Adult children caring for sick parents often find themselves socially isolated. How to get your son to care for your elderly mother

19.12.2018 Jurisprudence

A nurse is a specialist hired on an individual basis who provides care for the elderly, sick and elderly people, as well as people with disabilities.

Nursing for the disabled and sick is a rather individual and, in some respects, multidisciplinary specialty, but there are a number of standard duties of a nurse that must be performed in any case.

If the couple has no children or relatives, they can also request such assistance, and in case of lapse of government authority, they can petition the State Ministry of State or the State Council of Senior Citizens. In March, however, she suffered a stroke and was put on hold to receive treatment, prompting a sequel. Weakened, the pensioner returned to Curitiba and went to live with relatives. Three months later, the couple went to live alone, and then difficulties began.

At the same time, when she takes care of her health, she cannot neglect changing the diaper, taking medicine and feeding the woman, always ready the day before. Since she can't watch her all the time, she usually has the probe removed and has to call Samu to help her. When he goes to pay the bills, he relies on the help of the family dog ​​to keep an eye on the house. This year, the news that he would need a catheterization alarmed him. Thank God they did it on the arm and everything went well.

The main responsibility of a nurse is to provide full care to the elderly and sick. This involves constant and careful monitoring of his physical condition, as well as the implementation of the regime, carrying out the necessary medical procedures, if they are prescribed by a doctor. The nurse must promptly change dressings, give injections, change the mode of supporting medical equipment, if any, and treat bedsores.

After this time, the pensioner is already thinking about devoting one day of the week to himself. An athletic fanatic, he longs to watch the game on TV and go to the brothers' house, but first, there is still a mission: to get a volunteer physiotherapist who helps his wife regain some of her movement. Today she can even move her left leg, but with great pain, which makes her suffer. Walking? with people you know to see if anyone can help you.

What is the state's responsibility towards older people who care only for spouses or relatives? The obligation placed on children to honor their parents continues throughout their existence. If the parents are weak and aged, the attention and affection of the children should be avoided in proportion to the needs of the father and mother.

In addition, a nurse caring for the disabled and sick is required to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, regularly clean the room, change bed linen, prepare food and feed the patient.

In some cases, the patient must be accompanied to the clinic, and a doctor must be called to his home if necessary. Psychological support for the patient is also within the competence of the nurse. This presupposes the ability to carry on a conversation at a minimum, as well as full psychological communication at a maximum.

Children should be educated to love and tenderly care for their father and mother. Watch them yourself, children; for no other hand can perform small acts of kindness with the acceptance with which you do it. Take advantage of your precious opportunities to spread the seeds of goodness.

Our obligations to our parents never end. Our love for them and theirs for us is not measured by years or distance, and our responsibility can never be deferred. Children must remember that best case scenario elderly parents have little joy and comfort. What could bring more sadness to your heart than blatant neglect of your children? What sin could be worse in children than to harm an old and disgruntled parent?

Sometimes caregivers are asked to expand their responsibilities and perform a range of activities around the home. While staying with the patient, the caregiver can prepare dinner for the whole family, as well as clean the entire house. Of course, in this case the cost of its services increases significantly.

If you need professional help in caring for the elderly, for example, performing a professional massage, injections, installing an IV, then this requires special specialized education from the nurse and is discussed before hiring her.

After children reach maturity, some believe that their duty is fulfilled by providing a homeland for their parents. While they provide them with food and shelter, they do not give them love or affection. In their parents' old age, when they yearn for expressions of love and sympathy, children mercilessly deprive them.

Children never deny their parents love and respect. As long as parents live, it should be their children's joy to honor and respect them. They should bring all the joy and happiness to the lives of their elderly parents. They should make the path to the grave easier. There is no better recommendation in this world than that a son honored his parents, and no better report in the books of Heaven that he loved and honored his father and mother.

You can learn about the skills and qualifications of a nurse during an interview, during which you need to inform the employee what specific services are required. This will allow you to make the right choice.

Cost of working as a nurse

The amount of pay for a nurse who cares for the disabled and sick largely depends on her work schedule. In most cases, it is more convenient to pay for work hourly. However, sometimes if there is a constant need for a nurse, her services are paid monthly. The cost of work increases if she works on weekends, as well as if her working day consists of more than 10 hours.

Is it possible for children to become so indifferent to the needs of their parents that they are unwilling to voluntarily leave, watching over them with tireless care and devotion? Is it possible that they don't find it pleasant to do last days your parents are the best? How can a son or daughter have the courage to leave their father or mother in the hands of strangers to take care of them! Even if the mother is an unbeliever and evil, this will not free the child from the responsibility that God has imposed on him to take care of his parents.

Some parents are responsible for disrespect. When parents allow their children to be disrespectful to their children, even if they speak angrily and even cruelly, a stinging harvest is to be reaped in the years to come. When parents cannot demand ready and perfect obedience from their children, they will fail to lay the right foundation on their character. They prepare their children to disgrace them when they are old, and to bring sorrow to their hearts when they are near the grave, unless the grace of Christ changes their hearts and changes the character of their children.

Meals are most often not included in the payment. However, some employers prefer to contribute these costs to wages personnel. The amount of payment for a nurse's services is also determined by her qualifications. If she has a medical education, then her work will cost more than the services of an applicant without a specialized education.

Professional caregivers also require different amounts as payment for services. This is determined by work experience, degree of professionalism and other criteria, including the characteristics of each specific situation and the condition of the person for whom care is required.

Don't bother yourself with dishonest parents. Said someone from his mother: “I always hated my mother, and my mother always hated me.” These words are written in the books of heaven so that they can be opened and revealed on the day of judgment when everyone will be rewarded according to their deeds.

If children think that they were abused as children, it will not help them to grow in the grace and knowledge of Christ and will not reflect His image and will caress their parents with a spirit of vengeance, especially when they are old and weak. Isn't it parental helplessness that appeals to children's love? Do not the needs of old fathers and mothers appeal to the noble feelings of the heart, and by the grace of Christ parents should be treated with kindly consideration and respect for their children? Don't let your heart become as strong as steel against your father and mother!


1. Able-bodied adult children are obliged to support and care for their disabled parents in need of help.

2. In the absence of an agreement on the payment of alimony, alimony for disabled parents in need of help is recovered from able-bodied adult children in court.

How can a daughter who professes the name of Christ hate her mother, especially if that mother is sick and aging? Let kindness and love, the sweetest fruits of Christian life, find a place in the hearts of children in relation to their parents. Painful, in particular, is the thought that the child hates his mother, who is old and weak, and who has developed weaknesses associated with her second childhood. How patient, how tenderly children must deal with such a mother! Words of kindness must be spoken that do not irritate the spirit.

A true Christian will never be unkind, he will never under any circumstances neglect his father and mother. Commandment: “Honor your father and your mother.” Children, may your parents, sick and unable to care for themselves, have their last days full of contentment, peace and love. For God's sake, let them go down to the grave receiving only words of kindness, love, mercy and forgiveness from you. Do you want the Lord to love you, have mercy on you and forgive you, watching you in illness, and you don't want to treat others the way you want to be treated?

3. The amount of alimony collected from each of the children is determined by the court based on the financial and marital status of the parents and children and other noteworthy interests of the parties in a fixed sum of money payable monthly.

4. When determining the amount of alimony, the court has the right to take into account all able-bodied adult children of a given parent, regardless of whether the claim is made against all children, one of them, or several of them.

God's plan for caring for the elders. The issue of caring for our elderly and homeless brothers and sisters is a matter of constant insistence. The enlightenment given to me by the Lord is repeated: it is not better to create institutions for the care of the elderly so that they can be together in each other's company. They also do not have to be sent away from home to get help. Let the members of every family listen to their relatives. When this is not possible, this work belongs to the church and should be accepted as a duty and a privilege.

All who have the spirit of Christ will regard the weak and old with special respect and tenderness. A privilege that gives satisfaction and joy. The idea that children provide comfort to their parents is that they provide satisfaction throughout their lives and will be especially joyful when they themselves need sympathy and love. Those whose hearts are filled with love will have the inestimable privilege of smoothing their parents' path to the grave. They will rejoice in the thought that they were involved in providing comfort and peace for.

5. Children may be released from the obligation to support their disabled parents in need of help if the court finds that the parents evaded their duties as parents.

Children are exempt from paying child support to parents deprived of parental rights.

Chapter Contents

Publications in the press:

In the last days of his beloved parents. Otherwise, to deny the old inconsistencies, the kind-hearted service of sons and daughters will fill the soul with repentance, days of sorrow, if the heart does not harden and become cold as stone. In the picture a little boy was with other friends on a school trip. After examining the page a little more, the mother saw other photos that showed routine activities, parties, and group outings for field trips.

Miriam's case is not isolated. It turns out that behind often naive attitudes, institutions subject minors without parental consent, even facilitating the actions of criminals. Schools and teachers feel they have the right to expose a student, but the child's image is unique to the parents. Just as the institution and its employees do not take children anywhere without parental permission, the same goes for spreading the image of their children. If a parent feels uncomfortable with an image, he or she can ask for it to be removed from the page immediately.

August 12, 2013

Love with interest

August 6, 2013

17:59 In Russia they want to introduce a tax on the maintenance of parents

August 1, 2012

Alimony rights and obligations of family members

November 10, 2011

Deprivation of parental rights - the beginning

May 22, 2009

Something about alimony
Part IV. What do we owe our parents?

The new generation is initially experiencing online overexposure, so Irene warns of the possible damage caused by the circulation of images of children, especially those without parental permission. This exposure causes children to worry about the picture before they even want to do so.

Posting a student's photo online without parental consent can result in damages in court. However, this is not the case in all cases. Lawyer Tiara Ki Sato says the school's intention is taken into account by the judiciary when assessing the effect of using the image.