A nurse is needed to advertise. The nurse is visiting.

28.05.2019 Jurisprudence

The sick, the elderly, the elderly, and people with disabilities need care, help and mercy. While in the provinces such people are cared for by their families, in Moscow things are completely different. In most cases, residents of the capital simply do not have enough time for this, so they have to look for outside help. However, there are no hopeless situations!

Patronage service "Lavender-med" offers a worthy solution
this problem – a visiting (hourly) nurse

A visiting nurse with an hourly wage is a universal category of patronage services designed for families of any level financial wealth. It is relevant in cases where the patient needs outside help for only a few hours, as a rule, while other family members are at work, school, etc.

During her duty, the nurse, within the established time frame, performs the entire list of activities required for full patient care, in particular:

  • administers medications and carries out other physician orders;
  • assists the patient in performing preventive and rehabilitation exercises;
  • maintains patient hygiene;
  • purchases groceries, prepares food and feeds the ward;
  • organizes leisure time (reading books and periodicals, communication, games, etc.);
  • accompanies on walks, to the clinic;
  • provides household services (washing and ironing clothes, cleaning the room in which the patient is, etc.).

In fact, a visiting (hourly) nurse, while caring for a patient, solves the same problems as a live-in nurse. The only limiting factor is the duration of its operation, which can vary from 5 to 12 hours a day. Hiring a nurse for less than 5 hours is extremely unprofitable for her, since she will spend all the money she earns on travel to and from the patient. Therefore, when ordering this service, it is very important to rationally distribute work time nurses, highlight the main issues that must be resolved during duty.

The undoubted advantage of this service is that the customer independently establishes the procedure and duration of the patronage nurse’s work, based on needs and financial capabilities. It is allowed to divide duty into several time periods, for example, from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 18:00 to 21:00, etc. You can provide work every other day or 2-3 times a week. This allows you to receive help at the time most necessary for the ward and at the same time save money, which in our time plays an important role when choosing any services.

It should be borne in mind that when determining the work schedule of a nurse, factors such as the severity of the disease, the physical and moral condition of the patient must be taken into account. If he is a bedridden, seriously ill patient, then the main emphasis in the nurse’s work will be on monitoring vital signs and creating the most comfortable living conditions for the patient. If the patient’s condition is stable and does not require continuous monitoring, then the nurse can devote more time to solving everyday issues and providing assistance in housekeeping.

How much do the services of a visiting (hourly) nurse cost?

The price of a visiting (hourly) caregiver mainly depends on the duration of her work. As a rule, the service of such a nurse is paid at the rate of 120-150 rubles per hour. However, there are a number of factors that can affect the price, in particular, the weight of the patient, the severity of his illness, and the qualifications of the visiting nurse. However, with the correct distribution of responsibilities and careful planning of the work schedule, almost every needy resident of the capital can order a visiting (hourly) nurse in Moscow. Get acquainted with the pricing system patronage service“Lavender-honey” is available in the corresponding section of the site – “Prices”.

Call us any day and at any time convenient for you. The duty manager of the patronage service will give comprehensive answers to all your questions, calculate the cost of the service, accept the order and agree on the procedure for signing a contract for the provision of services.

Do you need a Nurse without intermediaries in Moscow?

You are a private caregiver who needs to be accommodated private advertisement for the services of a nurse for the sick and elderly in Moscow?
This is the site that you were looking for on the Internet.
In our database job as a nurse vacancy as a governess, nanny. Here you can find how much it costs live-in nurse hourly in 2015 in Moscow and hourly rate for a maid in St. Petersburg.
We are not an agency, we are a direct employer - we do not select a nurse or search for a maid. Our caregivers are private individuals.
Urgently needed nurse without intermediaries and want to hire a live-in caregiver, post a free private advertisement for a job or vacancy here on the website or forum.
Anyone can say "I'm looking for a caregiver"... i.e. hire a nurse for a bedridden person or get a job as a home nurse for free. Possible part-time employment without work experience (For example, if you need a caregiver for a bedridden person for an hour or for a weekend).
The cost of a private nurse for patients per hour in Kyiv may be cheaper to hire in St. Petersburg.

Do you have no one to leave an elderly relative or a seriously ill person with in your absence? Do you urgently need a live-in caregiver? A specialized patronage service is at your service.

A nurse who comes to Moscow can work with the ward during the day and at night. Social service usually paid hourly. The cost is calculated individually. This takes into account:

  • — time working with the mentee;
  • — diagnosis of the ward;
  • - area of ​​work of the nurse;
  • — special conditions and requirements of the customer.

Do you urgently need a visiting nurse (m Izmailovskaya)? At Social Support, experienced specialists will select a professional foster nurse for you. Also from the company you can order domestic staff to work in any other district of Moscow.

Visiting nurse services: the relevance of care

You can order the services of a visiting nurse at any time for a ward with any diagnosis. The range of responsibilities of the patronage nurse and, accordingly, the cost of care will depend on the actual condition of the ward and a number of objective factors.

The services of a nurse will be relevant in the following cases:

  • — The caregiver of a sick person is absent from home (working, on a business trip, etc.).
  • — The ward does not need complex care, takes care of himself, but has problems with memory, thinking, behavior (forgets to turn off the water, gas, lets strangers into the apartment, leaves and forgets the address, etc.).
  • — A sick person’s disease worsens, his condition worsens, resulting in a need for professional medical support.

The most popular service is a visiting nurse for an elderly person; Moscow is the city where most often in the Russian Federation they hire patronage staff for their aging relatives. In the regions, the popularity of the service is also growing.

A nurse who comes to this category of clients, as a rule, performs the functions of a companion. Her responsibilities also include providing household assistance to the ward in the absence of relatives, and monitoring the implementation of medical orders.

A nurse coming for a bedridden patient

Caring for a bedridden patient is physically and psychologically difficult. Often one of the relatives takes on the responsibility for organizing it. So that he can keep social activity, work, a visiting nurse is hired for a bedridden patient, the price of her services may vary.

The cost of patronage is determined, first of all, by the amount of time spent with the ward. The price is also influenced by the diagnosis, the actual condition of the patient, and the presence of special medical instructions for organizing care.

A visiting nurse can work both at home and in a hospital. The specifics of care in each case have its own characteristics. As for the specialist’s work schedule, it is determined in accordance with the requirements of the customer of the services.

A nurse is urgently needed: where can I find her?

When a nurse is urgently needed, private advertisements, recommendations from friends, Internet forums and other resources are used to find a specialist.

But, as practice shows, it is not easy to find nursing staff on your own in a short time. In addition, hiring a nurse based on an advertisement does not guarantee the quality of nursing services.

How to rationally solve the problem and not overpay? A specialized patronage service will help you. By contacting Social Support, you can save time on finding a caregiver.

Cooperation with the service will provide guarantees of the quality of care. We recommend to our clients qualified nursing staff to work on a schedule convenient for each customer.

What should an ideal health visitor be like?

To care for relatives, the sick and/or the aging, everyone who decides to hire professional staff strives to choose the best specialist. But how to objectively assess the level of professional competencies? What qualities should staff have? And what about the individual criterion “like or dislike”?

Psychology will tell you how to find the ideal

Many clients of the patronage service focus on the education, level of training of candidates, and the presence of certain skills and abilities. But at the same time, potential employers tend to forget about several important things. The temperament and character of the patronage nurse is of great importance. If an employee is not suitable for the ward, is on different wavelengths with him, for one leaving will be hard labor from a moral point of view, for another it will be torture.

Importance psychological compatibility The easiest way to demonstrate this is with an example. So, an elderly woman, strong-willed, taciturn, and tough, needs care. They hire her a patronage nurse who is extremely friendly, responsible, professional, but who loves to have a heart-to-heart talk and sincerely believes that such conversations improve the condition of the patients under her care. The outcome of a relationship is easy to predict. Conflict is almost inevitable.

Who will evaluate the competence of a visiting nurse?

The ideal domestic staff should certainly be professional. But the employer must independently verify the authenticity of the educational documents, letters of recommendation, etc. provided by the candidate. It's hard enough. This function is performed by the specialized service.

We cooperate with highly qualified specialists in the field of medical, social, medical and social patronage. Professionals regularly improve their level of competencies. Our visiting nurses are trained in various medical institutions, all recommendations and documents of new employees are carefully checked.

We recommend you only the best patronage nurses in the capital. Candidates are always selected taking into account the health status of the potential client, his diagnosis, current needs, actual ability to self-care, and medical prognosis. This approach allows you to subsequently organize care at the highest level.