Lord Savva. Biography of Bishop John

23.07.2019 Career and Work
since March 22, 2011 Church: Russian Orthodox Church Predecessor: Alexy (Frolov) Education: Moscow Theological Seminary
Moscow Theological Academy
Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin Academic degree: Doctor of Church History Name at birth: Alexander Evgenievich Mikheev Birth: May 10(1980-05-10 ) (38 years)
Perm, Russian SFSR, USSR Taking holy orders: December 4, 2001 Acceptance of monasticism: November 27, 2001 Episcopal consecration: July 11, 2011

Bishop Savva(in the world Alexander Evgenievich Mikheev; May 10, Perm) - Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, Bishop of the Resurrection, Vicar of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', First Deputy Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate, Abbot of the Novospassky Stauropegial Monastery in Moscow.

On December 31, 2011, he was appointed manager of the South-Eastern Vicariate (within the boundaries of Moscow) and the Vicariate within the new territories of the mountains. Moscow.


On May 19, 1986, he was baptized by priest Sergiy Serebryakov in the church of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Mirlikiy, in Kasimov, Ryazan diocese.

In 1987-1997 he studied at a secondary school. Immediately after graduation, he entered the 1st year of the Moscow Theological Seminary.

While studying at the seminary, on the 4th year, on December 28, 2000, the rector of the MDA, Archbishop Evgeny of Vereya (Reshetnikov), was ordained as a reader.

In 2001, after graduating from the MDS, he was sent to the disposal of the Metropolitan of Ryazan and Kasimov Simon (Novikov). Appointed as a teacher of liturgy and homiletics at the Ryazan Theological School and at the same time as an assistant secretary to the Metropolitan of Ryazan and Kasimov.

On November 27, 2001, Metropolitan Simon of Ryazan was tonsured into the robe with the name Savva, in honor of the Monk Savva the Sanctified, in the church of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian at the Ryazan Theological School.


Decision Holy Synod on May 30, 2011 (magazine No. 45) was elected Bishop of Voskresensky, Vicar of the Moscow Diocese.

On December 31, 2011, by order of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', His Grace Savva was entrusted with the management of the South-Eastern Vicariate (within the boundaries of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow) and the Vicariate within the new territories included in the administrative boundaries of the mountains. Moscow.

On April 6, 2016, he was elected a member of the Presidium of the VRNS.


  • Candidate essay: Spaso-Yakovlevsky Dimitriev Monastery, Yaroslavl diocese (history, architecture, shrines)
  • Rev. Abraham of Rostov - to the question of the time of life.
  • , 2008
  • Savva (Mikheev), abbot. All life is a service to the Church [a conversation with Archpriest Boris Sabinin] // Yaroslavl Diocesan Gazette, December. December 2008 pp. 33-35.
  • Savva (Mikheev), abbot. An example of the holy noble prince Vasilko // Rostov Bulletin. March 13, 2009 ["Revival", No. 11]

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  • // Patriarchy.Ru
  • // Open Orthodox Encyclopedia "Tree"
  • on the website of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Dmitriev Monastery
  • magazine "Successor"
  • // "patriarchia.ru"

An excerpt characterizing Savva (Mikheev)

Before the opening of the campaign, Rostov received a letter from his parents, in which, briefly informing him of Natasha's illness and the break with Prince Andrei (this break was explained to him by Natasha's refusal), they again asked him to retire and come home. Nikolai, having received this letter, did not try to ask for a vacation or resignation, but wrote to his parents that he was very sorry about Natasha's illness and break with her fiancé and that he would do everything possible to fulfill their desire. He wrote to Sonya separately.
“Adored friend of my soul,” he wrote. “Nothing but honor could keep me from returning to the village. But now, before the opening of the campaign, I would consider myself dishonorable not only before all my comrades, but also before myself, if I preferred my happiness to my duty and love for the fatherland. But this is the last parting. Believe that immediately after the war, if I am alive and loved by you, I will drop everything and fly to you to press you forever to my fiery chest.
Indeed, only the opening of the campaign delayed Rostov and prevented him from coming - as he promised - and marrying Sonya. Otradnensky autumn with hunting and winter with Christmas time and with Sonya's love opened up to him the prospect of quiet aristocratic joys and tranquility, which he had not known before and which now beckoned him to them. “A glorious wife, children, a good flock of hounds, dashing ten - twelve packs of greyhounds, household, neighbors, election service! he thought. But now there was a campaign, and it was necessary to remain in the regiment. And since this was necessary, Nikolai Rostov, by his nature, was also pleased with the life he led in the regiment, and managed to make this life pleasant for himself.
Arriving from vacation, joyfully greeted by his comrades, Nikolai sent for repairs and brought excellent horses from Little Russia, which pleased him and earned him praise from his superiors. In his absence, he was promoted to captain, and when the regiment was put on martial law with an increased kit, he again received his former squadron.
A campaign began, the regiment was moved to Poland, a double salary was issued, new officers arrived, new people, horses; and, most importantly, that excitedly cheerful mood that accompanies the outbreak of war has spread; and Rostov, aware of his advantageous position in the regiment, gave himself up entirely to the pleasures and interests military service, although he knew that sooner or later he would have to leave them.
The troops retreated from Vilna for various complex state, political and tactical reasons. Each step of retreat was accompanied difficult game interests, inferences and passions in the headquarters. For the hussars of the Pavlograd regiment, this whole retreat, at the best time of summer, with sufficient food, was the simplest and most fun thing to do. They could lose heart, worry and intrigue in the main apartment, but in the deep army they did not ask themselves where, why they were going. If they regretted that they were retreating, it was only because they had to leave the habitable apartment, from the pretty lady. If it occurred to anyone that things were bad, then, as a good military man should, the one to whom it occurred to him tried to be cheerful and not think about the general course of affairs, but think about his immediate business. At first they cheerfully stood near Vilna, making acquaintances with the Polish landowners and waiting and serving reviews of the sovereign and other high commanders. Then the order came to retreat to the Sventsians and destroy the provisions that could not be taken away. The Sventsians were remembered by the hussars only because it was a drunken camp, as the whole army called the camp near Sventsians, and because in Sventsians there were many complaints against the troops for the fact that they, taking advantage of the order to take away provisions, took away horses among the provisions, and carriages, and carpets from the Polish pans. Rostov remembered Sventsyany because on the first day of entering this place he changed the sergeant-major and could not cope with all the people of the squadron who got drunk, who, without his knowledge, took away five barrels of old beer. From Sventsyan they retreated further and further to Drissa, and again retreated from Drissa, already approaching the Russian borders.
On July 13, the people of Pavlograd had to be in serious business for the first time.
On July 12, on the night before the case, there was a strong storm with rain and a thunderstorm. The summer of 1812 was generally remarkable for its storms.
Pavlograd's two squadrons bivouacked, among the rye field, already beaten to the ground by cattle and horses. The rain was pouring down, and Rostov, with the young officer Ilyin patronized by him, sat under a fenced on hastily hut. An officer of their regiment, with a long mustache extending from his cheeks, who went to headquarters and was caught in the rain, went to Rostov.
- I, count, from the headquarters. Have you heard the feat of Raevsky? - And the officer told the details of the Saltanovsky battle, heard by him at headquarters.
Rostov, shrugging his neck, over which the water flowed, smoked a pipe and listened inattentively, occasionally glancing at the young officer Ilyin, who huddled around him. This officer, a sixteen-year-old boy who had recently entered the regiment, was now in relation to Nikolai what Nikolai had been in relation to Denisov seven years ago. Ilyin tried to imitate Rostov in everything and, like a woman, was in love with him.
An officer with a double mustache, Zdrzhinsky, spoke pompously about how the Saltanovskaya dam was the Thermopylae of the Russians, how General Raevsky committed an act worthy of antiquity on this dam. Zdrzhinsky told the act of Raevsky, who brought his two sons to the dam under terrible fire and went on the attack next to them. Rostov listened to the story and not only did not say anything to confirm Zdrzhinsky's delight, but, on the contrary, had the appearance of a man who was ashamed of what he was being told, although he did not intend to object. Rostov, after the Austerlitz and 1807 campaigns, knew from his own experience that, telling military incidents, they always lie, just as he himself lied when telling; secondly, he had such experience that he knew how everything happens in the war is not at all the way we can imagine and tell. And therefore he did not like Zdrzhinsky's story, and he did not like Zdrzhinsky himself, who, with his mustache from his cheeks, as usual bent low over the face of the person to whom he was telling, and crowded him into a cramped hut. Rostov silently looked at him. “Firstly, on the dam that was attacked, it must have been such confusion and crowding that if Raevsky brought his sons out, it could not affect anyone, except for about ten people who were near him, - thought Rostov, - the rest could not see how and with whom Raevsky walked along the dam. But even those who saw this could not be very inspired, because what did they care about Raevsky's tender parental feelings when it was about their own skin? Then the fate of the fatherland did not depend on the fact that they would take or not take the Saltanovskaya dam, as they describe it to us about Thermopylae. And so, why was it necessary to make such a sacrifice? And then, why here, in the war, interfere with their children? Not only would I not have taken my brother Petya, even Ilyin, even this stranger to me, but a good boy, I would have tried to put somewhere under protection, ”Rostov continued to think, listening to Zdrzhinsky. But he did not say his thoughts: he already had experience in this. He knew that this story contributed to the glorification of our weapons, and therefore it was necessary to pretend that you did not doubt it. And so he did.
“However, there is no urine,” said Ilyin, who noticed that Rostov did not like Zdrzhinsky’s conversation. - And stockings, and a shirt, and it leaked under me. I'm going to look for shelter. The rain seems to be better. - Ilyin left, and Zdrzhinsky left.
Five minutes later, Ilyin, splashing through the mud, ran to the hut.
- Hooray! Rostov, let's go faster. Found! Here is two hundred paces of a tavern, ours have already climbed there. At least we dry off, and Marya Genrikhovna is there.
Marya Genrikhovna was the wife of the regimental doctor, a young, pretty German woman whom the doctor had married in Poland. The doctor, either because he did not have the means, or because he did not want to be separated from his young wife at first, took her everywhere with him to the hussar regiment, and the doctor's jealousy became a common subject of jokes between hussar officers.
Rostov threw on his cloak, called Lavrushka after him with his belongings, and went with Ilyin, sometimes rolling in the mud, sometimes splashing straight in the subsiding rain, in the darkness of the evening, occasionally broken by distant lightning.
- Rostov, where are you?
- Here. What lightning! they were talking.

In the abandoned tavern, in front of which stood the doctor's wagon, there were already about five officers. Marya Genrikhovna, a plump blond German woman in a blouse and nightcap, was sitting in the front corner on a wide bench. Her husband, the doctor, slept behind her. Rostov and Ilyin, met with cheerful exclamations and laughter, entered the room.
- AND! what fun you have, ”said Rostov, laughing.
- And what are you yawning?
- Good! So it flows from them! Don't wet our living room.
“Don’t get Marya Genrikhovna’s dress dirty,” the voices answered.
Rostov and Ilyin hurried to find a corner where, without violating the modesty of Marya Genrikhovna, they could change their wet clothes. They went behind the partition to change their clothes; but in a small closet, filling it all up, with one candle on an empty box, three officers were sitting, playing cards, and would not give up their place for anything. Marya Genrikhovna gave up her skirt for a while in order to use it instead of a curtain, and behind this curtain, Rostov and Ilyin, with the help of Lavrushka, who brought packs, took off their wet and put on a dry dress.
A fire was kindled in the broken stove. They took out a board and, having fixed it on two saddles, covered it with a blanket, took out a samovar, a cellar and half a bottle of rum, and, asking Marya Genrikhovna to be the hostess, everyone crowded around her. Who offered her a clean handkerchief to wipe her lovely hands, who put a Hungarian coat under her legs so that it would not be damp, who curtained the window with a raincoat so that it would not blow, who fanned the flies from her husband’s face so that he would not wake up.
“Leave him alone,” said Marya Genrikhovna, smiling timidly and happily, “he sleeps well after a sleepless night.
“It’s impossible, Marya Genrikhovna,” answered the officer, “you must serve the doctor.” Everything, maybe, and he will take pity on me when he cuts his leg or arm.
There were only three glasses; the water was so dirty that it was impossible to decide when the tea was strong or weak, and there was only six glasses of water in the samovar, but it was all the more pleasant, in turn and seniority, to receive your glass from Marya Genrikhovna’s plump hands with short, not quite clean nails . All the officers really seemed to be in love with Marya Genrikhovna that evening. Even those officers who were playing cards behind the partition soon gave up the game and went over to the samovar, obeying the general mood of wooing Marya Genrikhovna. Marya Genrikhovna, seeing herself surrounded by such brilliant and courteous youth, beamed with happiness, no matter how hard she tried to hide it and no matter how obviously shy at every sleepy movement of her husband sleeping behind her.
There was only one spoon, there was most of the sugar, but they did not have time to stir it, and therefore it was decided that she would stir the sugar in turn for everyone. Rostov, having received his glass and poured rum into it, asked Marya Genrikhovna to stir it.

July 14, 2018 by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church His Grace of Tver and Kashinsky, Bishop Savva of Voskresensky was appointed head of the Tver diocese. He is dismissed from the post of governor of the Novospassky stauropegial monastery and retains the post of first deputy manager of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Earlier, Metropolitan of Tver and Kashinsky Viktor re-submitted a petition for his retirement in connection with the achievement of 75 years of age. His request was granted.

Bishop Savva of Tver and Kashinsky was born on May 10, 1980 in Perm. In 1997 he entered the Moscow Theological Seminary, from which he graduated in 2001. He was sent to the disposal of the Metropolitan of Ryazan and Kasimov Simon. He taught liturgy and homeletics at the Ryazan Theological School, was the secretary-referent of Metropolitan Simon. On November 27, 2001, he was tonsured into a mantle with the name Savva. On December 2 of the same year he was ordained to the rank of hierodeacon, and on December 4 - to the rank of hieromonk. Then he was appointed to the position of senior assistant to the vice-rector for educational work. In 2002 he began studying at the correspondence department of the Moscow Theological Academy. Then he was appointed Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Ryazan Theological School. At the end of 2003, he was enrolled in the 2nd year of the theological department of the Ryazan State Pedagogical University named after S.A. Yesenin and was appointed a teacher dogmatic theology in the theological department.

In 2005, on March 15, he applied for admission to the staff of the Ryazan diocese with the right to transfer to another diocese, and on April 15 he was admitted to the clergy of the Yaroslavl diocese. He was a cell attendant of Metropolitan Simon (Novikov), served as secretary of the Archbishop Kirill of Yaroslavl and Rostov, was the treasurer and dean of the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery.

In 2007 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy with a degree in Theology. In 2008 he graduated from the Ryazan State University named after M.V. S.A. Yesenin with a degree in theology. On March 18, 2008, he was appointed Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work of the Yaroslavl Theological Seminary.

On April 19, 2009, Hierodeacon Savva was elevated to the rank of abbot, and on April 29 he was appointed assistant dean of the Rostov region and rector of the Ascension-Annunciation Church in Yaroslavl. On October 10, he became the abbot of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Dimitriev Monastery. On October 12, 2009, he entered the General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies. On July 1, 2010, he was appointed First Vice-Rector of the Yaroslavl Theological Seminary.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 22, 2011, he was appointed vicar of the Novospassky stauropegial monastery in Moscow, and on May 30, 2011 he was elected bishop of Voskresensky, vicar of the Moscow diocese. On June 28, 2011, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

Since 2011, Bishop Savva of Voskresensky has ministered to parish churches in the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow. On December 31, 2011, by order of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', he was appointed manager of the South-Eastern Vicariate within the boundaries of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow and the Vicariate within the territories included in the administrative boundaries of Moscow in accordance with the Decree of the Federation Council.

On March 19, 2014, he began to act as the first deputy manager of the affairs of the Moscow diocese. In 2015-2016, he served as chairman of the All-Church Commission on Church Art, Architecture and Restoration. On April 6, 2016, at an extraordinary Council Congress and a meeting of the Presidium of the VRNS, he was elected a member of the Presidium and Deputy Head of the World Russian People's Council. On April 16, 2016, by the decision of the Holy Synod, Bishop Savva of Voskresensky was appointed chairman of the working group for the preparation of a general church program of commemorative events in connection with the 100th anniversary of the murder of the first New Martyrs of the Russian Church.

On July 14, 2018, by the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, he was appointed His Grace of Tver and Kashinsky, head of the Tver diocese.

During his tenure at the Novospassky Stauropegial Monastery, he did a lot for the ancient monastery. Over the years, large-scale restoration work has been carried out in the temples of the monastery.

News Service "Heir"
Based on materials Patriarchia.ru

Date of birth: May 10, 1980 Date of consecration: July 11, 2011 Date of tonsure: November 27, 2001 Country: Russia Biography: Born on May 10, 1980 in Perm, in a family of workers. At an early age, he moved with his parents to the city of Kasimov, Ryazan region. In 1997, after graduating from high school, he entered the Moscow Theological Seminary. In 2001, after graduating from the MDS, he was placed at the disposal of Metropolitan Simon of Ryazan and Kasimov. Appointed as a teacher of Liturgy and Homiletics at the Ryazan Theological School and at the same time as a secretary-referent of the Metropolitan of Ryazan and Kasimov. On November 27, 2001, Metropolitan Simon of Ryazan was tonsured into the mantle with the name Savva, in honor of Reverend Savva Consecrated, in the church of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian at the Ryazan Theological School. On December 2, 2001, he was ordained a hierodeacon by Metropolitan Simon, on December 4? became a hieromonk and was appointed senior assistant to the vice-rector for educational work. In 2002 he entered the correspondence department of the Moscow Theological Academy. On October 17, 2002, he was appointed Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Ryazan Theological School. December 9, 2003 enrolled in the 2nd year of the theological department of the Ryazan State Pedagogical University named after S.A. Yesenin and was appointed a teacher of dogmatic theology at the theological department. On March 15, 2005, Pavel, Archbishop of Ryazan and Kasimov, was appointed to the state with the right to transfer to another diocese, according to the petition filed. On April 15, 2005, Archbishop Kirill of Yaroslavl and Rostov was accepted into the clergy of the Yaroslavl diocese. Carried the obedience of a cell-attendant, Metropolitan Simon (Novikov) († 09/01/06), simultaneously performing various diocesan obediences: secretary of the archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov, treasurer and dean of the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery. On February 22, 2007, he was appointed Assistant Vice-Rector for Educational Work of the Yaroslavl Theological Seminary. On June 14, 2007, he graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy with a degree in theology for an essay on the topic: "The Spaso-Yakovlevsky Dimitriev Monastery of the Yaroslavl diocese (history, architecture, shrines)". On February 12, 2008 he graduated from Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin with a degree in Theology. On March 18, 2008, he was appointed Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Work of the Yaroslavl Theological Seminary. On April 19, 2009, he was elevated to the rank of abbot. On April 29, 2009, he was appointed assistant dean of the Rostov region and rector of the Ascension-Annunciation Church in Yaroslavl. On July 14, 2009, he was appointed Dean of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Dimitriev Monastery. On October 10, 2009, he was appointed abbot of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Dimitriev Monastery. On October 12, 2009, with the blessing of Archbishop Kirill of Yaroslavl, he entered the General Church doctoral program, where he is working on his doctoral dissertation “Avraamiev Epiphany Monastery in Rostov the Great? architecture in its church-historical development”. On July 1, 2010, he was appointed First Vice-Rector of the Yaroslavl Theological Seminary. On November 10, 2010, he was appointed to the post of dean of the temples of the Gavrilov-Yamsky district. By the decision of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church of March 22, 2011 No. (Journal No. 33) was appointed abbot of the Novospassky Stauropegial Monastery in Moscow. By the decision of the Holy Synod of May 30, 2011 (magazine No. 45) he was elected Bishop of Voskresensky, Vicar of the Moscow Diocese. On June 28, 2011, he was elevated to the rank of archimandrite. On July 10, 2011, at the Vladimir Skete of the Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill led the naming of Archimandrite Savva (Mikheev) as Bishop of the Resurrection. July 11, 2011, on the day of remembrance St. Sergius and Herman of Valaam, at the Divine Liturgy in upper temple His Holiness Patriarch Kirill led the consecration of Archimandrite Savva (Mikheev) as Bishop of the Resurrection, Vicar of the Moscow Diocese of the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Valaam Monastery. Since 2011 she has been taking care of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow (Peter and Paul Deanery) Education: 2001 — Moscow Theological Seminary. 2007 - Moscow Theological Academy. Theology Ph.D. 2008 — Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin. Scientific works, publications: Candidate's thesis "The Spaso-Yakovlevsky Dimitriev Monastery of the Yaroslavl diocese (history, architecture, shrines)". Date of Birth: May 10, 1980 A country: Russia Biography:

Permanent member of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church

Born on May 10, 1980 in Perm, in a family of workers. At an early age, he moved with his parents to the city of Kasimov, Ryazan region.

In 1997, after graduating from high school, he entered. In 2001, after graduating from the MDS, he was placed at the disposal of Metropolitan Simon of Ryazan and Kasimov. Appointed as a teacher of liturgy and homiletics at the Ryazan Theological School and at the same time as an assistant secretary to the Metropolitan of Ryazan and Kasimov.

November 27, 2001 in the Church of St. John the Theologian at the Ryazan Theological School Metropolitan Simon of Ryazan was tonsured into the mantle with the name Savva in honor of the Monk Savva the Sanctified.

On December 2, 2001, Metropolitan Simon ordained to the rank of hierodeacon, on December 4 - to the rank of hieromonk and was appointed senior assistant to the vice-rector for educational work.

In 2002 he entered the correspondence department of the Moscow Theological Academy. On October 17, 2002, he was appointed Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Ryazan Theological School.

December 9, 2003 enrolled in the 2nd year of the theological department of the Ryazan State Pedagogical University named after S.A. Yesenin and was appointed teacher of dogmatic theology at the theological department.

On July 1, 2010, he was appointed First Vice-Rector of the Yaroslavl Theological Seminary. On November 10, 2010, he was appointed to the post of dean of the temples of the Gavrilov-Yamsky district.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of May 30, 2011 () Bishop of Voskresensky, vicar of the Moscow diocese.

By order of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of December 31, 2011 to the administrator within the boundaries of the South-Eastern Administrative District of Moscow and the vicariate within the territories included in the administrative boundaries of Moscow in accordance with Resolution of the Council of the Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2011 No. 560 -SF "On approval of changes in the border between the subjects Russian Federation city federal significance Moscow and the Moscow Region” and included in the city of Moscow by position.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of March 19, 2014 () he was appointed the first deputy manager of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate.

September 12, 2014 at the General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies doctoral dissertation on the theme "Avraamiev-Bogoyavlensky Monastery in Rostov the Great: architecture in its cultural and historical development." November 21, after the Liturgy in the Moscow Kremlin, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill on Bishop Savva's doctoral cross.

April 6, 2016 at the Extraordinary Cathedral Congress and the meeting of the Presidium of the VRNS, a member of the Presidium and Deputy Head.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of April 16, 2016 () he was appointed chairman for the preparation of a church-wide program of commemorative events in connection with the 100th anniversary of the murder of the first new martyrs of the Russian Church.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 14, 2018 () he was appointed His Grace of Tver and Kashinsky, the head, while retaining the post of first deputy manager of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate and dismissing the abbot of the Novospassky stauropegial monastery.

Being the abbot of the Novospassky Monastery, the Scientific and Editorial Council for the publication of documents of the Holy Council of 1917-1918.

July 18, 2018 at the Dormition Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra His Holiness Patriarch Kirill was elevated to the rank of metropolitan.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of February 26, 2019 () by the manager of affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate.


2001 — Moscow Theological Seminary.

2007 — Moscow Theological Academy (candidate of theology).

2008 — Ryazan State University named after S.A. Yesenin.

Place of work: Metropolis of Tver (Head of the Metropolis) Diocese: Diocese of Tver (Ruling Bishop) Place of work: World Russian People's Council (VRNS) (Deputy Head) Place of work: Department of Affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate (Managing Director) Place of work: Moscow Patriarchy (Administrator of the Moscow Patriarchate)