it’s not your first? Arrange an evening for him to seduce you, a virgin, and be delighted with how he does it.

And with the help of games you can make peace. What man, even a very angry man, can resist if the door is opened to him in the evening not by a guilty bully, but by a humble odalisque, the youngest wife of a large harem with the words: “The master has chosen me today as his beloved wife! How happy I am! Let me relax you!”

You can be your own therapist and play out and compensate for what is missing in real life. Run around in white school socks, handcuff your husband, who became insolent at dinner yesterday, and punish him by forcing him to endlessly give you oral sex, and also take a ticket to St. Petersburg and seduce your “random travel companion.”

Or take two tickets side by side in a reserved seat, and act out scenes of conquest and seduction in front of the public. By the way, the presence of spectators gives the sensations additional poignancy.

Another advantage of such a pastime is that in such games you can try caresses that you usually don’t dare to try. Of course, would a call girl refuse to please her client, even if in ordinary life what he offers seems unworthy of a free and modern woman? However, after the game this very method of pleasure may not seem so unworthy to you. Most likely, even pleasant.

Sexual role play can improve your relationship with your partner. You can discuss new interesting things with your husband scenarios, and at the same time think why he is attracted to certain images? What does he like? What is he missing?

When it comes to sex, men are especially vulnerable, but also interested in dialogue, so successful, confidential conversations and shared fantasies can reveal a lot about each other and bring you even closer. You both only need d
elegance and lack of harsh criticism in response to proposals that you don’t like.

What if someday you feel that constantly changing roles has become the only way for you to feel excited or agree to contact, and something is wrong in your relationship? Perhaps what you need is not games, but work on yourself and your personal relationships.

However, relationships can be healed in all sorts of ways, and role-playing games are one of them.

“All the world is a stage,” as Shakespeare said!

How to ruin the game:

1. Be squeezed and squeeze your partner. 2. Respond negatively and sharply to his suggestions. 3. Laugh at your partner during the process. 4. Criticize yourself or your partner in anything. 5. Attach more importance to details and surroundings than to the process. 6. Behave the same way in any role.

How to play successfully:

1. Do not endow the character being played with your own traits and sexual habits, but think and fantasize about what such a woman would do and how. 2. Stop being serious and adult, burdened with complexes and principles. Play! 3. Don't be afraid to overdo it.

4. Add 1-2 details for ease of transformation.

Dear readers, there are a great many ways to diversify, embellish, and introduce innovation into your sex life, as well as rekindle the old passion in your relationship with your partner.

The most the best way, I believe, are role-playing games using various role-playing costumes and additional attributes to them.

It's no secret that many men (as well as women) are attracted to the image. Often men would dream of having a slave who would meekly and unquestioningly fulfill any of his desires, whims and fantasies. For women, this image is attractive because the very understanding that you are under the unlimited power of your man, who forces you to do, often very dirty things (but no less pleasant), which she sometimes even secretly dreamed of, but I didn’t say it directly, but it can have a very, very stimulating effect. After all, the basis of any role-playing game is satisfaction, brightness and acuity of sensations. It’s great to get into character and make your game unforgettable and rich, which you can easily purchase at. It’s the costume that will help you feel like the one you’re talking about we'll talk below. By the way, there are a lot of images in our store that you can try on yourself, arousing great interest in your partner, and the quality will not disappoint even the most demanding temptress.

Scenario 1.

So, today you are a slave. Having put on a role-playing slave costume, you need to enter into this image. The main thing here is to want to obey your master, understanding that he is in charge here and you will do whatever is required for him, and most importantly, you will do it with pleasure and joy. Do not forget that a strong, courageous, fair and majestic master simply cannot have a slave who is dissatisfied and deprived of something, and that he will definitely make sure that she subsequently remains satisfied and satisfied.

You need to tell your man about who you will become for him today. I repeat, you need to understand that you are a slave, but this does not mean at all that the matter is now left to him. On the contrary, with all your actions you show who is who, and rest assured, he will become exactly the ruler you want to obey.

It also wouldn’t hurt to prepare a few belts (you should definitely check that they are not too stiff in order to avoid unpleasant sensations later). Then it all depends on your preferences. You can kneel in front of him, handing over the strap, while saying that the master’s order given to his slave was not fulfilled and that now he has the right and even must punish the wayward slave for disobedience, thereby showing what happens to those who does not want to do as the master orders. For example, a few hits on the butt with a belt may well be a worthy punishment for disobedience. Further, for example, still continuing to kneel in front of him, you can look into his face and ask directly what else you can do for your master. Believe me, your desire to please will directly coincide with his desire to command you, and you will both receive tremendous pleasure from this sexual game (by the way, light spanks with a strap on the chest are extremely stimulating, no less than blows to the ass).

Scenario 2.

Belts. Yes, yes)) With belts you can not only spank your slave on various parts of her attractive body (by the way, in addition to belts, this can also be done with a whip), but also tie her up with them or tie her up, thereby limiting her movements. Attention, you need to be very careful with this so as not to cause harm and thereby discourage the desire to play sexual games in general. But, again, the feeling of being completely under the power of a man whom you yourself want to obey is extremely delightful. Therefore, you need to carefully approach the choice of comfortable and soft belts for our purposes, and how to think in advance about the place to which you will be tied. After choosing a place and position, your master will ensure that both parties are satisfied and satisfied. Also in in this case It will not be amiss to use various sex toys that your partner will use, time after time punishing his slave with another portion of pleasure, feeling like a master not only of you, but also of your sensations...

Scenario 3.

It's no secret that blindfolding is also considered a great way to get a lot of pleasant experiences in sexual games. Here, again, you can choose several options for ending the plot. Only a slave can be blindfolded. Thus, this will only increase additional control over her and her movements. Your man will completely see you, see what he has and can fully control the process. The concept that you cannot even see what is happening, but can only imagine it, will additionally provoke your partner to actions that will bring pleasure not only to him, but also to you.

WITH the right man the girl really wants to feel like a small, helpless slave, fulfilling all the desires of her master, who, among other things, will treat you after such sexual games as a goddess. This will all help make our store a reality.

Have a restful night!

After some time, the thirst for quantity is replaced by the need for quality and sophistication. To try again? Attic? Elevator? Parking? Or perhaps change not the places of love games, but the roles played in them?
Sexual role-playing games are not a modern achievement, but have been practiced since ancient times. This undoubtedly suggests that their active use will help improve your personal life. And this applies not only to summer with its hormonal storm.

Let's see what you can achieve by sometimes including role-playing games in your sex diet, and first let's figure out what these games are.

There are several basic scenarios with countless variations:

1. A man seduces a girl, usually a modest one, and, in some cases, an innocent one. The scenario can be absolutely anything: a cynical macho and a trembling virgin, an older friend enlightening a modest young friend, incest between, let’s be modest, distant, distant relatives, a counselor and a pioneer, an old maid and a young arrogant plumber.

You can be snobs and aesthetes and play a handsome prince and a sleeping princess. Instead of the crystal in which the princess slept, a bathtub will do; this will add modernity to the old fairy tale. In addition, you will have something to tell your friends.

2. A girl mercilessly seduces a man. This option is surprisingly suitable for men who are tired of initiative in sex and life and for women who crave this initiative. Let him now be a virgin, to whom the upstairs neighbor came to buy salt. Or a high school student alone with a young teacher. Or young subordinates of a bitchy businesswoman.

Or a person who practices celibacy, if you can handle this nut. Just don’t forget that the image of a seductress requires courage and lack of shyness. Forget the principles: “don’t give a kiss without love” and “No-no before the wedding.” Your slogan should be: “in the fight, all means are good!”

3. Sexual services for money, payment with the body for some kind of sin, for example, traveling without a ticket, breaking the rules, petty theft in a supermarket. His role requires ruthlessness and cynicism, and yours requires timidity, a bashful blush and humility. However, you can play the exact opposite and, entering the image of a liberated bitch, harshly seduce an incorruptible officer.

Games with call girls and boys are very suitable for those who are clearly capable of more in bed than they allow themselves, but are embarrassed by their temperament or frankness. So, what can’t you do for money? Well, what if the job is like this?

4. Forced sex. The most extreme, but very beloved by women, version of the game is rape. With this scenario, everything is clear, you and your partner just need to define for yourself the boundaries of what is possible, so that in the process you suddenly don’t feel like you’re practically a victim, and not a full participant in what’s happening.

5. Random passion. This game has many variations: strangers, five minutes after exchanging names, tearing off each other's T-shirts in the first entrance, holidaymakers, worn out by the sun. Or, if your conscience permits, lovers who sneaked away from work without their spouses knowing?

If you decide to approach the role-playing game in detail, after choosing the role and scenario, you need to think through the surroundings and details - where and when it will happen, what you will say, how you will behave, what you will wear. Try not to overdo it with preparation - the fuse may wear off.

Not all men love role-playing games as much as women. Therefore, at the stage of familiarization with the innovation, the most important thing is to captivate the man and not scare him off. The extremely careful preparation and the script, written down to the point of cries of passion, will make him bored. But changing your style of behavior, which will bring a sense of novelty, will undoubtedly inspire your gaming partner like nothing else.

The main thing is not a pleated skirt, red stockings or the scent of sandalwood, but your desire to transform into a different image, character and, thereby, awaken strong emotions in the two of you: in him - from possessing a new woman with new sexual habits for him, in you - from the courage of the game and the opportunity to do something unusual for you, but so desired. And also from being possessed by a cute stranger, servicing your boss, being blindfolded, or whatever you come up with?

When you move from the category of amateurs to role-playing game professionals, it’s time to start gourmandizing, aestheticizing and complicating the action, playing out entire stories according to all the rules - with prelude, increasing tension and climax.

The easiest option is to secretly rent a hotel room and invite him there using a mysterious SMS with the promise of an important business meeting or an unforgettable gift. The most important thing in such surprises is to continue to play the role for the first few minutes, while the partner is surprised and tries to disrupt the performance with his questions: “What are you doing? Why?” etc.

It would be strange to think that games have an impact solely on sex life. Not at all. Sexual role play can affect your entire life and even your personality.

With their help, you and your other half can realize the image and those fantasies that you have only dreamed of in secret from each other. And, having fished out these images and fantasies from your own consciousness, you can be surprised and ask yourself: why do I like this particular role? Such behavior?

Perhaps there are some character traits you like about the woman you play that you don’t think you have? Or are you playing the way you always dreamed of behaving, then for what reasons do you not allow yourself to do so?

Games are a kind of mirror of your soul, your hidden desires and a great opportunity to get to know yourself. For example, you are meek and forgiving, you always choose the image of a woman - a vamp, fatal and ruthless...

Perhaps you lack self-confidence in life?

Or is your meekness preventing you from being yourself? Free and strong? Or is it completely the other way around? A cynic in life, who has chosen authority and strength as the only correct option for survival in this crazy world to show weakness, do you enjoy playing concubines, tender and submissive, with pleasure and pleasure? Then perhaps your only correct option for survival is not entirely yours?

Of course, it’s scary to change yourself so quickly and throw yourself into the pool, but... you can practice several times on a safe platform - in a role-playing game.

With the help of games, you can become a sex therapist for your man. You just have to be attentive to him.

He says that he is tired of spinning and wants to become a log in the forest? So immobilize him and deprive him of any opportunity to be active, while you yourself show the unbridledness and power of a predator.

Tired of your boss's chair and the need to maintain an appropriate image all the time? Become high school students, escape from everyone after last bell and do something deliciously naughty in the secluded wilderness of the park.

Says he's tired and wants a change of scenery? Turn your house into a five-star hotel room for a while, and be a maid yourself.

Are you worried that it’s not your first? Arrange an evening for him to seduce you, a virgin, and be delighted with how he does it.

And with the help of games you can make peace. What, even a very angry man, can resist if the door is opened to him in the evening not by a guilty bully, but by a humble odalisque, the youngest wife of a large harem with the words: “The master chose me today as his beloved wife! How happy I am! Let me relax you!”

You can be your own therapist and play out and compensate for what is missing in real life. Run around in white school socks, handcuff your husband, who became insolent at dinner yesterday, and punish him by forcing him to endlessly give you oral sex, and also take a ticket to St. Petersburg and seduce your “random travel companion.”

Or take two tickets side by side in a reserved seat, and act out scenes of conquest and seduction in front of the public. By the way, the presence of spectators gives the sensations additional poignancy.

Another advantage of such a pastime is that in such games you can try caresses that you usually don’t dare to try. Of course, would a call girl refuse to please her client, even if in ordinary life what he offers seems unworthy of a free and modern woman? However, after the game this very method of pleasure may not seem so unworthy to you. Most likely, even pleasant.

Sexual role play can improve your relationship with your partner. You can discuss new interesting scenarios with your husband, and at the same time think about why he is attracted to certain images? What does he like? What is he missing?

When it comes to sex, men are especially vulnerable, but also interested in dialogue, so successful, confidential conversations and shared fantasies can reveal a lot about each other and bring you even closer. You both need only tactfulness and the absence of harsh criticism in response to proposals you don’t like.

What if someday you feel that constantly changing roles has become the only way for you to feel excited or agree to contact, and something is wrong in your relationship? Perhaps what you need is not games, but work on yourself and your personal relationships.

However, relationships can be treated in all sorts of ways, and role-playing games are one of them.

“All the world is a stage,” as Shakespeare said!

How to ruin the game:

1. Be squeezed and squeeze your partner. 2. Respond negatively and sharply to his suggestions. 3. Laugh at your partner during the process. 4. Criticize yourself or your partner in anything. 5. Attach more importance to details and surroundings than to the process. 6. Behave the same way in any role.

How to play successfully:

1. Do not endow the character being played with your own traits and sexual habits, but think and fantasize about what such a woman would do and how. 2. Stop being serious and adult, burdened with complexes and principles. Play! 3. Don't be afraid to overdo it.

4. Add 1-2 details for ease of transformation.