How to make money at home in the countryside. How to make money in the village: quickly, without investment and training

29.03.2018 Business

Today I want to talk about how to make money in the village, in rural areas, what kind of work there is now in the village and other ways to earn money. Reading various news, forums, comments, incl. and on my website, I see the following picture: most people are convinced that it is impossible to make good money in rural areas, and the reality shows that most villages are simply gradually dying out.

There are, of course, a number of external reasons for this, but we should not forget about an important internal reason: many people simply do not know how to make money in the village now, because they think in categories of 30-40 years ago.

But times have already changed a lot, and with them the ways of earning money: new opportunities have appeared that people who are accustomed to living “the old fashioned way” do not notice. But, on the other hand, there is now an increasing trend of moving from cities to the countryside - many people dream of leaving city noise and dirt for a healthy lifestyle in ecologically clean areas. To do this, they have to leave their job or business in the city and look for opportunities to earn money in the village, because they need to live on something.

So, let's look at how to make money in the village, in the countryside. Here I see 5 main areas for making money.

1. Traditional work in the village. The option that everyone thinks about first. In rural areas, there are also certain jobs and certain vacancies: employees of private farms, other agricultural enterprises, sellers, postmen, builders, employees of budgetary structures, etc. Yes, there is not much of this kind of work, but it exists. And there are not always many applicants for these places. I recently spoke with one farmer - he complained that he could not find a shepherd, offering a salary that many in our city only dream of. The bad thing is that some people consider this option as the only possibility earn money in the village. And if it doesn’t work out for some reason, they complain that there is no work in the village, which means there is nothing to live on.

2. Field work in the city. Many residents of rural areas, lacking work at their place of residence, find employment in enterprises of the nearest larger settlement. In this case, a person will be provided with work and some kind of income, but there is one very significant drawback: this option involves constant increased transportation costs. You need to get to work and back every day, and, regardless of whether you use personal transport or public transport, this will cost you significant money every month, which will “eat up” a significant part of your earnings (I know cases when up to 50% of the salary received is spent on transportation costs ). Therefore, I still recommend thinking about how to make money in the village in other ways.

3. Working for yourself in the village: personal farming. The next option for making money in rural areas, which is gradually gaining popularity, is a small personal one, which, firstly, will provide its owner with useful and quality products, secondly, it will generate a certain income. Here I am not talking about a large-scale farming business with hundreds of hectares of fields or large livestock farms, but specifically about the production of certain agricultural products directly near your home, in your personal garden or plot. Such a farm does not require registration of business activities and allows its owner to sell grown products that he is not able to consume himself. This is what some owners of houses and plots in rural areas do, providing themselves with enough income to live on.

4. Business in the village. An option for wealthier residents of rural areas is to open their own business, larger than a small peasant farm. Moreover, this does not have to be exactly, there are many other options: opening roadside shops and cafes, a construction business, opening an entertainment club in a large village, opening manufacturing enterprises. Doing business in a village, in comparison with a city, is advantageous because it is much easier to rent here land plot, building permit. In addition, certain types of agricultural business may fall under various government support and financing programs - this is also a plus, although you should not fully count on them. In general, building a business in a village is often much cheaper than in a city, and it can generate the same amount of income.

5. Working on the Internet. And finally, the last important area for making money in rural areas is the use of the World Wide Web for these purposes. The village has simply wonderful conditions for freelancing and doing... In addition, if for city life many people do not have enough income from freelancing, then in the village there are fewer needs, fewer expenses, and their own products, so this option of earning money is quite interesting and promising, especially since you can achieve good success in it, and even continue it in case of moving, because the Internet has no boundaries.

Now you know how to make money in the countryside, what options for work and business there are in rural areas, and how they differ from each other. In any case, I want to say: there is work in the village, even if there is at least the Internet - if you want, you definitely won’t be left without income. In addition, here you can combine different sources of income, have several of them, which is always better. For example, seasonally working on some agricultural work, constantly working remotely and having a small personal farm are already 3 such sources.

Therefore, try, dare, and pay attention not only to the disadvantages, but also to the advantages of living in a rural area. Well, to many questions related to different ways earnings, you will always find the answers on the website. Stay with us and have a good income!

Despite the difficulties that accompany life in rural areas, many people would never trade their own home for city amenities. The presence of roads, the Internet and other opportunities allows you to earn money in the village, providing yourself and your loved ones with a decent life.

To the traditional activities of agriculture, raising livestock or picking berries and mushrooms, you can add work on the Internet or “green” tourism. At the same time, it is recommended to rely on your hobbies and abilities so that work brings pleasure in addition to income.

Ways to make money in the village

  • Traditional. These include livestock farming and growing your own products.
  • "Green" tourism. This could be a small hotel or a guest room. Additionally, you can offer fishing, studying the features of a craft.
  • Working on the Internet. The availability of communication means allows you to work remotely, creating websites or opening an online store, working as a copywriter.
  • Provision of services. You can open a beauty salon, a cafe, an equipment or shoe repair shop.


One way to earn money is to own your own sawmill. Can produce bars and boards different varieties, simple containers. The disadvantages include opening costs. You will need premises for the sawmill itself and storage of finished products, equipment and personnel, reliable power supply, and funds for the purchase of raw materials.

An interesting option is to open a mobile store. This allows you to cover not one, but several villages at once, delivering goods on schedule. To open a store you will need transport (preferably with a spacious body) and a place to store goods.

To help city residents experience the delights of life in the countryside, you can organize a private hotel. There is no need to create special conditions for “green” tourists. The closer they are to natural, the better. It is necessary to have minimal amenities (water, sewerage, communications) and transport accessibility. A picturesque area, a pond, and natural products will add to the attractiveness of a holiday in the village.

In addition, you can offer craft classes (weaving, woodworking, pottery). In winter, you can attract active recreation in the fresh air, entertainment and folk-style festivities.

When starting to implement your project, you need to realistically assess the possibilities. Failure to fulfill your obligations can not only damage your reputation, but also incur financial losses.

Regardless of which method of earning money is chosen, you should immediately take all stages of its implementation seriously. If you have to involve partners, then you should not neglect the preparation of the relevant documents. On the one hand, this disciplines and helps to clearly define the responsibilities of partners; on the other hand, it allows you to protect your interests in controversial situations.

Question: Is it possible to earn money in the village by breeding dogs?
Answer: The advantages of this option are that there is enough space in the village to implement this idea. If you find clients for selling dogs, the business can become very profitable.

Question: What is better to open in a small village: a store, a cafe or a hairdresser?
Answer: The choice of business depends on its demand. It is recommended to study demand, evaluate the competitive environment and your capabilities. It may be worth starting with a mobile store or providing hairdressing services at home.

Question: How to make money by selling products from your garden?
Answer: You can sell it yourself, but then you will have to spend time traveling, transporting goods, and paying for a place on the market. The benefit of this option is the ability to independently set the price of products. Another option is to sell products in bulk. This is simpler in organizational terms, but the income will depend on the price offered by the buyer.

The specifics of rural life dictate its conditions for those who plan to start an entrepreneurial career. Most business projects implemented in large and densely populated cities will not bring any benefit to an entrepreneur in a village. So what should a business idea in a village be like for it to surely work and bring the desired profit? Let's talk about this later in the article.

Prospects for the Russian village

Despite a lot of problems that are still characteristic of the socio-economic and demographic situation of modern villages and hamlets, there are still prospects. So, for several recent years At the federal level, special targeted programs were adopted:

  • “Sustainable development of rural areas for 2014-2017 and for the period until 2020”;
  • "State development program Agriculture <…>" etc.

Their goal is to improve the quality of life of rural residents, attract investment, organize jobs and much more. Within the framework of these projects, conditions are being created to attract young specialists to rural areas - they are allocated housing and land for construction on preferential terms. In addition, farms engaged in livestock farming, fish farming, crop production, etc. receive grant support.

The programs approved by the Government of the Russian Federation have already borne their first fruits; enterprising and interested citizens, having secured the support of the state, return to villages and participate in the implementation of certain projects, and the “course of import substitution” declared since 2014 only reinforced the emerging trend.

In this regard, we can conclude that in the current conditions, rural areas have good development prospects, and perhaps now is the most appropriate moment to decide what kind of business you can do in the village and open your own.

How to choose the right business for a village

Identifying the needs of local residents, as well as residents of nearby villages and hamlets, will help determine what kind of business can be opened in a village. If you also live in a rural area and are planning to establish a business in your locality, start with yourself. Analyze what you are missing. Think about what products or services could solve your problems, answer your consumer needs, etc.

So, if in the area where you live there is not a sufficient number of retail outlets to provide the population with everything they need, and the range of available stores is meager and monotonous, you can try to organize away trade. For example, it is mostly positive. With a relatively modest budget, you can short term organize a profitable enterprise.

In addition to existing needs, attention should also be paid to the geographical and climatic features of the locality.

What kind of business to do in villages where, for example, there are vast agricultural lands? Consider raising pets that eat primarily green and roughage may be an example of this. The specific nutrition of these animals allows you to save on their maintenance, because in the summer they can be grazed on pasture, and in the winter they can be fed with pre-prepared hay. Earnings will consist of income from the sale of milk, cheese, meat, wool and down.

What else should you rely on when deciding what business to open in the village - the availability of material resources at your disposal.

If you have a small plot of land intended for personal farming, and 20,000-30,000 rubles, try. You can start with a small herd, and over time, having gained sufficient experience and established distribution channels for products, expand the farm and take part in one of the targeted programs.

If you are interested in a business in the village worth 100,000 rubles, consider producing and selling canned and frozen berries, vegetables and fruits. Such products are in high demand among urban residents, especially in winter period time. To implement this idea, it is advisable that you have at your disposal a car that allows you to deliver goods to retail outlets.

Thus, the three main criteria for choosing the right business idea are: the needs of the local market, the characteristics of the locality and the available start-up capital.

Business ideas for villages and villages

Opening your own business in a rural area is not only realistic, but also quite profitable, especially if you have special knowledge and skills in a particular area directly related to rural life. Undoubtedly, it is better to do what is familiar and closest in spirit. But this does not mean at all that you cannot try yourself in something new, unknown. Since in a small settlement, a small business is most often started with small investments, the risk of suffering losses will be minimal. We present to your attention several current business ideas for villages and countryside.

Growing champignons

Champignons are in high consumer demand due to their inherent beneficial dietary properties, relatively low price and a kind of versatility in preparation. They can be added to various snacks, fried, marinated, julienned, etc.

Meanwhile, these mushrooms are quite unpretentious and easy to grow. All you need:

  • spacious room, protected from moisture and sunlight;
  • litter – compost with soil;
  • mycelium with champignon spores.

Basements, cellars, greenhouses and various households can be used as premises. the buildings. The main thing is to observe the temperature and humidity conditions - 15-25˚С with a humidity of 60-80%.

To prepare compost, you can use straw and agricultural waste - manure, poultry droppings, urea, sawdust, etc.

Champignon mycelium can be purchased in specialized stores and from agricultural companies engaged in mushroom growing. It is usually sold together with compost or on a substrate. The cost is on average 15,000 rubles. for 1 ton.

With such a quantity of raw materials, you can harvest about 200 kg of mushrooms in just a few months. The average price of champignons in Russia is 280 rubles. for 1 kg, and in some regions it reaches up to 400 rubles. for 1 kg.

Obviously, such production will bring good profits, especially if you use your own growing room and by-products from your personal farmstead to make bedding.

More information about how to make money growing champignons is described in the following video:


What you can only make money from in the countryside is the production of honey and other beekeeping products. There is no way to organize such a business in the city. In order to obtain a natural, environmentally friendly product, insects must be provided with a suitable area for collecting and processing nectar.

To open a beekeeping business you will need:

  • hives for housing bee families - they can be purchased at the store or made independently;
  • bees – it is advisable to buy them in the spring; experienced beekeepers recommend starting with 6 colonies;
  • equipment for work - honey extractor, smoker, frames with honeycombs, chisel, etc.;
  • auxiliary equipment and special clothing.

The apiary can be either stationary or mobile. In the latter case, you need to ensure that you have a special van or car with a trailer that can transport the hives.

The costs of keeping bees are minimal - in the warm season they provide themselves with food; in winter they need to be fed with flower honey or sugar syrup. The main thing is to properly care for insects, maintain the required microclimate in the hives, replace old queens in a timely manner, rebuild nesting combs, etc. To learn how to care for bees and master the process of pumping honey, you can use special literature, video lessons posted by beekeeping farms in Internet networks.

If everything is organized correctly, a small home apiary can recoup the initial costs in one season and even reach a good level of profit. There are usually no problems with the sale of honey, since this product is highly valued in almost every family. The average cost of bee honey today is about 500 rubles. for 1 kg. By engaging in beekeeping, a farmer will provide himself and his family with great useful product and will have the opportunity to earn good money.

And you can find out how much profit pig farming can bring at home at this address:.

Leisure business

It is more expedient to open this type of business in those settlements where most population consists of people up to retirement age. Since rural areas usually have a lack of recreational facilities, this idea, if organized correctly, can be an excellent source of income.

How to make money in the village by choosing the sphere of leisure activities:

  • organize a beer bar or with seating;
  • organize a small cozy cafe in a rustic style;
  • build a banquet hall for various celebrations;
  • open a small pizzeria, etc.

Any of these projects requires careful preparation, studying the size and composition of the population and developing a detailed business plan. In addition, their implementation will require significant start-up capital.

But what if there is a desire to start a business, but there is no money to organize any enterprise? Are there any ideas that don’t require any costs to implement?

Business in rural areas without investment

Rural areas are unique in that they are rich in natural component resources: plant, soil, mineral, etc.

How to make money in the village without starting capital? A small business can be organized from literally everything that surrounds you:

  • collect wild berries and sell them at the local market;
  • make vermicompost using earthworms;
  • produce fertile soil using waste from personal farmsteads and sell to farmers, flower growers and gardeners;
  • collect and sell walnuts;
  • make various handmade souvenirs from natural materials and sell them via the Internet;
  • make bath brooms, etc.

It would be unfair, offering the reader numerous business ideas suitable for cities with different population levels, not to touch upon the topic of making money in the countryside. The fact that most people now prefer to live in big cities, and what some consider a big minus, a businessman can “headlong” turn into a big plus for himself. After all, competition in the village is so small that you can, without interference, organize a small business that does not even require close control, which will serve as a source of additional income for you.

Now the state is on its way to reviving the village, gradually increasing funding flows, welcoming and in every possible way promoting the endeavors of entrepreneurs who decide to start a business in rural areas. It would be imprudent not to take advantage of this. I offer an overview of several successful, already proven business ideas on how to make money in the village:

  • Growing and selling vegetables. The idea is not new, but the approach is completely different from those offered by various business publications - with an “eye” on development. The main resource in rural areas is land, which is empty and cheap. Renting several hundred square meters, or even hectares, will cost mere pennies, and if you also receive a development grant, it will be practically free. Study the market for prices for various vegetable crops, determine those that will be profitable to work with, and sow your land. It is more profitable to sell potatoes, carrots, and beets to wholesalers in large quantities. You can enter into agreements with cafes and restaurants, or sell your crops under the brand “natural eco-products” via the Internet. Whatever is more convenient. When making this project a reality, you don’t need to think about buying an expensive tractor and other equipment. You can hire equipment from a collective farm, they probably have it, and the machine operators will only be happy with an “extra penny,” and they can invite villagers to plant, process, and harvest vegetables for a small fee. You can also grow berries, such as strawberries.
  • Sale of livestock products. You can buy eggs, milk, cottage cheese, meat, pickles and jams, honey, of which rural residents have plenty and who earn money from this mainly in the summer by selling their products to summer residents all year round, organizing a small collection point for agricultural products. Take the purchased products to the city and sell them at your own, higher price. As an option, you can organize a small store in the city selling “natural products”. In this article you will learn how to raise turkey ducks at home and about raising rabbits.
  • Earning money in the village from tourism. Many people now pay good money for the opportunity to live in the lap of nature, to take a break from city everyday life in rural conditions. First, you need a house that needs to be properly equipped; it is better to “stylize” it as an old hut with an indispensable Russian stove, benches, a small garden, a well, etc. Then advertising in the city media, calling for “a holiday in the countryside, with fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, pancakes and pies from a Russian oven. The theme of such “hotels” has recently enjoyed enormous popularity, which is growing every year. Foreigners who want to get to know the “mysterious Russian soul” spend time in “village houses” with great pleasure.

All ideas for making money in the village are real, all without exception work. The main thing is to put a little effort into this at the beginning, to put the business on stream so that it becomes a source of stable and growing income for you.


Traditionally, the easiest way for a village resident to organize his own business is related to crop production and livestock farming. One of the most profitable options is fattening pigs and bulls; sometimes it is possible to do without any initial costs at all. Some enterprises offer rural residents to take in piglets for fattening, supply them with feed and export finished products. You can find out about such enterprises from your local organization of peasants and farmers.

Vegetable products are in traditional demand. Early greenhouse vegetables allow you to get a good income, but there are costs associated with building a greenhouse. Considering that it will serve for at least several years, these costs are well worth it. A rural resident can receive one-time financial assistance from the employment service to open his own business, which allows him to start a business without contributing his own funds.

As a rule, there are no repair shops in villages household appliances. If you know even a little about radio electronics, open your own workshop. The necessary experience is acquired fairly quickly; all the necessary reference literature can be found on the Internet. There are thematic forums where you can always get advice. Having transport, you will be able to serve not only your locality, but also all nearby villages.

In villages there are usually no hairdressing salons or sewing workshops; these are also excellent options for starting your own business. In many villages, bread is brought from the city; this situation can be corrected by organizing a small bakery. Over time, you will be able to expand production, supplying your products to neighboring villages.

Options with a repair and sewing workshop, a hairdresser and a bakery are good because these services are always in demand, therefore, you will never be left without work. At the same time, you will almost certainly not encounter competition, since it is unlikely that any of the villagers will organize the same business, realizing that the niche has already been occupied.

Some people don't just want to make money money, but do what you love. Sometimes you spend your whole life dreaming about it, but you can’t make your plans come true. To bring your goal closer, you need to divide the process into two stages - preparing to earn money and mastering monetization methods.


Specify your goal. You need to understand that doing your own business does not mean a scalable business, but earnings that are directly proportional to the efforts invested. If you confuse these concepts, you can reach a dead end. Artists, musicians, consultants, teachers, and other specialists whose income is limited by working hours are engaged in their work. As soon as a person stops working, the income dries up. Such people work for someone who is looking for customers, or combine their main activity with an independent search for customers, which sometimes leads to unstable income. Decide whether you want to do your own business in its purest form or keep financial records at the same time, communicate with customers, and do other routine and unloved work that gives you a sense of business. You can outsource some things - it all depends on the degree of reluctance to do work that distracts from your business.

Determine your current professional level. To start fulfilling orders, you need to have the skill of providing customers with some kind of value for which they are willing to pay. If in your in fact If you are a beginner, you will have to raise the level to the desired height or virtuosity.

Become the best specialist in the world or one of the best. The Internet allows clients to choose and have access to professionals located in any part of the world. To make a name for yourself and set an adequate price tag, you need to be among the top ten. Develop a professional growth program and achieve its mastery, even if it takes years or decades to achieve the goal. The efforts you put in will one day make your dream come true.