How is milk sugar prepared? How to cook milk sugar for fudge.

12.12.2018 Food and drink

Many of us like to eat sugar as a snack with tea. For this, not simple refined sugar is suitable, but boiled sugar, the recipe for which is quite simple. Even your child can prepare this dish, there are no difficulties here. And if you add raisins, dried apricots, or cocoa to the recipe for homemade boiled sugar, you will get a wonderful sweetness on your table with an exquisite taste.

Cooking features

In order for your dish to turn out the way it should be - matte, honey-like, it is important to follow the recipe very strictly. Otherwise, instead of boiled sugar, you may end up with clear candy, which is also very tasty, but it is a completely different product. Remember that boiled sugar, the recipe for which you have carefully followed, should remain crystalline and opaque.

With milk or sour cream?

Many housewives prefer to make boiled sugar with milk. The recipe for its preparation is the same as for water. Milk gives the product a more delicate taste.

If you boil sugar in water, then this dish is called lean. Sugar with milk is already a more high-calorie and delicate product. There is also such a preparation option as boiled sugar with sour cream. Its recipe is identical to milk or lean. But sour cream adds even more interesting tones to your dessert. In addition, depending on the fat content of sour cream, the dish will turn out to be even more high-calorie than with milk.

Let's start cooking

The recipe for boiled sugar at home is quite simple. So, we will need the following products for cooking:

  • 1 kg sugar;
  • half a glass of milk;
  • peel of 1 orange.

That's all. Remember that you can optionally replace milk with water, heavy cream or sour cream (in the same amount).

Wash the orange thoroughly, wipe it and remove the peel. Try to make sure it doesn't taste bitter. Some varieties of this exotic fruit have bitterness, which we do not need at all, and can even ruin the taste.

Finely chop the peel. If desired, you can grate the orange on a coarse grater. Or another option is to cut the peel with kitchen scissors.

So, the ingredients for cooking are ready.

How to cook properly

We begin to prepare boiled sugar with milk. A recipe with a photo will help you make sure that you are doing everything right.

First, heat the frying pan over medium heat. When it warms up, pour in half the milk and add sugar. If you wish, you can add a couple of tablespoons of butter to the dish.

Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. Remember to stir continuously so that it does not burn and cooks evenly. The liquid will gradually evaporate and your sugar will begin to take on a crumbly texture. It is very important here not to overcook the dish so that it does not start to melt and turn into candy.

As soon as you see that the sugar begins to brown, pour in the remaining milk (or sour cream) and cook a little more. And only at the very end you need to add orange peels.

How to cool properly

Boiled sugar with milk, the recipe for which is given above, it is important not only to prepare it correctly, but also to cool it no less correctly.

You need to prepare a deep plate or bowl. Grease the sides of the dish with vegetable oil. Place the cooked hot product into this container.

Leave the container aside and wait for it to cool completely. To save time, you should not put the dish in the refrigerator. Let this happen gradually at room temperature.

When the sugar has cooled completely, turn the plate over, tap it lightly and the piece will fall out easily. Now you can break the sugar into pieces - it is ready to use.

Another option is to simply place it on the bottom of a dish that also needs to be greased with oil. In this case, it will be even easier to remove the cooled sugar from the container.

What to add for taste

Some housewives may shrug their shoulders skeptically - boiled sugar is uninteresting, the recipe is painfully simple. Well, for those who like more complex dishes, there are plenty of options.

The following ingredients can be added:

  • nuts;
  • seeds;
  • raisin;
  • cocoa.

All these components must be added at the end of cooking. Do not forget to pre-soak the raisins in boiling water for half an hour so that they swell.

But as for cocoa, it needs to be added at the beginning of cooking. It will give your dish a beautiful chocolate shade and an unforgettable taste. For one kilogram of sugar you will need no more than 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

It is advisable to chop the nuts thoroughly, but if you like large pieces, then leave it to your own discretion.

Some nuances

When preparing this dish, it is important to take into account some nuances so as not to spoil the product. So:

  1. Use a low but wide frying pan so that the sugar is heated well and evenly.
  2. Take your time and don't turn the heat on high.
  3. To check if the dish is ready, just drop a drop of hot sugar on the plate. If it has cooled down and become hard, the dish is ready.
  4. will give your dessert a more delicate taste. In addition, it will help the product maintain its crystalline structure.
  5. Boiled sugar, as soon as it has cooled, can be broken arbitrarily, or cut into cubes. To do this, do not wait until the product is completely cold. As soon as you can handle it without risking getting burned, start slicing. To do this, take a serrated knife, decide what size you want the sugar pieces to be, and start cutting.

Children's fun

Children love to cook boiled sugar, the recipe for which is very simple. This is worth taking advantage of. After all, how nice it is to entrust your child with an “important” task, and then try together with him what happened.

In addition, your child will be very proud if he prepares boiled sugar himself and then treats his friends with it.

By the way, this dish can be decorated with fresh fruit. To do this, you need to thoroughly wash apples or pears and various berries. Cut large fruits into small pieces. When the boiled sugar has cooled down, but is still soft enough, press the fruits and berries into it so that one half is immersed in the dessert, and the other remains on the surface. It is very beautiful and original, and delicious. There is only one minus - with such a fresh additive, boiled sugar is not suitable for long-term storage, you need to eat it within one or two days.

If you don’t have time to prepare complex desserts at home or lack the necessary skills, you can at least learn how to make sweets, lollipops and sweets in the most in a simple way. To do this, you need to know only one thing - how to cook sugar with water or milk. Having studied the technological features of the process, it is allowed to complicate basic recipes and introduce new ingredients to enhance the taste.

To make the final product rich and tasty, it is better to use the most common white sugar. Contrary to popular belief, its brown counterpart does not have any advantages and even slightly worsens the consistency of the products.

Rules for making sweets based on sugar and milk

The recipes are really very simple, but only if the given dosages are followed will the candies turn out really tasty. We always take the ingredients based on the following proportions: for three glasses of sugar there is at least a glass of full-fat milk and about a tablespoon of butter high degree fat content It is allowed to add nuts, pieces of marmalade, seed kernels, candied fruits, and crushed dried fruits.

To cook classic milk sweets, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • In a selected container, combine milk with sugar, lastly add butter, and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Place the container on medium heat. Constantly stirring the mixture, bring it to a boil.
  • Reduce the heat to low and continue stirring the mixture with milk, waiting until it begins to thicken.
  • We check the readiness of the semi-finished product. Drop a little of the mixture from which we will form candies onto a saucer. If the mixture spreads, it needs to be cooked some more. If it immediately sets and hardens, you can move on to the next stage.

Tip: At home, sugar is boiled exclusively in containers with a non-stick coating. If you use low-quality cookware, the risk of getting regular burnt sugar increases dramatically.

  • Place the product in pre-prepared molds. It is advisable to use silicone products, but they must also be pre-lubricated with oil from the inside. We pour the product quickly, because... it will harden literally before our eyes.

Place the blanks in the refrigerator and wait several hours until they completely harden. If you plan to add additional components to the candies, it is best to add them immediately before filling the molds.

How to make delicious candy from sugar and water?

If you use only sugar and water during the cooking process, you can make delicious candies. The caramel will turn out smooth, rich and not very sugary, if in this case Use classic proportions - take 3 parts water for 1 part sugar.

The procedure involves sequentially performing the following manipulations:

  • Combine sugar and water, put on fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • Reduce the heat and minimum temperature simmer the mixture, stirring constantly until it begins to thicken.
  • Next, we carry out a test with a saucer and act according to the situation.
  • We pour the finished semi-finished product into special molds that do not require pre-lubrication. We wait until the mass thickens completely.

Some housewives try to add lemon or orange juice to the base mixture. The taste really benefits from this, but the end result is not so much candy as chewing candy. They do not hold their shape as clearly and stretch.

Secrets of making milk fudge

Such sweets are no longer cooked with milk; it is better to cook them with thick and fatty sour cream. And if you want to diversify the classic version of dessert, then it is recommended to add a little cocoa powder to the mass (but not ready-made chocolate).

The manipulation looks like this:

  • For 400 g of sugar, take 150 g of fat sour cream and two tablespoons of butter. If the sour cream produces liquid, there is no need to pour it out, just mix the composition. If you decide to add cocoa, then add no more than a tablespoon of pre-sifted powder for the specified volume of ingredients. You can add some nuts or seeds. But it’s better to avoid dried fruits; the taste of ready-made sweets will be rich even without them.
  • Combine all ingredients except butter and cocoa, knead and place in a suitable, preheated container. Place the mixture on the fire and keep it stirring constantly until it boils.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer the product for at least half an hour, stirring regularly. There is no need to wait any longer, because... The sugar may curdle and become too dense.
  • If everything was done correctly, the product will acquire a beautiful caramel color, its consistency will be uniform, without lumps or bubbles.
  • Now add cocoa to the hot mixture and stir. Add butter; it should melt on the hot surface. Mix everything well again.
  • Pour the workpiece into pre-processed molds butter. Place in a cool place away from the sun, but not in the refrigerator. Properly prepared fondant will set even without low temperatures. But sudden changes can cause candies to begin to crumble.

If you are not satisfied with the taste properties of the above desserts, nothing can be done about it; you will have to look for other dish options. If you try to adjust the volumes of ingredients used, you can ruin the consistency and texture of the product.

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Store-bought sweets delight us with their taste, but their composition leaves much to be desired. They contain too many artificial additives which are harmful to the human body. That’s why if you really want something sweet, prepare it yourself. Many people from childhood remember such delicacies as lollipops in the shape of cockerels, as well as sugar in milk. If you want to remember their taste and enjoy the moment, check out our article.

Its consistency resembles candy and can be recognized by its sweet, slightly cloying taste and aroma. This delicacy will cost you pennies. Since it contains a lot of sugar, try to cook it less often.

Sugar contains fast carbohydrates, so this sweetness should not be consumed by people suffering from diabetes and obesity. If you have a milk allergy, also avoid the treat. If you want to please your child, you need to give him such lollipops in limited quantities, as they give vigor and energy for the whole day, so your baby is unlikely to calm down.

Sugar combined with milk forms caramel, but not ordinary caramel, but milk caramel. It has a lighter shade and a delicate taste. As a result, we get delicious candies, since the sugar is boiled under the influence of temperature. If you want a creamier treat, replace the milk with heavy cream.

How to cook soft sugar with milk? Many have already forgotten this simple recipe. If you also don’t remember the proportions, our recipe will help you. There are no artificial ingredients in the sweets, only natural ones. If you wish, you can add an extract with your favorite aroma and taste during preparation - vanilla, almond, etc. Below we will present for you several recipes, both the simplest and those with the addition of additional ingredients.

Check out our recipe for Homemade Truffle Sweets

Classic recipe for sugar and milk

For 500 grams of sugar we need to take 250 ml of milk of medium or high fat content. Pour all the sugar into a saucepan with a thick bottom, fill it with 100 ml of milk and place on low heat. While stirring, wait until the mixture begins to boil. Continue stirring the mixture and keep it on low heat, the sugar should absorb the milk, pour in the rest. Start stirring the mixture even faster to prevent it from burning. When the moisture has evaporated, you can remove the container from the stove. Place the mixture in a mold or bowl and press down the sugar with your hand or spoon.

When the milk caramel has cooled completely, cut it into pieces of the desired size and shape.

With lemon zest

The proportions are the same, for 500 grams of sugar you need 250 ml of milk, as well as the zest of one lemon and 1 tsp. butter Grate the zest on a fine grater or chop with a blender.

Place a piece of butter in the pan and wait for it to melt. Then pour in 100 ml of milk and add sugar and zest. Stir until the milk is absorbed into the sugar, then pour in the rest and continue stirring. When the mixture is smooth and golden brown, the caramel is ready. Let it cool and cut.

Helpful tip: you can also add pieces of dried fruit, dried berries or nuts to the treat. These lollipops will look original and appetizing.

As you can see, preparing sugar with milk is quite simple; the main thing is to constantly stir the mixture so that it does not burn. Don’t forget that you need to cook sweet candies over low heat, in a thick-bottomed container.

Sugar can be used to make very tasty treat. Here are a few interesting recipes who will tell you how to cook sugar with milk.

Sugar with milk


  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Milk - 350 g

Cooking method:

  1. It is necessary to boil the milk, then gradually add sugar.
  2. Cook this mixture for twenty minutes, stirring constantly.
  3. To find out if the fudge is ready, you need to take a little mixture and put it in cold water. If a ball forms, it means the treat is ready.

Milk sugar with nuts


  • Sugar - 3.5 cups
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Butter - 80 g
  • Peanuts - 1 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour milk over three glasses of sugar and place on low heat, stirring constantly.
  2. At the same time, fry the nuts until golden brown.
  3. After half an hour, add the remaining half a glass of sugar to the sugar mixture. Cook a little more. How long does it take to cook sugar? In total, this procedure takes about an hour.
  4. Next, add butter and stir well.
  5. Place the nuts in the mold and pour in milk sugar.
  6. Cool and cut into pieces.

Boiled sugar with orange


  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Milk - 0.5 l
  • Orange - 1 piece
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. spoon

Cooking method:

  1. Melt butter with sugar and a quarter glass of milk.
  2. Peel the orange and cut it into pieces.
  3. Next, add the peel and remaining milk to the sugar mixture.
  4. The mixture must be heated until the milk evaporates.
  5. Then the boiled sugar must be cooled.

You can change the recipe slightly by adding one tablespoon of cocoa powder instead of orange. Then you will have chocolate boiled sugar.

If you want to make molten sugar candies, the following recipe will work for you.



  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Water - 7 tbsp. spoons
  • Citric acid - a pinch

Cooking method:

  1. Sugar must be boiled with water until it dissolves.
  2. Next, add citric acid to the syrup.
  3. After a minute, remove the mixture from the heat.
  4. Now you need to dip wooden sticks into the melted sugar and wrap them in the mass.
  5. Place the lollipop in cold water.

This procedure must be repeated four times, then you will get a real candy. You can read even more about preparing this sweet in the article - How to make cockerels.

Boiled milk sugar can be an excellent alternative to complex desserts that take a long time to prepare and, as a rule, are quickly eaten. In addition, this unique dish can be your assistant in thickening dough for sweet pastries.

Even an amateur can prepare it - this does not require any special skills, abilities or talents in the field of cooking. All that is required of you is a standard set of products that are almost guaranteed to be found in any home, as well as a little accuracy and diligence.

Cooking sugar in milk is quite simple, but you will need to follow basic technology, otherwise the dish may burn on the container. When cooked correctly milk sugar, the caramel will turn out sweet and rich, and in no way inferior to labor-intensive desserts.

Lollipops can be made at home at any time, especially since you are almost guaranteed to have the products required for this. It is best to use regular white sugar in this recipe, but some people prefer brown sugar. So, how to properly cook sugar at home?

Set of ingredients and equipment

The dessert recipe is extremely simple, and even a beginner who has not had much to do with preparing complex dishes can cope with its preparation. However, in order for the caramel to turn out tasty, and most importantly, not to spoil during the cooking process, you need to use certain utensils and observe the proportions of the components in the composition.

Sugar is cooked exclusively in non-stick cookware. Otherwise, your caramel may burn and all you end up with is burnt sugar. Therefore, make sure that the container in which you will make the dessert is of high quality and meets all the requirements for active use. Even so, when the syrup thickens, you will have to watch it carefully and stir it constantly.

How to cook sugar in milk correctly, and what ingredients are needed for this?

Their set is banal:

  1. Three glasses of sugar (refined white);
  2. A tablespoon of butter (high fat content);
  3. A glass of medium-fat or full-fat milk.

Some people also add raisins, nuts and pieces of dried fruit to diversify the taste of the dessert.

This set of ingredients is not final - you can vary and diversify it at your own discretion. Also, if you want to get a larger amount of dessert at the end (for example, when preparing for the arrival of guests or a family celebration), you can take a larger amount of each component. The main thing is that the proportion of milk and sugar is observed, that is, one to three.

Instructions for preparing classic milk sugar

Now that you have assembled all the components, you need to place them in a small non-stick container. The butter is added last. Dried fruits and nuts, if you use them, are best placed in the finished dessert when it cools. That is, boiling them together with the mass is not at all necessary, and even undesirable.

How to make sugar candy at home:

  • Place all ingredients in a container and place it over medium heat;
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring it constantly with a spoon;
  • As soon as the mass begins to boil, reduce the heat to minimum, then continue to vigorously stir your future dessert;
  • When the mass thickens, determine the readiness of the dish. To do this, drop a little mixture onto a regular flat saucer. If the drop thickens and takes shape, then your dish is ready. If it is still very liquid and spreads over the surface, continue cooking until done.

Prepare dessert molds in advance. It is advisable to take silicone ones. The inside should be greased with a little melted butter so that the mixture does not stick to the bottom and sides. Try to carry out all manipulations with the distribution of milk sugar into the molds as quickly as possible, since the mass hardens almost instantly. Then all you have to do is leave your dessert to set and harden. You don’t have to use the refrigerator to do this – the dish will set on its own after a few hours. Some people prefer to cut the resulting dessert and make candy out of it.

Additional ingredients, if any, should be added immediately before pouring into the molds. Icing, raisins, chocolate chips, crushed nuts, marzipan or dried fruit are ideal here.

Cook syrup in water

It's even easier to make syrup using only water. This mixture was used to make “cockerels” candies, familiar to almost all of us since childhood.

How to make caramel from sugar and water? According to the same principle, and according to the same proportions, that is, 1:3.

How to properly cook syrup from sugar and water:

  1. Place sugar and water in a nonstick ovenproof container;
  2. Stirring thoroughly, bring the mixture to a boil;
  3. Turn the heat to minimum and continue to simmer the mixture, constantly stirring it with a spoon;
  4. Test doneness using the saucer test;
  5. When the drop on the saucer stops spreading, you can remove the resulting mass from the stove and pour into molds.

It cannot be said that this dessert turns out to be exquisite and very tasty, but if you are inclined to be nostalgic for those very “cockerels”, you will like it.

It can also be used for completely different purposes - for example, for sugaring or sugar hair removal. If this is your goal in making a syrup from sugar and water, be sure to add a little citric acid so that it does not thicken too quickly, and, if necessary, melts in your hands.

Sugar fudge

One of the most delicious variations of sugar desserts is the one cooked with fermented milk products. Our grandmothers shared with us the recipe for how to cook sugar with sour cream, but if someone has forgotten the technology for making delicious fudge, they can familiarize themselves with it again.

You can also add cocoa to the sour cream in this recipe if you want to diversify the classic.

To make fudge you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Granulated sugar – 400-500 grams;
  2. Fat sour cream – 150-200 grams;
  3. Butter – 50 g.

If you introduce cocoa into the dessert, you will need no more than one tablespoon of powder. We also recommend that you try to diversify the fudge with seeds - for example, pumpkin seeds. If you like nuts, add them. In this case, dried fruits will not “sound” very harmoniously in the dish.

Step-by-step instructions for making fudge:

  • As always, use a fireproof, non-stick container. Some women prefer to cook sugar in cast iron pots, but our ancestors did this using enamel pots and bowls;
  • Place sugar, sour cream and seeds or nuts (if you are adding them to the dessert) in a heated bowl;
  • Keep on fire and stir until the mixture begins to boil;
  • Then reduce the heat and simmer on the lowest power of the stove for half an hour;
  • It is absolutely not recommended to boil sugar for more than thirty minutes, otherwise it will curdle and become too hard;
  • When ready, your mixture should acquire a beautiful caramel color and optimal thickness. It should also become uniform in consistency, there should be no lumps or inclusions left in it;
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly and add the indicated amount of butter to it so that it melts into the hot fudge.

The caramel mass should be poured into previously prepared molds greased with melted butter. The mixture should be kept cold or cool, but not in the refrigerator. It should set without too much temperature changes.

After the mass is ready, it should be removed from the mold and cut into arbitrary pieces. Some housewives prefer to immediately pour it into mini molds for candies or cupcakes. This way your fudge can also turn out curly, and it can be served on the table for a festive tea party.

If you decide to pamper yourself or your loved ones with a delicious, rich and sweet dessert, but do not have any special cooking skills, we recommend that you try syrups and sugar sweets. Their preparation will become extremely simple and quick for you, and the result will definitely be appreciated by your family and guests.

Bon appetit!