How to increase or decrease leukocytes in the blood, what foods and drugs affect leukocytes in the blood. How to lower leukocytes in the blood? Causes of elevated white blood cells. Doctor's advice on how to lower your white blood cell count.

19.02.2019 Health

A lot of complex chemical processes occur in the human body. One of these is hematopoiesis, where leukocytes, which are produced in the red bone marrow, are one of the most important components. These are the so-called white cells, which, in fact, are the body’s protectors against all kinds of infections, viruses and bacteria. The work of these bodies is that they produce special enzymes that break down both the viruses and bacteria themselves and their metabolic products. What to do if the number of these components of blood cells increases sharply, and how in the blood? Let's look at everything in order.

Types of leukocytes

Leukocytes have a complete nuclear structure and, depending on the shape of the nucleus, they are divided into round, multilobular and kidney-shaped. They are also distinguished by size, which ranges from 6 to 20 microns. In the human body, white blood cells are produced by the bone marrow. They are divided into granular leukocytes (granulocytes), neutrophils (band and segmented), basophils and eosinophils, as well as monocytes and lymphocytes. Each type has its own purpose and only does its own job. That is why the state of the body can be judged by changes in these bodies. And often this task becomes the main one in the treatment of many diseases.

How to determine the level of leukocytes?

To determine the number of these bodies, a general test is made in which not only the number, but also the ratio of heteronuclear leukocytes is important. For example, with an increase in eosinophils, helminthic invasion can be assumed, and with an inflammatory process, an increase in neutrophils is detected. To obtain a reliable result, the analysis is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach.

What can be judged if the analysis reveals that the causes may be different, but it is worth emphasizing that a diagnosis cannot be made only by the level of these bodies in the blood; for this, additional research is carried out.

Change in the number of leukocytes in the body

For a healthy adult, it ranges from 4 to 8.8 x 10 to the 9th power per liter. If there are more of them, then this phenomenon is called leukocytosis, and if there are fewer - leukopenia. In case of such violations, additional examinations are carried out. This phenomenon does not necessarily indicate an illness; it can also be a consequence of psycho-emotional and physical stress. For example, the level of these bodies in the blood is influenced by factors such as smoking and sun exposure.

Also, the level of leukocytes changes 2-3 hours after eating, taking baths, during pregnancy and during PMS. The main causes of leukocytosis are infectious diseases, purulent-inflammatory processes in the body, such as peritonitis and acute appendicitis, extensive burns and large blood losses, chronic renal failure and diabetes. Rarer causes are leukemia, cancer, myocardial infarction, blood transfusion and mononucleosis. Therefore, lowering the level of white blood cells in many diseases becomes a priority. But it also happens that even in the presence of such ailments, leukocytes are low and this indicates that the immune system is in a terrible state and requires the intervention of specialists. Sometimes the indicator with visible symptoms of the disease also does not change, which also indicates a weakening of the body.

Treatment of leukocytosis

So what to do if your white blood cells are elevated? All kinds of infections, once in the body, cause inflammatory processes, which leads to an increase in the number of leukocytes - this process is called pathological benign leukocytosis. There is also malignant leukocytosis, which is manifested by problems of the hematopoietic system in leukemia. In the first case, the doctor, after a full examination, should suggest antibiotic therapy or other means to lower leukocytes in the blood. If the examination revealed that the cause of the increase in leukocytes was a disease of the liver or spleen, then it is very important to abandon the usual diet and adhere to a strict diet with low protein intake. Only in this case will leukocytes begin to decline. In some cases, namely with leukemia, a procedure called leukopheresis is performed. The essence of this manipulation is that leukocytes are extracted from the blood, and then the same blood is poured into the patient’s circulatory system.

In the case of blood diseases, it is very dangerous to take any medications to reduce white blood cells on your own without the knowledge of a doctor. The same applies to the increase in these bodies during infarction. Having analyzed the situation and the patient’s condition, the doctor is obliged to establish the root cause of the increase in the number of these bodies, and only then decide exactly how to reduce leukocytes in the blood. Otherwise, adjustment is simply impossible.

Antibiotics guard against leukocytosis

No matter what anyone says, all doctors are unanimous in the opinion that for infections it is rational to use antibiotics. And even taking into account their harm and effect on other organs, they are the main treatment for increasing leukocytes in various diseases. After antibiotic therapy, the source of inflammation is eliminated, and leukocytes return to normal. However, it is worth noting that the choice of antibiotic must be made by a doctor who will make a prescription after examining and assessing the severity of the patient’s condition. Leukocytosis can also be triggered by a number of medications, and treatment should be adjusted to correct white blood cell levels.

Prevention is easier than cure

The best cure for disease is prevention. This slogan is known to everyone, as well as its meaning. It should be remembered that a correct lifestyle is the key to health, so smoking, alcoholism, hypothermia and a lack of vitamins in the body can lead to serious consequences that will need to be dealt with with the help of doctors and medications. Signs of an increased white blood cell count are not always apparent and can be detected by a clinical blood test. Therefore, you should not neglect doctors’ recommendations to take this test at least once every six months. And although leukocytosis itself is not a disease, its characteristics, namely the number of a certain type of leukocytes, can suggest a possible disease. After all, the sooner a problem is discovered, the easier it will be to deal with it.

White blood cells help the human body's immune system resist pathogens. They detect and attack any foreign bodies it perceives as hostile. An elevated white blood cell count, or leukocytosis, is not a disease as such. It only indicates that some pathological process is happening in the body. Therefore, before lowering leukocytes in the blood, it is necessary to find out what disease led to an increase in their number.

As a result, there may be an increase

The content of white cells in the blood is higher than normal and may be due to completely natural reasons, such as physical activity or emotional arousal. In our stressful and rapidly changing world, people work a lot and often enter into conflicts, which can lead to such a state.

You may also have elevated white blood cells from normal food intake. Because of this, the study should be carried out only in the morning. In order for the analysis to be as accurate as possible, the subject should not be subjected to mental or physical stress. He can't eat. Blood sampling should be done on an empty stomach. You can only drink water. If, as a result of diagnosis, it turns out that a person’s number of leukocytes in the blood exceeds the norm, this may indicate that he is sick. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive and more in-depth examination in order to establish a disease that increases the level of white cells.

The severity of the pathological process can be judged by the degree of deviation from the normal level. If the norm is exceeded by several thousand units, this means that some kind of inflammatory process is taking place in the body of the person being examined. If the indicator differs from the normal state by hundreds of thousands, then this may indicate the development of leukemia. In any case, before reducing leukocytes in the blood, a comprehensive diagnosis is required. It is necessary to accurately determine the pathology that could increase them.

Diseases that cause this condition

  1. In addition to detecting foreign agents (viruses, fungi, pathogenic bacteria, helminths), leukocytes also help fight internal pathologies. There are a huge number of pathological processes that lead to an increased content of leukocytes in the human body and they all have a different nature of occurrence. They have only one thing in common - thanks to them, the immune system is activated, which leads to an increased content of leukocytes. The most common reasons are:
  2. Infection of the body with all kinds of pathogens, which is the cause of such common diseases as acute respiratory viral disease, pneumonia, bronchitis; Hepatitis different types
  3. and other inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be infections of the genitourinary system, brain;
  4. Inflammation of bone and joint tissues caused by injuries;
  5. Dehydration of the human body, thermal injuries, etc.

All these pathologies enhance the activity of the immune system, which leads to the formation of more white cells that act as guardians of our health. Often, people accidentally discover that there are too many of our biological defenders. This happens during blood tests. What to do if a person has such a problem?

How to reduce your white blood cell count

For those who are wondering “How to reduce the white blood cell count?” First of all, you need to find out what caused their increase. The doctor’s further actions aimed at reducing them directly depend on what was the root cause of the increased white cells.

It is a professional doctor who knows how to reduce leukocytes in the blood, depending on a particular situation.

There is no need to rush in such matters.

Of course, many are afraid and want to quickly restore their health. But it's better to do everything sequentially. First of all, in order to reduce the level of leukocytes, it is necessary to recover from the illness that led to this condition. Therefore, the patient should act as follows:

  • First you need to donate blood;
  • Then it is necessary to conduct a diagnosis in order to identify possible diseases;
  • If during the examination it is determined that the patient suffers from any illness, he should be cured of it. Depending on the disease, the attending physician prescribes certain medications. If, after diagnosis, it turns out that the patient suffers from a viral disease, the doctor prescribes antiviral medications. Those infected with pathogenic bacteria should take antibacterial drugs;
  • Also, a person who wants to normalize the level of leukocytes in the blood should tell the doctor about his lifestyle. Perhaps he is too often exposed to various stressful situations or excessive physical activity (this often happens with professional athletes or people who are busy hard work). At the same time, his sleep may be insufficient, which does not allow the subject’s body to recover. He may not be eating properly or adequately. In this case, it is urgent to change your lifestyle and diet. It takes eight hours for a person to get enough sleep. The food a person consumes must be balanced and fully satisfy his needs. You should not get nervous over trifles, and in general it is better to avoid conflict situations that can lead to emotional breakdowns. It is also advisable to limit physical exercise(hard work, intense training for athletes). If we are talking about women, then pregnancy may be the cause of increased white blood cells. In pregnant women, the immune system is greatly enhanced. There is nothing wrong with this, and in such situations there is no need for treatment.

Traditional methods

Since ancient times, our ancestors were treated with herbs. In those days, people did not know how to lower the level of white blood cells because they had no idea whether their level was low or high. Thus, our ancestors did not have a problem with reducing the number of leukocytes in the blood.

However, as already mentioned, the root cause of the increase is various diseases.

Modern chemotherapy is very effective, but even now many people prefer medicinal plants (linden, blackthorn, lingonberry, etc.). Decoctions and tinctures from these plants are no less effective. Also, to get rid of various ailments, our grandparents used propolis. This natural remedy is a true elixir of health.


Thus, an increased content of white cells in human blood is not a pathology, but its manifestation. A person must act accordingly depending on a particular case. It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, and if you get sick, contact a specialist in a timely manner to cure the disease.

Certain biological indicators of the human body can fluctuate in both directions. Sometimes this occurs as a result of a disease, sometimes under the influence environment. The same applies to the level of leukocytes in the blood. Their prolonged elevated levels may be a symptom of a hidden disease.

To reduce the level of white blood cells, it is necessary to understand the reason for its increase. For example, a common phenomenon is physiological leukocytosis. It is caused by stress, physical activity, a large number of protein foods or lack of sleep.
The norm is the presence of several billion leukocytes in one liter of blood. Although the indicator may be individual for everyone. Some have an eternal deficiency, others have too much. Small children and pregnant women have enough high level, which is considered the norm. Lowering white blood cells in such cases is contraindicated.

A regular increase in the level of white cells can also be neutrophilic leukocytosis, which is not an independent disease, only its result (symptom). One of the most dangerous causes is cancer. But there are others: purulent inflammations, internal infections, abscesses, etc.

If leukocytosis is a consequence of an infectious disease, the doctor prescribes a certain course of intravenous or intramuscular antibiotics. Their group and type depend on the type of suspected infection. If lymphocytic leukocytosis is detected, injections are prescribed without fail, since it is caused by serious illnesses: hepatitis, abscess, etc.

When the source of leukocytosis is liver dysfunction, a prerequisite for their restoration is considered proper nutrition and giving up bad habits. By adhering to a healthy lifestyle, it will be possible to normalize the condition of the liver, and therefore reduce the level of white blood cells.

Leukocytosis may occur as a result of taking medications. In this case, it is better to interrupt the course of treatment. If it is not possible to stop taking the drug, consult your doctor for help. He will gradually reduce the dose of the medication and switch to another treatment.

Often there are forms of leukocytosis caused by heart attacks or strokes. The explanation for this consequence is quite simple - tissue inflammation. To lower the level of leukocytes in such cases, it is enough just to eliminate the source and cure the disease.

In addition to the main methods of reducing white blood cells, there are also auxiliary ones. For example, horsetail juice promotes faster results. It is enough to take 4 spoons three times a day.

Propolis tincture also has properties that are useful for this situation. To prepare it, you need to mix 30 g of grated propolis and 70 g of alcohol (70%). After this, let it brew for 20 days.

Be that as it may, before taking action, it is important to consult a doctor. All cases are purely individual. For one person, it is enough to just establish a diet plan, while for others, a course of long-term treatment is needed.