Domestic aquarium turtle. Aquarium turtles.

18.11.2018 Animals

Getting a turtle as a pet is a great idea for people who have little free time. However, keep in mind that the peculiarity of these animals is not that they do not need care, but that it takes a minimal amount of time. Indeed, you don’t need to walk with turtles, they don’t require complex hygiene procedures, but the basic rules of feeding and conditions requirements environment will have to remember. It is advisable to select in advance the type of animal you are interested in, but if you were given a pet, consult with a specialist to correctly determine the breed. Central Asian, marsh, red-eared and many others - all these are decorative turtles. Special care must be provided for each species.

Preparing the habitat

All species of these animals can be divided into two large groups: aquatic and land. For representatives of each of them it is necessary to create special living conditions. We need to start by debunking a common myth - even land turtles, which are considered the easiest to care for, should be kept in a special terrarium. A mistake many novice hobbyists make is releasing a turtle into the wild, that is, onto the floor. This is unacceptable, since in an ordinary apartment or house the animal will be injured; do not forget about drafts and small debris that can be mistakenly eaten. Aquatic species require an aquarium in which most will be occupied by the “lake”, and the smaller one will be occupied by a dry site. Land turtles require a terrarium with soil and shelter.

Temperature and special conditions

In addition to the glass box, you will also need special equipment to keep turtles. Like all reptiles, these animals need heated air and water, and ultraviolet lamps (more powerful for land-dwelling species) are also needed. The minimum aquarium volume for aquatic varieties is 100 liters. Keep in mind that even small decorative turtles require care in compliance with all the rules. And if the seller promises that the animals will not grow more than 5 cm in length, this is not true. The normal size for all “dwarf” turtles is up to 13 cm inclusive. Varieties that grow larger are considered larger and more difficult to keep.

Types of food and feeding schedule

Turtles should not be fed food that is familiar to humans and food for other animals. Among those who have recently acquired an animal, a popular question is what do turtles eat? Caring for reptiles should include a proper diet. Aquatic species are mostly predators; they should be fed with seafood and lean fish; it is not necessary to remove entrails and bones from it. It is necessary to include plant foods in the diet, in a small percentage of the total volume. There are also special ready-made foods; it is recommended to give them no more than once a week. You can periodically feed the animals with nutritional supplements. Land reptiles eat salads, various plants, vegetables and fruits. They should definitely be fed with vitamins once a week. A drinking bowl is not needed in the terrarium; only some tropical animals drink water.

Decorative aquatic turtles: care and special needs

For these animals, the landscape in the aquarium is important. There should be a special ladder from the water to a dry area along which the turtle can go down and up. It is important for these animals to communicate with their owners; spend at least 10-15 minutes a day with your pet. It is not worth keeping these reptiles in pairs. Almost everyone reacts negatively to their own kind; the second individual interests them only during the breeding season. It will be difficult to avoid fights and injuries. require special care. They need to have their nails trimmed, but their beaks should only be shortened when absolutely necessary.

Features of keeping land turtles

It is recommended that animals living outside the water be allowed to roam. A warm apartment floor (the main thing is that there are no drafts) or a natural landscape will do. Please note that almost all species can bury themselves in the sand, so do not leave your pet unattended during walks. Viruses pose a great danger to animals. If your pets are ornamental turtles, care should be standard - trimming their claws and beaks is also necessary. If possible, the animal should be bathed, once a week is enough. Water should not get into the turtle's eyes and ears. During the molting period, it is useful to lubricate the shell with a special cream. You need to protect the animal from excessive heat and direct sunlight; do not place the terrarium near heating appliances; while walking, release the turtle in partial shade. A useful thing for land species that are often taken for walks is a special beacon that allows you to find a reptile that has disappeared from view.

Aquarium turtles - description of popular species, keeping them together with fish.

The relevance of this topic is raised by many newcomers to the aquarium world and not only by them.

Often, on the Internet you come across a funny video where baby turtles swim peacefully with fish, and on forums you see photos of fish and turtles being kept together with forest reviews.

Also, stories from friends about how their soft-bodied turtle is being bullied by guppies fuel interest!?

Having seen and read all this, the aquarist thinks - but it’s true!!! Why not??? Indeed, in natural conditions, turtles, fish, frogs, snakes and other reptiles live together - in the same habitat! So you can recreate all this at home?!

Well, let's take a closer look at this issue and see real examples of turtles and fish living together!

So, first of all, it’s worth noting that turtles are different from each other! Therefore, we propose to consider four species of turtles that are in demand among lovers of aquarium and terrarium animals.

Red-eared turtle and aquarium fish

This species of turtle is often called the "red-eared sea turtle." I emphasize that this turtle was never a sea turtle. This is a completely freshwater inhabitant.

Contrary to the expectations of many who want to keep this type of turtle, these individuals require a fairly wide space to move. One or two of these Tartils require an aquarium with a volume of at least 100 liters. The aquarium should also be equipped with an island for relaxation and a powerful filter. Aeration is not required, since turtles breathe atmospheric air when they climb to the surface. Pet stores sell special islands for turtles that are installed at the bottom of the aquarium. 70% of the island is under water. For ease of access to land, there is a smooth rise to the surface, which has a rather rough surface with protrusions so that the turtle’s paws have something to cling to.

It is equally important to remember that the highest part of the island for a turtle to rest should be approximately 20-30 cm from the lid, depending on the size of the pet, because when buying a tiny five-centimeter specimen, you need to take into account that turtles grow quite quickly and, with proper maintenance, grow up to 25 cm in shell diameter. These representatives of the armored animals, despite their external slowness and clumsiness, are very fond of organizing escapes from their father’s house, therefore, in order to avoid searching for the pet throughout the apartment, it is better to comply with the requirement for placing an island.

Turtles spend most of the day in the water; they crawl onto the island to rest and warm up. That is why it is necessary to equip the turtle’s house with an incandescent lamp, which will be directed towards the island. At the same time, the water temperature should not exceed 26 degrees; warm water is destructive for the turtle and entails not only poor health, but also the formation of various fungal diseases. With more low temperatures(up to 18 degrees) the turtle feels comfortable.

It is necessary to change the water of turtles no more than once a month, since they are quite clean and do not need frequent water changes, which suits their owners very much.

Into the diet red-eared turtle mostly includes animal feed. They are fed with bloodworms, tubifex and special dry food pellets, sometimes fed with lettuce or young cabbage. Adults should be given Gamarus (aquatic crustaceans) in dry and raw form. Red-eared turtles also love to eat boiled fish, or shreds of chicken and beef.

Considering all of the above, VERDICT - this turtle should absolutely not be kept with fish! The conditions of detention and parameters (quality) of water of almost all freshwater fish species are fundamentally different from the conditions of detention of the red-eared turtle, according to almost all criteria. Living together will be painful. But the most important reason why you should never keep a turtle in an aquarium with fish is that turtles are predators.

Clumsy, slow, funny and safe on land, in the water turtles turn into excellent swimmers with an unrivaled sense of prey. If a young turtle may not hunt fish, then as it grows up... all the scaly inhabitants of the aquarium will turn into high-quality food for it.

For those still in doubt!!!

Here is a marginal video (censored) on the same topic According to the conditions of detention marsh turtle

not very different from the red-eared one. But this is a larger species of turtle and therefore at least 150 liters are required for one or two individuals.

Swamp turtles often experience calcium deficiency, so the aquarium must be equipped with an ultraviolet lamp in addition to an incandescent lamp and the diet must be supplemented with crushed eggshells. Otherwise, their dining table is almost a mirror image of the red-eared slider's table. There's no need for a video here. They bite, quite sensitively, and an adult can bite through human skin, so picking up such a pet is not recommended.

Thus, we can conclude that this breed of turtles is even smaller than the previous one and is suitable for keeping together with aquarium fish.

Unlike the species of turtles described above, Trionics practically do not need an island. A small structure with a smooth rise, which does not have to start directly at the bottom, may well be suitable for them. This is a completely aquatic turtle. The elongated spout allows them to easily receive the necessary oxygen on the surface of the water, and after that they do not need it for a long time. But at the same time, the aquarium must be equipped with continuous filtration and aeration, since this type of turtle needs clean water and can receive oxygen without swimming to the surface. This is a very active and funny creature. Trionics like to burrow into shallow soil or sand, leaving only a small elongated muzzle on the surface. Comfortable temperature water temperature for them is 24-26 degrees, although experts have noted that they live in temperatures varying from 20 to 30 degrees without harm to their health. The required volume of the house for Trionix should be at least 150 liters per individual.

In its natural habitat it is a strong and dangerous predator that feeds on fish and small crustaceans. It is not uncommon for this type of armored fish to feast on a clutch of eggs left by a careless bird that nested not on the banks of a pond, river or lake where these “vandals” live. Trionix's mouth is equipped with a saw of teeth and therefore its bites to the human hand may not be pleasant even more than the bites of a swamp turtle.

However, according to the conditions of detention, this turtle is more suitable than others for sharing with fish and therefore can often be found in a common aquarium. BUT! There are several important nuances:

No plants planted in the ground will survive exposure to Trionics. If you value your green stretchers, you will have to give up Trionix. The harmful turtle uproots plants, digs up soil wherever possible, and where it is not possible, it digs it up three times more actively. Small decorative elements also always interfere with this type of turtle.

- This is a predator. Very fast, both in water and on land, unlike other types of turtles.

If, nevertheless, what is written above does not cool your ardor in acquiring this miracle, it is worth noting that this turtle can get accustomed to fish only if you take it at the most young age possible, and observe plentiful and varied menu nutrition.

And in conclusion, it would be a crime not to say that even if you follow all precautions, this does not guarantee that Trionix will never covet your fish. Experienced aquarists know that all fish, even of the same species, have their own character. The same can be said about turtles. There is no guarantee that the predatory instinct inherent in this tiny creature will not come to the surface.

In one phrase we can say: “these turtles can be kept in an aquarium with fish, but only when they are young.” Then you still need to seat them!

Here's a video for thought!!

The author of the video called it: “Turtle (Trionix) - Lucy got scared of the fish”

Oh, here’s another video: “Lucy has grown up”

This type of turtle is very similar to its marine counterparts, however, it is freshwater. It can also live in slightly brackish water.

Perhaps this is the only species of turtle that can live peacefully and without incident with any fish, since for the most part this beauty is a vegetarian. Unpretentious, needs a temperature of 23-27 degrees. Filtration and aeration are naturally necessary, but they do not require any additional equipment.

They say about these turtles that they do not swim, but fly around the aquarium. Having a rather pretty appearance, this miracle is pleasing to the eye.

But there are a number of significant disadvantages:

- Space. If a young turtle of this species (up to two years old) can live in a volume of 200 to 500 liters, then an adult turtle needs at least 1000 liters. Two-clawed turtles grow up to 50 cm in shell diameter.

- Price. From $200 to $800, which is significantly different from the prices for the types described above.

This species has not yet been well studied and is not widely sold, but is already popular among aquarists. Therefore, all “experiments” with this turtle remain on the conscience of the owner.

And this suggests that even these few species need their own home, equipped specifically for them and only for them. You should not tempt the fate of your pets by testing their tails and abdomen for strength.

Video about fish and turtles

But, alas, here are the comments left by the author of the video on YouTube:

Eugene Karpenko 3 years ago “all the swordtails are long gone :-) but the catfish are already much larger than the turtles. Even until recently, the barb lived well. For about six months, the other day it also disappeared somewhere :-)” Author’s emoticons, Can be replaced with bitter "UPS".

Walking through a pet store, you can’t help but stop near the aquarium and watch the little turtles scurrying around. Their extraordinary coloring and tender appearance evoke an unbearable desire to purchase the animal as a pet. The question immediately arises: “Which one should I buy?” Small pet aquatic turtles are unpretentious animals, but to ensure a comfortable stay for them, you will need to study in detail the rules of caring for the aquatic beauty.

Diversity of aquatic small turtles: photos

What turtles can be classified into this category? Turtles are considered small if their body does not exceed 12-13 cm in length.

There are several types of small turtles:

  • closing;

  • flat;

  • spotted;

  • Chinese three-keel.

Locking turtles

The turtle family includes the following species: mud red-cheeked, mud yellowmouth, common musk, keeled musky.

The natural habitat of shut-in turtles is North and South America, and are also found in the United States.

All turtles have a rounded carapace - a rib-like outgrowth of the neck plate. If the turtles notice danger, they close the hole in the shell. This makes them feel protected. Mud turtles have developed webbed feet.

Turtles prefer animal food, but also enjoy plant food supplements.

The length of an adult yellow-throated turtle does not exceed 13 cm, and the reddish turtle grows up to 11 cm in length.

Flat turtles

Turtles do not grow more than 8-9 cm in length. Turtles have an elongated muzzle and have an average head size. There are small shields on the neck. The oval carapace is extended forward and has a convexity. Each limb has 4-5 fingers.

Types of flat-bodied turtles:

  • Homopus boulengeri;

  • Homopus signatus;

  • Homopus areolatus;

  • Homopus femoralis;

  • Homopus solus.

The carapace can be olive or brown. Females are usually larger than males. One female lays up to 4 eggs.

Spotted turtles

This species of animal tends to lead a dual lifestyle. They feel equally good both in water and on land. Therefore, in addition to an aquarium with water, she will need a small terrarium. Adult spotted turtles reach 12 cm in length.

Chinese three-keeled turtles

Unpretentious in care, not demanding on food. Therefore, this type is recommended for beginners. The average size of the body is 13 cm. For maintenance you will need an aquarium with a volume of 100 liters.

Interesting to know!

In some countries, keeping Chinese three-keeled turtles is considered illegal and pet owners may be prosecuted.

Conditions for keeping small turtles depending on the species

Mud turtles They spend almost their entire life in water, and only occasionally crawl onto land. To keep them, they need an aquarium with a volume of 50-70 liters. You can add soil to the bottom and plant living plants. But this requirement is not mandatory. The turtle will feel comfortable if it can hide in case of danger. Therefore, it is recommended to place a small flower pot or driftwood at the bottom of the aquarium.


If you place a clay pot that has not undergone the firing process, the water will become cloudy and begin to sour.

The water temperature should be +22-25 °C. Several males and individuals of different ages cannot be kept in one aquarium at the same time, since reclusive turtles are very territorial animals.

Flat turtles They are difficult to maintain, but if you follow all the rules, turtles of this species live in captivity for a very long time.

The species is characterized by a tendency to infectious diseases, so it is recommended to keep flat-bodied pets separately from other turtles. This will not only prolong their life in captivity, but also allow them to reproduce. Pets prefer plant foods.

Flathead turtles Warmth is needed. You need to add a layer of small stones to the bottom of the aquarium. The water temperature should not fall below +15 °C and exceed +18 °C.

For your information!

To get offspring from flat turtles, you will need to give them a period of hibernation. Without it, males will not become sexually active. In winter, you will need to lower the temperature to +10 °C and leave your turtle alone for 2 months.

Spotted turtles They feed mainly on animal food: aquatic insects, worms, tadpoles and crustaceans. Therefore, before you buy it as a pet, think about whether you can create optimal conditions for it.

Chinese three-keeled aquatic turtles What to feed small pets for very voracious animals? They can be given standard food, occasionally adding vitamins to the diet. Not demanding on temperature changes. The lower threshold of which can be +12 °C, and the upper threshold – up to +30 °C. But there is no point in experimenting. There must be a golden mean in everything.

How to determine the sex of a small aquatic turtle , you can get acquainted with the types and maintenance of small turtles by watching the video.

Small pet aquatic turtles are excellent pets to keep at home. But one aquarium is not enough for them; they also need light, food, warmth and oxygen, and some species need a certain water temperature.

Looking into a pet store, each of us, involuntarily, stops near a small aquarium in which small aquatic turtles are actively swarming.

Looking at them more than once, you probably had a desire to buy this funny pet, sincerely believing that it would not need anything other than a bowl of water or a small aquarium. And maintenance is not difficult - it is only important to change the water on time... But in reality it turns out to be completely different.

Unfortunately, many pet stores do not provide complete information for keeping an aquatic turtle, so specialists at the DobroVet veterinary center often have to treat turtles, and their ailments arise precisely after inept home keeping.

In this article we will try to lift the veil a little and reveal the features of keeping aquatic turtles. About diseases of aquatic turtles

The little turtle will require you to create certain living conditions. A small capacity, as many believe, will be completely insufficient for him. You will need to equip the aquarium with lighting, filtration and heating.

home for aquatic turtle An aquaterrarium equipped with an elevated area (aquasusha) can become an aquaterrarium. The shore should be equipped with a comfortable and wide ladder along which the turtle will get out of the water. The elevation should be sufficient so that the turtle can sit freely, and not balance on a patch, and be completely able to dry himself both above and below. At a height of 25-30 centimeters from the “beach” it is necessary to place a 40-watt incandescent lamp, but not lower, otherwise there is a risk of getting burned.

The size of the home that the new pet will need is calculated based on the size of the amphibian and their number. From a ten-liter container for one five-centimeter turtle, and from 400 liters for an adult. For several turtles, the sizes increase accordingly. Therefore, if you see several dozen baby turtles splashing around in a small basin in a pet store, then you should know that this is a gross violation.

Domestic aquatic turtles

Their sizes on average range from 18 to 28 centimeters, females are usually larger than males, therefore, when choosing a “house” it is better to buy for growth.

The inside of the aquarium must be fully equipped before the pet arrives. Veterinarians at the DobroVet center never tire of reminding that a turtle is not a fish, and being constantly in the water is unacceptable and even harmful to health. It is recommended to take out small turtles at night and put them in a dry, warm place.

The aquarium must be equipped with lighting, an ordinary electric light bulb, its power depends on the size of the turtle. For individuals exceeding a kilogram, the water temperature is regulated using special devices, but the water should not be heated by more than 21 degrees. The presence of an ultraviolet lamp is mandatory, since the domestic aquatic turtle really needs calcium, and it, in turn, is not absorbed without vitamin D (which is produced in the light).

Due to the nature of keeping and feeding, the water in the aquarium will have to be changed very often; a musty smell is absolutely not acceptable!

The walls of the aquaterrarium should be either glass or plastic. Any configuration, the main thing is that the necessary decorative elements, a heater, water filters and lamps are removed there. The water temperature for an aquatic turtle is maintained within 26-27 degrees, at the warming up point, on the “shore” - 30-32, and the overall temperature in the aquarium should be 26-30 degrees.

Aquatic turtles must be in the aquarium almost constantly, except for those moments when you need to change the water, wash the container or feed. You cannot let the turtle “run” on the floor. She could catch a cold or get seriously injured.

Aquatic turtles care and feeding

What can you feed your pet? Contrary to popular belief that turtles eat only lettuce and fruit, suitable foods for aquatic turtles include lean fish, seafood, beef liver (1-2 times a week), snails, earthworms, and occasionally chicken and beef. All products are consumed by the turtle only in raw form. Adult aquatic turtles also eat plant food - lettuce, cucumbers, bananas, apples and pears. Ready-made dry food can be given, but only as a non-basic food.

Turtles with a body length of up to 10 centimeters must eat daily, then feed them every other day. Adult turtles are fed 3 times a week. When feeding turtles, it is best to place them in a bowl of water so that food debris does not contaminate the aquarium. The portion is calculated in such a way that the turtle can eat it in half an hour. Leftover food is thrown away.

The lifespan of an aquatic turtle in a home is long, up to 40 years, provided that you create the best and most comfortable conditions for it. This animal, like any other, is not a toy, but a creature that needs love and care!

Veterinary center "DobroVet"

Aquarium turtles- an excellent choice for those who want to have a pet. Antagonists of Copernicus claim that the turtle is the basis and support for the universe; Eastern mystics consider these creatures a symbol of longevity and prosperity. But there are at least four more “terrestrial” reasons why it is worth focusing on these amphibians:

  • Firstly, communicating with these leisurely ancient creatures protected by shells is a great way to cope with stress. They are great for relaxing nervous system;
  • secondly, these amphibians do not require much attention or significant costs, and do not cause any particular inconvenience, which is extremely convenient for an intensive lifestyle;
  • thirdly, they are long-lived, your pet will be with you for many years;
  • fourthly, the turtle is a very beautiful creature.

You may want to consider aquarium turtles in the photo or in its natural form in a store, and choose a pet based on your aesthetic preferences. Big differences in content different breeds There are no such amphibians.

Pond slider

Types of aquarium turtles, which are most often found in aquaterrariums:

  • Red-eared;
  • Bolotnaya;
  • Long-necked;
  • Silt musk.

The last one is the smallest. An adult reaches only 10 centimeters. Accordingly, she will need a comparatively smaller home. The rest grow 2-3 times larger at home. All these amphibians have good eyesight, react to movement, and distinguish smells and tastes. At the same time, turtles are somewhat deaf, their ears are covered with folds of skin.

Thinking about how to care for aquarium turtles, it should be taken into account that for a full life they need both water and land. Well, it’s not for nothing that biologists called them amphibians! The minimum dimensions of an aquaterratium should be 160 centimeters in length, 60 centimeters in width and 80 centimeters in height. For a musk turtle, these dimensions can be halved.

marsh turtle

Soil is optional, but without it, the amphibian’s home will not look aesthetically pleasing. It is best to use large pebbles. Sand or small particles can be swallowed by the turtle, causing the pet to get sick. The stones should not have sharp edges that could cause injury. You can add coral chips to the soil. Turtles eat it and in this way obtain the calcium necessary for the formation of the shell.

Caring for an aquarium turtle will require the arrangement of three zones: a reservoir, land and “shallow water”. Dry land should occupy up to a third of the area of ​​the aquaterrarium. Cute amphibians climb onto it to warm themselves. The shallow water area (depth 3-4 centimeters) may be quite small, but it is definitely necessary. Turtles use it for thermoregulation.

ATTENTION: The construction of islands should be carried out using rough material entering the water at an angle. This will make it easier for aquarium turtles to climb on them.

Sometimes you can find plastic ones on sale " aquariums for turtles " They are absolutely not suitable for normal pet keeping! Your pets' paws will simply slide off such a surface. Very often special surfaces are used that are glued to the walls of the aquaterrarium. They are good, since the turtle can use the space under them for swimming, but from an aesthetic point of view, a shore made up of terraced stone and driftwood looks better.

long-necked turtle

Keeping aquarium turtles together with plants is quite possible. But it is worth considering that carriers of shells can develop remarkable activity and damage underwater flora, and sometimes consider it as food. The best solution is to use floating plants. However, Elodea canada should be avoided. Its juice is toxic to turtles. The second solution to the problem is to plant plants in reinforced pots and camouflage them with stones. But still, be prepared that your underwater garden may suffer at any moment.

Aquarium turtles and - are incompatible. You need to understand that all types of turtles are predators. It’s not easy for them to catch moving fish, but sooner or later a tragedy can happen.

generally considered to be turtle's favorite food. So it won’t be possible to place them and amphibians nearby either. Keeping turtles in an aquarium

difficult in groups. Intraspecific aggression is a common thing in their society. Strong claws and bites can cause severe injuries, severed tails and even death. Only one male and one female should be placed in one aquaterrarium. But their relationship is also worth keeping an eye on. It is possible that the family will have to be resettled periodically (male turtles can greatly bother the ladies). Individuals living together should be approximately the same size and age.

Caring for aquarium turtles Correct caring for turtles in an aquarium

requires maintaining clean water. For this reason, it is worth installing a good one. You can do without it, but then you will have to clean it more often (about three times a week).

Another trick is to feed amphibians in separate containers. The fact is that turtles “go to the toilet” almost immediately after eating. If cleanliness is not maintained at the proper level, ammonia and nitrates accumulate in the water, and amphibians begin to get sick. The depth of the “water” part can be 2-3 times the width of the turtle shell. This will provide your little ones with space and the opportunity to swim freely.

The water temperature for aquarium turtles should range between 25-27 degrees. It is advisable to create a warm zone on the “island”. Here your pets will be able to soak up and bask at a temperature of 31-34 degrees. For this you need to use special lamps. Traditionally, experienced hobbyists combine regular heat lamps with ultraviolet lamps. The use of ultraviolet light is a must. Without it will not be able to properly absorb calcium. Which will certainly lead to a disease such as rickets. Typically a lamp with UVB 5% is used. When arranging housing for amphibians, monitor the temperature using a thermometer; you should not trust your feelings.

What to feed aquarium turtles

If you are thinking about what to feed aquarium turtles, then you don’t have to rack your brains and use special combined feeds. Fortunately, modern industry produces a lot of them. Be sure to read the label and make sure the food you offer your pet contains adequate amounts of calcium. Factory feed should be combined with plant foods:

  • Salad;
  • Cabbage;
  • Zucchini;
  • Dandelion leaves.

Before presenting the “salad” to your pets, scald it with boiling water.

Mud turtle

Feeding turtles in an aquarium regular food is also acceptable. Shrimp, boiled fish (with bones), bloodworms and tubifex work well. If you have a “fish” aquarium, then you can breed snails in it and feed them to the inhabitants of the aquaterrarium.

It is worth keeping an eye on not only what do aquarium turtles eat, but also how often they do it. The young need to be fed daily. Elderly individuals - 3-4 times a week. The turtle should eat all the food within 1.5-2 hours. The excess should be removed. In captivity, amphibians are prone to overeating, which should not be allowed. The only exceptions are Riccia and Pistia. These algae may be constantly present, and turtles will sometimes snack on them.

Deciding what to feed turtles in an aquarium, you need to pay attention to their age. The older the pet, the greater the proportion of plant food should be. In older amphibians it is 75%. If you can feed your pets with live aquarium fish, then it is worth doing. This supplement stimulates motor activity turtles.

Features of wintering turtles in aquariums

IN winter period Aquarium turtles can hibernate. The stimulus for this is a gradual drop in temperature. Hibernation is not necessary, but it has a good effect on the ability of these creatures to reproduce. “Insomnia” does not lead to a reduction in the lifespan of amphibians.

The temperature should be lowered by about 0.25-0.5 degrees per day. Winter sleep should take place at a temperature of 18 degrees. A couple of weeks before hibernation, turtles should stop feeding. During sleep, water is released from the aquarium, and soil is poured onto the bottom in a layer of about 10 centimeters (sawdust will do). In the spring, the temperature for aquarium turtles is gradually increased, which leads to their awakening.

If you are not sure that it will be possible to create stable conditions for the amphibian, then it is better not to hibernate it. Hibernation is also contraindicated for sick and weakened turtles.