A blood test will show any inflammation. What does a general blood test show?

19.09.2018 Health

So what does our blood tell us? We take a blood test for almost any disease. And a competent doctor will certainly send you first for blood tests. For a general analysis, blood is taken either from a vein or from a finger. And the primary analysis can be taken without an empty stomach. But under no circumstances should you eat it for the unfolded one! Remember this!
The reason for this requirement is simple: any food will change your blood sugar, and the analysis will not be objective. It is best to donate blood after a short rest (this is why we most often go for testing in the morning). Again, for the purity of the study.
A competent doctor will definitely take into account your gender and physiological condition. Because, say, in women during PMS, ESR increases and the number of platelets decreases.
General analysis indicators:
1. Hemoglobin (Hb)
This is a blood pigment contained in red blood cells, the main function of which is to transport oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and remove CO2 from the body. Normal values ​​for men are 130–160 g/l, for women - 120–140 g/l. If hemoglobin is low, this indicates possible anemia, blood loss or hidden internal bleeding due to damage internal organs. An increase in hemoglobin is usually observed in blood diseases and some types of heart failure.
2. Red blood cells
These are the red blood cells themselves, containing hemoglobin. Normal values ​​for men are (4.0–5.1) * 10 to the 12th power/l and for women - (3.7–4.7) * 10 to the 12th power/l. An excess of red blood cells occurs in healthy people at high altitudes in the mountains, as well as with heart defects, diseases of the bronchi, lungs, kidneys and liver. Sometimes this indicates an excess of steroid hormones in the body. A lack of red blood cells indicates anemia, acute blood loss, and chronic inflammatory processes. And sometimes it happens in late pregnancy.
3. Leucrocytes
White blood cells. Produced in the bone marrow and lymph nodes and protect the body from external influences. The norm for everyone is (4.0–9.0) x 10 to the 9th power /l. Excess indicates the presence of infection and inflammation. A large number of them occur in different situations, sometimes not related to diseases. They can jump from physical exertion, stress or pregnancy. But it happens that leukocytosis is associated with diseases, namely:
bacterial infections;
inflammatory processes;
allergic reactions;
taking hormonal medications, some heart medications (such as digoxin).
But leukopenia (lack of white blood cells) may indicate a viral infection (for example, influenza) or taking certain medications, for example, analgesics, anticonvulsants.
4. Platelets
Cells that provide blood clotting are involved in the formation of blood clots. The normal amount is (180–320) * 10 to the 9th power/l. If they are more than normal, then you may have tuberculosis, ulcerative colitis, or cirrhosis of the liver. This also happens after operations or when using hormonal drugs. Their reduced content occurs under the influence of alcohol, heavy metal poisoning, blood diseases, kidney failure, liver diseases, spleen diseases, and hormonal disorders. And also under the influence of certain medications: antibiotics, diuretics, digoxin, nitroglycerin, hormones.
5. ESR or ROE
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate. This is an indicator of the course of the disease. Typically, ESR increases on days 2–4 of the disease, and reaches a peak during the recovery period. The norm for men is 2–10 mm/h, for women – 2–15 mm/h. Increased levels occur with infections, inflammation, anemia, kidney disease, hormonal disorders, shock after injuries and operations, during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menstruation, and decreased values ​​are observed with circulatory failure and anaphylactic shock.
6. Glucose
The glucose concentration in a healthy body should be 3.5–6.5 mmol/liter. A lack of glucose indicates insufficient and irregular nutrition, hormonal diseases, an excess indicates diabetes mellitus.
7. Total protein
Its norm is 60–80 grams/liter. With deterioration of the liver, kidneys, or malnutrition, it decreases. This often happens after strict diets.
8. Total bilirubin
Bilirubin should show no higher than 20.5 mmol/liter. It is an indicator of liver function. With hepatitis, cholelithiasis or destruction of red blood cells, bilirubin increases.
9. Creatinine
Creatinine is responsible for your kidneys. Its normal concentration: 0.18 mmol/liter. Exceeding the norm is a sign of kidney failure; if it falls short of the norm, it means you need to increase your immunity.

Biological response modifiers

Biological response modifiers are drugs made from living cells. These drugs target specific components of the immune system that contribute to the inflammation and joint damage that are part of the disease process of rheumatoid arthritis.

However, biological response modifiers are not used in combination with each other, as this can lead to serious infections. As with other rheumatoid arthritis medications, these drugs do not cure the disease, but may help slow the progression and damage to the joints.


What you can read about your health from the most informative analysis

Whatever your illness, the first test that a competent doctor will send you for will be a general (general clinical) blood test, says our expert - cardiologist, doctor of the highest category Tamara Ogieva.

Side effects and complications. This may cause pain at the injection site. To prevent injection reactions, patients are sometimes pretreated with betamethasone, a corticosteroid drug, but some studies suggest the steroid has little benefit. Common infusion reactions include headache, nausea, and flu-like symptoms.

Because biological response modifiers affect the immune system, patients taking these drugs are at increased risk of infection. Other risks associated with these drugs include. Other risks include nonmelanoma skin cancer, lymphoma, and other malignancies; lupus; heart failure; blood diseases; psoriasis; lung disease; and liver damage. Rituximab has been associated with cases of a rare and fatal brain disease called progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. It can also cause reactivation of hepatitis B, viral infections, heart rhythm problems, and other heart problems. Corticosteroids work quickly to control inflammation and pain.

Blood for general analysis is taken venous or capillary, that is, from a vein or from a finger. Primary general analysis You can take it without an empty stomach. A detailed blood test is given only on an empty stomach.

For biochemical analysis, blood will have to be donated only from a vein and always on an empty stomach. After all, if you drink, say, coffee with sugar in the morning, the glucose level in your blood will certainly change and the analysis will be incorrect.

However, long-term use can have serious side effects. However, they are often used under the following conditions. Doctors recommend no more than three or four injections into a specific joint per year. . Side effects of oral corticosteroids. Serious side effects are associated with long-term use of oral steroids. Osteoporosis is a common and particularly serious long-term side effect of long-term steroid use. Other side effects include cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes, fluid retention, susceptibility to infections, weight gain, hypertension, capillary fragility, acne, excess hair growth, muscle wastage, menstrual irregularities, irritability, insomnia, and, less commonly, psychosis.

A competent doctor will definitely take into account your gender and physiological condition. For example, in women during “critical days,” the ESR increases and the platelet count decreases.

A general analysis provides more information about inflammation and the state of the blood (propensity for blood clots, the presence of infections), and biochemical analysis is responsible for the functional and organic state of internal organs - liver, kidneys, pancreas.

Recent research suggests that prednisone may increase the risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancer. Conclusion from long-term use of oral corticosteroids. Long-term use of oral steroid drugs suppresses the secretion of natural steroid hormones by the adrenal glands. Once off these drugs, this adrenal suppression persists and it may take some time to regain the ability to produce natural steroids again. There have been several cases of severe adrenal insufficiency occurring when switching from oral to inhaled steroids, resulting in death in rare cases.

General analysis indicators:

1. HEMOGLOBIN (Hb) is a blood pigment, found in erythrocytes (red blood cells), its main function is the transfer of oxygen from the lungs to tissues and excretion carbon dioxide from the body.

Normal values ​​for men are 130-160 g/l, women - 120-140 g/l.

Reduced hemoglobin occurs with anemia, blood loss, hidden internal bleeding, damage to internal organs, for example, kidneys, etc.

No one should stop taking any steroids without talking to a doctor first, and if steroids are withdrawn, regular follow-up monitoring is necessary. Patients should discuss with their doctors measures to prevent adrenal insufficiency during withdrawal, especially during stressful situations when the risk increases.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

These drugs block prostaglandins, substances that dilate blood vessels and cause inflammation and pain. Dyspepsia High blood pressure Reduced kidney function. . Several coxib products have been removed from the United States market. Celecoxib is still available, but patients should ask their doctors if the drug is right for them.

It can increase with dehydration, blood diseases and some types of heart failure.

2. ERYTHROCYTES - blood cells that contain hemoglobin.

Normal values ​​are (4.0-5.1) * 10 to the 12th power/l and (3.7-4.7) * 10 to the 12th power/l, for men and women, respectively.

An increase in red blood cells occurs, for example, in healthy people at high altitudes in the mountains, as well as in congenital or acquired heart defects, diseases of the bronchi, lungs, kidneys and liver. The increase may be due to an excess of steroid hormones in the body. For example, with Cushing's disease and syndrome, or during treatment with hormonal drugs.

Surgery can help relieve joint pain, correct deformities, and slightly improve joint function. There are several types of joint surgery techniques. Sinectomy - removal of the connective lining. It is used to remove inflamed tissue that is causing pain. A sinectomy can help reduce swelling and slow the progression of joint damage.

Arthroscopy is performed to clean out pieces of bone and cartilage that are causing pain and inflammation. This is usually done on the knee, but it can also be done on other joints. The surgeon makes a small incision and injects a sterile solution to swell the joint for easier viewing. A lighted tube called an arthroscope is then inserted through another small incision. Through the third incision, the surgeon trims, shave, or suture the damaged tissue. . In many cases, the procedure can be performed using a local anesthetic and the patient can return home within a day.

Decrease - with anemia, acute blood loss, with chronic inflammatory processes in the body, as well as in late pregnancy.

3. LEUCOCYTES - white blood cells, they are formed in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Their main function is to protect the body from adverse effects. Norm - (4.0-9.0) x 10 to the 9th degree / l. Excess indicates the presence of infection and inflammation.


For knee surgeries, patients can resume gentle activities after a couple of days, but full recovery may take up to 3 months. Eventually, even after these treatments, rheumatoid arthritis can progress to the point where normal functioning is no longer possible. In such cases, artificial joint implant replacements may be considered for the shoulders, knees, hips, ankles, wrists and arms or other joints. Joint replacement is usually reserved for people over 50 or those whose joint damage progresses rapidly.

There are five types of leukocytes (lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils), each of them performs a specific function. If necessary, a detailed blood test is done, which shows the ratio of all five types of leukocytes. For example, if the level of leukocytes in the blood is increased, a detailed analysis will show what type of leukocytes increased due to total number. If due to lymphocytes, then there is an inflammatory process in the body; if there are more eosinophils than normal, then an allergic reaction can be suspected.

Joint replacement usually lasts 20 years or more. If the affected joint cannot be replaced, surgeons may perform a procedure called arthrodesis, which relieves pain by fusing the bones together. However, the fusion of the bones makes it impossible for the joint to move. Bone fusion most often occurs in the spine and small joints of the arms and legs.

Lifestyle changes can help patients cope with the physical and emotional aspects of living with rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Maintain a wide range of motion.
  • Increase strength, endurance and mobility.
  • Improve your overall health.
  • Well-being.
In general, doctors recommend the following approaches.


There are many conditions in which changes in white blood cell levels are observed. This does not necessarily indicate illness. Leukocytes, as well as all indicators of general analysis, react to various changes in the body. For example, during stress, pregnancy, or after physical exertion, their number increases.

Start with the most simple exercises, stretching and straining of joints without movement. Tai chi, which uses graceful, slow, sweeping movements, is an excellent method for combining stretching and range exercises with relaxation techniques.

  • Next, try light strength training.
  • The next step is to try aerobic exercise.
  • These include walking, dancing or swimming, especially in heated pools.
  • Avoid heavy impact exercises such as running, skiing and jumping.
The healthiest approach to exercise is the best reference.

An increased number of leukocytes in the blood (also known as leukocytosis) also occurs with:

Infections (bacterial),

Inflammatory processes,

Allergic reactions,

Malignant neoplasms and leukemia,

Taking hormonal medications, some heart medications (for example, digoxin).

But a low number of white blood cells in the blood (or leukopenia): this condition often occurs with a viral infection (for example, the flu) or taking certain medications, for example, analgesics, anticonvulsants.

If lesser aches and pains continue for more than 2 hours afterward, try a lighter exercise program for a while. Using large knuckles instead of small ones for common tasks can help relieve pressure, such as closing a door with your hips or pressing buttons with your palm. If an exercise causes severe pain, stop immediately. . There is little scientific evidence to support these approaches, but some patients report anecdotally that they are helpful.

The best source of fish oil is to increase your intake of fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and herring. Fish oil supplements are another option, but they may interact with certain medications. If you're thinking about trying fish oil supplements, talk to your doctor first.

4. PLATELETS - blood cells, an indicator of normal blood clotting, are involved in the formation of blood clots.

Normal amount - (180-320) * 10 to the 9th power/l

An increased amount occurs when:

Chronic inflammatory diseases (tuberculosis, ulcerative colitis, cirrhosis of the liver), after operations, treatment with hormonal drugs.

Patients can learn strategies to cope with the stress and frustration of living with chronic pain. Relaxation and stress management techniques such as guided imagery, breathing exercises, hypnosis or biofeedback may be helpful. Although there is no conclusive evidence to support their effectiveness, some patients report relief from forms such as acupuncture, massage and mineral baths.

There are many various types assistive devices that can make life easier at home. Kitchen gadgets such as can openers can help with gripping and gripping. Door handle extenders and switches are useful for patients who have trouble turning their wrists. Bathrooms can include walk-in showers, screens, and raised toilet seats. An occupational therapist can advise you on the right types of assistive devices.

Reduced when:

The effects of alcohol, heavy metal poisoning, blood diseases, kidney failure, liver diseases, spleen diseases, hormonal disorders. And also under the influence of certain medications: antibiotics, diuretics, digoxin, nitroglycerin, hormones.

5. ESR or ROE - erythrocyte sedimentation rate (erythrocyte sedimentation reaction) - this is the same thing, an indicator of the course of the disease. Typically, ESR increases on days 2-4 of the disease, sometimes reaching a maximum during the recovery period. The norm for men is 2-10 mm/h, for women - 2-15 mm/h.

Other supportive procedures

Various ointments, including Ben-Gay and capsaicin, can help soothe painful joints. Orthotic devices are specialized braces and splints that support and help align joints. Many of these devices, made from a variety of lightweight materials, are available and can be very useful when used correctly.

To date, there is no evidence to support their effectiveness. Researchers are currently conducting studies to determine whether supplements extracted from turmeric can help prevent joint inflammation. Like medicine, herbs and supplements can affect body chemistry and therefore can create side effects that can be harmful. Several serious and even fatal cases have been reported side effects from plant products. consult your physician before using any herbal remedies or food additives.

Increased with:

Infections, inflammation, anemia, kidney disease, hormonal disorders, shock after injuries and operations, during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menstruation.


In case of circulatory failure, anaphylactic shock.

Biochemical analysis indicators:

6. GLUCOSE - it should be 3.5-6.5 mmol/liter. Decreased - with insufficient and irregular nutrition, hormonal diseases. Increased in diabetes mellitus.

Etiology and pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. Komano Y, Tanaka M, Nanki T, Koike R, Sakai R, Kameda H, et al. Clinical features of rheumatoid arthritis. M. is one of the first to achieve this important distinction for online health information and services.

The information provided here should not be used during any medical emergency or for diagnosing or treating any health condition. Consultation with a licensed healthcare professional is essential for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions. Call 112 for all medical emergency situations. Any duplication or redistribution of the information contained herein is strictly prohibited.

7. TOTAL PROTEIN - norm - 60-80 grams / liter. Decreases with deterioration of the liver, kidneys, malnutrition (a sharp decrease in total protein is a frequent symptom that a strict restrictive diet clearly did not benefit you).

8. TOTAL BILIRUBIN - normal - no higher than 20.5 mmol/liter shows how the liver is working. Increase - with hepatitis, cholelithiasis, destruction of red blood cells.

9. CREATININE - should be no more than 0.18 mmol/liter. The substance is responsible for the functioning of the kidneys. Exceeding the norm is a sign of kidney failure; if it falls short of the norm, it means you need to increase your immunity.

A letter about laboratory blood tests can tell a doctor a lot. It is difficult for an ordinary person who does not have a medical education to understand what a general blood test shows.

A general blood test using laboratory diagnostics allows us to detect existing health problems in the human body or just emerging diseases. The presence of any disease, when deciphering a blood test, I show such blood elements as hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocytes, platelets, lymphocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils. The presence of these elements in healthy person must be in a certain proportion. The differences in these norms in quantitative composition are different from each other for women, men and children. Deviations from the norm can be influenced by certain factors without being the presence of any pathology. The main factors that cause deviations from the norm in the content of blood elements are physical exercise, climatic conditions. Any other deviation indicates the presence or beginning of the disease process.

What does a general blood test show:

1. If the laboratory report indicates a reduced hemoglobin level, this may indicate the presence of anemia or damage to various organs.

2. A decrease in red blood cells may also indicate anemia or the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the human body.

3. An increased number of red blood cells contributes to dehydration of the human body for various reasons. Due to the increase in red blood cells, a decrease in the amount of plasma (liquid component) in the blood occurs; this phenomenon may be caused by the incorrect structure of hemoglobin.

4. A lack of platelets contributes to a blood clotting disorder, which causes the blood disease hemophilia. Also, this indicator may indicate an infection, cancer, and is observed after taking anti-allergy drugs and antibiotics.

5. A higher than normal number of platelets in the blood indicates frequent and prolonged inflammatory processes and the possibility of the formation of a malignant disease.

6. A low number of leukocytes in the blood indicates the presence of a viral infection. Under conditions of increased radiation, the development of radiation sickness occurs.

7. An increased number of leukocytes indicates the presence of bacterial infections, inflammation, allergies and diseases of the blood and liver. It can also occur with long-term use of medications, during physical activity and after eating.

8. If erythrocyte sedimentation is increased, this indicates inflammation in the body, acute chronic infections, and allergies.

9. A decrease in erythrocyte sedimentation rate occurs due to dehydration, viral hepatitis, diarrhea and vomiting.

Any blood reading should be carried out by the attending physician; even general indicators can be variable if you already have a disease that you have known about for a long time. You should not draw premature conclusions on your own, trying to satisfy your curiosity by studying what your general blood test shows. Even if the doctor confirmed your fears, it is worth going through the test again, especially if we are talking about suspected serious illness.