Health horoscope for July Capricorn. How to distinguish an allergic runny nose from a cold

02.08.2019 Psychology

In July 2016, Capricorns become more passionate and sensual than usual. Perhaps in love you will reveal yourself from an unexpected side, even for yourself. Moreover, this month brings out the connection between love and money.

The first ten days of the month is a rather controversial period. The house of your sign's partner is filled with planets, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus transiting through it. Unfortunately, all of these planets oppose Pluto in Capricorn, so unwanted plot twists are possible in the relationship. Beware of rash actions so as not to awaken any dormant problems, otherwise they can develop into conflicts.

Singles of your sign can look forward to meeting someone special. But you should be alert and remain prudent. The love story that has begun promises to be exciting and passionate, although it will subsequently bring a lot of anxiety and disappointment.

On July 12, 2016, the planet of love Venus moves into the eighth house of temptations of Capricorn, on July 14 Mercury joins it, and in your personal life new trends are emerging. The intimate side of love becomes very important for relationships; this is what will refresh feelings and bring harmony.

Planetary influences for Capricorns will be expressed in increased interest in finance and other material areas of life. There is a possibility that profit will come through a partner. Together with your lover or spouse, you will make efforts aimed at increasing your income and solving general financial issues. This can strengthen relationships, but on the contrary, it can complicate mutual understanding. If the couple is harmonious and the actions are coordinated, a successful period awaits you in terms of money. But in case of disagreement, losses and conflicts over finances are possible.

Capricorn career and finance horoscope for July 2016

This is the month when previously made efforts take shape and are expressed in visible achievements. July 2016 foretells success in work and business for Capricorn. Even if you don’t get significant results, you can lay the foundation for future career development.

Capricorn's priority will be financial questions, it is in this direction that the main efforts will be made. Perhaps you will develop a financial strategy for the future, invest money in some promising project, or make an important decision related to money.

In some periods, the financial situation will be completely unclear due to the fact that other people are involved in your financial affairs: spouse, relatives, business partners, etc. If in doubt, seek advice from specialists so as not to later regret your choice.


The month may bring concerns about health for Capricorn, especially his other half. During this period, Mercury, which rules Capricorn's house of health, is positioned in your eighth house, creating potential risks. Exacerbation of chronic diseases and injuries is possible, so you need to avoid dangerous circumstances.

Do not borrow large sums of money, avoid taking loans and borrowing money.

July 2016 will be quite successful for Capricorns. This time is extremely peaceful and harmonious. No problem can disrupt the positive course of things. Representatives of the sign can calmly and confidently move in the desired direction without any unexpected adventures.

In the field of work and business, you can slow down the pace of work. The main thing is not to lose sight of the really important points. Despite the successful situation, perfection knows no bounds and in this area there are chances to move to a new level of income or career. However, to do this you need to see the opportunities and take advantage of the given chance. This is especially true for those who work for themselves. Remain vigilant and do not rush to draw conclusions even if they seem obvious. Don’t rush to sign your first contracts; perhaps something better will turn up in the very next few days. Remember that hasty actions do not lead to the desired results.

In love

In this area, life will be just as calm and peaceful. It is important to learn to understand your partner's ideas. Perhaps they are not as crazy as they seem at first glance. Perhaps love has nothing to do with common sense at all. Be more responsive and attentive, do not go to extremes. This is a great time to analyze your words and actions. Act slowly and without sudden movements, otherwise it may complicate your life.

Love horoscope 2016 has prepared a lot of events for Capricorn. Many representatives of the earth sign will decide to propose to their significant other. Lonely Capricorns will experience strong love in the year of the Monkey. There is a high probability that the relationship will develop into a marriage. The love horoscope warns: do not be jealous! A slight feeling of jealousy will sharpen desire and help diversify your sex life. But don't go too far. Otherwise, instead of having a pleasant time, you will alienate your soulmate forever. Why do you need a painful breakup if you have the opportunity to build a strong and long-term relationship?

Towards the middle of 2018 the situation will stabilize. There will be harmony and complete mutual understanding in the relationship. The Capricorn man will fulfill all the wishes of the chosen one. The Capricorn woman will give her beloved tenderness and warmth.

For men

A Capricorn family man will devote a lot of time to his wife. The wife will reciprocate his feelings. However, no one is immune from mistakes. If you are jealous of your loved one, you can cause a scandal. The love horoscope advises you to reflect on your own behavior. Remember that your significant other has the right to privacy. Your woman has her own hobbies, desires, plans. Be attentive to her. The chosen one will tell you how to improve the relationship.

For women

For married Capricorn women, a calm time will come, filled with harmony and romance. They will happily devote themselves to their husband and everyday life. Any conflicts will be resolved quickly and quietly. The love horoscope warns: it will appear ex-lover a spouse who will try to destroy your union. Do not give in to provocations, behave calmly, because her husband is indifferent to her.

For single men

A significant meeting awaits single Capricorn men. You will be fascinated by your lady and will soon think about marriage. The love horoscope warns that if you rush, you won’t get what you want: for the chosen one, the relationship may mean nothing. In any case, 2016 is not best time for concluding a marriage. Take time to work. In the professional sphere, many projects and career growth are expected.

For single women

Single Capricorn women will meet many potential partners in 2016. The love horoscope warns: some men are not interested in serious relationship and have selfish motives. Get to know the person better. Short-term affairs can lead to pregnancy, which will not be followed by a marriage proposal.


January is a month of calm. The relationship will be stable, full of tenderness and romance. For Capricorns who are in a long-term relationship, the time will come to propose to their chosen one. The love horoscope advises you to make sure that your intentions are desired. Spend more time together, go on visits, visit exhibitions, allow yourself to relax. Lonely representatives of the earth sign will be surrounded by attention from the opposite sex in January.


February is the month of spiritual cleansing. You will pay off your debts, rethink your behavior, and visit those who need you. Your other half will understand everything and support you. He/she will adjust to make you feel comfortable. But remember that your partner needs attention and affection. Leave your search for a while and do something interesting together. February is a great time to strengthen your relationship.


March 2016 will delight Capricorn with pleasant, warm days spent with family. You will feel more comfortable than ever being around your significant other. Capricorn will be surrounded with love and care.

The love horoscope advises single Capricorns to put aside shyness and indecisiveness and take the first step in a relationship with the person they like. March - suitable month to start the novel. The chosen one will reciprocate your feelings. The relationship will be full of warmth and sensuality. The main thing is to think over an action plan and choose the right moment.


April is a period of creative upsurge. Energy will appear due to the fact that Capricorn rested in March. Harmony will reign on the personal front. Do your favorite things together: go to nature, watch a movie, play football. In April, you will easily overcome any difficulties. Remember that a lot will depend on you.

The love horoscope advises Capricorns to pay attention to the sexual sphere in April. Try what you've been wanting for a long time. Don't be shy and openly tell your significant other about your dreams and fantasies. Your chosen one will support you. Such frankness will significantly strengthen the connection.


May is the period when you should pamper yourself and your loved one with a long-awaited acquisition: a car, a dacha, a large household appliances. Relationships will continue to delight with stability and calm. In May 2016, Capricorn will understand that she and her partner make an ideal couple.

The love horoscope advises you to be attentive to your lover. Small grievances accumulate and can result in a serious scandal. Clear misunderstandings in a timely manner. Remind your loved one what he/she means to you. Convince that you can overcome anything. Talk openly about painful issues. Understanding and love will save relationships.


June is a good time for a joint vacation. The other half of Capricorn will choose the date of the trip and the country for the holiday. Don't resist. Your chosen one will not go wrong.

Lonely Capricorns will win over a potential partner with some unexpected act in June and start an affair with him/her. The love horoscope warns: do not be too demanding of a person. There is no ideal. Accept your lover for who he is. Most likely, you have met your destiny.


July 2016 is a month of scandals. Stubbornness will awaken in Capricorn. It will be impossible to convince him. Representatives of the earth sign will temporarily forget that relationships imply joint work, the search for compromises and mutually beneficial solutions. The love horoscope recommends Capricorns to think about what connects you. Look at old photos, remember your past together, and it will become easier for you to hear what your other half wants to convey. The main thing is not to make hasty decisions in July.


August will allow you to relax after heated quarrels. Relationships will gradually recover. Capricorn will understand that the past month was stressful due to troubles at work, and this is not the fault of the loved one. August is an excellent period for traveling together. The trip will strengthen the couple's bond. Passion and love will flare up with renewed vigor.

For unmarried Capricorns, this will be a great time to get married. Single representatives of the earth sign will meet their soul mate. The love horoscope advises not to put pressure on a potential partner. Make sure he likes you too.


September 2016 will bring with it troubles: relatives and friends will try to interfere in Capricorn’s relationships. They will tell you something bad about their partner. Don't rush to conclusions. Calm your emotions and think soberly about what you want in the future from your loved one. Maybe what you were told doesn't matter? Either way, listen to both sides. September is a bad time to break up. Try to save the relationship.


October will go quite smoothly. You will settle all differences. The love horoscope warns: do not be frank with strangers about your personal life, otherwise gossip will spread. You must resolve your own conflicts within the couple. Don't forget that even though you are together, you are different people. In October, be attentive and patient with your partner.


Those Capricorns who managed to establish relationships in the previous month will enjoy the affection and care of their partner in November. You will eliminate all disagreements, arrange your life, and get a promotion at work. No unpleasant surprises are expected.

November 2016 is the period when single Capricorns will begin an affair with a person who does not correspond to their ideas about their soulmate. The love horoscope advises against making hasty conclusions. Take a closer look at your partner and discard prejudices. It is likely that you will get married and live a long, happy life together.


December is a time of rest. Much will depend not on Capricorn, but on circumstances. Don't resist. Soon you will take matters into your own hands. If your significant other asks you to do something you don't want to do, have an open conversation with him/her about it. Don't get excited, otherwise it's December holidays you will spend in splendid isolation.

Stories from our readers

In July 2016, Capricorns will retreat somewhat from social life and distance themselves from the people around them. The horoscope advises the other zodiac signs to leave the children of the Earth alone, because right now they don’t want any unnecessary questions. In mid-spring, Capricorns will begin to rethink their own failures and achievements, although the stars do not promise them any special revelations and discoveries in these matters. Still, your worldview almost completely coincides with the generally accepted one: a high salary, a leadership position and the respect of colleagues is a definite success, while a lack of prospects and low income is a failure. The process of revising your values ​​is needed, rather, so that you understand what you want to do, what peaks to move towards and what guiding stars to follow.

The energy potential of Capricorns in July will be slightly reduced, as a result of which it will become difficult for representatives of this zodiac sign to fight despondency and apathy. Although most time you want to lie on the sofa and cuddle the cat, the horoscope encourages you not to give in to this harmful desire. Open the curtains, look at the sun-drenched street, grab a towel and run to the river to sunbathe! In many cases, the bad mood of the children of the Earth will be due to low (solely in their opinion) indicators. Of course, how can you live and enjoy every new day if there are a lot of people living around you who have cooler cars, more spacious apartments and higher positions? If similar thoughts come to your mind, then immediately ask yourself: “Why am I swimming so shallowly? Why do I compare myself only to the people around me? Am I going to judge my beauty by the photographs of Charlize Theron, my intelligence by the IQ of Stephen Hawking, and my material wealth by the fortune of the Sultan of Brunei Hassanal Bolkiah?” Now you can tie a rope to the chandelier and stand on a stool, or you can come to your senses and laugh at your own fears. Agree, you are not in danger of starving to death under the fence, and in comparison with your peers, you have achieved a lot.

For many zodiac signs, the behavior of Capricorns in the middle of summer will remain a mystery (if they do not read our horoscope in advance, thus receiving a decoder for the reactions of the children of the Earth). Judge for yourself, what can you think about a fan who showed signs of attention all evening, paid compliments, walked him home, and then disappeared, bothering to call back only a week later? That he is a standard womanizer who remembered a new acquaintance on one of his lonely evenings? This is a completely wrong conclusion! It’s just that in July 2016, Capricorns will become too soft and indecisive. Rest assured, all 7 days the missing boyfriend was nervously biting his nails, choosing the time to call, making inquiries through mutual friends and quietly searching in social networks account of the subject of your interest. This month, it is simply vital for the children of the Earth to become more decisive, otherwise society will label them as frivolous, frivolous heart hunters.

In the coming period, the career race will shake Capricorns and throw them in different directions. To the credit of this zodiac sign, it must be admitted that he will not scream, throw stationery at colleagues who have screwed up, and have an epileptic fit on the office floor. Most likely, you will quietly hide in the cleaning lady's nook and cry to your heart's content in the company of mops and vacuum cleaners. The horoscope has nothing against it, the main thing is not to wipe away flowing tears with a rag that comes to hand - it is unhygienic. Capricorns will not be harmed by the release of emotions, otherwise the negativity locked inside will gradually transform into nervous diseases. After the first moment of despair has passed, get into a fighting position and go to your superiors’ office to defend your rights and ideas. In July 2016, we need to be firm and self-confident, otherwise less professional employees will win, which will hurt our pride and put the well-being of the company at risk. Remember that by defending your point of view, you are fighting not only for your authority, but also for the prosperity of the company, because one wrong step can result in high losses. This month, Capricorns must be constantly on the alert and, for each plan A, develop plans B, C and D in advance. In the middle of summer, the people around them do not respect contractual obligations, so periodically the cargo will be delayed in the supplier’s warehouses, subordinates will violate deadlines, and clients - ask for a deferment in payments. In July 2016, fight external troubles, but under no circumstances put your own health and peace of mind on the line, because they are worth much more than a quarterly bonus and a week’s respect from colleagues.

Attention, the Capricorn horoscope for the month of July 2016 has been published in an abbreviated form. To have full picture For the coming 2016, the Red Monkey should make a personal forecast for 2016 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

In July 2016, Capricorns will be influenced by Mercury, passing through the Zodiac sign Taurus. This impact will affect the mental activity of representatives of your zodiac sign, which will be expressed in a deep rethinking of the work done, values, and the meaning of life. Old cases that were not brought to their logical conclusion will come up. Since communication between Capricorns will increase during this period, it will not be difficult to resolve such issues efficiently and quickly. The negative aspects that Mercury can present include delays associated with paperwork, frequent delays, breakdowns in negotiations, breakdowns of transport and electronic equipment. However, if you apply strict discipline, a significant part of these unpleasant surprises can be safely avoided.

In the first ten days of July 2016, the patron of Capricorn will be Venus, passing through the Zodiac sign Gemini. This is a great time to start new ones. business relations, which in the near future will help you expand your business, climb the career ladder, and take a leadership position. Also, at the beginning of the month, long-distance business trips will be especially favorable, in which you will be able to conclude profitable contracts, discuss immediate prospects and directions. The financial situation promises to be positively stable. An unexpected win, return of old debts, or receipt of an inheritance are likely. Things will become more difficult for publishers, writers, and teachers. Difficulties in expressing your thoughts, both in written and oral form, can lead to gross mistakes and lack of inspiration.

In the second ten days of July 2016, many Capricorns will be more inclined to a sober, even prudent assessment of relationships than to romantic moods. The reason for this is mercantile Uranus, passing through the Zodiac sign Aquarius. An approach from a practical point of view to personal relationships can play a cruel joke on Capricorns and in the end they will end up with nothing. To prevent this from happening, the planets recommend not subordinating the heart to the mind, trusting your partner more, and getting rid of past disagreements and grievances. Free Capricorns can begin long-term and stable relationships during this period. The main thing is not to miss your chance to meet Destiny! Most likely, your acquaintance will take place among fairly close friends, so do not deny yourself the pleasure of visiting and hosting friends.

The third ten days of July 2016 will be under the influence of Saturn, which will encourage Capricorns to become interested in activities related to nature. Capricorns, like no other, love to tinker with animals. Many of you enjoy riding and caring for horses. Therefore, during this period you may also be seriously interested in working with animals and creating accessories for pets. In the third ten days of July, Capricorns will also be attracted to those activities that require competition: sports, acting, politics... However, their main passion will most likely be the desire to travel, unravel the mysteries of history, comprehend the characteristics of various belief systems, and study foreign languages.