How do the 10 commandments differ from the 7 mortal commandments? Deadly sins in Orthodoxy: list in order and commandments of God

27.09.2019 Psychology

Mortal sins are actions by which a person moves away from God, harmful habits that a person does not want to admit and correct. The Lord, in His great mercy towards the human race, forgives mortal sins if he sees sincere repentance and a firm intention to change bad habits. You can find spiritual salvation through confession and...

What is sin?

The word “sin” has Greek roots and when translated it sounds like a mistake, a wrong step, an oversight. Committing a sin is a deviation from the true human destiny, entails a painful state of the soul, leading to its destruction and fatal illness. IN modern world human sins are portrayed as a forbidden, but attractive way of expressing personality, which distorts the real essence of the term “sin” - an act after which the soul becomes crippled and requires healing - confession.

10 deadly sins in Orthodoxy

The list of deviations - sinful acts - is long. The expression about the 7 deadly sins, on the basis of which serious destructive passions arise, was formulated in 590 by St. Gregory the Great. Passion is the habitual repetition of the same mistakes, forming destructive skills that, after temporary pleasure, cause torment.

In Orthodoxy - actions, after committing which a person does not repent, but voluntarily departs from God and loses contact with him. Without such support, the soul becomes callous, loses the ability to experience the spiritual joy of the earthly path and posthumously cannot exist next to the creator, and does not have the opportunity to go to heaven. You can repent and confess, get rid of mortal sins - you can change your priorities and passions while in earthly life.

Original sin - what is it?

Original sin is the tendency to commit sinful acts that has entered the human race, which arose after Adam and Eve, living in paradise, succumbed to temptation and committed a sinful fall. Addiction human will to do bad things was transmitted from the first inhabitants of the Earth to all people. When a person is born, he accepts an invisible inheritance - a sinful state of nature.

Sin of Sodom - what is it?

The formulation of the concept of the sin of Sodom is associated with the name ancient city Sodom. The Sodomites, in search of carnal pleasures, entered into physical relationships with individuals of the same sex, and did not neglect acts of violence and coercion in fornication. Homosexual relations or sodomy, bestiality are grave sins arising from fornication, they are shameful and abominable. The inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorah, as well as the surrounding cities, who lived in debauchery, were punished by the Lord - fire and rain of brimstone were sent from heaven to destroy the wicked.

According to God's plan, man and woman were endowed with distinctive mental and physical characteristics in order to complement each other. They became one and extended the human race. Family relationships In marriage, the birth and raising of children is the direct responsibility of every person. Fornication is a carnal sin that involves physical relations between a man and a woman, without coercion, not supported by a family union. Adultery is the satisfaction of physical lust with damage to the family union.

Misappropriation - what kind of sin is this?

Orthodox sins give rise to the habit of acquiring various things, sometimes completely unnecessary and unimportant - this is called money-grubbing. The desire to acquire new objects, to accumulate many things in the earthly world enslaves a person. An addiction to collecting, a tendency to acquire expensive luxury items - storage of soulless valuables that will not be useful in the afterlife, but in earthly life they take away a lot of money, nerves, time, and become the object of love that a person could show towards another person.

Covetousness - what kind of sin is this?

Extortion is a way of making money or obtaining Money due to the infringement of a neighbor, his difficult circumstances, the acquisition of property through fraudulent actions and transactions, theft. Human sins are harmful addictions, which, having realized and repented, can be left in the past, but renouncing covetousness requires the return of acquired property or waste of property, which is a difficult step on the path to correction.

Love of money - what kind of sin is this?

Sins in the Bible are described as passions - habits of human nature to occupy life and thoughts with hobbies that interfere with thinking about God. The love of money is the love of money, the desire to possess and preserve earthly riches; it is closely related to greed, stinginess, covetousness, money-grubbing, and covetousness. A money lover collects material assets - wealth. He builds human relationships, career, love and friendship according to the principle of whether it is profitable or not. It is difficult for a money lover to understand that true values ​​are not measured by money, true feelings are not for sale and cannot be bought.

Malachi - what kind of sin is this?

Malakia is a Church Slavonic word meaning the sin of masturbation or masturbation. Masturbation is a sin, the same for women and men. By committing such an act, a person becomes a slave to prodigal passion, which can develop into other serious vices - types of unnatural fornication, and turn into the habit of indulging in unclean thoughts. It is appropriate for those who are single and widowed to maintain bodily purity and not to defile themselves with harmful passions. If there is no desire to abstain, you must get married.

Dejection is a mortal sin

Dejection is a sin that weakens the soul and body; it causes a decline in physical strength, laziness, and a feeling of spiritual despair and hopelessness. The desire to work disappears and a wave of hopelessness and careless attitude overtakes - an unclear emptiness arises. Depression is a state of despondency, when an unreasonable melancholy arises in the human soul, there is no desire to do good deeds - to work to save the soul and help others.

The sin of pride - how is it expressed?

Pride is a sin that causes a desire to rise, to be recognized in society - an arrogant attitude and contempt for others, based on the importance of one’s own personality. The feeling of pride is a loss of simplicity, a cooling of the heart, a lack of compassion for others, and the manifestation of strict, unmerciful reasoning about the actions of another person. A proud person does not recognize God’s help in life’s journey and does not have feelings of gratitude towards those who do good.

Idleness - what kind of sin is it?

Idleness is a sin, an addiction that causes a person’s reluctance to work, to put it simply - idleness. This state of soul gives rise to other passions - drunkenness, fornication, condemnation, deception, etc. A person who does not work - an idle person lives at the expense of another, sometimes blaming him for insufficient maintenance, is irritable from unhealthy sleep - without working hard during the day, he does not get proper rest. given by fatigue. Envy seizes the idle man when he looks at the fruits of the toiler. He is overcome by despair and despondency - which is considered a grave sin.

Gluttony - what kind of sin is it?

Addiction to food and drink is a sinful desire called gluttony. It is an attraction that gives the body power over the spiritual mind. Gluttony manifests itself in several forms - overeating, enjoying tastes, gourmetism, drunkenness, secret consumption of food. Satisfying the belly should not be an important goal, but only a reinforcement of bodily needs - a need that does not limit spiritual freedom.

Mortal sins cause spiritual wounds that lead to suffering. The initial illusion of temporary pleasure develops into a harmful habit, which requires more and more sacrifices, takes away part of the earthly time allocated to a person for prayers and good deeds. He becomes a slave to a passionate will, which is unnatural for the natural state and ultimately causes harm to himself. The opportunity to realize and change one’s harmful habits is given to everyone; passions can be overcome by virtues that are opposite to them in action.

Modern life is full of temptations; everywhere a person is told that his desires are the law, and he himself is the highest value. Everything is wrong in the worldview of Orthodox believers. According to him, man is only a creature called to serve Him and not indulge the bad sides of his character. The basis and guidance in their lives are the 10 commandments of God, which are given in order to avoid the 7.

10 commandments of God

The goal of the Christian life is not pleasure, wealth or fame, every believer dreams of finding after death eternal life in heaven with . According to the Biblical narrative, in Old Testament times, God personally talked with some righteous people, through them conveying His will to others. One of these people was the prophet Moses. It was he who brought the Law to the Jewish people, according to which they must live.

There are various commands mentioned in Scripture:

  • The 10 commandments of God listed in Old Testament(Law of Moses);
  • The Beatitudes (given during the Sermon on the Mount);
  • The two main commandments given by the Son of God (Luke 10:27).

There are other instructions on how to go through the path of spiritual improvement. But today we will talk about the Decalogue - those commandments that were given to Moses on Mount Sinai. This happened after the Jewish people left Egypt. The Lord descended on the mountain in a cloud and inscribed the Law on stone slabs.

The 10 commandments of God are not just a list of prohibitions, but a kind of instruction for spiritual safety. The Lord warns people that if they violate the laws of the universe, they themselves will suffer from it. The list of decalogues in the Old Testament is given twice - in the books of Exodus (chapter 20) and Deuteronomy (chapter 5). Here is the Law of Moses in Russian:

1. “I am the Lord your God... You shall have no other gods before Me.”

2. “You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth below, or that is in the water under the earth.”

3. “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave unpunished the one who takes His name in vain.”

4. “Six days you shall work and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.”

5. “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days on earth may be long.”

6. “Thou shalt not kill.”

7. "Thou shalt not commit adultery."

8. “Don’t steal.”

9. “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

10. “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; You shall not covet your neighbor's wife; neither his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.”.

In Orthodoxy and Protestantism the order of the commandments is somewhat different, but the essence does not change. So, in order to get into the Kingdom of Heaven, you do not need to read a lot of spiritual literature, perform an endless number of bows and rituals. It is only necessary to Everyday life avoid sins. In reality, of course, this is not so easy for modern pampered people.

  • The first four commandments (according to Orthodox Church) laws regulate the relationship between man and God.
  • The remaining six (from 5th to 10th) show how to treat others.

The coming of the Savior to earth in no way abolishes the Decalogue; on the contrary, it introduced a new understanding into its observance.

Interpretation of the commandments

May you have no other gods

Christianity is a monotheistic religion in which there is room for only one God. He is the Creator, the giver of life. The entire visible world exists thanks to Him - from the ant to the stars in the sky. Everything good that is in the human soul has its roots in God.

Many people pay attention to how beautifully and wisely nature works. All this is the result of God's plan. Birds know where to fly, grass grows, trees bloom and bear fruit in due time. The source of everything is the Lord of hosts. Man needs only one Creator, kind, generous, patient. Many things are sins against the first commandment:

  • denial of God;
  • superstition;
  • passion for the occult, magic, witchcraft;
  • joining sectarian organizations.

Worshiping any other being will be a substitute for the true God. This is discussed in more detail in the next commandment.

Do not make yourself an idol.

Logically continues the first commandment. You cannot confuse creation - even a beautiful and worthy one - with the Creator, worship celebrities, or put someone or something at the center of your life that is not God. For many today, their smartphones have become idols, expensive cars. An idol can be not only a person or a physical object, but also an idea. For example, the desire for material prosperity, the desire to please one’s lusts.

Do not take God's name in vain.

The gift of speech distinguishes man from animals. It was not given in vain; with the help of words, a person can ascend to heaven or sin, encourage his neighbors or slander them. Therefore, you should be very careful about what you say. You should read the Word of God out loud more often, pray, and gossip and talk less.

About Saturday rest.

Following the example set by God Himself, a person should devote one day to rest. His goal is not only to regain strength, but also to pay tribute to his Lord. This day should be spent in prayer, Bible study, and acts of mercy. In Old Testament times, the Jews rested on the Sabbath. But Christ came, he rose from the grave on Sunday, so this is the day that Orthodox Christians now dedicate to going to church and taking their children to Sunday schools.

About honoring parents.

Each of us has a father and mother, grandparents. Relationships do not always go smoothly; the views of young people often differ from the opinions of the older generation. But still, as directed by the Lord, we must always respect our elders, show them respect and care. Without learning this commandment, a person will not be able to honor God with dignity.

Dont kill.

Life is a great gift that the Creator gives to man. For everyone in the world there is a task, a purpose, it is unique. No one dares to take life, not even the one to whom it was given. Therefore, suicide in Christianity is one of the most grave sins. By voluntarily leaving life, a person neglects the greatest gift from God. Many holy fathers say that repentance is impossible beyond the grave, and the Bible testifies to this.

In Christianity, abortion (no matter at what stage) is also equivalent to murder. The soul is considered alive from the very moment of conception. By rudely interrupting the baby's existence, the mother interferes with the global plans of the Creator. There will not be a soul on this earth who was probably called to do many good deeds. Addiction to tobacco, alcohol and other chemicals is a slow suicide. Therefore, addictions are also sins against the 6th commandment.

About adultery.

Marriage in Christianity should be unique and inviolable, despite any circumstances. Cheating on a husband or wife can be not only literal, when one of the spouses enters into a relationship with another person. Even thoughts about such things leave the imprint of sin on the soul.

It is also illegal to have a relationship with someone of the same sex. No matter how many today try to impose the idea that homosexuality is normal, the Bible clearly says that the Lord is against it. Just read the story of the punishment of Sodom. The inhabitants of this city wanted to abuse the angels who appeared with Lot in the guise of men. The next morning, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, because the Lord did not find even five righteous people in it.

Against theft.

God cares not only about the spiritual, but also the material well-being of man. Therefore, He prohibits appropriating other people's property. You cannot deceive funds, rob, steal, give and take bribes, or commit fraud.

Prohibition on lying.

We have already said that language can be a means of death or salvation. The Lord shows us that telling a lie is bad not only for the liar himself, but can also cause great trouble for his neighbors. Not only should you not tell lies, you should also not gossip, slander, or use foul language.

Ban on envy.

The 10th Commandment also protects the rights of our neighbor. The Lord measures earthly blessings to everyone differently. From the outside it may seem that your neighbor does not know grief, because he has a better apartment, beautiful wife and so on. In fact, no one can fully understand another. Therefore, one should not covet what an acquaintance, colleague, or friend has.

The final prohibition of the decalogue is, rather, of a New Testament nature, since it relates not to action, but to wrong thoughts. They are the source of any sin. Let us move on from God’s commandments to transgressions.

7 deadly sins

The doctrine of the 7 deadly sins has ancient origins. Why are they called that? Because they separate man from God, but He alone is the source of all goods, including life. A person living in the Garden of Eden could eat the fruits of the Tree of Life. Now this is impossible for the descendants of Adam. Christians live in the hope that after physical death they will finally be able to unite with the Creator.

After a person deviates from the Law written in his heart, he feels his distance from the Lord, is deprived of grace, no longer strives to see the face of God, but naively hides from him, like Adam. It is important in such a state to remember the all-forgiving love of Christ and repent from the heart.

Already in the 2nd-3rd centuries. the monks formulated the main human sins. It is no coincidence that the hell that Dante described has seven circles. The famous theologian Thomas Aquinas also names the same number. It is these mortal sins that are the source of all the others. Many theologians consider them not individual offenses, but a group of sins.

The list of the worst human passions consists of seven points that must be impeccably observed for the sake of saving the soul and righteous life. In fact, there is little mention of sins directly in the Bible, since they were written by famous theologians from Greece and Rome. The final list of mortal sins was compiled by Pope Gregory the Great. Each point had its place, and the distribution was made according to the criterion of contrasting love. The list of the 7 deadly sins in descending order from most serious to least serious is as follows:

  1. Pride- one of the most terrible human sins, implying arrogance, vanity, and excessive pride. If a person overestimates his capabilities and constantly repeats his superiority over others, this contradicts the greatness of the Lord, from whom each of us comes;
  2. Envy- this is a source of serious crimes that are reborn on the basis of the desire for someone else’s wealth, well-being, success, status. Because of this, people begin to do nasty things to others until the object of envy loses all his wealth. Envy is a direct violation of the 10th commandment;
  3. Anger- a feeling that absorbs from the inside, which is the complete opposite of love. It can manifest itself as hatred, resentment, resentment, and physical violence. Initially, the Lord put this feeling into the soul of a person so that he could renounce sinful acts and temptations in time, but soon it itself developed into sin;
  4. Laziness- is inherent in people who constantly suffer from unrealistic hopes, dooming themselves to a boring, pessimistic life, while the person does nothing to achieve their goal, but only becomes discouraged. This leads to a spiritual and mental state of extreme laziness. Such inconsistency is nothing more than a person’s departure from the Lord and suffering due to the lack of all earthly goods;
  5. Greed- most often rich, selfish people suffer from this mortal sin, but not always. It doesn’t matter whether he is a person from the rich, middle and poor class, a beggar or a rich man - each of them strives to increase his wealth;
  6. Gluttony- this sin is inherent in people who are in slavery to their own stomach. At the same time, sinfulness can manifest itself not only in gluttony, but also in the love of delicious dishes. Whether a regular glutton or a gourmet gourmet, each of them extols food into a kind of cult;
  7. Voluptuousness, fornication, adultery- manifests itself not only in physical passion, but also in sinful thoughts about carnal intimacy. Various obscene dreams, watching an erotic video, even telling a vulgar joke - this is, according to the Orthodox Church, a great mortal sin.

Ten Commandments

Many people are often mistaken in identifying mortal sins and God's commandments. Although there are some similarities in the lists, the 10 commandments relate directly to the Lord, which is why their observance is so important. According to biblical accounts, this list was delivered by Jesus himself into the hands of Moses. The first four of them tell about the interaction between the Lord and man, the next six tell about the relationship between people.

  • Believe in the only God- first of all, this commandment was aimed at fighting heretics and pagans, but since then it has lost such relevance, because most beliefs are aimed at reading the one Lord.
  • Don't create an idol for yourself- This expression was originally used in relation to idol worshipers. Now the commandment is interpreted as a rejection of everything that could distract from faith in the one Lord.
  • Don't take the Lord's name in vain— you can’t just mention God fleetingly and meaninglessly; this applies to the expressions “Oh, God,” “By God,” etc., used in dialogue with another person.
  • Remember the day off- this is not just a day that needs to be devoted to relaxation. On this day, in the Orthodox Church it is often Sunday, you need to devote yourself to God, prayers to him, thoughts about the Almighty, etc.
  • Honor your parents, after all, it was they who, after the Lord, gave you life.
  • Dont kill- according to the commandment, only God can take away the life of a person to whom he himself gave it.
  • Don't commit adultery- Every man and woman should live in a monogamous marriage.
  • Don't steal- according to the commandment, only God gives all the benefits that he can take away.
  • Do not lie- You cannot slander your neighbor.
  • Do not envy- you cannot desire what belongs to someone else, and this applies not only to objects, belongings, wealth, but also to spouses, pets, etc.

Conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study public opinion(VTsIOM) showed the following:

A third of Russians most of who called themselves Orthodox, could not remember a single mortal sin.
Those who remember such sins most often name murder, theft and adultery. Murder was named a mortal sin by 43%, theft by 28%, adultery by 14% of respondents. 10% of respondents consider lying and perjury to be mortal sins, 8% - envy, 5% - pride and vanity, 4% - gluttony and gluttony. Apparently, remembering that “Rus' has joy in drinking,” only 3% of respondents classified it as consumption of alcohol is a mortal sin, the same number of Russians are intolerant of fornication, anger, harming others and betrayal. 2% consider despondency, laziness, greed and greed, blasphemy, suicide and abortion to be mortal sins. 1% - anger, hatred, disrespect for parents and foul language.

P.S. I also asked myself a similar question, but I didn’t remember much myself. There was some confusion in the concepts...

A.V. This, my dears, is how I got involved in a religious discussion just now. I began to explain to people everything about the church, about superstitions, why fasting is needed, etc. And then I, a sinner, was asked, as a seminarian, 2 questions. First: list the 10 commandments. To be honest, I was taken by surprise, I named five commandments, completely forgot the first three... In general, I was a complete fiasco. When I came home, I set myself to learn all 10 commandments, so that later people would not take seriously everything I told them about religion. It turned out to be more difficult with the seven deadly sins. I couldn’t find any mention of them anywhere, I could only say: Murder, suicide, theft, fornication, sodomy. Maybe you can tell me?
In general, I noticed that many Orthodox Christians are not very knowledgeable in the region. of their own creed, precisely theoretically, I mean that many non-Orthodox people certainly blame us....

A.K. This is not in the Bible. This usually refers to a list of the seven deadly sins according to Thomas Aquinas.

V.S. If we read the 10 commandments in Holy Scripture, then the 7 deadly sins are still a kind of convention. Any sin can become mortal if it is not confessed, if it is not healed, if it gives rise to a passion that has taken possession of a person...

Here's what we have on Wikipedia on this topic:

IN Christian tradition concepts occupy a special place sin And repentance. Sin for Christians is not just an offense or fault, it is something contrary to human nature (after all, man is created in the image and likeness of God). Sin is the depravity of a human being. Sin is a visible manifestation of the sinful fallen nature of a human being, which he acquired during the Fall.

The focus or dwelling place of sin in a person is his flesh (fallen body). From the flesh, sin penetrates the soul and manifests itself in the form of thoughts, words, emotions, passions, actions, etc.

A person is helpless before sin and cannot cope with it on his own; only God can deliver him from this vice, therefore a person needs salvation.

Types of sin

There are three types of sin

  • Personal sin- an act against conscience and the commandments of God.
  • Original sin- damage human nature, which arose as a result of the sin of our ancestors.
  • Ancestral sin- a special hereditary susceptibility to some passion in a given clan (tribe, people, etc.), caused by the serious crimes of one’s ancestor (ancestors). This concept is quite new and not recognized by everyone.

St. Macarius the Great speaks about all three types of sin: “As soon as you withdraw from the world and begin to seek God and talk about Him, you will have to fight with your nature ( original sin), with the same morals (personal sin) and with the skill that is innate to you (ancestral sin)” (Conversation 32:9).

An action (or inaction), a word, a thought, a desire, a feeling can be sinful.

According to Christian doctrine, there are a number of acts that are sinful and unworthy of a true Christian. Classification of acts y on this basis based on biblical texts, especially on ten commandments of God's law and gospel commandments. Below is an approximate list of acts that are considered sins regardless of religion.

According to the Christian understanding of the Bible, a person who commits a voluntary sin (i.e., realizing that it is a sin and resistance to God), may become obsessed.

Sins against the Lord God

  • pride;
  • failure to fulfill the holy will of God;
  • violation of commandments: ten commandments of the Law of God, gospel commandments, church commandments;
  • unbelief and lack of faith;
  • lack of hope for the Lord's mercy, despair;
  • excessive reliance on God's mercy;
  • hypocritical worship of God, without the love and fear of God;
  • lack of gratitude to the Lord for all His blessings - including for the sorrows and illnesses sent down to them;
  • appeal to psychics, astrologers, fortune tellers, fortune tellers;
  • practicing “black” and “white” magic, witchcraft, fortune telling, spiritualism;
  • superstition, belief in dreams, omens, wearing talismans, reading horoscopes even out of curiosity;
  • blasphemy and grumbling against the Lord in the soul and in words;
  • failure to fulfill vows made to God;
  • calling on the name of God in vain, without necessity, swearing in the name of the Lord;
  • blasphemous attitude towards the Holy Scriptures;
  • shame and fear of professing faith;
  • failure to read the Holy Scriptures;
  • going to temple without diligence, laziness in prayer, absent-minded and cold prayer, absent-minded listening to readings and chants; being late for service and leaving the service early;
  • disrespect for the feasts of God;
  • thoughts about suicide, attempts to commit suicide;
  • sexual immorality such as adultery, fornication, sodomy, sadomasochism, masturbation, etc.

Sins against one's neighbor

  • lack of love for others;
  • lack of love for enemies, hatred of them, wishing them harm;
  • inability to forgive, repaying evil for evil;
  • lack of respect for elders and to the bosses, to parents, grief and offense to parents;
  • failure to fulfill a promise, non-payment of debts, open or secret appropriation of someone else's property;
  • beating, attempt on someone else's life;
  • killing babies in the womb ( abortions), advice to have abortions for neighbors;
  • robbery, extortion;
  • bribery;
  • refusal to intervene for the weak and innocent, refusal to help someone in trouble;
  • laziness and carelessness at work, disrespect for the work of others, irresponsibility;
  • poor parenting is outside the Christian faith;
  • cursing children;
  • lack of mercy, stinginess;
  • reluctance to visit patients;
  • failure to pray for mentors, relatives, enemies;
  • hardness of heart, cruelty to animals, birds;
  • destruction trees needlessly;
  • bickering, non-yielding to neighbors, disputes;
  • slander, condemnation, slander;
  • gossip, retelling other people's sins, eavesdropping on other people's conversations;
  • insult, enmity with neighbors, scandals, hysteria, curses, insolence, arrogant and free behavior towards one’s neighbor, mockery;
  • hypocrisy;
  • anger;
  • suspicion of neighbors of unseemly acts;
  • deception;
  • perjury;
  • seductive behavior, desire to seduce;
  • jealousy;
  • telling dirty jokes, corruption by one’s actions of one’s neighbors (adults and minors);
  • friendship for self-interest and treason.

Sins against yourself

  • vanity, honoring yourself as the bestpride , lack of humility and obedience, arrogance, arrogance, spiritual egoism, suspicion;
  • lies, envy;
  • idle talk, ridicule;
  • foul language;
  • irritation, indignation, resentment, resentment, grief;
  • despondency, melancholy, sadness;
  • doing good deeds for show;
  • laziness, spending time in idleness, sleeping a lot;
  • gluttony, gluttony;
  • love for the earthly and material more than for the heavenly and spiritual;
  • addiction to money things, luxury, pleasures;
  • excessive attention to the flesh;
  • desire for earthly honors and glory;
  • excessive attachment to everything earthly, various kinds of things and worldly goods;
  • drug use, drunkenness;
  • playing cards, gambling;
  • pimping, prostitution;
  • performance of obscene songs and dances;
  • watching pornographic films, reading pornographic books, magazines;
  • acceptance of lustful thoughts, pleasure and delay in unclean thoughts;
  • defilement in a dream, fornication (sex outside marriage);
  • adultery (infidelity during marriage);
  • allowing liberties to the crown and perversion in married life;
  • masturbation (defilement of oneself with prodigal touches), immodest viewing of wives and young men;
  • sodomy;
  • bestiality;
  • belittling your sins, blaming your neighbors, and not condemning yourself.

The lists of the Ten Commandments in the Jewish and Christian traditions are somewhat different.

  1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; Let you have no other gods before Me.
  2. You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth below, or that is in the water under the earth; You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me, and showing mercy to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments.
  3. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who takes His name in vain.
  4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy; six days thou shalt work and do all thy work in them, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: on it thou shalt not do any work, neither thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor [thy ox]. neither your donkey, nor any of your livestock, nor the stranger who is in your gates; For in six days the Lord created heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them, and rested on the seventh day; Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and sanctified it.
  5. Honor your father and your mother, so that it may go well with you and that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.
  6. Thou shalt not kill.
  7. Don't commit adultery.
  8. Don't steal.
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house; You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor any of his livestock, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.

How many commandments of God are there: an explanation and list of all the commandments of God in Russian.

  • The meaning of the first commandment is that God is one, and all living things exist according to His will and according to His will return to Him. The power and might that are in the Lord do not exist in any of the earthly or heavenly creatures. The power of God is manifested in sunlight, in sea and river water, in the air, in frozen stone.
  • Whether an earthworm crawls on the ground, whether a bird flies, whether a fish dissects the depths of the sea - all this happens according to the will of the Lord. The germination of a seed, the rustle of grass, the breathing of a person is a manifestation of unearthly abilities received by everything that lives, grows, and exists thanks to God.
  • The first commandment, which God points to Himself, is one of the most important for the believer, calling to love the only and true God with all his heart, with all his soul and with all his thoughts. A person must fear and love the Lord at the same time, and at the same time not stop trusting Him, regardless of life circumstances.
The first commandment of God is to believe in one Lord God: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children
  • Only the Lord knows what we need and what destiny is destined for us. The ability to do anything is acquired only by the will of the Lord, because He is the source of life-giving and powerful power that does not exist in any other form. Wisdom and knowledge come from the Lord, and every creature is endowed with a particle of the Wisdom of God: the ant, the slug, the tit and the eagle, wood and stone, water and air also have their own wisdom.
  • God's wisdom prompts the bee to build a honeycomb, the bird to make a nest and nurse its chicks, the tree grows, directing its branches to the sun, and the stone is silent and maintains its shape. No one generates his own wisdom, since it is supplied by the one and only source of all wisdom - God. The Lord gives life-giving and great Wisdom to everything.

How to pray to the Lord? Here is the text of the prayer:

“Merciful God, inexhaustible, the only source of strength, strengthen me, weak, and give me greater strength so that I can better serve You. God, give me wisdom so that I do not use the power I have received from You for evil, but only for the good of myself and my neighbors for the magnification of Your glory. Amen".

How to Pray to the Lord

Explanation of the first commandment for children:

  • The commandments of God are laws given by the Lord to all people. People need commandments in order to do the right thing and not confuse good and evil.
  • Faith with all your soul in the one Lord is as natural as believing your parents, trusting them, consulting with them and opening your heart to them. God not only created the world, he takes care of everyone who lives on earth. Love for the Lord and reverence is manifested in turning to Him in prayer:

“Let only the Lord reign in your heart,
And only open the door of your heart to Him!
Let God be the meaning of your whole life!
Let Him rule and rule in it!”

Video: 10 Ten Commandments of God

  • You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth below, or that is in the water under the earth.
  • There is not a single creation that can become for a believer the same power that the Lord is. When you climb a high mountain to meet the Lord, you don’t need to look at the reflection in the river flowing nearby. When presented before the ruler, there is no need to look around at his servants, hoping to hear advice from them or receive help.
  • Do we turn to mediators in matters where only those closest to us can help? Will the Father remain indifferent to the experiences and difficulties of his children? With servants it is easier for those who have sin in their souls. But the sinless one does not turn his eyes away from his Father, but boldly looks at the one who is more merciful than the servants.
  • The Lord burns away the sins in each of us, just as the sun’s rays have a destructive effect on harmful microbes that appear in water. This purifies the water and makes it suitable for drinking.
  • Therefore, the second commandment is the prohibition of idolatry and the creation of idols for veneration. With the second commandment, the Lord prohibits the veneration of the likeness or image of what we observe in the sky (Sun, Moon, stars), and what lives on the earth’s surface (plants, animals, people) or is found in the depths of the sea (fish).
  • However, this does not mean that the Lord forbids the veneration of holy icons and relics, because this is only an image, an image of the Lord, angels or saints.
    Holy images are given to us as a memory of the deeds of God and His saints, to lift our thoughts to God and His saints.

The second commandment of God - do not make for yourself an idol: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

Explaining the second commandment to children:

  • It is very difficult for a child to understand what an idol is or why people create idols. It is necessary to find a comparison that is closest and most understandable to the child.
  • An idol is what a person mistakenly takes to be the most important and important thing in life. By worshiping idols or idols, a person may even forget about the Lord. But will a child exchange his mother for a doll or his father for a new bicycle? Let's remember the fairy tale about Kai and Gerda. The boy believed that the Snow Queen was his idol, forgetting about simple things- kindness, love. But this did not bring him happiness and the ice castle with perfect, regular cold pears became for him a cage in which his soul perished.
  • And only Gerda’s love helped his heart melt and the boy remembered God. Likewise, any Christian should first of all love and remember the Lord, and only then - about loved ones.

“Let your Lord be the only God,
Although there are always many different idols in life,
Serve only Him with all your soul!
Trust in God, not in people!”

Video: Children about the commandments

  • The third commandment prohibits pronouncing the name of the Lord in empty, meaningless conversations, jokes, games, when a person curses, utters an oath, or deceives. You also cannot pronounce the name of God in every prayer to Him, glorify Him or thank Him superstitiously.

Explaining the third commandment to children:

  • The name of God is pronounced with due attention and reverence. Even a short appeal to the Lord is prayer. It’s like we’re dialing a phone number and waiting for an answer at the other end.
  • Every Christian carefully keeps the name of the Lord in his heart and releases it from there only on special occasions. When mentioning the name of the Lord in conversation, say “have mercy” or “Glory to Thee.” Then turning to God will take the form of prayer.

“Don’t say God’s name in vain!
Let your respect burn in those words.
Let your heart beat with love for Him,
Gratitude and faith always ring in him!”

The third commandment of God - do not take the name of the Lord God in vain: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

  • The fourth commandment commands Christians to devote all days of the week to work and to do things to which they are called. And only the seventh day should be dedicated to the service of God and set aside for holy deeds pleasing to the Lord: prayers, concern for the salvation of one’s soul, visiting the Temple of God, studying the Law of God, reading the Holy Letter.
  • Among other deeds pleasing to God are those that are considered useful for the soul: enlightening the mind and heart with useful knowledge, reading books useful for the soul, helping those in need: the poor, prisoners, the sick, orphans.

Explaining the fourth commandment to children:

  • The seventh day should be spent in prayer and reading the Bible.
  • Heavenly Father listens to our appeals every day and only on the seventh day expects us to visit the Temple, participate in worship and receive Communion to Christ.

“A Christian chooses life for himself with God,
And that’s why he always attends church.
He strives to know more about the Lord,
And learn the wisdom of God from the Bible.”
Dedicate time to the Lord - you will be successful,
And tenderly comforted by His eternal mercy.”

The fourth commandment of God - always remember the Sabbath day off: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

  • With the fifth commandment the Lord promises long life prosperity to those who honor their parents. Respect for parents is manifested in love for them, respectful attitude, obedience, and help.
  • The Lord also calls to utter only those words that will please my parents, and also not to do anything that will offend or upset them. During the illness of parents, you need to pray for them. After their death, do not forget to ask the Lord for the salvation of their souls.

Explaining the fifth commandment to children:

  • Dad and mom take care of their children and help them while they are small, despite their behavior, grades at school, abilities or lack thereof.
  • Therefore, children should help their elderly and infirm parents in their declining years. Honoring your mother and father means not only speaking politely to them, but also providing real support. After all, in their declining years, parents need emotional attention and participation.

“Be respectful to your dad and mom!
The wisdom and experience of parents are worth attention!
Treasure them, listen and obey!
Try to make your character like God!
And then your life will be prosperous.
It will be long, and, at the same time, not boring.”

The fifth commandment of God is to honor and respect parents: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

  • The sixth commandment is the prohibition against killing by any means. The prohibition applies both to other people and to oneself (suicide). The most terrible and serious sin is the deprivation of life - the greatest gift of God.
  • Suicide is one of the grave sins, in which not only the sin of murder is seen, but despair and daring rebellion against the Providence of the Lord. A suicide will not be able to repent after death and ask for salvation for his soul.

The sixth commandment of God is not to kill: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

Explaining the sixth commandment to children:

  • Taking the life of one person by another is the most terrible sin.
  • The same sin is to torture animals, birds, insects. All of them are creations of the Lord, which man must take care of.

"It kills people
Not just weapons!
And life is shortened
Sometimes it’s not guns,
A harsh word
A thoughtless act
Life destroys another
Is he old or young?
Take care of people
Take care, love,
Bless everyone
And give joy!”

  • Adultery is a violation of marital fidelity. Illegal, impure love is considered sinful. Violation of marital fidelity and love is prohibited by the Lord.
  • If a person is not bound by an oath of fidelity to his spouse, then he should adhere to pure thoughts and desires, remain virgin in deeds and words. What does this mean? It is necessary to avoid what gives rise to unclean feelings: swearing, shameless songs, dancing, looking at seductive images, shows, drunkenness.

Explaining the seventh commandment to children:

  • A person bound by marriage or an oath of fidelity should not step over love or betray his loved one.
  • A family can only be saved if both the man and the woman remain faithful to each other.

“Years will pass. You will grow up. God will give you a spouse.
You will love it. You will get married. Always be faithful and devoted to your friend.
Work on your relationships. Wait for God's answer.
Don't change your love. Don't break your covenant."

The seventh commandment of God is not to commit adultery: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

  • Theft, as well as appropriation in any way of what belongs to another person, is prohibited by the Lord.
  • Stealing is considered a bad act. If a person finds an expensive item on the street and takes it for himself, this is also considered theft. It would be better to try to find the person who lost this item. Such an act is a manifestation of loyalty to the holy God.

“The one who took from people,
Their things, by dishonest means,
That man became a thief
This will become known to everyone."

The eighth commandment of God is not to steal: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

  • All lies, untruths, slander are prohibited by the Lord by the tenth commandment. Testifying to a lie during a trial against another person, denunciation, slander, and gossip are unacceptable for a Christian.
  • You cannot lie even if you have no intention of harming your neighbor. Because such behavior is not consistent with love and respect for others.

Explaining the Ninth Commandment to Children:

  • There are situations when the only way to avoid punishment may be to lie. But this method is just an illusion.
  • By following the path of lies, you can overcome certain difficulties, but in the end, circumstances will develop in such a way that the deception will be revealed. Also, you can’t tell lies about people.

“Don’t tell lies about people!
For this, ask God for help,
To see the good in your neighbors.
Think not evil, but good about them!
A lie can bring misfortune
And bring the truth to your victory.”

The ninth commandment of God is not to lie: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

The tenth commandment of God is not to envy: interpretation, brief explanation for adults and children

  • The Lord does not allow others to do something bad, and also forbids bad desires and thoughts towards others or loved ones. The tenth commandment speaks of the sin of envy.
  • Anyone who mentally desires something else can easily cross the line separating bad thoughts and bad deeds. The very feeling of envy already defiles the soul.
  • She becomes unclean before the Lord, because sin came into the world through devilish envy. A true Christian must cleanse his soul from internal impurities, guard against bad desires and remain grateful to God for what he has. If a friend or neighbor has a lot of everything, then you need to be happy for him.

Explaining the Tenth Commandment to Children:

  • With the Tenth Commandment, God forbids people to envy. After all, this feeling prevents them from living joyfully: among loved ones and neighbors, among acquaintances, there will always be someone whose life may seem better than their own.
  • But there are many examples in fairy tales that you cannot be greedy and always want more than you have. For example, the greedy old woman from Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Golden Fish”.
    If something very good happens to your friends, then it is better to be sincerely happy for them and thank the Lord for it.

“Do not covet anything that your neighbor owns.
Don’t dream that someone has an extra item.
These thoughts will bring you suffering,
After all, for sin you will bring punishment to yourself.”