Terrariums for turtles, custom terrariums, production and sale of terrariums. How to set up a terrarium for aquatic turtles?

05.02.2019 Animals

Red-eared turtles are aquatic reptiles and their maintenance requires a special terrarium in which it would be possible to create conditions favorable for the life of turtles, such as: an aquatic environment, a land island with a gangway, ultraviolet light, temperature conditions, and filtration of the reservoir.

Terrarium for aquatic turtles must be made of high-strength materials. It is worth noting that for the normal functioning of these reptiles, care must be taken to create conditions close to natural. We offer you a wide selection of terrariums for aquatic turtles, and we will also take care of creating the most comfortable habitat for them.

A large assortment of products will allow you to choose the option that suits you. A terrarium purchased from us will delight not only your eyes and the eyes of your guests, but also the turtle itself that will live there. We make sure that our aquatic turtle terrariums are made in such a way that the reptile does not feel much different from the conditions in the wild. And this, in turn, will provide the opportunity for your pets to reproduce.

How much does an aquatic turtle aquarium cost?

Speaking about cost, it should be noted that it consists of the following components:

  • Terrarium size;
  • Type and type of construction;
  • Availability of lighting and heating devices;
  • Availability of water filters and other elements.

What benefits will you get by purchasing an aquarium for red-eared turtle we have.

  • Huge assortment;
  • High quality of all materials used to create the terrarium;
  • Large assortment of additional elements;
  • Maintenance if necessary.

The homeland of red-eared turtles is the American continent. Introduced to other continents turtles have adapted perfectly to new conditions , and now they can be found in warm European countries, Africa and Australia.

Animals living in the natural environment usually found in reservoirs with low, swampy shores. Turtles get food in the water, and when they are full, they like to bask in the sun by getting out onto the shore. When danger arises, turtles quickly slide into the water. It is worth noting that red-eared turtles have well-developed vision and sense of smell, but they cannot boast of acute hearing.

More than 15 species of red-eared slider are known, but Three types are especially common in home terrariums:

· Red-eared slider

· Yellow-bellied slider

· Cumberland tortoise (Trust's tortoise)

A characteristic feature of all types of red-eared turtles is a peculiar pattern of contrasting stripes and colored spots on the body. Exactly red spots on the head give these animals their name. The color of the spots may differ among different species; for example, the color of the yellow-bellied turtle is predominantly yellow.

Small turtles differ from adult turtles in the color of their shell; their coloring is dominated by a greenish tint.

The body length of red-eared turtles varies from 17 to 30 cm depending on the species and gender (males are smaller than females).

In order for your turtle to feel great at home, you need to take care of its comfort. With proper care h A turtle can become a real long-liver and reach the age of thirty.

Although red-eared turtles are excellent swimmers, they spend a lot of time on the shore, so in the terrarium you need to provide a piece of land that is easy to get out of the water. The island of land must be placed at such a height that the turtle cannot escape over the edge of the terrarium. It is desirable that the “shore” be about a quarter of the total area of ​​the terrarium and located with a slight slope to allow water to drain. Optimal temperature water in the terrarium for the red-eared turtle is 22-25 degrees. When the temperature drops below 19 degrees, the animal's metabolism slows down and the turtle becomes lethargic.

The water level should be such that the turtle can swim freely and can roll over from its back to its stomach. Water requires regular replacement, what is settled or filtered water suitable for? If the terrarium does not have a filtration system, the water will have to be changed quite often - 1 or 2 times a week.

In addition to water and land, the turtle needs warmth and ultraviolet light, so a special lamp is placed above the island of land.

What to feed a turtle.

In their natural environment, turtles hunt small aquatic life and supplement their diet with plant foods. Successful keeping of a red-eared slider at home depends on the diet offered to the animal. Pet turtles need complete nutritional and varied menu. Young animals are fed once a day, and adult animals (more than two years old) every other day or two. Uneaten food should not be left in the terrarium. Don’t forget that turtles’ metabolism is more intense in warm conditions, so the animals’ appetite and digestion process will be better after a “heat bath” under a lamp. Overeating can be more harmful to turtles than undereating. therefore, portions should be moderate and eaten within 15-20 minutes. Turtles do not eat very carefully, so some owners feed their pets in a separate container with water, otherwise they will have to put more effort into keeping the terrarium clean.

There are special foods for aquatic turtles, which are selected depending on the age of the animal. You can also include small crustaceans, snails, tadpoles, pieces of fish or meat in the diet. Turtles require adequate amounts of calcium which also needs to be taken into account in the menu. It is recommended to add bone meal to the food of red-eared turtles once a week, which is an essential source of calcium necessary for the skeleton and shell. Apples, carrots, cucumbers, dandelion and lettuce leaves, and seaweed are suitable as plant food. It is also useful for turtles to gnaw fairly dense tree branches, which avoids excessive growth of the horny plates of the jaws. By the way, despite the fact that the red-eared turtle does not have teeth, thanks to its strong jaws, if frightened, it can bite significantly.

Diseases of domestic red-eared turtles.

Red-eared turtles are natives of warm regions, therefore hypothermia, for example, after walking on the floor or in a draft, it can lead to a cold and even pneumonia. If the turtle floats on the surface of the water; often opens mouth to take in air; When breathing, wheezes or makes other sounds that are not typical for her, then there is a high probability of a cold. If you suspect a cold, it is best to contact your veterinarian.

If there is a lack of vitamins in the diet of turtles, they may develop avitaminosis. Depending on which vitamin is missing, the symptoms of vitamin deficiency manifest themselves differently. Thus, a lack of vitamin A often accompanies diseases of the eyes and oral mucosa of animals.

Deficiency of B vitamins leads to skin diseases, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, and muscle cramps.

A lack of vitamin D reduces immunity and leads to rickets, including deformities of the shell.

Vitamins E and C are also very important for keeping red-eared turtles healthy.

If there is a lack of calcium in the animal's diet, shell diseases and osteoporosis can occur.

In general, diseases of pet red-eared turtles will not be harmful to your pets with proper care and attention.

So, let's give a brief summary. Keeping a red-eared turtle at home will be successful if the following conditions are met:

· Proper arrangement of the terrarium

· Timely cleaning of the habitat, which will prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria.

· Balanced menu

· Protection from hypothermia, the danger of falling from a height, harm from other pets, etc.

· Attention towards animals. If you notice the signs of the disease in time, the chances of recovery are much higher.

· Carrying out quarantine measures for newly acquired or sick animals.

If you haven’t found a turtle terrarium in a pet store and don’t have the opportunity to make one to order, an ordinary glass aquarium is the best thing you can give your red-eared turtles. It will replace an external body of water for the animal.

The shape of the aquaterrarium should only be rectangular, since turtles do not swim in depth.

Setting up a terrarium for a red-eared turtle

Don't forget about aquarium lids. Those with built-in lighting are perfect. Since the entire area in the apartment is not always well lit even during the day, you will need UV lamps for reptiles. And such a lamp needs to be changed once every six months.

Red-eared turtles grow very quickly and can grow up to twenty-five centimeters in the first year of life. Therefore, when purchasing an aquarium, make sure that all your pets feel comfortable and comfortable. But we must proceed from the fact that a baby of thirteen centimeters requires a container that can hold one hundred liters. Fill the aquarium with water so that its level reaches two or three times the length of the turtle, but there is still a place where your pet can sit with his head out, and if he suddenly finds himself on his back, he can easily roll over back.

In order for the turtle to feel comfortable, the aquaterrarium must be filled with water to two-thirds of the area, and one-third must be given to dry land. To unite the two “elements” you will need a rough but not scratchy bridge. To prevent the animal from falling out of the terrarium, the bridge must be at a depth of more than thirty centimeters.

Don't forget to take care of water filtration. A good one will not only leave no chance for germs and bacteria, but will also make it easier for you to constantly clean the terrarium. Typically, for these purposes, a design is used that is designed for a volume of water two to three times greater than that available in the aquarium. But still, don’t be lazy to change the water once a month.

Buy an immersion heater for aquariums. It resembles a glass tube and has a built-in thermostat. This type of heater is practical, and thanks to it you can maintain constant temperature water - twenty-five or twenty-eight degrees.

The turtle will not sit in the water all the time, it will like to “sunbathe”. So take care of the place where she will go out to “warm up”. Warmth supports the entire immune system. Try to keep it from freezing on dry land. To do this, purchase a sixty-watt incandescent lamp.

The aquarium must be constantly cleaned, because animals defecate right there, and this is an excellent environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

Decorating a terrarium for a red-eared turtle

If you want to create not only favorable living conditions for your turtle, but also an aesthetically attractive corner, make sure that all items that subsequently end up in the terrarium are safe for the health of the animal.

Plants should be non-poisonous, as turtles love to taste everything. For the same reason, plastic elements in decor are strictly prohibited.

If you wanted to add some stones, make sure they are not sharp. Do not use fine gravel, the turtle will start to “eat” it, which will cause intestinal problems, including obstruction. Only the stones are larger than the size of the pet’s head, then he will not be able to swallow them.

The walls of the aquarium can be beautifully decorated with colored materials. Apply paper different colors and drawing. The bark of the tree will favorably shade the inside of the reservoir. Sometimes mats are used. All this is attached with glue or using self-tapping screws.

Terrarium for red-eared turtle

Terrariums - aquariums for aquatic red-eared turtles or as aquaterrariums are also called, very often they differ in design, equipment and sometimes quite significantly; we will take a closer look at the design of our terrariums for keeping red-eared turtles.

The specialized terrarium for the red-eared turtle “Grace” was fundamentally designed by our specialists so that the turtle feels comfortable.

We make a terrarium to order, first taking into account the entire design down to the smallest detail, because there are no small details in such a matter.

Our goal is to produce not only a beautiful terrarium, but also a comfortable one for future owners - turtles.

We decorate terrariums of the “Grace” model range with various volumetric and other decorations, these can be volumetric backgrounds, driftwood, large stones, but, perhaps most importantly, the decorations should be safe for the life of turtles, and most importantly, large decorations should not become an obstacle to swimming time of the red-eared turtle in the water area of ​​the terrarium.

For some reason, we are used to thinking that aquatic red-eared turtles only need a small “terrarium - a puddle”, where the turtle sits in the water with its head stuck out, but this opinion is wrong, the turtle must swim and move under water, a small teenage one with a water volume of 74 liters and a total volume 160 liters is suitable only at first.
Turtles don't actually swim worse than fish and it is very interesting to watch this, provided that they live in a spacious terrarium, when the terrarium turns into a theater. And only some species of turtles prefer shallow water; this does not apply to the species of red-eared turtles.

The most common one is very common terrarium - puddle or “swamp”. Such a terrarium, as a rule, is designed according to the standard version, where each of them is similar to each other: dirty water, acidified black-green soil, a tasteless film pasted as a background with images of randomly stuck underwater plants, a couple of brown overgrown stones and somewhere in this dirty puddle sits a poor turtle.

To keep your turtle's terrarium beautiful and your turtle happy, you will have to listen to our recommendations.

How more water in a terrarium, the cleaner the water! Turtles live in clear water.

The larger the body of water and the deeper the tank, the better. The water in a large terrarium is less susceptible to organic influences, which means the water will be cleaner and clearer. There are more opportunities for decorating a large terrarium, and if everything is done correctly, in the future the terrarium will become your favorite corner, where you can admire the underwater beauty and recharge yourself with positive emotions, alone or with the whole family.

The terrarium can be decorated in a natural style, with huge stone blocks of serpentinite (serpentine), jasper, using black slates, with hanging vines, driftwood with fountains and waterfalls.

There are other design options, for example, in the style of a sunken city, where dilapidated castles with their bizarre arches and columns were swallowed up water element. Just imagine this picture - large grottoes from 40 to 60 cm high, the arches of which protrude from the water, and red-eared turtles bask and sunbathe on them.

Turtles love to eat, so there is a lot of organic matter in the water, this is another reason to create a large body of water with good filtration.

For one or two adult turtles, a tank with a total volume of 270-400 or even 500 liters is suitable. As for the filter, it can be an external canister-type filter, with a pump capacity of 1200 l/h.

For a terrarium of 400 liters or more, you can install two external canister-type filters, one of which will be responsible for the biological balance of the water space.

Using a filter in a terrarium with a turtle, it is advisable to create a current or a small waterfall so that the water is better enriched with oxygen, then the quality of the water will increase sharply.

In a large water-volume terrarium, your pets will be happy, and watching a swimming and contented turtle is much more pleasant and interesting than an animal forever sleeping in a dirty puddle.

Why does the red-eared turtle need an island?

The red-eared slider requires an island. On the island, the turtle will be able to relax, bask and warm up. Red-eared turtles are cold-blooded animals, so they digest their food by heating their bodies.
In nature, turtles bask in the sun and at the same time receive the necessary dose of ultraviolet rays.

In the terrarium, the sun is replaced by a lamp with an ultraviolet lamp No. 5 and a heat lamp with a mirror incandescent lamp with a power of 25, 40 W, the power depends on the distance. A 25-40 W mirror lamp should create a thermal point on the island, the maximum temperature of which should reach approximately 35-37 degrees, this can be easily checked by placing a thermometer on the point.

The "Grace" terrariums that we produce are very convenient; in this model, all the lamps are located so that the direction of the light does not enter the eyes and does not interfere with observation of the terrarium and the turtle.

An aqua terrarium for turtles should be made of silicate glass; acrylic glass is not suitable for this purpose; it can be scratched by the sharp claws of turtles.
First of all, you need to decide if you buy a red-eared turtle, then it will need land; for other types of aquatic turtles, as a rule, land is not required.
In our case, the drying material will be glued 6-8mm glass with an inclined plate-gangway. The land is glued on both sides, its near edge is cut into a cone, this is done so that there is no extra seam on the viewing glass. This island design is quite rigid and can easily support two adult turtles. In the future, a lawn mat simulating short grass can be installed on the surface of the island. It is best to attach such a mat with suction cups or in some other way so that it is removable, then it will be easier for you to maintain the terrarium.

In practice, many terrarium owners leave the island bare, without any artificial covering, so it is easier to clean from dirt and light penetrates to the very bottom, preventing the formation of a “black hole” under the island.

Sometimes they write that turtles cannot see clear glass, from which land is made, in fact it is not. Once, a turtle placed in a terrarium found transparent land within 20 minutes.

We make a gangway plate from glass and plastic with glued steps to make it easier for the turtle to climb onto the island.

What size of terrarium should I choose for a red-eared turtle?

When purchasing a small terrarium for turtles, many make the mistake of forgetting that over time the turtle will grow to a very respectable size and this will happen quite quickly, in about a year or two, and then new financial costs will begin. It is worth noting that in addition to a new terrarium, you will have to buy new, more powerful equipment, and this is no small additional cost.

For normal maintenance of one red-eared turtle, you will need a terrarium with a water volume of at least 160 liters, and it is better if the water volume (excluding land) is 200-400 liters. Plus the air space above the island, the total is: 160 liters of water + 70 liters of air space = 230 liters. It’s better, of course, to buy “for growth”, for example, for one turtle 270, 290 liters, more is possible. If you will keep two, three or more turtles, you will need an aqua terrarium with a total volume of 340-400 liters; sometimes we order 500 liter aqua terrariums or more.
Actually, the calculation principle is very simple: the larger the volume of water, the longer and better it will remain in good quality.

A properly selected aquaterrarium can accommodate 1-2 turtles, it can be beautifully decorated, and problems with cleaning and replacing water are reduced to a minimum.

This is what the aquaterrariums “Grace-270” and “Grace-290” look like in working form.

Aquaterrariums of the "Grace" model range are an exclusive development of Dmitry Utkin (RosAquarium).

Below is a photo of the aquaterrarium in the interior of "Grace-340"
In this case, the paneled facade of the cabinet for the Gracia-340 aquaterrarium was made to order from solid walnut.
The design of the cabinet was also changed to suit the overall interior design.

Type of terrarium “Grace - 340” dry shelf is glued at an optimal height of 43 cm from the bottom, if desired it is glued at any other height. For aquatic terrariums, we offer different types design, including an exclusive look, VIP design. The standard length of an island or sushi shelf allows the turtle to take a walk, choose the optimal place for sunbathing and warming up the body; several red-eared turtles can fit on the island at once. Aqua terrariums "GRACE" are suitable for keeping Trionix turtles; instead of land, a sandbank is created for them (as in the photo above).

As you can see in the pictures, the red-eared turtle, like fish, loves to swim.
This turtle is happy that its owners bought such a magnificent home for it!
The aquaterrarium is quite light and spacious, the bottom of the tank is well lit, and there is ventilation in the lid of the terrarium.
The lighting of the aquaterrarium operates automatically, due to the installed electronic light timer, which is, in principle, very convenient.

Please note that the lighting is designed so that the light does not enter the eyes. The owners of such a terrarium can only change part of the water twice a week (30-50% no more) and feed the turtle on time.

What does a terrarium for a turtle consist of, a terrarium for a red-eared turtle

The terrarium consists of: a sealed rectangular container - an aquarium, an aquarium lid and lighting, a lamp with an ultraviolet lamp "Repti-Glo 5.0", a lamp with a spectral lamp (optional), a heat lamp with a 40 W mirror lamp, an island - sushi, a gangway with steps, ladder, rug with grass.

The terrarium for an adult red-eared turtle comes complete with: external powerful filter with pump 700 - 2000 liters per hour with mechanical, sometimes BIO cleaning, heater with thermostat - heating pad (power is calculated depending on the volume of the terrarium), liquid crystal thermometer (glued to the glass on the outside of the terrarium), compressor for air supply (not necessary).

Additionally, it may be useful for maintaining the terrarium.: a magnetic scraper for cleaning algae from glass, a siphon for cleaning the soil, a hose for changing water in the terrarium, a light timer (for automatically turning on and off the terrarium lights), an electronic feeder (optional), a five-arm electric extension cord, a tee for the timer.

To decorate a terrarium with a red-eared turtle, you can use: coarse soil with a fraction of 4-7 cm (so that the turtle cannot swallow it), a mat with grass - a lawn for an island or plastic glued to the glass, background driftwood (volumetric decorations that are glued to the glass from the inside of the terrarium tank), background - film, volumetric background (optional), artificial plants with weights, driftwood, stones, possibly limestone rocks, grottoes (those that will not create an obstacle for the turtle).

Teenage terrariums - “kindergartens” for little turtles

For keeping little ones red eared turtles small teenage terrariums are provided " kindergarten» aqua terrarium "Grace - 160". Teenage terrariums are designed for keeping young turtles; a “kindergarten” is not suitable for keeping an adult turtle.

We produce and sell teenage terrariums; we have two options for “kindergartens”, which are perfectly designed according to all the necessary parameters, taking into account the size, volume of water and the availability of the necessary lamps.

We also produce non-standard terrariums to order, according to customer sizes. It happens, for example, when two turtles grow up, they begin to divide the territory and fight. In such cases, we can make a terrarium with a built-in partition and two islands.

Where to feed a red-eared slider?

We would like to give you advice, perhaps it will be useful to you.

Red-eared turtles, in nature and in our terrariums, feed in water and everyone is okay with this, but the food itself and its remains greatly spoil the water, what should we do?
In fact, there is a way out, and we and our clients have already managed to tame red-eared turtles to feed on the island. Some turtles learned their lesson to the point that they began to take food like cats from a bowl!
You can teach it in different ways, but we will tell you the basic principles.

1. Do not feed the turtle for about 2-3 days.
2. Cut the defrosted cod into small pieces and place a couple on the edge of the island.

A turtle has an excellent sense of smell, and even more so when it is hungry, it will instantly sense food. Most likely, the turtle will take the food and dive into the water and eat it there, but this will also be a plus, since the rest of the food will not float in the water and get stuck behind the decorations.
In the future, the food will need to be placed further and further from the edge of the island and, finally, put it in a bowl.
Try it, and you will succeed, and you can send us a story about taming Synonyms for search phrases: terrarium for turtles, production of terrariums, custom terrariums, terrariums for red-eared turtles, production of terrariums, custom aquaterrariums, order a terrarium.

Exclusive, water-volume aquaterrariums for red-eared turtles
Production and sale of beautiful and comfortable water-volume aquaterrariums for red-eared turtles, exclusive design, launch of the system. Production of exclusive series aquaterrariums to order, model "Grace". Good volumes allow the red-eared turtle to move freely in the water space, comfortable safe covers, during observation, the backlight does not blind the eyes. It is possible to keep other aquatic turtles in the aquaterrarium. Aquaterrariums are made of hard silicate glass, the bottom of the tank is reinforced, and there is a 3-year warranty. Possible full set aquaterrarium and its launch. To view photographs of specimens and the red-eared slider, and for additional information, follow the link below.

Recently, red-eared turtles, like many other exotic animals, have become increasingly popular in the country. It's well deserved. The species of red-eared turtles is a clear example of this. Many lovers of these animals keep several individuals at home.

Modern terrariums are very diverse in shape, volume and technical specifications, and may well serve as a great addition to any interior. They may have a lid or no lid. Terrarium volume from the smallest up to 100-200 liters and more. Their form can be:

  1. Horizontal;
  2. Vertical;
  3. Globular.

The latter form is extremely undesirable for turtles.

It should be noted that for successful maintenance, and even more so for their breeding, you need a properly equipped terrarium designed for red-eared turtles. Nowadays you can find them on sale quite various forms, colors and volumes. But the terrarium must meet certain, extremely important parameters.

It should be:

In addition to all of the above, it is necessary to create comfortable microclimate conditions for red-eared turtles.

A certain water temperature must be maintained in the terrarium, namely 22-28 °C is optimal and comfortable. If the temperature is lower, turtles, in most cases, develop pneumonia and conjunctivitis.

The red-eared species is extremely demanding regarding the quality of the water itself; it must be clean. Water with a high content of uneaten food and excrement contains many microorganisms and contributes to the disease of the turtle. On sale you can find big choice filters, but even when using them, the water must be changed periodically. Only distilled water should be used. It is strictly forbidden to use water directly from the tap, even if it is at the desired temperature. In such an environment there are many microorganisms that will negatively affect the health of turtles, especially young ones. The shell of the red-eared species often serves as an indicator of water quality. Every owner should definitely pay attention to it.

There should, of course, be more water in the terrarium than sushi. This is approximately 2/3 of the volume or a little more. There are also terrariums with very little water. Many owners are unaware of how turtles can swim well. It's a magnificent sight.

It is worth mentioning a very common mistake among amateur beginners regarding the location of the land. It can be dangerous provided that the turtle can get stuck under the bridge and also get injured or even choke. And this is despite the fact that red-eared males and females are adherents of an aquatic habitat.

If soil is available, it is important to take into account its quality; ideally it should be homogeneous. If you do use pebbles, be sure to check that there are no sharp corners or chips that could injure the turtle.

Equipment for the terrarium of red-eared turtles

Its purchase and installation should be approached extremely carefully and responsibly. You should not use equipment of questionable quality and technical characteristics from little-known manufacturers. It should be purchased only in specialized stores and only intended for a specific species of red-eared turtles. Some stores deliver their equipment both within the locality and beyond. It's quite convenient. It is important to understand for what purpose the equipment is purchased.

Extremely careful You should use something that has already been used and only after careful inspection and disinfection. Failure to comply with these important conditions can lead the turtle to:

  • injuries;
  • diseases;
  • death.

Red-eared turtles, like other species, are susceptible to various eye infections. Due to this you need special equipment:

  1. Filter for water purification, available for sale huge selection, the most common are Tetra, AQUAEL. Their choice depends primarily on the volume of the terrarium.
  2. UV lamp.
  3. Water heater to maintain a comfortable temperature,
  4. Siphon for cleaning the soil if the bottom is covered with soil.
  5. Equipment and care products for the terrarium, which after working with it must be thoroughly processed and disinfected.
  6. Equipment for maintaining humidity in the terrarium is usually used infrequently and mainly by experienced owners and when there are large numbers of turtles
  7. Feeders and drinkers can greatly facilitate the process of caring for a turtle; there are also automatic ones.

It should be noted that water filters, feeders, drinking bowls, siphon for soil cleaning and equipment for maintaining humidity are not required upon purchase. They can be purchased later if the need arises. Equipment for a small terrarium may consist of only one cleaning scraper.

It can be varied and depends on the skills, wishes and capabilities of the owner of the terrarium. These can be various stones, natural decorations, artificial plants. Often seen houses, feeders, drinking bowls when breeding and maintaining the species of red-eared turtles. These elements allow you to add zest to the interior. The style can be anything, it all depends on the owner’s imagination. You can often find a terrarium decorated with natural stones; it looks especially beautiful with a large capacity. Decorative locks and driftwood have become quite widespread.

But you shouldn’t overload the terrarium with them. A sense of proportion is important here.

Recently, they have become most popular backgrounds for terrariums. They can also imitate the bottom without resorting to the use of soil. This makes caring for the terrarium much easier and gives it a harmonious, finished look.

It is very important to place them correctly so that they do not disturb the turtles.

Ready-made or custom-made terrarium

First of all, it depends on the owner of the red-eared turtle, on his knowledge, preferences and financial capabilities. But it is better to take certain points into account.

Typically made to order large terrariums, non-standard shapes. They are much more expensive than ready-made terrariums. However, problems may arise when placing it in an apartment; you should clearly understand where its place will be, how it will fit into the interior and, most importantly, whether it will be suitable for a turtle.

We can say with confidence that keeping a red-eared turtle at home will give its owner a lot of positive emotions and charge him with positive energy. Watching these creatures swimming or basking on the island is calming and helps you relax at the end of the working day. It is also important that caring for and feeding this species of red-eared turtles is not extremely difficult; they are quite accessible to a beginner.