The most harmful men according to zodiac signs. Believe that cooking is a woman's job

19.07.2019 Relationship

“A man and a woman are very different, some even claim that we are from different planets. Men and women have different views on the world, different physical capabilities, different characters, and men differ in appearance from women. Men are the stronger sex. They position themselves as strong, brave, smart and leaders in life. Men believe that they are our protectors, breadwinners, and breadwinners. A man, like a lion, is the master of life, the king of beasts. These are all the positive aspects that attract women so much and make our heart beat faster in unison with the wonderful feeling of love. But every bright side has its shadow. There is always something that poisons life, both for us and for our loved ones. Certain character traits sometimes interfere with our lives, cause misunderstandings with others and can play a cruel joke. As is commonly believed, men are the stronger sex, but in our time we often observe the opposite situation. I wonder which men can be called disgusting? And what lies behind this? Let's look at seven types of disgusting men," says psychologist Yulia Plyakha

1. A man who is a fan of himself

This is the disgusting type of man who is unlikely to pass by a store window without straightening his bangs. Loving yourself and your body is great, but complimenting yourself is overkill. It's easy to offend him! Suffice it to say that his T-shirt is unfashionable. All! Now it's a scandal!

Psychologist's opinion:

Such men do not see reality and perceive the world around them the way they want. They do not see their equals and consider themselves impeccable. During a conversation, such a man constantly talks about himself, he is little, or rather not at all, interested in other people. They prefer to solve problems at the expense of others. Under no circumstances do they admit their mistakes; admitting your mistake is tantamount to the collapse of your inner world and life ideals. Blame others for wrongdoing, but not themselves. Any conflict situation, associated with dissatisfaction with a woman, for them this is a threat to the existence of his personality. The narcissist prefers to give gifts and do nice things for himself, and only then for his beloved, you need to come to terms with this, but in this situation there is one plus - after all, in the narcissist’s house there is everything that is needed and all the best.

The reasons for this type of behavior lie in early childhood. If the child’s environment makes it clear to him that he is important not in himself, but because he performs a certain function, or demands that he be different from what he really is, then the child’s real feelings and desires are suppressed by him due to the fear of rejection. Such a child receives the message: “Be who I want you to be, and I will love you.”

2. Boring whiner

Are you familiar with this? It’s easy to pick him out of a group; he’s unlikely to laugh at truly funny jokes. Why? He has a “special” sense of humor. And also, he is not happy with sunny weather, and not happy with rainy weather, he is never happy with anything at all!

Psychologist's opinion:

Psychologists note that for such people to be dissatisfied with something is a normal physical reaction to external stimuli, which originates from childhood. This person’s inner child is crying not because something terrible happened to him, he just needs emotional release. Whining men, as a rule, grow up in families where the father is absent either physically or psychologically. And the mother is overly caring, trying to protect her son from all problems as much as possible.

3. Cheapskate

Surely this disgusting type of man should be moved to first place in our ranking. Such a man will invite you for a walk in the park and will not treat you to ice cream, because he took sandwiches with him, they shouldn’t go to waste, especially since his mother tried, she didn’t even spare the meat.

Psychologist's opinion:

He does not spare money for himself and spends it with pleasure, provided that the purchase will be personally useful to him. Therefore, you should not be guided by “clothes”, since a cheapskate can look quite presentable. Such a subject does not save on himself, but when the situation forces him to fork out for gifts and things that do not bring him joy, then all the signs of his greedy nature appear. Loves to get everything for free. He spends a lot of time searching for discounts, free entertainment and the like. He also prefers to constantly calculate, estimate and strives to win even in small things. If he is lucky enough to buy a loaf of bread in one of the stores for a hryvnia cheaper than anywhere else, he will be incredibly constantly remembering this “extraordinary luck.” Rely on your own intuition in matters of male greed, and it will not let you down! Demand from your man only what he is able to give you and, based on this, decide whether this type of relationship is right for you. It is unreasonable to demand diamonds from a person who lives on a modest salary as an office worker. But it’s completely stupid to tolerate someone with a heavy wallet who comes on a date without bothering to buy even a modest bouquet of flowers or any other nice little thing.

Why do men become greedy? The main reason for male greed is strict upbringing in childhood or the example of a father who was not particularly generous towards his mother. As well as fears and complexes, uncertainty in relationships, misunderstanding of women’s hints, poverty or lack of funds in the past, selfishness and pronounced selfishness.

4. A man who promises a lot and doesn't deliver

This is where the editors of sunny7 went too far. This type of man is not disgusting, but already familiar! On the first date, he is ready to throw not only flowers, but also stars at your feet, however, he does it all in words! We suspect that such a man reads a lot of books (very big +), since only he can come up with epithets in the style: the uniqueness of your eyes covers not only the heart, but also pierces the soul.

Psychologist's opinion:

Typical options for irresponsibility are the habit of relying on chance, putting everything off until later, not thinking about the future... Irresponsibility is internally comfortable, but for other people it is a source of troubles and problems. “Did you do it or not?” - A responsible person answers this question honestly and in the case of “did not do it” - he is ready to bear responsibility (punishments or payments). An irresponsible person evades this question and runs away from responsibility.

Where does irresponsibility come from? Responsibility by itself will not appear in a person. If responsibility was brought up by parents or other elders, there will be responsibility. If you haven't been brought up, there's no point in swearing. Swearing is also a manifestation of irresponsibility, shifting responsibility onto someone bad, who is the cause of all the troubles. As a rule, the irresponsibility of children is formed by their parents - either by their own example of irresponsibility, or by the lack of demands on this issue.

5. Braggart

This is that disgusting type of man who has a lot of cars (supposedly), a lot of important friends (also supposedly) and he makes great achievements in his life (again supposedly), which he knows about everyone!

Psychologist's opinion:

His achievements at work and on the love front are obvious to everyone. And only because he tirelessly brags about everyone and everything. On the one hand, what's wrong with it when a person shares his successes at work? But what if he boasts not only about how he was the only one in the department to receive an award, but also about how he finally managed to get a girl to have sex on the first date? Women, knowing this characteristic feature men can easily play with this, for example, a girl wants to get married, then she happily begins to praise all the charms of a man, finding advantages even where there are none at all, this is incredibly pleasant for a man. But, alas, all this is for the time being.

The reason for such boasting may be certain situations from childhood. When a child has crossed the fine line between imaginative play and deception. In certain cases, the child’s fantasies may be aimed at attributing to himself (or other) people non-existent character traits, achievements, etc. Boasting is an alarming symptom, indicating the presence of certain problems. If a child exaggerates his own or other people’s capabilities when communicating with peers, it means that he is not confident enough in himself. IN in this case bragging is a defense mechanism, a wall behind which small man trying to hide from the problems of the real world.

6. Chameleon Man

Why? Because you live with him like on a powder keg: with you he is alone, with friends he is different, etc.

Psychologist's opinion:

This type of man is characterized by enviable duplicity. Alone with his beloved girl, he is all tenderness and passion. He can literally burst into tears on her shoulder, talking about the drowned hamster. However, as soon as his friends cross the threshold, he immediately discards all sentimentality, begins to laugh loudly, make vulgar jokes and completely ignores his girlfriend, to whom he has just promised to give a star from the sky.

Such a split occurs when the heart says one thing and the mind says another, and a person is between a choice: what to choose and what to listen to: the mind, which sometimes deceives, or the heart, which deceives very rarely? The heart dictates one behavior, and the mind dictates another. Of course, the heart plays a huge role. We behave as our heart dictates, but when the mind intervenes... Then the most terrible and most disgusting struggle within a person begins.

7. Tyrant

A disgusting type of man who knows for sure that only his opinion exists! He will do everything to make you depend on him and even fear him! Scary guy. To be creative, to be beautiful - he is unlikely to understand a woman’s desires!

Psychologist's opinion:

This is a man obsessed with a thirst for power. He is preoccupied with the question “Who is the boss in the house?” The slightest disobedience infuriates him. When someone or something is out of his control, it threatens his sense of omnipotence. Therefore, he strives at any cost to suppress the will of those who are subject to him. If they even simply express their opinion, he regards this as an attack on his authority. The tyrant husband will make sure that his wife depends on him as much as possible, which is achieved very simply - he forbids her to work and gives her as many children as possible. At the beginning of a relationship, while he is still not sure that the victim is in his hands, the prohibition may look soft - he will nobly say that “his woman should not work.” The tyrant husband will not only be against work, but also against her communication with friends and relatives, against study and hobbies - everything that challenges his undivided control of her thoughts and feelings. External dependence is not enough for him - he wants to own a person completely.

One of the main reasons underlying domestic tyranny is resentment towards the mother. The connection between a son and his mother is very strong and lasts a lifetime. Much depends on its direction, especially relationships with the opposite sex and children. A huge psychological attachment to the mother remains in adulthood. The only difference is that the attitude towards her can be filled with gratitude and affection, when “a mother is sacred,” or with burning resentment, rejection, and hostility. These mechanisms are formed in childhood and carry through life, controlling the actions and actions of a man. Often, resentment towards the mother grows and transforms into resentment towards all women, towards society as a whole. A subconscious feeling of deprivation and injustice pushes a person to take revenge and reproach, “punish” others, restoring his sense of rightness.

Life experience suggests that it is better to stay away from these 7 types of men. Rest assured, it will be difficult for you to recognize only the “chameleon man”, while the rest of the disgusting types of men will show all their “merits” already on the third date. No, we don't dissuade, we just warn. Although, if you have great faith, time and inspiration to change men, go for it! Share your results with us!

As an old Russian proverb says: men must be protected. Therefore, in this article we will consider the question - how to do this? And for this you need to know what is harmful for men.

It is harmful for men to go shopping.

It turns out that this has a bad effect on men's health. Thus, a survey of London residents showed that standing in line causes anger in every fifth Englishman. This even leads to increased blood pressure, which is extremely dangerous. When choosing purchases, the opinions of men and women are not compatible: men are interested in device and quality, and women are interested in color and style.

Sedentary lifestyle, that's it which is harmful for men.

Physical activity protects men from ulcers. After examining 11 thousand subjects, American scientists found that duodenal ulcers more often occur in men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. And very rarely in physically active men. This research was conducted at the University of South Carolina. In men who run at least 16 km per week, the risk of ulcers is 2 times less. The reasons for the process are not fully understood. Perhaps the stress level decreases and the immune status increases.

In boys, the right half of the brain develops first.

For girls it’s the other way around – the left one. This is why boys begin to speak a year later than their peers, and read and write worse at school. But boys are better oriented in space, thanks to the developed right hemisphere.

Men require more oxygen.

Men breathe less often and deeper than women. Therefore, in polluted cities, men's lungs are at greater risk. They contain more harmful substances than women's.

A single bed is the path to a man’s health.

Everyone knows that family men live longer than bachelors. However, according to doctors, it is time to reconsider some family values. The tradition of sharing a bed with a wife came from poor commoners. Whereas aristocrats always had separate bedrooms. According to doctors, this is very useful for the psychological health of men.

Stress is more dangerous for men.

No matter how strong our stronger sex is, it is less resistant to stress. In women, stress causes sleep disturbances, irritability, bad mood - not so bad. Stress is much more harmful for men. Its consequences are stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, ischemia. It turns out that dental chairs were invented specifically for men. Initially, the patient was simply seated on a stool. If women tolerated the treatment well, then men simply fell from it from fear and pain.

Men - cry! This is quite a man's business.

Why don't men cry or do it very rarely? Well, firstly, from infancy they constantly hear that this is not like a man. And secondly, that’s how they work nervous system. The ability to cry at the right time is a kind of valve that works automatically for women. When you cry, endorphins are released - this dulls the feeling of pain and helps you calm down. So, in men, this valve is inoperative, which leads to the accumulation of negative emotions and an increased risk of heart and vascular diseases.

Ibuprofen hurts manhood

Long-term use of ibuprofen, according to scientists, can lead to male infertility. This medicine reduces testosterone levels, leading to a decrease in sperm count. Scientists from Denmark and France came to this conclusion.

Ibuprofen is used frequently and long-term for chronic pain and arthritis. Research by scientists and observations of people who use ibuprofen have led to the conclusion that these men have decreased testosterone levels, decreased sexual activity, worsened mood, and a feeling of chronic fatigue.

Peripheral atherosclerosis more often affects male smokers.

This disease can be identified by the following symptoms: pain in the joints of the lower extremities when walking, which goes away when you stop. This indicates the presence of plaque in the artery. Which can lead to heart attack and stroke. An ultrasound examination is necessary.

If you happen to meet an Aries on your life path, you can run to the pharmacy in advance for antidepressants. This representative of the ram family, with his stubbornness and selfishness, manifested with childish spontaneity, can bring you to your grave in no time. Even if he knows that he is wrong, he will still argue, just out of principle. He always has his own opinion on any subject, even one in which Aries is poorly versed. Sharp outbursts of aggression and attacks of bad mood are the adornment of this sign. True, it goes away as quickly as it flares up.


Taurus believes that he can do whatever he wants, and if so, then why bother? He is always pleased with himself. Even in cases where there is, in general, nothing to be proud of. Taurus considers his exorbitant stubbornness to be the strength of character of a real man, tight-fistedness is taken as reasonable frugality, and a tendency towards pessimism as a realistic perception of the world.


No sign of the Zodiac has such a gift for turning everything upside down as Gemini does. You won’t get bored with them, but already in the second week of intensive communication you will feel like something like a sprinter among the stayers, hopelessly behind the rest and tortured to death. If you can stand Gemini and their mind-blowing penchant for constant change (given that you are not a Gemini yourself), then you should erect a monument. They hang out here and there, love to fool around and make fun of people. The future with them is more than unreliable, but the present is funny. Don’t expect loyalty from Gemini; as soon as you turn away, they are already flirting with all their might with your girlfriend.


This bore and whiner is looking for a continuation of his mother in every girl, and if he finds his ideal, he will certainly try to get married. Cancer is an active lover family hearth and comfort - he will drive his wife to an early grave with his eternal claims about how to properly wash the dishes, feed your beloved cat and cook an omelet. Marriage to Cancer is ruined youth.

a lion

Obsessed with his own person, Leo does not notice anyone around him except himself. Well, perhaps only those who admire him. He is arrogant and considers himself too generous to remember insults and promises. The royal personage loves to spend money, lead an idle life and surround herself with beautiful girls. Insanely jealous, hot-tempered and touchy. He himself cannot stand it if he is jealous, since he cannot even admit the thought that someone might consider him their property. He should always be in your first place, and if you suddenly postpone your date to another day because of the need to visit your sick aunt, he may be mortally offended. What the hell is an auntie?


This is a terrible pedant. He (it would be more accurate to say “she”) will harass you with trifles and notations. Virgo will grumble that oil contains a lot of cholesterol, and fried food is very harmful to the stomach. He is lazy to the point of disgrace, but considers himself hardworking, since sometimes he is motivated to do some little thing. He is tense with emotions and is very wary of love.


Libras are suspicious, secretive and petty. They can be irritable and can take their anger out on the first person that comes to hand if things don’t go the way he would like. They come up with various non-existent problems for themselves, and then take a long time to solve them. They have many friends, but really trust almost no one.


The nasty, corrosive and vindictive Scorpio gets irritated all the time if something is not done as he considers correct. Constant nagging and a gloomy look, capable of almost driving you waist-deep into the ground with its weight, will drive anyone crazy. And when this insect starts to be jealous, you won’t think it’s enough. He doesn’t count money, but he remembers very well how many times they forgot to rejoice at his gift.


He's not lying. But only because his essence cannot stand lies. He doesn’t lie even when telling the truth is inappropriate. If he catches you lying, expect trouble. Sagittarius is furiously jealous, but he himself does not miss a single skirt. Even his inherent sense of humor is not able to compensate for his shortcomings.


Capricorn is stubborn and absolutely not amenable to persuasion. Even if he agrees with you, then either your opinions accidentally coincided, or he simply does not want to “throw pearls before swine.” In the latter case, be sure that deep down he has no doubts that he is right. Capricorn is also a bore, he can hardly tolerate noisy, cheerful parties and may generally be lost to society if educational work is not carried out with him. However, convincing, as was said earlier, is almost impossible, so it is better to put pressure on his interest and bring him to a certain idea very carefully, so that Capricorn decides that this is his own thought. Capricorn is ambitious, believes that he knows life, and therefore can lecture you for hours on how to live, and especially how to spend money. Therefore, it is better to keep the little joys of your shopping to yourself.


Aquarius loves to dream and plan something grandiose, but his energy and patience are rarely enough to even begin. He will promise you a bunch of things - and at the moment of the promise, Aquarius himself believes that he will fulfill his plans - but you do not believe his sweet words. In serious matters, it is better not to count on Aquarius, and even more so, you should not dream of placing responsibility for something on his courageous shoulders; rely first of all on yourself.


Do you want a normal guy, self-confident and firmly on the ground, and not soaring somewhere in the clouds? Then you've come to the wrong address. Pisces live in their own worlds, according to their own laws and, as a result, are absolutely not adapted to real life. Pisces are children at heart, they are indecisive, unusually sensitive, and they need to be constantly taken care of, otherwise they may disappear due to their lack of independence.

Unfortunately, learning to recognize dangerous men is not so easy—you must learn to listen to and trust your instincts when your new acquaintance says or does something that makes you feel threatened or in danger. Dangerous men behave in such a way that one can notice in their behavior a conviction that their actions are justified and legal. In addition to the above, keep in mind that dangerous men may not have any intention of physically harming you, but will instead harm you emotionally, sexually, and may even commit a crime against you.


Notice risky or dangerous behavior

    Listen to your instincts and learn to recognize dangerous men. A dangerous man looks just like one who has no intention of harming you or anyone else. The danger he poses does not have to involve a physical threat - he may pose a danger to you financially, spiritually, emotionally or sexually.

    • Control is a dangerous sign. If a man is trying to control you spiritually, economically, or emotionally, this is a red flag. Also beware of lies that he may use to reinforce his dominant position.
  1. Pull a man away if his actions or words tell you that she is dangerous. Although society has taught you to be polite and accommodating, if a man is dangerous and you discover this, you have the right to act rudely because you need to give a decent response to his superiority over you.

  2. If you find yourself outside in the dark, take preventive measures. If you're walking through an empty parking lot or dark street, place your keys between your fingers; squeeze them into a tight grip if you meet them unknown man. If he follows you, look for open stores or any establishments where you could get help. If you plan to use protective equipment, you need to be sure that it will work (in any climate, in any weather, etc.).

    • We recommend using a gas canister as a means of protection. Choose one that is powerful, long-lasting and precise. A good spray can be incredibly traumatic for an attacker.
  3. Change your habits in choosing partners. If you have been involved in unhealthy relationships in the past in which a man harmed you, try to figure out what attracts you to such men and work on changing these patterns to healthier ones.

    What do psychotherapists pay attention to?

    1. Look for signs of a dangerous man before getting involved in a relationship. In short, you should pay attention to the presence of rapidly developing relationships in the man’s past, to the features of his history, to whether the man had several relationships in parallel, to his mechanism for choosing a girl and to his behavior patterns.

      • Resist his attempts to speed up the relationship. Dangerous and pathological men usually start new relationships with a clear goal in mind. They want “immediate intimacy,” and therefore may begin to victimize you (force you to play the victim).
      • Explore his past. Research his criminal history. Find out if he has a history of mental health problems and episodes of domestic violence or aggression directed at his partner.
      • Ask your boyfriend about his past relationships. If he decides to talk about his previous girlfriends, listen very carefully. Men who don't like to be alone create many parallel relationships, so your guy may already be in a relationship with another girl or girls!
      • Pay attention to consistent, persistent patterns of behavior. Dangerous men with pathological disorders behave the same way with all new women they date.
      • Research information about your boyfriend's ex-partners. If he was with a girl who is also emotionally unhealthy, trust your instincts and back off.
    2. Explore this type of man: emotional predators, looking for a woman to parent, having a hidden life, emotionally unavailable, abusive, mentally ill, have addiction problems, always clingy and obsessive. Such men have a mental pathology, and if it has not yet been diagnosed, a psychotherapist should examine them and draw appropriate conclusions.

      • Keep a close eye on such a man, especially if he is able to quickly understand your needs and satisfy them. Emotional predators are able to instantly determine your needs and vulnerable points.
      • Listen to your gut. Have you met a man who wants you to satisfy his every need? Such a man wants a parent and will use you to take care of himself.
      • Study this man's story. Note issues such as criminal behavior, children or illnesses he has kept secret from you, women you have never heard from him about, dangerous habits, addictions or hobbies.
      • Trust your instincts if you meet a man who is committed to another woman, but swears that he is “almost” done with her. This man is looking for a woman who has trouble maintaining boundaries.
      • Be especially careful if you suspect that this is a man of the so-called “Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde” type. His negative side comes out when he needs to re-establish his dominance. At such moments, he is capable of hitting, shaming, causing physical harm, making you feel guilty, and deciding to damage your property if this makes you return to him.
      • Listen to your instincts if you realize that you are in a relationship with a man suffering from some kind of addiction. His addiction does not have to involve drugs or alcohol; it could be an addiction to pornography, thrills, sex, or simply being in a relationship.
      • Pay attention to your feelings. For example, if you feel like you have given every last bit of your life to the relationship, you may be dealing with a pathological clingy.
    • If a man constantly makes you feel obligated to him, like he's doing you a huge favor, be careful. No one should force anyone to feel this way for a long time.
    • If the conflict results in an outburst of anger, be careful. This can be a serious warning, a red flag that tells you that you have become involved with a dangerous person.
    • If your family, coworkers, or friends start telling you that your boyfriend is dangerous, listen to what they have to say.
    • Avoiding your responsibilities to your man can be a challenging task. This won't necessarily be dangerous, but it could get you into trouble. Make a decision about when the relationship should end and then just move on.


    • If you have already been involved in a dangerous relationship and have been exposed to violence, you should know that when you decide to leave this relationship, there are many dangers awaiting you.
    • If a man makes a scandal out of a minor incident, reacts disproportionately sharper than the significance of the problem, easily loses his temper, etc., then such a man is probably mentally unstable and capable of harsh behavior.

1. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

This phrase has been rooted in the consciousness of mankind, probably since the time of Adam and Eve.

It would seem that it should finally go into oblivion, because everyone knows that most chefs are men, that in many families it is the husband who cooks, or at least the spouses do it in turns.

But no: a mother, raising her daughter, always tells her: “Learn to cook, daughter, and any man will be at your feet.” True, a man is also taught the culinary arts, because a bachelor’s life (not everyone is in a hurry to get married) requires mastering basic housework skills.

So believe me: even if you are an ace in cooking, this factor will not be enough to win a man. A man can cook breakfast for himself, and he can buy it for dinner finished products in the supermarket. So draw your own conclusions.

2. Men strive for freedom all their lives.

The fact that every man wants to be a bachelor all his life is as true as the statement that the goal of any woman is to get married as soon as possible.

The biggest mistake of women (and men, in principle, too) is that they try to bring all men (and those, accordingly, women) under a single formula.

In fact, every man sooner or later realizes that he needs a soul mate.

And for him, just like for a woman, it is important to maintain this relationship as long as possible - not everyone dreams of exchanging the comfort of their home for the winds of distant travels!

Mama's boys do exist, of course, but most men don't treat their mom like a woman. If they can easily compare their father with other men, then they can never compare their mother with women.

That is why, calling all women vile witches, they never classify their mothers as such.

But in fact, the connection between a son and his mother is very often exaggerated. If, for example, a boy has to choose who to listen to - his father or his mother, then the son will choose the first.

And in general, in the current era of the collapse of family values, one can only talk about the connection between a son and his mother with irony. Just like calling your mother-in-law a monster and telling primitive jokes about her relationship with her son-in-law.

4. The man doesn’t like watching TV series.

To dispel this myth, just pick up a TV program and see what series are shown on most channels (this, by the way, especially applies to Russian-made films and American films from the 1980s).

You will see there “Cops”, “Deadly Force”, “Truckers”, “Special Forces” - far from feminine themes, by the way.

So if a man accuses you of overusing Sex and the City, you can safely ask him to remember what he usually watches during dinner.

5. Men are insensitive

Or “men don’t cry.” And in general, following the logic, they don’t love, don’t laugh, but constantly sit sullen, go to Gym and shoot at wild ducks and wild boars.

They don’t know how to raise children, they only yell at them and strengthen their character. Oh yes, a real man can only have a son!

Of course, all these are absurd statements, but certain stereotypes of this kind exist, and “hit”, first of all, men.

It is because of them that they become withdrawn and do not share their problems and thoughts with their significant other, who accuse them of being insensitive.

In fact, a man reacts painfully to separation from his beloved, rejoices at the birth of a child, and also worries about troubles at work.

He may even cry when he has lost a loved one.

This is completely natural behavior, so it is not “increased” emotionality that indicates problems in the couple, but his silence and gloominess. By the way, doctors say that it is precisely because of the need to hide emotions that men live shorter lives than women.

6. All men dream of sex with their wife’s (girlfriend’s) best friend, they like bitches

Not all. Although a lot, of course, depends on the friend herself.

The man rather wants to get to know her better so that she will tell him his wife’s secrets, but certainly not because of the desire to sleep with her - a stupider idea could only be sex with his wife’s sister.

Well, no one likes bitches. Here, of course, the question may arise why we combined them into one point. Because these are some kind of fantastic myths.

Beautiful bitches arouse interest, but not languor. A man is quite vulnerable, so he would rather date a quiet librarian than an arrogant career woman

7. A man is ready to sleep with any more or less attractive woman

Let's not argue, there are those among men for whom sex is the only joy in life.

Of course, for his sake they are ready, if not for everything, then at least for a lot.

It should be recognized that similar examples occur among women. In this case, sex is not sex in the usual sense for such a man - it is an addiction.

In addition, if this myth were true, then any more or less attractive woman would only have to wave her hand, and men would lie in stacks at her feet. But that's not true.

The vast majority of men are not so obsessed with sex that they make it their main goal.

8. They only love busty blondes and dream of porn stars

Long legs, large breasts, curvy hips, rounded buttocks, wasp waist, long blonde hair and slightly plump lips are supposedly a woman’s ideal for a man. Note that there is no mention of intelligence.

It is interesting that such myths are propagated by women themselves. Oh yes, a man really wants his woman to look like a porn star: both in appearance and in her behavior in bed.

This, of course, is not true. Any man will tell you that it’s nice to look at big breasts and squeeze them a little, but you have to live not with the breasts, but with the woman, with the personality. Moreover, large breasts tend to sag over time.

Although there are, of course, originals who are fixated on hair color, but it seems to be for modern woman This is not a problem at all, so the question is removed.

9. Men like erotic lingerie from a sex shop

Of course, I like it, but not enough to constantly run around the shops and look for new underwear.

Women are lying when they say that they buy charming fishnet stockings to please their man. Rather, in order to please your own vanity and appear in all your glory before the object of seduction. Any man will tell you that a naked woman is much more beautiful than a dressed one. And the next morning after a night out, he will not only not remember what color your panties were, but will also find it difficult to answer whether you were wearing them at all.

10. Men love virgins

In fact, they fear them like fire. It is difficult to be the first and responsible for the initiation of another person's sexual life. In addition, men have their own stereotype: a woman will want to compare and “try” at least one more.

Why then take on such responsibility if you don’t get much pleasure?